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States and the Kurds is the president has described Washington Examiner reporter Caitlin yell it says she got an earful from White House counselor Kellyanne Conway after writing about Conway and her husband George Conway who was a fierce critic of the president while reporting called why he was being considered to replace the acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney Conway got on the phone with a reporter which. President Trump as cold George Conway her husband a whack job in a complete loser after Conway's criticism of the president on Wall Street mixed results the Dow down 28 Nasdaq up 66 I'm Mike Morse. 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Armed and extremely dangerous u.s. Marshals are looking for a dish. Allen is wanted on 1st degree battery 4 counts of terroristic acts and. Firearm from a vehicle any information given will be confidential has been posted. It's flu season and. Flu shots next month will be given at the college campus in Little Rock Tuesday Nov 5th am to 4 pm you should bring proof of health insurance but don't worry if you don't have any you can still get the vaccine for free. The 2020 census forms will be hitting mailboxes next spring and the Better Business Bureau already warning about potential scams officials say to guard your personal information from those scamming by phone e-mail or in person Census workers will never ask for your number bank account or credit card numbers and I'll never ask for you to pay or to donate. It's not even Halloween but Wal-Mart will be rolling out its online Christmas season deals it starts at 11 o'clock tonight Wal-Mart merchandising officer says that because thinks giving starts later this year on November 28th giving us a shorter Christmas shopping season. If you've been thinking about adopting a dog or a cat litter of animal villages running a special for adoptions tomorrow and Saturday it's open from 8 am to 5 pm you can check out the available dogs at Friends of the animal Village dot org I'm Rebecca Davis next news at 430 breaking news as it happens News Radio 12.9 k. Are in. Dollars it's really easy here's a national keyword it's when. The 95. To 9. 1000 Dollars message rates. Are back to firm your entry Please don't text and drive when. Your chance with a 1000 dollars 8 o 5 tomorrow morning to the Kevin Miller right here on News Radio one of 2 point. 3000000 businesses for hiring where business owners and h.r. Professionals compose job openings with screamer questions then sort review and communicate with candidates from an online dashboard learn more of the. Literal police work in an accident Asher and Mairi. From the $630.00 interchange leading up to the river bridge and 30 west around Alex. Sander if you see anything give me a call at 40108 with the Arkansas traffic network. Arkansas. Mostly cloudy tonight below 50 we will see rain for tomorrow especially during the afternoon on the cool side the high just 58 I'm back with our meteorologist John fear. 14332. What do you mean a microphone. Whiz I did it. Oh man. Producer Keith Look I got to tell your brother a lot of my listeners are music lovers so if they hear me singing to a song whether they recognize a song or not it's sheer torment for these people I just. Look I apologize I promise I'll never do that again till next time. 50143392 of course is the line to call in. Dolly Kyle is our guest she wrote the book Hillary the other woman a political memoir. Back in 2016 that's the 1st time we interviewed Dolly and it's been. 2 years since we we've had her on the show and since Hillary has been saying such cool Raese things crazy things. I said last week. When some crazy stuff Hillary said came out. On to get Dolly Caro on the show and I mentioned on the on the air and. The text to me that they said hey a buddy of mine said. Or did you mention me and I preach. That in every way I'm like Oh right right right I said because I need to get you on the show Ok what do you want to do that. So so here we are lines are jammed the 581-4332 I want to play for you what Hillary said the other day on a podcast with a guy named David Plouffe who was in the Obama administration and we'll get Dolly's thoughts on it we'll get your thoughts on it. We've broken up into 2 sections Here's the 1st part of the same is 2016 don't vote for the other guy you don't like me don't funk the other guy because the other guy's going to do x. Y. And z. Or the other guy did such terrible things I'm going to show you in these you know flashing eyes that appear and then disappear and they're on the dark web and nobody can find them but you're going to see them and you're going to see that person doing these horrible things. Ok 1st of all is Kyle. Hillary seems to be suggesting there they were flashing videos on the dark web most of us would have any idea how to get to the dark web but there are flashing videos on dark web and apparently a lot of people plan to vote for Hillary but doggone they saw the flash videos in the dark web and I guess they were reprogrammed to most vote for Donald Trump was fall for Donald Trump saw flashing video on the dark web followed by Donald Trump even though video is gone now we saw it but. I mean is that crazy I mean what on earth. On Earth. Or under the earth are no I mean are we are really limiting Hillary to on Earth or is it Ok if she takes flights of fantasy into the dark unknown maybe I know you The Middle Earth and The Lord Of The Rings you know I wonder of Gollum is. One of Gollum is maybe one of her consultants now that she's listening to kind of like a spin golly that's well she used to listen to Eleanor Roosevelt which I thought was crazy at the time but it's beginning to sound more sane than ever Let's. Get pushed to. Practice to what could be true. He would let's get. Let's get let's just like hitting a rock down. That's that's one of 2 impersonators I do them all wife is like Ok Doc that's too creepy don't do that she doesn't want to hear that you know when you're Carville and the others are fine Oh thank you but I guess you're going to do Carville now just because you can't resist. James Carville 10 years ago the oil spill he got in front of a bank of microbe microphone's demolition close to the Gulf as you can get there's no beach down just Marsh we're dying down. We've got to get got me out do something my lovely wife made it back to talk to me and it's been a Republican is that big. Thank you thanks I'll be here all week I'm really fighting for no spoken show but your drive if you'll remember your waitress show so . There were. Flashing videos in the dark web and that's why you really didn't win . I mean what can you do with that you're a psych major Well I think it's better than any of the other excuses she put in her book. It's pretty good it's really good Ok here is the the other flight of fancy from the podcast that the Hillary did the other day they're also going to surgery and I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and they're grooming her to be the 3rd party candidate she's the favorite of the Russians they have a bunch of science and. Their ways of supporting are so far and that's assuming Jill Stein will give it up which she might not just she's also a Russian right after you know Yes yes Russia has that I mean totally and so they know they can't win without a 3rd party candidate and so I don't know who is going to be but I will guarantee they'll have a vigorous 3rd party challenge in the states that they most needed notice she guaranteed that yes. So just makes you think she knows something that. Again projecting right again projecting and maybe she feels jilted by the Russians because they gave her $145000000.00 She turned over our uranium to them her husband gets $500000.00 over there for a 20 minute speech yeah and now maybe Hillary the other woman. Is jealous. Maybe a kid you know what I think you know what I think I've said this I have we talked for a couple hours here I am so the shit. She resents Tulsi Because told she reminds her of Monica. In the interest of full disclosure I did not want Dolly I was going to say this live on the radio and I'm as fine I was I was I was just thinking about it. Obviously you're talking about Monica at a younger age are you mean even now when no mom because you are not here is a good bit older now Alban she was but tall she's 38. Monica is probably I don't know 48 or whatever I don't know you know she is now that you know but I think she resents Tulsi because tall she has all the things that Hillary is not but wishes she could be. Yeah I mean Hillary. You know Hillary thinks or did think that she was the smartest woman on the planet and she deserved to be president of the United States and she put up with the horrendous behavior of her husband for all those years you know I'm sorry for using the word husband I polish all husbands out there who really are one but. She just can't give it up and it does make her sound crazy but I tell you what there's probably none of us who have as much focus as she does I mean who has been doing something for 50 years and is still at it. Yeah well it's like is like you said earlier she's still running for president absolutely all right we're going to get your calls the lines are jammed 501-4332 so if you're already on hold Don't lose your place the dock washer show continues our guest Dolly Kyle with traffic and weather together on the Sixers every 10 minutes news radio one of 2 point on air and. Take day October 26th take back dot com If you don't dispose of the unused per script of drugs in your home they could end up lost stolen or misused take back day is Saturday October 26th to find a collection site near you visit d e a Take Back dot com literal police work in an accident ask her and Mary. From the 630 interchange leading up to the river bridge and 30 west around Alexander if you see anything give me a call at 40108 with the Arkansas traffic network. Arkansas. Dot com Mostly cloudy for tonight it should stay dry we're down to 50 n.m. 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See I was going to play Marvin Gaye you got to give it up when I'm listening to all this stuff off the air and I'm like a I can't understand any of the lyrics and be dizzy ever actually say that anyway Dolly's like Why what have I done why do I have to listen to this why do I have to put up with this indignity Anyway let's grab some callers because in the waiting forever the sound good 501433 double 092 lines are jammed there are time a change callers will open a few to try to get through Keith you're going to babysit the other ones right Derek in Cabot Derek you're on News Radio one of 2.9 carry around pre-stage your patience what's up. I just had a comment about Hillary. I know it's a you know it was just somebody about sexual preference and race and all that but it is safe to say you can judge about what they choose to eat because I worked at a body back when the Clinton library was opening and it was in a position to handle the food order and Bill and Hillary ordered food you know Bill had a friendship Hillary ordered which I thought this is weird it might mean not the word anybody but she ordered a rare blood soaked hamburger. And this really caught me off guard never heard of that I mean I thought it 'd was a mistake sips it was Ok and the plate came back the plate so. Just another word out there she ate the whole thing see I thought Bill once everybody think he's a bigot but obviously no. No no no that was new that was after his heart surgery oh that was later on Ok a rare blood soaked hamburger Yes it was weird but barely It was a very good meal or so wow wow wow I don't know what that means to we'll turn to our psych major Dolly Kyle and perhaps she can elucidate it for us said Thanks so much Derek persuaded Dolly it's your ball go go ahead I hate your I hate to go there with that because it's not anything that I know about. Personally Ok I think that any of your listeners who are curious about that line of thought you can go online and find. On allegations on all kinds of stuff yeah all righty then 501433 double 0921 line open now John and cabbage on your on News Radio one to 2 point one Karen what's up Thank you Doc enjoying the show out of place to it all mostly home from war Thank you and I've been are registered Christian conservative Republican fans all the. Early seventy's and I've never seen Washington has so much trouble as so much home with bad guys having our countries endanger our Constitution our freedoms are in danger because of these Lampoon Democrats who I think are socialists and communists and CIO has daily lives as a Christian it's just terrible and I listen got the Electoral College is a good thing yeah it helps our can fall out a lot and have all of the central rules like have a say in a voice if the Democrats had their way New York and California would be the ones deciding era and try and it won if me is history that a 2 tiered justice system is terrible because I like what Chuck Grassley a Republican from Iowa say it is I'm not like and have to be taken this long and if I had been prop I'd got rid of all evil while the people that and all that that the government of Justice the f.b.i. Calls their crooked there they knew no bomb Lee is the head snake because he had God thank you and spying on Trump yacht is one of the just if God I want to seek freedom and justice prevail I want to see a risk my dental in bar or yell or Yamamoto I want to say I'm hanging on every word yes sir I have got I love freedom I love the mocker thing in were threatened right now and I love our president President Trump has done a lot of things he attempted bombing and just look. Well you know we don't know no more we don't. There's not a Democrat on the field that can be. His record too good to you know Hillary Clinton should be running she should be in prison or I would thank you she. Writes No email. Was. Her plan and Obama turned her back on there were. They little they are that you're right you're right you're right you want that traitorous. And all the crazy liberal Democrats are traitors. You know I don't expect this out you never hear our history here we it we did it to represent. These. Are go outdoors and that you know. You're right John and I'm up again. Thank you very much we have a come in from time to time common enemy ship we're going to try to get to know a bit more of your calls of 501433924 our guest Doc washer show continues traffic and weather together in the sixty's every 10 minutes Radio One of the 2 point. To slow down from the 630. 30 west from Alexandria 630 last. If you see anything give me a call at 40108 with the Arkansas traffic network. Mostly cloudy tonight below 50 we will see rain for tomorrow especially during the afternoon on the cool side the high just 58 I'm back with our meteorologist John fear. Your calls. 14330092. Newsradio 102.9. The book is Hillary's the other woman a political memoir The reason we have for the 1st time in I guess year and a half or 2 years because Hillary's out there again saying crazy stuff and everyone's well as somebody call and saying why don't y'all just leave the Clintons alone. And the answer of course is wealthy shut up I wanted absolutely I was hoping that I knew better because Hillary's been running for her whole life she's not going to quit now but at least it was a slight respite there you go 501433 double 092 lines are jammed every time a change callers will open a few trying to get through Wes in Little Rock West your news radio one of 2.9 Karen what's up. Thanks for taking my call I just heard asking about why Hillary was going after Tosi Gabbert her young ever Right yeah I was because. She refused to endorse Hillary in the last go around she did starting Seders was to see was Democrat. Not alive that but she she also resigned as vice chairman of the d.n.c. Because of the way they treated Barney Well she says a lot of good things to think she's against our trimester abortion probably Hillary way way way way way way way she did say as she says unless there are health considerations for the mother she's she's abortion all my mom's just like the rest don't let her fool you on that well I don't know I think if we're going to bring her into the mix about ailerons we should let her say what she is going to give an honest rebuttal and not try to compare to Monica Lewinsky I kind of thought that was low quiet. Really Yes sir I did I thought that was. Animosity between the 2 is pretty well documented out there to fear go make it so about it you should give total Teesside honorably and honestly and not try to say it was because she reminds her of Monica I just thought that was going to I think it was a knock against Hillary not a knock against Tulsi I thought it be a great toll c.c.r. And Hillary's. On her own right by our own standing and I don't let me paying enough I appreciate it. You want to do with well I I do agree that Hillary would have to be angry with healthy for not supporting her and for supporting Bernie and Hillary Hillary is a vengeful person she's going to sit on that for a long time and then come up with something but do you think I was disparaging I didn't know I did not think that I think maybe he misinterpreted what you said I didn't see that at all I mean there's enough bad stuff about. You know. She's a socialist she's just as radical. To point out that she went for Bernie much more . Republican Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a resolution condemning the Democratic controlled House for pursuing a closed door and Peterman inquiry that he calls illegitimate a non-binding resolution give Senate Republicans a chance to show support for President Trump Meanwhile g.o.p. Senator John Thune says we're only hearing one side of the story he's referring to impeachment testimony from the u.s. Top diplomat in Ukraine that link to delay in military aid to President desire for an investigation into a political rival. A fast moving wildfire in North Sonoma County exploded to 10000 acres today as flames raced across the dry landscape amid windy conditions in California the Kincaid fire forced as many as 2000 people to evacuate including the entire. Dot com If you don't dispose of the unused 1st broken drugs in your home they could end up lost stolen or misused d.d.a. Take back day is Saturday October 26th to find a collection site near you visit d e a Take Back dot com state police and literati police are giving the all clear on accidents but we do see some slowdowns from the 630 interchange leading up to the River Bridge 30 west from creek to Alexander 630 west from Woodrow Hughes and 430 northbound across that river bridge if you see anything give me a call at 401028 with the Arkansas traffic network I am. Not a motive. Mostly cloudy for tonight it should stay dry were down to 50 n.m. Periods or rain for tomorrow especially the afternoon just 58 Weather meteorologist John fear. Called dark now 014330092. Radio 12.9. Yes you. Dolly Carl's book is. Hillary the other woman a political memoir you know somebody pointed out but before we go back to the calls of 501-4332 somebody pointed out that Adam Schiff is just off the rails. Doing this his secret Macha nations down in the the basement. Congress pretending he's got some kind of impeachment going on when we know it isn't and what a couple of dozen Republican members of Congress went down there yesterday and ordered chick fil a for lunch and said hey we're here today we want to hear the deposition. And a show of what running away anyway our own Tom Cotton said something about it in the we'll go back to your calls. About whether Hillary is crazy or not let me see so here is a cut one Tom Cotton because Republicans are pretty united that they can record there we see in the House of Representatives I mean ship the atom show it has is day of this president's administration and of course Hillary Joe Biden all the rest are more like oh yeah you got impeached Trump. They just want to Mitt why Al Green Democratic congressman from Texas not the great r. And b. Singer from Arkansas Al Green So we got to impeach him if not he's going to be reelected I 501433. 2. Lines are jammed every time we change callers will open up for you to try to get through Matt in Redfield Euro News Radio want to point on Carolyn soberly. I don't. Think it's funny you know when you have medical professional calling and then your service man if you sort of anybody come in and when the medical. Thinking you know you're talking about. Basically human mad County which is. Mostly cannibalistic community. Well. Mentioning be careful you know desire. I mean. I don't know but. Common to the brain. Yeah. Maybe Well something will butt out and I appreciate that but see if you had uncontrollable acts of rage then at some point you would do it publicly. Right and she and her uncontrollable acts of rage are only private that is true isn't it I don't think we've seen anything I mean we have very credible accounts of acts of rage you know by Secret Service agents right and we also had we also had some of those. Some time during the 2016 campaign when. People asked her questions and she responded with anger disdain rage at the moment and then she had those people removed from the room but she didn't throw anything. I mean your distain I would say re general think there's no way if you go all the way it was disdain Oh she was looking at this young black girl who sneaked into one of her fundraisers Ok and the girl asked her a question or rather it's about Juanita Broaddrick or whatever it was about Joe and and Hillary just had a little one of her little sniff that fits and hand and the woman removed Yeah but nothing like the private sniff it you know nothing like throwing is a surreal lamp or you know hitting somebody at the side of the head with a Bible in public. Might she did the Secret Service agent in the in the limo Yeah yeah Ok 501433 double 0921 on the line open it now Christian in Bryant your news radio want to point I care and the doc washboard show our guest Dolly Kyle what's up bro. This one you're very I've got a couple of things in my mouth but listen. Every time I hear one of these news news people say nobody is above the law I was on my own. You know oh my god it's so crazy. And then woman killers and ya'll can follow the bad ones you know what happened. We're like getting too close to too many politicians what we won't bear. Well you know neither one of us was anywhere near the prison I'm I'm not sure I appreciate your call Christian God bless you we had Dolly we had video Yeah we had video of ISIS guys been released from prison right after it happened but we can't get video from Jeffrey Epstein in a New York prison thinks kind of funny doesn't it well not only that but New York is one of the. One of the rare states where the the coroner's report is not necessarily a public. Record. So they don't ever have to release it by law by state law nor Well I grew up in Hot Springs and as I mentioned in the book I never actually thought the corner did anything except take orders so the whole corner thing is not something I'm familiar with outside this area and that was before. What's his name that the guy from Egypt the guy that was a state medical examiner Oh yeah I can't remember his name and I hear you're talking about the guy who covered for a Virginia. Yeah Bill's mother why can't I say his name I I've said his name on the radio so many times does the term cognitive impairment ring a bell. No I'm sorry we're down by Hilary. Just a minute look I resemble that remark I don't know you we've been friends for a long time but I didn't think that you would stoop to something like that just because I can remember fondly my legs in a very good isn't the internet wonderful. As far as you know I saw you do that by about 1433 double 092 Jim in Whitehall Jim Euro News Radio one of 2.9 Carolyn's are. You doing thanks for taking my call. And I want to just thank you for Rob bringing this on again I really appreciate all of your knowledge and what you have say yes sir I think that we should be considered a national treasure myself Absolutely thank you. To answer the question about you know Larry is she crazy I think we all know the answer to that so I'll let that go but my next question is from it and that is when can we expect your next book. All right I have to tell you this I did not want to write this book I am a novelist I did not want to do the true story about the Clintons and I did it because I thought it was my moral and civic duty to do that I am today writing my 7th novel and I'd like to get back to that I have tried to separate myself from the Clintons in my novels but I realize thanks to the Internet there's no way I'm ever going to get separated from that So at some point very soon I'm going to do a segue from my novels my 1st 3 of which were loosely autobiographical and they do talk about Clintons loosely out of red graphically and then I did 3 more and I'm doing this one and. That's where I'm going with it I really want to spend the next few years doing that and if you want to look on my website it's Dolly Kyle dot com and contact me through there if you'd like to thanks yes yes I've contacted you before actually got my book autographed and sent back to me Tell me your name tell me you know my name is from White Oh Ok There you go thank you Jim We got to run to a brother God bless you thank you very bad. 501-4332 traffic and weather together on the 6. News Radio one of 2.9. From the 630 in. The river 30 west from creek to Alexander 630 west from Woodrow to Hughes 430 northbound across that river bridge and 67 north around Main Street in Jacksonville if you see anything give me a call at 401028 well the Arkansas traffic network I am Heidi sole Arkansas driven by crane automotive team. Mostly cloudy 50 we will see rain for tomorrow especially during the afternoon on the cool side 58 I'm back with our meteorologist John fear and now you're up to date a little rock song traffic a weather news radio 102.9. A doc Washburn here I want to help you out with something. If you specially if you have migraines or neck pain let me ask something look in the mirror or if it's a loved one has migraines and neck pain look at that loved one look at a picture of yourself look at a picture of a loved one just one eye look bigger than the other are your eyes off balance or your shoulders off balance and the answer to any of these is yes you probably need to get your atlas adjusted and get rid of my migraines neck pain let me explain it to you your skull weighs anywhere from 8 to 15 pounds Everest on the top bone of your spinal column the Atlas a c. One which only weighs 2 ounces it's really easy for that Atlas to get out of alignment if it does your whole spinal column can get kicked up like a chain restricting your central nervous systems ability to send impulses to the rest of your body it can affect your respiratory system your reproductive system your digestive system and yes it could cause migraines and neck pain do yourself a favor call my friends at the. Center 501-279-2009 extension 48 free consultation to see if you need to get your atlas adjusted or go to their website turned my power on dot com. And printer paper every way or. The 501433. 102. Do you mind if I throw in Joe Biden as long as talking about Hillary and everything I mean because we've been trying to figure out we've been trying to figure out of Hillary is crazy Dolly Kyle is our guest and the book is Hillary the other woman a political memoir. And we've brought dolly back we have to you've been on the show and you're to have 2 years something like that and spent a while because Hillary has been just saying some just buck wild crazy things here recently that have even gotten Democrats upset like Hillary Well you know. We have people run for president and you're creating discord foment in the Democrat Party forget about the Republicans you make a life difficult for Democrats running for president or you don't what do you know where you go and so you know you know me everything reminds me of a song and I go back to the immortal words of the great philosopher Roger Waters Pink Floyd.

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