Julie McCarthy n.p.r. News this morning former President Jimmy Carter remains in Atlanta hospital following surgery to reduce swelling of his brain as a male Moffatt from member station reports it's been a year of health challenges for the 95 year old harder has fallen 3 times this year leading to a broken hip a black eye and most recently a fractured pelvis the last 2 mishaps have happened in the last 6 weeks and it led to bleeding around the brain to days procedure was meant to reduce swelling the Carter Center says there are no complications from the surgery but that who remain in the hospital for observation Carter's injuries haven't slowed him down much as he continues his humanitarian work and teaching bimonthly Sunday school classes in his hometown of Plains Georgia for n.p.r. News I'm Amy Oh Moffitt in Atlanta an early rally on Wall Street fizzled somewhat nearing the close today though gains in health care technology and communications helped make up for other areas of weakness the Dow ended the day flat at $27691.00 the s. And p. Was up 4 points this is n.p.r. . That Israeli strike in the Gaza Strip that killed a top militant commanders being to cried by Jordan's foreign minister the strike setting off a barrage of rocket fire from Gaza as some of the fiercest fighting between Israel and Gaza militants in months Jordanian foreign minister blamed Israel for the least uptick in violence saying the fighting will only East increase tensions and violence in the region the obesity rate across the Americas is soaring what is proven to be a public health crisis to the us is also found to be affecting tens of millions of lives in Latin America in the Caribbean where the obesity rate has tripled since 1975 N.P.R.'s Ping-Pong reports on a new study the places most of the blame on significantly poor diets including fatty foods in Latin America and the Caribbean one in 4 adults is obese that makes for over 100000000 people at high risk for diabetes high blood pressure heart disease and some cancers The report says girls are growing in large part because people are eating more ultra processed foods soda and cookies frozen meals and instant soups they're all widely available relatively low in price and packed with salt fat and sugar in the past 20 years the fast food consumption has gone up 40 percent there part is from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations it says these changes have affected poor people the most because unhealthy foods are cheaper and easier to get instead of food deserts many people now live in food swamps where food is available but it's all processed paying long n.p.r. News if you just prices lost ground today or oil down $0.06 a barrel to close at $5680.00 a barrel I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include Warner Brothers presenting the new motion picture Richard Jewel based on the true story of the 1996 Atlanta bombing a Clint Eastwood film only in the Friday December 13th. Afternoon and thank you for joining me for All Things Considered on 90.3 k a z u I mary jane Peter's support for k.z. You comes from York school inspiring students in grades 8 through 12 hosting the 5th annual Ted x. York school a forum to spark an applied new ideas November 21st reservations require details at Ted x. York School dot org The time is 406. It's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Ari Shapiro the televised impeachment hearings that begin tomorrow will be gaveled in by Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff as chair of the House Intelligence Committee he's the one running the inquiry Schiff has been thinking a lot about these hearings and a Senate trial that would follow if the House impeaches the president if it comes to impeachment there are really 2 juries there is the jury that is the Senate and I would hope that those jurors would keep an open mind although it's clear that several will not but the other jury is American people Schiff is a former prosecutor from California he led the closed door interview sessions that have produced thousands of pages of testimony and he's been talking with Steve Inskeep of N.P.R.'s Morning Edition who's here in the studio Hi Steve hi there Ari set the scene for us where to be posing as question committee room near the Capitol eyes slipped in and had a look today they're already setting it up setting up the cables and the t.v. Tripods and so forth and it's through those cameras that shift who will be at the center of activity along with the witnesses will be addressing both of those juries that he mentioned what was he doing today the day before this big hearing pretty frantic day from what I could tell he rushed to see us from a meeting rushed away to another meeting after the interview but in between he did settle down into a dark arm chair for a talk that began with the Constitution's language on impeachment the document says that an official can be impeached and removed for treason bribery high crimes and misdemeanors which are these in your view well I don't think any decision has been made on the ultimate question about whether articles impeachment should be brought . But on the basis of what the witnesses have had to say so far there are any number of potentially impeachable offenses including bribery including high crimes and misdemeanors the basic allegations against the president are that he sought foreign interference in the Us election that he conditioned official acts on the performance of these political favors and those official acts include a White House meeting that the president of Ukraine desperately sought with President Trump as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funded military assistance for a country that is at war with Russia and a country that the United States has a deep national security interest in making sure it can defend itself can you explain for the layman how those acts if everything happened as you suspect it did how those acts would be bribery the words are used 1st of all as the Founders understood bribery it was not as we understand it in law today it was much broader it can noted the breach of the public trust in a way where you're offering official acts for some personal or political reason not in the nation's interest here you have the present United States seeking help from Ukraine in his re-election campaign in the form of 2 investigations that I thought were politically advantageous including one of his primary rival that's a payoff is what you're saying that would be the payoff and well here I really requires that you are soliciting something of value it doesn't have to be cash it can be something of value and clearly this was something of great value to the president but more than that high crimes and misdemeanors also include things that are violations of the public trust the public trust the president to be acting in their interest not in the interest of their political campaign when it comes to conducting the nation's business having gathered thousands of pages of testimony I did hear you say. You haven't decided exactly what the articles of impeachment might be but have you made up your mind that there is an impeachable offense I want to reserve my judgment until we've had a chance not only to flesh out all the facts but also to have the debate within our caucus and within our country about whether the facts once established require us to remove the president impeachment was a mechanism not to punish but to protect the country going forward and one of things that I am deeply concerned about is the fact that the president and gauged in some of this conduct on the very day after Bob Mueller presented his findings to Congress the president gives every impression that he believes that he is above the law that he can solicit for instant interference in our elections he can do whatever he pleases that anyone who calls out his corrupt behavior is a traitor respond that's a very dangerous situation for the country you know Mr Chairman that Republicans connect them all or report to this affair in a different way they will say Democrats tried with them on a report to get this guy out of office didn't work out fizzled and so now they're trying this instead and they're convinced that you've always been looking for this opportunity what do you say to them well that unfortunate that at odds with the facts because as my Republican colleagues know I've resisted impeachment and did resist impeachment until this latest and most serious misconduct you know that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke dimly of impeachment for a while she said it needed to be overwhelming and bipartisan it sounds like you believe this is overwhelming the feeling is not at all bipartisan haven't you fallen short of that standard. We can't let one party that has allowed itself to become a cult of the president who dictate whether a constitutional remedy can be employed I would hope if not members of the house then members of the Senate will put their party aside will look to their constitutional duty and oath and ask themselves the question if it does come to a trial in the Senate are we prepared to accept that a president of the United States can. Withhold taxpayer funds deprive an ally of the billeted to defend itself withhold official acts like a White House meeting with a foreign leader and do so in order to get help in a presidential election these are the tough questions that members on both sides they are going to have to ask now in our talk Ari the chairman said he's thinking about restraining the conduct of this president and also thinking about the warning that the House could issue to future presidents through impeachment and we'll hear tomorrow on Morning Edition that he's thinking impeachment may send a useful signal even if the Senate never convicts this president as our colleague Steve Inskeep with Congressman Adam Schiff of California thanks Steve glad to do it the public phase of the impeachment inquiry begins tomorrow and you will be able to listen live on many n.p.r. Stations will the u.s. Supreme Court determine DACA to be legal the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an Obama or a program that prevented roughly 700000 young people commonly known as dreamers from being deported under the program those who were brought to the country illegally as children could legally work and go to school if they met certain requirements and passed a background check and p.r. Legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg reports the court's conservative majority seemed inclined to let the Trump administration shut down. Outside the courthouse hundreds if not thousands of doctor recipients clog the block poisoning signs saying Home is here my name is new I'm a family doctor and today I'm one of almost 200 undocumented medical students and residents. Without. We can't complete residency training and without. The health and well being of all the families that we care for. My neighbor a man after man that gave a program that forever changed my life I would meet up with the needy to finish college. And become a homeowner might say enjoy and they're there to stay with their mother in the play they call a home until now these so-called dreamers have been able to maintain their Dhaka status because the lower courts ruled that the Trump administration had not jumped through the legal hoops that are required when an administration revokes a policy like this on which so many people businesses and even the u.s. Economy have relied but inside the Supreme Court chamber the courts conservative majority seemed far more sympathetic to the Trump administration's arguments solicitor general Nowell Francisco open the argument telling the justices that they have no authority to review the policy change because Dhaka is a discretionary program under which the Obama administration used its prosecutorial discretion to defer deportations for certain qualified individuals the courts liberals pushed back Justice Ginsburg you're arguing this is not reviewable because it's committed to agency discretion but on the other hand you say the agency had no discretion because this program was illegal to begin with the whole memo in which the administration justifies its policy is infected with the idea that doco was illegal Justice Sotomayor pointed to President Trump's conflicting remarks about doctor recipients noting the Trump told the dreamers they were quote safe under him and then he abruptly ended the program but when the lawyers representing the doctor plaintiffs rose to argue they got a few slot of doubt from the conservative wing of the Court Chief Justice Roberts sought to minimize the number of immigrants covered by previous programs similar to Dhaka dating back to the 1950 s. Other members of the conservative majority fired different rounds Justice Alito let's say an administration decides it's not going to prosecute drug cases involving more than 5 kilos of cocaine and the next administration reduces the. Number 3 kilos would that be reviewable by the courts lawyer Ted Olson replied the dock is different because of the huge number of people and industries and businesses that have relied on the assurances in the existing program if the government wants to change such a program he said it has to lay out its policy reasons not just say by feel the Dhaka policy was illegal from the get go just to score such what more would you have the government say what good would another 5 years of litigation over the adequacy of the explanation serve answer we don't know what the administration would do the administration did not want to own this decision it was not an independent decision reached by the acting secretary of homeland security because d h s was backed by the attorney general's one sentence decision saying doco was illegal in rebuttal to trump administration lawyer Francisco batted that down saying the administration has decided that even if doco was and is legal President Trump has decided to shut it down we own this he said Totenberg n.p.r. News Washington. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News this is yes you can be president and one of the what's your help ensure that the us here for years to come through your financial planning create a lasting legacy and benefit future listeners by naming cues a year in your will or trust you can make a difference through buying a gift get more details online at gays or you daughter or under the link support or call 831-582-5290. Here listening to 90.3. Of the Monterey Bay Area support for. Firm of Nolan Tamar and Haas dedicated to Klein focused relationship driven service on the Central Coast since 1928 Learn more at and. Dot com and from Beacon House a nonprofit drug and alcohol addiction treatment center serving the community for over 60 years Beacon House is dedicated to helping people achieve a lifetime of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction more at Beacon House dot org . Coming up in just about 15 minutes on All Things Considered President Trump says a significant trade deal with China could happen soon but we will only accept a deal of it's good for the United States and our workers and our great companies more on Trump's comments today at the Economic Club of New York That story's ahead in about 15 minutes on All Things Considered Stay with us. Support comes from as s. a Landscape architect serving the Monterey Bay and Silicon Valley since 1989 providing sustainable landscape architecture for corporate public and residential clients more information and as. A landscape architects creating better places the time is 420. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing meetings and a video conference room solution in one platform featuring digital video and audio with screen sharing account registration and more at Zoom dot us. From Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more at fidelity dot com slash wealth fidelity brokerage services l.l.c. And from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Ari Shapiro evangelical Protestants are the nation's largest religious group and white evangelicals make up one out of every 5 voters this is a group of voters that Trungpa spent a lot of time courting So we went to Fayetteville North Carolina to hear from those voters about how they believe Trump has delivered for them building up the military build up the money generated build up the churches and God bless you every now and then most evangelicals are white but not all and the voters who met with us at the Aaron Lake Baptist Church were a racially mixed group in agreement on issues like restricting abortion access and . Rights divided over Trump so-called character issues we were supposed to be dealing with how does faith affect our politics and we've turned it into in this room we've started to turn it into a lynch president take that word lynch perfect example 72 year old Dick Button is using Trump's language about the House impeachment inquiry the kind of language that doesn't sit well with the black church goers in the room he makes it extraordinarily or it's kind of the elephant in the room pertaining to the president Marcus belt is the 1st to bring this up he's 48 years old African-American and he recently retired Army special operations veteran if you ask a segment of white evangelicals what they think about him and then you ask a segment of African-American or minority evangelicals what they think about him you might get. A different opinions that's become polarizing even within congregations to a certain degree belt actually likes that trump signed a criminal justice bill shortening sentences for some drug offenders but looks to Trump's track record on race and sees no good and he's not alone the Pew Research Center has found that 87 percent of black Protestants they polled disapprove of the president's performance but when I try to ask about how uncomfortable conversations play out in their churches 89 year old David. Who is white says if you cut me right down the middle and you could hear right down the middle and polish with us I mean those thank you thank you but go ahead it's been like a Rorschach test within our congregations and it very starkly breaks down but ethnicity and it's amazing because up until the current president I would've thought that we would see things so differently because typically we tend to be about the same social economic status and we tend to be more alike than dissimilar in all other domains other than you know what we tanned but this particular administration has most importantly to point out that we have some significant work to do within our congregations because we're not a family in the way that we profess that we should be this is where David Carlson breaks into the conversation he's 17 he's white and 2020 will be his 1st election he says the media is too focused on what he calls Trump's wild comments question was talking about whether you know we're having to have these uncomfortable conversations and the answer is absolutely and I don't just mean race by the way that came up but that's not the only thing you know you would want to bring up Absolutely and I think if you would just shut his mouth things would be so much better because if you look at the numbers if you do look at what he's doing we're seeing African-American unemployment actually unemployment across the board incredibly low we're seeing the economy the stock market incredibly high the only problem with the Trump administration right now is really just his his speaking Pearlie high does several times it's been said if he would just keep his mouth shut out of the heart the mouth speaks that's from the Bible and in the New Testament both books Matthew and Luke many in the room nod in recognition it's in his heart that's why it's coming out and I think one of the most important issues that we have to address is the divide the racial divide money is good you know all of that is fine but if we are destroyed as a nation. What does it matter I mean what what really does it matter it's hard for a president doesn't understand or a person from the south doesn't understand what the connotation of a comparative flag this is heart bill and some don't even want to know so when you say oh it's heritage No it's hatred so that's another sort of issue of the day when the president devices impeachment proceedings as a lynching lynching is an actual term I'm sorry what David Cross and Jefferson again both when she means unjustified prosecution it is not only about the young man that was absolutely unaware of that but I can thank you for that bit of information it's not only about the absolute right thing. In the city but in the past African-Americans were not even talking about African-American slaves you know who Emmett Till was young Emmett Till every black man as well knows you know we do we not is probably. The context here there have been decades of efforts to improve racial integration especially among some newer evangelical churches but just last year the New York Times reported on black worshipers leaving their churches in part due to the silence on Trump in this room it's Trump's comments on police brutality and protest in the n.f.l. Insults of black lawmakers and the treatment of black demonstrators at his rallies and the conversation goes back and forth about how and whether churches should address it again black church goer Pearlie Hodges it's so divides the because no one wants to say Donald Trump is this or Donald Trump is that we're afraid aren't Here's 27 year old pastor and Clark he's our host at Arran Lake Baptist Church he says it's an open question about how and whether to talk about Trump and race going back to the original question you were talking about political lines and then one party affiliated with a group versus another foreign member correctly we have to understand I think in the event tell. Or in the Christian community there is divisiveness there there is divisiveness between a racial lines absolutely I think that stuff that has been there and I think that stuff that we as in the Christian community have done a poor job of coming around one another and gathering around the table and having those discussions I think that racial reconciliation and things like that are very very important and I know we've said in here yeah there's we are all in the same but yeah there is that tension but we should run to that tension rather than run from it nothing a lot of cases in the Christian community friend from that tension rather than to address those issues and how we can be more about coming together to supply and the conversation there because the divisions of race won't be solved here not on a Tuesday night in the Bible study class room of Aaron Lake Baptist church we move on to politics impeachment why they fear Democrats and after we wrap up I say thanks and they begin to leave then something else happens that I should have expected but given the tense moments didn't they ask if they can pray you know. The join hands. Takes the beat goes through and with heads bowed they set aside the tensions of the night we can differ without being indifferent and we can disagree without being disagreeable So we asked now that you would touch our hearts that we leave here we are free of all malice we are free of anything that would hinder us from being lovable to one another there is in that main Jesus Christ that we pray Amen. In part David Carlson spelt pearly Hodges and David Clarke evangelical voters he spoke to the North Carolina. And our stories from North Carolina were produced by Art Silverman. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. On the next morning edition our antibiotics losing the fight against bacteria some industry experts say companies cannot afford to make better drugs the very dry pipeline is only going to get worse how scientists are finding new ways to outsmart germs also We'll profile the 1st 2 men to publicly testify in the impeachment inquiry these public servants do not want to be in the tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Start your day with n.p.r. News and Morning Edition from 4 until 9 tomorrow morning still in musical have your traffic and weather updates beginning at 6 am right here on 90.3. You. Support comes from se $41.00 furniture on the top of 41st Avenue in So Cal combining 2 locations into one show room select sofas recliner chairs area rugs and more available due to consolidation learn more at s c 41 furniture dot com The time is 430. It's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Ari Shapiro And I'm Audie Cornish coming up on line lenders state laws to charge triple digit interest rates right now that makes sense plus the latest Bolivia has an out and a new leader is a look at what that means those stories and more coming up after the summary of the day's news. Live from n.p.r. News in Culver City California I'm like how tell outside the u.s. Supreme Court today chance of I believe we will win. Supporters of Dhaka or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals demonstrated in the rain this morning as 9 justices consider how to move forward on the legal status of an estimated 700000 young people who are brought into the u.s. Without legal documentation by their parents no matter where we are from where we work we are all fighting in our own way so that people in our families and in our communities don't get left behind that's Maria's Simelane an activist and doctor recipient who reportedly came to the u.s. At the age of 9 she told a crowd of the nation's highest court we will not be free until all of us are free the widow of Eliza Cummings my Iraki more Cummings the Clara to run for husband seat in Congress today from member station p.r. In Baltimore Emily cell of an reports the Democrat says she's devastated by the loss of her husband and that'll run the race as if he was right beside her her priorities will include improving education and health care she also says she'll focus on protecting Social Security and Medicare Rockmore Cummings resigned as chair of the Maryland Democratic Party to pursue the race she's a policy consultant who founded a Washington consulting firm in 2005 Cummings died from cancer in October in the midst of his 13th term he was chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and a civil rights icon who lived in Baltimore most of his life candidates have until November 20th to file for a special election primary run for n.p.r. News I'm Emily Sullivan in Baltimore at the close of Wall Street today the Dow closed was unchanged the Nasdaq closed up 21 points in the s. And p. Closed up 4 points you're listening to n.p.r. . The nation's largest milk processor is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy the Dow space Dean Foods now seeks a buyer after years of declining sales N.P.R.'s Wade Goodwyn has more for years American consumers have been drinking less milk and more water juices another drink products Deen foods also lost some of its biggest customers like Wal-Mart which began processing its own milk in 2017 and Food Lion last year in a statement c.e.o. Eric bearing now said despite our best efforts to make our business more agile we continue to be impacted by declines in consumer milk consumption Dean food just hoping to sell itself to the massive farmer co-op the Dairy Farmers of America and the company describes the process as advanced Wade Goodwyn n.p.r. News Dallas while the f.b.i. Continues to investigate the July shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California 5 injured victims are suing the organizers saying the association and security company hired for the event failed to secure the outdoor venue the lawsuit filed late Monday in San Francisco seeks unspecified damages above 25000 accusing the association of not following the federal security guidelines resulting in a gunman getting access to the festival I'm doing psych out n.p.r. News. Thank you for listening to All Things Considered on 90.3. For the Monterey Bay Area support for you comes from Del Monte assisted living in memory care committed to providing personalized care that supports the physical social and emotional well being of each resident learn about booking a 3 day trial stay a Delmonte Assisted Living dot com and from 1440 Multiversity offering fall getaway packages nestled among the broad woods above Santa Cruz guests will find opportunities for hiking yoga locally sourced meals and more details at 1440 dot org slash you coming up in just about 10 minutes on the program Story Corps Military Voices Monterey Bay We continue our series sharing stories from the local veteran community Stay with us the time is 435. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the financial services firm of Raymond James offering personalized wealth management advice and banking and capital markets expertise along with a legacy of putting clients financial wellbeing 1st learn more at Raymond James dot com from c 3 dot a i c 3 dot a I's software enables organizations to use artificial intelligence at enterprise scale solving previously unsolvable business problems learn more at c 3 dot Ai and from Americans for the Arts. From n.p.r. News it's All Things Considered I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Ari Shapiro President Trump says the u.s. Is close to reaching a mini trade deal with China but he offered no guarantees when he spoke to a business audience today in New York investors are watching anxiously for any sign of a truce the trade war already has taken a toll on u.s. Farmers and factories now there's new evidence the tariffs and counter-terrorist have taken a toll on Republicans political fortunes to N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley reports anyone hoping for a clear signal about the direction of u.s. China trade talks didn't get much this afternoon from President Trump we're close a significant Shay's one trade deal with China. Could happen could happen soon but we will only accept a deal of it's good for the United States and our workers and our great companies it's been a month since the u.s. And China announced a handshake agreement but nailing down the details has proven difficult Trump who fancies himself a master dealmaker continues to insist he has the upper hand in the Goetia Asians and that China needs a deal more than he does their supply chains or crack in very bad way and they are dying to make a deal. We're the ones that are deciding whether or not we want to make a deal of course it's Trump not Chinese President Xi Jinping who has to campaign for reelection next year Trump's speech today with a sort of dress rehearsal for the economic piece of that campaign in an effort to command the spotlight Trump painted a dark picture of the economy he inherited almost 3 years ago at that time America was stuck at a failed recovery and saddled with a bleak economic future and it was bleak in fact job growth in the last 33 months of the Obama administration was stronger than it's been in the 1st 33 months of the Trump administration g.d.p. Growth did accelerate last year but that sugar high has quickly worn off and while the unemployment rate is close to a 50 year low trumps boast of exceeding economic expectations got only tepid applause from his New York audience. Thank you I was waiting for that. I almost didn't get it. Trump continues to blame the Federal Reserve for raising interest rates last year even though the central bank has now cut rates at 3 consecutive meetings Meanwhile the president's own trade policies have cast a shadow over the economy John has who runs a big oil and chemical company press Trump during his New York appearance about the price tag of those tariffs there's a growing consensus that the trade war has a cost a number of industrial sectors have recently been hurt manufacturing's been in a slump the last 3 months farm exports have taken a beating China shows little sign of giving ground on the practices that spark the trade war such as intellectual property theft but Trump insists it's all been worth it the real cost John would be if we did nothing there's also a political cost new research suggests the trade war cost trumps fellow Republicans as many as 5 House seats in last year's midterm elections Dartmouth economist Emily Blanchard many colleagues found g.o.p. Candidates lost support in part of the country hurt by retaliatory. Terrace What's more they got no offsetting benefit in areas where Trump's tariffs might have given a boost to local industries it was all pain and no gain and we were sort of surprised by that Blanchard says the hit to Republicans was strongest in the most competitive districts where opposition to the trade war rival health care as a politically powerful issue so if you're in a close district this is a little note to wake up and smell the coffee and maybe be worried about some of these pocketbook issues so far though that ominous political aroma does not appear to be affecting Trump's calculation about next year's contest Trump said today if China does not cut a trade deal he's ready to impose more tariffs Scott Horsley n.p.r. News Washington. Enemy of the people that's what Hong Kong chief executive Carrie lamb is calling protesters after a string of violent clashes in Hong Kong Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters on a university campus and a 1000 demonstrators blocked roads during lunch hour in the center of Hong Kong. On Monday a man was set on fire during an apparent argument about the demonstrations in a separate incident a Hong Kong police officer reportedly shot an unarmed protester to talk about the significance of this moment I called up Emily Lau she's a pro-democracy activists served on Hong Kong's legislative council for 25 years hello when you last spoke to n.p.r. Over the summer the protests were getting a lot of international attention do you think that the violence over the last couple days is a sign of a turning point of a kind in these protests. Yes in a way I think many of us in Hong Kong are very frustrated because Kerry left the chief executive and Beijing residents refused to listen to the demands of the people and one of them is Barry Barry modest and Major Jim it and that is the setting up of an independent commission of inquiry to look into 5 months of unrest but I tell you most Hong Kong people laws of the protest is very peaceful but what you've seen on on the screen and they are by and these violent protests is couldn't so some of them are concerned that if they all die out yeah there will be no more international no attention at the government will do nothing to this point Hong Kong chief executive Kerry Lamb told journalists that quote If there is still any wishful thinking that by escalating violence the Hong Kong government will yield to pressure to satisfy the so-called political demands I'm making this statement clear and loud here that will not happen so what is your response to that in the context of what you're talking about. Well I think she is a sinner for a bounce and year look at the protests in Bolivia just a few weeks the president stepped down look at the protests in Chile the president fired some of his senior officials you would like to see that around him go of course but that would not be the end of the story she should go and then of course the big demand is for a democratic election because Hong Kong is not a democracy but ironically. Level of freedoms has no safety and the rule of law that we've enjoyed in the last few decades is much higher than countries places which have democracy so we want to preserve our free lifestyle but we want to have democratic elections to choose our local government and that's been promised by Bay Jane we want great Beijing to keep the promise I mean it's not as if the people are fighting for independence or the overthrow of the Chinese government in Beijing we just have very legitimate and modesty Mon and they would not listen and look at the stock market plunged today want to destroy Hong Kong What do you see is the end game for these protests Well I don't know as you must have heard some of these protests that are not afraid of dying and it's very sad to see young lives being lost and we don't want that to happen we want the whole thing to dial down would be escalate but the administration and Beijing would have to take some action and respond and if they reveal what you've been seeing for 5 months may continue but how long do you think Hong Kong will last as a financial and business center Hong Kong may be destroyed that's pro-democracy activists Emily Lau she spoke to us from Hong Kong thank you for your time thank you. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. I'm Michel next and this is Story Corps Military Voices Monterey Bay Today we hear a story from the Vietnam wall bun Barry was a pilot in the Navy now retired beery spent more than 20 years in the military he came to the story call booth with his daughter who was born while he was sent while the name is but bury him 76 years old and I am the father of my partner in crime here today my name is Barbara leaper I'm 50 years old I'm in Monterey California with my partner in crime my father by biri So how did you feel about going to be and. Was there really a feeling about going to know him or did you just go. It was a duty. I mean I was active duty Navy at the time that I went and I think the war was still relatively popular if I could use that word. Not as unpopular not as one player to go not as unpopular but that was how many tours 3 how did mom feel about you going to be and. To talk about it. While she was upset she was concerned that I would. Not come back so in case I didn't come back she don't want to something to remember me by that something was you said we've been married 5 months and she was 4 months pregnant when I left Vietnam so was she happy now it was tough I give you full credit for everything she went to and of course. When she was 8 months pregnant I was shot down over North Korea. And I'm sure that made it even more difficult for her so I came home and you were 3 months old and when I saw this little bundle of joy in a crib. We still have a picture of that and I don't know how much of a bundle of joy I was at the time I'm sure you were and then when you were 9 months old I left again. And I went back to Vietnam and by this time we had tape recorders little tinny tape recorders which made it a lot easier to at least communicate a still took 2 weeks but and your mother with her servant voice would read to me and back and forth I heard your 1st word on the tape recorder Coke hot you know she was given you a bath in the sink and you said car oh that's right I said car and I thought oh wow my daughter says car her. I've missed it I missed it I still have the tape of you recording Puss in Boots Oh yeah for my brother me yeah that was later like yeah we had a it was on reel to reel and I had somebody convert it to cassette Oh did you yeah when I was in grad school and I remember we played it in the lab and I'm crying now my coworkers like he's not Dad I read like you don't realize what kind of a time that was that the time came about was when you were in we were in the house that you were never home you were gone all pretty much the whole time what happened was I got a person but it's a book which I'm still looking for the copy I have and. Then I got the tape recorder and I say hi par. Hi George and then I told the whole story of puts Puss in Boots and then I said Ok now Night night see you later and moments said that you'd say bye Daddy Yeah if you want sweetie it's nice talking to you thank you for your service thank you thank you for being my daughter. The least I can do. You to Ok that's a bud Berry and Bob or Lipa theory now lives in Pacific Grove they recorded the story at the veterans transition Santa this summer when the Story Corps Military Voices Initiative visited the Monterey Bay Area exits was selected and produced by 90.3 k. Easy you you can find this and other interviews on a website k.z. You dawdle. Afternoon You're listening to $90.00 k.a.z. You are Mary Jane Peters support for Casey you comes from new leaf community markets offering distilled turkeys for the holidays advance orders and reservations at new leaf markets in Santa Cruz Half Moon Bay Capitoline and apt us village and from the brain specialists of Monterey Dr Erik Larson specializes in the treatment of varicose veins using laser alter sound a new glue technology and offices in Monterey and Salinas more advanced specialists of Monterrey dot com. Unemployment is at near record lows which means it's going to go back up. I just got laid off. Currently looking for work I've already applied for and. I'm waiting to hear. Are we ready for more unemployment the story next. Stay with us for Marketplace That's coming up at $530.00 tonight right here. You the time now for 50. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Ari Shapiro And I'm Audie Cornish consumer watchdog say online lenders are dodging state laws that ban very high interest rate loans some in excess of 100 percent the lenders say they're not doing anything wrong but advocates say these loans are predatory and are asking federal regulators to crack down N.P.R.'s Chris Arnold reports Ok so let's say that I'm an online lender charging 100 percent interest rates things are working pretty well for me here making money but then the state of California passes a new law capping interest rates for many loans much lower at around 38 percent what do I do well if I can find a partner a real bank one that's not subject to the state of California is rate cap the loan money flows through that bank in boom I can get around the rate cat right I mean this is almost like money laundering right this is laundering you know basically the source of the money and the source of all and that's the Lawrence Saunders an attorney with the National Consumer Law Center she says a lot of these on line lenders are using what she calls rent to banks schemes This lets them skirt state law because there's no federal cap on interest rates and most banks are not subject to the state rate caps Sutter's says this can work in different ways but the simple version is this the online lender does basically all the work to find the customers approve the loans collect on them but right when someone gets a loan at the moment that the money actually goes to the consumer that money comes from a bank that's not covered by the interest rate limitations so she says the online lender then immediately buys the loan back from the bank so it's not really a bank loan they're just using banks is a fig leaf to make really high cost loans 160 percent interest in states where those loans are illegal Sutter's says a lot more people are taking out online loans these days and lenders are evading rate caps in 25 states so she and 60 other consumer protection and civil rights groups have now sent. To federal regulators asking them to crack down it seems clear that online lenders are evading state rate caps on an earnings call before the California law passed the company elevate credit eg talked about it openly the interim c.e.o. Jason Harvison talked about working with banks to get around rate caps is similar to our recent experience in Ohio we expect to be able to continue to serve California consumers the other bank sponsors that are not subject to the same proposed think what way nominations the online lenders that maintain that they're not doing anything wrong elevate tells n.p.r. News statement that the letters from consumer groups quote grossly mis characterize our business and intent and that the company says its relationship with outside banks is in full compliance with all federal laws so is dodging state interest rate rules illegal or just unseemly or just a creative way to keep serving your customers we have a system right now that makes no sense Adam Levinson is a law professor at Georgetown University and he says lawsuits in the works will likely help determine where the legal line is here and he says elevate for example does more sophisticated partnerships which might be more legally defensible So instead of the simple rented bank scheme in elevates case you might want to hang on to your brain here the bank keeps the loan but sells a derivative interest in the loan a 90 percent derivative interest to a entity associated wish elevate if that's confusing Don't worry 11th and says The point is this whole complicated structure is being set up to get around the state rate cat and he says the underlying problem is that some lenders have to play by one set of regulations and banks get to play by another set of rules and the better way to do this really would be to have a national usury law in other words a nationwide rule that all lenders would have to follow and it today in Congress lawmakers introduced a bipartisan bill that was stabbed. A national interest rate cap of 36 percent active duty military already have that protection some one makers want to extend it to the rest of the country but plenty of financial firms are likely to lobby against it Chris Arnold n.p.r. News Bolivia's former president Evo Morales arrived in Mexico today to live in exile he resigned Sunday amid protests that began after serious flaws were found in last month's election now the senator next in the Bolivian line of succession has announced she will assume the presidency N.P.R.'s Philip Reeves is in the capital city of La Paz and before we begin Philip here is what we know Morales resigned his government collapsed anyone constitutionally designated to replace him step down so what have you learned about this senator who has announced her intention to leave the country she's called uni and yes she's 52 she's the 2nd vice president she's a lawyer with a media background and she's a fierce critic of malice she earlier announced that Bolivia's Congress was going to convene this afternoon to formally decide who to stand in as interim president and here's the thing allies have more on his hold a majority in Congress and they don't necessarily want to hurt a lot of them didn't show up today so there was a problem forming a quorum Yet despite this he went ahead and took control of the Senate and assume the mantle of interim president saying she wants elections as soon as possible now members of my knowledge his party the Movement for socialism were there when she made that announcement it's not clear to me at this point whether her move will stick or whether Congress will accept this given the absence of a quorum and there's certainly been an angry reaction from around of his supporters some of whom tried to reach the congress building after the announcement was made and they were met by police and soldiers firing tear gas at them you've underscored the challenges that she'll have with all of the morale of support still in Bolivia's Congress. What do we know about the Libyans more generally well this is a very unstable volatile point in the history of this country you just have to travel around this city to see that a lot of roads are blocked off by makeshift barricades the city's pretty much shut down in the city today there were very large numbers of police on the streets in full riot gear the army is also on the streets those people who've been protesting for several weeks against morale is after the election that was held last month are celebrating because God but others are angry many of the people at the demonstration that was held today by supporters of Maoists in the city indigenous Bolivians like mentality himself they revere him because he did much to lift indigenous people out of poverty during his 14 years nearly in power but one particularly disturbing thing happened during that protest military jets flew very low and very fast over the crowd of multiple occasions while I was there and this was evidently meant as a show of force but it didn't seem to unsettle them one of their chance was that you know we're not afraid given what you've described even with this interim presidency has the danger passed no by no means I mean this is a very unstable situation people here are worried about that I spoke to one woman today who didn't or doesn't align herself with malice or with the opposition She says she has no faith that civilian politicians can resolve the situation. And settle in a leader that we can really manager peaceful transition to new elections she says she's worried she says she's afraid and from the scenes today I think she might be right to feel that way that's N.P.R.'s Philip Reeves reporting from La Paz Bolivia thank you welcome. Back. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and for mourner Brothers Pictures presenting the good liar a suspense thriller about the secrets people keep and the lies they live starring Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen the good liar rated are only in theaters Friday from Subaru featuring the 3 row ascent with seating for up to 8 and a choice of 2nd row captains chairs love it's what makes Subaru Subaru learn more it Subaru dot com and from avel era tax automation for businesses of all sizes designed to simplify sales tax compliance with real time rates and automatic filing learn more at avalanche avi a l.a. Are a dot com. It's . News headlines from n.p.r. Coming up next followed by more all things considered support for k.z. You comes from the downtown Santa Cruz Farmers Market announcing their winter market hours now 125 pm Wednesdays rain or shine at Cedar Street and Lincoln Street Santa Cruz Farmer's Market dot org And from Google Grill in Seaside serving comfort food including linguine with black in chicken madman meatloaf with mashed potatoes and chicken full dinner menu and wine list. Dot com. From California State University Monterey Bay This is member funded 90.3. And Santa Cruz we are for the Monterey Bay area it's 5 o'clock. Currently in traffic in the Santa Cruz area hit and run collision has been reported northbound one just south of Morsi c.h.p. Is on the way use caution if you are in the vicinity taking a look at the community calendar sustainable Pacific Grove will present the earth friendly households of Monterey Bay program tomorrow night from 7 until 8 30 pm at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History panelists will share knowledge on sustainable practices that can be implemented at home more information is found on our community calendar that's a. Dot org. Coming up on All Things Considered protests have intensified in Hong Kong after one activist was shot in a probe supporters set on fire the protests are in their 5th month now and the Salt Lake Tribune just became the 1st legacy newspaper to become a nonprofit it hopes the move will bolster its financial prospects as daily newspapers continue to close on those stories 1st the news. Live from n.p.r. News ay in Washington I'm Jack Speer young people known as dreamers were out in front of the u.s. Supreme Court today as justices heard arguments over the trumpet ministrations attempt to shut down the Obama era program that temporarily deferred deportation of roughly 700000 young people brought to the u.s. Illegally as children Here's N.P.R.'s Nina Totenberg 7 months after taking office President Trump decided to pull the plug on the program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals are Dhaka the attorney general said in a one page opinion that the program put in place during the Obama administration was illegal and unconstitutional from the beginning the lower courts didn't agree and ruled that the administration had to provide more than a one sentence legal opinion but in arguments today the supreme court's conservative majority seemed inclined to let the Trump administration do what it said it wants to do shut down the docket program Nina Totenberg n.p.r. News Washington and the ongoing saga surrounding President Trump's impeachment inquiry Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney now says he won't sue over the Democratic led effort in the house will be last week asked to join a lawsuit of another trump adviser for changing his mind yesterday and saying he would bring his own case now on a one page court filing submitted today moving the appears to be changing his position yet again saying he'll rely on the direction of the White House and will not cooperate with the impeachment proceedings but when he was subpoenaed to appear for a closed door deposition last week but did not show up public hearing start tomorrow one of President.

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