You're. Losing When. Into pieces by sleepy town manufacture the project aggression electronic musician Alexander and yet from it can be informed us. Then music by solaris the project down Tyler and Serbian electronic musicians strain the amount at it from a on 5. We continued with a piece by Tennessee musician Paulina Cassidy from drawing up a. Dawn music by Washington State musician Deborah Martin from high of the wizard in America Martin drift by Berman musician Kid mark and this room skies And later 2 extended selections by veteran German synthesis Klaus Schulze are from silhouettes electronics and guitar by errant space the project New York State musician Craig chin from seconds and we wrap it up with music from England by Bob hole right from the king. This edition of parts of space was produced by Steve Davis and Stephen Hill you heard program number 1195 descend in dark 2. You'll find our playlist with all the details about the music on this program in the program section at h o s dot com You can subscribe to the hearts of space play list and get it every week by email for free for information send a blank email to info at a choice dot com on the hearts of space website it a choice dot com You'll find searchable playlist for all programs thousands of links to help you find music you hear on the show background information on music and the hearts of space music service with on demand streams of every program since 19838 full time hearts of space music channels from electronic space to world ending Plus this week's show and the album are counted it's all there waiting patiently for you at h o s dot com. I'm Stephen Hill thanks for listening journey for more slow music for fast times on hearts of space safe journey in space fans where every. War. Or are. Her 2nd heard music from the hearts of space intitled the gathering dark electro acoustic and the it for the audience here that is going the at next right here 91.7 k l w San Francisco. Well despite the unseasonably warm temperatures and their sometimes disastrous consequences one thing in our environment remains absolutely on changed the sun and the Earth continue reliably tracing their cosmic or this. And so for very good astronomical reasons here in the northern hemisphere the autumn days were shorter and the like grows ever dimmer as we plot our course toward the winter solstice the music of the season is measured calm with restrained passion and glance a bright color against a darkening background. I'm Stephen Hill and on this transmission of hearts of space we score the season of fading light and falling leaves on a program called the gathering dark. Will feature Indiana having guitarist Jeff Pierce's album from the darker seasons from northern California with music by Darshan and gained from the lingering day anatomy of a daydream and from Ohio keyboardist and composer to Him story and the pioneering German electronic musician Hans Joachim are doing.