Tindall who worked there for 30 years a lawsuit alleges Tyndall groped young women for his sexual gratification and took photos the board of trustees says it recognized the need for a leadership change and is starting the selection process for a new president Jackie Quinn Justin Rose birdie the 1st 3 holes to quickly extend his lead at the 4 or the invitational finish with a 4 under 664 strokes over a meal Yano Grillo and the Jordan Spaeth shot a 70 puts him 11 strokes back at 3 under par more on the stories of townhall dot com I'm wrong. As Memorial Day approaches some men and women are carrying the load carry the load but again as the 20 hour 11 minute memorial March in Dallas Texas then expanded to an east coast relay walking from West Point New York to Dallas throughout the month of May and recently adding a west coast route walking from Seattle to Dallas rallies in approximately 50 cities across the country the relay leg captains walk in 5 mile encroachments carrying the American flag to bring awareness to those that have sacrificed their lives for our nation the 8th annual event in Dallas there are members on part from Sunday at noon closing Monday at 3 pm with observance of the national moment of remembrance. Dallas founded by to veterans carry the load has 3 programs they support awareness continuum of care and education for veterans news and analysis at townhall dot com I'm Rhonda Rockstro. Pick your poison at 1015 am line 50 k. I dot com 3 k. I'm aware. Mine ran mother always had this expression that I've never been able to figure out and she was talking about how one that she thought this kind of rude or pushy would say he got more nerve than a cranberry merchant that strikes me as a little old fashioned I'm surprised that people still say it became a debate one night at a bar in downtown. Currently with nothing better to talk about than the proper idiomatic expression I was wondering why you're here future people want to calibrate things and they're there to calm people down when something goes wrong it goes all the way back at least to Thomas Jefferson he used it that way well I don't know what the thing stick around a way with words is up next cha cha cha pizza. Has got you covered. When I was at the local council and am 156 was streaming eyes of a high dot com an online free mobile app for every little fulfilling song and am 156 was I was still the most of the polygamist more powerful than. You're listening to way with words the show about language and how we use it I'm Martha Barnette So Dr Sullivan assailants Travolta switched tankless . Dormitory. Wait what are you and what do you say a secret code I just said welcome to a way with words I am grant you did all right so here's what happened I was reading the spy novel by Len Deighton great stuff set in Berlin and in this book you know how authors were just like throw in this little thing and not explain it yeah he mentioned commercial codes and I'm like Well now I have to google that commercial commercial code and I looked it up and it turns out that these are code like actual ciphers used to hide information from you know the enemy or your competitors or somebody else or from the government and there's books of these like many many books of these and least of these where you take what you want to say you look at up in the code book you write it all out and figure out what words stands for what other word and then you send that by telegram obviously this is like from the 1950 s. And earlier even the late 18th hundreds of really. So in the Telegraph era when telegrams were a thing you had to hide your messages because the person Kenya Moore receiving the message could read what you wrote write Yeah and so these books were used for that like you might report on ship movements or you might report back to the Home Office on what your competitor is doing or I mean government and business in general use these and so there's this book called MacNeill's code you can find an archive dot org And you look up thousands of words and then there's another word that it stands out and interesting so it's like the Navajo code talkers only manufactured Yes So what they've done for this particular code in a lot of different versions they've pillaged many other languages and they've got words from Spanish and Italian and German standing in for the English words oh for example some of graph oh is an Italian word that means Psalm writer p.s.a. All right but in this code it means David it means today there's no synchronicity whatsoever it's anonymously standing in for this other word you can't look at the meaning is that all Ok So that means today today another word suspended Toyo It's an Italian word that means drying lines that you might hang your laundry on a dry clothes but it means very good oh wow so you just look at the Somebody's gotta laboriously figure it out and so my opening lines were not exactly what I usually say which is I'm I'm Grant Barrett because there was no word for Barrett and there certainly was a 1st name Ok let me just close with something else Ok if I wanted to say Call now 877-929-9673 I would say Buckwheat go Hector you like you know sis own plight in trans movie oh. I love it. That's the kind of thing I would have loved to have an elementary school you know not to my friends and somebody else even now when so the 5th grade here is about commercial codes. This is terrific so what's the book that you can find this one is called MacNeill's code but if you just Google the words commercial. Codes you will come up with a ton of books many of them from the 800 the early 1900 fully out there very interesting a lot of the related to specific domains like mining war shipping diplomacy that sort of thing who knew yeah now I do think that one day in the great city by a novel right I really appreciate that her boss Dick. Well this is the show where we talk about codes in language and meaning in all kinds of other things so call us 877999673 or you can send us an e-mail that addresses words that way would radio Dato argy and find us on Facebook and Twitter and wayward hello you have a way with words Hi my name Victoria I'm calling from San Diego Hi Victoria how you doing Hi I'm well I'm well this is such a treat to speak with both of you so thank you so much oh it's our pleasure thank you for calling that catches on your mind so the question became a debate one night at a bar in downtown San Diego amongst my friends apparently we have nothing better to talk about than the proper use of idiomatic expressions but we don't either. But if they did you mean the use of 3rd wheel versus the wheel as in I don't want to be the 3rd wheel or I don't want to be the 5th wheel the majority of the group believes that it's 3rd wheel and I told them that it was time to call the experts and that victory would be mine because I'm convinced that the proper expression is just we all will most people get a 3rd wheel you say 5th in the deal yeah why does the wreck for like an extra person something that's a perfectly right yeah and I think people think of it as like a boyfriend and a girlfriend hanging out and if you're hanging out with that with that couple then you are the 3rd person i.e. The 3rd wheel I think that's I think that's where people are getting expression Yeah yeah I think that's a fair assessment Well Victoria I think every one of your friends needs to take you out to dinner in for another drink or 5th wheel is much more common historically it goes all the way back at least to Thomas Jefferson he used it that way you see it again and again in the historical record as 5th wheel to a wagon or 5th wheel to a carriage something like that 3rd wheel it's become more common in recent years and you can kind of understand why if you're talking about the the odd man out. The 3rd person you know you said it very well when couples couples come into and there's a 3rd person who's a 3rd wheel but 3rd wheel only comes about after the advent of the bicycle because for a long part of human history when we had 2 wheeled things. Most of them were 4 wheel them you had 2 wheeled carts and stuff but. But the 4 wheeled wagons that's going to canonical real device Well you just made my day. Guys less but I would like to just add here it's fine to say 3rd wheel but it's not the original and it's not necessarily more correct neither one is more correct but 5th wheel is the original form for a long time it was the most common one only in the modern age as to who will become more common Yeah I mean it makes sense to if you're talking about a couple you know a 3rd wheel on a date makes sense yeah but unless you're involved in a polyamorous relationships it's probably going to be a 3rd wheel when we're talking about couples we're Right right yeah Ok that makes that makes a lot of sense well I'm thrilled to have clarity on it I'm thrilled to go back my friend the problems that he's mine and I write. That although you know noted that that in terms of contemporary you be a personal phrase with Post Well yes well congratulations it's this is out today I know but I really appreciate it take care Ok so much bye bye bye bye 87719673 twitter w a y w o r d cynism email 2 words at we were to radio dot org. Paul from Madison Wisconsin wrote us in response to a conversation that you and I had Grant about the term man cave man we talked about man caves and she shits Well Doug writes I call mine a gentleman's grotto gentlemen's grotto Yes please encourage your sophisticated listenership to spread the use of this replacement term I actually like that sounds like you would have to wear a velvet smoking jacket Yes and you should you know right like to retire and your own people nor is it off right now can fear allowed in the gentlemen's grotto that's true I guess it would be a different kind of man cave be a subset of man caves right 877-1906. 73 e-mail words and we were radio dot org and talk to us on Twitter at w a y w o r d hello you have a way with words this is Campbell Richardson from Indianapolis Indiana Hey Campbell welcome welcome to help us so about 23 years ago when my wife and I got married and I 1st met her family my wife Sheila one of the 1st times we were all together was at a birthday party and her family saying the birthday song is you know everybody does but at the very end of it they put the little tag on it so it was like happy birthday do you have a bird did you have a birthday there you know a lot of the birthday to you without a shirt. Without a shirt and I was like what's that well they didn't you know nonplussed like nothing ever happened so I was like What was that So anyway I started asking about it asking my wife and her parents nobody knows where it came from they just always sang it that way a few years ago my father in law was taking piano lessons. And the instructor said well why don't why don't I keep you you know happy birthday song you know kind of easy to start out on and at the very end of it he said we're sure you know like that and so my father was like oh my gosh how did you know that you had never heard that anyway they as it turns out they both are from St Louis then they're wondering this is a St Louis thing but anyway I just can't interesting question I never ever heard anybody sing it that way before and even the people that were singing it don't know where it came from Whoa there's a ton of stuff here yeah. You know I was born in St Louis and have a lot of my family on 3 sides of my family living around there and have strong roots to Missouri and I don't know that version but it strikes me as a really interesting that it's the same melody and many more but yeah yes right right right my family growing up would I mean I remember at some point people started doing the cha cha cha version Yeah I'm talking about their Which I found to be unnecessary but they seem to enjoy it this song is so old and so common that it has fallen almost into folklore with all the different versions that write and yeah yeah I have heard without a shirt every once in a while and there's a 90 something year old woman on You Tube who sings it yeah she's going to take a and she sings that is you know yeah she doesn't sing with that sure she's wearing a shirt but I see quote how to share Yeah they don't they are so it's not just you guys but we don't know why I mean you would think if you're going to be really transgressive you say without pants right right Ok that may not have been fun was a was a little bit ridiculous but it was certainly not yeah I mean a kid my eyes me the game that we used to play in church in Baptist Church growing up between the sheets where you would go through the hymnal while the preacher was talking in tissues Lee see these him titles like a by. With me in the new mentally add between she leaned on my ample arm between the. I stand so amazed between the sort of like that my gosh I've got one more version for you too this is at the end of the song you don't hear this so at the end of the song you say Chuck shut shop. In the cafeteria Yeah you'll be do one channel 2 a Frankenstein on Channel 9 a big fat lady on Channel 80 a whole lot more on Channel 40 wow can I tell my birthday you're going to sing that grand Yes yes once funny about this if you google these a lot of these came up when I was searching around for this where teachers are trying to stomp out these versions in their classrooms an utterly failing. Oh yeah look at the kid they come like a little too much and they kind of sometimes take away from the spirit of the occasion kids are more interested in the song and they are in the birthday price of the make them sing the song really fast so they can get all. That old truck shots as well something tells me we're going to hear versions now that you put it out yeah I think you want and if you're a family sings that without a short version let us know well maybe figure out if there's a geographic center to that thanks so much for your call this is a good one thank you guys so much from Indianapolis we really appreciate all right all right take care your birthday song versions 28771973 we want you to sing get into the phone or if you must you can send an e-mail in text form to words way radio dot org no birthday suits please. We were talking on an earlier show that thinks and yeah oh yeah double income no kids yeah younger been professional Yes Yes And Karen who call this from Fish Creek Wisconsin reminded us there's also silk sill something kids single income something with you know lots of single income lots of kids yeah those are the hard workers among us. Very hard 877-190-9673. Sunday mornings at 9 am 150 k. High in the Crossroads radio program delivers a box to discussion focuses on the facts scriptures history true science common sense and logic and critical questions posed are always answered respectfully crossroads invites you to join the journey for discovering the truth and following the evidence wherever it leads this Sunday morning at 9 it's the crossroads radio program right here on was the foothills and night it became. Have you checked out lately you'll find our Lifestream link blogs written by your favorite character salaries along with beauty happenings and local information i dot com is your best source for up to the minute news sports weather or all of the 4 Hills High dot com Take a look and get Inform a high dot com Your online home for the course of the foothill. You're listening to way with words the show about language and how we use it I'm Martha Barnette and I'm grandparents and who is that handsome gentleman it's John John Esky premier of the city is there a handsome gentleman standing behind me yeah oh yeah me I just like I was always out of his hand and you know you can do it that's for me Thank you Grant I Martha when I met my wife poet Jennifer Michael Hecht I learned a lot more about poetry than I knew before I mean I knew enough to know that rhyme is just one of many tools in a poet's Arsenal and that it doesn't define poetry like some people think but I'm not a poet I'm a puzzler so I'll use rhyme to puzzle like all this quiz Schmoe witchery For example here's a famous line of poetry where every word has been replaced with a word that rhymes with it. Or his lumen do relive malign. Can you guess what that is Wow To err is human Yeah to forgive divine for good if I may ask that's very nice That's from an essay on criticism by Alexander Pope and you guys got that know how many other famous lines of poetry can you recognize. You know I left most of the the and left those alone Ok. All right prose is a nose is a hose is a poem. Thank you Gertrude. Yes give them tell them what it is Rose is a rose is a Rose Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose as let's say not enough roses and you wonder what you wrote to Rosa short Actually that's from a secret Emily by Gertrude Stein the wild is bother of the van the wild is bother of the van the child is the man yes that's it that's I mean I can give you a 2nd if you want to try to say oh that's I don't know. That's way more William Wordsworth my heart leaps up when I behold I'll give you that how about this one. And tiles to throw a door my belief Thank you Robert. And miles to go before I sleep yes very good you know the name of the poem. Stopping by the wood on the Snowy Evening Yes stopping by woods on a snowy something about Frost very good how about pot with a gang cut a shrimp or. A pot with a gang cut a shrimp or right not with a bang but I remember right now but a whimper. The poet is c.s.l. Yet the Hollow Men yes very. Here's another one now blue I shove Bre Pettis me now the days count the days as the last part you know count the raise ways. I don't know you know ways right now the answer what famous line ins count the ways from me it's I love how do I love the let me count the way that's it Elizabeth Barrett Browning sounds from Portuguese number 43 Ok let's go down to the last one rather we close suds style the clay gather you rosebuds while you may Yes Very good that's from Robert Herkes to the virgins to make much of time yes thank you guys you were fantastic. Yes thanks sure will speak to next week but it's you know. This is the show where we talk about language in all its glory Colace 877999673 or send an e-mail to words and we would radio who are g. We're on Facebook and Twitter and we were Hello you have a way with words Hi this is Emerson from San Diego California hi Emerson welcome I don't question about the word charge I work as a nanny and a lot of Nanny spend you know full time days with their kids and it just seems like a very impersonal word and doesn't really describe you know the love in the care that we have for the kids though I was just wondering kind of where it came from and why we use that term today do you use the word charge then or you're looking for a different sometimes I'll say charge because other people are saying it and then sometimes I'll say like my nanny my niece any kid so if you don't think you're going to go somebody's kids do you have I have a 16 month old twins twin all night goodness as a 20 say the twins are awesome. They are and they're your charges that strikes me as a little old fashioned I'm surprised that people still say that yes they do so you're right on the playground or cafe or something with the kids well when we're all in person and people ask us you know. They normally assume that these are children that will say no these are nanny kids but a lot of times on online forums they will say my charges rather than my nanny cam Ok it's just yeah it's connected to a hundreds of years of history where charge has had a variety of meetings or lead to loads or burdens and then eventually responsibility and all of these meanings are and even they go back to Latin roots meaning to carry so they're all I have connected to having certain kinds of responsibility for something that is not easy to do and maybe is important if that makes sense right yes so it has to do with with loading literally I mean it's related to the word cargo Yeah exactly and the words yeah yeah and I don't know if you've ever. Had experience with chargers that kind of dinnerware that so that's a larger plate that goes under a plate is like attractive plate that's a that's a charger same family of were because it's carrying a large Yeah the other Yeah right exactly load of the other place yeah really interesting an electrical charge it's the same thing there is a actually a load that's a jargon in the electrical business there's an electrical load on the line that is it's jarred Oh well yeah cool 100 years to us from French from Latin before that related to many many other words in every romance and Germanic language well ever since that's what we know about charge thanks so much for your thank you thank you so much bye bye bye bye bye 877-100-9967 extension 3 hello you have a way with words oh this is the lady them culturally Noblesville Indiana hated Welcome to the show Noblesville Indiana noble status noble don't just north of the you know welcome to the show what's up well I was ordering 3 books online. I got to the website and that were found. Book and I noticed that on the Web site they had things like you know people that ordered this book also looked at this book and stuff like that but it occurred to me was that when I go to a library or bookstore and they go look for a book. I put the shelf and I pull the book out or maybe the books are not there in the 1st thing I do then look up and down the shelves to see what other books are physically near the book I'm looking for because a lot of times I discover really cool stuff and somebody took the time to organize the books that way but there's no similar thing online you can only guess you know recommendations of other people or other things by the off a big lose this was really kind of missing that and I guess my question really was Does anybody else feel the way that you missed the ability to kind of find things. Exciting interesting things just because they're physically near the book you're looking for on a shelf Oh yeah the Internet sort of a mixed blessing that way is it I mean there's some things you know different about that being in a library and maybe going to a section of shelf that you never go to and write it feels like going into a different world doesn't it yeah online Serendipity is a lot more tightly controlled and sometimes I don't want them to use my previous purchases as a guide I do want them to throw me for a loop and I don't want to talk bestsellers either and I don't write weeks picks I want some really great books in the last 20 years maybe I hadn't thought of in so many so we went through the trouble of cataloging books so that they would be in a particular order in the shelf Yeah but whatever or whatever methodology they used to decide where a book should go digital there's no online analog to that you know right but you're right and there's also not an online analog exactly to judging a book by its spine you know there's something about about that about the design of the spine. Sometimes catch is you're exactly right yeah I like that even some of these apps where they've made these fake looking bookshelf interfaces that show the the page covers of the books I feel like that's not enough either they're not the same and I think part of it is particularly in the used book store I'm more likely to look at a well worn book My ambition is that somebody loved this book to read and it's been many times I'm far less likely to look at a brand new book because I don't care about the quality of the cover I care about how good it is and you want that the signs that somebody else has been there bright for like that if I'm interested enough in a topic to be here looking at this book. There's obviously a whole lot of other people that looked at the same topic and thought about it enough to write another book about it and write and and I wouldn't discovered them any other way right you know we're fortunate here in San Diego to have several really good independent bookstores as well as some chain stores how are things in Noblesville can you get to the bookstores and do a little bit of this to satisfy Yes is there there are so there are some good books to share and you know I'm always sad when I see a bookstore closed but there's some good used bookstores and then there's still you know we still have some of the same bookstores too but I I have to schedule my time carefully because I always like the day operation you know if I walk into a used book store I have to make sure that I got today clear to them and come out here for our last call Yeah that's going to pop into a bookstore and. Yeah I'm my wife always teasing me because I'm the guy that goes to the library bookstore where they sell sell the books that have been withdrawn from circulation and she was the only person I know who goes to the library to buy books and like well they're only $0.50. Yeah well and I'm betting that you touched a chord and we're going to hear from a lot of people about the deal about this how do you feel about stochastic city about. About discovering books on the shelves by random as opposed to looking online let us know 877-1973 or send an e-mail to words at wayward radio dot au or g Ed thank you so much thanks Ed Good question if you're going to take my bike a happy browsing 877929973 email words that we would radio dot org or talk to us on Twitter at. R.d. . Remember when we were talking about garage sales and what the verb would be for going from garage sale to garage sale yeah you Garage Sailing are you something else Yard say are you feeling whatever that prompted Steve McCarty descended haiku that he wrote actually several years ago Steve's from Henderson Kentucky and he sent us this haiku early birds gather near a green sea garage doors below on the morning wind yard sailing nice that's beautiful nice visual right while we're talking about that call I want to think Sarah Bird for sending me a slotted spoon Sarah heard me go on and on about how 100 went to thrift stores and garage sales what I was looking for was regular like tablespoon size spoons but only slotted right and she sent me one sheet out for a dollar and sent me one thank you very much Sarah I really appreciate it. When I've been in my hello kitty vaporizer that's what I'm looking 487-792-9967 extension 3 email words way would radio dot org Hello you have a way with words Oh no I'm Mark here Davidson calling from urban Texas Marvie Hi Mike Yeah Ok Welcome to the show thank you I have a question about a phrase I heard. When I was probably about 11 or 12. And we had family friends adult family friends my parents and the mayor and the word drinkers and I heard one of the men say one time I listen to the state of mind I need a little bit of chump. As. I thought I heard him fit and I heard it more than once and then later on I was watching. Triple the with Guy and it was there were black and white pictures of a finer and one of the pictures on the big barrel it says jump study so I was just wondering if you've heard before and does it have anything to do with drinking and setting your nerves or studying so the picture on the of the black and white picture from the Guy Fieri show had on the barrel jump study s t u d y Yes yes testing I want to focus on the 1st part of the men sitting on the porch drinking that is the long standing term $120.00 is probably jumps it has meant alcohol in Black English since at least the 1920 s. It was saying rather that he added he d.-y. But but it's not nice but here it is also referred to. A sexual relationship between a couple kind of so if you if you jump to study with someone that meant it's kind of the next step up from go steady it means that you have a regular sexual relationship kind of I think of jump one bones kind of along those lines yeah so so there's always been classic blues songs there's always been some double in you and know about what jump study Matt look up Lucille Bogan had some really raunchy stuff and she's got a bunch of lyrics to use jump said you can either read it to mean alcohol or you can read it to mean a sexual relationship Oh I didn't know that yeah so when somebody says they need jump study you should ask for clarification. Ok you know what about the jump to you do you are I think that's just I think it's a coincidence or it's just a play on words based upon the earlier jump study Ok What an interesting phrase steady and what does that even does it mean steadying you know well think about this for a 2nd so yes so the jump that he is to get that the steady kind of resupply of something that gives you the get up and go gives you the energy which is the job Ok And then in the sexual version of it the jump is the act itself and then you are doing the act steadily regularly your you have it so you have an understanding with this other person that this thing is going to happen between you want to regular basis while that's quite interesting yeah so what do you think Martha Well I don't know what to think now especially with the jump study because if I was on a big There I look like maybe a pickle barrel and I thought that perhaps college here is a get together and I said that there was going to study but they would be assisted by whatever it was and maybe had some to do with jumping to the study you know maybe well if I come across anything new on jump study with the u.n. And I'll let everyone know on the show right Ok this event yeah thanks for the Congress take care now and thank you take care Lucille Bogan look out there's a ton of stuff on You Tube It's pretty raunchy problem but you're bugs in. Not safe for her but a lot of it has like double even triple entendre where you can just say oh that's a really nice song about love or you can say well you know about. This is that b.o.i. G a n u g and on it classic voiced if you hear her there's nothing quite like her came on you Pandora station 877999673 the number to call if you want to talk about language or you can email us that address is words that we would radio. We have a very active Facebook group in. You can always contact us on Twitter at wayward. Got a call from brandy new here in San Diego she spells her name in n. And she knows that that's a palindrome but she also knows that it's the same upside down as it is backwards and forwards for it she was right so Brandi noone wants to know what you call that is their word for that kind of of word it looks the same upside down and goes back and forth like I do have an answer I do there are a couple of couple of names for that one is m.b. Grande in another one is invert a gram and gram Yeah and I also found a rather long one this is something you might see maybe at a swimming pool if nobody can swim anymore on Mondays now no swims on Monday. Now am a gram is also the one where somebody will cleverly write the letters in a quasi cursive format so that it says one thing looking one way but it's a different message the other way right so it's not necessarily the same message upside down yet still there were at school so very good to work yeah Which reminds me of this weird thing that happened to me in college one day I woke up and there was this little piece of metal on my floor that said Zunes it was tiny and it said Zune z o o n s and I thought gosh what did I do last night why is there something on the floor zooms and it took me forever before I realized that I had hit the snooze button on my alarm clock really hard in the news about. The top of that really freaked me out for a while who came in here and left the secret message to. 877199673 . One in 10 people are recovering from addiction community recovery resources or core knows that people can and do recover from alcohol or other substance dependence with the support of caring professionals and programs that nurture mind body and spirit Corps compassionate and professional staff of licensed therapist certified drug and alcohol counselors and medical director Dr Christina lasik providing excellence in the delivery of holistic treatment programs that promote lasting recovery and the restoration of physical emotional and mental health corps provides a variety of programs for adolescents and adults right now that in Placer County so you can find the best fit for you or your loved one the campus in Grass Valley offers quality programs including outpatient DUI classes residential treatment friends Ishall housing medical services and more in a state of the art facility call Court today at 2739541 or visit online at c o r r dot us Corps offers multiple financing offers and you may find services are covered by your insurance call 273-9541. Michael Savage we do afternoons from wonderful right here on the all new f.m. One o 4 point 5 am 1000050 k. . Here listening to a way with words the show about language and how we use it I'm Martha Barnette and I'm Grant Barrett It's easy to forget how expensive long distance communication used to be Twitter and e-mail and Facebook are so easy that they seem as good as free text messages are just a few pennies if they cost anything at all and you remember when you had to be careful about long distance charges way back before you had to worry about cell phone minutes oh my gosh dad and she talking all this isn't right from everything else about that is our waste any time repeating is all right but way back before that there were telegrams and I'm thinking of one telegram in particular probably the most expensive telegram ever sent. Here's how it goes in the fall of 866 William Seward was u.s. Secretary of state you may remember him as the fellow who negotiated with Russia for the purchase of Alaska right Seward's Folly That's right they call it Seward's Folly this is his other folly Seward was trying to manage a conflict between France and Mexico he needed to send a message to us diplomats in France with the goal of getting France out of Mexico he wrote a telegram and when he 1st wrote it it was 780 words however it was converted to a cipher of only numbers and then the telegraph company had a rules that said all numbers must also be spelled out as words so now this is to cut back on errors now then when it was sent there was accidental repetition the final message was 3722 words long it took 6 hours to send Now this message did get to France and the French did leave Mexico and fact it was the 1st American encrypted diplomatic telegram ever sent. However Seward misunderstood how much it would cost it was more the $19000.00 Now that's $5.00 a word in today's money that would be more than $300000.00 my it was so expensive that it was more than 3 times his salary as the u.s. Secretary of state and the u.s. Government couldn't afford it they were still paying off the debt from the Civil War Oh my God he refused to pay the bill in fact the u.s. Government did not pay it until the telegraph company sued them and eventually lost the case I mean another government lost the government case and had to pay an $871.00 Can you imagine that if every tweet you sent dollars a word I mean we take this for granted but you put this in a picture of a historical perspective we're in a really nice place right now we sure maybe communication is too cheap and too easy but it was rather this than $5.00 a word only God but I would say and I think you'll agree with this because we've both been a freelance journalist I would love to be paid $5.00 a word. Yeah that's pretty rare my gosh that's a lot of dots and dashes I mean just just the whole thought that they had to encrypt it by changing all the yeah the the word to the letters to numbers well that was the encryption code and it was a well known encryption code actually the code was so well known that modern An analysts look at this and as a great document on the n.s.a. Site the n.s.a. About this and they talk about this particular code as being almost passe at the point I mean it was almost wasn't worth encrypting because the code was so widely known had been used for so long that the really wasn't any point of encrypting the message and to top it off Seward sent the an encrypted version of it to a local newspaper in New York City that printed it and so when those newspapers arrived in France not long after everyone as there was a 0 Now we know what the encrypted very. Looks like and now we know what the unencrypted version is like we can figure out your code. So we were to have a lot of issues when you were secretary of state a lot of have to do was trying to reach too high. Are So how would you like that a $300000.00 telegram. This is a show about words and language and ciphers and codes give us a call 877-129-1673 or e-mail words that we would radio dot org Hello we have a way with words Hi this is Cora Weisenberg I'm calling from Chicago Chicago. All right welcome to the show thank you what can we do for you my grandmother always had this expression that I've never been able to figure out if she was talking about someone that she thought was kind of rude or pushy and she you would say he's got more nerve than a cranberry merchant and I never could figure out what that was and I'm sure I asked her but I don't remember her ever giving me a clear cut answer you know could be one of those things of it's just something her parents said and she just continued doing it and so 1st of all what is a cranberry merchant I guess other than somebody who deals in cranberries and maybe that's yeah that's the only thing and why are they particularly nervy nerd in the end it yet and I it was also particularly interesting because. You know I grew up in north central Illinois in a farming community but we never raised cranberry sauce is funny that that expression would work its way into a not cranberry growing area so it just always wonder what you know why does somebody have more nerve than a cranberry merchant it's a good question and the expression I've heard far in a way much much more commonly than that is busier than a cranberry merchant who writes I've heard of that or at least I saw that when I did a little research and the military and to that goes back to the late. Hundreds and right for a long time that is the only version of the expression that you can find right Ok well my grandmother was born at 899. Maybe she knew some particularly nervy Korean Yeah you know well I mean to my knowledge what does she feel like that she's using this expression like I said they were usually somebody who's kind of a push she or audacious. I have said that I think if she was alive today she'd say that Donald Trump had more nerve than a cranberry merchant has never done in a positive light and when I saw the expression about busier than it's like well that makes sense but no she never said it and she never said it like that it was always more nerve center cranberry merchant interesting yeah I mean the busier than a cranberry merchants is pretty self-explanatory I think you know the berries get harvested around Thanksgiving or right before Thanksgiving and so you're frantically trying to get your right cry for the good a good year then a cranberry merchant and you know giving you kind of like busier than a one armed paperhanger right writer but you're going Korean very merchant in November something like that yeah right one legged man in a butt kicking contest Yeah exactly yeah but can't know is always more nerve than a cranberry merchant I love she conflated 2 different expressions that happens all the time with the metaphorical expressions we combine to make our own versions we kind of want to own them we put our stamp on them well we don't know that particular variant of the expression but we're going to be on the lookout for it and if we turn up more information we will let everyone know oh Ok All right thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to maybe find the route to this Ok Yeah you're welcome to calls any time anything else your grandmother may have said or anything I was trying to think about as she had a couple that were not too savory but I love those Yeah yeah those I want to. Here call that leave those on the voicemail. Well thanks Cora Thank you my values are above i give us a call 877-1973 email words that we would radio dot org or chat us up on Twitter at . R.d. . You know great Earlier we were talking about the expressions 3rd wheel and 5th wheel meaning an extra person and it reminded me of a couple of Spanish phrases if you're talking about somebody who's who's a 3rd wheel or a 5th wheel on a date an extra person you might say that that person talk in they play the violin they play the I don't know or they carry the harp they caught a guy. Which is you know they're there for inviting the background music right so the couple sitting there having wine and see if this person is standing behind them like the entertainer exactly also because to me there's a wonderful German expression that translates as superfluous as a going to or are useless as a going to. Yes. Something. Does not sound like Sherman is that expression of the extra right 877-100-9967 extension 3 hello you have a way with words Judy calling from Oceanside California excellent What would you like to talk with us about as fine as questions about naming conventions in particular along much turn on lines what would you like to know well on just wondering. On what you know and so nightmare it was mostly naming after your father last name and in my family I have a sort of system where I'm named after my grandmother. My mother's named after her grandmother so it's gets a generation Yeah yeah I've heard that before I think it's kind of the way to I don't know it seems a little weird sometimes the name your daughter after yourself. Even though I think with with boys it's oh it's a lot more common and usual but this way you're not naming your daughter after yourself but it does follow a little bit of getting your name passed down along along your mother's y. Yeah it is far more common in the United States to name boys after their fathers are called patronymics by the way and particularly in the south and the American West and it's related to the basically the patchy Arkell society that we live in where if far higher value is placed on the male lineage that on the female lineage but it hasn't always been the case and something that surprises people when they find it is that when women are named after their mothers they can see the junior at the end of their name as Wow For example everything that you have Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's daughter her name was Anna Eleanor Roosevelt that was Eleanor is full name too and she had a junior after her name and Eleanor Roosevelt Jr And interestingly Eleanor Roosevelt mother was named Anna Rebecca Hall Roosevelt so at least the 1st name was the yeah and it was the 1st and because they were related they were like 2nd cousins or something she already had she came with the Roosevelt name as I remember correctly I don't remember I don't remember either and any case Judy yet it's there aren't that many traditions in our society for naming girls after their mothers but it's not unheard of and certainly there's no reason not to do it if you like a name yeah in Kentucky when I was growing up I didn't know 3 generations of Polly's palm and they didn't formally junior and senior but but informally the. Did around around the house there is a really interesting academic paper that you might hunt up I don't know if it's an follow on line but you can search for it it's called naming patterns revealed cultural values patronymic metronomes in the u.s. Culture of Honor it's by Ryan p. Brown and some other authors it's from 2013 they point out that we rarely name girls after their mothers in this country except for the name of the lives of men because the Lizabeth has so many different possible nicknames and shortened forms that it makes it a lot easier to feel comfortable about not having the confusion right now a little Lizzie Yeah right interesting Judy thank you so much for your call we really appreciate it and thanks was this was one of them take care now but i hope of a. Call us with your language question 877-129-9673 or send a tweet to wayward and though you have a way with words Hi This is Luke from Dallas Texas hi luke How you doing good are you alright welcome to show what can we do for you I was wondering why we say here here to cheer people on and celebrate things and they're there to calm people down when something goes wrong. You're here and there then. What do you think is happening here look I don't know I know it has nothing to do with distance that was my 1st thought Ok good clearly that really shouldn't come into it I don't know if maybe they both came from longer sayings and they got adapted into something shorter because we're lazy speakers or if there's a longer history but that's a good guess to let me ask you look how you spelling here in here I always spell that here isn't like it's right here h e r t Ha Ha Well there you go because actually it's h. e a r Here here is is a shortened form of hearing him hear him you know sort of an imperative to listen to this guy he's got something to say the bear is really interesting and I'm not sure I've ever quite figured this out it's a soothing thing to say right. There they are in and I don't know that the best that I can figure is that it's a comforting thing to me certainly there there I just kissed your boo boo you know . They're here now honey let me give you a hug when you're feeling badly right yeah there's a notion there within there that although it's not exactly directional you are pointing to something you're about to say or to do make them feel a little better for whatever's gone wrong write a pat on the head again the boo boo that kind of thing but it but it's not so clear right now I know that it seems to be related to their i'm finished Yeah right so it's wrong oh now you're fixed Yeah drawing attention to something that is significant that will change your understanding or point of view feelings Yeah interesting repetition is interesting to me I'm thinking of now now there there yeah the idiomatic nature of that loop of there there that's part of the problem E.D.M.'s tend to grow opaque over time and lose their connection to their roots and they become mysteries when they try to break them down into the pieces and I see I've never actually used that to calm somebody down or you that sarcastically with my girlfriend would like it sort of you know it's there it's Ok when she messes something up I don't actually know anybody who uses it to harm people down or say things are Ok yeah I think you're in the same in my house I have one of my cats whopper he's a big 18 pound black and white cat and when he wants to be petted he will touch you with his paw and it looks exactly like he's trying to comfort you and that's the joke in our house which is whopper saying they're there papa it'll be Ok. I must think of there's being more of a British Oh really Yeah I don't have any information on that but it's possible well we'll hear from our British listeners if that's the case here look it's very good that makes a lot more sense now that explain to you that they're not related so yeah I just want all right cool thank you very much for a call center Yeah no problem have a good day I think you know. 877-929-9673 email words at wayward radio dot org Find us on our very active Facebook group and talk to us on Twitter at the handle w a y r d. We took on an earlier show about the expression at bay remember this grant we're talking about keeping something at bay keeping something at a distance and we heard from b. Like calf who lives in Spokane Washington and she thought that our explanation needed a little bit more tweaking when we talked about a hunted animal is pursued by by baying hands and her description of what this term really means was actually poetic and powerful I wanted to share it she says The point is as long as the hunted prey can keep the hams or snarling wolves at bay that is holding in a circle and bathing rather than closing in for the kill then the prey animal wins it is such a poignant moment of bravery the prey puffing itself up with ferocity clearly determined to do its best to take out every one of its tormentors creating its own safe circle but not for long so one night our full Yeah that's great yes banning What was her name again yeah be like calf things be that's wonderful Yeah 877-129-9073 email words that way would radio dot org was. You want more way with words listen to years of past episodes of wayward radio dot org or find the shows in any podcast app or on i Tunes The toll free line is always open so leave a message for a safe 877-100-9967 extension 3 we love to get your e-mails and words that we would radio dot org Or you can hit us up on Twitter at w a y w o r d and. For us on Facebook this program would not be possible without you Grant and I are out to change the way we listen to each other and the way we think about language and you're making it happen thanks also to senior producer Stephanie Levine director call and today editor Tim Felton in San Diego in New York we thank production wizard James Ramsey quiz guy John and that master. At Argo studios a way with words is an independent production of wayward ink from the recording Art Center at Studio West in San Diego I'm Grant Barrett and I'm Martha Barnett. When a. New c.e.o. . Am 950. This hour from. Alabama Florida and Mississippi all have states of emergency in play ahead.

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