And they're all part of God's nature Someday it'll be. Afraid of them they're not afraid of us no just all right we have many things to be thankful for talking to a friend it's. Also makes it possible for me to come every Sunday morning she and her mom take care of mother and both I'm a delightful ladies you're very helpful to this ministry we have people that are praying for us which is the most important thing and also the finances are helpful . If you want to help any any way you can write to us tell us you're praying for us give us a question and find out what we can answer when it was posed this morning. Christi was. Based on that based on the Bible presented by a wonderful day in the neighborhood a new new show so we're going to do that next coming program it would be fun to do because too often people think your neighbor is just the person next door I know that doesn't include everything the Bible talks about talks about explaining his love is loving God with all your heart your mind soul and your neighbor as yourself and so the 1st one includes just God signaling clues everyone else Good morning Joe if I were you. Know why. I was just telling them you're going to learn that I'm going to live their lives. I think I've got my mind here is this. Some kind of class where there is a delusion that we have are you out a speakerphone or cellphone. I'm I'm actually on this b.s. It's echoing here if they're going to be we can do it any other way but now there's a better yes. Ok so we'll keep it like this. I'm apologizing for of rapid growth of you cause of the or throw your way well guys are just going to hell yes to that it's true if we get it over our right is that's right we've got over an hour you were giving him an a for over an hour to help me out well I'm sorry I called a little bit late there were some technical issues but I hope you cover for me Oh sure yeah there's a lot of things to talk about there is a lot of good things there is an article that actually. Astronomical Society in Canada. It is a growing evidence that the universe is still connected by giants interesting Dr just. Are you listening on on the computer or the like. No they're not this is not over the computer just a phone it's just a funny sort of feedback thing they had much so how are we how are we doing right now. The article teaching us what. We're talking about. As you're not astronomy here even though I'm a physician we talk about our ages but I love to talk about astronomy and so this is the evidence from Canadian astronomers. And I believe that's the consensus now for pretty much all the astronomers that are out there and this is. Something that I'd like to kind of read and ponder and discuss very carefully with you and the listeners. Will was draw drawn with that title of this article that that was marvelously. There was an attention getter and Bob wrote the Sun The title is there's a growing evidence that the universe is connected by giant structures to glean that giant structure not just our universe. Well you know that's the goal with the universe not not not it's our not just our galaxy but the scientists astronomers are actually moving the reality beyond to do are 3 galaxies that are connected to to our Milky Way Galaxy people that were our solar system is part of the mills the galaxy so there's a growing evidence that the universe is connected but giant structures that are I think it's really worth. Analyzing and we're going to kind of go through it slowly and we're going to have some kind of funny quips and hopefully a few jokes and that we're going to make it simple so the people can understand it hopefully yeah but also make sure you give us the the location where we can reach where we can get the information ourselves to follow up after the program such as e-mail website or address or whatever . That can change the mill way that's the galaxy we live in across the universe there variety is stunning. Variety of built build the way it rotates. Rotates around that are part of our educational fashion however the other galaxies are running in the perils of a ring galaxies like star studded loops and that there are some ancient galaxies that are to come galaxies move together in an awed and plain pattern as if they're connected by a vast gallants this winners of each other can gravitationally affect each other a couple ways and that they're saying but scientists have observed mysterious batter's between this and this the Galaxy is that those that we see these discoveries hands in any magic influence of the so-called large scale structures name suggests that the biggest known object in the in the universe is them structures that made of hydrogen gas dark matter and. Not so now we're talking grass about these fields she does not that legality is an event network call because there's a cosmic web In other words we're already beginning out that we cannot explain so now we're trying to explain that not that legality is an event that's called the cosmic web so from. These structures have made to Everton and movement of galaxies but we've barely scratched the surface space so that driving that scientists are eager to acquire these new challenge the most the mental ideas about the universe I'd say so yeah and one of gravitational you know well and it's all of it is way over our heads literally as well as where not where is the way. Where did the Goddard put However by about camp I'm sure our list for the op to cap the writer of the celestial law will have to opt for it or its variants away from it. Really it's not needed sounds like. It and have very and would go to school you know goes anywhere it's away from and and so by the way where is that variation by the way I'm way right if there's a gravitational you know 1st of all you would expect God mind as to why really when there is a mission to preserve it and preservation of the most what is the cause and isn't there which is which but where and what right is an active force which is active by the way the right we have is designing it always easy to die and. Yeah to maintain it as well as to create in the 1st place exactly what that the 4 filament is for the filament sheath and not that link galaxy isn't a vast network I mean less This is like 3 kindergarden science. In Oz Well that's fine I mean maybe the article may say have been read now I've got to give a crate to the person who wrote the article maybe was just read to simplify things and to tell people you know how it is and let's leave it let's let's let's give it a benefit of about say that for the for the sake of clarity this was you know the comment was made to the whole thing was made. Out of thing in filaments he said not that link Alex isn't a vast network it's called the cosmic web there's a filament see can not have above. The right things as a rainbow rainbow and you can color and color them with with your you know with different color huge crayon with things that. You know so what interesting for me to do observe where is how. You know we would like you know our prideful endeavor to create any kind of theory even to the point that it doesn't make any sense and now we're having this. Problem where. Designed is there is betting look you know our our. Understanding is not really working it's not working for us anymore we're having perjured reasoning exactly where having said that we cannot explain. You know and you know what do we do with you know how you know how how do we how do we deal with it and so this is what we do we. Create now this notion that this is of galaxies away from us in other words we are like the ostrich we're going to put our and put our heads in the sand and we're going to pretend that everything works well in our galaxy but we already know that in the other galaxies these may not follow the path so I would say. That. We are you know wise enough to admit and I have to give the scientists a credit for admitting there are models to not work but on the other hand I just have to. Chuckle when I think that. Things are obvious that we just do not want to admit it so basically this cosmic web model is trying to tell us that look. Let's say. The earth is exerting the gravitational force on the ball and the other set of planets that are perfectly positioned where Bitterman perfectly positioned there exerted the counter. To the counter a force that is falling blown away from the earth therefore in a very fine way counterbalancing the ball from moving closer to the earth. Right really Ok so let's let's analyze this this notion that that that's how it works in our God We already established what we already established in other galaxies you know that this our understanding of how the world wrote it is good to see relevant because. We already talked about it there are ring galaxies shaped like star studded loops a single is this you know that there are there galaxies that are you know we shaped in a figure of 8 they're coming and going away from our guys I mean rideable they're there they're galaxies out there they're just defy any logic they have all kinds of different patterns of movement that completely inconsistent with rotational movement that we battle based on gravitation and God knows where God is just proving that it's not he's not limited to one pattern when you look at the complexity of all the beautiful things on this earth including all the different colors of people and all the different colors of flowers and trees and all the other things that he's presented to us they're different but they're harmonious and they are beautiful and God's not Limited says don't limit the Holy One of Israel as that So you were you were asking me there's Astrophysical Journal you know that's the study this study has been published in October and yes the physical journal so if anybody wants to look at it over that's the last month that we look at the as the physical Journal the last month you know that's where it's at and it's you know it shows that. Hundreds of galaxies. You know better go t.v. Is thinking out of things and you know so these are this is something that's really very hard to debate and I think your your your I mean our listeners can not your listeners actually you know look at it in. And you know find it out for themselves this is something that is. You know very hot right now so it's very easy to find you Google it find it find multiple. Rendering got this study from the Astrophysical Journal in you know Cobra this year well it seems like they have found that the Big Bang theory is not holding very well it just became a. T.v. Show and so they're having to come up with more highfalutin explanations just like to do with. It equilibrium which is basically just. Creation go along for a long period of time and nothing happens or and then all of a sudden punctuated equilibrium happens and there's all these different creations of animals and the creations and creation tell you something it's creation that's correct and. So we have we have we have another one that that was also. Published in a very similar study in Journal of astronomy and that's the business that was this year as well you know about galaxies that are pending. Again along and again you know they're basically bending right against each other. And you know so this is this is a very. Crass and exactly this is this is this is a very hot topic that that moment as front in the journals they're addressing right now because you know it's something that baffling as baffling So look you know look at the end of the you know astronomy and Astro strongmen astrophysics journal you're going to find them in recently We're talking with the last 34 months to find something about about this new phenomenon and that is you know how do galaxies you know that they're studying 445 galaxies you know away from. Our own galaxy and indeed as it has to really 1st of all give you a healthy respect for us I don't like bashing our science all day long because. You know I don't try and I believe I believe the science is given us so much good that science has given us here you know so much advancement you know we're better off we're decides and you know sometimes I feel that God Almighty is actually working on find this mind to do to help us understand the world so far be it from me to in any way shape or form. Criticize something that is truly scientific but when the science start being colliding with our personal pride and well we instead of saying that something is impossible to explain try explaining it with something that's impossible to comprehend and to understand and and something that are. Healthy reasoning is simply rejecting that's when I have to. Come in and say look look look this doesn't even pass the scientific muster right well me in the fossil Paul and 1st Timothy 6 twice as Okemah he keep that which is committed to the truss avoiding profane insane babblings and oppositions of science falsely so. Which some professing to have erred concerning the face great speech was just science and there's good sense if you look back 100 years ago in medicine doctors were prescribing tobacco for people that had lung ailments and other things you know morphine for everything and you know lots of things that got away they didn't have any clue they were trying or trying to be scientists but they had no labs and no you know anything concrete but it's been a lot of that trial and error that has brought us into the 21st century with much better message medical procedures as well as medicine that's correct. And. So we have obviously discovery of heroin which was touted as the replacement for morphine and it was not it is something that there's going to take people away from you know to save this thing that you can you can you can be on because it will. You know take away your craving for morphine it'll provide an adequate relief of pain and we know and yes. Methadone or whatever I'm sorry that was here one m. I know but but meth they said the same thing about methadone Yeah exactly people can still get dependent on meth even though methadone he's better exactly the Russian does not give you you know for you that you get with heroin but it was initially touted as a good replacement and. Narcotic leave it or not we found out some different they were giving a lot here and lollipops. Because because that was touted as non-addictive is that they were selling it. Yeah. Exactly and it was it was basically a diacetylmorphine you know heroin is essentially a 2 molecules of morphine acetylene So they're just going to chemically chemically connected obviously when you break the chemical connection you get a double double dose of morphine and so you know people you know obviously were loving it but you know and I don't know where those studies would come from but was interesting even now a days when you're supposed to sell something called many studies that confirm it's useful but we have really be careful and there's scientists and we behind it think that no this is you know this is working and and it has there has to be a time that has been between this. New Invention before some honest to goodness. A fair and balanced and and. Reasonably reasonably honest science either science is going to look at it and do investigation and find out whether it's useful or not because you cannot always trust the scientists that company pay that you know this right I do invention company paid to out think the scientific about their product and how many guinea pigs have to die before they say that's probably not a good way to go exactly you know you know when we have seen that with cocaine or with heroin and obviously at some point in time cocaine was touted as a really good local honestly which it is fortunate very very addictive as well. So going back to our interesting observation on on these galaxies and on on on on a structure that holding it together well. I have a suggestion. You know giant structures one big giant structure. Giant. Being holding it all together they created the impossible we have we were pitiful and and very small human being and thank God we can function within what we can do but what we can do on a daily basis is very little compared to the universe universes operating completely independently from a rotating areas being made I mean so many things are being made you know completely out of our control even on this planet let alone in the universe back to to. You know the whole idea going to beg a simple question of are we control or we're just participants in this then and where any reasonable human being will tell you were nodding Ok we cannot be in control we're in control of somewhere in control of our own behavior we're in control of our addictions we're in control of our leaders were in control of being able to get in touch with this thing for us with this giant structure that's holding the universe we can do that but beyond that we're hardly in control of anything but yes spend a gift from heaven it's not weren't controller No I know making promises and all these things and trying to trying to overcome bad habits doesn't work there's no power there when he spoke he spoke and it was done he created he created it was done. In just a test so there's no there's not a. There's no mechanism there. Well a while back the pope says we you know we don't believe in creation because we don't believe that God just had his magic wand it had to evolve sorry it's real wrong decision. We're talking about this for a simple reason and that is I would like your your listeners or should I say our listeners at this time for. I like the listeners to learn one thing and you know is this topic helpful to them or this is just another topic about astronomy which you know they could care less and if they. Do not understand why we're talking about it let me make a practical ward and that is if this if there is this giant destruction of the whole old all these galaxies that are better. Spinning in the lip the colon very cold and. Double Blue double loop system and then some stars. Around you know or elliptical way. If this is so complicated that we can even pattern. How it works where it works and here we are on this planet. Still functioning it seems to me that there is somebody who has some love for us that actually brings us on this land business very important is there there's the sun but there's somebody who is listening who is in a state of despair. Really who is who is you know either who has been either in prison who has been beaten by life was been addicted for years but 10 years and does not know how to get out of it and does not even believe that God is real because if God is real why would he allow the addict to suffer why would he allow somebody who's got a lung disease because that cancer right now why would he allow them to suffer and that's something that I want while I had a little bit of a cold this way. God why would you let the stuff work and believe it or not God God of levees never much more after I asked him that he gave me a wisdom to go find a few things and in fact that the thing is a common cause but I did that for Patrick in addition to my own battles about the quickly actually fix the problem believe it or not so I'm trying to tell tell our listeners if you're at that point where you're thinking that you've been abandoned that you know this is too good to be true this is a doctor from Los Angeles and and other you know it seems you know a person you know radio personality who is you know interviewing him and the these people are far. From the everyday problems of everyday and barrack no one is I think. I would just like to tell the listeners that there's nothing farther from the truth we're just ordinary Wes you and I did ordinary people we're struggling with ordinary problems just like anybody else and we're struggling with the disappointments we're struggling with doubts we're struggling with. With. You know depression where we're struggling with questions of whether this is this will make sense whether this is all there is of this what we struggle with all these issues but we want to tell the listeners that we're real well we're struggling questions we're being real when we're asking for answers and this is how I ask I pray that this plane. I call before. I think it kind of it is fashionable to call something a force I think it is a force because God is a force his is is a power is the force the greatest is as same force that puts me to sleep at night. And. You know I basically say. You know God I call him that I called Air Force God God if you are able to put me to sleep at night here able to to comfort me at night if you will to be with me and when I talk to your heart's content to my mind of how to help myself well this is very important but I just that when I try to talk to God The thoughts come in my mind that help the resolve my problem right answers is no it's not a place sometimes it does it by a lot of the time it is done because you were studying His Word that has the answers already dance exactly right so sometimes he lets us know what it is in these words is I think gives us a thought like you did to me that this week I had could not even bark my throat was worse off than I tried everything better clean and then I'm proud of your natural pattern of that actually worked very well but I would have never. Tried eucalyptus oil well never but you kind of looked at that said Ok I lost my my medical. Knowledge let me see what the natural battery stuff can operate at the eucalyptus but I looked up at my cabinet I used to get all these different oils from agreement that your pet the company that that that would be their natural juices make the berries etc by and they were coming I'm not at the farm for them but it's young living and so anyway so I found this eucalyptus oil that cleared my throat within seconds it was amazing and I saw you call has created created your will who created God. And when you let the natural. God created things. For the meaning in the nation. All the good medicines as I'm sure you know come from natural plants. That the Chinese the Native American Indians and others. Have discovered that they rather work you know their harvest and sometimes the medicines or are made so strong that become a poison she gotta be careful of taking it specially for the group. Know they are in Jeremiah 5115 he says he has made the earth by his power gets established the world by his wisdom has stretched out to heaven by his understanding way out of his voice there is a multitude of waters in the heavens and the cause of the vapors to ascend and of the earth you make as the light is rain and bring it forth the wind while has power and he has power in your life and you mention that you don't always. You know hear God's voice but God can put things in your mind when when I desperately need to be free from drugs and alcohol I just ask God to please help me and in the text came to me and I had never memorized the text I had read it because it read the Bible cover to cover but its easy 3626 and 27 new heart I will give you will take the stone story heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh and I will cause you to walk in my statutes and do my judgments and I claim that when in looking for 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and has been 42 years of freedom I mean he'll do it for you he will. Talk to many many people have been set free and whether you've been free for an hour or a day or a week I always rejoice that people that are overcomers through God's power don't try to take credit for yourself you like yourself in the same position. And so you know we need to focus of the people who are listening to people who are struggling in marriage there are people who. Are struggling struggle there there are people who are struggling in with anger their people are struggling with any kind of other many other addictions you know food addictions sex addiction. You know that a normal person struggles with as they go through life and common humanity you know exactly just like just like all of us to think about and I wanted to tell people that that help is on the way else is there for asking all you need to do is help help is available and all you need to do is just simply. You would in your mind if you're listening right now saying I don't run too far gone I've been using heroin for for 10 years 15 years for 2 years 6 months whatever it is I've been using I mean using cocaine I'm Gone of alienated my my kids my wife the taken everything I have or or of or or she has nothing I have nothing or if you had a point where you are contemplating suicide. Wherever you are at this point in time if you feel that business is the stronger than you I'm talking to you today about the person who is maintaining the galaxy the sky lit up in the sky these galaxies they're saying couple of galaxies from us they're rotating in a way that cannot be explained by gravitation and we were said the data gravitation is the one that causes all this rhythm Oh God gravitation gravitation is our God right and I'm not the and I'm not saying again the gravitation does not exist gravitation is alive and well right Haitian exists and it's as it has its place but not every old movement in the universe and the scientists are not telling us can be explained by gravity in fact very few very little of it can be slain by gravitation if you're within and have them because of the the let your body if you will be drawn into the body you will recall burn on the on the on the entrance of the celestial body has the atmosphere you'll be dead pretty much by the time you read if you could you won't be able to even be I mean you can if you're a human being you know you will fall basically you know if you're within 6 miles where you can breathe if you're up there you can't breathe unless you're a strong ought to be falling for a lot until you run out or are gentle. But the bottom line is and I and I don't we should anybody to fall for a home anywhere out in the you know in the universe that we show but come safely down in a rocket which every space ship that it went out but we should come down safely and without any any problem but the bottom line is yes the gravitational force the work is present we know we're we're we're we're eyewitnesses to it we know it works well but you know we played in the old movement in the universe that the science they're telling guys right now it's impossible it's impossible to stay in this loop you know figure of 8 how he's going to play gravitation I remember when when they found when they. Flew around Saturn years ago said as for saying well we're going to have to go back to the books because this does what we know because it's not just going around in circles it is doing diagonal loops and half of it's going backwards and half of it's going forwards it's just as it was then we know we're going to have to go back and try to understand this so there's a lot of things we don't know but I think the exploration of space 1st aeration the science in all fields as long as we're open and be scientists that follow the evidence wherever it goes when you entered our power there you see the powers available and actually offered to us when you see there's is there's a salvation plan and that God truly loves you you're not just a bump on the earth because big growth right and when you know when when there's life there's hope so don't throw it away just turn to God and say please explain to me show me where I need to go somewhere in the engine and he will provide the power that you need guarantee or in wisdom says if anyone lacks wisdom ask God 1st and then one so it's available. We can just say no no and just keep walking away because you know you don't receive it he says if we who reject the love of the truth even God will give us strong delusion believe a lie and be damned to believe truth is because he is a gentleman is our choice we can walk away from one towards him if you look towards me along with. Your right when. The despair is the very strong force as the gravitation. Depression is a very very strong emotion that can bring this down and keep us in bondage these these are the thing that God wants us to to fight to essentially come out or we can do it on our own but God can help us with how do I know where I am sure that you struggle with it and I struggled with it yeah you know every one of us that struggled with despair with depression which feeling down with rejection with abandonment every one of us it's some point in life every one of us has struggled if you haven't been abandoned by your your parents you've been a band the but but Brant you've been abandoned by the loved ones all of us to struggle with with with with. You know being so not accepted socially you know public ridicule believe whatever it is. But we're here today where to tell people that there is somebody who carefully monitor what you're going through very carefully monitored and and allows certain things to have been to you for your benefit for teaching and for Morrow for Growth Zacky if you are not going to grow to something. And motional down. To something that this negative will not happen to you it is only there for use that you can grow and and so if you are right now if years sitting that is your home if you're about to be on if you're if you're down to friends wherever you want right now I want you to understand that this is a huge But I want people to we're listening to just take their mind off of the earthly struggles for a 2nd and then start thinking about these cosmic forces that we're talking about I just want to completely severed that and start thinking about these cause the forces and be a star becoming aware of it and and becoming all of this of all of just the the complexity the size. The giant the orbit. You know the. You know complexity and and. Perfection of the universe that we can see above. And Dechen perfectly function the way that is and then if you want to go to your conscience if you abandon it long time ago back then voice of your conscience is still there it has not gone away and if you want to go back to your start those baby steps go back to your conscious God is willing to business that place back again and open those roads so that you can start listening to your constant demand is that listening to conscious as they are being aware of these giant structures and giant God who is in your mold these disconnected predators. That's the moment that you can say my problems are small Yeah they're actually winnable they are there they're not a big deal they may be a big deal to me now but in the great scheme of things if you know I can have victory over my current problem right cause look if you've got to take care of the universe he can take care of my problem that's where I want our listeners to the business needs to be a turning point if you can take care of these problems around me then he can take care of my police he has allowed me to get into this position where I'm addicted where I'm angry where I've alienated my entire family where I believe that Mike is whatever I am that he can bring an order into disorder may not bring everybody back into my life but he'll bring some kind of order he can help me get through the treatment center or they're thinking get me get get to wherever balance that I have abandoned Mark which food with sex with all the saying where I could become respectable human being not abusing others but getting to the loving relationship with the other to meet the needs the guy did that for us to be better so he rushed 414-1516 tells us that there's somebody that really cares he says and. Isn't in games that he cares cares for you cast your cares about him prepares for you now he restore 14 to 16 Seeing then that we have a great high priest that has passed the heavens remember he overcame death so you know overcome anything or life as well as Jesus the Son of God Let us Holdfast our profession for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the scene of our infirmity but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly and as the Throne of Grace me obtain mercy and slain grace that is very comforting to me I can see that. There's a God that really wants to restore us that's what he does all the time she restores people who strollers restores what Satan tries to destroy and because of that we can trust him this seems impossible to me and yeah it is impossible we are in Him impossible situations but God can overcome those into a queue to love and trust a little child no matter what you need turn to him to say please help me doesn't need to be eloquent just needs to be questions to help you he says asking it's his job find and it shall be open and he's not trying to get everybody into there's a person that's not asking why my significant why my significant to my life has been wasted I'm no good to anybody and west I want more what did you not feel but still that person this morning why he is significant you know why you as a radio personality why be as a physician would be more significant that that person. Know where each individual were were crew were all created in the image of God and He wants to recreate us in the image of God He wanted just to be witnesses for him he wants us to be open to those around us to bless those that curse is pray for our enemies. To love God with all our heart mind and soul and we're to love our neighbors or so and that's not limited to the one next door or about this morning and last week I mentioned about the different people that were showed depression in the Bible David job so many others and I said Even Jesus was pointed out and that's not correct no he was very disappointed disciples would but he was not he was not ever weakly depressed like like the rest of us are but he was tested in all points like as we are be had he spent a lot of time in prayer even though he is perfect. You know so obviously we really need you we need to spend some time in prayer men need spend more time in prayer the hard days could be says to pray always and that doesn't mean you're right but driving the right down the road you're going to need more than that you need to be in an ad just in the way you live be the state of my state of mind or you're open to open to what God shows you and pray to Him and ask Amy you're always open to what he says specky printed per channel open between you and God and don'ts I don't think you have to pray eloquent prayers you just have to talk to him and say you know me you know my problems. Please help me Well you know I want to glorify you want to be free and teasings of held me down whatever it is I've seen so many people get off drugs you mention 10 years on using heroin a friend of mine spent 10 years as a heroin dealer in New York City and for the last 25 or 30 years he's been a wonderful gospel Saint seem all the time Great appreciate his great because without God he's continually sings the song of Moses and the Lamb It was a lot of people rap star that used to be a rap star and he's he is pastor of the Campbell 70 friend of mind it's his associate spent 26 years in prison Wilson prison and other friends of mine one guy be just deemed suitable for parole he's been in there for 31 years he spends all of his time blessing her garden right in the front of the chapel to cut flowers and a new saying every week in rocks God is love care is about you some some you know one liner can remember some flowers and other flowers growing there at 1st people were tearing them down. Sayin I can't have that no did I just want to bless others leave him alone and he's been blessing people painted the whole chapel he's one of our new men God can restore people from when you look at him restoring the demoniac to his legion of demons to beam sitting fully clothed and right mind. That God is merciful and if any of the people that are listening today that are that still have doubts like you say. If God can help a little immigrant. 32 years ago flying over from Europe on a pan them thinking. And I remember being in the middle of the Atlantic and think that if I have to die I'm perfectly fine I don't know as a new country I'm going to I don't know if I'll ever succeed I left the you know as a 30 year medical student. My country is about to get in the Civil War No it won't be so I will not survive it and I was just the stay confined that goes a different country that I did not want to go through it by the Civil War was happening in my own God you know back I was kind of the developers of the pocket and. You know it would be just as hard work and very frequently being in complete despair not knowing where the funds are going to come from and not knowing what's going to happen tomorrow any God can help my friend was talking to and that that was me that personally God can help you who has been arrested during There's been a dead end and I'm sure you you haven't thought of your life has been valuable at all if God can help to people who've been in the in a really desperate situation think they're complete nobody that can help you doesn't matter where you are God knows whether you're in a prison. Whether you wherever you are God will help you he can turn your life around he can make you feel that your life is worth something you know what is our potential not just our not just our worth our words is based on on the gift that was given for us a life in teaching and death and resurrection and that's correct and it's and if you know the biggest thing we have for us we have going for us is will wake up in the morning do we do we feel we can we can go forward we can we can work we can not only earn our living but live or or are we down and then something that God can work on that cause you to wake up in the morning full of energy he's not going to probably get your days on the go easy but he can he can make sure when you wake up in the morning that you've got him Ed Ed Ed you're right side in that you've got at least some kind of progress is going to make sure it's not going to be peaches and roses it has been for me has been for you whether it will be hard work but you know what all of us sign up for hard work as long as we can honestly feel that there's a hope for us and there is a right for everybody who is listening today there's hope you're going to have to put some work in you know to get the to reverse the fortunes of misfortune the divorce that but it's worth it to exactly at the end of the day you're going to see small progress and you're going to see that you're going somewhere you're going to see other people who are in the wrong just like Wes and I you're going to see other people who are going to cheer you on and that that's exactly the road that's the trip the. Verdict appreciates your presentation on the are big God as well as the God of the small details the loves each one of us and what happens to us and how we react to others he has a great plan for us he he plans on having us. In heaven Senlis No No tears no no death no problems at all for eternity so we can go and see these different places. And see him 1st hand and see how God works and learn more and more about God's miraculous power and His love and his just invite in his there none of us deserve to be there he deserves to be there he gives us what he did and we we really relinquish what we don't want to have in our lives and he's glad to take it away glad to transform it into his Thank you so much for being with us this morning Dr Broder look important next time till then write to us that Rush was really a program you know Buck when we're 78 we're still California 95631 thank you collect Sunday morning. READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY READY that's what a 4.5 k. To a 3 c.n. Offer 10 am 980 cha obert. News this hour from town at that time I go here into the army's use of a Chinese own video amp tech to act as part of a new campaign to recruit young people is raising concerns on Capitol Hill Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter to Army secretary Ryan McCarthy asking about potential national security risks posed by the social media platform Schumer said national security experts have raised concerns about tick tocks collection and handling of user data including personal information locations and other content and he noted the Chinese laws compel companies to cooperate with China's government and intelligence collection. Tourist pilot Jeremy house protesters in Hong Kong of set fires on bridges leading to the city's probably technic university as they try to keep police from advancing on their campus stronghold orange flames extent of the length of a foot bridge today over the roadway entrance to the cross Harbor Tunnel police that shut down the area to access to the area and master earlier today in an apparent attempt to surround protesters up like that some retreated inside the campus other state to fight Wal-Mart alters its disability reassignment policy in the face of a lawsuit the big box giant agreed to change its national policy for reassigning disabled workers to settle the complaint brought by the u.s. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Maine the settlement requires Wal-Mart to offer disabled workers a vacant position and up to 5 nearby stores a lawsuit was filed on behalf of a long time worker who developed a disability that prevented her from continuing her job as a sales associate Wal-Mart says a change of policy already had been in the works Rhonda rocks to reporting the White House ramping up its push to get a bill through Congress that curbs prescription drug costs the rest of policy advisor Judd Gregg and says there's still a once in a generation chance that a bipartisan deal more on the stories that townhall dot com. 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