That was on the album of Light My Fire and that I just could picture him in that scene. At Sullivan when he sings the last line and just puts his head down the Lizard King Jim Morrison It's been 50 years since that album came out came out 967 So there's 3 songs from that and we are coming up in fact a cigs actually. 11 o'clock right now here on Cave u.t. 90.3 Crested Butte and k.g. n I 88.7 Gunnison. I have some weather for you it is in Gunnison it is 65 degrees and in Crested Butte it is 64 degrees we're supposed to get up. Close to $72.00 degrees today mostly sunny very mild now mild wins 5 to 10 miles per hour tonight it will be partly cloudy tomorrow there is a chance of some showers and thunderstorms but mostly so sunny excuse me with a high near 72. The Let's see then I think stress to the week it's partly sunny mostly sunny. And we'll I guess partly sunny for the rest of the week we hope that the sun shines through. That reminds me did you did anybody have to see James Corden last night when he did his cross walk theater fantastic they did hair with. What's a manual Miranda was involved in that beautiful it was so funny and he way we're going to get back to the music and. It's 11 or one right now and I think I'm going to play this is a song I just recently heard on a commercial I believe and I play a couple things from this group. I've . A I. Am. Live. Live. Live Good. To some. The a good laugh loudly . Oh. You. So. So. 2 so. So so. So. So. So. For. Yes Does this. Serve this album it. Better. Didn't show the living. Room and the almost just one of those was it. Just. A load. O. . Just . Feel. Good. And. Evil something to get into to look to. Your 1000000 but a little too well put you few better. Thank you. Thank you. You are listening to k b u t Community Radio 4 the Gunnison Valley and in that set I played Samoa live Rickie Lee Jones we heard Elton John with Benny and the Jets he was the 1st white guy that was ever Soul Train and it was because of that song isn't that odd but I do love it so much before that we heard Elliot you mean who is and was my favorite. Contestant on American Idol and if you're listening I know you liked him too and I don't know what's happened to him I've played that song for a long time it's off of I believe the 1st me put out but he was fantastic and then when we started the set out with a couple things from e.l.o. Livin thing which I recently heard on a commercial and Mr Blue Sky which is the album version of the song. And as I said you listen to cave beauty community radio it is 1123 it and tell you about some things that are coming up. Well 1st of all things coming up on the radio. Let's see we have. West Elk word directly following me at at noon and they are going to feature Jim Starr who is the Gunnison County Housing foundation the head of I should say the Gunnison County Fire housing foundation he will be on West Elk word we've got a planetary radio we've got Wait Wait Don't Tell me. Then Tony will be back Tony chat with the Aloha connection we have a preview corded mountain stage everyone deserves music with you that and Yossi be wraps with t.j. Abbot and Chuck d. That's some hip hop for you and that at 10 o'clock through probably about one we've got Elliott Rosenberg with the I tell show a reggae show that we've had here on Cape u.t. For a long time. Actually yeah it's been here for quite a while and undercurrents and Eliot's been doing it for quite a while to undercurrents music over night and of course remember that Dave Clayton . Comes on at 8 o'clock tomorrow with classical music just and time for a Sunday we've got a little bit of it's called Classical Gas But before that we do have n.p.r. Weekend Edition and that's 6 o'clock so that's all here on cave you t.v. . Ok and also support for k b a t comes from the i.p.r. Ranch presenting the castle Creek guitars summer concert series August 22nd is kids of the Gunnison Valley at the i.p.r. Ranch complete schedule at Bar ranch dot com Also coming up here this. Center for the Arts Crested Butte presents Joe pug tonight go to Ca Cressy Butte arts dot org and find out about that concert it's at 8 o'clock Joe Pollak the Eldo in downtown Crested Butte hosts Ben's Baracoa tonight and. See at Ben's Barak Oh that's I think that music usually starts about 10 o'clock but you might want to call the elder and find out Robin lore plays live music tonight again at the public house at the corner 2nd and Elka believe on tonight at 10 o'clock Robin Lohr. Gypsy jazz social club well that should be 1st because that starts at 6 o'clock and they're going to be playing in a place I know they love playing in and they're in quite a bit Montagnier as distillery today at 6 o'clock. The 30th annual Gunnison car show ends today with an open car show today from 8 Well we've obviously gone past that to 3 pm so they'll be there till 3 pm at the York and some park in Gunderson if you have an announcement for k b t's entertainment calendar this it k b u t dot org slash submit please submit the information at least 2 weeks prior to the event and let's see what am I going to play I think we'll go with some Emerson Nogueira and this is a song that I think it was done originally by. I can't remember you know Steve Winwood was in the band Oh look it up we we know what it is you'll know in us when you hear the song. This was a ritual but they do people are others that's. Where . It's going to. Let. Her. Go. Well. It's. We've. My it's my favorite Beatles song but it done in a very different way I should've known better for I put by Roberta Flack from an album that she did I believe it's called Let It Be and it's of course Roberta saying the Beatles. We all know how I feel about the Beatles Joe Pollak Castro before that the Joe Public Astro trio with the beautiful fame attack from the t.v. Show Taxi this t.v. Series called Angela is the name of that song Emerson Nogueira with long train run and which was originally done by the to be brothers and that those are the songs in that set. Yeah those are the songs maybe I start I start with Rickie Lee Jones you know what I think I did. Live for Hilary Jones or maybe I and Phil asked that with it who knows but anyway. It is 1140 here on k.b. You take community radio where 90.3 k b u t Christie Butte 88.7 Gunnison 94.9. Jax cabin and on line at k.b. T. Dot org And I have the pep patrol ready for you there's quite a few here but I think that many of them have been found but we'll see found yesterday actually so maybe this one is still found black and white dog a male black and white dog was founded c.b. Self called Jennifer Griffin at 512-905-1049. Let's see black cat named shadow was lost at Meridian lake called Dana 275-2858. Found a dark chestnut horse now this one was sighted near Grand Lake Skyland area. So you know there's no contact with that I'm sure that somebody has found that horse. Also missing on Tuesday the 15th a big black Great Pyrenees looking dog Odie last seen a white rock call 720445645 hopefully he's been found and also lost Lucy a 12 year old white lab with a leash the south called Bart at 970-901-8881 also lost on Tuesday so as I said hopefully those dogs have been found but you know I'm going to read them anyway because they're here. Is Pepa troll is underwritten by o.b. Dog full pet ranch the phone number is 3494 o.b. Dog for pet ranch it's 349. 5074 so excuse me 349-5047 Sorry about that Pepper troll can be heard every day at 11 40 am and. 11 Did I say live yes love and 40 am if you have lost or found a pet. Please. Put a message on k p u t's pet patrol call the or call the station. At 349-7444 you can call that number to when I'm done if you want to tell me that one of those animals have been found. Or visit k v t dot org and click the info central button and I don't know I think I'm going to end with a couple things from Elvis but I have to find them 1st so listen to that as soon as I play these next couple songs. I think that yeah 1st one is Eric Clapton. a. Slow. This is true. You don't. Choose. No my goal. Was to go to school. Does to puff. Tell us all silly will do. If lolo is. Silly. I did not. Know. All love. Love love. Love no love. Was serious question. To lug a little too large. To . Know all the above the. Gulf cold cold. Cold one. Day. How long. Made. Was to try. To telling. How. Sick sickness. The charter says. Growing. Up. Again and. Growing. Old. Not me. Not. Rickie Lee Jones from the musical Peter Pan That's her version of I won't grow up before we heard Eva Cassidy before that with People Get Ready originally John but of course by Curtis Mayfield and the impressions and we also heard from Eric Clapton Wonderful Tonight a song that he wrote for his love at the time Patty Patty boy she would have been married to to George Harrison of the Atlas but anyway and I'm going to close out with a couple songs 1st I'm going to tell you that. The temperature in Crested Butte is up to. See here 69 degrees and in Gunnison it is. 69. Degrees also so we've got the that is the temperatures in both places it should go up to close to 72 it's going to be mostly sunny today there's a slight chance of showers tomorrow. Mostly partly sunny on Monday. See partly sunny Tuesday mostly sunny on Wednesday and then goes back partly sunny so that's the music or the Coming up stuff. In the meantime I'm going to go ahead and play a couple songs from Elvis who we lost 40 years ago it was the decade that I came to Crested Butte it happened in 1977 and so it's been 40 years hard to believe and I've been here since 78 so it's a long time anyway here's a couple things from Elvis. Use we. Love. All old. Movies. For. Our. Love. To. Love Truth Oh. The wrong.