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Maggie O'Brien from San Francisco did it a few days ago and she says she is so grateful to k l w for being a reliable trustworthy intelligent and inspiring source of news culture commentary humor community and just plain old fun if you agree with Maggie O'Brien then join her and call 805-259-9178 extension 00 calle w 917 or on line calle w org And thanks Thomas 3 o'clock 91.7 k l w San Francisco sound opinions is supported by Goose Island beer company brewers of goose i.p.a. 4 star pails Sophie farmhouse ale and Bourbon County branched out more a Goose Island dot com We don't need to be the only beer you drink we just want to be the best beer you drink this is sound opinions and coming up our favorite late bloomers it is inspiring in many ways to see artists who didn't begin to have success until their thirty's forty's or later we're going to dig into that topic in a little bit but 1st we've got some new music. That is the song any kind of crowd from the debut album by filthy friends called indication I will be friends for me. 2012 it's an all star group of sorts of in the rock alternative rock of the last 2030 years you have Peter book of r.e.m. As the guitar player in this band and Korn Tucker of Sleater Kinney as the lead vocalist in addition you've got some pretty big names in the indie rock scene Kurt bloke of fast backs Scott McCaughey of the minus 5 Bill riffling who's drummed with just about everybody including King Crimson they're all on this album together now they started out as kind of a lark they were basically a cover band at the start and then they started writing some original music Buchan Tucker the primary song writers they put out a couple of singles now we've got a full length album the album is called invitation and here's a cut from it come back Shelly by filthy friends and sound opinions. That has come back Shelly by. Philthy friends the album is called invitation and you hear a lot of T.-Rex banging in there Greg obviously Peter Buck is a super knowledgeable student of rock history so for that matter is Korin Tucker and there are nods here and there throughout the album borrowed riffs lyrical nods to the music that they grew up loving we are by nature as critics highly skeptical of supergroups are right we've done shows on that in the past they are often forced him out I'm a sions of talents even if they have something in common they don't necessarily gel as a band I think Philthy friends does indeed gel as a band as well as Wild Flag that incredible super group that you want to we're big fans of with Carrie Brownstein Corrine Tucker's band mate in Slater Kinney and Mary 10 many of helium it only lasted one album who knows how long filthy friends are going to last but I think here they do come together as a real band saying things that are a lot of fun there's a real kick on this album I think the real joy here Greg is that this is a guitar record Oh sure I can hear a lot of buck when r.e.m. Was r.e.m. He is having just tremendous amount of fun playing those wonderful Peter Buck signature lines and also doing some fantastic psychedelic kind of lead work if that's him it's hard to tell who's doing what but it's a great guitar pop album with strong songs it's not just the Traveling Wilburys we'll trade on our name and all come together and sell you something it feels and sounds like a band so it's an enthusiastic buy it from me even though I mean look this is not going to change your life if these were no names would we care I don't know but I love this record it's a fun ride and a bias but you know I wish I could be as enthused about this record as you are Jim . And on a big big fan. And of everybody on this record they've all made wonderful music that in many ways has changed my life over the last 2030 years in many cases but and on this record this is not a life changer by any means I do feel like this is a band still finding its footing they're still a little tentative around each other I've never heard Korn Tucker sound so restrained maybe she's going for a more nuanced vocal performance she didn't want to do that the more shouty thing that she does for example in Slayer Kenny. You have a very song oriented record 23 minute songs verse chorus bridge a little bit of a guitar solo maybe nothing no real surprises musically and like I've heard versions of all these songs you accurately said that they're referencing a lot of their heroes but it just made me want to go back and listen to their heroes including themselves they're imitating themselves I hear that track windmill Yeah it sounds like a leftover Sleater Kinney track that. There's r.e.m. Jangle all over this record as you mention about 21 days since we heard Ari Oh yeah so you don't think this is as good a record as Wild Flag because I think the comparison Wild Flag record was one of my favorite records that you know in fact it was my favorite record that year but this is nowhere near that standard I think it's a nice record it's a pleasant record but I think a year from now I don't see myself listening to this record it's a try it record for me simply because of the pedigree of these musicians you want to be a completist own this record but in terms of new excitement I don't hear it but we want to hear what you think give us a call and leave a message on our hotline at 888859. 1900 or you can connect with us through Facebook Twitter and Instagram Greg we recently had Director Penelope sphere is on the show and she told us about how she didn't start to see commercial success until well into her career I was brazen a trailer park you know it's like I don't have any money and I don't make any money till I was like 45 years I want to get Wayne's World I get all these people saying oh what am I going to do Man I'm in the movie business and I can't make any money you know I'm like you're 20 years old come back when you're 45. That got us thinking about how rare it is for musicians to break through later in life you know as the cliche rock n roll is a young person's game occasionally though it does happen and we want to highlight some of the best late bloomers in music we're talking about musicians artists who you know came of age so to speak artistically to commercial notice to realizing what they really were all about at a later age than we normally expect I mean rock especially I mean Brian Well Brian Wilson early twenty's you had already made Pet Sounds you know we are in love with that regrets record and they're still in high school yeah the Beatles broke up when they were in their late twenty's and they'd made a string of records that changed the world and a lot of times artists are playing catch up you know don't trust anyone over 30 that used to be the old adage to a degree we're still operating under that sort of a just idea that people later in life can't do anything good or a creative or interesting except to recycle their past but what we've got Jim are examples on this show I think of exactly the opposite of that artists who took a while to finally find their true voice and their true audience so that's what we're going to focus on in the show now Jim you're going to start us off with some examples I am Greg and this is a very great example I know this artist is one of your all time favorites our producer I on the contrary loves him as well and so do I Bill Withers what a life story he had before he ever turned to music 9 years serving in the u.s. Navy before. Coming out of service and moving to Los Angeles to pursue a music career he also did a lot of time on different assembly lines and writing it was only in 1971 at the age of 34 that he put out his debut album just as I am and that of course you know launched into stardom with sunshine you know the song Everybody knows it's a beautiful song he is a wonderful performer this kind of Acoustic Soul and digging back to the blues roots one of the reasons Greg I think that there is a case to be made for late bloomers certainly everybody we're going to highlight on this show is they have lived think about the life experience in the Navy as a working man but Bill Withers brought to him before he ever recorded a song that anybody heard I mean he was making music throughout his life but for it in terms of reaching an audience there's a lot of livin that was done and you know when you're 19 he don't know nothing except what's in front of your nose bellwethers I think fills everything he does with a lifetime's worth of experience or half a life of experience I'm going to play a track from that debut album just as I am moaning and groaning which in a lot of ways is a a classic blues but here's a man in his mid thirty's who is expressing his desires I think in a really interesting way moaning and groaning by Bill Withers on Sound Opinions. And. And. Why. Should. You. Bill Withers who doesn't go with her moaning and groaning my 1st late bloomer you've got to love that choice Jim and I in some ways I'm going to go to the anti Bill Withers she's her name is Peaches otherwise known as Meryl. You know Meryl Niska was just kind of a folk singer in Ontario in the end the 1990 she was finding her voice and really not doing much of anything in terms of success she was in a rock band after that things started to pick up when she moved to Berlin she just changed her life in many ways and she picked up this role and mc 5 o 5 beat. I'm going to make music with this thing and it's the sort of remade herself or maybe maybe she found herself as maybe a better word for he came brave enough to let her true self show she's opening for bands like Marilyn Manson and Queens Of The Stone Age and toured with memorable show with elastic and Chicago where she was people were booing you know about by the 2nd song they didn't really get it appears as here's this lady wearing these hot pants in these really twisted songs about gender and up ending notions of what it means to be the quote unquote sexy female. Well Singer this gleeful rinky dink kind of melody underneath it very sarcastic people didn't know how to take or at 1st but slowly but surely started finding an audience for this music that was very dark in some ways very funny in others credibly smart in the way it approached issues of sex and sexuality the teaches of peaches 2000 really put her on the map and she went on to make a series of really interesting albums 2008 she released this record impeach my bush in which she slipped up the sun a little bit but it's still peaches at the heart of it that attitude comes through and there's It is a perfect moment on the record where she brings in Joan Jett as her duet partner called you love it from Peaches and sound. I love it Peaches an artist who found her stride well into her thirty's we love peaches on Sound Opinions Greg when we come back from a break more late bloomers favorite artists who came to music late in the game that's in a minute on Sound Opinions from w.b. Easy Chicago n.p.r. . I'm Jim and I'm Greg Cox where the host of sound opinions and we try to bring the world. The same sort of insight and in-depth discussion here on the rest of public radio no doubt is in a way says in the radio world as it continues to provide space for a diverse range of creative expression including plenty of music. This is a station where you can hear bluegrass and be in chamber music and blues music from Africa and the Middle East that's a good amount of stuff that defies categorisation and outs of music matters to you if you appreciate having a local public radio station that introduces you to new and surprising sounds and helps you make sense of them and support you today here's how to donate now but educate a.l.w. Dot. Org or make a call 28052599 Either way you'll done your part to keep the music alive on your local public radio station thanks. And welcome back to sound things I'm Greg with Jim and we're giving credit this week to the late bloomers artists who didn't achieve success or come to music until much later in their careers. Gregg all of my next 3 picks of late bloomers are all women and I'm proud to say that the raw. Can Roll world seems to be more accepting of women artists who are in their thirty's in their forty's in their fifty's then Hollywood it pains me to see young actresses you know who are about to hit 30 sometimes complaining about how ages Hollywood is and you have notable exceptions like Dame Helen Mirren right but but we can count those on one hand in music it has seemed to matter much less and I love that Sharon Jones I think is a perfect example you know she had been doing music throughout the seventy's but only on a very low key level in New York she was supporting herself working as a as a corrections officer as the guard for an armored car and occasionally she'd get a singing again and it's only when she was 46 in 2002 that she released her debut album with a wonderful band called Adapt kings and of course they kind of were a key part of that era's big soul funk old school gritty revival big bands brash vocalists and Man was she a wonderful wonderful vocalist she died recently we paid homage to her on the show in 2016 but I'm going to go back to the beginning and listen here you can hear that life's experience of working as a prison guard as an armored car guard that this lady has lived and the amount of soul she brings to a song that is appropriately called Ain't it hard I mean it's just palpable Sharon Jones and sound. And it's hard by Sharon Jones That's the 1st album to begin with Sharon Jones in the death Kings 2002 great another late bloomer great choice Sharon Jones the hardest working woman in show business when she was with us Jim incredible performer I am going to go to Dayton Ohio for the story of Robert Pollard the Guided by Voices fans know the story well I remember seeing this band in New York City in the early ninety's and just sort of stumbling into c.b. G.b. To check out what was playing there and here's this band that just blew me away was Guided by Voices. They didn't get out of date and that much at that time and I saw this band that really really desperately wanted to be the Who but sounded like some kind of punk rock band and. Was it was incredible to see because the songs were so good turns out the guy who was running it was leading the band Robert Pollard 37 years old at the time had a wife a couple of kids was an elementary school teacher in Dayton Ohio and doing this band is sort of a she aside gig they were playing weekend gave in. In their area and you know they couldn't get arrested in their hometown I was one of those things where they would play a show and 10 people would show up and they were all like like relatives. And uncategorizable band at a time when you know radio genres were breaking up bands into these like micro John whereas here was a band that was influenced equally by Genesis and Divo Yeah and he loved that progressive rock thing he also loved the pithiness and the punk attitude of a band like Devo which was from from Ohio as well so combining these elaborate rangelands with this with this punk attitude and the rock showmanship of the Who as I mentioned you've got this prematurely graying schoolteacher swigging beers swinging the microphone like Roger Daltry and the rowing karate kids just throwing himself in the music it took them 6 hours to get noticed once they got noticed what that album Be 1000 in 1994 they ended we ended up becoming one of the most respected bands in indie rock for the next 2 decades here is a song from that breakthrough record in one 194-0000 it's called tractor weight change from Guided by Voices and sound. Great change from a Guided by Voices led by erstwhile school teacher Robert Pollard You know Greg I appreciate your enthusiasm for Evie but to me he never learned to edit in self nearly 25 or 30 songs on a Guided by Voices album 10 of which were great but I don't have the patience to sit through the other hundreds and hundreds of songs by that man and he is writing about 6 today I can guarantee you that well I think one of the things that a late bloomer learns is how to separate the wheat from the chaff Sheryl Crow I think I'm going to shock you by going to Sheryl Crow I'm shocking even myself but I love the story of The Long and Winding Road she took to stardom when she finally arrived there it was in a big way but we're talking about a woman who. Taught as a Missouri elementary school teacher who had a couple of windfalls But but it was by recording commercial jingles for national ad chains and then because she loved to sing she took a gig as a backing vocals for Michael Jackson in the eighty's googling and look at the picture of her with 2 and a half foot tall hair standing behind Michael Jackson and doing backing vocals she links up in her early thirty's with a group in Los Angeles an unofficial social group called the Tuesday Night Music Club songwriters singers all of whom are pretty frustrated of course she becomes the one that breaks out that later leads to some controversy lawsuits about whose credits were due on which songs Ok I'm going to steer away from that I think at 31 when she has that big breakthrough with the album she named after that group Tuesday Night Music Club 19931 single after another I'm going to play all I want to do it's kind of an obvious choice Ok but I think we forget you know we're thinking of her as a brand new pop star in 1993 all I want to do is have some fun I know I'm not the only one but this is a woman in her early thirty's she's had her ups she's had her Downs she's had relationships there and she just what you know it's the end of a long hard week you want to go out and have a drink you know and that's not like the party hearty 19 year old that's the 31 year old woman I think think about it in those terms and you'll see and I'm excited Mitt Yeah those songs are kind of overproducing kind of cheesy but when they come on the radio they still are I would say guilty pleasure we don't believe in guilt here they make me smile as a letter f. Listen to the whole album Sheryl Crow and sound opinions. The same and discuss. the format was not until I was listening to old rock radio in like Main 995 or whatever you catch it sometimes at the target you know what I mean I you know. You mentioned Jim that artists have experienced a little life in that's a good thing and are able to bring it to their music I I dislike artists who were trying to live in the past you know they're they're in their thirty's forty's fifty's and writing like they were a teenager or about being a teenager but I think artists who can tell us some things about how their experiences have guided them to the place they are in life can be really valuable and I think Betty love that is a great example soul singer out of. Detroit whose career began somewhat promisingly at the age of 16 she had a minor hit at age 16 in the early sixty's and that's she nothing after that all right long dry spell in fact between the ages of 16 and 61 pretty much not much happened Betty Labatt's career except disappointment I interviewed her and she would say things like I really thought of myself as a Doris Day type singer when I was younger and you listen to Betty all about voice and you know I don't know how you got Doris Day out of that voice because it's a it's got its own character is kind of raspy lived in. Powerful quality but the polar opposite of Doris Day But I think she finally realized what that voice was about and what she could do with it but it took her a few decades to get there in 2005 she had a breakthrough record with I've got my own held to raise as I mentioned at age 61 and then followed it up with a great record called the scene of the crime and I think it's really emblematic of her career and how she's lived it the album title references recording that she didn't 1972 with Atlantic Records in Muscle Shoals Alabama she went to that famed studio down there to work with the Muscle Shoals rhythm section she cut a record in 3 days and it was the same place that Aretha Franklin and Wilson Pickett and the Staple Singers have been coming to record and Atlanta wanted to you know sort of create an artist in that mold and they were very thrilled to have her record for them 3 day recording center a plane ticket for a promotional tour they get the record they listen to it they go Oh we're not going to put this thing out Betty by the way could you return that plane ticket. Total disc never put the record out made her return her plane ticket she went to went back to obscurity now back and now in 2007 the scene of the crime she returns to Memphis to make a record with Patterson Hood of driving. Trucker's the irony here is that Patterson Hood is the son of the bass player original Bettye Lavette session David Hood now Betty had really made her name by recording covers but she wrote an original song for this record before the money came the battle of Bettye Lavette and it talks about her career and talks about that experience of going back to the recording studio which handed her a. Moment in her career and now she's coming back to make one of the most triumphant moments it's Betty Lavette with before the money came the battle of. Sound. With you. For the money came the battle that we've got a number of our favorite late bloomers but we want to hear from you as well who are your favorite from the mean give us a call and leave us a message on our hotline 88885900 or you can connect with us through Facebook Twitter or Instagram when we come back we'll share our final picks and Jim is going to take us on a trip to the desert island I am indeed Greg I've got what I think is a perfect pop song if I had to choose my top dozen perfect pop songs of all time this would be I can't wait to hear that Jim that's in a minute and Sound Opinions from Chicago N.P.R.'s. 35 years ago this station was the 1st in the Bay Area to broadcast programming from National Public Radio and since then it's also been 1st bringing the shows here before us on Sunday afternoons Please Show and This American Life right now. Is in its membership drive and you have the power to keep innovation and rock and roll on your public radio airwaves show your support for Sound Opinions and for a station that continues to bring you what's next in public radio Here's how. Org and click the Donate Now button for call $800.00. 9. That's 80525991 so your contribution makes a real difference exhale and it makes it possible for the station to bring you Programs like sound if you meet please do it now at. 805259917 we really appreciate it. Welcome back to Sun opinions I'm Greg caught with Jim during got us and we're wrapping up our discussion of our favorite late blooming artists Jim what's your final pick Greg I think looking back we think of the initial punk uprising on the Lower East Side in New York in 1906 or for that matter in London at the same time as being all young kids right but they're obviously one of the guys in wire had all been you know fairly established in art school the Ramones were not spring chicken certainly Patti Smith wasn't nor was Debbie Harry the leader of Blondie Debbie did a lot of living before she came to the Lower East Side and began singing with Blondie in about 76 1st album was 76 they didn't break through until the 3rd album parallel lines in 1978 she was 33 by the time Heart of Glass was a single Debbie had worked in New York City as a secretary for the b.b.c. Office there she waitressed and Max's Kansas City she was a cocoa dancer in Union City New Jersey and she was a Playboy bunny even I'm going to go to the very beginning of Blondie's career the very 1st single reparative shreds now in recent years Debbie has said rip her to shreds was about they the gossip columns ability to tear people apart I don't buy that that's what it was Lester Bangs wrote a book about Blondie the only book published in his lifetime and she was clearly playing with the b. D.s.m. Imagery she was posing very sexy in posters that said rip her to shreds like inviting people to attack her but you know we had Debbie on the show once and she said fermentable woman and I wouldn't disagree with her I'm too afraid to challenge Debbie Harry there is an and anger and energy a self empowerment you did not mess ever with Debbie Harry even when she was playing the sexy ingenue I mean obviously Blondie is a play on Maryland man. Oh and you know the comic strip characters. Have it both ways in true post-feminist fashion anyway. If you don't know this you may go back to Bridesmaids because it is so beloved in that 2011 movie it opens . Debbie Harry leaving Blondie in rip her to shreds Greg you've got one more late bloomer I do a true late bloomer indeed Charles Bradley who didn't make his debut album until 2011 when he was in his sixty's Charles Bradley has had a rough life and you do hear a lot of it being detailed in that record it was called No Time for dreaming. He was inspired when as a child he saw James Brown perform in the early sixty's James Brown at the height of his fame you know the whole cape back that the and the dancing the band just mesmerized the young Charles Bradley said that's what I want to do but it took him decades to realize that dream he ended up working as a short order cook and everywhere from Maine to Alaska while moonlighting on weekends in a James Brown cover band nobody noticed nobody cared he was just basically getting by for decades. Then finally happened to meet a friend of a friend who knew a guy who ran a recording studio he ended up recording a record called No Time for dreaming and writing original music for it and it was inspired by in many ways by the hardships that he experienced in his life in particular the fact that he. Witnessed the death of his older brother 14 years before that recording was made and it threw him into a deep depression his older brother was a mentor a father figure in his life and it really took a toll on him the fact that he was able to finally poor it out in a song called heartaches and pain was a cathartic moment for him and you can hear it on his performance in the song it's hard it's in pain from Charles Bradley on so many. But now we want to hear from you Do you have a favorite artist came to the. Call and leave a message with your pick and why. 900. That's a little bit of ritual Union by the Swedish band Little Dragon the little dragons been making catchy electronic soul music since 2006 but the connection to soul music started a lot earlier. And drummer Erik Boat song that helped me to embrace your own unique voice in the latest edition of unsung. Me from Little Dragon Eric from Little Dragon and the song that got me hooked on Sonic is a changed by the Neville Brothers. Bomb. For the live in a collective together before 1st album came out and everything and we cranked it super loud. Change the long haul. I'm born in Sweden and you know Japanese. White man from America you know but born in Sweden sell some. Times when they're when it's about something that is that strong you know you feel it even if you don't understand what it's about you know so I you know I'm not about that later but I remember both me and Hawke I'm just being like you know we were both crying like oh my goodness what a vocalist what a song you know what it. Almost felt like alive but it was on a record I believe actually was Eric's record. Or actually might have been a cd at the time. And it is the yellow moon Yanks never brother thank you I guess you listened to that album with your family right with your parents or whatever yeah it was the soundtrack every time we went on a car trip in Europe we would have just sets my dad is a music collector nerd and never brothers of course is the meters also has a funk to it it was very good I had fun listening to that yeah in the car and then that record sort of traveled. Over to the camera Well you know we were all living together at the time so you know like I said we were all trying to like impress each other with with with something that others haven't heard. Me and walk around we weren't familiar with the Neville Brothers but touching you know my singing was completely original I couldn't think of anybody who sounded like him and even though you know I was in his song it was just like his expression 100 percent so that's just one of those moments that you don't forget where you heard a song that really kind of like blew your mind almost made you feel a little bit like anxious you know like a little bit of anxiety because I was like you know his voice is so. Touching you know makes you feel good and small or less. Like oh my gosh I have a long way to go. Somewhere along the line and guess I kind of realized that you know I can do it my way and sing about stuff that is not part of my life and you know my world. That's a little drinking vocalist uki me now I'm going to go and drummer Eric Bowden talking about the song that got her Sox. Game that we should pray together. Sleepless. As often as possible and so on opinions we'd like to take a trip to the desert island pop a quarter in the desert island jukebox and play a song we cannot live without Jim it's getting a little chilly outside because she went out to the island What song are you going to play great I am going to go to the Jacobites an English rock band that formed in Birmingham 1982 in the Ashes essentially of a band that was in the post punk movement called the swell maps. 99.9 percent of everybody just hearing those words has no idea who these bands were either the Jacobites or the swell maps there's a sort of cult following I think for the swell maps but the band that followed the Jacobites remain pretty much forgotten Micky sudden had been a really cool songwriter in the swell maps he teamed up with a guy named Dave who's worth in the submarine Ian Hawks had been his earlier band and Nicki's brother epic soundtracks. As a threesome at the very start of their career in 1984 they did a couple of singles and a couple of E.P.A.'s that all had 3 people making these songs fantastic and then one by one epic soundtracks left went to crime in the city solution they've worth went to a solo career Jacobites continued for some time but they were never as good if they meant toured with Paul Westerberg who was a big fan in the replacements in the us. I don't think I would recommend you spend a lot of time on any of those albums but they had one perfect song it's weird sometimes how a band can can can do one thing absolutely right and I think as I said earlier if I had to choose like 12 of the greatest songs ever. According to Jim this song would be up there it is called shame for the angels and it's got about 6 hooks in it it's pretty short it's just 3 verses that lead to 3 choruses and I have no idea what it's about it's wonderfully enigmatic in the way that like a day in the Life by The Beatles is standing in my shoes another boy reads the news I know it has something to do with unrequited love it's a shame for the Angels when your pretty face is your only defense because apparently this this woman that Mickey sudden is fixating on is loving somebody else who's on the other side of that garden wall you know standing in my shoes and on the other side of the wall comes up again and again I've no idea what it's about but I guarantee you this is going to give everybody who's never heard of before and earworm right now and not in a bad way that some that some hate tweets a grade for playing lolly lovely lolly get your adverbs here a couple of weeks ago no this is this is to make up for that here is a perfect pop song according to Jim The Jacobites shame for the Angels from 19 Eighty-Four. Game for the Angels What a great song Greg what is on the show next week Jim we're going to air some very rare performances never before heard live performances and Sound Opinions from Mars like Courtney Barnett by mold and plenty more sounds good Greg has always sound opinions is produced by Brendan Bana sack Evan Chong Alex Claiborne and I had a contrary. I'm Sound Opinions everyone's a critic so give us a call. 88885980. 6 s 6 6 0. For those on the phone in my own thought that live in Minneapolis I'm coming from both you are going to hurt for no good reason I've been recently immersing myself in regard Wagner a lot of his operas and reading a biography and if far as I can tell it is a fairly repulsive human being but really you could actually be a success he was a brilliant musician I mean he lived beyond its means constantly his ancestor met some people to life he played it other that well but. I can't help but love is a lot of those men looking at his morals may have been questionable but I think the worth transcends the man and I think for that reason my penance out the artist is not as important you are given the right 0. Eyes it's just a list of the New Jersey I think putting artistic kind of moral witness. To credibly spurious soap I don't think anybody in that position to judge whether you have one person alcoholism makes. Somebody who should be played on the radio or whether the other person sexual predilections and make their music invalid. That I could don't r Kelly or many of the artists. A lot of attention by the time you can't be in the business of applying moral test. Because there being no way thank you 0. My name is Rachel I live in Chicago I was calling about your recent episode separate artists from their work I want to dig Thank you guys for that episode I wanted to see if maybe there's something you guys can do to bring attention to the issue with Gary Glitter and rock n Roll Part one and. Paris you guys are peers I hear this all the time children boarding events in children's dance competitions the man convicted pedophile in multiple countries and it really really bothers me to hear his music played children as a band any idea if you guys might have been putting an end to see Gary Glitter at sporting events would be so welcome seriously this one really bothers me thank you guys 0. My name is Bill and I was shopping while listening to the episode about returning to school and I thought about how grateful I am the old enough never to have to go to school again then I had the fascinating story and still dance again about for college I was into my old school when I entered my apartment and turned on television and the 1st found out of the t.v. Was Bard College. Took off I had said and heard the worst news about Walter Bakker and spending my bacon now Steely Dan because they are wonderful and 7 days a lifeline thank you so much for doing a show I read. Really appreciate it thank you. Hi I'm Kelly Daley I'm a comedian and journalist here in San Francisco I'm in Alamo Square that's what I call home I decided to become a member because I was really tuning in a lot to Africa mix and listening to cross currents and really enjoying the host and I Baba and said Well you know it's a membership drive would I can skip a couple coffees a week and come off and change for something I believe in and I see for somebody who hasn't donated yet to support this positive force in the Bay Area it's a you know you skip a coffee a week and you can come up with a really good. Donation to support independent journalism and some of this new programming that comes out of kale W.'s well. Kelly is right I was just doing the math and if you skip 3 lattes every week that would be $12.00 a week and $48.00 a month and then you could become a sustaining member of k l w take your savings from those lattes that you're not drinking and give some of that money to k l w in the form of a contribution 805259917 become a sustaining member at 10 dollars 20 dollars 48 dollars a month 805259917 are on line k l w dot org This is k.l. W. San Francisco. I prefer might be.

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