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You can add in more Newsmax t.v. Is America's fastest growing cable news channel now in 70000000 homes find News Max on Directv dish x. Finity spectrum optimum fi owes you verse and more systems see News Max t.v. Today it's real news for real people. Are the showers and thunderstorms partly cloudy during the overnight hours low 72 partly sunny 8971 thanks to sun and clouds Wednesday Thursday and Friday my Wednesday 89 died Thursday and Friday 88 caused occasional sun Saturday with a couple of showers and thunderstorms I 87 partly sunny on Sunday so could be a shower or thunderstorm high 89 there meteorologist. Or great place to one. For the Democrats with an. Williams and Ryan Globish are but a judge Sanders Warren Orac Hickenlooper Delaney and Bullock Well you know they really matters in here Warren Sanders and but a judge. Everybody else is meaningless in the debate tonight and those are probably the 3 or 3. That you can say at the next debate in September will still be on the stage. The only thing that matters tonight is going to me is going to live with Warren. Pick up if I'm her campaign manager you've got to go after the person who's there is something you can control now you're going to take your shots at Biden because he can't answer right but the one thing you want to do especially knowing that Bernie Sanders will back off remember what happened at the last debate who did Bernie Sanders get owned by Aaron Well who was the 1st to quit errant Well if your name is Eric you have no chance I mean Swalwell Carly you have no chance. I have. But after seeing that. I'm her campaign manager you go after Sanders you are from big time you go after him because he claims to be the true socialist he claims to be that person who cares about the worker and look at federal Labor Relations complaint filed against him here in the past week the union problems that he had he would even pay its people $15.00 an hour when they demanded he cut their hours and he believes that middle class taxes have to be raised in order just to to give Medicare for all. I know that people would be delighted to pay them and people be delighted to pay them how long I didn't even think about making that brief that was less than 20 seconds Well yes. You can say that and counting and I had no sense that was probably 20 you can say that over and over again in 20 seconds. Over and over again you pound on Bernie he is not I don't you socialists because you don't want to use that I wouldn't I would say don't use that word because you have a wider audience beyond just the people you want to vote for you say he's not a true liberal he doesn't care about the work or even old timey hold hold union thing was just for show now whether she'd go that that hard I don't know if I would . But a judge I'm not sure would what he's going to do I just don't think I just don't think that he has the attack style that Warren Not that I think Elizabeth Warren attack style is good against anybody I'm just saying it will be good against Bernie Sanders because he'll back off or he has a reputation for backing off. And the rest don't really matter. The format tonight there will be no questions that will require a show of hands they will not do that and they will not as him as n.b.c. N.b.c. Did they will not ask for one word answers so they're not going to ask. Donald Trump racist or bigot. Yeah. Worst President Ever. Or worst president of all time. Yes exactly worst president ever were it worst president ever worst president in the last century and a half yes. I know one word answers they say that. That by doing that you don't give a chance for any nuance to a particular issue. Yeah you don't get enough time to describe your hatred truly. You can't do that in one word Hitler doesn't even cover it anymore for the left so. It is going to be interesting though because the you go after Bernie Well Ok but do you not go after Warren if you're Pete Pete if you're mayor people to judge right I just don't think he is a good textile I don't know that he has an attack style Yeah he doesn't have a yes or no I just don't I don't see it I don't know what it will be interesting to watch to see what he does still because I think he is he is though he is the one that's sitting at 5 or 6 points and said he really hasn't moved from that position didn't move a little bit but then he's back down to worries been 5 or 6 percent. It was noted that William McGurn in the Wall Street Journal in an op ed piece he said Trump's favor ability rating with blacks is 13 percent. But a judge's rating ranking among favor ability ranking among blacks 0. Elizabeth Warren can hit him big time and that. Yeah. Yeah I just you know I just don't see him he doesn't seem to mean I again he said the mayor of South Bend I wasn't around and I don't know if there's any video of how he won that aggressively or not but he doesn't seem to be one that if you get in I can't see Buddha judge winning the battle of intimidation that you almost have to win forget about the issues here so I think the issues are most important That's what I look at I'm looking at it from a political consultant I think the Trump has a command on stage we talked about this yesterday of physical command of being on stage I mention that your notice trumps posture when he walks across the stage he is standing he is standing tall his posture if you've ever watched him walk across the stage is one of authority that I own this I don't see that any other candidate that exist right now on the Democrat side not know. And there is his or of confidence Democrats might say arrogance but it doesn't matter it comes across as it is intimidating. The room right I look at I say but a judge on the stage would trump sorry. No that's that's not going to be. That won't be good warrant no Bernie Bernie would just Ok fine I mean it would so. Years ago I would have told you Biden would do his little Biden then switches the smile and the dismissive nature dismissive language that's it that's that's the only thing he would do. And. I don't know. I don't know how he would handle it now in the general. I think by. His biggest problem right now is he has to do any over the next 6 months. And. Tomorrow night we'll be right but by. The problem with Biden is is what is his energy level like I think the reason that you see him or we talked about this role in the show the reason that he's been rising the last 5 days you know has been you look at the last couple of polls he's up 181000 percent now he's back up to work he was before in that kind of a lead and and the reason is I think is because you have that's the number of Democrats that agree with Claire McCaskill they know that there's a separation between the crazy Democrats. Coined by her we're not trying to use over the top rhetoric I was coined by her that that's what Democrats are thinking there are there are a few of the regular Democrats left who they think can win a a. Who they believe can win against somebody like Donald Trump based on what they view as older Democrat values values from 20 years ago they believe that because Biden's been around he's still a part of today's culture but he's also part of that steadiness that they believe existed. With his time in the Senate and also they believe I'm telling how they believe this is not my opinion this is what they believe also they look back at the Obama administration and they view that there was debility and somebody who could win reelection and I do think that's why his numbers are there so I think imagery is the most important for him if he comes across as tired if he's stammering if he slurs. If he can't attack right back that I think will be the I don't think where he stands on the issues matters at all it is all how he comes across that you know will he will he be sharp Will he be able to attack back because I think with Biden it's simply looking at him and probably the other candidates too and they're saying who possibly would be best on stage with Trump we know it's a 5050 country who's going to be best to pull in that little bit more independence to be Trump. I don't know who can. I just I mean if I'm a Democrat right now if I'm the head of the d.n.c. I'm panicking. You see Rahm Emanuel put out a memo. Here it is from Breitbart put on a memo aimed at all the 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls urging them to go beyond Twitter in delivering a message that resonates with the American people quote There's a reason Trump gleefully tweeted that c.n.n. The race during the 1st debate too often used to come to chasing compliments on Twitter which closed the door on swing voters in Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania and Ohio he wrote in an op ed piece Monday quote if you win the nomination in a way that forecloses a path to victory in the general election we will lose your name will go down in infamy he wrote saying that he hopes the candidates could take that message to heart in the Detroit debates this week Emanuel advised the 2020 hopefuls not to repeat many of the pitfalls that took place in Miami in the 1st set of debates before party promises health care coverage to undocumented immigrants a position not even Ted Kennedy talk let's help more the more than 330000000 Americans who are a single illness away from financial ruin he wrote what he doesn't understand is Rahm Emanuel is now he's in the dustbin of Democrat history to the new Democrats he's to the right of dancey Palosi. They're not saying this and we read that McClatchy newspaper article earlier which talked about other Democrats the former mayor of Tampa who's considers himself a moderate saying you can't be talking about decriminalizing it you can't let Trump win there you can't let Trump go into doing that they're all trying to make the case that this is Trump affecting them and it's not trump has trumped one is election because he responded to where Democrats were already going he's the result of what has been happening right the Democrats not the cause of this this isn't this is what they believe. Rahm Emanuel doesn't understand people they're just trying to appease and get you know the radicals on Twitter love them no it's what they believe. It's where they want the country to go. I'm telling you things about heads of have evolved so quickly that I do believe that some of them actually believe Well no they think that this is the best message to win the country. That it has moved so fast really Erick when you think about it it has moved light years to the left in the Democrat Party in less than a year. Because we're not even 2 election we're not even to 12 months past the election last year and they have moved the the radical Left has become absolute mainstream of the Democrat Party and I don't think that the Democrats even that could win the election 4 years ago understand how far the party has gone left. That this is what they actually believe if they were to state what a manual wants them to state they'd be line. It's not that's not who they are. And I wonder how many in the party actually. Don't believe that they're that radical that think it's they're just using it to make a name for themselves you know this is how they feel this is how they think and the Rahm Emanuel's and liberals from yesteryear were responsible for this we've said we've described how it happened you have taught generations to believe that there are a victim not only are they a victim today for this reason tomorrow they're a victim for a new reason. Well then they splinter off from the other victim group and now they are in a different subgroup. Each time they do that the victims they once stood with are now the oppressors and this is happening time and time again and I bet you many of the the. Same new Democrats but that's supposedly the group for the moderate Democrats that are still out there and all we're talking about the squad the squad and the squad supporters probably look at Rahm Emanuel as now being one of the oppressors right it was part of the look he's one of those people that put Obama in there Obama never fulfilled his promises and that Obama was not the liberal that we thought of the Socialist we thought he was going to be we were jacked him they hurt our liberal cause. As we have stated the squad is oppressed by everybody including the Democrat Party establishment of the Democrat Party they're victims of everybody from their mindset. 86690 right I the condition of the nation citing crown holding fairly steady over this past week u.s.d.a. Meteorologist Brad maybe says there was no change in the good excellent percentage 54 percent of the beans still in that category we did see a one point increase in the very poor the poor rating from 12 to 13 percent Illinois Indiana and Ohio anywhere from 20 to 30 percent of the crop rated very poor the poor so a wide variance in conditions as far as comp development 7 percent blooming on July 28th 35 point increase over the last 2 weeks but behind a 5 year average of 79 percent and last year's 85 percent and u.s.d.a. Reporting soybeans setting Pods as we start this week 21 percent the average is 45 last year we were at 58 percent Gary Crawford for the u.s. Department of Agriculture Washington the u.s.d.a. Report is brought to you by Senate's Roadmaster x.l. Premium highway diesel fuel get in touch with what I radioed toll free at 836. This h.d.t.v. 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You're going to have that rule in place where they're going to be performing at certain poll numbers and 10 to 12 of them will not be it could be more actually so it could be as many as or as few as you know 65 or 6 or 7 of them left on that stage I guess we'll see it depends on if you're by after the after the Wednesday night debate this week he hasn't been making a lot of campaign stops that have been making noise that has to be on purpose he'll do a couple of t.v. Appearances but August and the 1st week of September probably will be very quiet for him. Here's your forecast rain yesterday that extended from Illinois down no most to Texas will continue to March eastward will see that line of showers range from the state of Ohio down through portions of the lower Ohio and Tennessee Valley making its way toward New York Boston and points northward in the northeast but much of the rest of the nation will be dry including the deep south California not much in the way of rainfall for the next $5.00 to $7.00 days and we do have some spotty showers in the Central Rockies and the desert southwest the National Hurricane Center keeping their eye on 2 systems hurricane Eric in the Pacific right now not a threat to land as we keep an eye on a y e in the Atlantic we are watching a disturbance that has about a 10 percent chance of becoming a hurricane if not we're still looking at heavy rain from the system for Florida by the end of the week there's your national forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout. We're learning more about the now deceased shooter at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California on his Instagram He talked about the Gilroy Garlic Festival and items there being too expensive and then he talked about a white supremacist book it's filled with massage any anti-Christian anti sematic a really racist and racebaiting filled book that he recommended to people to read correspondent Sara Sidner hacker gained access to personal information for more than 100000000 Capital One credit. At applications federal authorities in Seattle arrested a suspect in the case page 8 Thompson was charged with Computer Fraud and Abuse the 1st of 2 more Democratic presidential debates takes place tonight and tomorrow 10 hopefuls each will face off with hopes of securing the party's nomination on John. Ever the showers and thunderstorms partly cloudy during the overnight hours low 72 partly sunny high 89 are they cloudy to 71 thinks is sun and clouds Wednesday Thursday and Friday Wednesday 80 died Thursday and Friday 88 caused occasional sun Saturday with a couple of showers and thunderstorms I 87 partly sunny on Sunday so good our thunderstorm high 89 I'm Accu Weather meteorologist there is a lot of noise on the radio t.v. And the Internet how do you separate the wheat from the waste. 2.9. 0 he says from the fake news from the arrangement syndrome and stupid me great shows like 1st news with Kevin Miller Chris Plante Rush Limbaugh as Doc Washburn news traffic weather plus passion tips everything but the fashion news traffic and weather station News Radio 102.9 m. Adopt us kids presents multiple choice parenting your daughter just had her 1st. Look yourself in her shoes how could he do this to you and for sure she has. To be consoled her. 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Joy like. A Circus Circus. During the. Early History and I'm Gary. What were you worried me there are you and I know it's we just came across a couple seconds ago cnn's official Twitter page how to watch the 2nd Democratic presidential debate on c.n.n. And I'm thinking what is this instructions you click the link and it's going to say number one turn your television on number to tune it to c.n.n. . What you mean how to watch it on c.n.n. If they may even instructions do they believe liberals are stupid. That again last time it was more conservatives watching and maybe they. See they're saying that conservatives are stupid Ok we've we've asked the question early on and then we actually. Tried to answer our own question a few times when why is Elizabeth Warren doing so good and we keep hearing that the reason that she's doing so good the explanation is is that she is talking about the things that Americans care about. For example yesterday she came out with her trade plan if she's elected president she's going to renegotiate the trade plans that just to go she hated you know good. She says we will engage in international trade but only on our terms and only one of benefits America's families. She would not strike any trade deals with any country unless partner countries would meet a series of ambitious preconditions regarding human rights religious freedom labor and environmental practices among other issues she said she would renegotiate existing free trade agreements to win sure other countries. Will meet with the higher standards some of which the United States itself doesn't currently meet such as being a party to the Paris climate agreement if you aren't she would mix the trade deal with you. She also pledged to push for a new sustainable economy does it nation to give her ability to punish countries with poor labor and environmental practices. She went after President handling of trade saying he has taken a corporate friendly approach and leaned on tariffs as a long term solution. She slammed his trade wars for hurting American farmers even though to do what she would do would be would be much greater than what Trump is attempting to do when it comes to telling other countries what they must do if they wish to trade when. The only way she could get that is with tariffs correct yeah right well if you want to enforce it otherwise you just say it and keep wagging your finger at the well if you don't if you don't have a free trade agreement what do you have free trade. Manage free trade and manage free trade Right right because of all free trade agreements are our managed trade their managed trade so if you don't have a free trade agreement you have and you and you don't go to something else for example Trump said but not throwing this right out anymore but he was that if we don't if they don't pass a new NAFTA he's just going to exit the old NAFTA and go to what the rules were before the new NAFTA so you're going to rules had previously existed. But if you just say we're not going to trade with you well you have to have something there otherwise it's on managed trade so you would have to terror of the other country in order to make your point correct yes. So as you criticize the strums tariffs if you actually read what she would do if no country is going to agree to that. No. No No country is going to agree and say look our United States standards must be met by every company and every government that we do trade with Otherwise you will not do trade with you they'll say fine we're not going to trade with you. We'll trade with somebody else. Go ahead terrified. Put on put on 100 times more terrorists than Trump is putting on go ahead we'll do the same well to the same back to you. So again she's trying to one up Trump on trade just think that will have any impact do you think that Elizabeth Warren can walk in to a Ohio Shelby and I guess she in Toledo or she's going to be and was in Toledo yesterday or will be today before she heads to Detroit to do think that she can make an impact. Do you think that people would trade take her more seriously on trade or. Because what she's stating is you know we said this about the president when the president said he was wanted all these things from all the other countries and we said you're not going to get them there we said way back when that the new NAFTA will look much like the old after and it roughly is 98 percent the same you can't change it you can't go into modern Western countries and say You must live by our laws you can do that with China because because China is actually subsidizing. You know. Their industries the World Trade Center also the World Trade Center the work of the World Trade Organization also exists. For that and in order to do business there they make it so you have to give them their technology and they steal technology and they steal patents that's a whole different ballgame than dealing with other Western countries and stating that you must live want your minimum wage isn't high enough if you're minimum wages and as we're not going to do this if you don't if you don't have labor standards if you make people work overtime in how far does that go you're not going to go in and change all the rules and regulations of how a society is run in another country in order to trade with them. So what she is stating is I would go in and make conditions that would be unacceptable to countries and therefore then I would tear of the daylights out of them in order to punish them and somehow we would win can he convince some Democrats that she would be tougher on trade and other countries than Trump I don't believe she can no I don't think so. No I don't think she has the negotiating skills I don't think she has. I don't think well you know you talked about earlier about politically the aesthetics. Of the president walks in to a room his posture and everything else but and we know the trade representatives do most of the heavy lifting but you cannot deny the a statics of when the 2 leaders of the nation the nations that are to go shooting in a room together sorry that's not going to cut it and she doesn't have the negotiating skills. I don't think I don't think she has the political will frankly to go through that kind of enforcement what it would take to enforce. It impossible not impossible I'm sure we'll talk about that on future shows want to make sure I get this thinks this happened Sunday morning before the announcement came out the John Radcliffe was who Trump wanted to replace Dan Coats as director of national intelligence but he was on Fox News and he said accountability is coming for any of those individuals who may have committed crimes during the Trump Russia investigation this from The Washington Examiner With the Justice Department conducting a review of that operation represent of John Radcliffe said during a Fox News interview on Sunday that he trusts Attorney General William Barr and the Justice Department inspector general to provide answers and while Radcliffe says he does not want to prematurely accuse any specific person of a crime as Democrats have done with president he stressed that if it is clear that crimes were committed by people during the Obama administration including government officials. I think the 1st thing we need to do is make sure that we don't do what the Democrats have done. He said on Sunday morning futures they accuse Donald Trump of a crime and then they try and reverse engineer a process to justify that accusation so I'm not going to accuse any specific person of any specific crime I just want there to be a fair process to get there what I do know as a former federal prosecutor is that it does appear that there were crimes committed during the Obama administration Radcliffe a Texas Republican on the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees who was critical of Special Counsel Robert Mueller during his testimony in front of those. Committees explained this is why Barr who was tasked u.s. Attorney John Durham to leave the so-called investigation must fill in the gaps now the things that Bob Mueller said he didn't know about and his team clearly didn't look at those are the things that would be fair for Bill Barr and the Department of Justice to look at because we know that things happened in the Obama administration that have not been answered there's been no accountability for that yet while the special counsel told us that they didn't do it and if they didn't do it the only place that we can get the answers is from the Justice Department right now the American people want that their faith and trust has been shaken in our Justice Department and the only way to get that back is for there to be real accountability with a very fair process again I have supreme confidence in Bill Barres ability to deliver that and at the end of the day we're the outcome may be as long as we know that the process was fair the evaluation was fair justice will be done Look the truth always defends itself so. Well I wanted to be fair I want it to be complete. Right. And by the way I I don't I'm not going to say fair I wanted to be truthful when I wanted to be complete fairness has nothing to do with anything here I would disagree with Radcliff you want the truth and you want the complete truth well that means which includes the. Which would include fairness. If your definition of fairness is. To shine the light on every bit of it the answer's Ok yes yes. Because that's the only true way to get to just because the Democrats will cry there is nothing is fair here so you're not going for fairness for Democrats or Republicans. It's not to be fair to both it's to get the truth as to what happened. In the run up to the 2016 election what happened afterwards right that's that's what I that's what I want to know and I don't want to I don't want the government to be telling me that's not in my purview. Right I don't want the government saying Well that happened before I was appointed I don't want to do but answers like that I want the answers right the truth the truth backed up with the evidence that goes with it right. It's not hard. This is a tough This isn't tough to figure out as I did some basic law enforcement Yes thank you basic one for a cyclone for how we get back to law enforcement. At the Department of Justice 6690 right I Freightliner team run smart pro Henry Albert has achieved some very impressive fuel mileage numbers and re shares the specs on his truck and his trailer starting with what's under the hood a minute 2800 Cascadia aero AK It's powered by the integrated drive train Detroit series 60 d.d. $15400.00 horsepower $1750.00 foot pounds of torque at $975.00 r.p.m. And that's fed into the Detroit d.p. 12 direct drive transmission with a final axle ratio of $2.00 with the active loop management riding on Mitchell and x one tires oiling up fully aerodynamic trailer the trailer is equipped with a nose cone it's also equipped with a full length skirts from Fleet engineers to go completely over the landing gear completely over the trailer tandem all the way the rear bumper rain gutter has been played it over and it running a stem coat Trailer Tail my main run which is from Charlotte to Laredo and I'm usually 60 to 65000 pounds I was averaging over 10 model again and it was up to 10 point one to learn more about Henry's fuel mileage achievements go to team run Smart dot com This report is a service of shell Rotella coming up with the remark tomorrow and every car it's alright i Radio. 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N try to radio he's are coming I'm very mad oh yes we'll talk about the debate and plus we never got to it today but I want to bring it up the Associated Press fact check on the 2 $1020.00 Democratic candidates Clinton Bernie Sanders Medicare for all had a press coming on saying it's a stunt certain that Medicare for all reduce health care costs it all depends what they decide to pay the doctors and the hospitals and it also Yeah it does determine by what kind of care they give you if you say no co-pays and everything is open to everybody in the high tech stays it's going to be much more expensive especially with the monopoly running the pain part of the service well their website you moving parts to try and determine the cost of that program right along the way because and then you get into the regulation costs that would come along with the implementation of his plan but those are freshly honest to see a fact check like this and they fact check a few other things especially on immigration to where they pound the die. McGrath's same Trump administration did start that right Obama did so we'll get to that and a review of the debate which hopefully will be an interesting show hoping it will be. Interesting. Radio was a good one. Schneider is hiring more truck drivers and 2019 with recent pay increases are put in a brazen sign on bonus that is certain to find Schneider jobs that Schneider jobs Doug Eric early hear from my friends that unit and c.b. Radios we all know that safety comes 1st but no matter how careful you try to be on the road sometimes trouble comes looking for you always be prepared with unit and c.b. Radios it's the name professional drivers have turned to for 55 years visit your nearest travel center today or go to unit in dot com Check out the Bear Cat line of products wireless mikes and more that's unit in dot com unit in the name and c.b. 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Right in your cab with Dish portable satellite antenna as it's easier than ever check it out destroy my truck dot com and get all the t.v. You love to watch at home right in the comfort of your cab with coast to coast service this is perfect for fleets to go to destroy my truck dot com or call 833 truck t.v. That's 833-878-2588 restrictions apply a little snooze traffic and weather station Radio 102.9 k. a R. And f.m. Stereo and a little rock. Station. Festival shooter data hack I'm John trout we're learning more about the now deceased shooter at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California on his Instagram He talked about the Gilroy Garlic Festival and items there being too expensive and then he talked about a white supremacist book and it's filled with massage any anti Christian anti fanatic a really racist and race baiting felt that he recommended people to rein correspondent Sarah Seidler hacker gained access to personal information from more than 100000000 Capital One credit app. Occasions federal authorities there in Seattle arrested a suspect in the case page 8 Thompson was charged with Computer Fraud and Abuse the Justice Department says the compromised data includes 140000 souls will Security numbers 1000000 Canadian social insurance numbers and 80000 bank account numbers in addition to an undisclosed number of people's names addresses credit scores credit limits balances and other information as Bill Michaels in light of Russian election interference protecting the voting process is now under debate in the Senate Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is upset there is something I need to address and what he wants to address is the recent media criticism over his decision as majority leader not to bring election security bills to the floor for debate was called unpatriotic un-American and essentially treason those couple of Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer said How about debating something so here's an easy way for a leader McConnell to silence the critics who accuse him of blocking elections security stop blocking a McConnell says debate is one thing false accusations quite another Welcome to modern day McCarthy of. Washington yesterday on Wall Street the down rose 29 points I'm John and. It is a horrible scenario but it happens Dennis writes about his wife she was diagnosed with leukemia in fact she's a 2 time survivor and in the midst of all that they ran up over a $1000000.00 in medical bills thankfully their Medicare members and Dennis says they are so thankful for that how others came together to meet their needs and that's how so many Medicare members feel this is not health insurance it's different you don't have to pay for things you don't believe in and like Dennis found out it just have you heard what President Trump said recently news about you like Newsmax I like it too I like it too now you can watch Newsmax t.v. And get the truth about Trump from Bill O'Reilly. Mike Reagan Alan Dershowitz Pat Buchanan and more Newsmax t.v. Is America's fastest growing cable news channel now in 70000000 homes find Newsmax on direct t.v. Dish x. Finity spectrum optimum fi o.c. U. Verse and more systems see News Max t.v. Today it's real news for real people. It's 71 degrees heading for a high of 89 and by those 3 I'm bracing for Radio one and 2 a President Trump commuted Ted cells sentenced yesterday cell was convicted in 2016 of paying bribes to deputy director of Department of Human Services to benefit cells companies in North Arkansas he was convicted of 2 counts of wire fraud and single count each of interstate travel aiding bribery and bribery involving federal program funds and a release from the White House says Saul was a pillar of his community before prosecution an armed man walked into the sonic on Geir Springs at closing time yesterday morning 16 reports the suspect walked inside and pointed a handgun at a worker he ordered the staff to get into the freezer and then took off with $700.00. A teen boy shot in the knee near Mabel Vale skate or old that happened Saturday night police say officers were working in event off duty several fights broke out move from the skating rink near Bella Vista apartments and someone pulled out a gun and started shooting officers found the 16 year old victim being carried by his friends there's a video online of an altercation involving an officer police are investigating internally. Gas prices are down slightly the national average dipped to about $2.73 a gallon in Arkansas' average right now is about $2.35 a gallon industry analyst Trilby Lundberg says it's most likely because of crude oil prices pseudo oil is always about half and sometimes much more than House or the retail price of gasoline in this period as it did decline substantially and a great deal of that is passed through right away into the gasoline market daily sport fish limits in length limits for all species of fish have been removed on Lake Monticello as part of an emergency proclamation next news at 530 I'm Chris saying Ground breaking news is it happens News Radio 102.9 k r and not attorney spokesperson you know what associates a law firm a principal often used in Texas is responsible for the content of the same intentional act of all retired military if you were diagnosed with tonight is or hearing loss after using yellow and black or yellow in Olive dual and earplugs you may be entitled to significant cash compensation these earplugs permitted damaging sounds to enter the ear canal if you served in the military and were later diagnosed with hearing loss or tonight as call 806144232 right now if you call I it's Jamie progresses employee of the month 2 months in a row if you don't message it hi Jamie get me to me I just had a new idea for our song about the name your price tool so when it's like tell us what you want to share and trombone goes by watching you say well be fun garbage options to fit your budget then we just all do finger snap while choir goes people come in act famous coming back out yes no maybe Anyways here practice a night I got new lyrics with a rapper a. The insurance company in affiliates present coverage limited by state law Hi welcome to the subway ad for 299 subs I would like it I'll take drill sargeant please you got it all right now listen to everyone did something give me a 6 inch meatball they were never a combo like Black Forest ham on your bread with any longer just tuning out each. My good luck to long after just letting restaurants additional charge for ectoplasmic the tax no additional Just daughter coupons maybe a black children more than $100000000.00 customers potentially in. The 2nd round of Democratic presidential debate for tonight. The president signed into law the extension of the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund He also what he did in the spirit I was down. Here I'm Steve casting. Now.

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