Offering auto insurance coverage for cars trucks or S.U.V.s and providing 247 customer service more information on auto insurance at Geico dot com or 180947 audio. From W B U R Boston N.P.R. I'm Anthony Brooks and this is all important so what did we learn from Stormy Daniels 60 Minutes interview last night the porn star says she spanked the man who would be president before having sex with them but there were also more serious charges of a cover up and a threat then there's Trump lawyer Michael Cohen who paid her off to keep quiet who's already attracted the attention of Special Counsel Robert Moore up next on point Stormy Daniels versus Donald Trump. First this news. Live from N.P.R. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying the Russian government is facing a wave of diplomatic expulsions around the world it maintains it had nothing to do with a nerve agent attack on British soil earlier this month a Russian former double agent and his growing grown daughter who are residing in Britain were poison the U.K. Says it doesn't believe the Kremlin neither does any of the U.K.'s allies including the United States from Moscow N.P.R.'s Lucy and Kim reports on President Vladimir Putin's reaction to the court needed response against Moscow the United States and a number of European allies are sending home dozens of Russian diplomats Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov told reporters in Moscow that the Russian foreign ministry would analyze the situation but that the final decision on how to respond would be made by President Putin himself. Peskov said the Russian response would be reciprocal earlier the foreign ministry called the move unfriendly and a provocative gesture Russia has denied any involvement in the attack on former Russian double agent Sergei scribble with a rare nerve agent earlier this month Moscow sent home 23 British diplomats after London reacted to the screwball poisoning by expelling the same number of Russians Lucien Kim N.P.R. News Moscow President Trump's been mum on Twitter about the Stormy Daniels interview on 60 Minutes but the White House now has something to say about it at the daily news briefing a short time ago spokesman Raj Shah offered a brief response to the adult film actresses allegations that she had an affair with Trump years ago was paid to keep quiet about it when it got close to the election and was physically threatened if she didn't keep her mouth shut the president strongly clearly and has consistently denied these underlying claims and the only person who's been inconsistent is the one making the claims N.P.R.'s while Sparks has more details Daniel says she and Trump had sex one time in 2006 when she was 27 and he was 60 the affair is getting attention now because Dennis received more than $100000.00 from Trump's lawyer just days before the 2016 election to stay quiet washed out groups said the money could be considered an illegal campaign contribution That's N.P.R.'s miles parks the European police agency Europe poll says the mastermind of a series of malware attacks to target banks has been arrested in Spain here's Lauren Frayer starting in 2013 this cyber gang allegedly targeted $100.00 banks around the world fleecing them out of more than a $1000000000.00 malware called carbon act and cobalt infiltrated bankers computers through phishing emails and then secretly directed banks to disperse money at certain A.T.M. Machines it also diverted bank transfers and altered balances and then laundered the money through crypto currencies and luxury goods the main suspect is a Russian Ukrainian dual national arrested earlier this month in the Spanish city of can take Euro polls has the F.B.I. Help Spanish Romanian Belorussian and Taiwanese police uncover the plot For N.P.R. News I'm Lauren Frayer in Madrid This is N.P.R. . Pacific Rim uprising is the new top draw at U.S. And Canadian theaters N.P.R.'s Traina Williams reports the sequel dethrones Black Panther with an estimated $28000000.00 and take everything you did that tactical work pushing back to a 2nd place finish after the juggernaut ruled the charts for 5 straight weekends Pacific Rim uprighting as a follow up to the 2013 original this newest installment stars in Scott East we're going to be more violent we have the Pacific brand debuts above projections overseas audiences for the robots versus. Feature were more impressive even though dropping on the chart the record breaking Black Panther is now the highest grossing superhero movie and the 5th largest domestic release in the industry I can only imagine hold steady at number 3 new entries Sherlock opens in 4th and 2 later falls to number 5 trying to Williams' N.P.R. News Facebook stocks taking another laws following news that its privacy practices are under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission at last glance its numbers are down 2.6 percent Facebook's shares have been down since allegations surfaced that a Trump affiliated political consulting firm use a data of tens of millions of Facebook users it in appropriately obtained at the F.T.C. The acting director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection Tom Paul says the investigation will include whether the company engage in unfair acts that cost substantially injury to consumers but overall U.S. Stocks higher the Dow's up 579 S. And P. Up 58 Nasdaq's up 181 this is N.P.R. Support for N.P.R. Comes from N.P.R. Stations other contributors include progressive insurance offering its home quote Explorer so shoppers can evaluate options in one place when buying home insurance custom quotes and rates are available online learn more at progressive dot com. Support for Casey you comes from hospice giving foundation co-hosting a weapon are in panel discussion on L G B T Q inclusive hospice and palliative care with C S U N peace personal growth and counseling center 5 pm April 19th Moore at hospice Giving dot org And from light house for cinemas in Pacific Grove this week presenting Pacific Rim 2 and Thursday March 29th featuring ready player one more details and show times are on line as are E.G. Movies dot com. From W.B. You are Boston and N.P.R. I'm Anthony Brooks and this is on point last night Stephanie Clifford the porn star who goes by the name Stormy Daniels went public on 60 Minutes telling Anderson Cooper about an alleged affair with Donald Trump the present watches 60 Minutes this watching tonight what would you say to him he knows I'm telling the truth the adult film stars signed 813-0000 dollars deal with President Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen not to talk about the affair and she claims she was threatened to keep quiet this hour on point Stormy Daniels interview and her battle with President Trump you can join us on air or online Did you watch the 60 Minutes interview did you avoid it can you believe it we're at 180-423-8255 that's 180423 talk you can also join us any time at on point Radio dot org or on Twitter and Facebook at on point radio later this hour we're going to talk about the outpouring of protesters across the U.S. Who called for an end to gun violence this weekend but 1st joining me now from New York is David Folkenflik He's media correspondent for N.P.R. David thanks so much for joining us my pleasure also joining us from New York is Meredith Blake a staff writer for The Los Angeles Times she wrote a piece headlined how Stormy Daniels candor and humor in her 60 Minutes interview showed a woman to be reckoned with you can link to her piece at our website. And on point radio Meredith good to have you thanks for joining us on point thanks for having me good to have you before we start let's hear some tape from last night the very 1st question Anderson Cooper asked Dormy Daniels during last night's 60 Minutes interview was about the risk involved and whether or not she could be fined a $1000000.00 for even talking to here's what she said I guess I'm not 100 percent sure and why you're doing this because it was very important to me to be able to defend myself is part of talking wanting to set the record straight 100 percent what is the record need to be set straight because people are just saying whatever they want to say about me I was perfectly fine saying nothing at all but I'm not OK with. Being made out to be a liar or people thinking that I did this for money and people like oh you're an opportunist you're taking advantage of this Stormy Daniels talking last night on 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper David I'll start with you tell us what we learned from this interview what stood out to you. I guess there are a couple things I mean I think viewers were given the opportunity to try to assess . The Daniels as will call her. On her own you know presentation they've got to be able to figure out you know the degree to which they wanted to give her credibility both through the answers she provided to the correspondent on this Anderson Cooper but also through her demeanor and how she carried herself I think that one of the big things that we learned was that she claimed after 2011 and that she had given an interview to In Touch magazine that a man came up to her while she was carrying her infant and essentially said this is almost literally what she said that boy you have a beautiful looking baby there would be a shame if something were to happen to her and that he threatened her and said you know don't don't talk about trauma leave Trump alone I believe her exact words Yeah David let's listen to that moment I want to come back to you but let's listen to that moment because we have a cued up right now here it is I was in a parking lot going to a fitness class with my infant daughter just taking in the seats facing backwards in the back seat diaper bag you know. Getting all the stuff out and a guy walked up on me and said to me alone forget the story and then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said a beautiful little girl I'd be a shame if something how much our mom and then he was gone so David I think that stands out as one of the more dramatic moments in last night's interview don't you think absolutely you know it is connecting in some ways in perhaps the most visceral way possible the threat that she says and the use of essentially authority and power that she's saying has been used by the president's lawyer Michael Cohen against her in legal and financial threats and saying it also was a personal threat and that it's that and that it preceded that there's essentially a pattern of threatening her that precedes even the legal interventions that occurred just before the elections in the fall of 2016 and you know that's as menacing and as thuggish an allegation as as you can imagine it sounds almost mafia style Yeah it really does Meredith your piece this morning in the L A Times how Stormy Daniels candor and humor in her 60 Minutes interview showed a woman to be reckoned with in what way am I think you know that she had one who is blunt and matter of fact. And I think was very candid about her motives in terms of her dealings with Trump. And Katie obviously had He's very self-aware of her own images as a porn star adult film actors who really want to characterize her line of work. And I think that I think that in a way and her honesty about her motives made her more credible in some ways you know she made it clear that there is Anderson Cooper asked her about you know charges of opportunism and she said basically well I wouldn't want to get paid more for what they're already doing and I think there's a there's a kind of honesty to that that I have compelling and that perhaps others will too I want to talk about what might cast doubt on her credibility for example at several points she has. Denied having the affair with Trump last night she said that she'd been told that if she didn't agree to the denials quote they can make your life hell in many different ways so let's listen to a little bit of this conversation with Anderson Cooper last night when she addressed her continued denial of her affair with Donald Trump even as recently as January 2018 so you signed and released a statement that said I'm not denying this affair because I was paid in hush money I'm denying it because it never happened that's a lie yes if it was untruthful Why did you sell it because they made it sound like I had no choice you know no one was putting a gun to your head not physical violence now you thought that there would be some sort of legal repercussion if you didn't sign that as a matter of fact they exact sentence use was they can make your life hell and many different ways they being. I'm not exactly sure what they were I believe it to be Michael Holland Michael Cohen That would be Donald Trump's lawyers listener listeners were talking about Stormy Daniels interview last night with Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes did you watch it what did you make of it did you believe her but Meredith boy come back to this question about her credibility we just heard her addressing that directly directly with Anderson Cooper What did you hear there. Well she said that she signed the deal because she was scared for her family and she'd you know if you believe her claim about this 2007 encounter with this man in the parking lot. It's understandable that she would have signed such agreement and that she later on that would have you know a few months later in January she you know also. Deny once again denied the alleged terror I think that if you you know if this all really happened then it's perfectly understandable that she'd want to go away given the given the renewed scrutiny and interest in this story that has kind of been buried for 5 years. Listeners What do you make of this give us a call at 180-423-8255 that's 180423 talk we'd love to hear your take what questions do you have what remains unanswered about all of this let's go to Patty who's calling from Northampton Massachusetts Patty when you're on the air go ahead so as Clinton Hi there hi there are calling just to remind people there's nothing is that is really all the vote from her and has that sort of element of scoring to turn people off adult folks who really like Donald Trump he's done everything to it's a. Turned off the voters and the electorate in the United States and they just you know there's a base that just really loves his actions and it's curious as to why that is he's totally destroyed the commander in chief position of the United States and the integrity of it and he's very much not the kind of leader that it's buyer's optimism and I don't know what is really so important about the storm again you can I don't say it petty I got your point and we're going to put it to I want to put both to David Folkenflik and Meredith Blake they will start with you I mean there is sort of a straight line from the Access Hollywood tape in which trump acknowledged sexually assaulting women in the end his supporters didn't care about that they voted for him now there are allegations of an affair a payment of hush money maybe a threat do you think this changes anyone's thinking about Donald Trump. Well certainly it fits in with you know presidential advisor Kellyanne Conway used to say you know the voters decided in November 26th scene and so that's not an issue we have to address anymore the public knows that let's just move past these were allegations that do just as you say fit into you know what we know of who Donald Trump was before he became president you know he either was or played a character who was leering. Sort of treated women as sexual objects in many ways was a tabloid figure and now that tabloid figure not only has entered the presidency but is turning the presidency into a tabloid story which is really in normal circumstances what you would think this Stormy Daniels story and scandal to be you know this isn't really a scandal about sex in this case what Stormy Daniels is raising is the specter of the use of power and in some ways intimidation by people acting on behalf of one of the 2 leading candidates in the couple of days before the elections. To act to thwart her from speaking what she says is the truth and doing so in very intense ways you know these were allegations that were nationally denied and yet you know The Wall Street Journal is reporting alternately on earth a 6 figure settlement done through Delaware shell company that appears and set up precisely for this transaction by the lawyer to the Prez the United States and I think this scandal is not about whether or not the present United States you know more than a decade before being elected into office had a sexual liaison with a woman who stars in pornographic films but rather a question of the lengths to which he tried to suppress that story and what it entailed you know obviously Cooper and others and we can talk about that some minutes raise questions about whether or not this violated certain kinds of campaign finance laws and contributions but I think the question is Stormy Daniels said this is not a me too moment that she's not a victim that her sexual. Consentual but that she went into it because she realized she had gotten herself into a bad situation but this really is a question about. At least inner allegations and inversion of power and that she felt somewhat intimidated by the role he played his people played in his behalf David Folkenflik stand by and Meredith by stand by we're going to continue this conversation David you mentioned Michael Cohen Trump's lawyer and we're going to talk a lot about his role when we return after the break one fact here the interview last night on 60 Minutes highest ratings for 60 minutes in 10 years it beat the interview with President elect Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama best ratings in 10 years as we're discussing adult film star Stormy Daniels tell all 60 minutes 180423255 I'm Anthony Brooks the zone point. Support for gays E.U. Comes from Spencer's tree service specializing in dead tree removal and structural pruning to keep trees healthy for the long term more information about tree removal and tree pruning at spencers tree service dot com. And from Google Grill in Seaside offer in sandwiches for lunch including grilled chicken pesto Philly cheese steak in the grilled Portobello melt served 1130 to 4 pm daily complete lunch menu at Google grill dot com. I would. Point comes from the listeners of. Your N.P.R. Station. Motorcycle. And. An investment partner working to navigate challenging financial markets around the globe and offering investment strategies to clients worldwide since 1906 learn more. This is on point I'm Anthony Brooks and we're talking about adult film star Stormy Daniels 60 Minutes interview in which she offered to tales about her alleged affair with Donald Trump you can join the conversation does Michael Cohen Trump's attorney does his legal vulnerability give special counsel Bob Mueller a way into the White House and his investigation into Russian collusion in last year's election where at 180-423-8255 that's 180423 talk you can also follow us on Twitter find us on Facebook and on point radio I'm talking with David Folkenflik media correspondent for N.P.R. And Meredith Blake staff writer for The Los Angeles Times Let's listen to one more cut from last night's interview the 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels Here's Attorney Michael Ave Stormy Daniels attorney explaining why this case matters this is about the cover up this is about the extent that Mr Cohen and the president have gone to intimidate this woman to silence her to threaten her and to put her under their thumb it is behavior from people in power and it has no place in American democracy let me introduce another guest into our conversation Joining us now from Washington is Stephen Spaulding He's chief of strategy and external affairs at Common Cause a nonpartisan watchdog group he formally served as the special counsel to Commissioner and rebel of the Federal Election Commission and Stephen Spaulding it's good to have you thanks for joining us Hi Anthony thanks for having me I want to ask you about Michael Cohen Trump's lawyer Trump has denied the affair yet Cohen acknowledged paying Daniel's $130000.00. Where does this place him in terms of legal vulnerability Well this really goes to the heart of complaints that my organization Common Cause filed with the Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice earlier this year because what it seeks to do is vindicate Americans right to know who is trying to influence our votes and our views especially when we're talking about this $130000.00 payment you know at the height of the presidential election when the Trump campaign was reeling from allegations about his sexual assault of women after the Access Hollywood tape and we think this money was hush money to keep damaging information out of the election that goes to the heart of why this we think is a campaign finance violation and why we're asking for an investigation just real quick you know federal campaign finance law it regulates both the source and the amount of money to influence our elections you can't give more than $2700.00 per election and it cannot be from corporate coffers like the Trump Organization So if Mr Cohen in cooperation or coordination with the Trump campaign or was if he was acting on behalf of the Mr Trump or the Trump organization and we think there's strong reason to believe that was what was going on then he would have violated both the amount certainly the amount in violation potentially the source in violation and of course this money was secret it was hush money it was never disclosed which is the 3rd prong of our federal campaign finance laws then to Katyn people's right to know who's spending money to influence our elections so David Folkenflik help me out here because I think a lot of people might be confused about this Cohen has acknowledged paying Daniels $130000.00 but as he said specifically why I paid the money. You know my recollection was that he saw this as. A nuisance that they wanted to deal with it it's a little baffling if you're both denying the allegation and you're paying the money why are you paying the money exactly to her to have her repeat NOT repeat things that you're saying are untrue. It would seem to me as though she and I'm not the lawyer here but it would seem to me as though she would be in more legal jeopardy if she were repeating allegations that were true rather than repeating allegations in some ways that were not true given the. Agreement that they signed in I guess it was October of 2016 for her never to speak again that includes the provision that she has to pay a $1000000.00 every time she she does so that they're say that they're trying to enforce even though they are saying concurrently that it's untrue and in fact this morning I believe on Good Morning America. A lawyer for Michael Cohen So let's be clear that's a lawyer for the lawyer for the president went on the air to say he intends to collect up to $20000000.00 Given all the statements she's made so far that is he's threatening publicly to enforce this which again it just seems to me that more damage is attaches if what she's saying is violating an agreement to say things publicly that are true. So there may be others out there that can clarify that for us yeah but you've explained it well I mean why hush money to not talk about allegations that you're claiming are not true I mean it's a befuddling question Meredith like I want to come to you we heard Stephen Spalding talking about the sort of. Legal vulnerability perhaps that Mr Cohen is in. How does that sort of door you know connect to Special Counsel Robert maulers investigation in other words this could essentially put Michael Cohen in front of Robert Muller who is already we understand interested in Mr Coe. I am by no means a legal expert but you know that I think medical report. What do you. Interesting things about it I found was that how quickly he pivoted from Stormy's you know account of their alleged affair to the political potential political ramifications of it and they focused on the fact that Cohen if he has in fact violated campaign finance laws could potentially be vulnerable to to Muller and we've seen as has targeted people in Trump's inner circle for other kinds of alleged crimes most obvious problem and afford to you know is facing charges of tax fraud and this but he says his strategy is trying to get people close to trump to flip to inform what they know about Russia and potential collusion so that to me seemed to be. What they were drilling down on in the report last night was the potential. Implications of Cohen's legal vulnerability and you know I think journalistically that was probably the right decision to focus on and post a fallacious details Yep 180-423-8255 extension 2 join the conversation let's go to Samantha who's calling from Burlington Vermont Samantha go ahead. Hi Anthony thank you for the opportunity to participate. Why is it so difficult for why is it such as a call to follow and believe the trail of behaviors and subsequent reactions reported it appears to me about somehow inherently Mr Daniels is the one game just unbelievable and given the burden of proof by society why what is keeping a seemingly as a society and mast from simply sitting with Ms Daniels version even for one moment and asking ourselves 2 questions What does this report is taking us truth mean to us and secondly what is our next step in addressing this responsibly and fully human rights and dignity are at stake in this Samantha thanks for putting that on the table Meredith I think your piece addressed that. Quite specifically you want to talk to Samantha about yes I think that you know I mean stormy herself specifically said this wasn't a meeting in the moment but I think. We as a society have still have issues believing women you know we have issues believing . Victims in general and specifically women and you know there are some credibility issues that Daniel's given what he signed but I think I think she's she's a woman who's up against an enormous power infrastructure she's up against literally the most powerful man in the world and she's also someone who's going to be judged for her line of work who has been judged for her line of work. And I think you know I think that's one of the big questions here is why why do we inherently not believe her. Or not we but many people. I think it's an important part of the story so I appreciate the question let's go to Frederick who's calling from Watertown Mass Frederick you're on the air Good to have you go Go ahead you're Anthony Weiner Hi Anthony So my question is and I guess it's more of a comment is you know Stormy Daniels is really to me not the focus with a focus should be it should be on the fact that we have a president who has demonstrated time and again a pattern of behavior and a process to try to cover up that as we look forward what else is going on I mean what would be in Yuendumu about Russia is that legitimate I mean you really have to say we have a person in the White House who is spending all his time trying to argue security and we are all going to be culpable at the end of it and we have a Congress that plays games of See No Evil Hear no evil speak no evil. Fredricka thanks for the call David Folkenflik do you want to respond to Frederick what you just heard there well you know we're all on news overload and we're on Scandal overload and we're on a lot of things overload and we have been for a while now and this scandal shouldn't be a scandal to my mind journalistically because on the basis of whether or not sexual relations occurred between the president and this pornographic star as crazy as that is to say out loud because if you think of an under any presidency of either party this would have been a huge scandal that certainly predated not only his his presidency but his act of running for office by quite a lot but this really has legal implications and actually the president has gone to court through his lawyers to try to compel Stormy Daniels silence so you know he is enjoying this battle legally this is not simply being played out for the benefit of tabloid producers I do think that there are other issues that are very important to be teased out and that are ongoing concurrently and the question is can we have a split screen society where we're. All looking at these multiple things at the same time it seems to me that it's worth not allowing the fact that there are a lot of other important very important issues occurring whether from foreign policy to the mole or investigation to the question of Cambridge analytical to like . To avoid the fact that this is actually now a legal case that could employ a president rather seriously and there are implications here not just for his behavior but for. Some of the questions are being ventilated in court you know in courtroom proceedings and filings so I totally understand our caller's frustration on this and I think that you're seeing news organizations devote a lot of copy and attention to other things I do think to be honest that for a long time this this question had been simmering beneath the surface and it turns out that in the HE EVEN IF Stormy Daniels disavows it it is something part of the. To moment we're seeing you know a reality show contestant involved in Mr Trump subprograms you're seeing a former Playboy centerfold who said she had a. A personal relationship with Trump that lasted quite some time where the she was quite taken with him and now pornographic star said she had a sexual liaison with him and there are different ways in which his behavior is implicated beyond the bedroom that is getting much closer scrutiny Well Stephen Ball that you know go ahead jump right I have a specific question for you but go ahead jump in yeah I appreciate that I mean I do think what we're discussing here this is one chapter in a long volume of. Examples of this president and his contempt frankly for the norms and the rules of democracy the allegations that we allege here go to our campaign finance laws that are intended to protect the integrity of our electoral process and of our democracy but again to this point about the attention this is the salacious details aside this is a case about these laws and the integrity of our democracy we have filed other complaints about this president in campaign finance violations for example the outside group America 1st policies which we believe is an outside group that was established by President Trump we think he helped found it and we think all of the money that they're raising 7 figure checks from corporations and otherwise violate our campaign finance laws violate soft money prohibitions that we tried to close years ago with McCain Feingold we're filing a complaint this morning against Cambridge analytic and its executives we're not supposed to have our laws prohibit foreign nationals from making decisions in our elections so there's a whole and of course the miller investigation right which a significant part of that is following the money and upholding these laws and upholding our values of everyone having an equal voice and an equal say in our democracy and this is on point I'm Anthony Brooks Stephen Spaulding I want to come back to you for just a speak sort of sticking with the legal ramifications of this Politico published an interesting piece this. Running from Josh Gerstein and Lorraine Waller and the idea was that the Trump's lawyer payment of payment by Mr Cohen to the porn star draws comparisons to the John Edwards case Edwards of course saw his reputation savaged when his affair with Rielle Hunter was revealed during the 2008 presidential campaign but what parallels might there be to the to these 2 cases in your view when there are very strong parallels what we're talking about in both cases are about in kind campaign contributions that were made in coordination or consultation with the campaign in the Edwards case this money was going to rile hunter to provide for you know apparently to provide for child care and other expenses but really again to keep that information out of the news cycle at the time here I think we have a much stronger case here we have Michael Cohen reporting is shown that he was e-mailing from his Trump Organization account we know that he says he would do anything to protect the president a clue including apparently violating these laws now in the Edwards case the Department of Justice brought that case all the way to trial and in most counts it ended in a hung jury but I think we have a much stronger case here in the legal standard when it comes to the Federal Election Commission is is there reason to believe that a violation may have occurred and if the answer is yes then they are supposed to move forward on an investigation we are under no illusions that the F.E.C. Is one of the most dysfunctional agencies in Washington D.C. But I think this is one of the strongest cases that is before it that we know about through involving Mr Trump in the Trump Organization the Department of Justice it's a knowing and willful standard but we have every indication as the reporting is showing that there that they are aware of this as well are I want to try to get one more call in before the break let's go to Debbie who's calling from Sudbury mass Debbie go ahead you're on the air. Yes Hi Anthony thanks taking my call. Listen I very much believe after hearing Stormy Daniels listening this very much is a me too situation for her from what she described Trump dangled a possible position of being on The Apprentice and maybe some other career and handsomest for her in order to get sex from her and she acquiesced and gave in even though she wasn't attracted to him and then her later caught contacts with him on her part from what she described were all about trying to see what he was actually going to do for her career and you know she gave him this is just like Harvey Weinstein except she gave in and you know I wonder this poor woman I've never felt sympathy for a porn star before but you know as Oprah recently has been saying what happened to you you know what happened to this woman that led her down this path that she had to provide sex to this man in order to try and enhance her career and this is absolutely a me too movement got it even though she denies it but Debbie thanks so much for putting that thought on the table David we have about 30 or 40 seconds left a final question to you what's next or what are you sort of sitting there watching and thinking about I mean in New York thinking about what you want to know next about this story where does it go. You know this story reveals a lot and at least it's allegations and sort of the associated stories around it it reveals a little bit you know in terms of the questions of the ways in which possible election laws need to be looked at in terms of the Trump campaign's behavior it looks at the relationship of the press and Trump if you think about some of the tabloids their favorite ism here and it would not surprise me if more it shews and allegations were to crop up I think we need to watch closely on how he deals with those allegations and how he deals with this ones through his surrogates you know lots more to come on this story no doubt David Folkenflik media correspondent for N.P.R. Thanks so much for joining us today you bet Meredith Blake staff writer at The Los Angeles Times thank you it's great to have you thank you for having me and Stephen Spaulding chief of strategy and external affairs at Common Cause Stephen thank you was a great pleasure having you as well thank you at that an appreciative listener Stay with us after the break we're going to talk about the March for our lives and students leading the national charge against gun violence where at 1804238255180423 you talk with me right back after a short break I mean at the Bronx this is on point. Support for Casey you comes from the pain clinic of Monterey Bay specializing in the treatment of varicose veins in an outpatient setting announcing their new Salinas location information at Bain clinic M.B.A. Dot com. And from Troy of foods supporting local vendors suppliers and artisans by providing Central Coast businesses with a local source for fresh natural and organic farm to table dairy and other food products more at T R O I A food stock. What is the news that 50000000 Facebook users data was bought by Cambridge analytic a mean for everyday users I've repeated my security settings I might shut down my Facebook my question the doofus work is are you too big to fail to miss using my information where is my data I'm Elsa Chang users questions for Facebook this afternoon ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from N.P.R. News. Considered this afternoon from 3 till 530 a 90.3. On the next FRESH AIR should corporations be regarded as people in the eyes of the law we talked with Adam Winkler whose book We the corporations reviews business efforts in the courts to establish corporate personhood going back 200 years he says the Citizens United decision is best seen as the latest manifestation of a long overlooked corporate rights movement join us that's fresh air Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock on 90.3 K. A Z You and dot org. Supporter on point comes from the listeners of W.B. You are Boston from college mine near peer mentor selected from Columbia rice brown and other universities use data driven technology to help high schoolers with us 80 scores through tutoring and test prep more at college buying dot com and indeed used by over 3000000 businesses for hiring where employers can post job openings with screener questions then sort review and communicate with candidates from an online dashboard learn more at Indy dot com slash higher. This is on point I'm Anthony Brooks 5 weeks after the deadly shooting in Parklane Florida the students of Marjorie Stoneham Douglas High School led a historic March for gun control Saturday students parents and survivors joined the March for our lives in Washington D.C. And across the U.S. Over 800 cities join the March as their message for lawmakers never again on gun violence you can join us on the air or online or you at the March this weekend what do you make of this national outcry is this the moment when America finally starts to take action on gun violence give us a call at 180-423-8255 that's 180423 talk you can also join us any time at on point Radio dot org or on Twitter and Facebook at on point radio let's listen to a little bit of tape from this past weekend Emma Gonzales one of the survivors of the February 14th shootings in Parklane Florida spoke at the March for a lives in Washington on Saturday and her remarks included a powerful moment of silence that was just as long as the attack on Marjorie Stoneham Douglas High School. Since the time that I came out here. It has been 6 minutes and 20 seconds the shooter has ceased shooting and will soon abandon his rifle blend in with the students as they escape and walk free for an hour before arrest fight for your lives before it's someone else's child. Gonzales said speaking on Washington Washington D.C. This past weekend and joining me now from New York is Lois speck a chief senior reported for the GAAR reporter for The Guardian covering gun policy Criminal Justice and the far right Lois Welcome back to ON POINT it's good to have you. Also joining me now from Washington is David Hogg He's a high school senior and survivor of that February 14th mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneham Douglas High School in Parklane Florida he spoke at the March in D.C. On Saturday as well and David. Welcome back to you good to have you back on point thank you I love listening to N.P.R. And I'm to be here well as I want to just start with you and get your overall response to what happened on Saturday how unprecedented how big anywhere you want to describe it what struck you about that. So I've been covering gun control and gun violence prevention ever more than 5 years now and so it was just stunning to me to see some of the same young activists and some of the same people who have been speaking out about every day violence in their communities in Chicago or Brooklyn to crowds of hundreds of people or maybe a 1000 suddenly speaking to a national audience of hundreds of thousands of people this is not a new issue for the people who are most affected by it and people have been turning out and organizing for years but what you saw is suddenly the nation really paying attention and the new degree of anger at a new degree of intensity for decades political scientists have talked about the intensity gap between the N.R.A. And gun control supporters Americans will say that they want stricter gun laws but they haven't really turned up to fight for it and on Saturday they really turned up and by the hundreds of thousands giving a real sense that that maybe this is the turning point you know talk a little more about that Lois because of course sadly over many many years and watching one dreadful of then one horrible tragic school shooting mass shooting after another there's a momentary outrage by many and then that moment purposes and business goes on as usual this that doesn't seem to be happening this time and I'm wondering what explains that in your view. Well I think there's one really important thing that happened on Saturday that people have talked about but beneath even more attention and that is you know like the sense you just said you know look at the school shootings we talk about Columbine we talk about Virginia Tech we talk about Sandy Hook There's this history of what gun violence looks like in America and it's a history of attacks on rural or suburban schools where we know that the majority of people who die in America the majority of children killed in America each year that's happening every day and it's not happening at random it's happening in very concentrated areas in neighborhoods defined by decades of racial segregation by economic under-investment and so for you know the problem that we've seen with the gun control movement in America is that white Americans really haven't shown up the bourbon Americans really haven't shown up consistently because this is not an issue that they saw as affecting them very often but despite the incredible toll of gun violence on America as a whole because it was mostly concentrated and black and brown neighborhoods the rest of America wasn't willing to show up to fight to change it and what was so striking about Saturday was that the student organizers made a choice not to have a token single activist from Chicago but to have multiple young activists of color from Brooklyn from South Los Angeles from Washington D.C. Speak through the whole entire event and that's one of the big questions going forward is will Americans in the suburbs will white Americans keep showing up keep fighting for this issue and I think that's that's the question we have to ask going forward it's a huge question I want to hear a voice from Saturday Naomi Watts or an 11 year old elementary school from Alexander for Jr delivered a really passionate speech representing African-American women who are victims of gun violence here she says I am here today to acknowledge and represent the African-American girls who stories that make the front page of every national news . Yet. Ah. Yes. I represent the African American women who are able victims of gun violence or simply statistics instead of 5 it beautiful girls. Naomi Wadler 11 years old an elementary student from Alexandria Virginia speaking on Saturday David Hogg a high school senior you survived that awful event of February 14th the mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneham Douglas High School tell me what you took away from Saturday. What I think we saw on Saturday was really the start of an amazing revelation. And what we saw was the materialization of all the online support that we've been getting and really just everybody coming together not as Democrats not as Republicans not as black and white but as Americans and that's what I really think this country needs we need to put down our partisan divide it need to come together as Americans and work to ensure the safety and security of every single American man woman and child because if we don't. How can we continue to say we're the greatest country on earth if we don't face a lot of the problems that we have here listeners were you at the March this weekend what do you make of the national response to gun violence that expressed itself so eloquently on Saturday give us a call 180-423-8255 that's 180423 talk let's go to Jeff who's calling from Des Moines Iowa Jeff you're on the air go ahead. Hi Anthony just to impress with this. Younger generation. The. I went to the State House. In. A crowd for up to 30 city during a snowstorm and there are all different ages all different. Walks of life and colors. And people from the suburbs and people from the city in the morning. People from out of town and it was just incredible I think Trump White House is totally outclassed by these kids. Plus the Trump White House is outclassed by Washington. Big Lee New York trumps are just are on the loose they're losers. Jeff thanks so much for the phone call they would I want to come back to you you suggested that you were encouraged at the response on Saturday and no doubt there was a lot of passion a lot of people participating but last week we saw a Congress pass a big funding bill that was signed into law by President Trump there was no mention of new gun measures did that discard you in any way you know it only proves what I have already known and what I think a lot of Americans have known well before me and that's that many of these politicians they do care about these kids' lives but they're what they care a whole lot more about is funding from the N.R.A. And getting reelected and I think that it's great to see some politicians taking action but what's important to realize is with many of these measures for example in Florida where we saw the age raised by a foreign publicly raised to 21 you can still purchase one privately and there aren't there isn't a universal background check in at the federal level we saw for example with the document name clarifying that they can do research but they didn't include new spending so that they can insure it through for example a categorical grant that there is spending specifically going towards something that kills almost as many people as are Kimi every year in the United States and that's gun violence and right now they're not able to fund that and that's unbelievable and unacceptable to me and I think to a lot of Americans and to the caller just called and I'd say thank you so much for coming out there and showing your support it's only through the hard work of individuals like you going to your state capitols going to the Nash. Capital and going to your local legislators and making your voice heard is their constituents constantly making sure that they don't forget and that they are constantly reminded that they're working for you down working for any lobbyist now when important thing to realize is I've been getting a lot of questions about what's next because a lot of people have been concerned about that and I want everybody to know out there that on faith on April 7th we're calling for a town hall in every progression or district you can go to the town hall project dot org and set up your own town hall event through that and if your local legislator refuses to come because for whatever reason if they refuse to come to it simply invite their opponent it's as simple as that then after that on April 20th we have another national school walk out. And after that recalling for a March on every state capitol to lobby for more gun sense laws in this country we're still we're ironing out the details of that but we soon will have a public stance and an official date for all of that and I David it sounds like the point here is that things didn't end on Saturday they're just getting started hold hold that thought going to come back to you on sort of what's next but I want to get some more callers in on this conversation let's go to Carlos who's calling from Mustang Oklahoma Carlos it's good to have you go ahead you're on the air. I have 3 and my question would be for a little Davy hog. What are you going to do whenever the 5000000 members of the N.R.A. Take up arms against your faction because what you're trying to do is confiscation of firearms and don't tell me that that's not the case you are ban on assault weapons 1st and then you go for other grounds longer and then you go for pistols it's a total travesty. But there are very there you guys are grown for total confiscation of firearms you want you want to see a fork Australia very well we're going to. Have no rights whatsoever you know Carlos you put a question on the table David hogs so let's let let's let David hog respond to your question David Carlson is concerned that your ultimate aim is to go after all the firearms of legal gun owners is that is not the case no it's not and I want to thank Carlos for making his voice heard I think it's important that at this discussion we hear all sides of this discussion that we're having as Americans because our strength is in our diversity of thought regardless of what your opinion is but I want everybody to know out there that's listening to know that we are not trying to take your weapons away because we understand and respect and support the importance of the 2nd Amendment My father owns a weapon Cameron Cascades father owns a weapon and we understand the importance of the 2nd Amendment and I can see how it can be fearful because change is scary but what we want to see in the same way that you want to ensure that you have your 2nd Amendment rights and you will we just want to have implementations where people that have a history of mental illness people with a history of criminal activity are not able to get these weapons and we're working to ensure that with these universal background checks that we're trying to implement that the safety and security of American citizens is protected through for example needing a warrant to search a lot of these databases and with we aren't trying to ban all weapons where we're just trying to ban these massive weapons that in my opinion I don't think any American needs to protect themselves you can do it with a handgun and I understand that it can be fearful for a lot of people to see this change because it is your 2nd amendment right but I think in the same way that we have limitations on the 1st people can essentially say whatever they want they can't say they can't yell fire in a crowded theater and I don't think you should be able to get a weapon if you're a person with a criminal history or mental illness not to do with our globe spec I want you to respond a little bit to what Carlos talked about because he talked about. Feelings of Farai 1000000 N.R.A. Members can you put that in perspective for us I mean what do we know about the full membership of the N.R.A. Or or or legal gun owning Americans about how they feel about strengthening gun control. So this is an issue that's obviously very tense and public opinion surveys do show that a majority of Americans even a majority a large majority of gun owners potentially the large majority of N.R.A. Members support things like background checks for every gun sale it's important to remember that N.R.A. Members they claim 5000000 members represent perhaps a little less than 10 percent of all American gun owners by the best estimates that we have so the N.R.A. Is a pretty small group even with an American gun owners but what's so striking about this whole debate is certainly that the part of the students and the movement that we saw on Saturday is pushing for a ban on assault weapons and on higher capacity magazines but as David just said and this is a consistent message they've said you know we're not interested in restricting handguns Americans have a right to own handguns we're not interested in addressing that which makes this American movement movement strikingly different from the control movement in the U.K. For example where handgun ownership civilian handgun ownership is very very low and handguns are very tightly regulated so while this movement feel strong magic in American context from a global context it's actually you know pretty pro-gun in a lot of ways interesting David talking about what comes next April 7th town hall in every congressional district you said there's going to be another set of marches April 20th. Tell me in terms of legislation that you're specifically looking for what are you pressuring for example your members of Congress to do right now yes some I'm really glad that you has that we have 5 main points the 1st one is a universal background check that we're trying to implement for Americans that have a criminal background in. History so that they're not able to get these weapons because right now the fact that you can purchase a firearm without a background check for example at gun shows were from my from the estimates that I've seen is around 40 percent of all gun purchases are at gun shows and many of them are private and don't require a background check so universal background checks we want to get funding in a categorical grant for the C.D.C. To fund research into gun violence where their funding could not be shifted away from it and they can study. Such something that caused so many lives across America every day they even started jumping and I'm going to give you sort of 10 seconds to wrap it up because we are facing the tyranny of the clock. So essentially what the other ones are is a ban on high capacity magazines an assault weapons ban and the digitalisation of A.T.F. Records OK So some big goals there lowest bracket in the sort of 15 seconds that remains do you believe that Congress might actually act on some of those in the months ahead. What really matters is what happened to the 20000 dead turned if. Pro-gun lawmakers there voted out because of the actions of the students in that March will have made a big difference if the $20000.00 activists and doesn't deliver then March for our lives will be like the 1000000 Mom March in 1909 which brought hundreds of people to Washington but didn't change a lot it was an important moment but the only thing that matters is what happened with the vote in 20 Stay tuned for that Lois back in senior reporter for The Guardian David Hogg high school senior and survivor of the shooting at Marjorie Stoneham Douglas High School in Park in Florida thank you both very much thank you for witnessing this revolution that's it for this hour and I'm Anthony Brooks this is on point. On point is a production of W Boston and N P R. Support for on point comes from the listeners of W.B. You are Boston or the program is produced and your N.P.R. Station. 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