Cancer this information was hidden from the public as proprietary trade secret since 981 and month Santo may have failed to warn of the potential risk of cancer if your loved one has been diagnosed with cancer after being exposed to round up or other weight killers you may be entitled to significant compensation call us now at 803086592 our network of attorneys are ready to fight for you you'll pay nothing unless there's a recovery in your favor call now for a free consultation at 803086592 you must protect your legal rights call 803086592 again 80308659. 300 sort of the same thing otherwise partly to mostly cloudy 71 give it a mostly cloudy tomorrow or thunderstorm by 91 the shower thunderstorm in the area tomorrow Dialo is 69 Thursday mostly cloudy and humid a cup of the showers on a thunderstorm I eat I next are clouds and sunshine Friday and Saturday high each day close to 90 for Sunday intervals the clouds the sun kept the thunderstorms around the afternoon I 91 weather meteorologist Bob Barr's have you liked the News Radio 102.9 k r n Facebook page here's what you get news updates from the k r n newsroom opinion pieces from the best sources and occasional means that will have I want to get into this Emmett Solomon this judge in Washington d.c. Who clearly does not understand the Constitution subpoenas the Amal humans clause and the rest and unfortunately for the president this is the judge who's rolling on these cases. And he's been around a long time this judge and sometimes he's right sometimes he's wrong but he's really wrong now and you really should be taking on these cases because he knows as I do they do like this president. And his rulings are capricious. And I'll get to that in a minute but. Lunch Bucket Joe Man of the working people man of the unions this is always been a phony depiction or characterization of Joe Biden itself perpetuated through his own media and marketing. Activities over a half a century. And the Washington Compost and most of the media really don't want Joe Biden as the nominee I very much do. Because they are looking for their next Barack Obama out there. Once the poor Senator middle class Joe Biden has read millions and income since leaving the vice president. The Georgian style home from a front from the front a brick version of the White House once belonged Alexander the former secretary of state. Nestled on a wooden lot in McLean the nearly $12000.00 square foot residence has 5 bedrooms 10 bathrooms and no way to. Just reduce her 5 bedrooms 10 bathrooms. How many bathrooms to any with all not have as many as you want I'm not saying the government should do anything. While you know I would Joe there's a lot of crap maybe that's 10 bathrooms marble fireplace is a gym in a sauna. Surrounded by Washington a lead in sitting high above the Potomac River there is an undeniable grand juror in the design of this home said the British accent agent in a video released when I want to market in 2015. I just wish the Washington Post were chased down the Obama's and see what they're up to lately I mean they live in a high or what post wash White House and the right time from the Obama's. This property makes an imposing statement with parking for over 20 cars and creates the perfect setting for the most lavish of events this may have already been the residence for a very important person he continued but I suspect will be home to many more now let me just stop here. This is the difference between a Donald Trump and a Joe Biden Donald Trump has gone into the presidency a multi billionaire who's not making any money off of his office. Joe Biden went into office with nothing and now is a multimillionaire. And yet they want all of Trump's records because he was successful before I became president and nobody cares about Joe Biden's records. Nobody cares about the Obama's records and which is worse being enormously successful in the private sector and then becoming president or having nothing and then leaving the presidency of the vice presidency and all of a sudden becoming worth a fortune like Al Gore 150000000 that Clinton's collecting a quarter of a 1000000000. That's where the cronyism in the crookedness is not trump coming into office these people leaving office and becoming incredibly rich not because they're smart most of them are stupid not be further because they're experienced in anything other than talking and and raising our taxes and and raising the debt these are payoffs after the fact. It is currently it is currently home to Joe Biden he and his wife Joe rented it after leaving the vice presidential quarters at the Naval Observatory in 2017 the house had been purchased for 4250000 in June 2016 by Mark in a wealthy venture capitalist who lives next door. I didn't points out on the presidential campaign trail that he was often the poorest member of the u.s. Senate and for at least a decade has referred to himself as middle class Joe No no it's no class Joe now middle class Joe. But since leaving office he's enjoyed an explosion of wealth making millions of dollars largely from book deals and speaking fees for as much as $200000.00 per speech public document 1st of all who the hell would listen to this guy a $200000.00 peach he can't even speak in complete sentences. Is Biden traveled the country for announcing his presidential campaign this spring his sponsors provided v.i.p. Hotel suites town cars and professional drivers chartered flights and travel expense reimbursements that for some of his appearance reached at least 10000 dollars per event according to contracts obtained by The Washington Post through public records requests the Post found only $65.00 instances in which Biden gave a speech or appearance at a book event at least 10 instances he did not take a fee although in some of those cases he was reimbursed for travel expenses well that's Ok I'm sure that the New York. Times The New York Post reporters flying around they don't pay out of their own pockets I'm just guessing. By his campaign said he has given less than 50 paid speeches but it declined to pay be more specific about how many delivered or how much he earned in total Let's say he got 150008 speech he gives 50 speeches he's paid for 40 of them multimillions. Now they declined to comment on the record for this report Bynes campaigned it appears to have taken care of void the backlash that haunted Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic primary she faced questions about her private speeches the Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street interests he appears to have limited this appearance to less politically sensitive venues public documents show . Since leaving the Vice President Biden is running the McLean home and purchased a $2704800.00 square foot vacation house near the water with Beach Delaware to go along with this primary residence the nearly $7000.00 square foot like Side home he built more than 2 decades ago Wilmington Delaware finds accelerated income in the lifestyle this finance has placed the former vice president in a much more rarefied world than one he formally occupied although many politicians are wealthy by business circumstances run the risk of coming against the core message of a campaign that unique among presidential candidates he can connect with and represent the middle class are let's just stop there. Let's just stop there. That a uniquely can connect with the middle class. Ladies and gentleman. Connecting with the middle class what does that mean. For the Washington Post it means more government. Redistribution of wealth free college wiping out student loans. Connecting with the middle class. Never really connected with the middle class this has always been a myth what is he done exactly in half a century. Some details about new circumstances remain on no Biden's campaign said the former vice president is paying substantial monthly rent for the McLean home but would not disclose additional information about the financial arrangement interesting isn't it trump we got I was tax returns as finances in the bank I got back out of that is now demanding the same of any Democrat running for president and she demanding the same of Joe Biden. Been released his tax returns in the past but has not done so since 2016 as last year's vice president has vowed to release the current ones as part of his campaign a financial disclosure required a presidential candidates would have provided the 1st window into the financial boost he's received since leaving the vice presidency the deadline for that document was set for last month but Biden filed for an extension until July 9. And it goes on. He asks for all kinds of stuff as a condition of giving a speech. All kinds of stuff. And I don't think it matters much he likes raspberry sorbet Mr Producer. In his dressing room when he gives a speech it's to be stocked with bottled water coke 0 regular Coca-Cola orange Gatorade and black coffee he did a full length mirror 6 straight backed chairs and one portable steamer. Some contracts included at least $10000.00 for travel which was the cream of the university Utah. Other contracts like the one with the University of Buffalo included a stipulation for a professional driver for Biden and each of his companions. And initially provided a discounted rate of 100002 the university Utah but he later waive the fee the university financed during his parents. And he flew commercial and as he traveled to the very speaking engagements Biden had some specific requests going to several riders to his speech you know. You want to know the truth about this. I get invitations to give speeches all the time and I'm offered a lot of money and I only give speeches and I don't give a lot of them. To groups I care about and for causes I care about I don't do any corporate speeches early on I did a few and then I said What am I doing. I stopped altogether. So I don't know the last time I've been paid for a speech I know I'm in these different books now but I don't take money for speeches. Can you remember any time rich maybe once like 10 years ago or twice I don't remember but I said you know what this buy me I'm not going to do it and I could have made a mint a lot of people in this business do that. I do require people pay for my travel I don't want to pay out of my pocket to give a you know across country and to give a speech or something of that sort that's true I do I do that but I don't take any honorarium they call it any money whatsoever for giving a speech or making a parents but I have to say some of the things the vice president is asking for are outrageous and some are not I mean he needs protection I can see the vice president insisting on flying 1st class I mean I'm just being honest with you. I can see him asking for Town Cars I mean he's not asking for a Rolls Royce or anything like that a Town Car big car he wants a big cars so you can sit with his wife and probably an advisor to I guess I'm just guessing in the kind of drinks he likes and so forth. But why would you pay 150 or 200002 speak. Honestly I pay him that much to shut the hell up I'll be right back. When he was Radio 102.9 k r and is Mark love and the choice of a lawyer is an important decision it should not be based solely on advertising sponsored by case legal media attention this is an important message for anyone that has been diagnosed with cancer after being exposed to round up or other weight killers the internal Agency for Research on Cancer warns that over exposure to round up and other we killers may increase the risk of developing a non Hutchens lymphoma month said Joe The manufacturer of around may have known that Roundup and other weed killers were likely linked to organ damage and cancer this information was hidden from the public as proprietary trade secrets since 1981 and months until May have failed to warn of the potential risk of cancer if your loved one has been diagnosed with cancer after being exposed to round up or other weight killers you may be entitled to significant compensation call this now at 803086592 our network of attorneys are ready to fight for you you'll pay nothing unless there's a recovery in your favor call now for a free consultation at 803086592 you must protect your legal rights call 803086592 again 803086592 prescription price require an online physician consultation are only available at the position determines prescriptions appropriate See website for full details you guys can use the outrageously expensive little blue pill is now generic which means you can get the prescription medication to treat an affordable prices and hands makes it extra affordable right now get your 1st month's supply for free all you pay is just $5.00 for your medical consultation when you go to for him dot com slash redeem after that it's just 30 bucks for a month's supply sure beats paying big bucks for just one blue pill doesn't it plus you will need an awkward person doctor's appointment to get the prescription hence has doctors on line who can prescribe the medication and a pharmacy sends it right to your door it's affordable private and credibly easy nobody likes dealing with now thanks to him Nobody has to and that's. 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And when you listen to Ms Carol it's not clear what took place exactly. The media are desperate to believe and desperate to. Speak certain words what's apparently she won't speak. So here we go again she's not sure which year. That whatever it is occurred. I believe it was whether it's $95.00 or $96.00 or $97.00 or $98.00 and. They all seem to want to. Show Anderson Cooper show it's amazing thing. Stormy Daniels Anderson Cooper. Carol Anderson Cooper. The head of the New York Times editorial decision making on the news page he said you know we haven't covered this enough because the left is very angry that the New York Times hasn't done enough. It's another case where there's absolutely no evidence of anything none whatsoever. No corroborating witnesses or at least nobody has come forth or at least the media haven't sought any Nothing of that sort I don't know anything about the lady I don't know anything about her background. And neither did the media. But it doesn't matter. And so here we go again he says he never met the woman never anything about her I don't know how much more you can deny something I never met the woman don't know anything about her. 25 years ago. I mean Juanita Broaddrick had lots of specifics. Chief and had a friend who she confided in after she was right by Bill Clinton. And so she had a very strong case in the media really held off they covered it up pretty long as they could. As long as they could but they couldn't cover it up forever. George Stephanopoulos might remember that now with a.b.c. News of course. Hillary Clinton I remember that now the leader of the women's rights movement. All the Democrat women who supported claim they may recall that but probably not. So here's Carol with a book coming out I believe it's July 2nd with a book coming out July 2nd now. The women in my life if somebody had done this to them whatever this is and it's not clear to me what she's accusing the president of . They wouldn't waited for a book 25 years later I can just tell you that. It's all raises questions. None of us were there assuming there was a there there the media throw this in front of our face and then we're not allowed to talk about it in less we agree that her allegation is accurate but if you ask rational questions it's said that we must support this kind of behavior we get this all the time with those of us who actually think with our heads we get this nonsense all the time. She's presenting herself she's going to make money on a book. In which this is dropped into her book she's funny book promo tour I'm sure publishers paying for that once are out there funny Ok she's here so now she's a public figure where asking questions. But something happened last night on c.n.n. Which really is troubling to me which really is pretty damn outrageous. Especially from somebody who who. Alleges that she was what is she alleging rich she was molested somehow but if she were alleging rape because people are asking specific questions related to I mean I don't want to ask the types of questions I'm hearing on the air because. I have no idea if this is accurate none whatsoever neither does anybody else in that the media run with this. The near term since it hasn't covered fully enough haven't covered what fully enough it's apparently in a book. So here it goes cut 14 go you don't feel like a victim I was not thrown on to ground and ravish what you were raised to carry so many sexual connotation this was not this was not sexual just her just just you know I think most people think of rape as a I mean it is a violent assault it is not I think most people think of rape as being sexy. Think of the fantasies. About a cent I would think of rape as being sexy they think of the fantasies. Are you kidding me go ahead. This has to be the weirdest 30 seconds in broadcasting history in broadcasting history. Rape is being sexy people think and they and they think of a fantasies and you're fascinating to talk to I mean this is really strange stuff I'll be right back. When Democrats talk about Medicare for all they're not talking about Medicare at all they are talking about a nationalized health care system with a very deceptive name Likewise when you hear the term binding arbitration for drug pricing it's not what it sounds like binding arbitration is a cost focused not care focus system where an unelected government entity will decide if a drug is too expensive for America's seniors who rely on Medicare the effect will be permanent and binding price controls following the your p. And socialist health care models that deny patients the latest and best treatments imagine the nightmare of having an unelected government entity bar your sick child or parent from the drug that would save them because it was deemed too expensive Fortunately Americans have access to the most innovative drugs but have dumb ideas like government set price controls are imposed we won't binding arbitration is the same bad idea under another name get the facts go to true health care Facts dot com That's true health care Facts dot com. As the House votes tonight on the bill to address the migrant crisis acting Customs and Border Protection Chief John Sanders is resigning correspondent Evan Perez reports there's been a lot of turnover having McLean and left to fill the role of the head of the Homeland Security Department and Sanders has been a has been the acting commissioner and now he is now stepping down we don't know exactly what was behind this whether this is something he was fighting along President Trump has threatened Iran with obliteration and acting defense secretary Mark as. Her says the administration prefers another route United States is not going to go alone rather we want to get into the diplomatic. Discussions with them will be and has been beginning already is to work with us we. Gauge went on this we all need to work together to get Iran on a diplomatic on Wall Street the Dow closed down 179 points I mean it's. Sort of the sea being otherwise partly to mostly cloudy 71 give it a mostly cloudy tomorrow thunderstorm by 91 the shower thunderstorms the area tomorrow Dialo is 69 Thursday mostly cloudy and humid a couple of showers a thunderstorm I eat a diet next year clouds and sunshine Friday and Saturday high each day close to 90 for Sunday intervals the clouds the sun kept the thunderstorms around in the afternoon I 91 and he weather meteorologist Bob Barr's he was a radio 102.9 k r m is. I have a sneaking. I feel. One of the interesting characters in the literature because obviously some of. You can see that in the literature because somebody who's trying to be limited by his own. Tragic character. Weeknights at 9 following Mark Levin Newsradio 102.9. Only available at the position determine the prescription is appropriate See website for full details. 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This is Dave I'm glad you to join me at 1 o'clock every Saturday for causes and community connection that's right causes and Community Connections is a community service to. Foundation. And chance to connect the members of the community to worthy causes to make a difference causes and community connection Saturdays at one on Newsradio 102.9 They are. Finding great candidates to hire can be like well trying to find a needle in a haystack sure you can post your job to some job board but then all you can do is hope the right person comes along which is why you should try for free at zipper cruder dot com slash work. Doesn't depend on candidates finding you it funds them for you it's powerful technology identifies people with the right experience and actively invites them to apply to your job so other companies like a liberal if the code. Morning at No. Point. In just a minute or so I really have to read something to you. That kind of underscores everything I've been signing member this easy Jean Carroll c.n.n. And on c.n.n. Been all over t.v. New York Times says it needs to cover her more thoroughly that it didn't do a good enough job. And allegation 25 years ago we're not sure she's not sure what year it is she's not sure exactly what took place. President says I don't even know who this woman is I'm unaware of any corroborating witnesses at the time whether she told anybody and then she cracks that weird statement about rape almost almost giddy in her in her in her appearance in front of Anderson Cooper and rather than really dig in as a reporter he immediately goes to a commercial truly. One of the weirdest things I've ever heard on television or seen truly but stick with me I want to read something to you in a moment 2020 will be the most important election in our lifetimes big issues are on the ballot the border the 2nd Amendment late term abortion freedom of speech and conscience most expensive of them all health care because the liberals are pushing for a plan they call Medicare fraud and we know that's fraudulent because they want to take a program seniors have paid into all their lives and open it to all comers even the children of illegals. It should be called Medicare for none because seniors will be forced to get in line with people who've paid nothing into the program it's wrong it's unfair and it will destroy the world's greatest engine of healthcare innovation. Where's the a.a.r.p. On all this why aren't they lobbying hard to stop their raiding the raiding of your Medicare while we know why they're in the tank it's the same r.p. That backed Obamacare and that's why I'm urging all of you to join a mac now because unlike the r.p. a Mac will fight hard against this this so called Medicare for All which is Medicare for none become a member of a mac us like I am it's am a see us the stakes have never been higher he with an organization that will back you they have tremendous discounts tremendous benefits a mac to us that's a m a c dot us joined today check them out check out their website. I mean they have they have great as I say discounts and benefits but also they're in your corner. This is what I wanted to tell you folks. You just heard the coverage let's play it again very quickly let's turn to. To the cut of of what is her name Mr Producer. Carol on Anderson Cooper's show go ahead you don't feel like a victim I was not thrown around a radish which were rated carry so many sexual connotations this was not this was not sexual. You know I think most people think of rape I mean it is a violent assault it is not I think most people think of rape. Yeah yeah yeah gotcha mumbles. You know. When I decided on freedom of the press. To dig in the stuff like this. This chapter took a long time an enormous amount of research quite frankly. When this chapter called collusion abuse of power and character. One vies me to remove it what does it have to do with the press has said it has everything to do the press. Tawdry I said it's not my fault. And again those of you who have the book. On freedom of the press you're informed about this this very important when you listen to something like this the current news give a context that other people do not. And here's what I say on page 211 for the rest of you. Whatever Don President may or may not have done in his personal life before becoming president which has been of intense interest to the Democratic Party press . There is not been any credible glimmer of moral in probity or faithlessness during his service in the Oval Office and I question the accuracy of this allegation too by the way I absolutely do. But not so as several of his more recent predecessors John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson Thompson among them which was ignored by the mass media so you see the media. Very very. Desirous of promoting this lady's book and her allegation. Very very desirous of it doesn't have any independent factual information doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. President Kennedy had scores of extramarital flings and affairs both before and while he was president with actresses secretaries married women friends of mobsters girlfriend eccentric perhaps 2 of the most concerning such instances involved an alleged East German spine in 1000 year old intern. Talk about this. Professor Larry saboteur you've seen him on t.v. He wrote in July 1963 f.b.i. Director j. Edgar Hoover informed Bobby Kennedy that he knew about the president's past relationship with an alleged East German spy named Ellen Romesh. The wife of an army officer had been assigned to the West German Embassy Row much supplemented during combat turning tricks for Washington's best and brightest can imagine. Her pimp was a high profile Senate aide named Bobby Baker who had close ties to Lyndon Johnson. In late August 1963 Rome to she was flown back to Germany on a u.s. Air Force transport plane at the behest of the State Department. Coded author Seymour Hersch She was accompanied by Laverne Duffy one of Bobby Kennedy's colleagues from his days on the McClellan committee records related to Rome deportation of either vanished or never created in the 1st place. Then there was Kennedy's seduction of a young intern who had just arrived at the White House. Saboteur wrote that the well supported story of Mimi Alford the 19 year old White House intern at the time of her involvement with Kennedy is impossible to overlook. Initiated in the j.f.k. Sexual world just 4 days into her internship Alford lost her virginity to Kennedy as he conducted what can only be called a deeply inappropriate affair with a young charge. It even included a Kennedy directed episode I can read the signs can write it but can read it. This behavior barely hidden from others within the White House and involving government resources to shuttle out for the 1000 olding turn to and from the traveling president has caused some to question Kennedy's basic fitness for the highest office many have tried to reconcile his high minded skill public persona with his sleazy reckless private self it is simply impossible to match up the 2 sides rationally right sabotage and it is certainly inadequate to say that the rules of his time are sometimes empty marriage permitted or justified these escapades. Any private citizen with modest responsibilities would be condemned for them and as president a risk his White House tenure the welfare of his party his policy goals and everyone he supposedly held dear and none the less ladies and gentlemen. Even after all these decades. All these decades. This is not talked about state we've never seen anybody like Donald Trump before never. Lyndon Johnson I right was no better. Dallek another author. Writes that although Johnson had a referential regard for the presidency. He didn't see his personal crudeness is demeaning the office. Vice presidential years to remain an exhibitionist and a philanderer who didn't mind flaunting his conquests. When a woman reporter at a private session with several journalists estimate tough question he reached down and pulled his crotch and said Well I don't know. He was scratching. It was. During his vice presidency the press called his Senate office the Nucky room. He wanted beautiful women working for him and viewed them as fair game Ladybird shut her eyes and ears to some of this behavior what she didn't know or acknowledge preserve her from painful offenses. Freedom of the press has I corral the scholarship. In the era of Trump and so now we have Carol who has a book coming out. Based on something she alleges $25.00 or 26 years ago she's not sure what year it took place not exactly 100 percent sure what took place. I'm still waiting for a corroborating witness or somebody she spoke to after the fact contemporaneously perhaps. She may have taken anything there's nothing in the New York Times says well we haven't covered this as aggressively or as appropriately as we should have the same New York Times ladies and gentlemen who head most of Kennedy's have affairs and Johnson. The same New York Times that was a mouthpiece. A mouthpiece. Through. Through during write about and explain in the book too I think the reason this book on freedom of the press is so powerful of my audience is because you can link it to all these every day current events and other events that are taking place now. And you can unravel what's taking place you can see what the media have done and are doing whether it's climate change whether it's Russia collusion whether it's power whether it's character. Whether it's propaganda as news whether it's pseudo advances news whether it's the bias the social activism the progressivism the the attachment to the Democrat Party it's all undressed in this book all of it. All of it and yet the media pretend it doesn't exist tell me something and I'm not pushing this I don't want to do it just tell me something why do you think. This accuser is all over the media the New York Times thanks to treat coverage more. And yet I have a number one New York Times bestseller that is selling more books than any other nonfiction book now that won't go on forever. And they pretend it doesn't exist. The coverage itself what they celebrate what they denounce what the old man or censored or ignore tells you all you need to know it tells you all you need to know I am challenging today behind this microphone. The top editors of The New York Times to reach chapter 6 of my book and explain themselves. And explain themselves don't tell me you've already explained yourself about the Holocaust I address that nonsense. And you barely address what you did with Stalin and the genocide against the Ukrainians. I dare. All the media reporters put me aside the media reporters to go to chapter 6 of my book and report on it I dare them I don't care the cable channel the cable show the network whatever it is. I dare them to call at the New York Times and demand some answers or at least Amanda response they're not going to do it. I call on Chuck Todd and Jake Tapper to do exactly that. Have some self-respect. Some professional accountability in your business some standards but they won't do it. And it wasn't written for them. Because I don't believe they're capable of reform and I don't believe they're capable of circumspection quite frankly. It's like this guy Carl Cameron. Another member of the modern mass me thinks what you want to do is jump in with both feet on Trump's throat that's what they view as journalism that's not journalism. It's not journalism today it wasn't journalism yesterday and I won't be journalism tomorrow and then they wonder why their ratings stink they wonder why they can't sell subscriptions to the newspapers and magazines it's not just the change in technology that's a piece of it it's the content it's the content of people believed in what you were doing if they believe in the accuracy at least if they believe in your attempt at accuracy and objectivity you'd have a bigger audience you'd have a bigger subscription base you would be rightly accused of being what you are but you won't and you don't so now I've put this allegation in some perspective haven't I. Anderson Cooper is incapable of it he's an idiot lug. I'll be right back. 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This is just the latest we've had a cycle of these over the 2 plus years that he's been president states we've had a cycle of these we've had a cycle of the he's mentally ill we've had a cycle of it. It goes on and on and on it's incredible and we know almost nothing about the vast majority of candidates who are going to be debating the next couple of days on n.b.c. We know almost nothing about them seriously. What do we know about Cory Booker's background. What do we know about bankers What do we really know about Kaamelott Harris's background. Or Eric Swalwell. Or the vast majority of those who will be on 2 stages over the course of the next 2 days what do we really know about these people when Obama was running what did we really know about Obama it took really pushing hard to get to the bottom of it and the guy that pushed the hardest to be perfectly honest with you was Hannity. And Jim Wright and all those connections and so forth and the media didn't want to tell us about them and how come we're only learning now about all this Joe Biden stuff Joe Biden's been running for office. Since he was 4 months old. I mean he's he ran for the Senate over and over and over again and got elected over and over and over again and he was challenged by you know by by Republicans from time to time how come the media didn't tell us all this stuff about Joe Biden I mean we always mocked him about some of the obvious stuff but how come they're really digging in the Joe Biden now isn't that interesting. Because he's I don't think he can win he's too damn stupid and he looks exhausted but that's beside the point. They could have dug into his background when he was nominated for vice president of the United States but they wanted Obama to win that's why it's that simple. I'll be right back. 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But I never thought children would be the one you wanted to use correspondent Nick Valencia Meanwhile reports migrant children who had been removed from an overcrowded shelter in Texas have been returned an estimated 100 child migrants were transferred back to the Clint border patrol station the same facility where independent monitors called conditions there unconscionable and the move by Customs and Border Protection An official tells me was made after they got some relief from Health and Human services they provided shelter for some of those kids were initially taken out and removed from the Clint water patrol station which allowed room for those 100 kids to be taken back to that same facility President Trump is threatening Iran saying that it will regret any aggression toward the u.s. Correspondent Gary Bald lander with tensions rising President Trump tweeted that an attack by Iran on anything American will be met quote With great and overwhelming force in some areas he said overwhelming will mean obliteration his rejoinder came after Iran's u.n. Ambassador like in the new and existing sanctions to war crimes and Iran's president said the White House is mentally disabled the federal government is investigating price fixing charges against the country's biggest poultry producers and food produced farms and others are accused by Felger New York based maple Vale farms of conspiring to fix poultry prices between 2026 team now the Department of Justice is requesting a temporary halt to discovery proceedings that are reviewing its own investigation by asking a district court of Chicago for a 6 month delay to protect an ongoing grand jury investigation a federal judge is scheduled to rule on the request Thursday a case is one of nearly 40 filed by grocers restaurants and others against the poultry company's Joe Ramsey Washington on Wall Street the Dow fell 179 points I mean Kate's. 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