Who currently lives in Egypt was initially prevented from visiting her son by the trumpet ministrations travel ban on this it has from 7 mainly Muslim countries the boy's father and he has son brought into the u.s. Expecting his mother would join them he said the family reunion would allow them to mourn with dignity. The Belgian prime minister Shiela Michel has offered his resignation following the withdrawal earlier this month of one of the partners in his governing coalition Kevin Connelly reports from Brussels shown a show of French speaking liberal has been in government with the conservative movement of Flemmi speaking nationalists the nv a when that coalition collapsed last week because of envy objections to Miss de Michel decision to agree to the new un declaration on migration it left Mr Michel out on a limb his resignation is now held in suspension leaving him as a kind of caretaker prime minister somehow miss division will now has to find a way to pass a federal budget if he can't the country will edge closer to a political crisis Kevin Connolly reporting from Brussels I'm David Harper with the latest world news from the b.b.c. . That International Update presented as part of our 4 o'clock hour of All Things Considered Good afternoon I'm David Bach to liberals who like to give you a local perspective from k l w news in this hour and to do that we're joined by Angela Johnston from tailed I mean who's Hi Angela Hi David So you know when you buy a new car sometimes you don't get a real license plate for weeks or months after right well today California announced it's fixing a gap in its license plate law that allows drivers of these cars to cross bridges and coast along Explorer express lanes for free I always wondered about that you know you see all these cars going through like free free dual learn right go ahead right many people who go through toll booths illegally are doing so by not having plates on their car instead they use those cardboard dealer logos that serve as placeholders on new cars making them anonymous Some even get in crashes and flee the scene in 2016 more than 2000000 vehicles pass through fast tracked lanes without license plates and without stopping but now starting January 1st every new or used car will have front and rear state plates with a unique set of numbers before they leave the dealership lot this will identify not only the description of the car but the buyer as well if you got a new car and take yours off you'll risk getting a fix it ticket now David this change is happening in the near future but let's talk about some future transportation that's a bit further out today tech entrepreneur Elon Musk unveiled an underground transportation tunnel that could move people faster than subways Musk also showed off showed off the autonomy scars that will carry people through the test tunnel which runs about 2 miles under the streets of Hawthorne California down south he's also planning to unveil elevators he says will bring users cars from the street to down to the tunnel up to 16 people could board these Autonomy's physicals traveling as fast as 150 miles per hour wow we're just about that much closer to the Jetsons to have it yes thank you for that Angela and thank you Lon Musk for having a little bit of. Creativity and thinking about our transportation situation Speaking of which support for n.p.r. Comes in part from Subaru with their super Oh share the love of it now through January 2nd details on the not for profit organizations that it supports are at Subaru dot com slash share of its what makes a Subaru a superhero. That I think about $399.00 a month if you lease this is scale that you all things considered continues. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Elsa Chang and I'm Mary Louise Kelly outside a federal courthouse here in Washington today allies a former national security adviser Michael Flynn rallied in his defense oh. That's. What. The overtire general got a different reception inside the courthouse the judge warned that he might throw the book at Flynn for lying to the f.b.i. And Flynn opted to delay his sentencing n.p.r. National justice correspondent Carrie Johnson was in the packed courtroom today she's here in our studio now Carrie Hi there so quite the build up today and the expectation going in was a that film would be sentenced and be probably no prison time instead we got what justice delayed justice delayed this felt like a wedding where all the guests dressed up and traveled from far away in the couple got to the altar and then somebody pulled the plug a prosecutor said Michael Flynn lied to the f.b.i. About his contact with the Russian ambassador they also said Flynn has been enormously helpful to their investigation 1000 meetings 62 hours of interviews and the special counsel said please r.t. To our 62 hours on this special counsel said Flynn deserve little or no prison time but the judge and that Solomon was not so sure he said Flynn was a high ranking government official who misled federal agents in an interview inside the White House at one point the judge asked whether Flynn could be charged with treason or whether he had acted as a foreign agent inside the White House the government said no that's going too far in the judge said I feel badly about musing about that never mind I mean sounds like such a scene inside the courtroom just describe what it was like who I was there when comes from a large Catholic family has 8 brothers and sisters several of them were there his wife was sitting in the front row alongside their adult son also named Michael the father of one of the prosecutor showed up to but once the judge started expressing serious doubts the mood got really tense the judge. Asked several times whether Flynn wanted to take a break or consider a delay in the sentencing ultimately the flame took the judge up on that offer when they came back from the break Flynn's lawyer said Flynn had been a major league help to the authorities he had held nothing back in his interviews with the special counsel but he could still be called to testify in a trial involving 2 of his former business associates those men are accused of acting as foreign agents of Turkey and Flynn was not charged in that case even though he could have been so both sides are now going to hit pause and update the judge in mid March about their progress Ok so we're not likely to hear much until until March this will go quiet Ok well what about this question that has been live even in the year since Michael Flynn pleaded guilty there's been questions raised by people who believe he was trapped in trapped somewhere by the f.b.i. Did that come up today it did even Flynn's own son Michael has been posting on Twitter about the f.b.i. And raising questions about the F.B.I.'s conduct but in court today Flynn accepted responsibility for those lies he rejected the idea he was entrapped by f.b.i. Agents he said he knew it was wrong to lie to the f.b.i. And he said he pleaded guilty because he was in fact guilty for their part prosecutors say Flynn had plenty of chances to tell the truth instead he kept on lying and in a very dramatic moment the judge said I'm not hiding my disgust my disdain for this criminal offense that caused planes wife to shake her head in another relative started clearing her throat rather nervously. President Trump started the day by tweeting Good luck to fly on his national security adviser has he reacted yet to this delay while press secretary Sarah sander says the f.b.i. Ambushed Flynn in January 2017 in this interview in the White House the White House is still being very kind to Michael Flynn even though he was pushed out for lying to the vice president and if you know why well that's an open question about why the White House to still feel so warmly another open question is what exactly Flynn has provided the special counsel team about Russian contacts with the Trump transition in the Trump campaign plane could have been on the hook for a lot of other charges and his son who did a lot of business with him was never charged with wrongdoing at all thank you Carrie you're welcome That's N.P.R.'s Carrie Johnson. So as Carrie mentioned Michael Flynn could be called to testify against his former business associates who are now accused of violating foreign lobbying rules the indictment unsealed yesterday accuses the 2 men of covertly trying to help Turkey persuade the u.s. To extradite a Turkish cleric named for Tula Glenn who now lives in Pennsylvania flints firm allegedly received a half a $1000000.00 to help sway public opinion against Glenn including writing an op ed and producing a documentary so far the u.s. Has refused to extradite Glenn and for more on the long running story about this Turkish cleric we're joined in the studio now by. Of the Brookings Institution Welcome thanks for having me so this indictment lays out the lengths Turkey will seemingly go to to get Glenn Back in the country why why do they care so intensely well into our eyes off the Turkish government and most importantly president reject type fit to Lucky Len is the mastermind of the failed coup in the summer of 2016 however many European governments and most importantly the u.s. Government has failed to see concrete evidence a kind of smoking gun linking that to luck directly to the coup and as far as evidence goes the Justice Department says that this evidence Turkey has sent over just doesn't meet the standard for extradition but the trumpet ministration has suggested it would take a look at possibly returning to lend to Turkey anyway how can the target ministration even do that what are the avenues to do that beyond extradition I think in each phone conversations between President Trump and Turkish president through Egypt type one there's so much pressure coming from Arab to want that Mr Trump feels in a way obliged to say I'll take a look into this and each time he says I'll take a look into this it has probably advisers at the White House who are raising the issue with the Justice Department and this becomes news. In the United States that there is maybe a possible avenue for extradition and the Turkish press also has his hopes high that maybe something is happening but the fact of the matter remains that the Justice Department lacks clear evidence and there is nothing new produced by Turkey in the last year or so in terms of implicating fit to luck but this has become more of a political issue than a legal one at this point why does the Trump administration have any interest in placating the Turkish government at all right now well it started I think with Mike Flynn establishing a business connection with this Turkish gentleman who it turns out was working on behalf of the Turkish government and I think Trump has some business interests in Turkey and he wanted from the get go to have good relations with Turkey strongman presidents edge of type add on there was an ongoing relationship and some people close to add to one convinced out on that Trump would be a better choice than Hillary Clinton who obviously was not perceived as someone who would take in new approach to defect to luck good on issue or to the other big problem that Turkey has with the United States which is support for the Syrian Kurds in the fight against ISIS so Trump was perceived by the Turkish government as a more promising candidate and Trump wanted to actually nurture his relationship with the president of Turkey for in the long run for business deals is the Turkish government still actively trying to influence the u.s. To give up land behind the scenes or are Turkish officials going through more official channels Now Turkish officials are I think in all their conversations with the Justice Department the White House or the State Department are bringing up the chute However it has been 2 years since the 1st demand was made and I think there is diminishing hopes that this will ever happen this is why I think Turkey now is as. If there is a longer list of 80 people who are linked to the Golan movement and their extradition as an alternative to fit to luck and that seems like a more realistic target omerta Tosh Pienaar of the Brookings Institution thank you so much for coming in today pleasure the actress and director Penny Marshall died last night in her Los Angeles home a publicist says it was of complications from diabetes Marshall 75 in front of the camera she was best known as Laverne of Laverne and Shirley the hit Happy Days spent off behind the camera Marshall was a groundbreaking director N.P.R.'s Andrew Limbaugh has this appreciation. Set in the late fifty's in Milwaukee 2 women are working at the shots group surely played by Cindy Williams is put together if a little nervous and uptight her friend Laverne played by Penny Marshall is none of those things but she could see the best of a bad situation like after the pair gets laid off from the shots brewery she says in her nasal New York accent Hey maybe we can meet a couple of guys down on a point I needed not to be a one. I want you to think about that for a minute right it. Was tough to be unemployed. He was so good he Q What everybody. Carol Penny Marshall was born in the Bronx in 1903 she directed a few episodes of Laverne and Shirley but she got her big break behind the scenes directing the movie Big starring Tom Hanks about a boy who gets transported into a grown man's body she told n.p.r. In 1908 that big was about childhood innocence if you lose the child and you later when you get older as far as him being too driven to yeah well that work becomes too important in your book just become a horrible human being that you could keep some of that innocence and openness of being a decent human being like when Tom Hanks his character Josh brings over a woman played by Elizabeth Perkins to Souths for what he thinks is a playdate I mean like you I want to spend like. Jimmy sleep over. Well it's. Yeah Ok but I need to be on top with big Penny Marshall became the 1st woman to direct a movie that brought in over $100000000.00 at the box office Marshall then directed a League of Their Own about the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League during World War 2 I see from member last week so many times a rising bank in my face told me get my fat ass back find a place you say you any of. It and then the world to me and all of our people Mary Moore was a player for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League in 105152 she said before a league of their own people didn't pay much attention to women's baseball it just started a whole new world for almost all of us and for the women the know that you know they could do something like that tributes online also came in from many of the people Penny Marshall worked with them loved include her ex husband Rob Reiner Robert De Niro and Rosie O'Donnell lumbering n.p.r. News. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Cross-currents today at 5 We're continuing our series on insects going door to door to look for a bug that could wipe out California's citrus Hi good morning. Operation pest patrol That's today at 5 on cross currents from news. All of a sudden the stakes for the president become very apparent is long time lawyer. Is telling prosecutors that he was just taking orders. And basically rapping the president into. I'm Michael That's today on the daily from the New York Times The Daily heads your way right after cross-currents cross-currents at 5 in the daily at 530. This evening join us for the b.b.c. Cultural frontline the world seen through the eyes of artists with a peek into what's hot on the international pop culture scene tonight you'll hear about the poetry scene in La goes from a monthly poetry cafe to the International Poetry Festival a platform for vibrant movement in which women in particular are creating important work and then at 1130 it's this way out. From around the corner and around the world among the stories tonight Alecto. The future of queer rights Bermuda a final appeal to preserve inequality Israel's top court says a parent is a parent and homophobic violence tops the challenges of sexual and gender minorities in the Kenyan refugee camp that more on this way out tonight at 1130 here on San Francisco things considered continues the Times for 20. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing on line meetings and a video conference room solution and one platform featuring digital video and audio with screen sharing account registration and more at Zoom dot us from the pajama gram company offering hoodie 40 PJ's footed pajamas for warmth and personal style in solids holiday prints and Nordic fleece learn more at pajama gram dot com and from Americans for the Arts. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Elsa Chang after the mass shooting at a high school in Parklane Florida earlier this year President Trump formed a Federal School Safety Commission today that commission issued its official report and among its recommendations the report mostly avoids the issue of gun control though it does urge schools to consider arming staff notably the report reverses Obama era guidance on civil rights and student discipline today at the White House President Trump praised the commission's work nothing is more important than protecting our nation's children N.P.R.'s Anya cabinets has this report the commission's final report contains almost 100 different policy recommendations which together secretary device says Create a holistic view of school safety no parent should fear for their child's life when they go to school and no student or teacher should ever have to worry about their safety at school after the shooting in Marjorie Stillman Douglass High School students survivors rallied for gun control this report is largely silent on that topic except for encouraging states to adopt what are called extreme risk protection orders those make it easier to remove guns from people who may pose a threat to themselves or others on the other hand devise calls and districts especially isolated rural districts to seriously consider the option of partnering with local law enforcement in the training and arming of school person now the report doesn't spell out how to pay for any of these initiatives and what's garnering the biggest reaction is the end to Obama era school discipline guidance back in 2014 that guidance stated that districts could be investigated for racial discrimination if they suspend expel or arrest black and Hispanic students at disproportionate rates responded to the guidance many large districts shifted to alternatives like restorative justice positive interventions and mental health services Davis and her supporters argue the reforms have gone too far. And the result has been chaotic classrooms Here's Max Eaton of the conservative Manhattan Institute principals decide to either not enforce rules or not record it when they enforce it opponents of the new recommendations note that according to the latest figures black students are still suspended twice as often as others nationwide and evidence shows when students of color are disciplined of or harshly it increases their risk of dropping out and even going to jail just one suspension can make a difference that's Kristen Harper a director for policy development at the nonprofit Child Trends any efforts by the federal agency that could suggest that these issues are not important or not and issue that needs addressing you know could undermine the work of states and districts youth activists like 18 year old Nia Arrington are worried she successfully organized this year against arming school safety officers in Pittsburgh Public Schools. Dhamma them back seat of safety taskforce to recess and this package from the Obama administration is quite frankly disgusting rather than the risk of mass shootings she's more focused on the everyday risks to youth of gun violence including at the hands of police on the cabinets n.p.r. News later this month Jennifer Lopez is out with a new movie The latest in Cherry and her long career altogether j. Lo has been in more than 30 films she has had Top 10 single she's been on hit t.v. Shows she's even launched a top selling perfume N.P.R.'s Sam Sanders recently sat down with Lopez he wanted to figure out the secret to her continued success n.p.r. It was the last on the list for a full day of press for Jennifer Lopez's newest movie she had a lot to get through photo shoots hours of interviews and one point I saw her before I was allowed to speak to her whizzing from one room to the next in a bathrobe and then like magic j. Lo was with me always and here this is right here thank you looking refresh to not complaining at all. About her day one of many that will have the next few days yes the big push for the movie is go time as go time because I wasn't used to go time I don't use to go and I go time for for many years. To hear j. Lo has been doing junkets like this for years that means years of practice making every interview like this one a chance to preach what you could call the gospel of j. Lo the only thing stopping you is you and your actual the whole path was leading you to your purpose nothing was a mistake I am limitless I can do and make anything happen that I want to make happen is just up to me I actually do deserve to get this or have that or get paid that more deserve to own part of that eventually made interviews she notices how it all sounds it is about talking like a motivational speech but you know that's the bottom line is that I know I know I'm just trying to live my life that make it work no matter what mentality is the theme of her latest movie 2nd act in the film j. Lo covers familiar territory she plays a driven woman from modest means who prove she can do anything anyone else can and find lasting love in the process Lopez's character is Maya she works at a big box store and she wants a promotion so easy going a job for a woman your age. But j. Lo explain more she wants to progress he's been at the store for 15 years the system manager for 6 Yeah you know she's she's about to give up she wants you guessed it a 2nd act 3 series of wacky events and some help from a fairy god son this character Maya ends up in the c. Suite unconstrained by her education or her gender or her race this character like a lot of other Jennifer Lopez film characters she's pretty colorblind she could be Latina or not that's been a feature of j. Lo's film career for a while now and The Wedding Planner and Jersey girl and all these other movies that there was nothing about her that would. Say to a mainstream my audience oh this is an ethnic movie Isabel Molina Guzman is a professor of the teen a Latino studies at the University of Illinois She's also written a book called Dangerous Curves Latina bodies in the media j. Lo is on the cover of that book Molina Guzman says and maybe the biggest secret to j. Lo success has been her ability to code switch giving different audiences different versions of herself she could pull in the ethnic audiences because people know who she is and then in the music she could be more urban she can be more ethnic that may have maximized to reach but it may have kept j. Lo from getting some of the credit she's due as a Latina groundbreaker and Melinda Guzman I think j. Lo deserves a lot of credit. You know I think Jennifer Lopez opened the door to just about every other let you know actions that are now at 1st trailer really isn't into talking about how her race or gender might have shaped her career or other careers but a pusher and then she tells me maybe it has maybe a lot of the way the media talks about her body and her presentation she says maybe it's been a bit racist maybe the way you're less likely to see j. Lo as a shrewd business woman where their own production company executive producer credits in charge of her own him pyre maybe that's sexist do you think you got it worst because you're Latino of yeah because a woman yeah yeah but j. Lo told me she will not define herself with that just like a lot of the character she plays in her movies I want to prove to myself that. I belong here and I deserve to be here so the fun in it now to me is going. Right the gospel of Jennifer Lopez the cost of hustle all the motivational talk maybe it worked maybe she is right no matter how you see her in whatever medium almost 30 years in Jennifer Lopez is still here Sam Sanders n.p.r. News and you can hear the rest of Sam's conversation with Jennifer Lopez I'm there is a lot of it in the latest episode of our podcast it's been a minute. This is n.p.r. News. In the movie Ben is back Julia Roberts plays a mother whose son is home for the holidays and struggling with drug addiction it is not unfair Miliard territory I think it does help people see it for what it is this monster that you don't know what direction it's coming from plus we'll have the latest on investigations of Russian influence in the u.s. Elections and more tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News beginning at 5 am right here on Cape San Francisco. This week on in deep Congresswoman Jackie Spear a Jonestown survivor. But with an astounding knack for turning trauma into strength Jackie Spear with her new book undaunted on. Tuesday. Recorded live I kept books in Menlo Park. Live from n.p.r. News in Culver City California and to Wayne Brown in Arizona Republican governor Doug Doocy has tapped Martha makes Sally for the Senate seat long held by the late Senator John McCain makes Sally's appointment comes after she lost a tight race for the state's other Senate seat to Democrat Kiersten sentiment N.P.R.'s Susan Davis has this update McSorley lost a cinema in November in a bruising battle to replace retiring Republican Senator Jeff Flake Now the 2 former rivals will be sworn in as colleagues in the next Congress make Sally will replace appointed Senator Jon Kyl who do see initially named as the placeholder after McCain's death Col recently announced he will step down at the end of this year because Sally is a retired Air Force colonel who has served in the house for 4 years she will serve until 2021 a special election will be held to elect someone to serve the final 2 years of McCain's term d.c. Made clear that cinema will be sworn in 1st making the Democrat Arizona's senior senator Susan Davis n.p.r. News Washington President Trump and Congress appear to be moving away from a partial government shutdown on Friday over Trump's demand for $5000000000.00 to fund a border wall last week Trump said he'd be proud to shut down the government but today White House press secretary Sarah Sanders indicated he doesn't want to do that we are continuing to have constant regular conversations with the hill I'm not going to negotiate here we've laid out clearly what our planners are with members of Congress we want to know what they can pass we want to know what they think they can actually get done we've laid out what we'd like to see in the meantime we're looking at other areas where we can draw money from to make sure that the president can actually protect our border Sandor says the president has asked every agency in the administration to look for money that could contribute to funding border security stocks finished higher on Wall Street today the Dow is up more than 80 points this is n.p.r. . Chicago is mourning the death of 2 police officers killed last night by a commuter train as Patrick Smith from member station w b e z tells us there have now been 4 officers killed in the line of duty this year police say Eduardo marmalade Hill and Conrad Gary followed a suspected shooter up on of the tracks and were fatally struck around 6 pm the 2 officers were both fathers each had been in the Chicago Police Department for about 2 years Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel you have 2 young officers with young families. This is a loss of life a sense of grief the accidental deaths of marmalade and Gary come at the end of a tragic year for the police department 2 officers were shot and killed this year for other studied by suicide for n.p.r. News I'm Patrick Smith in Chicago the Trump Foundation has reached a deal to dissolve in a legal battle with New York's attorney general the state says the president's namesake charity was involved in quote a shocking pattern of illegality accusing Trump of using the foundation's money to pay legal settlements for his businesses support political allies even aiding his presidential campaign the assets of the charity will now go to other nonprofit groups approved by both sides Meanwhile the state attorney general's office will continue to investigate how the foundation raised and spent its money stocks finished higher on Wall Street today the Nasdaq gained 30 points up almost half a percent this is n.p.r. . Tune into cross currents today at 5 We're continuing our series on insects going door to door to look for a bug that could wipe out California citrus Hi good morning I've heard from the Department of Food in our culture I think trees growing disease has been found in the areas that were affected by yards and backyard springing out of citrus trees are now both Operation pest patrol that's today had 5 on cross currents from news coming up right after all things considered here on local public radio you know in these times we've had strong independent media free of commercial influence you make that possible please consider making a donation of stock to local public radio you could find out how at l.w. Dot org slash support and thank you very very much for your support for 34 is the time for 35 almost time to be candidate. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Universal Pictures with welcome tomorrow when a new film based on an inspirational true story from the director of Forrest Gump starring Steve Corella in a story about hope friendship and healing in theaters this Christmas and from Boston Beer Company brewing Samuel Adams Boston Lager since 1904 Sam Adams Boston Lager uses hops from Germany's Bavaria region Boston Beer Company Boston Mass promoting responsible drinking. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Elsa Chang the Trump foundation will soon shut its doors President Trump has used the tax exempt organization for everything from charitable giving to political publicity now it's going to be dissolved as a result of a lawsuit by the New York State Attorney General Barbara Underwood N.P.R.'s Peter Overby reports this is a victory for tourney general Underwood who sued the Donald j. Trump Foundation last spring the suit will continue it alleges the foundation was run to benefit Trump's personal and business interests and his presidential campaign in the spitball Nick is a spokeswoman for Underwood the Trump foundation truly served as little more than a checkbook to serve President Trump's business and political interests and she described the goal of dissolving it to ensure that the remaining dollars in the foundation's bank accounts are distributed to legitimate organizations that truly serve a charitable purpose Trump launched the foundation in 1987 charitable foundations like this are typically a way for the wealthy to funnel some of their riches into good works now in future Fos the foundation's lawyer said that over the past decade 56 percent of its money came from Trump's wealthy friends and other donors Washington Post reporter David Ferentz old received a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the Trump Foundation in 2016 he explained Trump's approach to n.p.r. Fresh air host Terry Gross he lives in a world where socially and commercially he could not give to charity because he does you know this is social life revolves around charity balls and also because so much of his business rolls around charity Farenthold said Trump does give money away up to a point it seems like he uses the foundation to sort of get over the minimum amount but much of the foundation money was used more pragmatically it bought a portrait of Trump to hang in one of his golf course club houses payments to settle lawsuits against Trump and in 2013 a timely political contribution 25 $1000.00 to a powerful Florida politics. When Attorney General Pam Bondi at the time she was weighing whether to investigate allegations of consumer fraud against the Trump University program for would be real estate investors she decided to stay out of it and later told a press conference she'd done nothing wrong in taking the money there was nothing improper about it so there was no reason to return the charitable foundations can't make political contributions to trump Foundation paid a $2500.00 fine to the i.r.s. The foundations are all in politics may have hit its peak a few nights before the Iowa Republican caucuses in January 2016 it ran a charity fundraiser for veterans done under direction of Trump's campaign operatives trying to decided to counterprogram against the candidate debate he wanted to avoid is it for me personally a good thing a bad thing when I get more votes will I get less votes nobody knows who without those but it's for our vets and you got to like it because we raised over $5000000.00 in one day Robert Weissman president of the watchdog group Public Citizen said the Foundation's campaign activities foreshadowed Trump's approach to governing the idea he thinks the rules can be ignored and he can use any corporate structure any legal structure any regal office to advance his own narrow self-interest. That's the theme of the from Presidency Ellen theater Fos the foundation's lawyer today complained in a statement that the Trumps themselves had tried to dismantle the foundation for almost 2 years but they were blocked by the attorney general's office now there's a different plan the foundation's assets will be given away to some nonprofit groups to be proposed by the foundation and approved by the A.G.'s office Peter Overby n.p.r. News Washington every year dozens of u.s. Citizens are detained because they're thought to be immigrants in the country illegal in the Florida Keys one such u.s. Citizen filed a lawsuit after being detained for weeks by a local sheriff on behalf of immigration authorities the case raises questions about agreements between federal officials and local law enforcement across the country from Miami N.P.R.'s Greg Allen reports here Brown moved several years ago to the Florida Keys and he's taken with a place it's unlike anything it's the key so it's a very different very laid back play grounds life took an unexpected turn last spring he tested positive for marijuana violating his probation he had an earlier run in with police at a Key West bar and pleaded guilty to resisting arrest after turning himself into the Monroe County sheriff he was thrown in jail then deputies told him he was being held on a detainer request from Immigration and Customs Enforcement the agency known as ice I thought it was a joke honestly at 1st or it's just some odd fluke because it's just me no sentenced under an agreement with ice and Rowe County sheriff had sent Brown's fingerprints to the federal agency ice identified him as a Jamaican who was here illegally and flagged him for deportation in fact Brown was born in Philadelphia raised in New Jersey and a scene Jamaica only once briefly on a cruise for weeks Brough says he told everyone repeatedly that he was a u.s. Citizen and really received no response except for one that I was told well this is between. Ice in near attorneys a judge ordered Brown released from his detention on a probation violation but the sheriff's office continued holding him in custody for ice it's all part of an agreement signed in January so this is a good day for us. Today's a good day for Florida law enforcement that's ice deputy director Thomas Homan who since retired working with the National Sheriffs Association I developed a new agreement aimed at encouraging more of the nation's 3000 sheriffs to cooperate with them sheriffs across the country hold people flagged by ice and are paid to house detainees until the agency picks them up the problem for sheriffs and other local law enforcement is that when people like Peter Brown are held unjustly courts have found them liable and ordered them to pay big settlements the new agreements intended to protect them from liability the case in the Florida Keys is the 1st challenging the agreement a.c.l.u. Lawyer I mean Kaku represents Peter Brown Shirts are not immigration agents they should probably not be arresting people for deportation as a general rule but each day do they should make sure they have probable cause for every rest or otherwise expect to be held legally accountable in a statement the sheriff in Monroe County Rick Ramsey said quote when an inmate is held under an ice matter I as Sheriff do not have legal authority to release that person Jonathan Thompson with the National Sheriff's Association says Peter Brown is suing the wrong agency the real defendant in this case needs to be ice we think that they owe this gentleman probably an apology as per our agreement or the sheriff screamin in this case with with ice or they follow the process the follow the letter of the law Monroe County sheriff eventually turn Peter Brown over to ice the federal agency realized its error and released him in less than a day Brown is now suing the sheriff for false imprisonment and depriving him of his 4th Amendment rights Jacqueline Stevens who directs the deportation research clinic at Northwestern University says they found more than $250.00 cases in 6 years of u.s. Citizens wrongfully detained by ice when they go to court she says local law enforcement has been held liable and you. Any which way. That it is because you're to simply ignore evidence and that is us shouldn't she should and is sure that they were acting under the authority of David these it was a change by the case in the Florida Keys will be watched closely by law enforcement and immigration attorneys so far $35.00 sheriffs mostly in Florida. Greg Allen n.p.r. News Miami. Tomorrow on Morning Edition many states have laws that let them compensate people who are wrongly convicted of crimes in Massachusetts those laws are complex a man now freed after 38 years in prison hopes his case will change that. By asking your. Listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. The deep economic crisis affecting Venezuela has caused more than 3000000 Venezuelans to leave their country most have crossed into relatively large neighboring countries like Brazil and Colombia but some are landing on tiny Caribbean islands where they're not exactly welcome from the twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago reporter John Otis has more. The fishing village of St Joseph and Southern Trinidad lies just 7 miles across the sea from Venice way that puts it within easy reach of desperate migrants like no he spent of it that was just arrived from Venezuela on a small passenger boat. She's met by her son who moved here 2 years ago and his Trinidadian wife Venezuelans can stay here legally for a few months but then event he has other ideas they minister let them only when they see this in the foot referring to food shortages or hyperinflation back home she says the situation in Venezuela is really bad but of at the admits that she might just stay put in Trinidad many Venezuelans enter as tourists then overstay their permits those who lack passports pay boat captains to smuggle them ashore all told some $60000.00 Venezuelans have recently settled in Trinidad a stable oil and gas producing nation however Trinidad and Tobago is only slightly larger than Rhode Island and home to just 1300000 people amid the flood of Venezuelans Trinidad's government is adopting a harder line for example it has ignored petitions from thousands of Venezuelan seeking asylum in April authorities forcibly deported $82.00 Venezuelans the un called the expulsions op reach of international refugee law but at a news conference earlier this year Prime Minister Keith Rowley defended his policy in a trailer in that Russia. You know America we are a little island. And therefore we should. Be u.n. Spokesman to convert that into if you can still Venezuelans keep coming. Over there due to the v.a. Including 11 members of the Khobar family who are packed into this child's bedroom house some work washing dishes and unloading cargo trucks for about $500.00 a month as opposed to 5 dollars back in Venezuela where the currency has collapsed still some while to walk a 28 year old chef from Caracas feels like an outcast unable to speak much English and fearful of police round ups and until you get pissed. He chokes up telling me how he was jailed last year for overstaying his jewelry sperm and other Venezuelans including children face the constant threat of deportation. Back on the beach at sea I mean a net a Trinidadian housewife with tears in her eyes it turns out she's been taking care of 2 Venezuelan girls ages 11 and 12 who were somehow left behind when their mother was deported 9 months ago we saw they had children were these Those were good for them and to be left on your own your family taken away from you you just want it with the consent of the mother and that is attempting to adopt the girls so far she's run into bureaucratic roadblocks this going to keep trying she doesn't want to give her last name to avoid hassles from government officials need while it's time to say goodbye they said they should have to return because I have next then 10 of them their time is up to the Internet and shortly after we spoke the girls were put aboard a boat for about a swell up for n.p.r. News I'm John Otis. Trinidad and Tobago. You're listening to All Things Considered. Over 20000 teachers and school employees went on strike in West Virginia earlier this year followed by a wave of educators across the country Marriott Hotel workers and 8 cities recently signed new contracts after striking for raises and affordable health care last week Kaiser mental health workers in California went on a 5 day strike to protest how long their patients wait for appointments well discussed this year strikes on the next door call with me Rose Aqil r. And you that's tomorrow morning at 10 am right here on local public radio this week in This American Life Back in 173 the American Psychiatric Association to court that homosexuality should no longer be considered a sickness it was a seismic change happened because protesters cause it in psychiatrist working in secret and a man known as Dr anonymous appeared only in the skies my friend and I talked about what would be the most effective scars it was the Nixon mask that we distorted. This American Life tomorrow at noon here on Cape San Francisco. And Greg cut and I'm Jim De regattas where the host of the music talk show Sound Opinions and it's almost time for our annual holiday spectacular each year we play a mix of some of the rarest Christmas songs you'll ever hear plundered from just the record rains from a round the world tune in this week for the Sound Opinions all of a spectacular. Flying in a play William Shatner playing That's tomorrow night at 11 pm here on local public radio k l w 450 is the time I'm Debbie Kennedy with you a few more minutes of All Things Considered then it's cross currents from. 5 states and. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Elsa Chang and I'm Mary Louise Kelly there is a new glimmer of hope on Capitol Hill that maybe maybe lawmakers can avoid a government shutdown last week President Trump seemed ready to embrace a shutdown no matter the consequences then top House and Senate leaders started talking about a different solution now the White House and congressional Republicans are backing away from Trump's demand for $5000000000.00 to build a wall along the border with Mexico Well N.P.R.'s Kathy Snow joins us now from Capitol Hill hey there Cal see there so I understand Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell now is calling President Trump flexible Do we know whether flexible might translate to close to a deal to avoid a shutdown I'm not sure if close is maybe the right word but it's really very early to tell but they really do want to avoid a shutdown even if they only give themselves until a week or 2 after Christmas to work things out the just don't want things to shut down this week and McConnell is essentially guaranteeing it to reporters and yet it would be a really big reversal we saw several signs at the White House was wavering today and our own Tamara Keith asked the president about the border wall and his response a lot softer than we heard last week because the effect that the 5000000000 dollars thank you very much everything we had a border security thank you very much so did you hear that there he said border security not a wall not the head that little distinction could mean everything in this negotiation or is so game out for me where this leaves Congress with the clock ticking to the Friday deadline I mean start with where Republicans go from here yet they're essentially trying to work themselves out of a bind that trump created for them they don't want to pass some sort of agreement with Democrats without wall money which you know they could actually probably do at any time only to have the president attack them or shut it down anyway but think about it people are tired of hearing about a possible shutdown and Congress is just as tired about being blamed for once and. They really don't want this their game plan is to try to work out something so the president can walk away and say Ok I got a little something out of this and Democrats can say that they want to speaking of Democrats are they also signaling that they are flexible and willing to work out a deal on whatever you want to call it Wall border security whatever well no not really but that doesn't mean there isn't still room for them to accept something different from what they've been offering So back at that meeting at the White House Democrats offer 2 options and but something else that's been out there is been a bipartisan bill that has $1600000000.00 in border security not wall money Republicans paired that with another $1000000000.00 in flexible money today and that is what Schumer Palosi outright rejected Here's how close he described it to reporters after meeting with Schumer who cannot accept the offer they made of a 1000000000 dollar slush fund for the president to implementing his very wrong immigration policies calling something a slush fund isn't really a good starting point but if Republicans got rid of that and went back to the 1600000000 they might have somewhere so a lot of negotiation Still to come but I'm wondering how all this will shake out with the divided Washington we have coming in January do you see this spending fight as as a crack in the relationship between Trump and his own party to quit depends on how far the shutdown gets if there is a shutdown it could drive a serious wedge in the party but we'll have to see all right that's n.p.r. Congressional reporter Kelsey snow on the health thank you Kelci Thank you. We here at All Things Considered are not afraid to ask why for instance why did a seemingly bage toothless pop hit from 36 years ago gets so much love in 2018. To. See a cover then a remake. And still many internet means we are not frightened by the things that it has become we are only very curious Rob Harville a music critic for the ringer knows he missed do what is right and help us understand the strange afterlife of Toto's Africa as well but. Thank you very kindly for being here Rob Well thank you is this is a great honor this is the highlight of my career I think Ok so bizarre corpse of this song comes back to life the band Weezer covers it this year it is all over rock radio stations and then just last week pit bull dropped his version of the song called ocean to ocean why why it's genuinely earnestly like a pretty wonderful song like it's honest about what it is what it is is like a very cheesy synth driven song you know about a white person singing about Africa despite never having been to Africa right I mean these were some white guys from North Hollywood who were just studio session musicians never been to Africa like I had only seen Africa on t.v. Right right what were they doing writing about what Africa is like they were just being artists man that's the only way I can put it that's what the artist does. With the most troubling are those in the job as well that is to say you know. I mean the lyrics make no sense the video is this westernised vaguely. Racist fantasy of Africa someone throws a spear Yeah probably probably they should have not thrown the spear that was my thought but why do you think this song gets so much forgiveness today because everyone's in on the Joe I think partly that say yeah Toto has said from the beginning like this is a song about a white person who has never been to Africa trying to write a song about Africa there's a very upfront apologetic like a med aspect Joy you know and this is the early Eighties this is the era of Live Aid You know this is the era where Africa is like an abstract concept you know this big altruism because unlike looking at the lyrics to like I seek to cure what's deep inside frightened of this thing that I have become like this idea of Africa is this mystical place where you can go to purify yourself like I don't think she actually went to Africa and Eat Pray Love but this is what it's like a soft rock Eat Pray Love You know the early eighty's. So what you think it is about this song whatever it was meant to be about that speaks to this moment right now that way and I think there's a specific kind of song that tends to be very corny and soft rock ish that just has a very pleasant dissonance in the Internet age like you think about rickrolling right like how the Rick Astley song was suddenly reborn is this whole areas mean that God driven into the ground and there's just something about the contrast of like that clue is sort of cheesiness in the cynical sort of dark Internet age like the contrast there was what made the rickrolling joke work but as you mentioned Rick rolling got kind of driven into the ground do you think we've reached peak Africa is there some other eighty's soft rock hit waiting to knock it off its pedestal at this point I think 2 major interpellation of Africa in 2018 is plenty I think we've achieved toto saturation at this point so yeah let's get some other song in there any song written. Rob Harville a music critic with the ringer I have one last question for you Rob please can you even see Mt Kilimanjaro from the Serengeti I don't claim to be a geographical expert but I there seems to be some poetic license taken there but you know that's that just makes the song all the more profound. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Focus Features presenting Mary Queen of Scots a rebellious young queen stops at nothing to reclaim her throne search Sharon and Margot Robbie star as warring Queens now playing in select theaters in theaters everywhere Friday. From indeed used by over 3000000 businesses for hiring where employers can post jobs and use screener questions to build their shortlist of preferred candidates learn more at Indeed dot com slash hire. And from Boston Beer Company brewing Samuel Adams Boston Lager since 1904 with hops from the Stengel Meyer farm in the Bavaria region of Germany Boston Beer Company Boston Mass promoting responsible drinking. Tune into the fog City Blues Wednesday nights from 9 to 11 it's your weekly digest of Blues in the Bay area and beyond each week we get down to business with local venue coverage performances even some blues birthdays. It's the best reason to sing the blues in the Bay Area. Which join me Wednesday nights at 9 for the Fog City Blues. 91.7. All of a sudden the stakes for the president become very apparent is long time lawyer fixer handler is telling prosecutors that he was just taking orders from Donald Trump and basically rapping the president into actual crime I'm Michael Board That's today on the daily from the New York Times Daily is coming up at 530 right after crosscurrents from news which is up next at 5. From the news in San Francisco this is crosscurrents context culture and connection from around the Bay Area recently and you're moving a little in the layout some say Oakland Oakland Oakland West Oakland West Oakland I live in the Bottom in downtown up in the bottom of 12th Street coming up we're going door to door with state agents looking for a test that could wipe out California citrus and work from the Department of Food in our culture. But activists say the pesticides we're using to fight it aren't worth the risks sometimes I call it spray 1st ask questions later. We spray you have no say here also we'll hear from longtime Bay Area standup comedian Rex never read a fun finding humor through struggle if you don't laugh at it it's going to consume you so laughing it is our stay tune cross-currents is coming up. First this news. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer President Trump appears to be softening his position on the $5000000000.00 in border wall funding he says he wants from Congress as N.P.R.'s Tamara Keith explains the official White House position now is they want to avoid a shutdown President Trump previously prick lamed that he would be proud to shut the government down to secure $5000000000.00 in funding for the border wall but now press secretary Sarah Sanders is saying the White House wants to avoid a government shutdown and would look at creative ways of financing the wall and other border security measures at an unrelated White House event this reporter asked the president about the looming shutdown and he said it's too early to say what will happen is still in the Senate that replace $1000000000.00 thank you very much if you say we need a border security thank you very much that non-answer would seem to indicate the hard line he took earlier is up for negotiation Tamara Keith n.p.r. News the White House President Trump charitable foundation is being dissolved under a lawsuit being brought by the attorney general of New York involves how the Trump foundation raised and spent money as N.P.R.'s Peter Overby reports state attorney general Barbara Underwood says the foundation was involved in a quote shocking pattern of illegality Trump has used the charity's money to pay legal settlements for his businesses also to support political allies and to aid his 26000 presidential bid almost all of the money came from other donors not from Trump himself any spitball in a spokeswoman for New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood the Trump foundation truly served as little more than a checkbook to serve president from spinach and political interests a judge will oversee the A.G.'s office is it dissolves the foundation assets of the Foundation will go to not for profit groups approved by both sides a lawsuit brought by Underwood seeks to bar Trump and his children Donald Jr Eric end of aka from serving on the boards of other charities Peter Overby n.p.r. News Washington the administration. School Safety Commission led by Education Secretary Betsy De Vos is out with its recommendations for how to make America's schools safer those recommendations include arming school personnel as a means of dealing with school shooters but Abbas says that's up to the schools themselves local problems need local solutions this report serves to identify options that policy policymakers should explore the report contains nearly $100.00 recommendations it also calls for fixing mental health laws to allow treatment for those who need it or advisory from the office of the u.s. Surgeon general surgeon general Dr Adams today warning that East cigarette use of.