Come out against President from Supreme Court nominee Neal Gorsuch and Republicans may end up needing to change the rules to get him through there was intense interest in her vote after a leaked audio of her to fundraiser revealed her questioning the Democrats' strategy McCaskill could be heard saying if Democrats for Senate Republicans to change the rules with the so-called nuclear option then what happens with future openings when you could be replacing Justices Ginsburg Brier and Kennedy with a $51.00 vote threshold now there are 11 undecided Democrats and at least 6 of them would need to support course it's to stop a filibuster both Republican and Democratic sources say that would seem unlikely and believe a change in Senate rules is likely unless some kind of agreement at the last minute can be reached on Capitol Hill Mike Emanuel Fox News believe it Islamic state terrorist may have stolen the airport screening equipment leading to last month's ban on laptop computers and other devices on flights to the United States from 8 Muslim majority countries there's even a concern that ISIS may have tested the devices on the kinds of screening machines in use at most airports this information gleaned not from any one piece of intelligence but rather from a culmination of intercepted communications and when the ban was initially announced d.h.s.s. Referenced a specific attack in February of 2016 where a laptop blew a hole in the fuselage of a Somali jetliner the suspected bomber was killed but the Ana did make a successful emergency landing boxes Doug McKelway in Washington the Caterpillar equipment maker announced the closure of a plant near Aurora Illinois by the end of next year and $800.00 layoffs due to declining to manned production at that plant near Aurora reloaders small and medium and compact hours we will be moved to other Caterpillar facilities and when oil in Arkansas you're listening to Fox News Radio fair and balanced. Listen my life changed because someone was there to get me to use drugs. No one a public service announcement brought to you by the council. In Tucson Arizona the remains of a young child are found to be those of a 6 year old girl who went missing 5 years ago this d.n.a. Analysis did confirm that the remains were that of Isabel Celis Tucson police chief Chris Magnus says they are still searching for a suspect in her disappearance to some police department will continue to actively pursue. Those responsible for any kind of involvement the girl's father 1st reported young Isabel Messina after finding her bedroom empty one morning in April of 2012 Tom Graham Fox News parents in Kentucky are suing a sword company in Georgia Michael and Cole Ballenger say their son Tristan was injured when one of his friends swung the sword at an empty bottle causing the blade to break off in fling 20 feet before striking Tristen in the head the 15 year old is will chair bound in cannot speak normally after having his skull replaced top swords l o c did not respond to a request for comment according to the Associated. Sets foxes to race Garnier and Oklahoma City Councilwoman pushing to have a street renamed to bar Ave in Norman Oklahoma is named for Edwin De Barr who founded the university's chemistry department but now city councilman Bria Clark is hoping to get enough support from residents to change the avenues name to something else aside from being a University Professor De Bar was also a member of the Ku Klux Klan even rising to the rank of Grand Dragon the university's board of regents forced to bar off the campus in 1923 because of his clan ties the move here in name the street requires 3 fourths of Norman's home owners to agree Eben Brown Fox News he called himself the gay Betsy Ross Gilbert Baker creator of the gay rights movements rainbow flag died at his home in New York he was 65 a friend said he had a stroke a few years ago but hadn't been sick lately I'm Chris Foster Fox News Radio. Central Valley Help Wanted thought Komsomolets the employee of the month the woman boy you come to live with out the others let's just call them Dave Hey Dave why is the other Dave chopping down a tree out front Mr employee of the month you said you needed some so I said I needed that report asap as in right away so what does that have to do with the truth we believe the whole businesses should be packed with more local employees of the month and fewer Daves we make it easy to post a job and it's local so you won't get spammed by further away job seekers Central Valley help want to talk come local jobs that work My name is me and this is how I live United many families have come to America for a better life I advocate for these families with United Way United Way empowers them to see opportunities available we help them get involved with their kids' schools and that but within the community my name is made up I help families see opportunity and succeed I don't just with a show I never give advocate volunteer living on it go to living on a dime to work separately. Weekend Monday morning at 9 pm sun do what you can to indulge yourself power to be back here Monday in the 678-1900. 90 says that. The battle between the press and the White House is turned now into a full fledged war my question is Where does that end. Who wins that war should we even be fighting that war we begin there right now. As entertainment and didn't want to be seen. To see just somebody who. Just who had just met I read her book on the plane back from Bangkok yesterday. And a way to introduce her is just in the opening pages I was born in the wee hours of the night of the 1960 election returns that came in with John f. Kennedy I grew up in Shawnee Oklahoma a small town and a young state in the middle of the middle of America where people had come for to forget the past and leave their ancestral demons by my mother's ancestors drove their covered wagons into the former Indian territory to create their lives from scratch in the end forgiving Oklahoma dust my father had been adopted by the people I knew as my grandparents at the age of 3. Her name is Krista Tippett She is the author of a book becoming wise an inquiry into the mystery an art of living and she is also with n.p.r. . And I normally wouldn't have somebody on from n.p.r. . Because of some of the experiences I've had recently with n.p.r. But we've had a conversation and she is really a remarkable human being who sees. Perhaps I don't even know perhaps not the policies of the world but the problems and some of the solutions of the world the same as I do welcome the program Krista How are you Ok Glenn I'm good and I've so enjoyed getting to know you these last months as well I want to talk to you 1st about the press Bill O'Reilly said we're war the White House is it war with the press and the press is at war with the White House doesn't end. Well I think we don't all have to become foot soldiers in that war right I don't know how that war is going to and but it's a very small slice of what's happening in the world and what matters for how we create the world we want our children to inhabit and I'm not fighting it I'm in fact were so focused right now I think so many of us so captured and then the media wars kind of doing this to what we resist and what we're reacting to and I'm choosing to get out of reactive mode and into building mode and healing mode and I think that's a choice everybody can make I happen to agree with you and I'm I'm in that same place too yeah I'm wondering I was in Bangkok over the weekend doing some work with Operation Underground Railroad which is trying to break up. Slavery. And it. Was in the jungle This weekend saw some just some horrific things I get home and you know my kids are on the i Pad and it was hard to readjust and then I get in this morning and I see all the news where we're yelling at each other for Rhydian Dickey is things right how how how do we change that. Well you know when I interview a lot of scientists along the way and I'm you know I'm attentive to hell they're they're really. Understandable reasons that our brains actually get riveted by that kind of fight and by a sense of threat and you know I think everybody I feel an all around on all sides our political system is not you know our brains are on high alert So so part of it is finding ways to calm ourselves to calm the people around us. You know that sounds maybe like a not very powerful thing to do. But we don't just as biological creatures we don't think clearly and we don't rise to our best selves when we're afraid so you know I think there's who's really basic things I feel like there are different callings in this moment for each of us as human beings as citizens as political people and that's one of them and also that we have to accompany each other and that we have to get to know our neighbors who have become strangers I was watching the election all last year and seeing that whoever had won in November the real work ahead of us is to relieve our life together and to make things and not to make everybody else feel like a loser. You right in the 21st century globe resembles the understanding we now have of a teenage brain. We reduce great questions of meaning and morality to issues and simplify them to 2 sides allowing pundits and partisans to frame them in Iraq with I lable extremes but most of us don't see the world this way and it's not the way the world actually works I'm not sure there is even such a thing as the cultural center what you mean by that. Oh well I guess you know when I when somebody like me starts talking this way I think this is vision issues talking about the center we're talking about moderates I don't even know if that's interesting you know if there's a center but what I do know what I do believe is that right of center and left of center. Even if we have very deep differences and convictions that are important to us that we don't want to give up you know our negotiate away we also have big questions and common and we share really important things like our love for our children. You know I love I was in Iowa right after the election and a mom telling me that she's part of a group of neighbors and school parents about half of them voted for Donald Trump about half of them voted for Hillary Clinton but every single one of them was concerned about the effect that the election had on their kids what they were watching the kind of discourse they were hearing the level of discourse and so they had rallied together to be in solidarity and actually be really working together around that shared challenge and I think that is a model for how not that we all have to be in the center all the moderates but how we can really be building things together across differences I will tell you. You were talking to Krista Tippett She is the author of becoming wise an inquiry into the mystery in art of living. You know not to stick him out but it was one of the most stunning things I've ever heard. George Stephanopoulos said that his 12 year old daughter for 2 weeks after the election was sleeping in mom and dad's bed because they there she was afraid of what what Donald Trump would do you know I mean I have been called every name in the book beginning at fear monger my children are not afraid of Democrats they're not afraid of President Obama. That's not happening what is happening in the world of somebody like George Stephanopoulos where their child has to sleep in bed at night because they're afraid of Donald Trump. Well I mean I think there's some simple answers and some more complex answers I mean we we have kind of all resorted to this level of making fun which I think also is really destructive and catastrophizing get testifies in about the other side. You know catastrophizing it's not good for us and it almost never comes true you know the things that go terribly wrong are not the things we are looking for and expect that's just kind of a life truth on a you know on a deeper level you know to me this political moment is really about this human drama that's going on I think all of the politics I think Donald Trump I think it's all it's all a symptom of this human drama of how and how we see that you know over the last few years you know we need to sometimes just like stop the quiet take a breath I wish we could all just take a press together and say why didn't you know what an astonishing moment we're living in in history where we are really defining basic definitions. Even that the 20th century thought it had gotten you know when does life begin when does death begin what is family what is marriage what is gender. Our institutions don't make sense all right like workplaces don't make sense schools don't make sense politics doesn't make sense so this is very very unsettling and again to go back to what scientists tell us that physiologically this sends us to really primal parts in our self where we just go into 2 modes fight or flight and I I mean I think you know that's big and it's complicated but to me as it's aware relax. And just say I'm going to stand on the ground of reality and have a really clear view of what we're up against and again it I think even though it's huge it comes back to can we get grounded in ourselves can we get clear about what we care about and who we love and what you think yeah go you say there are 5 things in your book. That we have to pay attention to that will ground us yeah and you give them to me. You know there's kind of these basic elements of life I wrote this book about with them I thought it's going to be about big abstract lofty concepts and I realized in the wisest lives it's. So wrong material is the words we use you know moment to moment you are right I love I sort of this words make worlds I love that yeah too small a world in the decade of my birth tolerance to make the world we want to live in now we open the radical difference that it had been there all along separate but equal to a new infusion of religions ethnicities and values but tolerance doesn't welcome it allows in-doors indulges Yeah tolerance has taught us to be with otherness and be with difference whether it's racial or political and say I'm going to let you be in the room with me but it doesn't have not taught us to be caring about it to be open to being surprised by this are small steps and I'm not about saying I want you to bring me around to your side or I want to bring your around my psyche just to meet each other as human being but doesn't that but do this I was I was with some people that. We were talking about this is we can we are not allowed to be surprised by each other not because of tolerance but because of political correctness where we are afraid to be surprised by to ask questions that are surprising of the other that's right so we we sort of that's how they are it's not going to happen in our in our in our most of our media spaces it's not going to happen in our political spaces you know this is the problem right now too those are the places we've been trying to look to see the way forward and it's hard to say they're not going to save us and and they're not modeling what we want to how we want to be telling I want to live so it's so you know we have to get we have we have to we have to create places and I think we can do that very close to home right and our neighborhoods in our at parent teacher meetings in our families and in local politics. How does. How do we you know I've been trying to find. I would call them strange bedfellows but I think people who are willing to be friends with people who are different and then risk everything by showing that friendship you know how do we. How do we get there when. Everything is set to destroy anyone who disagrees. No you're so right we don't what we also don't reward or honor in public is apology or right when somebody says I've changed. Or I'm reflecting critically on some of the things I've done and you're one of those brave people. We don't reward that and I don't think we were courage in any way don't earn your courage that's right and again and again we do reward it in our lives are right in our real lives but it's not it's not reflected we've really got to turn away from you know that phrase above the radar you know I think one of the other things that's broken now the radar is broken but but again we're the places were captivated to look to see this is what matters you know this is how it works these are our leaders. We have to force ourselves and I think help each other to move away and I think the answer to that question of looking for friends stepping a little bit outside your comfort zone. I you know real kind of the poet Rilke as a great hero to me and he talked about holding questions there's an a kind of pathology in America is that a question has to have an immediate answer in any good question actually when you and I deal and question asking questions for an answer the questions also are a lot of questions we need to just put out there and I think holding the question and till we find the answer and everybody can do this in their sphere you know who's that person who's that friend of a friend who's that brother in law but I always get into a fight with a Thanksgiving how can I very gently in a spirit of generosity with the willingness to be surprised. Create a new entry point and therefore create a new possibility for how we how we live forward differently Krista Tippett Author of the book Becoming Wise thank you so much for being on and thanks for being. Brave and and reaching out and and accepting your reach out yourself thank you so much thank you for shit Krista Tippett. The place to be as your home for Glenn Beck Patton studio date but did you know that the police t.v. Has a ton of programs you can watch on demand at the police dot com slash t.v. You can watch every episode of for the record and watch exclusive documentaries one of those buildings Dr passport terrorists coming into the United States see action packed shooting competitions and laugh the comedies like the wonderful world of stew these conservatives need to learn what they're talking about learn with family friendly shows like Liberty Tree House Yeah the declaration depends constitution this is the birthplace of America and brush up on your survival skills by watching Independence USA when everyone else is out there running around trying to figure out how to survive we're going to be ready or maybe you just want to catch up on episodes of data from last week in these things like right out of me or binge watch Glenn Hello America and welcome to the Glenn Beck program you can on demand at The Blaze dot com slash t.v. Become a subscriber to The Blaze t.v. Today if. You. Want to get away. Texas that's a nice Baskin to know really large concrete building Sure why not with an inexplicable round window on top of your shoulders must be breathing talk show host and his large manly as. Well at about the gritty. Oh it's Ok it will blow your mind. If you'll be in Texas and want to attend the taping of The Glenn Beck program write us tickets at Glenn Beck dot com. Separately. Our talk morning. With Glenn Beck I want you to really listen to this American power to the 67 and am 4900. 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Remember Big lose like you he's on meds 205292856805292856. Rush Limbaugh there is no doubt make no mistake the media and the Democrat Party is obsessed with the 2nd Amendment they think that if they put it right if they. Democrat Party from Hillary Clinton on down would take away every gun from every law abiding citizen in this country if they go and that is the quote unquote danger . Monday morning at 9 rush hour the 67 and 8. And Linder equipment company into Larry we know you can't wait for ideal conditions when it's time to plan to harvest that's why case i h designed the Magnum World Series trying to give you optimum power drunk in control to tackle the most adverse conditions the combination of wheels and tracks increases flotation interactive power and the 4 range c.v.t. Maximizes available power and increases mechanical efficiency for information on the personal case I each Magnum wrote track visit Linda record the company into Larry or go to Lynda equipment dot com today ranger station Ranger speed Hi I'd like to report a bear sighting location in the woods just outside of town oh not surprising you've got your home bears have theirs Yeah but see this wasn't just any bear this bear was wearing jeans and I had Smokey Bear jeans and that's definitely Smokey what exactly did he have to say well we were about to head home you know after having a bonfire I can guess where this is going right right see Smokey told me the fire wasn't actually out he said it's too hot to touch it's too hot to leave that's true did you know that 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans that means 9 out of 10 wildfires can be prevented Wow no kidding I'm a forest ranger where you never get sorry. That was a joke. If you see someone in danger of starting a wildfire step in and make a difference because 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by human. Brought to you by Smokey Bear the u.s. Forest service or state forest or in the Ad Council learn more Smokey Bear dot com only leave you can prevent. If you're thinking about it we're talking about it our talk in 967 and am 1400. You're listening to the. Little guy just talking about Krista Tippett Who I'm glad that wasn't charge of the interview but he's like she is married to a much younger man. 19 years even under. That one is 9 years younger I think and I like her even more now than you are you you need for her because she was married 29 years after she was born not her husband born 20. She'd been married 39 and he thought it was no warning. This is. She is a really brave woman and she is she defended you against that. Noble guy who interviewed you on p.b.s. And n.p.r. And he said I cannot remember the guy's name I can't remember the question yes or something oh yeah he's a he's a media professor he's a guy who teaches journalism Yeah and he was like. How could you prove to me that you're not a monster by the way that's a rhetorical question I don't remember what it was it was something ridiculous like that and he asked and said it was a rhetorical question it was ridiculous and the whole thing but she was like that she was embarrassed by that she she was really embarrassed when I talked to her she was like I apologize for that that's not who we are and she said you know she had mentioned something to n.p.r. That that's not who we are and I thought that was really nice rave of her yeah really brave of her you know it's in her book is really good. I mean Rick Perry does that tell younger bands he has to step up yeah that's right all the gods 20 years under military guys that you have that ran. I'm sorry I knew him or that I was like we've got to get her back up a. Tad newer and not in charge Yeah it's probably a good fact fine probably a good thing yeah back in just a minute. If . You were listening to the Glenn Beck program. Hear about it hear talk about it here our 967-1400. Central Valley Help Wanted dot com So much the employee of the month the woman boy you come play with out the others let's just call them Dave what are you doing Dave we need help with pay we're going to do it's what's Mr employee of the month I'm taking your advice I'm working my butt off that's not what I meant to steal for you and Dave and I have to call h.r. We believe local businesses should be packed with more local employees of them from fewer Daves we make it easy to post a job and it's local so you won't get spammed by further away job seekers Central Valley Help Wanted dot com local jobs up work. News Radio a 1000000 Germany's economy minister slamming President Trump's orders on trade deficit and import duty evasion after he signed 2 executive order 1st executive order directs the Commerce Department the u.s. Trade representative to put together a report with the 90 days trying to identify every form of trade abuse is Blake Burman a senior administration official saying that report will talk about countries like China Japan Germany Mexico just to name a handful minister saying the Trump administration orders show the u.s. Obviously wants to move away. From free trade and trade agreements and the wife of the teacher who allegedly abducted his 15 year old student has filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences and inappropriate marital conduct Fox news we report you decide. Old town club is about to get a whole lot bigger it's a table bound to see no big days going on today this is fun for the entire family with free admission free parking a carnival for the kids and hundreds of arts crafts and food vendors plus this is the Michelob Ultra beer garden with my band and large t.v. Screens showing your favorite gate the Table Mountain see no big bad days April 1st and 2nd in old town club it's called United 736340 Dale's no pets allowed presented by the club the chamber and I heard media Ok forced animals to day is a new day kids are coming to the forest and it's up to us to make their visit a good one Sparrow Yes Have you practiced the most popular bird songs for the year . Catch you like it Ok river did tell us the temperatures are a fresh In 52 degrees now and perfect for a little Riverside shoeless relaxation good Al you hear cool she who I am look you know the drill sleep during the day scare the kids and I reflect I love my job tree so still in the same place I left you last year that's what I like consistency Well it's not like I'm going anywhere for the next couple 100 years I know I love it turtle turtle he's not here yet man he's late every morning you'd think I would have learned by now to leave the night before our meetings Ok squirrel anybody seen Mr schools the forest has been preparing just for you visit a forest near you today to learn more about cool things to do in the forest visit discover the forest org brought to you by the u.s. Forest Service and the council take a look under your bed find stuff under there put about jobs no now try your basement there's a pair of overalls that overall you're not so into anymore a perfectly good. Laptop that has inside your lap and markets including more stuff but still no jobs well you really have both see stuff is defined as household articles considered as a group sometimes this stuff is no longer needed wait no longer needed they can't write because remember those jobs you were looking for those are really neat and they're the stuff inside your stuff even inside that winter coat that movie theater fix on job is to unlock those jobs and it starts when you donate your stuff to your local Goodwill here's how we do it we donated good will we sell your stuff to provide job training for people right here in your community so just by teaming up with good will help create jobs and isn't that worth parting with the leftover guitar from the eighty's cover band goodwill donate stuff create jobs find your nearest donation center at Goodwill dot org a message from Goodwill in the Ad Council. Welcome back to the Catch Up next we have Nico Nico is a member of the shelter pet group that's right a group known especially for those sunspot sleeping chasing lead Robin couch her bed leaping and of course companionship wonderful I what. I have to go with a tad is Persian kind of mix tremendous cat I also like to point out a coach wonderful mix of colors is a black grey grey black brown somewhere in between indeed you know it's a special markets have kept locked up just on the couch straps it's actually owns the place and how she so incredibly cute in the difference to commands a strong willed feline and see how she curls up and cuddles her purse and. The pitch on her purring is simply perfect nice one. Fantastic cat fantastic condition but really the best way to know an amazing shelter is to meet one visit the shelter pet project dog today adopt. The Humane Society of the United States and the Ad Council radio is that easy to set up for music. Download the free i hardly d.o.f. Today. Glenn Beck weekend returns a couple of stories that we haven't yet today. A trillion dollar stimulus we've talked about this and it's you know complained about the idea of a trillion dollar stimulus some new polling is out on this and if you wondering why Trump supports it here's your evidence do you support or oppose increasing federal spending for roads bridges mass transit or another infrastructure Yes Right now it sounds so great as I am a little skeptical of this poll because the one trillion dollar number was not included you know but remember Republicans viciously opposed $787000000000.00 for that with the same pitch when Barack Obama did it now it's a trillion dollars that the number however not included in this poll but listen to this Democrats favor it $90.00 to $7.00 independents favorite $91.00 to $8.00 Republicans favor it $9027.00 you wonder why they're pushing a Julia dollar stimulus right now if you're complaining about it you are in the vast minority 90 to 7 among Republicans now that was certainly not the polling when Barack Obama was trying to do the same thing however it's interesting to see that people Republican that's really honestly on board with that's why I said you know I called Samantha Bee The other day and we were talking and I said I don't know what you guys are raising all hell about why are you doing that sht. He's doing everything you want. He's given you everything you want it's been a mixed bag but they don't want Neil Gorsuch right now they don't want any ill Gorsuch Yes but they are you kidding me they don't really get a dollar. Stimulus package no Dhaka You bet they do. Basically the same poll universal health care the way he rolled it out they love that well I mean they're opposing it they don't you know vote because it's worse for them than Obamacare but I mean if they are going to Republican plan they would believe me they are sitting there sitting there going Ok we got to oppose this but time so bad Listen to this this is again the same type of question from c.n.n. . And. Again the approval is not quite as universal among this poll 79 to 18 overall but Democrats 872225 prove the stimulus spending Independents 79 in 1000 Republicans 87 to 10 Republicans have. Only point believe in a stimulus spending 8 points more than Devan current wells do is to ask yourself this question do you want roads to drive on. If you want our bridges to crumble do you want to maybe not be able to cross over I'm sorry you don't like telephones now and I find this interesting it's interesting do you want to go to an airport some day they're gone they're all gone all go or they're following this is going into either going or going to get some calls as I've been because it's fast it's fast it's existed and we have anybody on the phone you know we've been I will say that someone who is laser number they can call I'm skeptical of both of these polls because I think a lot of people would say like well yeah we got to spend money on that's true obviously these things are we are very small just and we have scheduled spending out of the question is do you want to increase that by a trillion dollars is an important detail to ask for these polls you know just money is the people said no to this under the biggest socialist president can't say that one of the one of the biggest social. Presidents we had f.d.r. But we had the Great Depression so it wasn't phrased Hey you want better roads and bridges it was phrased should the government put people to work building any bridges level blah blah I can understand it then I'm sorry when when people are hungry when people are worried about their own jobs when people are freaked out about everything that's going on in the world. You think the government should spend another trillion dollars on something you know they wasted last time it's hard to understand yeah me neither is or structure is crumbling planes are going to fall out of the sky. You know the infrastructure is crumbling where roads. Where everybody raise their taxes so high that nobody wants to live anymore it's all crumbling up in the northeast. Now we have problems around the rest of the country Yeah but the places that our problem is we're building too many roads and bridges right now probably everywhere you go there's I'm telling you I'm more on the roads and bridges in Texas I want I want that fence to be of the northern border yes the southern Yes and the Eastern yesterday border yes mainly the western border to stop people from California from California problems with of building too many roads is a result of not doing the things we're talking about Texas has taken a conservative positions on all these issues for so many years that they have the horrible problem of an exploding economy in which they need to build roads because so many people are moving here every year what you do the opposite of that you don't need all the new routes I'm telling you my campaign slogan as president and I think any campaign person anybody who wants to be president in the future needs to say this now this will never happen because nobody would ever actually be elected president that said this I'm convinced of it but this is in a commonsense world this would be the winning campaign hey everybody in the Washington d.c. Virginia Maryland area everybody who lives in that governmental space I show you a picture of all the cranes building all of the buildings all around you all the high rises all the stuff these are all filled with government employees that work for government agencies I want you to know that you should sell your your home right now right now. Because when I get into office your property rates are going to crash your property rates in the Greater Washington d.c. Area are going to be worthless very soon because I'm cutting all these jobs there is no reason why we're building it's grotesque and Americans don't see it unless you travel to Washington d.c. It is grotesque there are buildings being built next to buildings being built next to buildings being built it looks like a giant ghost city of China being built there everything is under construction there expansion beyond your wildest dreams and then you go to a place like Rochester then you go to a place like even Chicago you go to you go to any place else in the country and it's not being built out like that why because all of the growth is in government jobs those should all of those be reduced Calvin Coolidge Coolidge was right reduce it by half I'm going to cut the percent. Of these jobs high unemployment in Washington d.c. We can't cut one percent anymore now though can't even agree to that no no we kidding I mean the one of the pitches that libertarians make is just don't increase spending cutting Just Keep It was a lot for the next 5 years they can come close to that would be the biggest you know it's like a nuclear holocaust in our budget. Basis that. We can't. Carry. The Wizards are smart in broadcasting wish me well on the morning of our talk 67 am 1400. 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Did you know that more than 75 percent of all Americans reaching age 72 will need blood in their lifetimes 97 percent will have a loved one or friend who will need lifesaving blood that's why it's so important to donate blood throughout the year the California Blood Center needs you they're always there to help and now you can to donate blood to make was granted political asylum this week at 959 and the last u.s. Troops left South Vietnam this weekend 973 that's your look back at This Week in History for your i Heart Radio new release run for Country star Trace Adkins puts out his 16th studio album something's going on which is his 1st since 2013 it includes the new single watered down we do. Now is just a little water. Also out of the 6 to the album from Nelly Furtado the rye now available in stores and online poetry is its lead single. Week. After 7 years away from the studio automation is the studio album from British alternative an acid jazz group to mirror quiet to dance to title songs the 1st single. From. This week's i Heart Radio released rundown. And now the I hard way to go week in sports Time Capsule what's going on sports lovers it's me ball freak Ronnie here to take you want to trip back in time to this week in sports history starting in 1983 when Ted Norton defeats Muhammad Ali in a 12 round split decision in 1987 at the 39 men's basketball championship Marquette piece North Carolina 6759 and as we can 2015 at the Cricket World Cup at the Melbourne Cricket Ground Australia defeats fellow hosts New Zealand by 7 wickets that i Heart Radio weekend sports time capsule. Brand new Agra port egg life served up daily at 5 pm on our top our talk 967 and am 1400. The Glenn back weekend returns Ok scientists have now confirmed the worst fears about p n pool and I believe that it is worse than your worst fears least mine one in 5 Americans say they pee in the pool. Even Michael Phelps says everyone does it. Well. They didn't. I don't know you do now no I don't. And the pool. Oh my gosh the piece in the oval we have a bathroom is actually now Jeffy has a new pen he was sort of like he did in the little before in my life I mean I'm going to head down I remember saying that they said about the red rain that went around you. Freaked me out I've never peed in the pool because I've always thought about that red ring I believe that everybody used to say that and I would just say no it didn't yeah right good move here so you might imagine it was like a day. Absolutely not Ok oh scientists have figured out a way to quantify how much urine is in our pool I warn you you are not going to like this. Research team tested 31 pools and hot tubs and found evidence in your in in every single one of them on average there were 8 gallons of urine in 110 gallons of 110000 gallon pool and 18 and a half gallons of urine in a 220000 gallon pool. The hot tubs hold on. They found that's just the hot tubs in hotels. Found to have 3 Tainos the urine level of the worst swimming pool that makes sense and it's those because it's so much less water right percentage wise you're going to have a bad and you're also. Gaining and relaxing and other things and I don't want to know what happens in the hotel hot tubs Luckily it's at a very high temperature so hopefully maybe I don't know killing all the interior or growing more growing I do I'm not sure but I I can't imagine now putting my head is specially not Tom I've never done a hot tub at a hotel if you guys ever done a whole. Tons of time yes I'm a bit I'm a big hot tub I don't like to clarify which is the reason that I can't believe you won't drink out of a regular glass you have to have a plastic cup but it's not really a good officer and b It's not about germs so it's some other scheme of things this is what is this to nothing and there. Is no money come on come on come I don't mind explaining it but it's a real it's a real it's we're getting off the exit here of the show you want to exit the show it was telling my 3 lines what is the speed and I don't know how to basically I don't like I don't like. None I don't like like glasses for example if you have a glass and it goes through and it's washed and sometimes there's food it gets caked on the inside or little pieces of food I don't like drinking liquids and getting solids but you can see some of that new Yeah it was kind of your crappy restaurants or you were at where there's food caked on the inside of the glass I mean it happens sometimes. But it sometimes when you get your forty's it happens a lot less than people peeing in pools you open up you know now here's a smoker and you've got rid of all I don't drink cool water again I'm a bit tired. I think it either money gets in your mouth to get some things I don't I don't also go to it I don't go up to a big For instance. I'm not a cowboy so I'm not going to go up to the the spring the little the the big huge I don't even know you call it a big huge tub where my cows are my horses are drinking and just wash my face in it because it's got cow slobber in it Ok that's not people right but I guess that we all I think we can all recognize that there's not an actual effect to either of these things like a piece of food in my cup doesn't do anything having pee in a pool but millions of people are swimming every day and not dying from the you know it's sort of to haunt it's the thought of it it's a mental thing that does actually you know we have no that's not that's not what's killing all of us maybe it is easy it is all I mean that's true I mean you know I mean again you will be the other person here's how this is how I heard this story I read this story over the weekend and this is how I heard this story 80 percent of the water in your pool is pretty Ok I'm alive by the way they didn't use the 1st right right right yes that was it was a little bit long I used 18 gallons to make it sound like holy crap I've been bathing in 18 gallons of urine and right in an Olympic sized pool right here is No No No 20000 gallons and excited to 660000 gallons just with some science on this aren't so here is the percentage of urine in in the pool that they're telling the person this is a scary article remember 68 percent 0. Point 00008000 of a person Ok so a 1000th of a of a percent. By the way look at on just one little fact here you know your it is 95 percent water Q Ok. So there is so you got 5 percent that I go with you is that 5 percent that these men who never wanted any in someplace like some mall you having to drink my or somebody else's you're wrong and I get it it's again in your I think it's more in your head and the reason why this stupid glass thing bothers me and this doesn't is it's detectable writing it's not detectable that there's point 000-0000 words I just need to let me tell you that you're in good need arises My guess is you don't get what you 00. Just so where I am right then into like a concentration of p. . I mean you're not going to win you know it's a section of the pool will never be the same for me but the you wouldn't know it is a positive to me I don't want to know it Ok so I know that this stuff I like with it's all hot dogs thing right where the hot dogs have a certain percentage of light years feature whatever the hell and they're like everyone knows that there's bugs and there's a rats and everything else and these things cause the result of all presented with it but it doesn't do anything why you have Hebrew National rabbis got to make sure those no there's no feet in those right we'll be there. So I just said I want to Rabbi Rabbi with my sausage and that's what I was we could talk about all the political stories there but this is the one that makes the difference knowing this is why are they going to live in all spring and summer can I ask a serious question I have a sailing pool a salt water pool. Do I have Clore I don't do I never say Yeah right so they'll put chlorine in it that's probably what they would say that the chlorine helps kill any of the of course does the salt help thing I don't know and I know you told her symbols are going to take the chemicals out and then all of the bacteria is just going to giant you know there's no bacteria that grows in it now I think it just has a salt killed like the Dead Sea right and nothing to grow in this is little extra Rose I am told that Morton's girl is going to be at the diving board at. The protest pour installed. A Sean Hannity here on the valleys next generation of news talk our talk 967 and 1400 am. 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Create jobs find your nearest donation center goodwill that's goodwill This message brought to you by goodwill and the Ad Council My name is Tom My name is Cindy we get to involuntary with United Way in our community for a health clinic we know our time and money are going to the right places we don't just wear the shirt we live it give advocate volunteer living on it go to living on a dollar work by United Way and Ad Council. 67 of the most powerful name in news Fox News. Myself. Fox News Radio I'm Chris Foster there's no word of any immunity deal for president from former national security advisor Michael Flynn which he says he.