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to help other believed gay teens and tonight his family is planning his funeral. what the boy's parents what his tormentors to here. >> i didn't know i'd found her. >> she's finding comic credited with finding the body of michelle leigh. why california researchers said the discovery was so miraculous. >> i'm ken bastida. >> on kidney. sangria is legal again. can't go on like lifting the prohibition needs to the bars. >> at this bar, this drink made with cucumber flavored tequila and jalapenos was actually illegal just a few hours ago. >> didn't think it was pretty ridiculous? >> i thought it was ridiculous that the law was in effect in the first place, but, governor brown has kind of bill lifting the ban on so-called fruit infused drinks. it wasn't an issue until the state department beverage control started forcing it out of the blue vining bars $250. the agency argued that group would ferment and change the alcohol content, but senator mark letter said it was hurting the sales in the top hotspots and made absolutely no sense. >> how sangria is more dangerous than the clear shot of vodka i don't know. >> the science of simple. you let the alcohol reach out to the flavor of whatever it is you are accusing gore about the week and the result is, if the enemy. >> and, these darted his jeep number and beachy intrusion. they are so popular on one night they can make an extra pointer dollars. >> we have a lot of fresh herbs and everything so as to la to california way to make drinks. >> so it goes to the official end of the prohibition in eight states. the new law never tasted so good. >> google has told republican presidential candidate rick santorum that there is nothing they can do to solve what they are calling his google problem. back in 2003 centrally santorum compared homosexuality to be saudi end, they started not online campaign that eventually went the word of santorum to the graphic byproduct of sex. so when you google santorum that sexual definition tossup before his campaign website. politico ports that santorum asked to google to remove boyd because that type of building google responded telling santorum that it does not remove content from search results except in limited cases. transgender inmate at vacaville prison has lost her bid to have taxpayers pay for sex reassignment surgery. she is serving 50 years or life for murder. she said the state demanding $50,000 to complete the process she claims because she is under threat of sexual assault women to male inmates and wants to be transferred to the women's facility. today the california appeals court rejected the argument without explanation. >> he was part of the online anti- bullying support groups for gay teens, it gets better. but even without the bowling was too much for the 14 year old to bear and he committed suicide over the weekend. elaine cano talks with the boys parents about the loss of their son. >> it hurts me so to think that my son felt like he was not worthy of anything. >> 14 -year-old jamie roto meyer had been bullied were mostly sent it great. experience demonstrates he found his body on sunday. >> that started with all the boys because the girls loved him and always defended him. but the boys would say, by bringing hanging out with all those girls plus you must be gay. >> the police are still walking around , they get to go to school and see their friends. but my son, there is nothing i can do. i would give my own life to turn back the minute we saw him. >> he was harassed by online insults and saw counselors to try to deal with the pain. >> this is jamie from buffalo new york and i just here to tell you that it does get better. >> in may cheney posted this message is part of an online support group for gay teens. >> figurehead of them will go for because that's all you have to do. but just weeks ago he posted this online plea for help. i always say how bullied i am but no one listens. what do i have to do so people will listen to the? >> we have to somehow get the power away from the bully and i don't know how you do that. and that's the biggest question in my mind because of the bully doesn't have power, he is nobody. >> and f-14 and the half he had an huge message that shouldn't even have to be on message, it should just be common decency to not make people feel worthless and useless on this planet that they don't deserve to be with other people. >> trace the. >> tracy urban meyer, it was simply born this way. >> and checking some other headlines around the bay area, the suspect crime spree involving robbery, carjacking and murder solved through the court appearance today. paul cassio's public defender said his client has been crying constantly and is under suicide watch. the second suspect has been arrested. diana figueroa has been accused of helping castillo debate capture. and shooting this morning. evidence markers dot 50 second street, half block from the hospital. one man died, but second is in critical condition and the third person was hit by shrapnel that no one is in custody tonight. and the construction crew ruptured attendance gasoline in downtown san francisco this afternoon forcing the evacuation of the hotel. tg and he was on the scene in minutes and the area around post and mason was closed off. the pipe spewed gas until it was shut down at about 3:00 this afternoon in the construction crew told us that the pipes locations were not marked. they said they were coming out to mark the locations tonight. >> at woman who was not even from the beat dominik bay area did what police couldn't do. she found the michelle leigh's body. she never even knew her but it became the personal mission. >> i actually thought i would break completely down and wouldn't be able to search anymore. >> to survive is to find them in the suffering and four days ago, kerry mcdonald goal may have found her meaning. >> i know i have the purpose now to serve the community and help other families. it was here that she and her one -year-old yellow labrador became reluctant heroines, discovering the skeletal remains of michelle leigh, missing since may. >> i did know i have found her, i continued on with my job and continue to search. >> she is new to the field, pressed into the field after the murder of her daughter last year. she didn't immediately turn heartache into dealing with our search and rescue dog. the labrador stole her heart. she even enter into or after the daughter she had lost. so with just eight months of training under the collar of the duo entered the kingdom with several groups of searchers and almost immediately -- >> she unexpectedly bolted down the trail and i call for her several times to return and she did not. >> the dog had never trained to find cadavers in real life, but amber had done just like that. >> skeletal remains, but an awakening for the woman who just are year and half ago received the same heartbreaking news. and the realization that greater forces may have brought the show home. >> i believe it was amber and michele guiding her. there's no real explanation for what she did. >> some may call this discovery serendipity but as you just heard, she calls it defined the prevention of thing originally it was not her intention to join the search. she and amber intended to stay back at the upper support the volunteers that say that that day. >> very giving. >> any 9/11 comment prompt apology from the most unlikely person. plus, they are finally free. the deal that finally won freedom for the imprisoned cow graduates. >> it may be the biggest walkout of medical workers. how the patient and into the book will be impacted. >> triple digits in the inland area again tonight and the slow cooldown. pinpoint today is on its way as eyewitness news continues. spanned more than six decades... but to center-stage in a >> he has sold millions of records in record that has spanned more than six decades, but tonight, tony bennett is center stage in the controversy over nine dominik 9/11. earlier this week he told radio host howard stern that the us is to blame for the terrorist attack because of past bombing attacks. tonight tony bennett is apologizing thing there is no excuse for terrorism or mass murder. then it will be in concert this weekend of them on winery in saratoga. >> tonight to former berkeley students are enjoying your perspective freedom in more than two years. they ran into the arms of their families after being gone out of iran to the gulf states. the judge granted their release after her bail of $1 million was paid. we are so happy and relieved we are free. and, we sincerely hope for the freedom of other political prisoners and other unjustly imprisoned people in iran. >> the two men were sentenced to eight years for spying after being arrested on the iran iraq border in 2009. assert berkeley grad, sarah showers was released the year ago. >> the biggest strike in us history. in just a few hours thousands of nurses in the bay area and all over california are set to walk off the job. elizabeth cook on their demands and the bigger image behind the protest. >> leslie has been registered nurse with sutter healthcare for 21 years. >> they have given our lives to sadr and they want to take that away. >> tomorrow she will put down her medical chart, pick up one of these picket signs and become one of the thousands of nurses at 34 hospitals to walk off of the job. why is that depends on the hospital, but raises, sick days and ironically better healthcare are some of their complaints. >> setter is demanding massive takeaways that would cost to nurses thousands out of their pockets for health care for their families. >> this is about something much greater than the demand for nurses are making. >> political analyst joe truman teaches the class on the picket line. >> is about the awareness that both public and private sector labor groups have in this country and that they are under siege at this point. >> says, the strikes by one of the biggest unions in the country is really designed to show the public. >> this is what our world without nurses would look like. >> and the hospitals are not blinking. >> i had the experience of going to just three years ago with the nurses union and we are totally confident that we will get through this with no degradation in service requirement. >> and here at no-space at the end sutter hospital, they are bringing 180 replacement nurses over five days cost in this hospital alone $5 million. >> thank you. >> we are at the middle of the week, roberta? >> tonight, cbs five and cw, we were very proud to be involved with the jp morgan corporate challenge. we didn't win the race that we won the t-shirt contest. it's about us spiffy t-shirt? >> 9000 runners running through the streets of san francisco all raising money for charity. you could see clear skies ... i have to tell you, it cooled down very quickly. right now 57 degrees in san francisco. 64 in mountain view and we do have caused along the coast. 72, still in the 70s east of the day. not tonight it will be cool on the coast and they temperature 60 and 70 degrees at san jose. tomorrow is very slow cooldown and arab inland areas. there's the difference on the coast and in the bay area where we see the return of the stratus, that's where we see the big difference. today it was 12 degrees cooler compared to yesterday at 86 to greece. see the clouds when coast all the way through tomorrow afternoon so we will play an outdoor temperatures like this. 60 pacifica, ever type temperature is 83, so not bad at 86 but the sound from today's high of 90. tomorrow southwest went 10-20 miles per hour otherwise never saw the way up to 97 degrees. today we topped off at 100 degrees in brentwood and livermore and forth at the golden gate bridge talking about numbers from 60's all the way through the 70s and high 80's, 88 degrees in santa rosa which is above normal. the slow cooldown dinner and areas, but then by saturday which is the first full day of autumn, we have temperatures dropping buy about 10 degrees, and sunday will be the coolest day over the weekend. temperatures rebound by this time next week. how about this? is the morale has the full story about this today, this little guy was stocking up on the nuts. we invite you to send all your photos to us. eyewitness news will return right after this. i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. an alternative to needles, a gel, is being pr >> bay area scientists are working to take the pain out of botox. an alternative to needles, but joe is being produced by obama -- biopharmaceutical company in newark. the company is so knew that it doesn't have the brand name but just like botox, the topical will be the medical procedure performed only at the doctor's office. >> time will tell whether this will be as effective or not with what the gold standard is for treating which is botox. >> breakout >> breakdowns until this point, critical trials. it's unclear what the joe would cost if it is approved for consumers. >> is the familiar sight for there to students at crime scene investigators. the lifeless body on the cold slab. and, this medical school will be doing their cadavers dissected differently. >> inside the anatomy lab at stanford university, scientists will the human cadaver. it's time for dissection. but where's the body? you have to plug it into us. do your eye to eye with world's first virtual cadaver. >> it's like the big guy, we can rotate it around. this is the photograph of the game of imprisoned you to remarkable book of three d. anatomy using the live images taken from real humans and real human cadavers, from the muscles to the heart and soft tissues and even the bone. stanford doctor paul brown worked with the medical school to come up with the device. >> so it's actually flipping the body? >> doctor brown explains how the images were created by using powerful ct scans. >> became scant cadavers at very high levels of radiation. >> it will not replace the cadaver but enhance the teaching and learning of anatomy. the touch screen allows users to explore that in great detail and from the wide variety of angles. >> you can view the whole body are just the muscles or bones. >> but instead of couple, you just swipe your finger, for example at the top of this goal together good look inside the brain. pop-up notes let you know what you are looking at. >> interact with the material in ways that are not possible with the real cadaver. >> this fall for the first time medical students will perform both traditional and virtual cadaver dissection. >> we are looking forward to it. the want to focus in on the true learning value and technology that this provides. >> and since no two humans are exactly the same, stanford scientists hope to include thousands of scanned the bodies with various medical problems. in fact, for all smartphone users, there may be an application for that. that puts anyone at cut above the rest. mulvihill, channel five healthwatch. >> how would you celebrate her 80 fifth birthday it's not like this woman. that's coming up next. ,,,, receiv 's out inde >> the 40 niners are not saying with the injury is to edwards me that it can't be good. the receiver of surgery and is out indefinitely but michael crabtree is on the football field. the giants are running out of time and the problem without tonight in la. mike fontenot signaled it away and the scores of paradigms. the giants scored three in the first and then in the sixth inning, just bases it in another run and write out the giants losing that game eight-four in the beginning. now, brian roberts said it was apparent they would beat the giants ended with the giants by six games. melvin potentially signed the three-year deal to manage the a us back. this is the difference maker. kerry stevenson turns fires. and lonely and have manner of lorry park just turned 85, so to celebrate, she decided to drag race for the first time in her 2000 report focus. she got it up to 76 miles per hour and won the race. >> queen hawkins, go. but that's. >> she is 72. >> susan, we are not going there. [laughter] [ agent ] so your policy looks good, is there anything else? why did you buy my husband a falcon? thanks for the falcon. i didn't buy anyone a falcon. sure, you did. you saved us a lot of money on auto insurance. i used that money to buy a falcon. ergo, you bought me a falcon. i should've got a falcon. most people who switch to state farm save on average about $480. what they do with it, well, that's their business. oh, that explains a lot, actually. [ chuckles ] [ male announcer ] another reason people switch to state farm. aw, i could've gotten a falcon. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. [ falcon screeches ] i'm a curious seeker. get to a better state. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions.

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