Work in the state's marijuana industry that could jeopardize their legal status after 2 people said they were detained up by a u.s. 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Thanks so much for being here. I just put 2 and 2 together. Ok. Remember that thing that put us into a major recession back in 20082009. If you've been a longtime listener of the show you will remember this reference. That it was predicted in an article in The New York Times back on September 30th 1999 Stephen Holmes wrote the article but quoted from Peter Wallison from the American Enterprise Institute who talked about. In a move that could help I'll read part of the article in a move that could help increase homeownership rates among minorities and low income consumers the Fannie Mae corporation is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders the action which will begin as a pilot program. Will encourage those banks to extend home mortgages to individuals whose credit is generally not good enough to qualify for conventional loans Fannie Mae officials say they hope it will make it a nationwide program next spring Now this was back in 1000 and. 99. In their. Quoted. Was Peter Wallison all right and he stated in in that article way back then that this could lead to exactly what happened the sub pride mortgage crisis he said from the perspective of many people including me this is a nother thrift industry girl growing up around us said Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute if they fail the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it's. And bailed out the thrift industry we have often related to that article many times and said look the warnings were there Peter Wallison you know because of the change that the Clinton administration put in predicted that this would happen the reason I bring this up. An article right here Wall Street Journal I hope we don't remember this date April 4th 2019 Peter Wallace in our coming Trump housing crisis created by the Trump administration the Trump administration has finally turns its attention to housing policy unfortunately the president's memorandum on Housing Finance Reform issued last week is a major disappointment it will keep taxpayers on the hook for more than 7 trillion in mortgage debt and it is likely to induce another housing market bust for which President Trump will take the blame the memo directs the Treasury to produce a government housing finance system that roughly replicates what existed before 2008. Government backing for the obligations of government sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And affordable housing mandates requiring the g.s.a. To encourage and engage in risky mortgage lending these elements will be retained but the problems they caused in 2008 are supposed to be mitigated by better regulations and more capital for the g.s.a. And compensations to taxpayers soon when the government guarantees the g s e's obligations housing lobby misled the public before the advocacy of those protections and administration that believes in deregulation should do better the Trump administration could have used its control over the Federal Housing Finance Agency the regulator and Conservatory of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. To shrink their footprint dramatically over 5 to 10 years this would be done through administrative action reducing the size and types of mortgages that they could by opening larger portions of the housing finance market to the private sector which offers 30 year fixed rate loans at rates competitive with the g.s.t. . The most of the us economy is now open because of the Trump administration innovation and competition Titian in the private sector yet for no discernible reason the housing market one 6th of the u.s. Economy is and has been controlled by the government to a far greater extent than in any other developed country in the world. And so since 1902 the government intervention has been guided by the misconception that low down payments and high debt to income ratio will help low to middle income families buy homes the resulting policies produced a widely volatile u.s. Housing market subject to enormous booms and busts. And in the end the 2008 financial crisis in which a massive housing price boom driven by the credit leverage associated with low down payments led to millions of mortgage defaults when housing prices regressed to the long term mean these policies continued and have not helped low and middle income homebuyers indeed since 2012 they have driven up housing prices for those buyers at a roughly the rate that prevailed in 2008 By the way it's also relates to the story that came out yesterday the median price for a home in March greater than ever before and right at the end of Mr Trump's 1st term his administration will have squandered the opportunity to substantially privatized one 6th of the u.s. Economy instead the policies that contributed to the last housing bust will remain in place unable and Democrats to blame President Trump for the next one even though the Democrats originated these policies they will have a point and that's Peter Wallison who back in 1999 said the same thing about the Clinton administration and what they were doing and predicted that there would be a housing crisis and we're doing the same thing over again now we have been doing the same thing by the way but we we've been critical we were critical in 201-120-1220 extension 13 said they're doing the same damn thing again right and we talked about it but nobody cared they only care when the market busts that it's the same philosophy Give me something for free or make something cheaper for me and I'm going to love it when it all goes bust then I'll blame you for well it was government manipulation of a market of a scenario the massive scenario I mean if you talk about what's that the largest purchase you will ever make. It will be a home then all of the money spent on the home what an economy runs on you think about that that's why it was so big that's that's why the housing bubble crash ultimately was so massive but it was all of that was manipulation and if you're going to create a scenario of false scenario that ultimately and then allow that to go on a policy that that goes on and allows people to essentially buy too much of a home to afford something this is what was going on before many people were afforded loans that should have been End of story and the setting up of that scenario. Of saying we're going to back this kind of behavior we're going to have these government sponsored entities backing this kind of behavior and think about that what happened back in in September of 2003 then Treasury Secretary Snow came out and said. Testifying before Barney Frank and the rest saying Fannie and Freddie can't sustain this oh no no no no no what has what needs to be done they told him is more of this in other words they were trying to tell snow at that time that if you increase the ratio then the bad paper won't matter essentially in that mix the fact of the matter is it's that's false That's like saying you only have a tiny hole in your tire the rest of your tires Ok well but if you want to perfect example of so what I call stealth socialism this is it. And it's still socialism because it's government controlling the capital a what they're doing is they're making it seem like because of the government being involved in it that they'll get you a cheap mortgage right what they're doing is putting the taxpayer you know on the other end or having the taxpayer on the other end responsible for the debt and the bad debt that is created you when I said this in we were together in 20082009 we had warned in 20062007 that it was coming down the pike that we were going to have problems and boom it we were critical in 201-201-1201 extension 2 when the Obama administration went right back to the same policies again and now these policies have been in effect for significant period of time again they really didn't change it and the president now comes in the administration and doesn't say we need to start backing off from the government needs to get out of the mortgage business is what they do is they accelerate it and say we're going to continue this and we're going to now we want to take this step almost similar to the Clinton administration we want to make this step because you're not making loans easy earn the loans aren't the mortgages still are too hard to get for some people the government needs to make it even easier we keep repeating the same damn thing over again and the president who could could rally on the fact we're not going to do what we did in 2008 does the same thing that the that the that the Clinton administration does and said and says Don't let's accelerate it we should not be in the government should not be in the mortgage business end of story end of story right they should not be in it right which should be a very it's a simple equation bollard to the bank I'd like to buy a house Ok great. Let me show show me why let me see why you qualified. One point they had the name no loan no income no access or no assets so basically Are you breathing Ok you're good to go but what you do anyways you make houses that they're not you know when you went but eventually you had how many people foreclose had destroyed their credit for how many decades will think about that a foreclosure on that is is to underwriters in the future if you're going to have any credit at all. Underwriters in the future after you foreclosed most often see that it's as worse than bankruptcy because that bankruptcy you showed up and said Ok well I'm going to I'm at least going to deal with foreclosure in many of these cases you have people walking away literally walking away from their home and walking away from their obligation and then that foreclosure happened and you in order to well then want to happen after that what was the equation after that right they had to go rent they were forced to rent because they didn't qualify for a home loan any longer and they and some of them may never qualify for a home loan if they don't do something about it I don't know what measures are in place to repair something like that but the point being is that because so many people then had to go rent what happened to the rent skyrocket when they when they would Here's what I love when they say that the compensation to taxpayers for the risks and when the government guarantees a obligations will know if the taxpayer is on the hold or it how does the tax any taxpayer compensation has to come from what. Repayment repayment or the taxpayer and if they don't pay it it comes from from where I mean that if you're just because they nobody's paying for the mortgage you don't where does that come don't get in that equation just stay out of it. And it's government attempting to manipulate the mortgage markets again to manipulate the market it is the ultimate in stealth socialism and you would think that this administration who has really you think about it and deregulation led in so many ways now believes that the much more government involvement into making lower lower and lower mortgages which we just went through we just went through that disaster starting again and saying well no but we're going to make it to us so we make sure that we guarantee for the taxpayer you can't there's no there is no there's no way to do it if you call responsible. You know for those mortgages don't pay it then where are you going to get that money from that's like the banks called you and said hey can you come down here. Yeah what's. Your neighbor Joe. We're going to give him a mortgage Ok what does that have to do with me we'll tell you and get it you get down there and they said no I Joe thanks a lot Joe leaves the bank and you're sitting there I'm sorry why am I here because when Joe defaults we're going to come to you what do you mean that's not my loan why should I be response I I didn't sign anything I'm not going to be responsible for somebody else's loan Yeah you are and you're going to take we're already taking your money you're compelled to pay taxes by law. We're taking your money from you which is going to let you know this. Disclosure. Disclosure we're just going to let you know that we're using some of that money to pay for Joe's loan if he default and by the way that we don't even talk about the suffering the taxpayers took because the government artificially for years has kept low the interest rate that you can make on your own money and because of the situation that they caused which cost American. Investors and savers trillions of dollars over the last decade and think about it talks about that when you are the fish when you put money in the hands of individuals who haven't organically qualified for it the government is backing it so there is a greater confidence by the lenders there walking the streets looking for houses to buy what happens to those homes that's the bubble that is created the prices of those homes go up. And they go up not based on real market value but based on the fact that a lot of people have money in their hands and ultimately a number of them a great number of them will not repay those mortgages 86690 right eye tips from j.j. 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Your money where the miracles are in your Children's Miracle Network hospital 2.912.9 1st news with Kevin Miller this morning is 6 until Chris Plante at 9 News Radio 102.9 k r And. It's right on radio and he's our county I'm Gary Mack tomorrow 86690 right I will go to Rick in Los Angeles Rick hi you're on right our radio about the mortgage crisis in 2008 what the Treasury Department did last week which is to want advise that we accelerate Fannie and Freddie again which was the same mistake made in 99 I read welcome. Thanks guys yeah definition of insanity her yes right. On believable and I'm so glad you brought this up I've got a simple question I'll try to make and quickly Number one I don't know how many hundreds of years the mortgage industry was doing just fine the number of foreclosures was none the more that know the government has to come in and say you know what this isn't fair everybody and their mother needs to be able to buy a home and we're going to make it happen and I also think that movies like you know the Wolf of Wall Street and all that nonsense and the banks with the big bad evil wolves in this right you know they were here here's what the banks did the banks were like the teenage couple that said home and the parents say hey we're gone through the week here's the keys to the i Pad log there is booze in the refrigerator and the hot tubs go in and may remember behave yourself well we're going to factor that in yours yeah you're stupid enough to eat date they stick their nose in business that they shouldn't stick their nose in exactly and Rick we said it this way Gary and I years ago said it was like you know Wall Street or the bankers you know combined those were always the bad guys you're going to put them on a plane and say we're giving you $5000.00 to go to Vegas now you can gamble all you want we're going to guarantee you have that $5000.00 when you come home and so what do you expect them to do they're going to accordingly take Fannie and Freddie out of there would have been no housing bubble no. President Trump That's true California Friday as he warns my scale it has to what dress it legal immigration or he'll close the southern border secretary of Homeland Security Kirsten Nelson there are security concerns we nailed. That the criminals are taking advantage of this very vulnerable flow they will push families across one part of the border the border patrol always go to help those in need and while they do that the criminals will come across in another part but this is absolutely a humanitarian crisis in addition to the security aspects Committee chairman has formally announced the i.r.s. To wide 6 years of president trumps tax returns Senator Grassley says he knows what's motivating Democrats is motivated by their frustration over losing in an election that they thought that Dave easily win is motivated by their desire to use all of their resources at their disposal to find something anything. To bring this for. 36 a 1000000 Francis. 53 . Plus. 350 for. 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Studios. It's right radio and he is Eric Hurley and I'm Gary McNamara Hi Good morning welcome to the Friday show are I guess how many Democratic candidates are there running for president of the United States at this moment already 1000000. 1. Seen. With Tim Ryan announcing now how many of their total when they got the Republicans when they got all the time they got to I was 17 I thought that was 16 or 17. But it was somewhere around there right so. You know what I will say the story did include by so Ok. That story I see that's what I did say because I saw the story earlier but I didn't see whether or not they didn't include Yes I included by did they include the rock. Johnson You know. They didn't include the Bluebirds not in it because that's not even expected Not yet no I mean if if if that does happen and look we're talking about Tim Ryan announcing and people are familiar with him that's why we played as the audio earlier when he was on The View he's and he is the guy for people to don't know. That when he went in when I saw it yesterday I went makes total sense. I do believe now I could always be wrong I'm speculating here but I'm going off the fact that there is an acknowledgement with in the Democrat Party and I believe the leadership and I believe that Claire McCaskill when she was running and lost in Missouri last November that when she said the crazy I'm not one of the crazy Democrats and I think it was you who said that the 1st time and I think you said to me off the air I know 1st and so you you're the one that said you know she she said that because that's what's coming up in the surveys when they do when they when they bring in focus groups that were she used the specific word crazy because they and the word was used in feedback right that independent out there that revolve goodly that voter they think that they can get is worried about the crazy Democrats and remember that came after what the Kavanaugh hearings and so you have when you look at a Cory Booker when you look at Camelot Harris when you look at Elizabeth Warren those are lot those are just a few. Remember I I keep thinking of that thing you do I am Spartacus the movie. I am Spartacus. But that's where I believe that was. The that was the final issue out there where I believe when the Democrats were doing demographic research that's what people like Claire McCaskill found that that's what a lot of independents are thinking look you know I might be Democrat but you know there are these people are crazy and that's why she said I'm not one of those crazy Democrats Tim Ryan I don't believe will say that but I believe that's why he is running things and I think I think Democrats I bet you that their bench you that their political consultants are looking at for example this week we're trying to set a bunch of things were like oh please just shut up just shut up you know you don't don't get into areas that don't serve you don't get into childish fights don't do it don't make empty promises that you're not going to fulfill because the more intense promises that he makes and I mean intense when you say I'm going to close the border. That's an intense statement to make I mean that is a proclamation of we're going to do something serious here and as soon as he said it it wasn't even Democrats it was loyal Republicans and it was the most loyal constituency in the media for example and Coulter Michelle Malcolm They were the ones Michelle Malcolm coming right out stop making empty promises stop doing it it's it's hurting you stop you don't need you you don't need to be on Twitter all the time you don't need to be doing this you don't need to be getting in your own way you don't need to be your worst enemy. I think that they like we all have seen the president when he has discipline when he's disciplined he wins when he isn't is when he has trouble. And I think if you were to ask me I bet you that the the. Political consultants on the Democrat side look you've got the Democrats you know the president's crazy the president's mentally ill the president now he just has a different personality he's got a he's got a different is got a different praise got his own personality it's always been that way but they're calling it mental illness they're calling it instability that's what the Democrats think so how does Tim Ryan get in Tim Ryan can separate himself from the crazy Democrat and he can sit there and say I'm going to talk about the same things that Donald Trump does but I'm not like this guy this guy's unhinged I think that if you were to ask me I think that's what they're thinking Yeah. I I would I wonder how a temper Ryan does the near impossible from going from really he's not a household name. You know even if you're if you follow the political scene at all he's really not a household name so you have to create something through your campaign that is going to that is going to can and. He's he's normal. He talks about a lot of the same ideas from you know the liberals in the past but the behavior is what's different. The approach is what's different I guess the question is. Too little too late because what moves the. It used to be that. The the media was kind of you know running the show now the far left runs not only their party but it runs the media it leaves everything so it won't be long before attempt. Is going to be called out on a stage probably in Iowa if not sooner if he's up there. To answer for that whole. Questioning of identity palm of well well that's you bring up a great point you made me think of something is that we're going. It does as you know does he does he want that sage does does does Tim Ryan is is this the point and we've asked when have when Will Democrats have jumped the shark on identity politics right now you see the transgender movement now that it's sinking into the American public and now that they're promoting the fact that men should compete against women the majority of Democrats aren't for that when you got to the point of trans racial ism the Rachel Dole is all but now that that sticking in when we talk about the fact that even President Obama said race is more of you know I've come to learn that race is more of a social construct it's what you think you are everybody 99.9 percent of people in the United States knows that's pure b.s. . They all know what is they do and if it is is his plan or is his thought I need to challenge identity politics bring us together but to promote liberal liberalism because we've jumped the shark and identity politics it's what killed us in 2016 right it's why you know it's it's it's why we're we're having the problems that we're having because people don't like it and if you want to win the independent if you want an independent if you want to look Democrats going to vote whoever is that nominee against Trump So what are you looking for and will the media come on board will the media look at and say who's electable can we really see there's even if you yeah and if they believe in the identity politics can they sit there and say Ok we need to win over identity politics right now because of we when we can given Senate Democrat that identity politics is the way to go right so when you question the other day you think was yesterday's show where you said Ok who's going to be the 1st. I guess big name in the Democrats to call Biden out and say you need to step down you know not announce not get in not run who's going to be that's a key moment when that happens who's doing that in the media no one no one is doing that and so the question is why aren't they doing it it's because right now he's the guy right now he's the one that can be dropped as ugly as this situation is for them he's the one that can be tried if that changes if if it were to be a Tim Ryan the media could look at that and like you said well the idea the whole identity thing they can set aside if they believe Keep in mind they're activists and job number one is to defeat Trump if he rose to that power and this applies to them all but it works for him as well what's different for him is that he has a greater chance of appealing to the center in a general election like Joe Biden. Optics are important he presents himself. I think in a in a in a great way you and I had talked about when and again it was just 11 speech but we talked about Kemel interest last week in the speech and she gave where and again we're not doing this we're not doing it to be petty we're simply analyzing a political candidate and saying Ok how do they present themselves in the speech she gave last week and we said we played the audio and you said you know if you're not watching the video you think it's an 80 year old woman by the way her voice was was crackling at that point yeah kind of scolding you right so it wasn't it wasn't you know Chris direct confident right at all Elizabeth Warren to me never comes off as confident she comes off as you know whiny Yes plunking completing whining Yeah I think pleading might even be more of a please believe me please I want to help America. And and those optics and people might say you're being petty look I've studied politics long enough optics matter well and I don't know the same thing by the way Kennedy Nixon let it ended there and move we can move from that point optics matter Yeah beto the same thing he said sounds like he's what he comes off as is the. Teenager this hyper teenager who's pacing in his own room talking to himself. So the only choices are Julio Castro and Tim Ryan. But when I when I look at it I look the Democrats and left is only about imagery anyway to get elected then they want to move left right I really don't care just get somebody in the we all basically agree on the same thing that's what Tim Ryan was trying to say progressive politics was what will bring back industry. Vestment I mean he's actually you think about it he's bringing back the Clinton stuff yes we need to invest in the future we need to what does invest in mean it means tax you more money and have the government bigger out what to do with it exactly how to run the economy exactly but but that is for many of them that's centered Yeah and for many people in the middle. It's not the far left it's not the crazy Democrat as McCaskill would say or your ad would say $86690.00 right I mean with. The. Cash for repairs taxes insurance up to $15000.00 in 24 to 48 hours visit big rig. Eric Harley here to tell you about our new podcast randomize extra mile your one stop shop for all things trucking We'll talk about everything from taking care of your rig and taking care of your health the new products and technology regulations and new ways to stay focused on the road ahead you can listen while you're driving you can listen while you're not driving extra mile available on Apple podcasts Google podcasts stitcher tune in Spotify and our Web site run by radio show dot com on the road there's nothing on it more valuable than the driver that's why Detroit as innovative one of the most advanced safety systems in the industry Detroit assurance delivering exceptional control and protection to keep our roads and communities safer because we understand in every driver's seat someone's loved one and there's nothing more precious to learn more about Detroit assurance and how it helps protect drivers and our communities visit demand Detroit. If you depend on a truck to make a living then American trucker magazine is for you each month the magazine is packed with information you need to keep your truck running and making you money but new products to the latest in regulations American trucker has what you need to know and if you're running your own business American truckers Business Editor Tim Brady is there for you this renowned author and business expert has more than 25 years of experience in the trucking industry and knows what you need to. Maintain a profitable operation each month Brady's business in trucking offers solutions to typical problems faced by any trucking organization American trucker magazine is not just for people looking to keep their trucks on the road but it's also for those looking to buy or sell vehicles the American truck or marketplace connection with thousands of buyers and sellers across the country who may have the perfect truck you're looking for so don't miss another issue of American trucker magazine to receive your free Tracker dot com and sign up. Red Eye radio and our sponsors are devoted to trucking safety that's why we are proud to bring you the red eye radio 1000000 Mile Club for 28 years we've been saluting drivers who have surpassed the 1000000 mile mark with preventable accident free driving by reaching this one I'll stone you can be a part of an elite club of drivers who share remarkable safety records and demonstrate superior driving skills if you or someone you know is a truck driver with a 1000000 miles or more of driving under your belt without a preventable accident register online at Red Eye radio show dot com That's read i Radio Show dot com The Red Eye radio 1000000 Mile Club would not be possible without the generous support of the fine folks from natural stopping centers housed lubricator Motel 6 the St Christopher fund cat scale Freightliner trucks and Detroit we applaud the individual truckers and fleets who drive with care and keep our highways safe the red eye radio 1000000 Mile Club devoted to trucking safety register online at Red Eye radio show dot com. Through growing. as. The Arkansas high school athletic minister's 30 1st news with Kevin Miller this morning is 6 until Chris Plante at 9 News Radio 102.9 k r And. Radio . McNamara 8669 Do you read I will get your calls and comments coming up. Top of the hour just reading The New Yorker still on the whole. Again report. Still on Trump and his golf Yeah speaking of that you know it starts you know what I'll be talking about by the way I'll be here next week but I really won't be so let's get let's get anything of substance in today because that's the Masters next oh Ok all right Masters next you have your bracket done for the Masters. If there was that's right doesn't work that way if there was a bracket for the Masters I probably would have won. I got a friend of mine she's going to the she's going to Augusta and I forgot she was going and she posted it on Facebook strong going into the Masters I don't know like you you don't know you have no idea and you never hear that in golf a favored Well I mean Tiger when he was at his at his best yes Tiger was. Always listed like I said any more I don't know if you were to ask me you know Tiger's from playing pretty good. Tiger could be in consideration you never know what Phil's going to do but Dustin Johnson I've always expected he's going to shine one day at a at a at a Masters and then you've got to you know really had probably the odds will pick 10 other of the great golfers out there just in time is probably Jordan speed who's won one before the Masters it's a different kind of tournaments you have good players that actually choke at the mass. Games golf is a game of. A radio on what would one. Join the show and be a part of the conversation colander the show Rotella hotline at 866-907-3339 Red Eye radio and shell Rotella What matters is inside. Master here Ok hope you take a break here broke down have pointed and your little short on cash out you know truckers intuition pick up your worries Pete big rig landing. Landing big rig will lend you up to $15000.00 for truck repairs insurance pain $1000.00 get your money in as little as 24 to 48 hours and there's no vehicle inspection required. Back on the road in no time with fast approval regardless of your credit history I'm speechless happens all that to take down this number 18333 big rig a story 33 big gray You got it 18333 big rig need hurry no worries go big rig lending this is loadmaster down with the clean. 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Plus there's plenty of other great stories to help you learn more and live better you won't want to miss some tips on your way to a new and improved you during 2019 if you really want to quit smoking Dr John McKellar God offers a compelling approach does 10 mpg sound good my friend Henry Albert shows you how he's not going on that door slamming your next trout stream fishing adventure and many other articles will entertain you and inform you during your downtime at the dock or at your favorite t.a.a. And federal location while you're there be sure to pick up a copy of the March April Road King or go digital at Road King dot com Eric Harley here for the sing Christopher truckers really fun if you could help a truck driver get back to work make their pile of bills less daunting give them one less worry wouldn't you every year thousands of truckers lose their jobs homes and more when a medical problem causes financial hardships but with your donation to the same Christopher trucker's relief fund you can help get them and their families back on the road donate today a trucker's Fund dot org That's trucker's Fund dot org Today at trucker's Fund dot org little rocks news traffic and weather station News Radio 102.9 k r and f.m. Sarah in Little Rock. Station. Being on the basis is so much I'm really Apprentice the House Judiciary Committee is raising the pressure on the attorney general to release the full report from Special Counsel Robert Miller's Russian probe Linda Kenyon has the latest from Capitol Hill Democratic Representative Jackie Spears says there's another reason for Attorney General William bar to release the report to the committee she says the president could simply change his mind he said that he was going to be interviewed by the special counsel and then never was interviewed and then he comes forward and says I want it all the come out and then of course now he's saying no and Republican Senator John Kennedy offers his unique take on the matter look I think we ought. But there are all hang out the vote in the committee simply authorizes the subpoena it will be up to the chairman to decide when and if he will use it Randy Kenyon washing resident Trump says if he decides to apply tariffs on car imports from Mexico the rate would be set at 25 percent This came as part of his latest warning to Mexico to tighten border security within a year or face tariffs when Jeff Bezos is divorce settlement his wife has agreed to a deal that leaves him with a nice chunk of Amazon stock Steve Kappes the bomb exploded deal leaves Jeff Bezos with 75 percent of the Amazon stock he owned jointly with his soon to be ex-wife which means who are main the richest man in the world McCann's e Bay's us announce their settlement on Twitter it leaves her with roughly 4 percent of Amazon stock overall which is worth roughly $35600000000.00 She's not taking any of his interests in the Washington Post newspaper nor his aerospace company Blue Origin under Washington state law she could have taken 50 percent of the wealth accumulated after they got married she's giving Jeff Bezos voting rights attached to her shares of Amazon stock Steve cast and just the small ad is refusing to pay for the investigative June costs so the city of Chicago is suing him Rick only was indicted by a grand jury after being accused of lying to police about being the victim of an attack a mentally and Francis. It's amazing but true when it comes to one of America's biggest household expenditures health care a lot of people think they've got no choice people used to thinking we have to do it this way but they don't yes you have the freedom to choose an alternative with your health care it's a mess and it costs way less than the alternatives the typical family say $500.00 a month not a year a month and if you're single this can save you a lot and let's face it a big reason medicine is 400000 people strong it just works they've shared over 3000000000 in medical bills so they can help share your needs to joining me for so many people is one of those things that makes you say why didn't I do this before so yes the time has come for something better look into joining me see why so many people are opting out of the old way and into the new why not look into this just call 84491 bible it's a 4 for 91. $84.00 for $91.00 Bible a new study finds increased speed limits killing more Americans every year from stillness has more new data released by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found about 1934 people were killed because of increased speed limits in 2017 and over the last quarter century higher speed limits killed nearly 37000 people that otherwise would not have died the study found that a 5 mile an hour increase in the speed limit causes an 8 percent increase in death rates on interstates and freeways and a 3 percent increase in deaths on other roads Texas has the highest speed limit in the country at 85 miles an hour on some roads 6 states have roads with speed limits of 80 I'm John Stoll Archbishop Wilton Gregory promised Catholics he would rebuild your trust The Pope Francis named him the new bishop of Washington d.c. Replaces Cardinal Donald Wuerl who was on it last year after a Pennsylvania grand jury accused him of covering up clergy sex abuse I mean we have Francis. It's amazing but true when it comes to one of America's biggest household expenditures health care a lot of people think they've got no choice people used to thinking we have to do it this way but they don't yes you have the freedom to choose an alternative with your health care it's unnecessary and it costs way less than the alternatives the typical family say $500.00 a month not a year a month.

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