It's already depleted the number of available pitchers when asked who his game for starter would be Red Sox manager Alex Cora said it was to be determined for n.p.r. News I'm in Los Angeles game for us tonight in Los Angeles at 5 o 9 Pacific time I'm Noah rom n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include a t.i.a. Is committed to helping those who are driven by purpose reach their definition of success investing advice banking retirement learn more. Org. Is not just a radio station it's a resource when you're in need I'm Jeff Brady from n.p.r. News here to ask you Did you lose or find an item around town did your pets live out the back door do you need a ride or can you help others with a ride in or out of the Gunnison valley your friends are always here to help visit org and click the info central Thanks. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Scott Simon the f.b.i. Has a suspect in custody in connection with at least a dozen suspicious packages sent prominent Democrats and critics of President Trump Cesar say act was arrested Friday morning in Florida and faces federal charges N.P.R.'s Justice Reporter Ryan Lucas joins us Ryan thanks so much for being with us my pleasure What a week chaotic and concerning as they say with those pipe bombs showing up around the country from what you know now how the f.b.i. Cracked the case it was really a clue pulled off of one of the packages that didn't remember when when these packages started showing up the authorities took took charge of them sent them to the f.b.i. Lab in Quantico Virginia and folks there then ran tests on them analyzed them and they were able to pull a fingerprint off of one of the these bubble lied manila envelopes that fingerprints matched say ox authorities say there's also a possible d.n.a. Connection from 2 of the homemade pipe bombs that were sent to a match because he was in the it was in the system raid is accurate because of previous legal trouble d.n.a. Connection appears to match say off as well and then there's a 3rd bit of evidence here which is from the digital world and that is the f.b.i. Identified a Twitter account that it says belongs to say AK some of the words that were misspelled on the packages matched the wrong spellings on his Twitter account and what more if we learned about this so there's a man in the white van in a parking lot he's 56 years old a resident of South Florida registered as a Republican in March of 2016 there's a pretty long trail in public records of his legal troubles he's faced felony theft fraud drug charges he was arrested over a bomb threat back in 2002 as well he's clearly had financial difficulties over the years he filed for bankruptcy for example in 2012 and in that filing he said that he lived with his mother that he didn't own any furniture we know that he spent a lot of time at the gym and he also worked at a at a strip club. A lot of public attention of course has been put on this white van that you mentioned that authorities say belonged to say on this of course is the one that was plastered with pro Trump stickers anti-Democrat and c.n.n. Stickers we've all seen a lot of photos of that or the next steps Well he's been charged in federal court in New York with 5 counts those include illegally mailing explosives threatening former presidents he's currently being held at the Federal Detention Center in Miami he's expected to be in court on Monday not to key questions after his arrest for authorities are one whether he was acting alone or had accomplices into whether there were any other packages still out there and that's something that yesterday f.b.i. Director Christopher Ray cautioned the public about he said there may still be more out there. As things stand the f.b.i. Has confirmed at least 14 homemade explosive devices each one had a 6 inch piece of p.v.c. Pipe a small clock a battery some wiring and potential explosive material folks at the f.b.i. Lab are still examining these to see whether they are indeed functional bombs but Ray was explicit about that he said be sure these were not hoax devices and of course the packages were sent to prominent Democrats and critics of President Trump . Is there a political angle that seems to have motivated these actions Well Attorney General Jeff Sessions was asked that exact question yesterday and all that he would say is that say Ike appears to be politically partisan partisan actor that's what he said but the motive will be determined by the facts of this case and that is still being sorted out because this is still early in the investigation social media posts appear to show of course that say I could turn to trump rallies certainly the Twitter account that the the feds have said it's a ox displays a lot of vitriol directed at Democrats the f.b.i. Of course has seen all of this they are going to make that determination through the course of the investigation N.P.R.'s Justice Reporter Ryan Lucas thanks so much for being with us my pleasure and of course this week has set off a lot of. Regulation in public soul searching about the state of America in our politics we turn now to Stephen Carter professor at Yale Law School and author columnist for Bloomberg View His most recent book is invisible a book about the remarkable Eunice Carter his grandmother a prosecutor a took on Lucky Luciano Stephen Carter joins us from Connecticut Stephen thanks so much for being with us it's always a pleasure Scott lot of talk this week about how bitter and hateful so much political rhetoric has become and how that could inflame people to undertake acts of violence as this week ends with a suspect in custody how do you see this national soul searching While I think we're in a difficult but but important moment there is enormous pain in the country and has been for a long time but there's an enormous viciousness in some much of the political rhetoric and of course it does start with the president and we can't pretend that his mockery and derision of his opponents makes no difference the plough political atmosphere I wish we could stop there but we can't because the truth is there is so much viciousness on either side on both sides are that people don't really listen anymore to anyone but the people who agree with them and frankly the people who agree with them on enthusiastically that's a very dangerous thing it's not the most divided we've ever been we had a civil war after all but it's a very dangerous moment and a moment when what we should be looking for on the national stage or the voices of calm and rationality Well let me ask you about the history of this because a course you mention the Civil War I won't even try to make that argument but in the 1960 s. You had the assassinations of Dr King and Robert f. Kennedy you had the bombings of the Weather Underground your George Wallace an open bigot running for president threatening to run over protesters. With with your view of history what what does this represent in our sports half. I think it is quite possible there were as divided as we were the 19 sixty's and in some ways it's probably worse it's true that we had political assassinations in 160 years and you and I were both coming of age then and it was a terribly difficult and and painful and in many ways frightening time and yet of course all of that we still had at the national level people who really for their job was to calm things down and you may have seen that Peggy Noonan the Wall Street Journal this week suggested that on Tuesday one week before the midterms that all the candidates on both sides spend the day talking about the virtues of the other party there was a time when that kind of rhetoric was actually common in America when people would often say of course I respect this and this and this about my opponent you don't see that anymore and I don't think that's going to happen on Tuesday President Trump has denounced the targeting of some of his critics he has called for greater civility in politics. That has been called that's what he reads off the teleprompter and then he'll he'll go into a spontaneous oration like like the one last night it is really in North Carolina The problem is I'm all for greater civility I wrote a book about civility I believe in it deeply I think it's an important virtue in politics respecting each other across our differences really trying to find their commonality but with President Trump calling for greater civility and for calming things down I have to say the proof of the putting is in the eating if he's going to say that and go on back to the way things were before then we haven't gotten any further. Along if he's going to say that and stick to it then I think that would actually be a good thing for the country where and what about I suspect some people. Who are supporters of. The president will say look this man in custody was clearly troubled clearly unbalanced You can't blame anything he did the president of the United States or political rhetoric because he that any more than you can blame a Beatles song for Mark David Chapman my view about shootings is I always blame the person who did it bombings I always blame the person who did it but at the same time it's still a signal that we all need to tone down the rhetoric and I hope maybe this time will listen Professor Stephen Carter at Yale His latest book invisible thanks so much for being with us it's always a pleasure thank you Scott. Russia's reacted angrily to news that the trumpet ministration plans to withdraw the us from an arms control treaty the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev the New York Times at the i.n.f. Treaty he negotiated with President Reagan pave the way for drastic reduction in the nuclear arsenals of both Russia and the u.s. As N.P.R.'s Lucian Kim reports from Moscow blad Amir Putin warns the world could now experience a new nuclear arms race President Putin minced no words asked about the trumpet ministrations exit from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty or i.n.f. Treaty for short even if he's used it on the recently censuses if it gets to the point that European countries agreed to base u.s. Missiles then they should understand what they're putting themselves under threat of a potential retaliatory strike a much is obvious speaking at a press conference on Wednesday with Italy's Prime Minister Putin said Russia would be forced to react symmetrically to any change in the balance of power for the past 3 decades the i.n.f. Treaty has kept medium range u.s. And Russian missiles off European soil but this week trumps national security adviser John Bolton travel to Moscow to tell Putin the u.s. Is pulling out Bolton told reporters that countries like China Iran or North Korea aren't bound by the treaty and that Russia the only other signatory is already in violation of it the threat is not American withdraw from the I have 3 of the threat is the Russian missiles already in the Kremlin denies it's broken the i.n.f. Treaty it says Washington is pushing the limits of the agreement with its arsenal of armed drones and missile sites in Poland and Romania which the u.s. Says are defensive Alexander Golts a defense analyst in Moscow says Russia has been trying to have it both ways violating the treaty with its own secret missile deployments while still wanting to retain the i.n.f. Agreement yes the Gallup negotiates. If the treaty is no longer in effect then sooner or later American medium range missiles will be based in. Europe I agree with you and that means Russia's medium range missiles can't reach Washington but that American missiles will need just 6 to 10 minutes to hit Moscow St Petersburg and most importantly to Russian command centers Bolton didn't come to Moscow to bargain with Putin but to inform him of the trumpet ministrations decision but they also discussed the potential meeting between Trump and Putin Paris next month and even a possible visit by Vladimir Putin to Washington next year boosting Kim n.p.r. News Moscow. And you're listening to n.p.r. News. Programming support comes from Thurston kitchen and bath specializing in new construction and remodels locally owned and operated since 1977 you can visit their showroom located at 544 River Land drive Thurston kitchen and bath dot com additional support comes from Jackson's honest a maker of non g.m.o. Potato and chaps and grain free puffs all cooked in organic coconut oil learn more about their story from Crested Butte to the world at Jackson's Honest dot com. I'm nor Rahm with these headlines President Trump is accusing reporters of trying to use the sinister actions of one individual to score political points a 56 year old Florida man is in custody charged with sending bombs to prominent Democrats this week the president was campaigning for Republican candidates in North Carolina Former President Obama campaigned for Democratic candidates in Michigan and Wisconsin yesterday 2 states that supported him but voted for Trump in the last election and authorities in the Northern Mariana Islands say it may take weeks to restore electricity to everyone after You Tube the most powerful typhoon to hit the u.s. Western Pacific territory and half a century it struck earlier this week one person was killed I'm sure rom n.p.r. News in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the financial services firm of Raymond James offering personalized wealth management advice and banking and capital markets expertise along with a legacy of putting clients financial wellbeing 1st learn more at Raymond James dot com and from Amazon Prime video with the Romanovs a new series from the creator of Mad Men starring Diane Lane No Wiley Christina Hendricks and Andrew Rannells a new episode every Friday on prime video. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Scott Simon the migrant caravan from Central America has grown over the past week so as President Trump's response he's preparing to send at least 800 troops to the Us Mexico border and there are reports the administration is considering an executive order to close the southern border to migrants and asylum seekers Christian is one of them he asked us not to use is last name for safety reasons he is 33 years old and from El Salvador and when we reached in this past week he had just crossed the Mexican border from Guatemala our intern Corrina Paulette he translates our conversation we asked why Christian decided to join the Kara Dominica told nearly all of us who come are of limited means and where people who are surrounded by violence in the case of El Salvador extortion robbery poverty because our country is small but there's a lot of them which was Who are you traveling with your family. No actually no one coming along me and other Central American saw that handoffs was putting together a caravan to cross squat Somalia Mexico and possibly the United States because it came up on television and the radio here in Mexico you can find thousands of people who came alone his land those he needed to hemp is what your goal if you want to seek asylum in Mexico do you want asylum in the United States what would you like to do. In a subtle Hez you got us those and he was our goal is to get to the United States now we know very well that it's difficult with the president there but truthfully we're here with facing God and with the face that together we can achieve that objective together we're stuck in the most What is it and what would you say to those Americans who might say look I feel very sorry for you but the United States is not your country you know that we're going to thought of all answer this explicitly It's one thing to be born in the United States. And to be given the opportunities that a country so big sell beautiful gives you and a nother to be born in a country like ours where poverty is abundant jobs are scarce hospitals don't have medication there's high crime and presidents and politicians who are feebs and will settle Monica Sawyer and mangle I will talk to you as a human in the Central American lands listen to me Well I'm a family man I have a son a wife when we leave our homes many of us leave with $510.00 Others of us leave with nothing we risk our lives he's practically the majority of us have walked 15 to 20 hours even entire days to be able to get to the Mexican border who go without eating without drinking water their kids here 3 to 5 years old carried by their mothers the kids cry because they can't handle this for us to deal with this is a sacrifice it's a battle it's painful for us to cross these borders to be able to get to the United States and to be able to work there with that idea as you may have heard the u.s. Government is deploying $800.00 more soldiers there to the border between Mexico and the United States. It doesn't sound as if the u.s. Government will welcome you or give you the chance to apply for a shock if you thought about what you might wind up doing if that's the case. But no. I want I want to but I don't think that's a good question notice us the Salvadorians the one door and the Nicaraguans and others from other countries we know very well the difficulties that we're going to face at the border between the United States and Mexico our way to show is that Donald Trump recognizes that we're human beings just like him with basic needs work health and a dignified life and that he can be a human have a heart c.s.s. Family and this beautiful world that God has given us which is democracy is Christian. But i told us temple. Guys tell us thank you. Democrats are seeking some good news in this year's midterm elections in Ohio a state president carried easily a couple of years ago there's a Democratic incumbent u.s. Senator Sherrod Brown who has a big lead in the polls Democrats have a good chance to take back the governor's mansion key is a grassroots campaign by unions they are still smarting from the fact that Donald Trump won among traditionally Democratic union households in the state N.P.R.'s Don Gonyea reports from Lorain Ohio 2016 was an election Ohio labor activists would just as soon forget Democrats count on a big boost from the votes of labor households but Donald Trump with his talk of killing the North American Free Trade Agreement and bringing back coal and steel jobs carried the Labor vote here that's what has Joe Thayer out canvassing for votes most every single day for months now this is the west side of Lorraine 8th Ward with clipboard in hand he looks up and down the street identifying the specific homes on his list the ones where union members live so where you know the folks who have requested the absentees every mail them back in make sure you get in then if you did great there is a county elections coordinator for the Ohio a.f.l. C.i.a.o. He says Trump's win here was disheartening but this year the unions are taking a more focused more personal approach to politicking as a result and he says he gets why so many union members found trump the candidate so appealing with those big promises on trade in jobs made in America make America great again yet there isn't been one thing that has any of his companies or families companies of a produced that he's brought back in the states believe by example after 2 hours knocking on doors that afternoon it was a night time stop at a local union. I'm hopeful as the city's elite. 21. Represents County Child Services workers and employees from nearby college player makes his pitch to an audience of about 50 seated at tables the opposition. To our way of life to the labor movement to the middle class is growing. Says he needs people to give some of their time for the home stretch that 46 year old Rachel Kamber errored volunteered to work a political campaign for the 1st time ever her motivation Donald Trump you know Trump took power and just every day the bad news in the things that come out of his mouth and the decisions he makes you know we just we need to do everything we possibly can to take things back volunteers will tell you of success stories including of their coworkers who voted for Trump and who are now losing faith in the president but they'll also say they know there are union members still sharing the president on I also talked to a few such pro Trump union voters who didn't want to speak on the record then there are voters like 66 year old Bowen a registered nurse she was voting early County yesterday she's a reluctant union member and doesn't take politics even so Bowen who says she has cast ballots for Democrats and Republicans says this about her vote. But I just really want. I don't like that storm. She says it's Trump she doesn't think he's looking out for the best interests of the people she doesn't trust him and she pointed questions his honesty labor activists meanwhile say this year's campaign will set the stage for what they do in 2020 but only if this year's tack. Actually work Don Gonyea n.p.r. News Lorraine Ohio before authorities apprehended a suspect in the mail bomb spree The case prompted all kinds of speculation about the motivations that could be behind it here's one to talk radio host Michael Savage had to say it's a high probability that the whole thing is set up as a false flag to gain sympathy for the Democrats to get our minds off the horse I mean legal aliens approaching our southern border. That kind of talk echoes back to another era in American history when bombs were tool of political intimidation N.P.R.'s Debbie Elliott reports in the 1950 s. And sixty's Birmingham Alabama was known by another name bombing Ham bombing Ham Alabama the only m b Jeff Joya grew up on a street called Dynamite Hill because so many black families were bombed from moving into the predominantly white neighborhood it was the funds are often for break the window and scare us all to death so terrorism is nothing new but this part of Birmingham Alabama we experience it firsthand there were more than 3 dozen unsolved racially motivated bombings in Birmingham during the civil rights era mostly houses and churches and Drew says there was a pattern after the attacks authorities would accuse victims of planting the bombs that most inhumane thing you could think of who would bomb their own house but that rumor was widely circulated in white circles says Diane McWhorter who wrote a book about the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement he understood not at 1st that blacks were banning their own churches and building in order to raise money and get published city for the new She says it was repeated publicly by politicians including Alabama's segregationist Governor George Wallace their common theories were that the bombings were ordered by Martin Luther King Jr were part of a communist plot or orchestrated by the f.b.i. It was repeated so often and I grew up hearing this from my own father you know I think they started believing it and part of the reason they were able to believe it was that until the $63.00 charge Bonnie and September of 1963 when 4 young girls were murdered there had been no real fatalities even after that deadly coup Cox Klan attack police said 1st zeroed in on the church's black janitor as a. Suspect historian Taylor Branch says conspiracy theories were rampant across the south as African-Americans pushed for equal rights to show the lengths that people will go to not to acknowledge something that they don't want to believe for instance what happened in Mississippi during Freedom Summer in $196043.00 of the civil rights workers were kidnapped by a sheriff's posse of Klansman and murdered because the bodies weren't found Mississippi officials denied that segregationist could have done this crime and said 1st of all they said there was a hoax Senator James the phone even told that to the president on the phone when you remember. He got. Up early every. Branch says polarizing times then and now lead to an ideological climate where conspiracy theories thrive it's a low point for the country says Democratic Senator Doug Jones of Alabama he's a former u.s. Attorney who prosecuted the Birmingham church bombers we are living in a time where words matter just like they did back in the sixty's there were so many things that happened then based on the empowerment that public officials like George Wallace gave Do people not understand what it takes to kind of tone down the rhetoric to make sure that things like this don't happen with some to range fool out there who wants to try to hurt people thinking that he's got the Ok to do it federal officials declined to talk about potential political motivations but in a news conference announcing the arrest Attorney General Jeff Sessions acknowledge the suspect quote appears to be a partisan Debbie Elliott n.p.r. News. Around San Diego this weekend the locals look out for her a female sea lion and waddle to shore I hope that's no insult from the fisherman's landing to Rosencrantz street about 2 blocks when she got to an intersection bystanders waved traffic around 2 men took some green netting from their truck to haul traffic no one objected oh wise for the sea lion to come ashore in San Diego not New York the sea lion was acting like a little dog said enjoy a little pause who works at the sand and see liquor store it was as if it was putting on a show a crew from Sea World came to the scene and cajoled her into nets she is reportedly doing well at Sea World's rescue center and will soon return to the ocean from when she came but it sounds like she leaves a lot of memories with landlubbers who protected her the Los Angeles Times says the seal basked in sunlight while bystanders serenade her with Kiss From a rose by sea. And a tale of the Gunnison country. Is real name is Aaron Burr but everybody in the Gunnison country called him coach and told Shorty he was born in England an 834 and came to the United States as a young boy with his family the young Englishman fought for the union in the civil war and following his capture serve time in the infamous Andersonville prison he was wounded twice in the war and carried a bullet in his body for which he received a monthly pension of $12.00 do for came to the Gunnison country an $878.00 mine to the booming camp of Irwin west of Crested Butte for 3 years in $1881.00 with the bloom off the Irwin Rashi moved to Camp Willard on the coach a job which already was dead as a mining camp after a futile year there dooper moved up the coach a job 6 miles and began ranching it was 5 feet 5 inches tall not very big but duper soon acquired the nickname of coach a job Shorty he was a real character who had a fondness for the bottle everybody was acquainted with the eccentric Englishman who came periodic Liam to Gunnison to get gloriously drunk and furnish amusement for the multitude they remember his claims to princely blood his amazing equipage and his hospitality to wayfarers of the wayfarer dared run the gauntlet of his goats and dirt. The emperor the coach it told could be soon Gunnison once a month when he came to pick up his government pension and get roaring drunk if he avoided being locked up for public drunkenness the Emperor crawled into a spring wagon and balanced precariously on the seat headed east for the coach a tow sometimes local children swap the front and rear wheel of the wagon but shorty never minded occasionally dooper was arrested by an angry Law Man The following was a report from the Gunnison Review Press the great coach told prospectors been in town several days is now a guest of the city he was prospecting on the Virginia venue Rockpile this morning a member of the chain gang and from the way he was putting in the heavy lakes we wondered if you had not struck it rich because you're told Shorty died in a strange way in 899 he had taken a shotgun to kill a stray dog which had gotten in among his goats but could not get close enough for a clear shot returning home he gathered I'm full of firewood using a shotgun as a king the gun discharged accidentally nearly taking his head off thus passing the scene co-chaired told Shorty one of the Gunnison country's most colorful figures. I'm doing van and Bush and this is Ben another tale of the Gunnison country. Support for k b u t comes from black dragon development for more than 10 years providing professional construction management services offering complete project management from conception to fruition portfolio featuring the r m b l community center and the Center for the arts is that black dragon development l l c dot com. And from the I bar ranch a Western Heritage event center on the banks of the creek 2 miles east of the eye bar is now booking for 21000 weddings at I bar ranch dot com. Is the night out. I hate. How Which is. True. At 4 30 pm. And. I'm more wrong with these headlines defense secretary Jim Maddow says in Bahrain attending an international conference on security he told the gathering the killing of a Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi undermine stability in the Middle East and Afghanistan voting is underway in parliamentary elections in the southern district of Khandahar this is a week after most of the other provinces went to the polls the delay was prompted by Taliban attacks including the assassination of a powerful police chief and federal authorities say d.n.a. And a fingerprint on an envelope led them to a suspect in the mailing of explosive devices to prominent Democrats the 56 year old Florida man faces 5 federal charges I'm nor Rahm n.p.r. News in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from American Jewish World Service working together for more than 30 years to build a more just and equitable world learn more it a.j. Ws Dato argy from Subaru featuring the all new 3 row ascent with seating for up to 8 and a choice of 2nd row captains chairs love it's what makes a Subaru a Subaru learn more at Subaru dot com and from the e.c. Mc foundation at e.c. Mc Foundation dot org. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Scott Simon negative campaign ads have become just about as much a part of the season as pumpkin spice in the World Series Joining us now to talk about some of these ads and their tone in this election cycle is Professor Michael friends he teaches political science at Boden College and he's one of the directors of the Wesleyan Media Project Professor thanks so much for being with us my pleasure I have to tell you I almost don't see an ad that political ad these days that's not a negative image just watching the wrong spaces. Well it's possible about 50 percent of the ads that air in federal campaigns are purely negative but a number of them are also what we call contrast ads which pit the policy messages of either candidate against each other and if you combine those together you get huge majority of ads which do contain an attack on the opposition in have you noticed that this campaign season is any worse or any better for that matter you know it depends on how you want to analyze the data what we've generally found is that the percentage of ads on television that are negative is roughly this consistent with previous elections like the previous midterm in 2014 but one thing difference we're seeing this cycle is that there are a lot more t.v. Ads on television and so as a result of there being more t.v. Ads even though the percentage of negativity is the same people are in actuality seeing more negative ads than they've ever seen but are fewer people watching television and more people are watching streaming services or are getting nabs online Yes So fewer people are watching television but one of the groups of people who tends to watch television in very traditional ways are older Americans and they're the ones who are the most likely to vote in midterm campaigns for younger people who are moving away. From live television and getting more content online there's a lot of negativity there too so it's very hard to escape a negative campaign environment when you're in the midst of a very competitive election season what are some of the ads you've seen this year that stay with you or orchid for that matter since it's the season haunt you. You know there are there are lots of of advertisements that have connected or attached I should say themes to the opposition in ways that we haven't seen before and so there are a few campaigns that have tried to critique their opposition as essentially being connected to terrorist organizations and that kind of explicit attack is not something that we've generally seen in the past yeah we're speaking in a week obviously when package bombs have been sent out to a number of people and questions have been raised about the tone of political rhetoric and public discourse these days do you draw any link between the tone set by some of these ads and the fear many Americans have that the political atmosphere in this country has just gotten a whole lot more mean well yeah this is a tough one to decipher because I think that our tone and the vitriol between both sides is at an all time high political advertising is a reflection of the polarization and the only thing I'll say has a wrinkle to that is at least campaign advertisements on television have to make an appeal to an electorate where you want to win the majority of votes and so you might be trying to drum up support on your side of the aisle but you are also speaking to a middle vote said of voters moderates independents are swing voters and you can't beat who vitriolic in those messages more often than not and that does in a way moderate your message. Michael Franz of Boden College who's co-director of the Wesley in Media Project thanks so much for being with us my pleasure and tomorrow Weekend Edition Sunday little looks at how our political rhetoric and language may affect us and how we speak to each other you can listen to that story tomorrow morning by asking your smart speaker to play n.p.r. Or your station by name. And it's time for sports. The art of fiction is by the time our crew began to get up for work today the longest game in World Series history was still going on and 18 innings 7 hours 20 minutes that's longer than the playing time of the entire 1939 World Series and the Los Angeles Dodgers won 32 a walk of Homer by Max Muncie in the bottom of the 18th Tom Goldman joins us Tom are you there man are you there are you awake Yeah I'm here I'm here Oh my word what a game unbelievable I watched all of it well kind of all of it I watched you know there were some times maybe from innings 14 through 17 when I took a little doze here and there but in general it was absolutely riveting and stunning 18 pitchers used including by the way Clayton Kershaw arguably the best pitcher on the field although not last night as a pinch hitter he didn't even throw the ball does it is anybody left to throw the game tonight well the Dodgers have named a starting pitcher Rich Hill after the game Red Sox manager Alex Cora still hadn't decided who he starting later today in game 4 he had used up pretty much everyone as part of his win now philosophy and that includes Nathan You've all the Scott 6 innings in relief he threw just shy of $100.00 pitches he was brilliant in course Max Muncie ruined it for him and the Dodgers Walker Bueller we got to say Bueller Bueller. Was a brilliant This was 2 games you know it literally was tonight in the games and for the 1st game Walker Bueller was the star he threw 7 innings he was given the ball and asked to basically save the Dodgers season because of the Dodgers had gone down 30 No team has ever come back in the World Series from a 30 deficit Walker below. Goes out he throws 7 innings holds the Mighty Red Sox line up to 2 hits he was fantastic he turned the ball over after the 7th inning to cannily Janssen their great reliever and had he not given up a home run to Boston it would have been just kind of normal when with Walker Bueller being the star of the night does not l.a. Now have anything left in the tank to win yeah that's a good question to ask either of these teams Scott because they both put absolutely everything and more into this game l a one in so they're feeling really good about that but you know going into Game 4 but both teams are stocked with professional baseball players they'll figure out a way to you know to win for their teams and if we predict something now it will inevitably be wrong so the one thing we can say we've got a series now and it's fun Tom Goldman thanks so much You're welcome. The duo of Bob Cousy and Bill Russell was one of the greatest They were the Tracy and Hepburn the rocky and Apollo of the basketball court they could end to support each other's play they could put themselves into each other's mind in movements as they won 6 championships for the Boston Celtics in the 1950 s. And sixty's and buttressed a dynasty that would win 8 in a row Bob Cousy was the point guard listed as 6 foot one doesn't sound basketball tall today oh white man who grew up the son of poor French immigrants in Manhattan Bill Russell was the center 6 foot 10 a black man born in segregated Louisiana they became teammates in $1057.00 just after Martin Luther King's Montgomery bus boycott and they would play together through turbulent times of the civil rights movement and in a Boston roiled by bigotry Gary Pomerantz the historian journalist has written a book about the Cousy Russell partnership and the regrets one of them has about plays that maybe he didn't make it's the last past Cousy Russell the Celtics and what matters in the end Gary problem rants joins us from New York thanks so much for being with us it's a great pleasure Scott and from Wester Massachusetts Bob Cousy one of the 1st members of the Basketball Hall of Fame thanks so much for being with us Mr Cousy happy to be here Scott Gary Pomerantz let me turn to you 1st what in addition to their sheer excellence what set apart this Celtics team in their times well and we can look at the Hall of Fame and 9 of them are members that's almost 2 full rosters and you know Bob Cousy Bill Russell what was exquisite to watch Scott was Russell getting the rebound turning and throwing the outlet pass to Cousy sometimes before you know Russell's feed it had the ground and then Cousy turning taking that photograph in his mind of where players were and he was the gold standard on running the fast break Bob Cousy. The Celtics were integrated black men and white men playing for the same team at a time so many other enterprises in America weren't I'm 90 years old I still cannot understand why you hate one person because of the color of the eyes of this skin o. The head and therefore you hate all people who. Have you know I mean it's so of the National but I give the credit will it to my judgment education so when it came time to deal with it in this case on a professional sports level I was at least my opinions and my attitude pretty much said Kerry Pomeranz how did Bob Cousy and Bill Russell express different sides of this very talented group. Russell spoke out about social injustice he was very rare among athletes of his time of any time really you know at that time Mohammad Ali The Boxer and Jim Brown in football and Bill Russell he called out the n.b.a. Properly so for it's racial quotas Lemon in the opportunities for African-American players. And he became fully engaged in the civil rights struggle we should explain you obviously spent a lot of time speaking with with Bob Cousy Bill Russell just doesn't just doesn't talk to people these days does well you know when he played games in St Louis for instance he would hear the screams the catcalls from fans you know black gorilla baboons horrible racist stuff and at home in Boston he faced the racist heat as well there was one moment where vandals broke into his home for instance spray painted racist graffiti on the wall and def Akkad it on his bed just horrid stuff and Bill Russell would later say more than once that he played for the Celtics he didn't play for Boston Bob Cousy did you know any of that was going on. While we were apart of an obviously what happened in public we wouldn't discuss these issues. I think it was a personality thing that we could I mean I never said to all Mohit I was timid he was angry you know neither one of us have a set at the game let's go and have a few beers together and when you were tired Mr Kreuzer you few years before Bill Russell did he was deeply moved he called you I think the best man you've ever met if I'm not mistaken. Well you know we shed I didn't know that at the time guys don't have meaningful compas that oh they just don't we mature a later in life that's why. I hope the ladies take over the world pretty soon because we've kind of screwed it up for 2000 years but. Gary knows what was it 15 years ago or so. I did an e.s.p.n. And of you here at my house and I don't remember too many details but it's someone point me in a view the question was about those days than about the racial conflict and how did we and I I teared up responding to it i Pod I thought of to say you know I probably should have done more and ill say Scott at 90 I'll start making y'all a list of. Everyone you want to apologize to before before the end and you wrote Bill Russell a letter a couple years ago I gather I did I let a book Between the world and be a black father telling his son how to coexist and it's a system via meant it was powerful and I had I had I water the door may a culprit a loss anyway it was on my to do list before the big basketball court the skies I plopped of a note saying you know and looking back on it I should have done more to share your pain I'm sorry I didn't please enjoy this book it's very powerful and I was it anyway he didn't really spawn until about 3 weeks ago the fall in line late at night so I picked up and I had his wife. Calling to see how you doing. And we talked I did most of the talking so it was a difficult conversation but I did say to him less. I sent you a lead a year. Later. He said. We got the leather thank you much but I didn't read the book. You know most great athletes as they grow older embellished and burnished the stories they tell about themselves you know the fish they caught keep growing and grow and soon it's a whale but Bob Cousy is different he's not doing that he. Is admitting his flaws he's even drawing attention to he saying this is what I did and in his final declaration is I did not do enough Gary Pomerantz from New York and Bob Cousy one of the greats of n.b.a. History from Wester but I get that right you know dead Well done thank you and the new book is the last past crusie Russell the Celtics and what matters in the end thanks so much for being with us Gentleman thank you so much got pleasure as just one story we couldn't leave out one night the Celtics were playing in Raleigh Bob Cousy was with his friend and teammate check Cooper the 1st black player in the n.p.a. N.b.a. The hotel where the Celtics stayed wouldn't allow Mr Cooper because of the color of his skin so they hopped the late night train back up to Boston Cousy and Coop headed to the Union Station and stopped for a few beers and obviously we had to whiz Oh we went looking for the men's Ohman Union Station I we see in a big white size with a big black out all college one way white the other way and I teared up because I couldn't I was ashamed to be white I didn't know how to explain this to now my good friend of 2 or 3 How the hell I tell him we can't go and pay to go so I solved the problem I took about it was me. A lot of people. Could hear a story of togetherness. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Scott Simon support for n.p.r. 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News in Washington I'm sure rom the investigation continues into this week's mailing of explosive devices to several prominent Democrats a 56 year old Florida man is in custody charged with 5 federal crimes including mailing explosives and threatening former presidents N.P.R.'s Ryan Lucas reports is not known if a 2nd person may have been involved 2 key questions after his arrest for authorities are one whether he was acting alone or had accomplices into whether there were any other packages still out there and that's something that yesterday f.b.i. Director Christopher Ray cautioned the public about he said there may still be more out there N.P.R.'s Ryan look as defense secretary James Mattis told a major international security meeting in Bahrain the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi must be of concern to all he said the us could not tolerate such a ruthless action due to the gravity of the situation I will continue consulting with our president and secretary of state we will maintain our twin imperatives protecting America and our interests and holding accountable those responsible for this murder the Saudi foreign minister said in his sterile media has assign blame to Saudi Arabia before investigations are complete turkey is hosting a summit on Syria today Russian German and French leaders are discussing efforts to find a political solution to the conflict as well as reconstruction and refugees they see Sarah Rainsford has more Moscow's military backing has helped President Assad regain control of much of Syria but some 30000000 people have been displaced by the fighting many a haven 10 k. Some Hotham and I mean Germany and there's been public pressure in both places for them to return home Russia is offering to help us pontificates push to end.