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Real news for real people are you looking for senior care for your mom or dad but don't know where to start Hi I'm John Lennon with a Place for Mom nobody knows your parent or loved one better than you and nobody knows senior living better than the experts in a place for mom it's a free service and we've helped thousands of families find the right place for their mom or dad there's a place for answers a place for mom called today call a place for mom at 180-379-1174 That's 180-379-1174. 60 degrees with some lingering around. 75 and 73 I'm praising Rome Newsradio 102.9 k are in the Texas Eastern Pipeline just down of black as a poet outside Hot Springs Village exploded this morning on springs broadcast on Facebook reporting areas around the gas main were evacuated one person living nearby heard a ring noise like a train no reports of fire though found like in Jessie Ville schools have safe rooms open for those looking for shelter a half hour of insanity yesterday afternoon when tornado warnings went out in central Arkansas National Weather Service confirmed a possible tornado may have swirled within Little Rock but the sirens did not go off there were winds up to 70 miles per hour in one area of the city trees and power lines fell vehicles were toppled over a long baseline including 18 wheelers several roads were flooded in emergency crews had to rescue drivers in the rising waters so far though only one injury reported and no fatalities. 7 foot tall Star Wars actor Peter Mayhew passed away at age 74 this week Westwood One correspondent John Stone a snake who played the role of Chibok in all 3 of original films episode 3 of the prequels and in Star Wars the force awakens the 1st film in the new trilogy in a recent interview Mayhew talked about why Chewbacca was so beloved by Star Wars fans the characters so. Basically you're trying to better Mayhew also joked to a Texas newspaper when he became a naturalized citizen in 2005 that he didn't get a medal at that ceremony either and joke about the end of Star Wars a new hope flash flood watch in effect through tomorrow but hopefully no more of the severe stuff today the forecast calling for variable cloudiness a couple of showers and thunderstorms possible that continuing through tonight should clear out for Sunday though Next News at $717.00 I'm Chris and ground breaking news as it happens News Radio. $102.00 k a r n now but no. Right now at Napa grab a 5 court jug of Mobil one full synthetic motor Oprah just 2899 to keep sell harmful sludge to help reduce wear on your engine which is important if you like cars that you know run smoothly to keep your engine healthy with Mobil one now just 2899 quality parts are helpful people but snap on No I don't know aloha general states present sales presence not a political state local taxes or recycling fees operands 53119 do you sell stuff online then you know what have pain shipping can be it's time consuming it's expensive it's a hassle until now introducing ship station the fastest easiest and most affordable way to get your products to your customers whether you sell stuff on Amazon Etsy Shopify or your own website with ship station you can quickly ship all orders from one easy to use dashboard saving you a ton of time there's even an easy to use mobile app so you always have access plus you'll save money with ship stations deeply discounted rates from all the top carriers like u.s.p.s. 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Fed Ex and more you can always choose the best carrier at the lowest rate for every package it's no wonder ship station is rated number one by online sellers in right now you can try ship station free for 60 days that's right free just go to ship Station dot com into promo code talk we guarantee ship station will make getting orders to your customers a lot easier that ship Station dot com promo code talk ship station make ship happen. 7 o 6 News Radio 2.9 any problems on the way to work we're going to find out right now Chris counters a look at travel sponsored by discover discover alerts if they find your social security number on any one of thousands of risky websites it's just another way they look after you not just your account it's free for Card members to sign up on line at Discover dot com slash free alerts limitations apply but we're seeing a little bit of a slow down 67 cell phone right is a good to getting into 40 otherwise no accidents being reported by state or local police this is Chris count with the Arkansas traffic network Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. A shower or thunderstorm at times today. High of 74 periods of rain and a thunderstorm 59 tonight I'm Accu Weather meteorologist said there is no showers to the south of the Metro some light stuff. Looks pretty good in fact some sunshine don't we have some sunshine. A little bit at least in muscle around com We have 60 to 60 of the air base downtown 60 to 59 here on the west side Newsradio 102.9. A low I'm Friday sorry I took so long to get here I know you've been working hard all week but now that I'm here you can finally enjoy a 6 inch tuna sandwich for just 399 it's restaurants it's the sub of the day and it's a different 6 each day for $399.00 So enjoy your casual wear work today Friday as a. Subway make it what you want every dissipating restaurant additional charge for extras plus a political tax no additional discounts or coupons may be applied. Mother's Day is next Sunday and this year Pro Flowers will make you a pro at ordering the perfect gift for mom roses now you can send mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just $999.00 That's right just $999.00 order now and you can double your roses and get a premium vase for an extra $99.00 that's 2 dozen roses and a premium vase to get this amazing Mother's Day deal go to Pro Flowers dot com click on the microphone and enter code spring give Mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just 1999 or double the roses and get a free vase for an extra 99 when it comes to ordering flowers for Mother's Day Pro Flowers makes it easy to order like a pro the only way to get this amazing deal is to go to Pro Flowers dot com click on the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring that's Pro Flowers dot com code spring Pro Flowers dot com code s p r i n g. $1000.00 at a time. More times a day 20 times a week that's $20000.00 a week and you have a $1000.00 in free money you know $5.00 listen to the word that I share $1000.00 good. Yours they kept going to talk to John Barry he's the chairman of the call pollination new proposed casino in Pine Bluff What about the naysayers they say that this doesn't need to go there and also to what would this facility be like John Barry has that inside on the way right Barry a number of Hall of Fame for well just about everything I'll never make the Hall of Fame but the World Video Game Hall of Fame is in Rochester New York in case you didn't know and they just announced their 5th class of inductees 2 of the 4 inductees this year are Mortal Kombat and Microsoft's solitaire other games as Super Mario cards their 1st America our game came out for Super Super Nintendo back in 1902 and Colossal Cave Adventure which is a text based computer game from 1986 games in the hall of fame from previous years they've lined up with Madden. Donkey Kong Legend of Zelda The Oregon Trail for everybody died of dysentery Space Invaders Super Mario Brothers pong and Tetris it was interesting the whole idea of Oregon Trail I never played that in school I never did and it was. It was a producer Scott. Here with me and dine along from the river market that said you never played Oregon Trail No never did and so we you can pull it up you can you know in fact I saw one for sale during the holidays at Wal-Mart and I just about bought a copy. Both buy enough from the river market and producer Scott but. I'm cheap but I want to pony up 20 bucks. So you know the computer game will work but if you for some reason missed that and you've got a spare moment the day at work you know you look that up you'll find it you know everybody does they all they all seem to die of dysentery along the Oregon Trail the video video Hall of Fame 712 Newsradio 102.9 care and no more President Trump says about the White House cooperation with investigations into his campaign and Russia's election meddling Bob Constantini is following the story we've got it on News Radio 102.9 k. Or it since the report's release President Trump is taken to the Fox news airwaves several times to express his feelings in a Thursday afternoon interview with Fox News Channel Mr Trump saying he will not allow former White House counsel Dom again to testify to a House panel but I have had him testifying already for 30 hours so I don't think I can let him tell everybody else you can't because especially him because he was a counsel for the president waived executive privilege form again to talk to the mother team however he is upset was McGann's portrayal in the report as having ignored the president's request to fire Miller something the White House disputes the White House is planning to invoke executive privilege if my hand is called before a House committee in fact the president tells Fox News he's inclined to not cooperate with any investigations that are follow ups to what Mahler's team looked into it's done with over this nobody has ever done what I've done I've given total transparency it's never happened before like this look at anymore this is all it's done and he maintains his taxes under on it should stay out of the public eye because he figures the special counsel's investigators got a hold of them I assume that for the $35000000.00 they've done to everything taxes my financial savings which are phenomenal to everything and I'm still playing for the House Ways and Means Committee has requested the I. Provide the last 6 years of Mr Trump's returns so far denied Bob Constantini Washington 713 News Radio one or 2.9 k. Or n. Cinco de Mayo coming up on Sunday only 3 out of 4 people say they'll celebrate all 3 out of 4 people say they're going to celebrate the holiday but only 10 percent know why they're going to do it. I don't know why she's dip maybe some tacos perhaps even a margarita or 2. Doing the information on this said they gave 5 choices for what seemed good to my I was about the correct answer actually came in the last 39 percent said it's Mexican Independence Day It's not that September 16th 26 percent say it's a general celebration of Mexican American culture No 13 percent say it's a day of drinking which I guess in some ways depending upon the teacher could be a correct correct answer 13 percent said they had no clue 10 percent get the answer of Mexico's victory over France in the battle of May the 5th 1862 but you know Sunday you do have a chance to observe that it was another dramatic day yesterday in Congress with what happened there in the house Linda Kenyon has more on what took place with the attorney general Newsradio 102.9 k. Or an Attorney General William Barr was supposed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee about the Miller report just one day after he faced a barrage of tough questions before a Senate committee you lie to Congress I think a lot of maybe if they are say they did not look at the evidence so it may have come as no surprise when the attorney general notified House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler that he would not attend Natalie's hearing so I went ahead and delivered his opening statement to an empty chair it's already general of the United States is sworn to uphold the Constitution as our nation's chief law enforcement officer Doug Collins the ranking Republican on the committee said Barres decision not to attend was NAVL his own fault because NAVL wanted staff attorneys to ask the attorney general questions as well as committee members and bar didn't want that he could have one of these fabulous members that he has and he has some excellent attorneys on his side some of the best he could to give them all 30 minutes and they could to question the attorney general any way they wanted to the hearing did have the air of political theater there was the empty chair and then there was Tennessee Democrat Steve Cohen who brought a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken to the here I sure can barley should have shown up today and answered questions. On the other side of the Capitol Republican Senator Tom Tillis took notice you tell me whether or not the chair of that committee is actually serious about this subject when you've got a guy eating fried chicken in addition to the fried chicken there was a ceramic chicken in the room for a hearing that was exceptionally brief. As the members spilled out into the hallway Democrats had plenty to say sorry General is missing in action have seen without officially Who is next not to respond to the Congress William Morris decision not to come to the hearing was one problem but looming large was his failure to comply with a subpoena to release to the full Congress the complete Henri dad did Mala report on Russian election interference chairman Adler did not take this lightly if we don't get that we will proceed to hold the attorney general in contempt House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says William bars actions in the house and his testimony in the Senate have created a deadly serious situation is deadly serious about it is the attorney general of the United States of America is not telling the truth to the Congress of the United States that's a crime and Pelosi didn't stop there nobody is about just how far the Democratically controlled House might take this remains to be seen to bars a moment of accountability soon enough Linda Kenyon Capitol Hill 716 the plan to talk to John Berry the chairman of the club about the casino proposed in Pine Bluff we weren't able to contact him will reschedule that and try to get that on here in the very near future news article 2 point traffic now Chris counts we're seeing a little bit of a slowdown for 30 inbound it's going to be just past Mayflower we're also seeing a little bit of a slowdown right now for a 67 south as it starts to make its way in between Cabot and Jacksonville this is Chris Celts with the Arkansas traffic network Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. Little Rock weather news radio $2.00 Kayran we've got to fog to deal with especially around the river so if you're headed into downtown or crossing the river bridge or that's going to be the case there some of this in low lying areas to look pretty good this morning in fact the last look at radar here had showers to the south of the Metro Sheridan getting some of this area this is light stuff the rain chance though actually most of this is about now the rain chance does increase throughout the day storms develop it looks like into tonight if you've got to get things done early on seems to be the time 77 the high and tonight 63 showers there really tomorrow will be clear by Sunday we're back to sunshine I 8059 of us that are right now Newsradio what a 2.9 k. Are in. These radio 102.9 k k r And. I'm beginning to think you're just trolling me about my lawn telling me to get stuff done and Mike you know I'm still getting to be in the same boat I mean we had just a regular flood in my neighborhood yesterday I mean it was crazy we had water that you know flowing over some of the bridges in my neighborhood and so I'm just in about as bad a shape as you are buddy well as of this morning only 2 e.f. 0 tornadoes have been confirmed in central Arkansas one in the share would give scenario one west of Cabot northern Plaskett county however the National Weather Service says it's possible one might have swirled through Little Rock they're sending out more survey crews today a gas main near Hot Springs Village exploded this morning it's part of the Texas Eastern Pipeline no reports of fire but nearby homes had to be evacuated fountain lake and Jesse will schools have safe rooms open for shelter toad suck days this weekend in Conway you can catch the rural in the in the Dukes Saturday night if you want some live music and of course the signature toad races also it's free to attend Peter Mayhew the 7 foot tall man many know is too black and the Star Wars franchise has died at the age of $74.00 Little Rock has extended their deal with Lyme scooters for 120 days but there's a new study out that one in 3 riders get hurt on their very 1st ride and researchers. Say they more training might be needed to make sure writers stay safe . And next news coming up at 730 I'm Chris Ingram breaking news as it happens News Radio 102.9 k. r e I like the idea of the lime scooter but you know it takes off it's got more power than you think it does and like a motorcycle you know where a helmet you know absolutely don't don't just pump the gas you're going to fall off the thing that's you know my safety but I'm glad they're hanging around $720.00 it's time for rush on Karen Moore and still running for president you may have forgotten but she is and she recently talked about her childhood at a campaign event she told a very heart wrenching story which will assume is true unlike her Native American heritage yeah her dad had a heart attack he pulled through but he couldn't work anymore so her mother who had never worked went to the workforce She took a minimum wage gig at Sears and say if the family from going under now her point had nothing to do with they can get it done character of her mom or the value of hard work Elizabeth Warren's point was that her mom was able to take care of the family on the minimum wage which I frankly don't believe but will go with it she says that today is minimum wage earner should be able to support a spouse a kid an abortion here and there and maybe a mortgage payment Well what would that take 50000 a year 100000 I'm just throw the numbers out why not a 1000000 made a 1000000 would cover most people at home or been a number of abortions they want but after we pay off their student loans and give them free college and free health care and a universal guaranteed income why should they ever work. Why should they get an education who was ever going to need a job Sears or otherwise. Rush's live in 11 News Radio 102.9 k. Or n. You know there's no one quite like your mom and with Mother's Day just around the corner surprise her with a gift as unique as she is Cherie's berries these are huge strawberries folks are covered in decadent toppings like chocolate chips chopped nuts white milk dark chocolate goodness yummy cherries berries offering these huge freshly dip strawberries starting at $999.00 plus shipping out right now you can double the berries for just $10.00 more pick your delivery date and these berries will be guaranteed to arrive fresh and delicious or you get your money back now the best way to get this gift and deal is to visit berries dot com click on the microphone in the top right corner use my name is the code that's b r r r e e M's For those of you in Rio Linda dot com and just enter the code rush Mother's Day It's right around the corner it seems like it's a ways off but it's right around the corner and this deal will not last long order now. If you didn't notice at Newsradio one o $2.00 k r n we don't brag on ourselves too much power shows news traffic and weather is the swag or the news radio one of $2.00 k. Are in commitment to us not to pat ourselves on the back but to serve you we want to be your source for the news traffic and weather commentary that is aspirational incisive and entertaining little rocks news traffic and weather station News Radio one or 2.9 k. a r n. Mother's Day is next Sunday what am I going to get or why not send mom some happy from series bury the freshly dipped gourmet strawberries covered in decadent toppings like chocolate chips and pink shimmer sugar yet they started just 999 or you can double the berries for just 99 more will. Oh just go to berries dot com click the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring you've never seen dipped berries like these they're giant sweet juicy and I know mama level and they started just 1999 with double the berries for just 99 more they'll arrive on the day you choose fresh delicious and beautifully packaged in your satisfaction is guaranteed Ok I'm definitely sending mom some happy from Sherry's berries this year order now because Mother's Day is next Sunday May 12th remind me one more time Ok no write this down shop berries dot com click the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring that's Barry's dot com s p r i n g I it's Jamie progress is number one number 2 employee leave a message at that page a me it's me Jamie this is your daily pep talk I know it's been rough going ever since people found out about your acapella group met harmony but you will bounce back I mean you're the guy always helping people find coverage options with the name your price tool it should be you've given me the pep talk now get out there hit that high note and take Matt harmony all the way to nationals this. Sorry to get the insurance company and affiliates pricing coverage limited by state law Joy . Chris Plante this morning at 9. First news with Kevin Miller News Radio. Good morning at $725.00 today is Friday Today's me that after you think about some Cinco de Mayo and celebrate $25.00 get you $510.00 down or certificate suspended Mexico Chiquito made fresh every day the famous cheese Tempest Alicia's the world famous fruit punch too and that's something to enjoy Sargon sauce 1st Mexican restaurant I do believe one thing the inventor of the cheese dip Weren't they the people that actually put that on the earth for us to enjoy that's the legend. You can explore yourself that's our sweet deal of the week 25 gets you 510 dollars to get to Mexico Chiquito you'll find out on our website when it goes live this morning News Radio 1029 dot com. 9 o'clock is when you can buy that it will go fast Newsradio 2.9 Kayran Let's take a look at traffic now Chris counts. Well looks like we're seeing an accident being or drop now 40 eastbound it's going to be at the 139 mile marker which is in the flat in between Mayflower and Morgan We're also seeing a little bit of a delay right there pushing traffic back to May have because of it also 30 and down in between Alexander and 430 this is Chris count with the Arkansas traffic network Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com drawn to you by the t.j. Martell Foundation the t.j. Martell Foundation music's promise for a cure to learn more visit t.j. Martell dot org that Steve j. Martel dot org. Let's have some fun you want to flash flood watch in effect for this afternoon and tonight not anything really on the radar that is affecting us right now all the shower activity is well to our south that we had a little bit earlier this morning to the south of the Metro that's kind of fizzled out but the rain chances increase throughout the day in fact 77 for this afternoon storms more likely tonight down to 63 rain early tomorrow the high 75 and we have a nice day on Sunday I close to 80 then nice for the 1st part of next week anyway so you know it's just these. Patterns we get into where we have to deal with this weather here what's going on this weekend Well several things happening wall for the waiting taking place and more memorials tomorrow so it's like days in combine could be a way to vent tonight and also early tomorrow but Saturday afternoon maybe into Sunday looks a bit better there Cinco de Heights tomorrow Kavanaugh Boulevard that should be a good event lots of other activities like races and outdoor activities around communities throughout central Arkansas too many to list so you won't. I have a hard time finding something to do no no no problems there 59 of us in Iraq now News Radio 102.9 care and News Radio one o 2.9 k r n is Chris Plante. That's what they're doing with the kids you give them control of the kids and this is what they do they torture them they waterboard them they should waterboard them because then the kids will be familiar with what it's like to be waterboarding we might as well put it all the way through the special operations training Chris Plante weekday mornings at 9 following 1st news news radio 102.9. Download it today and there you can take new radio 2.9 k. And with you wherever you go no more 1st news Kevin Miller. On. $729.00 and jobs report coming out here $730.00 so we should have the update here in just a couple of seconds with at the bottom of the hour that's on the way coming up in 747 car movie critic I don't know how you follow up of injuries in game and maybe just don't but new movies out this weekend Kevin has a book and maybe you know we talk a lot more of injuries in game for people that haven't seen it no spoilers no spoilers you don't have to worry about that on the way after 8 o'clock 8 timber Going to us Stephen Davis he's the voice of the Arkansas travelers but talk about the trap season also a look around Major League Baseball with us Steven Davis and our Senate host Walter m. Sterling on the way to a 48 by the way at 8 o 5 so who have more than 30 minutes from now I'm going to share a word with you and when I do be ready to text that back that can be in free money for you $1000.00 simple I'm sure the word you text you could win $1000.00 be listening at 8 o 5 let's get you updated $730.00 and news begins right now House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has accused attorney general Barr of lying to the Justice Department firing back at Palosi writing quote the base this attack on the attorney general is reckless. Irresponsible and full there is Lauren Fox There have been calls for bars resignations since he appeared this week before a Senate committee President Trump in an overnight tweet is calling for unity after vowing to put up an executive privilege wall against any House of Representatives investigations President Trump one twitterer looking to move on now Republicans and Democrats must come together for the good of the American people no more costly and time consuming investigations let's do immigration border infrastructure much lower drug prices and much more and do it now there is Bob Constantini ahead of a government jobs numbers report Dow futures are up cycling funny has torn through India's eastern coast around 1200000 people have been evacuated from low lying areas I'm John. It's 60 degrees heading for a high of 75 and 731 I'm crazing News Radio one o 2.9 k r n a portion of the Texas Eastern Pipeline just down off glaze oppose road outside Hot Springs Village exploded this morning on springs broadcast on Facebook reporting areas around the gas main were evacuated one person living nearby heard a roaring noise like a train no reports of fire fountain lake and Jesse those schools have safe rooms open for anyone looking for shelter. A half hour of insanity yesterday afternoon when tornado warnings were issued in central Arkansas and then half an hour later they were gone National Weather Service confirmed a possible tornado may have swirled within Little Rock but the sirens didn't go off there were winds up to 70 miles per hour in one area of the city trees and power lines fell and vehicles were toppled over a long baseline several roads flooded emergency crews had to rescue drivers in the rising waters so far miraculously only one injury reported no fatalities either. North Little Rock Police found the body yesterday morning before all that nasty weather moved in detectives responded to local street after officers found a man dead after 930 no further details have been released yet and the actor behind the large Wookie we know is to Bucca has died Westwood One correspondent John Stoll NIST has more. It's not wise to be the family of Peter Mayhew who played the hairy larger than life copilot of the Millennium Falcon announced his death in a statement on Twitter he was 74. There's a flash flood watch in effect through tomorrow but hopefully no more of this severe stuff moving through today the forecast calls for variable cloudiness couple of showers and thunderstorms possible continuing through tonight the chance of that is highest this afternoon into the evening should clear out by Sunday though Next News at 747 I'm Chris Ingram breaking news as it happens News Radio 102.9 k. Our end. Do you sell stuff online then you know what have paying shipping can be it's time consuming it's expensive it's a hassle until now introducing ship station the fastest easiest and most affordable way to get your products to your customers whether you sell stuff on Amazon Etsy shop a fire or your own website with ship station you can quickly ship all orders from one easy to use dashboard saving you a ton of time there's even an easy to use mobile app so you always have access plus you'll save money with ship station's deeply discounted rates from all the top carriers like u.s.p.s. U.p.s. Fed Ex and more you can always choose the best carrier at the lowest rate for every package it's no wonder ship station is rated number one by online sellers in right now you can try ship station free for 60 days that's right free just go to ship Station dot com into promo code talk we guarantee ship station will make getting orders to your customers a lot easier that ship Station dot com promo code talk ship station make ship happen. Hello I'm Friday sorry I took so long to get here I know you've been working hard all week but now that I'm here you can finally enjoy a 6 inch tuna sandwich for just 399 at Subway restaurants it's the sub of the day and it's a different 6 in each day for 399 So enjoy your casual wear work today Friday as a. Subway make it what you want every dissipating restaurant additional charge for extras plus a political tax no additional discounts or coupons may be applied. Mother's Day is next Sunday and this year Pro Flowers will make you a pro at ordering the perfect gift for mom roses now you can send mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just $999.00 That's right just $999.00 order now and you can double your roses and get a premium vase for an extra $99.00 that's 2 dozen roses and a premium vase to get this amazing Mother's Day deal go to profile ours dot com click on the microphone and enter code spring give Mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just 1999 or double the roses and get a free vase for an extra 99 when it comes to ordering flowers for Mother's Day Pro Flowers makes it easy to order like a pro the only way to get this amazing deal is to go to profile hours dot com click on the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring that's Pro Flowers dot com code spring profile hours dot com code s p r i n g sugar. Candy down this is an s.t.d. . But I don't have that right I hear you say that you've been listening long enough to think that. I am on a level with my former husband in a house in Arizona that I am not on the deed and I want to get all the money you know what I got just one word can get away thing I'm going to say penicillin you're the candle on the low Saturday night at 6 until Mr Peril News Radio 102.9 k. R. And. Perfect and whether together on the 6 is 1st with Kevin Miller Radio $9.73 looking up the headlines for stupid news this morning revenge on telemarketer called the wrong elevator. And don't anger the launch lady because she'll get her revenge for those stories with you coming up also too on the way 740 we're going to talk to a movie critic you have a car one of the fact guys in the movie she's got the insight on the new releases this weekend and maybe who knows a little more about Avengers We'll find out traffic right now by the way to we're going to talk with Morgan Stanley Wealth Management he's got the latest on those job numbers coming up right now traveling Chris counts Well state police right now working an accident for 40 eastbound it's in the flats in between Mayflower and Morgan but of course it's pushing traffic back through Mayflower at the moment we're also seeing 40 westbound getting to 30 down toward the river bridge flowing as well as 30 and down through the Alexander area this is Chris counts with the Arkansas traffic network Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com. Very low clouds today with a shower or thunderstorm at times well have a high of 74 tonight into tomorrow will be overcast with periods of rain and the thunderstorm low 59 tonight the rain will begin to taper off tomorrow afternoon high 74 the Uta full weather on Sunday with plenty of sunshine and a high of 77 and a warm back up to 83 with Sun still around on Monday I'm Accu Weather meteorologist headers air right now some showers to the south of the Metro southern part of the state really is where most of these are not really problematic for anything here fog though along the river this morning he had to deal with that 62 in calm 60 at the air base downtown 6259 in western Iraq Lou green with Morgan Stanley wealth management 190000 jobs that's what the experts were looking at what are we given that jobs report to 63 it was a really good number it's better than most analysts expected the unemployment rate went down to 3.6 percent that rate the lowest since December of 1969 Ok when they also revised their earlier numbers in February and March for every numbers which were really low were revised upward the numbers in March we revised lower just a little bit more to the reaction of the markets right now about $100.00 point gain if. Thank you for the Dow the Nasdaq expected open about 49 ers and p. Up 10 and it's in your treasury seeing a little bit of pressure now the yield of 2.56 percent so a good number overall by analysts pushing the markets higher in pre-market activity will see if that happens or not all right we'll talk to you more towards top the hourly Graham thanks so much 738 stupid news is on the way next plus Limbaugh's day starts each morning at 720 on 1st news with Kevin Miller get your rush fix before facing Nancy the progressive picks lady named person at the office coffee machine News Radio 102.9 and feels your pain has got your progressivism. Slim exclusively on little rocks news traffic and weather station News Radio 102.9 are again. I mean basically you're pretty you know you think I'm pretty I don't think. You. Are. I am so still Eric you always get the stupid people you do and that's when we talk about avid North Royalton Ohio last month lady driving almost slammed into a police car heading the other direction the officer had to swerve off the road to avoid being hit he pulled the woman over and asked her why why did you almost hit me What are you doing she said it was because she was eating nachos from Taco Bell and lost control might have been true but she also but she also smell like booze and was obviously intoxicated maybe she went on the Taco run after drinking seems that was the case anyway she wound up failing a sobriety test turns out she has 2 previous DUI convictions she was charged with a DUI driving left of center not giving full attention in obstructing official business. Enjoy those tacos you know get those get those to you in jail all right a guy in an elevator posted a video online because a telemarketer called the emergency phone number on an elevator the purpose to sell car insurance he told her by answering the questions and kept the conversation going. To go. Please call me in the elevator any time. You. Like that guy's style she had no clue or she didn't care a lunch lady in Pennsylvania arrested for shooting a b.b. Gun at a bunch of kids on Tuesday this happened after school it wasn't during class not that's a whole lot better but anyway they were at a playground near her house she says it was because they were cursing at her who would do that kind of person with little kids playing my granddaughter goes up there it's like what happens if she was up there and you just don't know what you have to be afraid according to police one apparent confronted mc Williams She said quote If I don't get them now I will get them tomorrow at lunch she should be fired you know which she shouldn't be around kids for doing something like that she's around kids and then she she does that to kids I mean well well I mean your kids are at lunch what you what's she going to do there makes you want to watch your kids even more now that playground and they say fine go until you can let them go by themself now not so sure yeah don't make the lunch lady man apparently you know one word on what happened to her if she was arrested or what the story was there 741 News Radio 1.9 k. Or in our movie critic Kevin Carr one of the fact guys the movie's good morning to you sir how you doing today are you doing today I'm hanging in there I'm just curious I mean after a game how do you follow that well I guess you go with. Charlie's throne and Seth Rogen in a political romantic comedy Ok well let's do that let's do that which one is this one is this a long shot is that what this is yes this is a long shot it is a you know it's 1st of all I want to know who his agent is because he's always got like the gorgeous woman that he's costarring with so I don't know I don't know what how that works I guess and so what do you Alan sort of like if we don't get somebody on the other side that Mel is better looking than he has him or never get exacted sales out of this thing so let's do this it's a kind of a balance thing you know I guess the dark and the lights yeah yeah but this is he is he plays a she is she plays the secretary of state is going to run for president and she needs somebody to punch up her speech writing so she goes and gets a maverick journalist who she knew when she was in high school because she's actually babysat him and they strike an unlikely friendship and have an unlikely romance and you know that's the kind of cute it's a cute little romance movie and it takes place in the backdrop of politics so you do have some political jokes in there but it's also not like meant to be taken too seriously I think if you have thin skin either as a consumer of politics or somebody or some politics you're going to be feeling that they're targeting you but really they're not it's just sort of a whimsical backdrop for a kind of a funny movie I founded I founded to be kind of entertaining 7 car movie critic the other one out ugly dull yet this one is based on a toyline I wasn't even aware this thing was this was a real thing but apparently there are there are these ugly dolls that are sort of the story goes all in them juggling right now. In the movie it's these dolls that aren't made properly in the factory and so then they kind of they're sent to their own area and they live in this little happy environment but then they decide to go and try and get the ultimate. Purpose of a doll is to be a kid's toy so they want to go. But there they have to deal with going past the people who have the perfect alls Yeah you know it's it does kind of rip off a little bit of Toy Story it skews a lot younger though and really I think it's made for the you know in younger audiences an n.p.n. If you're somebody who either plays of these dolls or you bought these dolls that's who it's kind of gaming you know damn well that's not me I don't have the young kids now so you know but barely I guess you can buy these things anywhere but you know if you get a kid in 2 years beyond the age of something like that and you are as a parent are totally out of touch with what's you know yet do not in there just to take the kid to the Don't take your teenager to this movie know the content Mom what are you doing please no all right the intruder what do we know about that anything well yeah it's a it's a thriller it's Dennis Quaid plays a guy who sells his house to this young couple and then he won't let it go and he he kind of start stalking them and it becomes one of those urban thrillers something you maybe want to see i'm like me the Lifetime network and you know it looks like it could be fun for sort of an over to the top goofy. Tends to scare for the home invasion type thing but they did screen it so what am I going to do I got to tell you say it's got to be terrible will go that ventures in game are you at all surprised by the box office numbers that came out about that last week I don't know how you can be surprised at the numbers that it did I mean 357000000 dollars 1200000000 worldwide that's just for the 1st week and the 1st weekend it became like the 17th highest grossing movie of all time now just in one we get and then this weekend it's expected to make about what the Dark Knight made its opening weekend which is only in its 2nd weekend so these numbers are absurd at this point you've got people that are seeing this multiple times too so that's certainly adding to it and I have not seen it yet and I don't have any I'm I'm like you have been able to inflate myself from the spoilers so far but. I'm trying to catch up and with the help of my kids now been watching you know that it's not hard to find the Marvel movies on cable right now they're they're out there you know hard to find it's generally get through all 21 before you get. Bunch of them I've seen I didn't realize what I was doing when I was watching these and it was building up to the end I just was you know I was out of touch with that but there are 3 or 4 I think that are key for the movie and once I see those there's you know you see this is in the you're up to date you're going to go so easiest way to do it is see all the movies that are Captain America movie which is like 3 of them see all the movies that are. Ok and that should do it and I'm good all right that's all I need all right hey kevin Carr a movie critic one of the fact guys the movies your show on tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock listen then if I want to find your reviews and more we're going to track those down just go to fact the movies dot com You're the man Sir thanks so much 746 Newsradio 102.9 care and crazy I mean we had a little sunshine out here was Little Rock all but of about 10 minutes ago and now with the fog rolling in it looks like Seattle you're on the side of town problems in traffic Chris counts as a look right now well it's like state and local police working no accidents right now but we are still seeing a little bit of a slowdown because of an earlier one for 40 inbound that's going to be through the town of Mayflower heading towards Mel we're also seeing 40 West Bank getting to 30 down over the river bridge I 30 and down it's going to be through Alexander $430.00 northbound it's going to be in between Interstate 30 and Stagecoach this is Chris counts with the Arkansas traffic network Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com like fog is going to continue to be a factor this morning a river area that's a problem there and looks like in other places around the metro to make sure you got your lights on so you're visible to the other drivers the rain chance this morning not so much with this afternoon and into tonight especially that's when it really increases might see some pop up storms today and tonight showers more likely in fact a flash flood watch in effect for this evening showers tomorrow and finally tapers off the I 75 for tomorrow and we're back to some. China on Sunday behind your 80 then 60 it was Little Rock News Radio 1.9 Karen. Hughes radio 102.9 k. Are in. A gas main near Hot Springs Village exploded this morning it's part of the Texas Eastern Pipeline no reports of fire or what caused the explosion but nearby homes had to be evacuated found lake and Jesse will schools have safe rooms open for shelter. As of this morning only to have 0 tornadoes confirmed in central Arkansas yesterday one in the sure would Gibson area one west of Cabot northern plasticky county however the National Weather Service says it's possible one might have swirled through Little Rock they're sending out more survey crews today and yesterday severe weather caused tornadoes but it also toppled vehicles tore off roofs downed power lines and trees so far no reports of any fatalities one person was injured though when a sign flew into their car Peter Mayhew the 7 foot tall man many know is to back in the Star Wars franchise has died at the age of 74 he owned a business with his wife in Boyd Texas he became a naturalized u.s. Citizen in 2005 when joked with a Dallas newspaper he didn't get a medal at that ceremony either Little Rock has extended their deal with lime scooters for 120 days but there's a new study out that one in 3 riders got hurt on the very 1st ride across the country with those electric scooters researchers say more training might be needed to make sure riders stay safe next news at 8 o'clock I'm Chris Ingram breaking news as it happens News Radio 102.9 k. R. And we keep dealing with the the rain it just doesn't seem to want to dry out but we're better off in Davenport Iowa because right now across a good deal of the problems there. They are set to top the flood mark that was set back in 1993 when the Mississippi flooded there. According to what they're saying in Davenport Mississippi River expected to reach. 2.7 feet by Friday after it hit 22.64 feet before noon yesterday the previous record 22.63 feet so this is been something that see no 25 years since they've seen flooding this is and this is maybe the worst of all time there. Were around to remember what the Mississippi River was like I mean it was problematic I mean you had levee breaches and huge issue we're going to say that what happened this time to levee breach and then flooded Yeah exactly so I've heard I have not been to Memphis I haven't seen the Mississippi but they say it's way high and they're saying not only the rain but also an early snow melt and problems they are adding to this whole thing so yesterday I was riding a little bit in the afternoon and Arkansas rivers up quite a bit too it's not flooding or anything like that but it's noticeable that is a liar that eventually after yesterday's rains I mean you could you could really tell there was a difference of 750 traffic and weather a look at that coming up money news a good jobs report coming out this morning 200 I think 263000 is what Lou said as far as the jobs that came out this month that's made the futures go up so Lou has more insight on that now the 805 I've got that we're going to share with you and be ready to techs that Baquet you got a shot to $1000.00 in free money $8.00 o 5 that's on the way Newsradio $102.00 Jr and. 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Couldn't remember last year's barbecue and we went through one for hands a bug spray Yeah yeah I remember all this and you know like candles they didn't help and a bit you know I was a skeptic at 1st but now we have mosquito Joe outside is funny Bob 01082528 Bob 01082528 mosquito Joe dot com Do you sell stuff online then you know what have pain shipping can be it's time consuming it's expensive it's a hassle until now introducing ship station the fastest easiest and most affordable way to get your products to your customers whether you sell stuff on Amazon s e Shopify or your own website with ship station you can quickly ship all orders from one easy to use dashboard saving you a ton of time there's even an easy to use mobile app so you always have access plus you'll save money with ship station's deeply discounted rates from all the top carriers like u.s.p.s. U.p.s. That x. 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Mother's Day is next Sunday and this year Pro Flowers will make you a pro at ordering the perfect gift for mom roses now you can send mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just 1999 That's right just $999.00 order now and you can double your roses and get a premium vase for an extra $99.00 that's 2 dozen roses and a premium vase to get this amazing Mother's Day deal go to Pro Flowers dot com click on the microphone and interpose spring give Mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just 1999 or double the roses and get a free they's for an extra 99 when it comes to ordering flowers for Mother's Day profile ours makes it easy to order like a pro the only way to get this amazing deal is to go to profile ours dot com click on the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring that's Pro Flowers dot com code spring profile hours dot com code s p r i n g Mother's Day is next Sunday what am I going to get or why not send mom some happy from Sherry's berries the freshly dipped gourmet strawberries covered in decadent toppings like chocolate chips and pink shimmer sugar yet they started us 999 or you can double the berries for just 99 more just go to berries dot com click the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring you've never seen dipped berries like these there are giant sweet juicy and I know mama level and they started just 1999 with double the berries for just 99 more they'll arrive on the date you choose fresh delicious and beautifully packaged in your satisfaction is guaranteed Ok I'm definitely sending mom some happy from Sherry's berries this year order now because Mother's Day is next Sunday May 12th remind me one more time Ok to write this down shop berries dot com click the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring that's Barry's dot com s p r i n g. At. 756 Newsradio 102.9 k. I ran a look at what's going on on the roads Chris counts as a traffic. Brought to you by unfound dot org Right now there are young people across the world facing a tough choice continue their dream of education or drop out to help their family put food on the table you can help change their future in a single moment see how far your support can go at unbound dot org Well it's like state and local police working no accidents right now but we are still seeing a little bit of a slowdown not because of an earlier one for 40 inbound that's going to be through the town of Mayflower heading towards Mel we're also seeing 40 westbound getting to 30 down over the river bridge I 30 and down it's going to be through Alexander 430 northbound it's going to be in between Interstate 30 and Stagecoach this is Chris counts with the Arkansas traffic network Arkansas driven by crane automotive team crane team dot com Little Rock weather bug is the problem this morning especially along the river valley think there are other places around the metro same story double check your lights make sure you've got those on so other people can see you come in flash flood watch will go into effect the Santa noon and into tonight in fact it's in effect now so I got that going for us a rain is not exactly the issue this morning it is the fog but the chance of showers increases tonight this afternoon and into tonight today 77 tonight more storms showers and likely tomorrow morning at least and then sunshine on Sunday the high close to 80 so the hope is out here towards the end of the weekend 60 of us Little Rock Newsradio $102.00 Kayran Lou Gramm of Morgan Stanley Well it's a little extra time here's a little bit of a bad jobs report coming out the analysts that I saw were expecting 190000 jobs report a whole lot higher than what a lot of the experts were talking about yeah no question that 263000 jobs created for the month of April and that was a better number than expected like you said and blew out the numbers and then we had a couple revisions a revision in March lightly lower and there were good years in February a little bit higher that's a. There are a number if you recall was about 36000 new jobs named Chris had to 56000 have to revise the numbers at 3.6 percent unemployment rate the lowest says December 969 and has markets quickly not just at that looks like a downed trees could open about 115 points higher that's after losing 122 points yesterday at the close so open looks like we may race those losses at least them we'll see how it closes at the end of the day the Dow 26003070 s. And p. Down 6 at 2917 The Nasdaq down 13 at 8 $1036.00 Arkansas share prices are best shares down 11 percent year to date the report of the Merck earnings after the bell yesterday a little bit less than analysts expected we'll see how that affects that stock or not some as far as shares more than one and a half percent to $25.60 Bankas in k. Up more than 2 percent at $33.28 dot component Wal-Mart dropping 2 tenths of one percent to $101.15 a share a little pressure on the 10 year treasury some selling there the yield to 2.56 percent we'll see if we get that higher then we'll come back right before then that a 27 right Graham thanks so much hey it's a 759 coming up at 8 o 5 I'm going to share the next word with you and once I do that be ready to text and so warm up your texting finger that could mean free money $1000.00 for you know 5 be destined for company to talk to Stephen Davis the voice of the Arkansas travelers are going to get inside on the trams they started out winning where they now Stephen has information on the way we'll touch base 2 with Stephen about some of the things going on in Major League Baseball also to our Sunday night host Walter Sterling it's always an interesting conversation with Baltar will visit him at $840.00 this morning and something's going on around the metro for your family including toads days and more I'll share ideas for you we'll do that after 8 o'clock also clouds fog and a little bit of mist here in western Iraq in 60 degrees 8 o'clock at news begins right now.