News on father the German footballer who's of Turkish origin criticize the silence of fellow Muslims after China set up a mass reeducation camps in turning hundreds of thousands of ethnic waiters yesterday in retaliation China's state run television pulled alive Premier League match involving arsenal the French government official in charge of overseeing major planned changes to the pension system has resigned John Paul deliver I had failed to declare a number of paid and unpaid positions leading to allegations of potential conflicts of interest he denied any improper motive the strange wife of the Bob ways vice president Constantino Chiwenga has appeared in court to be charged with attempting to murder him married to anger as alleged of trying to kill her husband while he was receiving medical treatment police that she was also accused of fraud and money laundering totalling a $1000000.00 He is under Harding in the eyes of many this case now fits a more familiar pattern the pattern of a country where corrupt elites accuse each other of assassination plots and poisonings and where the police and courts are used to settle scores a country in other words where precious little seems to have changed since the days of Robert Mugabe that sense is compounded by Zimbabwe's deepening economic crisis the country gripped by hyperinflation crippling power shortages and mass hunger wild news from the b.b.c. The United Nations Security Council is meeting for a briefing on violent extremism in West Africa where militants linked to Al Qaida and the Islamic state group have gained in strength is the most forces have killed more than 230 soldiers in the region over the last 4 months to fight the presence of thousands of regional and foreign troops. Police in the German capital Berlin are trying to find out who opened the unmarked grave of the former s.s. Officer Rinehart hind Heidrick a prominent Nazi killed by Czech partisans in 1942 an employee at the invalid cemetery in central Berlin found that the Great had been opened police say no bones were removed Heidrick was a key organizer of Nazi Germany's mass murder of European Jews the vz in Britain have reportedly got away with jewelry worth an estimated $66000000.00 after breaking into the home of the daughter of the former had a Formula One motor racing the burglary was in an exclusive area of central London Jon Donnison has more the private road alongside Kensington Palace is known as billionaires row and it's one of the most exclusive addresses in the country officers have given few details but say an amount of Harley value jewelry was taken the Sun newspaper quoting a neighborhood source that it was valued at 15000000 pounds most Ecclestone and her family were away at the time travelling overseas for the Christmas holidays a spokesperson for the family said they were shaken and angry and rugby union a former coach of the Welsh National Science has been suspended from the sport for betting on not since Rob place bets covering more than a 1000 games some featuring his own team Khalid was sent home from the World Cup in Japan alley of this year when the accusations were made public the pano that investigated him said Holley had made no financial gains from the betting b.b.c. News. Next time on. We humans like to think of ourselves as the so-called rational animal for thinking is riddled with. So should we really be so confident. No. Next time you. Tune in tomorrow at 12 noon for this rebroadcast and then join us on Sunday December 29th at 11 am for a special tribute to Ken Taylor. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from the n.p.r. Shop where visitors can browse Public Radio nerd and n.p.r. Gear at npr dot org sunny today once the sun comes up 719 this morning highs in the mid fifty's so don't go out and. Don't go out in a t. Shirt quite yet long sleeves today ne winds up to only 10 miles per hour this is $91.00. Your local public radio Good morning I'm Kevin Vance. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Noel King and I'm Steve Inskeep senators are preparing their turn in the impeachment process the House votes on 2 articles of impeachment this week and if that vote goes as expected the next step would be a trial before the Senate in January the presiding judge would be the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the jury is the $100.00 members of the Senate unlike ordinary jurors they set the rules they vote on which witnesses they want to hear and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer has requested for they include Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton Senator Schumer is on the line now good morning good morning nice to talk to you know welcome back to the program why these 4. Well look 1st and foremost this is an enormously weighty and solemn responsibility and we send Senate Democrats believe that the trial has to be fair and it's important that the American people judge it to be fair and so there is lots of evidence that the House presented but these 4 witnesses have direct knowledge of why the aid to Ukraine was delayed there is no reason not to have them I haven't heard of a single good reason not to have them other than people are afraid of what they might say well the White House of course has claimed executive privilege and said that they will not not send them over and John Bolton who is out of the White House has said he wants a court to decide whether he should go well here's the bottom line this has to be a fair trial and there are a good number of my Republican colleagues who have said that you know they need more evidence there are no better people in presenting this evidence than this so our Republican colleagues Leader McConnell and the president have 2 choices do they want to get all the evidence out or do they want to hide the evidence resist letting the facts come out and basically engage in a cover up this is very serious stuff Steve and these witnesses have direct knowledge and I haven't heard of a single reason why they shouldn't testify No I don't know maybe their evidence will be exculpatory but to exclude them. Gives the appearance at least and maybe more of people are very afraid of what they might say well it's already hard as you know Senator Mitch McConnell has warned of mutual assured destruction here that if there witnesses on one side there would be on the other are you willing to accept some of the witnesses that Republicans want they for example some of them anyway would like to hear from Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and pursue the conspiracy theories that the president was pursuing inside Ukraine Well again we want witnesses who will focus on what the facts that the House presented are I have been heard of a single fact that Hunter Biden might know that are relevant to the house charges you know with the Senators Lindsey Graham or others want to go do their own independent hearings find that to be smirch a very solemn proceeding our documents here is based on the 99 rules where there were witnesses Republicans voted for witnesses a limited number and they're based on the facts that the House presented if people don't want to hear these witnesses and instead try to put these shiny objects of conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact I don't think the American people want that so my appeal I'm sending this letter this morning to all the 100 senators I believe Republican senators will think that this is a fair proposal I'm certainly willing to listen to Mitch McConnell to alternatives but the idea that they can bring in this one or that one for political purposes who have nothing to do nothing to do with the specific facts that the House has alleged and will vote on this week is is demeaning to the entire process and I don't think the American people will stand for it Emily my belief is that some Republican senators won't stand for it either now Mitch McConnell was on Fox News over the weekend and has talked about the way that he intends to conduct this trial or influence this trial of course is presided over by John Roberts but you need 51 senators to set. The rules here's something that McConnell says everything I do during this on coordinating with White House counsel know little difference between the present position our position as to how to handle those Ok To be honest that doesn't sound impartial at all Senator but Republicans are said Democrats are just committed a justice committed against the president is that correct we're committed to a fair trial where the facts come out and we're willing we don't know what these witnesses will say but whatever they say they should be heard from and Mitch McConnell when he says he's going to do just what the president wants it's sort of like a juror conspiring with a defendant makes no sense that's not what a fair trial is about and what I tried to do in this letter and what we Democrats are trying to do is lay out for all of the Republican senators as well as the American people what a fair fair trial would be we're not interested in dilatory tactics we're not interested in come introducing our own conspiracy theories just the facts ma'am and that's what these 4 witnesses will produce of course it is a little different than a jury trial because it is a political process involving people who are supposed to defend an institution but are also partisans I do have a question though about your institutional role here I understand that senators Democratic senators want to defend the institution of Congress which the president refused to cooperate with but there's another institution here the institution of the presidency as you must know Senator in 2 previous impeachments of presidents both times the presidents were on the face of it Guilty as charged but both times enough senators decided it would be unwise for the country to remove him Do you worry that it would damage the presidency if you were to remove this president well 1st the facts must come out and 2nd if a president can so abuse power and he is not stopped will he do it again and even in a worse way will you. Sure presidents do it even more I think the danger here is the balance of powers and the checks on the president this president has shown a desire for almost one diminished power more than any other so I worry much more about the overreach of the president and of diminishment of the president you're sure that this is serious enough to warrant not only rebuking the president some way but removing him from office I'm not making a final decision I want to hear the facts I think most of my Democratic colleagues want to hear the facts as well I think many of my Republican colleagues want to hear the facts as well this is an attempt to be fair if you look at this objectively it is right down the middle equal time for both sides nothing dilatory you know there's an American expression speedy but fair justice that's what this letter b. Speaker are you know are you very well Jerry I think you got to run Ok Senator thanks so much bye bye that's Chuck Schumer the Democratic leader in the Senate and N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson was listening along to that Mara what did you hear there well I heard Chuck Schumer trying to make a distinction between the witnesses that Trump wanted to call like Hunter and Joe Biden and then the witnesses that the president has refused to allow to testify you know the fact that the president made the ask he asked the Ukrainian president to investigate the Bidens that's established but Republicans complained that what wasn't established was the quid pro quo questions about the delayed aid they said we didn't have a lot of direct evidence about that so now Chuck Schumer saying well let's call the people who would have direct evidence about that delayed aide what the president said about it and wanted to to to do about it and that's why he's asking for these 4 witnesses including the former national security adviser John Bolton and the acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and he's saying look if the call is. Perfect and there was no quid pro quo than these witnesses will tell us that why not let them testify that's that's the the strong argument that he's making what we don't know is how much McConnell will respond and we should note about the senator's abrupt departure there he promised a 7 minutes and gave exactly that and went away I do have to ask though what is the circumstance under which Chuck Schumer would get his way does he have to win some Republicans over to his side in order to get the witnesses that he wants Yes or he just makes a deal with Mitch McConnell I mean that's usually how these rules are worked out the Democratic leader in the Republican leader work out the rules as he said they did in 1990 for the Clinton trial Ok so it's so this is this letter that Chuck Schumer is sending is part of a negotiation right Mara thanks so much thank you that's N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson. On college campuses across India students are demonstrating today there's been almost a week of protests over a new Indian citizenship law it offers amnesty to migrants who are not Muslim critics say it discriminates against Muslims N.P.R.'s Lauren Frayer reports that in the capital New Delhi The protests have gotten violent. Then turning into the down must see more than 200 people were injured when Delhi Police stormed the campus of Johnny and maybe a university last night they fired tear gas and beat students with a tongs dormitories were evacuated videos posted to social media show bloody students fleeing into a library in a men's restroom the university's vice chancellor now October told reporters she's filing a police report against police I don't demand getting it it is still what is in the way they hide everything quite a damaged property can be recovered but the emotional toll this has taken on our kids cannot be repaired she said the citizenship Amendment Act passed by parliament last week offers amnesty to undocumented migrants from 3 mostly. Majority countries that neighbor India Pakistan Afghanistan and Bangladesh to be eligible the person has to be a persecuted was the just minority a Buddhist Christian or Hindu for example and not a Muslim the government says India should be a refuge for those minorities but critics say that by excluding Muslims this citizenship offer violates India's constitution. At a protest today in Mumbai students read aloud the Constitution's preamble which defines India as a secular democratic republic Prime Minister Narendra Modi a Hindu nationalist tweeted that no Indian has anything to worry about with this new law but he also made a comment at a political rally last night. Those behind these violent tests can be identified by their clothes the prime minister said seemed to suggest that anyone in Muslim attire was a suspect India has one of the world's largest Muslim populations about 180000000 people who many believe are increasingly disenfranchised under Modis government Lauren Frayer n.p.r. News. This is n.p.r. News. On the next. Series I'll speak with Professor Rob Jackson chair of the Global Carbon Project at Stanford University We'll talk about the carbon budget which projects that this year global carbon dioxide emissions from coal oil and natural gas are set to rise by point 6 percent fossil fuels are responsible for roughly 90 percent of human activities join the next. Hour and this morning. She's. Searching for Justice. Later today at 12 noon today here on 91.7 support for. Comes from the San Francisco Chronicle introducing the new. Delivering the Chronicles up to minute news in 2 hands. Available for download now. On the next. Charlie's. In the new film. She tells us about transforming physically. And growing up on a farm in South Africa during apartheid and being raised by a strong mother. This morning. 91.7. 621. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing online meetings and a video conference room solution in one platform featuring digital video and audio with screen sharing account registration and more at Zoom dot us from the Lemelson foundation committed to improving lives through invention in the u.s. And in developing countries and working to inspire and enable the next generation of inventors more information is available at Lemelson dot org. From the Carnegie Corporation of New York supporting innovations in education democratic and Gage mint and the advancement of international peace and security more information is available online at Carnegie dot org And from Americans for the Arts. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep and I'm Noel King good morning doctors often treat depression and seasonal affective disorder with light therapy it's where patients are exposed to an artificial light source Now some researchers are testing whether another kind of light therapy one that relies on the color green can help with chronic pain will stone has a story and Jones had tried everything short of surgery for her migraines which have plagued her since she was a child they have actually gotten worse in my old age to the point where Jones who 70 was up to 24 migraines a month it was pretty debilitating then her doctor mentioned a study that was taking place in her hometown of Tucson Arizona researchers were testing if daily exposure to greenlight could relieve chronic pain her initial thought this is going to be one more thing that doesn't work but she enrolled in the study anyways each day she'd spend 2 hours in a dark room under the glow of a green l.e.d. Light for more than a month she didn't notice much then a big shift the migraines came less often and they weren't as intense I got to the point where I was having about 4 migraines a month if that many I felt like I just being cut free that outcome is what Dr Mo had Ybor him hopes for he's the one leading the study if you can decrease the intensity. Increase it in his pain clinic at the University of Arizona Ybor he gives a quick demo of his device a strip of green l.e.d. Lights mounted onto a thin vertical stand he likes the simplicity the most ideal drug or therapy is something that's safe effective and affordable Still it's an unlikely approach for Abraham he's an anesthesiologist with a ph d. In pharmacology drugs are his tools there was a healthy dose of skepticism because it was kind of strange where using light to treat pain even him says his interest started with his brother's headaches instead of taking meds. Then he'd go to his garden and the migraines would subside so even teams team at the University of Arizona ran some experiments on rats and they discovered the animal's pain response decreased when exposed to green light and we were able to reproduce it over and over and over again next even teams team fitted tiny contact lenses in different colors on the rats they found only the animals they could see green light had a drop in their pain response whatever effect is happening is taken place through the visual system even him got funding from the National Institutes of Health for his research and he's now studying how the treatment works on humans people with chronic pain nerve pain and migraines his initial findings indicate the greenlight may be stimulating the body's natural opioid system but he believes there are more pathways had worked 2 other researchers are looking into the connection between light and pain and earlier study at Harvard Medical School found the green light is less likely to exacerbate a migraine compared to other colors those who treat migraines like Dr Malev and are eager for a new noninvasive approach it's a happy thought I hope it works Levin is director of the Headache Center at the University of California San Francisco he's intrigued by the science but it seems like it spreads to me I don't think we really have strong information that suggests that these shows are to greenlight is somehow highly beneficial I grant still some people aren't waiting for all the data wanelo is a chiropractor with the Department of Veterans Affairs in Colorado after reading the research he decided to order some green glasses online for his chronic pain patients after a very short period of time many of the patients just noted that their headache felt better and seem to be shorter he knows it's experimental but the glasses are cheap and without side effects back in Arizona Dr Abraham says Early results show promise in his human study of about 25 patients the average. Person experienced a 60 percent decrease in the intensity of migraines and a drop from 20 migraines a month to about 6 the implications can be really significance if it works for other conditions as well he brings patient and Jones says her migraines came back when she stopped doing the treatment I made a commitment to go back to the green rides and the very next day I did not have a migraine The only downside she says is finding the time to spend in a dark room with a green light for company and that's a side effect she can live with for n.p.r. News I'm Will Stone We have a new detail of the wave a ping affects teens East cigarettes were supposed to help smokers quit instead they often lead young people to start nicotine and one group of teens may be more likely to get hooked those with a d h d N.P.R.'s Allison Aubrey reports it's been known for awhile that people with a diagnosis of a.d.h. D. Or 80 d. Are at increased risk for tobacco use and other substances but what has not been clear is just how important the 1st exposure of nicotine may be in the new study researchers Scott Collins of Duke University and his collaborators recruited a bunch of young adults aged 18 to 25 who did not use nicotine about half of them had 80 h.t. They were all asked to do math problems that require some attention and focus they were also given a chance to just hang out and do things like read magazines in both situations they were offered nicotine we've known for a long time that nicotine does have some of the same properties the medicines that are used to treat a.d.h. D. Has it increases the gel instant attention so they hypothesize that those with 80 h.t. May use the nicotine when they need it to focus say doing the math problems but maybe not so much when they were just hanging out so Collins says it was a bit of a surprise when they documented that no matter the situation. Then after a 1st exposure to nicotine those with a.d.h. Seem to want more of it the big picture is that individuals with a.d.h. Di chose to administer nicotine more than those who do not a.d.t. Given the rise in the number of kids and teens diagnosed with a.d.h. D. In recent years and the big increases invading Collins says the new finding is important the risk for starting to get hooked on nicotine might begin with the very 1st exposure and at a time when more teens are experimenting it means that the conversation and the education about risk for nicotine needs to start early really early something that parents and schools may want to consider Allison Aubrey n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Health coverage comes from visiting angels professional caregivers assisting adults at home in bathing dressing meals and light housework nationwide visiting angels America's Choice and senior home care learn more at 180-365-4189. This is n.p.r. News. One night this spring a cyber security researchers stumbled upon a. Recognition. And as we started digging deeper into. The camera. Surveillance became part of the fabric of life in this afternoon on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Consider later today at 3 o'clock here on 91.7. Coming up on this next half hour of Morning Edition New Jersey's governor spoke Sunday in a church in Jersey City following last week's deadly hate crime in the city. We'll have more on how residents are coping and an under an update on the investigation in the next half hour of Morning Edition also the school lunch menu right now it's $630.00. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly The House is expected to vote Wednesday on 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump abuse of power and obstruction of Congress they stem from Trump's July phone call with the president of Ukraine if approved impeachment would shift to the Senate for trial where Republicans hold a majority and an acquittal is likely Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer of New York says among 4 witnesses he'd like to hear from in a Senate trial or Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security advisor John Bolton there is no reason not to have them I haven't heard of a single good reason not to have them other than people are afraid of what they might say that Schumer speaking to N.P.R.'s Morning Edition awakes being held today in New Jersey for the police detective killed in last week's shooting in Jersey City N.P.R.'s Jeff Brady says the detective was killed at a cemetery by 2 armed suspects who killed 3 others at a kosher grocery store Jersey City police detective Joseph seals is being remembered for his work trying to get illegal guns off the streets tomorrow a procession is planned from the funeral home to a local church over the weekend a memorial service was held for Douglas Rodriquez an employee of the market he'll be buried this week in his native Ecuador the suspects were later killed by law enforcement it's being called domestic terrorism this is n.p.r. News from Washington. Amnesty International is raising its count of the number of people killed in Iran during last month's anti-government protests the group says at least 304 people died in clashes with Iranian security forces mostly from gunshot wounds the protests were triggered by sharp jumps in gasoline prices and Misty International says thousands of demonstrators were arrested in a government crackdown along with journalists and students the UN's World Food Program says more than half of Zimbabwe's 15000000 people are hungry ish MUFON de quote reports on efforts by the w.s.p. To change that the Derby if he is launched a pilot mobo form case of transfer project to do my remote He's a manager for Dan George aid and non-governmental organization that's implementing the project for Debbie if he she says the money he's providing more than food agility in the Chilean sea the program is now being extended to a more urban centers until up to about 2020 a true time to get 100000 people for n.p.r. News from the Quite a night out this is day 12 of a transportation strike in France over the government's plan to overhaul the country's pension system earlier today the country's minister for pension reform resigned over a potential conflict of interest in early trading on Wall Street the Dow's up 126 points I'm Dave Mattingly in Washington. Hi I'm Tina Palin's one general manager of k l w during this season of thanks I want to personally thank you over the year you have called our donated online to pledge our financial support for our trusted news on this station as well as our arts and culture programs that reflect the rich diversity of the Bay Area it's your gift that makes this all possible and I'm so grateful that you are part of our k l w family thank you. She's been called America's most powerful flight attendant this year Sara Nelson helped end the longest federal shutdown ever and the plane stopped and we said do we have your attention now Leader McConnell and a few hours later we had a resolution Sara Nelson one of the nation's top labor leaders next time on one egg . You can hear one aide this morning at 11 o'clock right after your call here on 91.7 k. L.w. Time now it's 634 support for n.p.r. Comes from the station and from t. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines investment opportunities 1st hand institutions advisors employers and individuals choose to Rowe Price Price invest with confidence and from c 3 dot a i c 3 dot a I's software enables organizations to use artificial intelligence at enterprise scale solving previously unsolvable business problems learn more at c 3 dot a I. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep and I'm know well King good morning the longest ever global climate talks ended on Sunday in Madrid but with not much to show the summit was supposed to get countries on track to meet the targets of the Paris climate accord that didn't really happen u.n. Secretary General Antonio Cherice described the event as a lost opportunity David Wasco just got back from the summit and he's in our studio Good morning good morning he's director of the International Climate Institute at the World Resources Institute which is an environmental research group so what was the mood when the summit broke up and not a not a great mood in many ways this was sort of talks meant to take forward the Paris Agreement which is the landmark climate agreement that was struck in 2015 and that now needs to move forward on many fronts and what we saw there in Madrid was a strong sense of a disconnect a Gulf really between what we've been seeing in the streets with with protesters and with youth with businesses in cities around the world taking action all of that on the one hand and on the other hand what was actually taking place in the negotiating halls and what countries were saying and doing and so I guess the question is it seems like the activists are pushing pushing pushing in the countries are saying no no no not not yet why why was the outcome so disappointing Well the biggest gap was really with the major economies the biggest emitters in the world and they are they have been dragging their heels many of them on taking action next year is a critical moment in fact under the Paris agreement countries are meant to ramp up their actions meant to strengthen their commitments under the agreement and there was a lot of fuel dragging on that question and it wasn't really until the last 24 hours when we saw pivot many of the vulnerable countries small island countries least developed countries pushed very hard to have language on strengthening action next year and so we saw that come through but it was really in the. Last moment and meanwhile there were other elements of the Paris Agreement that were meant to be taken forward for example on carbon markets that didn't really come to fruition there why carbon markets was it was a big point of this summit can you explain just briefly you know it's kind of confusing but why is there no agreement on what should happen with carbon markets why is that so hard to get to well the issues on the table were about how to go about trading carbon credits among countries and there were a couple of issues in play but mostly this came down to what to do with the carbon credits from the previous agreement the Kyoto Protocol Ok which were coming to an end and there are some countries Brazil was really at the forefront of them who want to use carbon credits from the Kyoto Protocol In other words from before 2020 for action that's supposed to happen after 2020 leading up to it for the next decade essentially So there was that push from Brazil and some of its allies Meanwhile Australia also wanted to use a lot of carbon credits that it has from that previous arrangement so this was sort of you know taking the old elements of action taking those old emission reductions and saying we'll apply them to the future to the action that needs to happen over the next decade we know from what the science has told us we need to cut emissions globally in about half by 2030 so this would erode the kind of action that actually is needed on the ground this is a disagreement over how we move forward Ok the u.s. Was involved in these talks even though the top administration has withdrawn from the Paris climate accord How does that play with the other countries there not well the u.s. Was particularly vocal on questions of finance not really wanting there to be strong signals on financing climate action in developing countries who need it both to reduce emissions and to adapt to the serious impacts that they're having and it was really quite concerning to see the u.s. Being so vocal at a time when it's. Going to be out of the agreement fully in a year's time from now do you see any any room for optimism any real reason for optimism moving forward well next year is a critical year it is the year 2021 countries are met to increase their actions strengthen their commitments under Paris and we've seen some movement the European Union for example has moved forward but others need to now take that next step the alarm bells ringing Ok All eyes on 2020 David Wasco with the World Resources Institute thanks so much for coming in thank you New Jersey authorities are working to reassure citizens after last week's shooting at a kosher supermarket the state attorney general says the 2 attackers were fueled both by anti semitism and anti law enforcement beliefs Here's N.P.R.'s Jeff Brady New Jersey governor Phil Murphy was on radio t.v. And add events like this interfaith roundtable in Jersey City talking about diversity we're in the most diverse American state we're in the most diverse county of the most diverse American state and we are in the most diverse city in that county in that state sometimes that diversity has led to conflict in Jersey City but Murphy said diversity is a point of pride he took that message to mount his guy African Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday. After the choir led the congregation in a song the pastor introduced Murphy who said that while last Tuesday's attack was directed at Jews and police it was an act of hate that hurt everyone will. Want to attack. New Jersey Assemblywoman Angela McKnight represents this area and asked Murphy to address the church it's great to have him here at a black church talking to the black when he says a black family lives above the kosher market that was attacked the mother and her 3 year old daughter were home one daughter was across the street. At a Catholic school and she has another daughter that was locked down in the public school system so she matters they matter we all matter church members visited the family after the service Jersey City Councilwoman Mira Prince Harry also attended the surface at Mount his gay Emmy Sunday we're here to hold each other up during the still very very difficult time what is the last I was of 5 days now been like 3. Long. Tiring but also very inspiring to see the generosity and love that the residents here have for each other. I can tell you're about to cry. Yet that's Ok. You know less than a mile away at the Jersey City Koshare market the storefront is boarded up and people have left flowers along the side walk meantime the investigation into the 2 shooters continues according to a criminal complaint filed Saturday investigators found a handwritten note with a phone number in the right rear pants pocket of one of the shooters the number was traced to a pawnshop in key port New Jersey about 35 miles south of Jersey City the f.b.i. Arrested the pond shop owner met a hoodie he's expected before a federal judge today he's charged with being a felon in possession of firearms after a search of his home and business investigators found 6 rifles 3 handguns a shotgun and over 400 rounds of ammunition he's not been charged was supplying guns used in the attack the f.b.i. Says it's also examining a 2nd van recovered Saturday that may be connected to the case Jeff Brady n.p.r. News Jersey City. This is n.p.r. News Good Morning from the b.b.c. In London I'm repute Jones with b.b.c. Top line here are a few of the stories we're following this hour in Africa officials in Rwanda are demolishing homes which they deemed to be at risk from what they describe as climate dangers more than 40 people are being killed by heavy rainfall there in the past 3 months and the government says it's taking action to protect its people but today's demolitions are controversial families are standing outside with their possessions watching their homes being destroyed they say they've received no office of compensation despite living in the area for decades the government says they will event. Recompensed Mary Harper a human rights group says Iran is still arresting those it suspects of being involved in protests that erupted last month I'm just international now puts the number killed at more than $300.00 with thousands detained and China says the English Premier League soccer player Mesut Ozil has been deceived by fake news Mr will use social media to criticize China for detaining Muslims in its shin Jang region Beijing responded by pulling a live game featuring Mr team from Chinese t.v. Well this morning Chinese spokesman invited Mr Ozil to visit the area. He will see a different he said China refutes un claims that around a 1000000 ethnic Muslim we have being held and in reeducation camps in London. At the b.b.c. . Probably seen thousands of dollars to be didn't notice didn't think about how they got there or why they look exactly the way that. We're going to hear from someone who a lot of power the person who chooses to be coming up on cue from p.r. Acts. You can hear cue from the c.b.c. Later today at 6 o'clock here on 91.7 San Francisco. Time right now local public radio is 644 and a half Good morning I know well King Liane Chatman the Brisbane Australia came home recently and noticed something on her balcony her Christmas tree was surrounded by birds who were her words going crazy she went to see what the deal was and found a 10 foot python wrapped around the tree she and her partner took pictures and they are every bit as terrifying as you'd expect that said. Kind of twinkle lights came on It's Morning Edition. Support for n.p.r. 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News I'm Noel King and I'm Steve Inskeep British Prime Minister Boris Johnson left no doubt how he interprets a huge election victory we will get that done on time by the 30 post of January no ifs no buts no maybes leaving the European Union as one United Kingdom the United Kingdom currently includes Northern Ireland so what's Bracks it mean for neighboring Ireland which will stay in the European Union previous Breck said efforts collapsed in part over how to manage the border between those 2 Ireland's Fintan O'Toole is a columnist for The Irish Times and joins us from Dublin via Skype Welcome to the program thank you very much safer how do people respond to the election where you are it's a real mixed feeling I think in the short term I think and in Ireland there is some relief that arse Johnson will at least have a clear parliamentary majority which means he can at least get that with draw agreement that's going to go see to your opinion sort of on the other side there's a huge regret that Bracks is going to happen and most people in Ireland are very sad about it because it's bad for us is probably bad for the European Union and there's not a huge amount of trust in Paris Johnson when you think about how this might go a little bit over the next few years although your prime minister said it's a positive outcome the idea being I think that anything is better than this constant uncertainty Yes that's absolutely true you know it's been very frustrating and very very worrying and of course still a fragile political situation in Northern Ireland so you don't need that anxiety it would be nice to think that the anxiety would end on January 31st as we heard in that clip the problem is that debt brags that Dawn is a slogan you know it's very effective slogan as it turned out but it's not it's not and we still don't really know extraordinarily you know more than 3 years down the road what kinds of Bragg's the British government wants Where are they going to and . Do you have any idea under Boris Johnson how the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland will be managed. Well so what we know is that Bush also effectively capitulated he did what he said no British prime minister could ever do which is in effect of economic terms to move the border away from the islands of Ireland and to create what's being called a border in the eye or say so effectively you're going to have a border for goods passing from Great Britain into Northern Ireland this is pretty extraordinary I mean it's like saying we're going to have a border between. You know you Mexico and Alabama they're supposed to be part of the same state Yeah and so from an Irish point of view this is welcome well at Irish point of view this is welcome Why because it gives you an opportunity to I don't know get back Northern Ireland is that what might happen here. Simply because if it stops the thing everybody was so afraid of which was a hard border island by the south however it has big implications right so it's sort of saying Northern Ireland is going to have a very different brags us from the rest of you so we heard in that clip from bars Johnson saying we're leaving as one united kingdom that's just simply not true and I don't think he's called throughout the implications of this might be over the next 10 years does this essentially mean that in a few seconds that blacks it is going to fail for Northern Ireland Well it could mean that it's good for Northern Ireland because it becomes you know both inside and outside Europe you know which might be a good thing but in terms of identity and questions about longing and all of those kind of questions we have for hundreds of years it doesn't really help Mr O'Toole thank you so much pleasure Fintan O'Toole is a columnist with The Irish Times and also author of heroic failure and politics of pain. This is n.p.r. News this is 91.7 k.l. . San Francisco k l w dot au argy your local public radio station and the listeners supported broadcast service of the San Francisco Unified School District if you have children who attend public school here in the city and county of San Francisco you may be interested to know what will be served for lunch today in the cafeterias Yes there is school this week this is the final week before winter break so it will be the all beef hot dog in most schools elementary schools may also be selling the bean and cheese poop the sun butter and jelly sandwich kicked the corn with garlic Wyman dressing middle and high schoolers could also have the chicken tenders and roll the cheese garlic bread and tomato soup the yogurt parfait the celery and cucumber Cup with ranch and the baby carrots that's what's for lunch today in the San Francisco schools we thought you'd like to know. On the extra calls One Planet series will speak with Professor Rob Jackson chair of the Global Carbon Project at Stanford University will talk about the carbon budget which projects that this year global carbon dioxide emissions from coal oil and natural gas are set to rise by point 6 percent fossil fuels are responsible for roughly 90 percent of all a mission from human activities join the next your call with me Rose Aqil are and that will be this morning at 10 o'clock here on the 91.7 k l w This is Grace one of city fissions tonight on our program host Ethan alkaline sits down with Sujata police director of the Restored of Justice Project at Oakland based impact justice Sujata is one of this year's recipients of the MacArthur Genius Award and joins us to discuss her work expanding access to Survivor centered restored of Justice strategies how many of these practices impact mass incarceration recidivism and violence in California and beyond find out tonight at 7 here on local public radio San Francisco the cross-currents Morning Report is next it is $651.00 from k l w news in San Francisco and this is the cross-currents morning report news and culture from around the bay. Last month more than $100.00 people crowded into a library for a public meeting in Pinole a tiny city northeast of Richmond they were there to fight the proposal to dredge the shipping canal in the bay one that allows bigger heavier tankers to enter the Golden Gate and bring their supplies to the bay's oil refineries it's a move that oil companies say will be more environmentally friendly but environmentalist think it's a huge deep step in the wrong direction Cayle W.'s energy and environment reporter Angela Johnston joins me to explain more Hey Angela Hi So 1st tell us what happens right now so how does oil get to these bay area refineries now well the bay has 5 refineries most of the big names are located here Chevron Shell Valero Philip 66 they're all here in the Bay Area and oil comes to them by train by pipeline and in this case by boat and it comes on a big tanker called a Panamax ship and you've probably seen them actually there are like these can tamer ships really long but with out the containers Yes And so here's the issue the bay actually isn't that deep in certain places the average depth is only 12 to 15 feet that's Shalah Yeah kind of like one big swimming pool which I thought was crazy and so the shipping canal in the car came as straight and that's for most of these ships pass to get to the refineries isn't that much cheaper so there's really not much room to spare when you're thinking about these huge ships especially if you have a full heavy load of oil which the ships haven't been carrying because of this Ok so the federal government wants to deepen the channel so the ships can carry more oil Yeah so the Army Corps of Engineers there like the federal government's Work course they were 1st authorized by Congress to dredge or deep in the channels back in 1965 and then it was sort of. Funded in 2012 Ok how does dredging actually work Ok so dredging in the bay takes place right now too for sand mining and just for general maintenance of the shipping channels big boats basically suck up the bottom of the bay floor and shoot back all the unwanted debris into the water so for this project they say they'll put all the silt and sand that they suck up onto restored marshland and so yeah the reason for this new dredging is that the channel channels right now are too shallow and so ships are taking more trips with less than full loads and they say that once there's a deeper channel fewer ships will have to go back and forth carrying oil and that will actually be good because it will reduce both emissions Yes and they say it'll save oil companies a lot of money between $7.00 and $11000000.00 a year and shipping costs which could be passed on to the consumer which could mean cheaper gas is actually but environmentalist say those benefits don't outweigh all the harms that this dredging could do so the 1st is that dredging itself can be environmentally harmful one report from the Army Corps of Engineers said that ship traffic and dredging can hurt endangered fish marine mammals little start up heavy metals that have settled deep in the Marine floor environmentalist say that the Army Corps hasn't consulted with the surrounding communities there's this idea that there's more risk for oil spills because ships are carrying more oil but really the biggest thing I think is this idea that dredging the shipping can now will just strengthen our region's ties to fossil fuel companies and critics don't think this will allow for fewer ships they think it will allow these companies to expand a time when we should really be cutting back on greenhouse gases environmentalist's delivered a petition with 20000 signatures to the Army Corps of Engineers asking them to stop the dredging Ok And what's been the Army Corps Response Well they say they aren't political. They just want to ensure the safe passage of ships that's their only mandate the agency's deputy director told the San Francisco Chronicle quote I try hard to keep the Corps as a Gnostic as I can so what is next well there needs to be a state environmental impact review and Congress needs to appropriate the funding so this isn't going to be starting anytime soon and the Corps also told The Chronicle that it could be a decade before it's all right thanks angel thank you. Are you can find. An edition of my mixtape where we asked someone to tell us about a song that's special to them for k l w News I'm. Right . My mixtape. Control. The kind of like microcosms that exist with this. Kind of toys that my emotions in the makes me get all the feels but also helps me kind of understand my life my love life my relationship with my wife etc. That. Make you. Think. I'm Michael Stipe host of bird no. Rings nature to you in your car at home in the office to listen to the radio series about the tree of birds. This morning at 9 o 4. In form at the Commonwealth Club features diverse speakers focusing on current events technology and culture with the goal of educating entertaining and engaging audiences in the Bay area and beyond the glass ceiling is beginning to crack for women in leadership roles how do we move progress forward for a majority of women join us for McKinsey and Company and lean in dot org 5th Annual Women in the workplace report check it. Tuesday night at 7 pm Here at 91.7. San Francisco at 7 o'clock. Good morning how much difference does the trade deal with China make the president called for a change to the way China does business we'll ask if the deal achieved that in this hour of Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. The trade deal announcement comes just before the House votes on impeaching the president I know we'll King and I'm Steve Inskeep with n.p.r. News p.b.s. News Hour Maris poll finds Americans divided on whether impeachment is right. Also. Dropping and could ingredient in psychedelic mushrooms help smokers quit It's Monday December 16th 75 years ago today in 1944 Germans in Europe attacked the u.s. Army which suffered devastating losses in the snow but won the battle of the ball. The news is next. B.b.c. News with Sue Montgomery the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi has appealed for calm as protests over a controversial new citizenship last spreads across the country he's accused groups with vested interests of stoking the unrest students in cities across India staged demonstrations of solidarity after a police raid on a daily university these protesters of the new law which gives fast track citizenship to non Muslims from Pakistan Afghanistan and Bangladesh Amongst to discrimination I just want 7 to make it clear it is get people to come 7 up to Fiji up and that's a good deal but we have got to get to the best thing that I know if it is still against the believe it's the biggest banks which is discriminate become one but look at me it's against the Muslims easy. Just to. Push it. Too hard to do it that is what they've done China's foreign ministry says the English Premier League football player message. Has been deceived by fake news in criticizing Beijing's policy of detaining Muslims in Chin jelling the un says there's credible evidence that 1000000 ethnic Muslim leaders have been held in reeducation camps in northwest China our Asia Pacific editor Syria Hudson says there's been a mixed reaction on Chinese social media to those comments some people are calling out others all saying that he shouldn't have criticised policies inside China but we're also saying some people say I just want to watch my Arsenal game bring back the football let's get politics out of sports So definitely we're seeing a mixture of opinion and I think if these games continue to be polled or if China decides to punish a wider group of the Premier League we will see a lot of discontent inside China the French government official in charge of overseeing major plan changes to the pension system has resigned John Paul deliver had failed to declare a number of paid and unpaid positions he's done in her heart this resignation comes at an extremely sensitive time jump or deliver nicknamed Mr pension.