From Patrick phones about a babe millions in insider trading involving the raw stress for last store chain has been sentenced to 2 and a half years in federal prison a judge in Oakland sentenced Salim caught on Friday he pleaded guilty in January to conspiracy and securities fraud in the plea agreement Kahn said that from 2009 to 2012 he used insider trading information he got from a friend in the Ross Stores finance department that is Patrick Vause reporting it's been a slow lobster season so far in the mouth of a good fisherman in the country's largest lobstering state are still hopeful it will turn out to be a good one the harvest of prestige and sea is usually in full swing by July Fishman say they didn't catch much last month the season does tend to pick up after many lobsters shed their shells and reach legal sized fishermen say that still likely to happen perhaps later this month breaking news and analysis at townhall dot com New York's mayor is hailing an administrative judge's recommendation to fire the officer involved in that chokehold death of Eric Garner is fair and impartial while his daughter says it's taken long enough and wants to happen wants it to happen immediately here Julie Walker protesters yelling Fire Officer Daniel pencil a 0 interrupted Mayor Bill de Blasio who says that's up to the police commissioner but he hopes the ruling helps people believe there is justice we finally saw a step towards justice and accountability garters daughter Emerald Snipes Garner says she's been waiting for this since 2014 when her father was put into a chokehold on a Staten Island street 5 years the law and finally somebody has said that there is some information that this guy has done something wrong and that report coming from correspondent Julie Walker on Wall Street Friday the Dow is down 98 points the Nasdaq down by 107 more of these stories at townhall dot com. Views expressed by the guests and telephone participants do not necessarily express the views of the management staff or sponsors of Am 950 k. High. Well I am nurse I'm a resettling and you are going to have time for senior this is going to be a very informative interesting show and the reason is usually my guest is someone who I'm having on to educate our listeners about something and to day since most of you know I'm $64.00 almost $65.00 Our guest is going to talk to us about Medicare which in one month after all these years I get so she's going to not only help educate you guys but you know I will be learning all along with you I have a ton of questions and she says she's going to explain this process to me some super excited so Debbie Tyler well. Thank you Terry so I'm happy to be here this afternoon I have 0 am super happy. So tell me a little bit before we jump into all of this Medicare you're a volunteer for high care so we'll get into one high cap this tell me a little bit about yourself I know we were talking on the phone last week or some I think you told me you had 2 or 3. Ph D.'s and you know so you have it turned out of. Schooling behind you. I have a bachelor's degree in Human Services with a focus on public health and psychology I have a master's degree in Public Administration I have a special certificate program equivalent to a master's degree in Mediation and Arbitration which is what I used in my last I call it my big real job when I was paid at England regional center where I work for almost 30 years as their fair hearings officer what is that in lead regional center is one of the reach of the 21 regional centers in California that provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities the state of California privatized that service. Well over 40 years ago so it's their private nonprofit agencies with government contracts I work for inland which includes Riverside and San Bernardino County they when I 1st came on board in the late eighty's Well that just stated me didn't know later. When I 1st came on board there they had about 16000 clients today they have over 4 believe they have over 40000 clients right now oh my writing and my last job there was to work between families vendors and the agency to settle disputes if we were unable to do is to settle the dispute just using my talents and skills along with my staff we would then go to a fair hearing in front of an administrative law judge and that was my job is to do that as well so we probably did $450.00 appeals a year with an average of maybe $25.00 to $30.00 going in front of an administrative law judge. Well I mean were there are so many complaints you know they're not complaints their appeals in Italy hills are. Especially for families. That have children and the regional center system serves people from birth to death Ok if you have a disability or you get to stay forever and if you come in and you say for example my child has a disability and I want them to have and give you my most exorbitant request was that we want to buy an r.v. And we want to set it up so we can take our child with cerebral palsy on vacation with us Ok and that would be something we would decline to find under the state contracts obviously you have certain criteria that you have to meet and what you find for everybody so the family then may say we we may say I'm sorry we can't fund that have you thought about these alternative services for your child and they can they can appeal any decision the regional center makes so they file an appeal and say we disagree with you. Because said will sit down we'll try to work it out if we can't work it out. Most of the time people just didn't understand that we work within a regulatory basis there's only so many things we can buy and we have regulation we have to follow oftentimes we read we resolve those matters you have that point but then if it went to the judge the judge would then say the regional center said they can't do it for these reasons family says but we think we should have this instead and then the judge makes a decision based on the regulation the state law right he still had to follow those right and so did we and families often just don't understand you know that we have those laws and regulations and they disagree and it's Ok what I learned through that whole process that it's Ok to have disagreements with people and part of what I brought to my volunteer work is to say there's lots of ways to be successful so let's take a look at for example your Medicare benefits and see if we can find you an alternative way or we might be able to save you some money we might be able to get you more service within the Medicare system there's also an appeal process. No you may have a bill or a claim that still night and as Medicare recipients we have the right to appeal that through their appeal system under the Medicare regulations so you had this whole big working career. Retired correct my 1st retirement was Are you ready 11 years ago your 1st retirement and I take my 1st friends I really was 11 years ago from inland from the the big job why did you keep working I want to hear this because everybody you get a little older you get a certain age we must look that age everybody's like when are you going to retire and I'm not ready there you go I'm not ready but you did retire I did retire and then I went on and I worked for a while for the state of Nevada we moved over to Nevada for a little bit and I worked for the Department of Health and Human Services over there in a. I don't want to call it a lesser job I want to call it a different job didn't pay as much the stress was less but I could utilize the skills I had before and then I reached a point where I decided I didn't want to work 40 hours a week and they found a part time job for me so I stayed there for a while to actually work for than about a council and developmental disabilities for the governor's Consul so inclined to gether and I was able to work there for a while. I come from a history in my family of volunteerism my dad was a huge volunteer my mother was a huge volunteer my dad did a lot of work with senior citizens I was born and raised in a town of about 3000 people and what you know they have 3189 people now it hasn't grown a lot but this is going to Minnesota Yeah that's what I'm going to say so my dad when he retired at 65 he tried that networking thing too eventually got a job and stayed continued to be employed and tell he was passed away at 82. But he was also a Meals on Wheels volunteer he was also a person who drove people in this county it's called My rights it was called something else there but he volunteered with those programs he was on the parks board so my entire family all my siblings volunteer as well I think if you grow up in that mentality to give back to your community you don't know how not to do that . So that was a piece of it for me when I was a social worker at inland regional center I also had the pleasure of working with what are called Schip counselors ship counselors are Medicare counselors because I didn't know a lot about Medicare and counsellors sure Medicare account right just like high cap counselor so that this is down south you know what was this this is the schip program which stands for State Health Insurance Program is the federal program that high cap falls under. Her So if you go to any state in the United States you will find a ship counselor Ok so no slam to California here but in California we seldom call things what other people do we make up our own name same program and the program in California is called high cap Oh it stands for Health Insurance Counseling advocacy program. When I had the privilege of having shipped counselors which is a no cost counseling program help some of my clients and inland I decided that when I volunteered this was a program I was really interested in working with because they were not only helpful to me as a paid employee there but they were very helpful to my clients and there is a complexity with Medicare that frustrates people immensely so when I read retired retired after those little things like that about earlier and I came to Gallup we came back to California and I called the ship or high cap program and. That's when I started working with I kept in I was over 6 years ago this is actually August is I'm starting my 7th year is a Medicare counsellor camera volunteer that's what is this is your community give back and do I can see. I could see though let me see how could I say this. Medicare is a very complex thing program all of it I know I'm right in the middle of it so I could see that volunteers for high cap who and we'll explain what that is need to be educated I mean I don't think I'm sure you get some pretty. Good volunteers with that but I think before we go to that tell me why we say hi cap. Explain to us what is high cap high cap is an acronym it stands for Health Insurance Counseling advocacy program and as I said previously it is part of the schip program same thing Ok what we are all about is sitting down to help you become an informed individual about how Medicare works so that you can make informed decisions we are not insurance brokers we don't have any product to sell you we. Are mandated to help you understand the program. I have people come to me all the time the 1st 2 things with new folks and I think you and I spoke about this if you're turning 656 months before turning 65 you start getting a pile of mail Oh we were just talking about it today I said I could bring in you bring you an off whole bag every day I have something new at the post office coming I haven't even opened them because it's like junk mail to me I've gotten junk mail my whole lot now I'm getting junk mail for Medicare and they've got my phone number my cell number now and they're really hate to say this they're very sneaky because I will be reimbursed some of my Medicare through my husband's former employer and they actually call it basically kind of saying they were calling for them made an appointment a phone conference appointment with me here I am I'm on the radio all the time talking about all these scams but it hit me I said Ok Now let me be clear you are with this company my husband works for correct and she said no what do you call it where a she didn't say broker but basically that's who they are and so I kind of said I haven't decided what I'm going with but I said Oh well I know I'm already going with a r.p. She cancelled my appointment and hung up on me. You know this is. So this is a really. This is really scary for me what it do what to do correct and not correct when I have talked to many many people turning 65 or people who are Medicare's not just for people turning 65 but for people with disabilities as well who have been on s.s.d. I for up to 2 years and they automatically become eligible to Medicare but they are get all this mail and it's frightening because it all says you have to act now you're running out of time and then you get a really bad packet of information and you're confused about what it means and so I have people bring me mail all the time when they're new to the program we usually put it aside and take a look at it we sort through what I know is junk mail we open up the rest of it some may be related to retirement all the retirement programs are different I mean I'll give you an example of that also this today but I think to be able to sort through that mail what most people tell me is I'm just confused there's too much information so our job is to sit down with a few tools that the program has given us and explain how it works and that's what I'd like to do for you today and we're going to walk through a little bit about what is what do all these letters mean to me what does this mean to me. Well before we go to that because there is a lot and I love what you brought you need to tell the listeners. What background this is all about high cap is run by volunteers right so for you it's a volunteer What does it entail and this is also for any listener who's retired and looking for something to do I love this program what does it entail for you to become a volunteer to help me this is not just oh what's a video and new it's not just watch a video I had to be 55 years old to become a volunteer I had to bring in a resume they interview you before they allow you in which is a reasonable thing to do then we also did I had classroom training and I actually live in Nevada County in a classroom training was offered in Sacramento so they really let me know that this is where they sometimes lose people because you have to drive all the way to sac and then my training was a couple of weeks equating to be 20 between 24 to 30 hours of classroom training to cover all the material they had me do 20 hours of mentoring which means I had to go out either with my regional coordinator who is a paid employee for this program or another Counselor that has a lot of experience and listen to them and watch them so that puts me at 44 hours or 40 about 40 hours I'm sorry I counted wrong it puts me at about 50 hours of training before I'm even allowed to sit down and talk to anybody by myself then we do a minimum of 12 hours of ongoing training every year 6 of which is mandated in October just before we get to our open enrollment period because we're going to sit down for 6 hours and tell us all about what's new what's changed so we can meet with people and help them decide on their benefits for the upcoming year so it's pretty significant one of my colleagues that's a volunteer when he finally got through the training and had spent some time mentoring with me he said I have to build a whole room to put my file cabinets for for high cap. I think that you have to and I have nothing but huge wonderful things to say about the people that I work with there's not a counselor that we have that I would not refer people to you have to be pretty devoted to want to understand the changes and to be willing to put the time and energy and I'm required to counsel at least 6 people a month that's not a lot you know so I do 23 hour counseling sessions. I happen to do those in Auburn right now I've done them in Nevada County as well as people schedule less to come in with a 15 minute face to face visit but. That doesn't have any class to it like I said I'm not there to sell you anything I'm not vested in what you choose there's an insurance company very very personal to folks but it's very rewarding I have to say it's one the most rewarding work at work that I've ever done so we do at least 6 people each one of us. Well when we we're going to take a quick break when we come back I want to talk about what areas they cover and organise start diggin into Medicare and all of this though what take a quick break and be right back. Bang bang bang bang. In many countries around the world medical care is scarce from birth defects to serious injuries and illnesses countless millions have no access to safe surgery Mercy Ships are just there to help with a team of volunteer professionals nurses and surgeons utilizing state of the art hospital ships Mercy Ships provides free surgeries for the thousands of those who are waiting for surgery at each port messages is bringing So this is conscious that would otherwise no says this is me just see people that need help even realize that they have no way of getting help and I want them to move it back that help make a lasting impact in terms someone's fear to Joy find out how you can help by visiting our website at Mercy Ships dot org for more information that's Mercy Ships dot org. Nothing hurts my mom but she showed anyway. She'd always say you do what you need to do to carry yourself. But she thought that meant she had to do it on her own. We were trained to help others but there is strength in finding help for yourself too . We're in this together even the toughest of us might not know where to go to get a little support. Encourage women who have served to learn more about the real and if it's they've earned. The v.a. Women veterans call center connects veterans with personalized information on v.a. Services that can make a difference call 1855 v.a. Women or visit w w w dot Women's Health dot v.a. . 1855 v.a. Women or visit w w w dot Women's Health dot www dot gov. Welcome back pay high listeners. We are talking with Debbie Taylor who Tyler I even wrote down Tyler and said to me who works for high cap so that contact number we're going to give a couple they service many counties here in plaster you could always call seniors 1st and that's right 308899500 Is there an extension you know Ok and if it's one of the other counties you could ask them what's the number for the other county and in Sacramento that's 916-376-8915 extension 4 our listeners in Nevada County it's 530-258-6827 we'll give these numbers out again but tell me what counties these volunteers have for high cap what counties do service Northern California icap. Services Sacramento Eldorado Nevada Sierra placer San Joaquin yellow Yuba and Sutter counties however all the other counties in the state of California do you have a high cap office this is just the Northern California offices that we service up here so you could that you could call and will give the number given Sacramento or even seniors 1st then and they have information and assistance there they can get you the number for your county so one thing I wanted to ask you I know you were going to touch on something else we need to remind listeners that just because you are already on Medicare does not mean you can't come in and have a consultation situations change and Way program work for you last year or for the last 5 years some may have changed and come back in for another free counseling correct that's correct I'd like to remind people that annual enroll meant a.p. And most people know it is open enrollment a starts on October 15th and last to December 7th Pearl Harbor Day every year it's your opportunity to change your part d. Prescription program. During that period we'll know well as we get closer by October 7th we're going to know what the new prescription programs look like the part d. Programs look like how much they cost we can run something for you called Plan Finder I can teach you how to run your own plan finder on medicare dot gov and I can give you a little cheat sheet that will help you with that it automatically calculates based on where you live what pharmacies you use in the medications that you take what may be the most recommended part d. Plan for you. Premiums range in this county we have about 24 I can't believe this but we have 24 medication programs available to people in in Placer County right now that only Nevada County only has one car and no money about it only has one Medicare Advantage plans I think we probably need to talk about that a little bit depends on where you live and what you have can I ask you a quick for me you said open enrollment. In gave the date that's 4 per d. That for the other parts also if you were going to change those No Well here's Ok here's the trick is a little more complex than people like it to be when you 1st come on Medicare you get what's called original Medicare that's that little paper red white and blue card that says you have part a which is hospitalization important. Part is hospitalization insurance you have part b. Some people only enroll in part a at the beginning for specific reasons but let's say you have part and part b. Which is Medicaid your part b. Is your medical insurance but a and b. Are at what are called $820.00 plans that means it only covers 80 percent of the cost and you're responsible for the other 20 percent of the cost in order to cover that 20 percent Medicare has set up a several different ways that you can go one is that you can get what's called a supplemental. Or a medic gap insurance a lot of things in Medicare have to name supplemental med a gap right is same thing they just are 2 different words say the same thing that's generally what's. Generally a p.p.o. Those are often p.p.o. So you can select your own doctor and based on the plan there that you choose and that you pay for separately from your Medicare you would be able to pay for all or part of the 20 percent cost that you have that you're responsible for under a supplemental or Medigap plan your medications are not covered so you would have to purchase then a part d. Or a drug plan. There's 24 different plans like there's over 20 programs that offer supplemental insurance is so we can talk about how you can look at those plans how you can do your comparison what works for you we have some wonderful publications that talk about how to choose your Medigap playin we have some other publications that talk about part d. And we have planned finder on medicare dot gov to look at so you may choose to have original Medicare with a supplemental plan and a prescription plan or that would be a part b. And part the right that's a direct or you may choose to go with what's called a Medicare Advantage plan with part d. Most of the there's 7 I'm sorry 6 plants in Placer County right now available to. Medicare recipients they tend to have their part d. Plan included It's what most of us know as an h.m.o. Or a health maintenance organization and what that means is you have to work within their network of Phillis sounds like provider that's like a center for what are like a Kaiser or a Kaiser should be like Kaiser United Health Care 8 r.p. And I'm so glad you said a r p people come to me all the time and say I have a air p.d. Actually no you don't yet have United Healthcare insurance a r.p. Is the group when we're employed we have the employer will go out and they'll find a broker that finds some 3 or 4 companies to offer their on their employees and the group based on how large it is May get a better deal than you and I might get is an individual going after the same insurance so a r.p. Is our group and we are a huge group if you're a member of a p.c. So it helps get us a better rate but United Health Care is that United is the health insurance company that a p is this so when people come to me and say that well I want you to know a r.p. Offers 7 different plans Yeah so how my going to know which r.p. Plan you have so I get out your cards and they bring out they fan out all their health insurance cards and we figure out what they have what it pays for and then I can talk with you about what their other plans offer. We found at over 50 percent of the people that live in Placer County right now purchase a part plan c. Or a Medicare Advantage plan now is that work Medicare Advantage is the same thing as part c. Ok Ok. I know it's a lot of information a. Clarification going back you say party a is Hospital right per b. It is medical mythical so. But then there's a good 20 percent gap that's not paid through that may not be paid through part b. That's right so then you would get. Another policy ah so yes which could be a supplemental policy or it could be a Medicare part see sometime in part c. Is called Medicare Advantage Plan Ok with and in this particular county all of the Medicare Advantage plans offered have part d. Prescription coverage included I call it bundling and by doing is My Word because we all know that if you can bundle your get a better 800 to internet your t.v. And whatever else you're going to do you can do that so essentially what part c. Or Medicare Advantage plans are is they take your a b. And d. In a rapid into one plan and then you don't have that 20 percent he may have some co-pays it depends but you aren't going to have that 20 percent gap and I'm going to give you a great example last week I spoke with a client who said I. Kaiser offers 2 plans under part c. Ok and United Health Care offers 3 right now under part c. And then there's a health plan as well available in this county so they last there she said I don't have Medicare I have Kaiser Well you still have Medicare and I want to kind of put a little side note over it with that you still have Medicare but the umbrella company is Kaiser right now when we decide that we're going to purchase part c. Or we're going to use what's called a Medicare Advantage plan with part d. Included what we've done is are part a b. And c. All come into one plan and so all you really have is Kaiser you're still a Medicare client but you have Kaiser He says if you move to. Portland Oregon Well they may have Kaiser I'm sure they do but if you move somewhere and they don't have Kaiser you still have Medicare you're just going to have to change yours a plan let me give you a great example of where if you move to to Grass Valley Yeah you have to leave your Kaiser because Kaiser is identified a radius from their facilities that they feel for quality of care they can't serve outside of that area I personally live in Nevada County I'm just inside the border and I'm just outside their radius but I understand why they did that because if you're 25 miles away from your doctor in your facility that may not be the best quality health care I can get I've had a client many years ago who was on Kaiser because this this radius came up in the last I can't tell you exactly when we're still grandfathered Yes So some people were grandfathered in so she was 82 years old she had a big medical problem and she had to go into the hospital in Grass Valley not with her Kaiser physician then they had to medivac her down to Kaiser and that that's not the best quality of care we can offer folks so I always suggest to people consider how far you're willing to drive to the doctor today when you look at your plans and I'm not saying go to bed just considering it's crazy when they are really want to get to day 69 I may be Ok with driving to Kaiser to see my doctor but when I am 75 and have a broken hip I may not want to drive to Kaiser anymore so just take it into consideration is what I suggest people change they've been Kaiser Now a couple years but they're not happy with Kaiser can they get out of Kaiser and change to a different a different person yearly Absolutely and that's again during that a e.p. Or annual in Roman period sometimes called open enrollment that's when you can change those plans now there is a trick to with Kaiser it let's say that I have one of the other plans like United Health Care and I decide I want to go. Kaiser Kaiser is considered the only 5 star plan we have so based on their quality of service ratings they are really great plan based on the 5 stars I'm going to tell you I also talk to my clients and I tell them people either love Kaiser they don't like it it's I'll agree and I won't say which way yeah and it's a Wal-Mart Yes some people hate Wal-Mart some people love their art my kids have Kaiser insurance they didn't like it where they lived before they love it where they live now it has to do with the doctors they have how that particular facility runs it's just it's a fact of life so what if let's say that you were in United Health Care and you wanted to get into Kaiser because Kaiser is considered to have a 5 star rating under Medicare you can get into Kaiser anytime during the year you just can't get out of them and you can only get out during the open enrollment period Ok I know that was that that we missed you wanted to talk to him what was that has to do with the high cap volunteer program comes under the listening or legal services of Northern California. They have the grant to provide the high cap program and to be able to train our volunteers so. I have a boss right here she's a regional coordinator Her name is even an editor and she covers this county in Nevada County She has 11 volunteers that are under her she is a paid employee her boss is John Tan who is an attorney at Legal Services of Northern California and they have several staff down there that help do the training for us keep us up to date with materials we also have an advocate name Stacy who is also an attorney so let's say you come to me with a problem that's not about what insurance you want do you have a billing problem I have the ability then if I'm on able to help you in our 50 minute appointment to take your information and referred on down to these folks because they have a specialty area and health care insurance to include medical and Medicare so they're kind of our umbrella company I always tell folks we're under the umbrella that amaze the legal services of Northern California is an amazing program helping the people here locally so Ok so now we need to. Talk about high cap who you guys are your amazing volunteers and if we have time within the show we'll kind of talk a little bit about what some of your volunteers and what they've done in their past career and because you're always looking for volunteers so let's continue to break down Medicare part a b. C. And d. a It's Hospital b. Is medical c. Is Medicare Advantage plans with part d. Included in this and d. Is prescription reflection only can someone have a hospital and see. You have to in order to have c. You have to have both a and b. C. I just thank you for educating me I'm looking I'm looking at a piece of paper I've got a b. C. D. Really so then you have hospital medical and c. Is the get a bundle is that the bundling the bundling and the part c Let's go back because you use the word gap you can have what's called You can have a and b. And have a supplemental sometimes called a Met a gap plan and that covers that 20 percent gap those in this county are not health maintenance organizations all right if you decide you want to go with a network type of an insurance like a health maintenance organization that's part c. Which. Stands for Medicare Advantage plans with part d. How do our listeners or me when I go home and check out my husband's cart see what he's got how do we know what you know how did the listeners know what they now I'll tell you why I didn't have a client a couple years ago said yes I have medicare she had 8 and 8 only Ok when what you have 8 only let me give you an example. If you are married and your spouse or you are working either one of you you don't have to enroll in part b. If you have insurance through an employer of yours or your spouse's So a lot of people will choose just to go with a because good question here because part a generally and I'm saying generally is free. I don't like that term I usually correct my clients and say it's not free in order to get part a benefits at no cost to you as of a Medicare recipient or. As a spouse of a Medicare recipient you would have to have 40 work quarters which is essentially you work 10 years and paid into the Social Security system then your part when you retire at $65.00 and get your Medicare benefits doesn't cost you anything it's not free you worked hard for it all right I did work hard and trust me that's what I keep saying I've worked really hard for since I was 13 and I go to get this 3 it's a I have 3 you are Ok so when I turned 65 next month month and a half let's not push it. My part. That part is free to me that is not being taken out now so what I'm going to have to find with that these help and immediate every counseling meeting that I get is I'm and I have to either go b. B. And c. Or b. And d. Ok so what you are. Exactly now let's go back a little bit Ok has that kind of runs it all together and it got a little muddy for me in my head to get some money for me it's got to be money for you so part b. Is your medical coverage and part b. Currently costs $135.50 a month. And that some premium for medical coverage so that is there is through Social Security well this is new old boy there is she says this I always see these are how moments that leave my doctor so there comes out of my social security right there they do charge me for that yes they do Ok So that is taken out as true so security so then that covers my medical So now what I need is either as supplemental and my prescription right supplemental in prescription and I can be as supplemental which may be a separate policy now I'm going to give you the really confusing part people will come in and say I have we've already done 4 letters right today the supplemental policies range from an aide to an and that's true and they went in and I have a chart that will explain to you what they pay for they have different premiums they pay for different things they're starting to change a little bit also this year we're going to see some changes so you then have to decide if you want to go with a supplemental orse slash Medigap policy or if you want to go with the health maintenance organization which is your part c. . There are about 24 companies that sell supplemental Medigap policies. We can look at those we can talk about what you might be interested in each is biased purchases insurance for different reasons. For example if you're someone who travels out of country a several policies out of those 8 to end policies will offer. Foreign travel benefits that might be important to you it might be important to you if you I have 2 homes I have a home here and I have a home in Nevada I want my insurance coverage to cover me in both places whereas if I purchase a Medicare Advantage plan in Placer County It may not have benefits available in the Vatican so you look at where what is your need if I spent half my year here and half my year there I want to cover both so we talk a lot about those things and can explain to you what the difference is look at premiums cost is always important to people how much is it going to cost your is this crazy expensive and I can give you an example right now if you want with a Medicare Advantage plan through United Health Care and or Kaiser either way Ok right now in this county the cheapest policy available is $24.00 a month so this would be your get an a for free though I worked my tail off for it I amended the pain a $135.00 for be right and they in this day and teach this is around 24 right advantage is that covering c. And d. Or is that just the it's the bundling it's all wrapped into one so essentially what it is it's insurance you have to use their network providers. So if it is with Kaiser the network providers to Kaiser or effets with United Health Care you find network doctors out here Ok we may need to take a break but when we come back already have my next question. Ok We're going to take a quick break and be right back. Recent trends show crime is on the rise in America so if you're concerned about crime in your community your police and mayor's office need to hear from you hearing from the public focuses elected officials and police on the issue when you see graffiti serious crimes like robbery and shootings won't be far behind it's never too late to turn your neighborhood around be the one to take that 1st step. By the National Police Association to learn more. National Police dot org. National Police dot org. Back a high listeners I want to real quickly give out seniors 1st number again for any of our listeners it's 530-889-9500 the you have want to schedule an appointment. As Debbie told me there are some amazing counsellors and if we have time we'll touch on those but as you can see this is really there is way more to this then just me sitting there getting these 1000 packets it takes a specialist to know what we need to know individually they look at our health individually they look at our lifestyle they look at our prescriptions and they really kind of narrow this down for so please open enrollment against in October or you can call seniors 1st they scheduled appointments so I think in my mind I've got a b.c.d. I think I wanted to ask you what about this isn't in dental for someone on Medicare Ok Medicare does not pay for vision or dental and I'm going to give that with a caveat my get my good friend Carolyn Washington who is our outreach coordinator under high cap always says it depends and I adapted her phrase Everything depends on something if you have cataracts they're going to take care of your vision because it's medically related right Typically though it does not cover dental it doesn't cover vision I always had to suggest to people that they way out whether or not they need vision and dental insurance for some people yes for some people no if you are a Medicare client and you qualify for Medicaid Cal benefits in the state of California medic help covers dental and it covers vision so you would not have to buy a separate policy. And I'm going to give you a little personal side late here I gave out my dental insurance a few years ago I happen to have very good teeth and all I was doing was paying for my dental insurance was paying for 3 visits for to get my teeth cleaned 3 times a year and I was paying $42.00 a month for dental insurance which came to over almost $500.00 a year I could have paid for it the cleanings at $79.00 a piece a whole lot less I did go back on my dental insurance last year because I had some problems coming up that needed to be fixed so I always suggest people way out do you really need this insurance or can you get a good enough deal or a better deal by not having that insurance do you guys do you also have dental companies that that you recommend in your list when we want to see things I 1st of all I don't recommend anybody for anything none of us do are there to tell you what's available we can suggest to you of places to like you have a lot we don't have a list we just have suggestions about places you can go to find it we do Medicare counseling and dental and vision is not considered part of Medicare so it's a very good question I like that one. Like a said there's a lot of things to look at with that we also have a basic knowledge and I'm going to call it basic of the medical benefit because medic Cal can also be your supplemental or your Medicare Advantage plan if you qualify for that so you can have Medicare a and b. And a supplemental plan and a part d. . And possibly medical on top of that so there's a wide range of things that you can have we enquire as to whether or not you're a veteran or the widow of a veteran because there may be benefits available to you through those programs as well I've actually had a client. Stop terminate his part d. Because he found out he had great veterans' benefits and he opted to go that direction so there's a lot of different ins and outs that we like to talk to people about and let them know what's available to them Kay said our job is to let you know what's available so you can make an informed decision about what you want to do while I'm just this is what to take and could I say something to say Here we offer of a 15 minute appointment that you can sit down and talk about Medicare with us I have some great handouts somewhere on the radio so you can't see them unfortunately one of them is a flow chart and usually what I do is I walk through the flow chart making notes on it as we go make sure that you have a copy it makes it a little clearer each of us learns in a different way I'm a very visual learner some people are visual Some people are auditory some people are a combination of the 2 so it's really this is probably a little bit overwhelming to people listening so I would suggest that I don't come see it's overwhelming I mean I agree with that but I think what we're doing is like if I were ripping the bandage off on how confusing this could be and if we're trying to if I go in and wing it on my own you know who knows what I'll get it and I may do great but it may not be the best thing for me I am really a promoter of seeing someone who specializes in something when you need help and to me that's what. That's what we're saying here is this is what you do a lot so but let's touch on that you say a 350 minute counselling session session here's where I'm going to come with that I can walk in and you know I could chat for 50 minutes before we start so what would be your suggestion I only have 15 minutes and you know. I'm coming to you now and I am going to come to you so what is your Says suggestion that you're going to say to me to prepare for this meeting and for me to get the most out of it I mean it's almost like Ok trace it don't talk you know that we went yeah that's gotta be a dialogue thank you for asking that question Ok there's a great handbook that Medicare gives you the trick with it is they don't give it to tell your enrolled in Medicare the books and what's called Medicare and you know if you're already on Medicare you get a fresh one every year and I'm going to tell you right now I believe 95 percent of people never read it what I like about it and I had been in government employment I've been in private nonprofit employment this is probably one of the best books I've ever read and granted you know overwhelms you saying something right there yes he said this is a good book says it's number one it's an big find that helps me a lot and number 2 it anything that we're probably going to talk to you about is probably in that book but people are overwhelmed by trying to read it and figured I have had a number of people come to me and say read the book here's what I know and I usually say can you just listen to my intro before we go there. And that kind of helps them get ready so if you have whatever it takes to sit down and read the book or at least look at the flow chart on page $50.00 has. Got off the chart it tells you exactly what we've already talked about how Medicare part a b. And c. D. Work and if you do that then we get started Jordi have a little background and that helps and I talked with my fellow counselors we all have a similar style not that mine's a little different maybe than even is then my friend Ronnie but they're very similar because we want you to understand the basics from the beginning through what I do when I sit down with someone as I have a flow chart that explains how it works we do a little note on their do notes on their we also I use the handbook and I'll tell you something I'll say we're going to mark Page 17 and that on page 17 it talks about if I'm not automatically enrolled when can I sign up. Anything that I touch a lot I try to give you the page number in the book because I know that you're going to leave and I talk pretty fast you're going to leave and say I know Debbie said something about this well what if you don't read so the bottom line is I would market in the book if it's going to be something I'm concerned that you may need to try to find later and I do hand everybody if they bring their own book wonderful if we have plenty of books on hand so we can make sure you have that one book so I'm going to be 65 in September Sherry still made it go to so security and roll with the I think I did now you tell me to go to medicare dot. And make sure that it's there when told to when I get home. When day when September 20th is when I turn 65 when does my Medicare start does it start September 20th or September 1st September 1st. If your birthday was on September 1st it would actually start on August 1st otherwise it's the 1st of the month you turn $65.00 if you enroll in Medicare if you have Social Security benefits already which you didn't so if you had Social Security benefits already they would have automatically you unrolled in you in Medicare and you would already have your card in your hand saying that it's effective September 1st I'm going to have one of those blue car and keep in mind when it comes in the mail it's paper. It's going to be. Getting that you don't throw out your Medicare card this last year we went through a an annual long 12 month long period where they replaced the old Medicare cards old Medicare cards had your social security number on it they no longer have that in my biggest fear was we were busy showing people Ok We're going to get this in the mail don't throw it out it's got a really funky looking number on it's a combination of letters and numbers it's a secret formula we don't know how they design knows but please don't throw it out because it's paper Yeah so you get a little tiny paper card you know we're waiting for that plastic on our doesn't come that way so don't throw it out and you're going to need that card for the future how do you how do we did we touch on how do you I identify on your card what plan you have it says part in part b. That's the Medicare that you have if you buy a supplemental policy it will tell you in for example United Health Care through a r.p. Will say at the bottom supplemental plan aff or whatever it is on your car or on it not on your Medicare card but on a separate card so I have people bring their cards for me and I usually say bring your cards and people come in and they fan out all these cards some of them are no longer any good some of them are the newest card some but you know people don't want to throw out and we tend to be when we hoard that information when it's not safe Yeah so you're turning 65 in September you have 3 months prior to your birth month the month of your birth and 3 months after for your initial in Roman period I have 30 days left to get this no no no no 3 months before the month of your birth and 3 months after you have that's because you have said Ok I don't think we can do that so we have to listen to minutes left I know you really wanted to talk about anybody interested in maybe becoming a volunteer right if you're interested in being a volunteer plea. He's called Sacramento County you want to talk with Carolyn Washington at that office the number there is 916-376-8915 that's the high cap office to at least express your interest she can tell you what it's about she can tell you when our next training classes and what you have to go through to become a member of our team good and again when do we start opening Rollman October 15th through December 7th Yes and if you're already if you're get ready like me to sign up you can make an appointment if you're already on Social Security you can make an appointment and have them look at what you have and make sure that still relevant to whatever health issues medication issues that you're dealing with at this time so again Debbie thank you so much for coming on you didn't help me. That was amazing and if you need to make an appointment or you have a question for Debbie you can call seniors 1st Their number is 530-889-9500 that's who you would call to make a hike up appointment in Placer County Nevada counties 530-258-6827 Sacramento County is 916-376-8915 you can call any of those and also if it's a different county that you need information about they can get you phone number for the correct County correct Well thanks. That's one of 4.5. 8 am 98. Washington Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty that President Reagan in the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed clear back in 1987 is no more NATO Secretary General Jones told. Burke says NATO allies do believe Russia violated the pact by developing its new s.s.e. 8 missile system and support the u.s. Pulling out of that deal the new Russian resources for a new creative capable mobile and hard to detect. The kind of each shooter Pinsent this would only mean it's all warning time. And then Longworth the traditional for use of nuclear weapons in all I'm called fixed the u.s. And Russia mutually walked out of the agreement on Friday raising fears of a new arms race for us waving Moscow for the death of that treaty saying Russia has consistently violated its terms for many years now the Mexican government has opened its 1st shelter in the border city of warrants to house Central Americans and other migrants seeking asylum in the u.s. Who've been sent back to Mexico to await the legal process of popular surfing beach closed today after a cliff collapse sending tons of sandstone on to beachgoers and killing 3 people a 30 foot long slab of the clip plunge out of the sand there Grandview beach north of San Diego a local news helicopter captured footage of the beach chairs towels surf boards and all that below strewn about the same and one woman died at the scene the search continues for more possible victims only one person remains listed now as missing from the deadliest wildfire in California history after deputies found a woman from Oroville $47.00 when he Kara was aware she was considered missing but never contacted authorities to say she was safe because of possible legal issues the only person left unaccounted for from the 2018 fire is Sarah Martinez of the. That's Patrick Foss reporting on Wall Street the Dow is down 98 points yesterday more on these stories from townhall dot com Guys waking up over and over to your name is not Ok but now you can reduce those nighttime bathroom trips.

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