Been filed so far in the U.S. And Israel has correspondent Charles little does what fired Google engineer James De Moore is suing Google saying his ouster was due to a corporate environment that discriminates against white men in people who hold conservative positions the lawsuit comes 5 months after day Moore was canned for a memo in which he criticized Google for pushing mentoring and diversity programs and for alienating conservatives he also blamed biological differences for the lack of women in the tech field morning stories from townhomes dot com employers post if you are open jobs that don't ever the 2nd straight month of decline after openings hit a record high in September the Labor Department says the number of available jobs slipped a Tatts of a percent to 5800000 September's peak was 6180000 jobs openings are still 4.4 percent higher than a year ago when the economy expanded you know a solid pace and businesses confident about future demand hiring is likely to remain solid from here on out rich Thomason reporting one of the big trends at this C.E.'s Gadget Show does not involve gadgets at all at least not the kind you can fit in your pocket several carmakers been showing off their wares at the Last Vegas event that includes automobiles that can drive themselves to a parking spot or help you shop for that better the Consumer Electronics Show continues all week long in Las Vegas more of these stories at townhall dot com From Washington I'm bomb Agnew. Because K. High cares here's another pay high community bill which in full are you looking for a meaningful way to give back to your community child advocates a Placer County serves a community with Court Appointed Special Advocates adult to youth mentors and family mentors these Placer County volunteers are specifically trained to serve at risk children and parents and plaster mentor volunteers help foster youth at risk youth and young adults build resiliency self-confidence and self-sufficiency they help them attain academic achievement and avoid the juvenile justice system teen pregnancy and drug and alcohol use the goal of child advocates of Placer County is to see our youth make better life choices succeed in school and become happy stable and contributing adults they want parents to reunify with their children and rebuild their families and they want volunteers to come away with a sense of accomplishment and increase connection to our community and a feeling of joy that comes from giving back in a meaningful way the results are life changing for everyone if you think you might be one of the volunteers we're talking about here go to Casa placer dot org and click on volunteer. Solutions. That is. Not a golf ball has taken the place of the B.M.W. As the status symbol of choice I'm Dave Ramsey your host thank you for joining us open phones this hour as we talk about your life and your money phone numbers AAA. 5225 that's triple 88255225 Chris is with us in Dallas Hi Chris how are you. A very nerdy very good day old man how can I help. So I'm pretty new to the so the baby steps but we are on step 2. We've paid off $15000.00 worth of debt in the last 4 months just pretty exciting that is exciting well done yeah. But you know we're in this process and I'm addicted to it you know I've paid off 11 out of 13 accounts the only thing left is my car and student loans and that little about I guess 82. But my my question here is my wife is planning on going back to school to get her master's degree she's a teacher and during that time she doesn't plan on working and going to school to same time or you know working part time or something like that why with that yes. Well teachers work 60 hours a week easy and I mean going to school full time and that's that's rough. So she's well the. Teachers go and get their master's while they're teaching. Most of them. Very few quit to go get their master's and I'm not sure she's going to quit or she's just going to work somewhere with less of a workload I'm not 100 percent sure. But the but the the real question I have is with the change in income and. Her going back to school and not want to get back in debt. I'm really hesitant to like have her apply for student loans you know but I'm at the same time not sure if I can cashflow it. You got you got cash flow to you don't do it right and one way that you cashflow it is more people work more . What is your income I make 4747 what she may. She makes $44.00 we bring about $91.00. And you've got a car loan that is how much. Right now it's $11000.00 remaining from and have it paid off here in the next 4 months. And then the rest of that state you said you had $82.00 total Yeah I've got $62000.00 in student loans myself and the B. $72.00. Unless there's another 10 on some elsewhere so the 10 Well you're right you're right I just paid off in terms of dollars that I'm looking at the wrong thing I'm a spreadsheet that's OK. Good so 62 and we want to pay for her school these are our 2 moons these are our 2 goals and obviously we get to those 2 goals by having the highest possible income. And what can we do to create that income and having the lowest possible expenses what will it cost for her to get her master's. And I'm not sure if I think about 2 grand a semester which isn't bad you know I've got a $3000.00 snowball right now if I. Was I know it all back to Grand a semester for how many semesters for. 2 years total so with a master's that's 4 semesters and 2 semesters and here. For right. 4 times $2000.00. It would make sense to track it with me so I need to do $8000.00 and I've got because we're not adding any debt no way no way you cashflow it or you wait until you've knocked us out and then you cash flow it one of the to but so you either slow down your debt snowball in order to cash flow it or you just bite to do the Masters until you've got this or the $62.00 knocked out one of the I don't care which but do not add student loan debt. Right and they function of when the $8000.00 where the $8000.00 comes from and where the money comes from to get rid of the $62.00 is income versus outgo it's a pretty simple formula in it and so anything she does to reduce the income lowers your all's ability to hitting these goals and I'm not trying to crack the whip on honor but your guy's got a mass and in you know we're at 60 $2000.00 in debt and I want to go buy an $8000.00 whatever in this case $1000.00 or whatever as a matter of degrees so it's an actual good purchase because our income will go up as a result of doing that I'm sure it's a good thing to do but if you do a good thing a dumb way it ends up being dumb so I wouldn't pay cash for it and I'm sorry but she's working a lot and so are you a lot extra jobs and clean these up so you're already addicted to reducing debt the fastest way to mess that up is add debt don't do that and the 2nd thing we can do is mess that up is to get rid of the. Get rid of the. You know the incomes so let's not do that open phones at Triple 88255225 Nicole is with us in Colorado Springs Hi Nicole how are you. Doing very same Randi are you doing better than I deserve what's up in your world I just want to say Oh I'm glad to be listening here and I are be talking to you you know I'm tired of everything thank you I'm going to help. Yeah how the situation I'm living here with my parents on 27 years old right now I'm not working I'm looking for work right now and I have a 6 month old baby girl and. Me my husband having a certain situation to get me out of my parents' house they're very negative and my mother is this image threatening that I have a month to lobby here. Good get out what would your husband make but he's active in the military so he makes about. About $110000.00 why can't you afford to live on your own of rank $110000.00 Well we're aware I have a lot of depth right now we have car loans credit cards how much do you owe on your car. Are you about 56000 solemn. I mean to call you live in your mother's house and you have $56000.00 worth of cars does that not sound a wicked weird to you yes it does to me and your mother is a negative nanny and you need to get away from her amputate the top Oh Kiddo go get you a life you want you have got no life the stinking cars own you guys selling both get you a 1000 dollar car and a life. They own you don't. 2 because you. Sell the cars. And move out get you a little apartment a little tiny one and. Thanks for a service alone I'm going to. Help You Get out of there and get all those cars. You want to when you need and. Where you get. The pain point today a lot of you are struggling with this housing market there's very low inventory so competition among buyers is high to help I brought in my long time friend Mike Hardwick over a Church Hill mortgage by Mike What should people do in this market that is a very big point Dave and it's made even worse by lenders providing a false sense of security with a run of the mill pre-approval quite frankly that's not good enough for our customers or your listeners we have the certified home buyer program which positions our clients almost as if they are cash buyers moving them to the front of the line not only does this help buyers shop with more confidence we're also finding offers are actually getting accepted more quickly I don't know of any other lender doing this before you begin searching for a home go to church mortgage dot com to become a certified home buyer this is a pain advertisement into my psyche 1591 equal housing lender 761 Old Hickory Boulevard Brentwood Tennessee 37027. That's why I'm so excited. As a member of the academy you get weekly. Monthly. Coaching sessions with me for your business with you. Joining. Me today at. That business. Here's something interesting studies show that security systems deter burglars that's why I recommend brilliant security system called simply safe someplace safe is ridiculously smart and it's sensors will protect every point of access to your home 247 monitoring is just 1499 a month and there are no long term contracts and money back guarantee go someplace safe Direct dot com That's simply safe Direct dot com. Sometimes all you need is the right vehicle to inspire the journey. It's ready for adventure with symmetrical all wheel drive. 33 mpg. Along the way. Where news of. Your. Ass according to Kelly Blue Book. You know. Just a short money driver in Sacramento or anywhere. Online. Petition to that effect and on the bankers who are the operation of the paper. You know that there has. Been a turn from automation is because record comes with. Me in the host of the. Heard here on the voice of the foothills and 950 K. Hike every Saturday morning from 7 to 8 am if you got anything you ever want to sell or got an event that's going on just go ahead us a call here during the job we'd love to have you and hey there's a chance just a chance that you may win one of our steam prizes here on came. Early and Freeman and Cindy Davis the garden goddesses Cindy and I are in the house we are yes we are and we shall put your name in Cindy's 30 shoe Yes we will and we will draw your name. Of the show and if you are the lucky winner which you should be you know look give you a price will give you a prize Saturday mornings at $9.00 here on the voice of the foothills and 950. Thank you for joining our black market. Phone just for a polite 8 to 552 to 5 well if you listen to the show all the time or you listen for very long Thank you very much. We appreciate it we have hit a couple of huge milestones. Recently 2017 was a big year for the Dave Ramsey Show Apple just put out their 5 most downloaded podcasts of the year we were the number 4 most downloaded podcast among all podcasts of the year. On Apple Wow Thank you guys that listen the podcast Also we have picked up a a new radio station in San Francisco for those of you in this that listen out there you know that we have hundreds and hundreds of radio stations that we're very proud to work with and we want you to find your local station by going to a Ramsey dot com Click find a station and listen to the station in your area and support your area we have just added K S F o 560 AM in San Francisco which is the number one talker in San Francisco and honored to be on that station and that puts us on the air with 600 radio stations now wow thank you. Absolutely amazing we would not have been possible without all of you listening and making the show so popular that all the different radio stations around America want to carry the show and we appreciate that. That's OK as if I was one of the top talk radio stations in America and were honored to get to join that team on 560 AM making us 600 radio stations strong now that's strong if you didn't know Rush Limbaugh was number one by far is 623 stations are the last numbers we got from his team and he does a wonderful show absolutely incredible and he's all of us he kind of invented talk radio like Elvis kind of invented rock N roll right and my friend Sean Hannity has 527 stations last we heard I think he's probably a lot more than that now but less than 600 he has more listeners than I have so he's the number 2 talker even though we have more stations and we're number 3 that's pretty rare to be breathing we are on top of the mountain without a doubt and you guys have made that possible thank you quite a milestone to break 600 stations it was a milestone we broke 100 and it was again a 200 and so on all the way up to 500 was a big deal 600 and there's just nobody else up here in this chair it's just the in air I'll tell you and you guys are incredible thank you 25 years of doing this now and. Here's what makes it all worth it last year debt free screams the air the people that did their debt free screams on the air not all of you there stood your backyard and at it but everybody was on the air either live in studio here in our in our a lobby or calling in and either 1498W5X dollars and that that's pretty cool. If you read proverbs you know the Bible says the diligent prosper so if you keep plugging away at these baby steps you'll be one of those is not only debt free you'll be one of those that prospers changes your family tree put yourself in a position to do anything for your family and anything for others. It's hard to be generous when you're broke it's mathematically difficult it's not a spirit thing a lot of people want to help there but you can't give somebody a rod if you don't have a car hello you know you can help is hard to be generous when you're broke so I jump in jump in make this part of the make this part of your plan for the year we're going to change some stuff baby so thank you you made us number 4 most downloaded podcast in the world last year according to Apple and $600.00 stations now and $50000000.00 of debt that you paid off last year with your debt free screams along so well done very very very well done Rhonda is where the Senate lanta GA Hi Rhonda Welcome to the Dave Ramsey Show Friday thank you for taking my call sure what's up I called you a while back and kind of data on the way as far as paying off the F.P. Is good we all we're down to paid off all of our data and my daughter goes off to college next year and at the time we have a team $1000.00 on say in the plan that we were on that you gave us with the go ahead and knock the hell don't we owe now about $38.00 on the House and the plan with the market out in cash flow college goodwill recently we may have ADD in the out there and there was a big field across in the air the owner of the field that it went to the grandson and now he is moving a lot of older mobile homes in just try and call ours all the way across the if the which is right across from all of our properties it can to make me a little bit on Constable difficult Look this bill is turning into like a mobile home park and we just if that is not legal according to zoning there. Well because there's ad in the county it doesn't have in the zone in real Can you lay far out I got you in So Cal makes me uncomfortable. Just staying here just on the fence not knowing what's gonna happen if what we're hearing about your home or your own self or. At a place where 210. Or so I will get you I'll give you about something else for 2 Tannen a place you're comfortable. We haven't really started looking yet because we know as far as what her going off to college what would you recommend to well here's something you could pay that one off. With $38000.00 in debt and 821-0000 our house theirs and you don't lose any ground if you buy another $210000.00 house and you pay off that 38000. Across if you but if you use an excuse to go buy 4 and a $1000.00 house and go $200000.00 more in debt then that's not going to work doesn't that doesn't that isn't congruity with your goals right absolutely doesn't line up with where you're going so what happens is something like this dislodge as you emotionally pushes you out of the nest and if you're not careful you use it as an excuse to move back into debt Oh we couldn't find anything at all everything we looked at. Right but what if you found something for $180.00. For me and yeah you know I may not be great I don't know if you can or not but if you're uncomfortable with the area there's nothing wrong with moving what would be what I would suggest against because it doesn't work with your goals that you told me they're not my goals are your goals. You know any anything you do that adds debt to the equation a bigger house a more expensive house does not take you where you want to go. And so as long as we move equal or down I'm all for moving if you want to hope that helps thanks for the call open phones or triple 88255225 you jump in we'll talk about your life your money Kyle is with us in Austin Texas Hi Carol how are you know all they have a better than I deserve what's up all my go is you know I just I was in the raid and started to listen I see on the radio all the AM People paying off their hauls is mortgages earlier and on the on the bubble for a day I got about $33000.00 of that train cars and credit cards and I don't really know which one attacks 1st. I got some about 13000 in credit card and about 23 and directed into cars. And what your household income. 100 guys excellent fairly good. Well what we tell folks to do is work on a plan we call the baby steps baby step one is you save a $1000.00 you have any money saved that's not retire Actually I have baby stuff on Saved up right now and I'm going to have a retirement going well do you have any other money saved. Up enough stop retirement temporarily and will concentrate completely on the debts of everything but your house is baby steps and the way you figure out which one to pay off 1st that you list them smallest bad the largest debt regardless of interest rate smallest that some are just that you completely that smallest that while paying minimum payments on the others when it's gone you pay the next $1.00 down when it's gone for the next amount of time to pay off $1.00 that time is not there anymore that snowballs over pick some more snow want to tax the next one down and you work your way right down that list that's how you do. Business Dave Ramsey tune in for the Dave Ramsey Show every weekday mornings from 9 the news here on the voice of the foothills I am $950.00 K. H. I plan to see the start of a new year make it your goal to get the right bucks in the right seats on your team the super cruder is the smartest way to hire was super cruder dot com You can post your job to over 100 job boards with just one click zipper cruder will actively look for the most qualified candidates and invite them to apply it's that simple that's why zipper cruder is different unlike other hiring sites zipper cruder doesn't depend on the right candidates finding you it finds them no wonder 80 percent of employers who post on the zipper cruder get a quality candidate through the site in just one day find out today Why Zip recruiter has been used by businesses of all sizes and industries to find those qualified job candidates with immediate results just go to zipper cruder dot com. Dave and my listeners can post jobs for free that's right free that's zip recruiter dot com Dave. It's 30 minutes past the hour time for another news break here on. This is your local news. Here on the voice of the foothills of the. 162 people have graduated from the program that is the reentry program for those who are. Entering probation The program provides services and accountability to criminal offenders who are at medium to high risk of real pending serving those who are currently in custody as well as parolees and probationers at a meeting of the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday staff shared highlights from the preps. Program was developed after the border commission criminal justice system master plan pointed to the county's increased reentry services supervisors authorized $1300000.00 to fund the reentry services both in and out of custody clients who enroll in the are assessed and each one given a customized case plan that could include a range of mandated services job training substance abuse education anger management GED preparation parenting classes whatever resources are most likely to help them succeed. Office of Education provides services and contracts with the Northern California construction training providing clients training and certification an astounding 96 percent of the clients they worked with had a job when they exit the program graduates spend an average of $171.00 days in this program and 60 percent are employed and make an estimated $513.00 per month more than before the incarceration overall 88 percent of the program graduates at here to the terms of their probation and 92 percent have not had a new conviction since completing the program a recent agreement with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation provides a partnership that expands services without additional county costs additional services recently began and efforts are currently underway to expand in the region by the end of this year and that is another feature new story. Listening to the voice of the foothills on A M one to take a hike. These days it's easy to have information overload sometimes I just want to kick back here my favorite music in the news that affects me that's why I stay tune into my local radio station when important news happens in my part of town I hear from them 1st for the best entertainment sports news weather and traffic anytime anywhere they will support your local stations radio to 5 to 86 by the in A.B. And the station listen to. Sinatra and friends weekends on K. Hi The book deal by showing. That he said that if I could live like Diana Krall and all the great artists singing and playing the Great American Songbook Sinatra and friends is made possible by our sponsors Mickey's boat to downtown all as for the Great American Songbook by Frank and his friends every Saturday and Sunday right here on AM 950 spread. Through Tuesday morning clouds and rain showers expected today another weather front coming in and the high in the mid fifty's mostly cloudy tonight a few more showers overnight temperature 40 to 45. In the morning then partly sunny Wednesday afternoon Wednesday in the mid fifty's a chance of a few Morning showers at Thursday then part in a mostly sunny in the afternoon the high 55 to 60. 8 For the voice of the foothills am 959 your local Geico agent presents the word of the day chatter chatter means office today 530-823-8244 extension 8 when you don't have time for 18 holes of golf one of Northern California is top rated part $3069.00 all courses is right here in your backyard Blackpool go off course it's less than 5 minutes from I.A.D. Off Dry Creek Road in offered black oak is a well stocked pro shop and you can we're going to improving your game after driving range and chipping in putting green So come on get a couple of hours of fun an exercise play black hole golf course today visit online for tea times events and other specials at golf black oak dot com. But you know where it was you solution is that Jeremy and Tammy are with us hey guys are ya Faleiro Welcome welcome or you guys from Ken Island Maryland All right well welcome to NY shrill and you brought the whole crew with you we did what are your kids' names and I just we have Mackenzie she's 15 McLean He is 14 McCain Lee is 12 and the cabin is 9 All right good deal well welcome and lo the way down here in Nashville to do a debt free scream YES RIGHT love it how much of you guys. But off $50364.00 in 15 months well you know good job and your range of income during that time it stayed at about $87000.00 cool well kind of that was the 50000 we had a clarinet we had braces we had a bicycle along our. Braces and 2 cars OK go what happened that put you guys on this journey 15 months ago it kind of started a little bit before than usually it was when I was training for a race and I wrecked my bike and it was I spent 5 months training for a race and I wrecked this brand new $4000.00 bike that I finance and right. And there was a motorbike as a yo yo this is a Yo wrecked it is a double Yeah right 3 days after I got it. So I couldn't do this race and I got pretty depressed and I decided to do home improvements so that's where a lot of the debt came from some of it I guess oh. So we did that and you know we were chugging along and Mackenzie went on a trip to Haiti she went on a missions trip to Haiti and when she came back she said 2 things to me she said Mom I'm sorry I pressed you for a bigger house the people there have nothing and she said after I graduate college I want to go there and I want to work in the mission field for a few months after college and it and it hit us then that she can't do that if she has college debt and we can't help pay for right so it dawned on us that one these guys aren't ours we just have them on loan and to our money it's not ours God just gives it to us to manage for a little while and we were doing a very good job. Nothing like a good Haiti wake up call this is well but you answered the phone Well you know so what you do then. I guess after that I learned how to cook. We've been married a lot you know a lot we've been married at that point for 15 years now and I I just didn't cook Jeremy did most of the cooking and we ate out a lot so I learned how to cook and you know he stayed with me 15 years of marriage and me never cook and so. We got on a budget we did every dollar. And we just nickel and dimed everything much to their chagrin How much did you run into us. Well that started all quite a while back we we we knew we were in a lot of financial trouble or not terrible but through our church we've heard of heard of you so. Her mother actually gave us a book one time and I was trying to this. Little our head is wrong that we are here yes he said no and then it took a look you know another year or so before right actually about the virus 65 or 6 years ago I had sought help at church and I had asked a couple you know I knew that we weren't doing a good job with our finances but I didn't know exactly what to do and so we went to their house and bided us over and we had dinner and they tried to get us to sell insurance and I got really angry so I said fine we'll just keep doing what we're doing and 5 years after that is when we finally grew a brain and started doing what we were supposed to do and started following the steps way to go very cool what a great story a lot of it so what do you tell people now that you've done it you've paid off $50000.00 in 15 months I mean you went out this is what you were training for a race you went hard you know all in yet and I mean nobody got nothing or did not add that So what do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is now that you're done. Lebannon about it learning how to cook. Agreeing on what not to buy right from the not buying. He says looking at her. Great. That's incredible What do you think the kids took away from this this this this really hard 15 months I'm hoping that they took away that it is God's money and that if you want something that's fine but you say to get it in an instant gratification is not an option where you go back into that ever no no you're done yes OK Very Fun Well congratulations and yes I think you change your family tree hope so I think there's nothing like when you're in your teenage years you go my parents we crazy. Because Dave Ramsey got they got a budget that's why we're here we have no life and all for we wanted to make sure that when they go to therapy they really had something like You know I think some people farm some items yeah right. Well the interesting thing is there's the Haiti dream can now come true right I mean you know it's another trip planned this summer you know and this one's going as well this one is well known and you can you work on the mission field if you stay out of student loan debt so making different choices and I know the whole family has changed their names changed and there's no telling where that will take you guys Well congratulations thank you very very proud of you did you have people cheering you on all of our people question your sanity they questioned our sanity really not. So we have a poster on our refrigerator and it's you know just a thermometer and track our progress and we rode on there. You know how that is Don cash is king and my sister came in and wrote Jesus not cash is king you know so we just had people poking fun at us and everywhere and it was fine be people that are over saved to. Come get the concept if she does she just picks on us all the time and it's wonderful. It's fun love it all right we've got a copy of Kris Hogan is number one best selling book retire inspired for you that needs to be the next chapter in your story that you become millionaires so you can be outrageously generous and finance mission trips and do all kinds of things that way and you've got the ability to do that now that you're in control of these dollars Congratulations very well done you guys thank you thanks for visiting us all right it's Jeremy and Tammy Mackenzie McLean McHale and Macao haven't all from Baltimore Maryland $50000.00 paid off in 15 months making $87000.00 a year counted let's 0 Debt for each group. You want where. You. Were very very. Very open phones at Triple 882558225 you jump in we'll talk about your life and your money Jorge is with us in San Diego Hi Jorge How are you. Prepared for taking my call Sherman what's up. My wife and I have our 1st baby yeah. Yeah and so we actually are in about clear to 30000. And I would be excited to have a better future for our daughter. But how are you going to get out of there. What your household income. About the problem where you're good and how much debt you have not counting your home. Well the fire before I started this new P U I actually did he said car and are the biggest thing we've got what I don't know. And I have another car that I love about $6000.00 and from hospital bills and about $2.00 to $3000.00 in credit cards OK well this is doable you can do this how are you guys 26. Well I'm 35 from a lack of security and OK All right well you guys you just got to work the basic system if I hired you to straighten out some bodies money the 1st thing you do is put them on a budget wouldn't you. Be right there so I will put you on a budget and that's what we're going to jump on every dollar and download the app it's free for your phones and for your desktop and you can start doing your budget there make every dollar behave every dollar have a mission and then start work on those baby steps that we talk about I'm going to send you a gift for your baby it's called the total money make over I'm going to give your dad a good offer and he's going to learn how to handle money because he's ready I can tell you going to this there if you need some more help you call me back I'll walk with you if you go through this alone on the Send out of Total Money Makeover book this is the Dave Ramsey Show. Your home town athletics 50 K. . Many families suffer by not having life insurance it's not that they didn't care it's just that they didn't know so they did nothing that's a huge mistake listen husbands and wives moms and dads think about it if you died how would your family pay the bills the mortgage the food this is what life insurance is all about and Term Life is the only way to go it's not expensive and it's not complicated stop wasting money. In cash value plans you need 10 to 12 times your income and protection and I recommand 15 or 20 year plans I also only recommend the sander insurance and have for almost 20 years these are the people I use and they only offer the plans I recommend call them at 803564282 or get instant quotes online at Zander Insurance dot com Trust me these simple steps will let your family know how much you care that's Zander Insurance dot com. It's show time with the Auburn placer performing arts center in the historic State Theatre make it way in downtown Auburn on Thursday January 4th APAC presents the Blues Brothers sponsored by Rick ology This 1980 American classic stars John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd as Jacob Elwood Blues The film is showing at 7 pm and tickets are available for $8.00 on Friday and Saturday January 19th 20th and 26 and 27th take notes through presents passing the Bard is the original production gauges characters considering of Shakespeare matters this family fun event runs from $730.00 to 9 30 pm Tickets are $18.00 for adults $14.00 for children pick up a $65.00 family package which includes all processing fees for a complete listing of all upcoming events at the State Theater stop by live from Auburn dot com tickets are available for purchase through the website by calling the box office at 530885156 or in person Tuesday through Friday from noon to 4 pm It's show time at the Auburn placer Performing Arts Center 95 Lincoln way in Auburn logic and information on that's what I want so here are 282 facts to put into my 32nd radio commercials or you're missing a great opportunity see radio gets up close and personal aid pushes listeners emotional hot buttons more than T.V. Or print time maybe for a product that has some emotionality but not a straightforward product like mine are you serious what's emotional about a cemetery are dead they're buried they're gone but a big banks or radio can always make an emotional connection to the consumer Now here's a spot we did when I was on my fax. And I'm like right now she. Didn't know the cemetery knows how painful the loss can be and that's why I'm risking helping to turn it off that commercial will haunt me for months see that's radio next great advertising K. You win great so what about my slogan hymnals some of Terry conveniently located 6 feet under Cleveland maybe I should rethink that's going to need work do what radio does best for more and how to get closer to the consumer coalition a message from the radio advertising. What can you find when you check out the K. High dot com website about top local news stories maybe you need the latest weather reform it's there to live streaming for your desktop check it's your best source for all things what ills a high. Also discovered Post blog community happenings and our current contests and promotions. Your best source for all things local. Dot com. Thanks for being with us you know we're glad you are here Chris is in Atlanta Georgia I Chris how are you dear good thank you are you doing better than I deserve what's up. There. My wife I'm getting ready for her under contract for the new home at a better school district as my oldest daughter get right at 13 your garden and a year yet we have an excess that 25000 dollars over or. Take might emerge as the find and we're debt free. We're wondering if we should put that down . On the mortgage or what we should do with that $25000.00 so you have your emergency fund your debt free except the house which puts us in maybe step 3 correct correct OK so you're putting 15 percent of your income into retirement that's maybe step 4. Maybe step 5 is say for kids' college if you don't your towards kids' college not not be disciplined we've been saving up this to try to get that in a better school that we haven't started there one years old 30 years old that we haven't started that it yet and I know what your household income. $70000.00 and you're putting the house on a 15 year fixed no no is there. Why well I'm going to raise to go I'm quite exciting full time to get a real estate license and then a part time day see if it's excess from Plan on February next year knowing full time so I'm going to be independently employed which is a variable. Which means you can make more yes that's the best the gameplay. Doesn't necessarily mean you're going to make less. I would put the house on a 15 year and I would use the additional $25000.00 as an extra downpayment to make that a little easier to swallow OK you know and then I would just take your household income and begin to work your baby steps and as you said we're going to start saving for kids' college we're going to shine a 15 percent of our income any excess money we get above those $2.00 things is by me Step 6 we throw it at the house and start in the house paid off as quickly as possible what are you paying for the house. Where we actually can get a really good deal of a house that is $325000.00 we actually bought to have a cabin 12 so we're going to that $100000.00 profit. Just the economy increasing in home value now is under contract right now too so you're paying 325 and you're selling yours a nuclear 100 on yours to put down. And you've got 25 more that we're talking about you're going to put down OK that's where you get in and still the emergency fund for 6 might still have that yeah yeah after even if we put the 25 down right that's where I was that's where I didn't know since I was I was a no brainer to put it down but since I'm going to be in that kind of employed. You know in the beginning I know I can tell you know I get where you've got a 6 month emergency fund and you're not you're not going to start real estate full time until you've got something in the hopper right exactly not that I know that I did it's going to work for me so I mean I mean I'm active on active life and right now right and it just started a couple weeks ago you know when you get you get you get some listings and some sales in the pipeline and you'll know you're going to be able to eat you know this is all going to work out then you're going to be safe and but 6 months is plenty you should be you should be back all this off and you're doing this in a very wise methodical way you or your systems partners and I can tell by talking to you and that's a good thing. I mean you're not you're not being impulsive with this. Yeah I would put the other $25.00 down which again makes it easier for you to go ahead and take that leap into that 15 year fixed which is the only way I would do it would never buy a house on more than 15 years I wouldn't buy a house let you buy cash for because I don't borrow money but I would never even recommend that you buy anything and this is a 15 year or less fixed rate and A Thanks for calling in our Question of the day comes from blonds dot com You can upgrade your home today with blonds dot com The number one retailer of custom window coverings now through January the 28th you can claim your special listener promo code and you can save 20 percent site wide It blinds dot com slash Ramsey and Ramsey that's the soprano blonds dot com slash Ramsey there you go that has questions from Daniel in Pennsylvania should I be saving money monthly for a new car while I'm paying off debt no both our cars have well over 100000 miles on them so and we don't want to get caught on or unprepared for repair costs more than the car's value you will you could it might but get out of debt 1st get your margins are found in place and then start saving for your car. Get out of debt 1st get your emergency fund in place and then start saving for your car 100000 miles is not that big a deal on most cars most of the month you very seriously doubt unless you're driving some crappy low car but 100000 mile car is not a $2000.00 car in most cases I mean if it's destroyed in a bunch of other ways then it could be but the vast majority have got a whole lot of life left in them at that point so let's not be overly dramatic about cars and put them out of order here cars are fine I'm not against cars you pay cash for them above your emergency fund and when you're debt free and they should be less than half your annual income when you're doing this Maria is whether it's in Sacramento hi Maria how are you. I think doing well thank you so much for taking my call Sure and what's up OK Well I mean baby steps to and because of my age I'm 55 I wanted to know if I should start paying into my 4 A one K. My life insurance and my long term care and if I could to add a little bit of $4000.00 from my T.V. Marriage trade to pay down my debt. Yes yes and no so let's walk through it OK You don't need long term care insurance until you're 60 the probability of using the long term care insurance under 60 is less than one percent and so I don't recommend long term care insurance until you're 60 so I would stop that I would temporarily stop retirement investing as well so that you can focus on baby steps. I would not drop your life insurance if you need life insurance are you single I am single OK Do you have children their grown children why do you need a life insurance. Well I'm starting to realize by listening to your show that I probably don't need it I was just wanting to leave something for my grandchildren and my children we don't like insurance is not a method of building in a state it's not it's not economical to do that so now let's drop them them to OK I mean do you have any how much money do you have in your retirement account. Much 245 good for you all right that's a good number there like that one or so let's just say worst case scenario you die OK And you know kids can bury you and they'll still have plenty left out of 250 grand Oh I didn't think about that so you don't need any insurance Oh my goodness I never even thought about that thank you so much OK he's so we're in good shape player so we'll drop the insurance will drop the long term care insurance will temporarily stop or Turman how much debt do you have not counting your home and by the step to. Poke a so I have $33000.00 in credit card debt and that's what I want you said to make a measurable goals so my goal was to pay the $33000.00 off by in 18 months case he said 53 whatever the average So I'm hoping to have that paid off in June of 2019 but then I have a car payment the balance I checked this morning it still is 16000 and the cars only were 13 so I and I love my car and it's very dependable What's your home then my income this is. My house all together I think it's well my year my annually is 84 almost 85000 you ought to be able to get that faster than you've got outline OK I just need to know how to do that because I'm doing it on paper I get the every dollar I'm registered for my F.P. You fly and I'm doing the math and you know I'm sorry I'm doing this day and you are doing and you're only part of those screenwriters here's what you're going to find one of 2 things is going on either you've used every dollar every dollar got all these blanks to remind you to not forget to put money down for your electric bill right to not put forget to write money down but you can't put money in every one of those blanks nobody has that much money but God OK And so you know there's if you're trying to fill out every line of every dollar you're not going to it's just there to remind you some of those lines need to have zeroes and I'm. Like you know you don't need the save in a big policy for something way out in the future somewhere right now in your every dollar So if you're getting too nit see into detail that way and you've allocated all of your income away but if you've only got this card debt and this credit card debt and you make 84000 a year I'd like to see you doing about. $2500.00 a month quarter debts and you'll be out of debt in no time doing that that's when the scene leans toward one really could. You call me back and let me know if I can help with details as you keep working on if you've got this. It's played cheap production officer for the show and here's a little tip for 2018 go download our revamped day free of the show absolutely absolutely or at least listen to your feedback you know adding new features to make it even better check it out. Do you feel like you earn a decent income but at the end of the month you don't know where all your money went is that so bad feeling Trust me I've been there but you don't have to live like that anymore you can take control of your money you can make this the best financial year you've ever had it starts with a budget and we have the best budget app in the world every dollar it's so simple to use and guess what you can start with every dollar right now for FREE set up your 1st budget in less than 10 minutes that's only 10 minutes to make the shift from losing with money to winning we've seen millions of people change their financial situation with the help of every dollar people choose every dollar because it's so easy and they stick with it because they get great results say goodbye to your money mistakes of the past and get the results you want in 2018 What are you waiting for Create your free budget today at ever. Dollar dot com Every dollar dot com. The voice of the foothills is still the choice of the foothills here am $950.00 K. . Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com here with Washington. Upbeat about the prospects for immigration reform emerging from a meeting this past hour with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House I am very much reliant on the people in this room I know most of the people on both sides have a lot of respect for the people on both sides and my what I approve is going to be very much reliant on what the people in this room come to meet with the president flanked on all sides by Senators eager to strike some kind of a deal which as Linda Kenney reports is also tied to the ongoing budget talks the program is called docket which stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals it involves immigrants a legally brought to the U.S. As children they face deportation unless a deal is struck by early March senators had hoped to have a deal wrapped into the year end funding bill but that didn't happen so they begin the process a new this year now they hope to reach a deal as part of another funding measure that would have hurt a government shutdown when current funding runs out January 19th is Correspondent Linda Kenney reporting hurricanes wildfires hail flooding tornadoes and drought the U.S. Had some of these last year of course one has had Bornstein says came along with a record high price tag Noah the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration keeps track of disasters that cost more than a $1000000000.00 that's 1000000000 with a B. And in 2017 there were 16 of them which ties 2011 with for the most ever but what was most impressive was the total those 16 disasters cost more than $300000000000.00.

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