Sloan Well our wall of Opal happened. It's all about. Thank you for watching this as the featured presentation. Police are looking for suspects in the city 3rd homicide of the year officers found 30 year old Willie Bain Saturday morning sitting in a car near 24 the poplar with a gunshot wound to his head he was rushed to the hospital where he died hours later Anyone with information is asked to call police investigation is underway after one person was killed in a parachuting accident in. Day it happened on a private property west of the airport on Sunday afternoon at this time investigators do not know the cause of the accident I think Capitol lawmakers are expected to consider to bill dealing with sanctuary status for immigrant Senate bill 14 would ban cities and counties from adopting sanctuary policies milkand to would prohibit those policies state supported higher ed institution from the Channel 7 news room I'm Alison Courtney whether. The start out this workweek are rain chances will be increasing during the day for Central Arkansas especially arriving this afternoon and tonight to warm a high of 75 degree showers and maybe if you understood the 57 by tomorrow morning rain on Tuesday but back up into the lower seventy's. Start. Start to. Get started with. 27. Man's power the only way to master it is to venture inside go ahead and dive in the g.m.c. Sierra 1500 built on a foundation of professional great engineering to deliver confidence and refinement and c.r.s. High strength steel bit it's designed with premium features to add convenience and functionality the g.m.c. Sierra we are professional grade step up to g.m.c. Get over $10000.00 total value and select brand new $27.00 teams here a crew cab with s.l.c. Premium plus package vehicles in stock to your local g.m.c. 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To a point you got scallop Perry has the platform and he's using it to defend his occupation of the pen guys like Mark Godfried and I guess I appreciate that but what I would like these coaches to do Mike if people get mad at me when I say this all the time the coaches who have a voice because they're all running a racket I don't care Ok they're not curing cancer they're not splitting atoms they're coaching kids and they're making millions of dollars doing it while the kids that are doing all the work are making nothing what I would like these coaches to use the platform for Jon Kalish Paris like you said Ski Tom Izzo whom I love Nick stayed in Urban Meyer all these guys use the platform and figure out a way rather than be worried about more Godfried figure out a way to get your kids paid figure out a way to get more Godfrey kids paid figure out a way for the players to be paid stop worrying about your occupation and create some revenue for the kids who are doing the real. Oh. I'm days I'm a service rep for centimes and I help businesses can read from large factories to local garages 5 star hotels to the smallest cafés you rely on me and sometimes for fresh mats crisp uniforms clean programs safety solutions and fire protection getting you ready for business gets torn to sin tossed out come since us ready for the work to. Wesley had i.r.s. Troubles I told me of them $43000.00 it got really bad I'm at my house. I thought that I was gonna lose everything Wesley called Optima tax relief they were great they call them attached so they know what they're doing Optima tax relief came through with flying colors I save an incredible lot a lot a hell of a lot actually don't trust anybody else call Octomom for a free consultation call 800 tax 318-1800 tax 3181. Wesley had i.r.s. Troubles I told me oh them $43.00 $1000.00 3 it got really bad I mean after my house call the fact checkers I thought that I was gonna lose everything Wesley called Optima tax relief they were grateful Optima tax they know what they're doing Optima tax relief came through with flying colors I say that incredible a lot a lot of how often not actually if you don't trust anybody else call Octomom for a free consultation call $800.00 tax 318-1800 tax $3181.00. I pledge allegiance. To the Maybe Monday already February 2017. For my hometown words but. I did not doubt it was somebody you know enlighten me on that I just caught a glimpse of the American way getting shot down and down and yeah I know good morning and want to move on bar where everybody knows your name is showing no Marienbad point. R.j. I may get r.j. Tell me about the hall I don't know the label but basketball and baseball Yeah r.j. Tweeted out something I spent stand about 3 and 2 why else said Elvis gets a late about 7 and all boy it is a poor almost day by the white to see who has you played over the weekend Well Rock now a shoe I'm talking about baseball and a bag Institute of New York technology New York and now and yeah I found some of that too. How are you playing a school called New York technology sure the school of New York technology thrilled about coming to Jonesboro I got a little chilly up in New York so how could they not did not hear of All-Star game last night unwatchable for me when I need to don't want a person complaints about Davis getting the scoring record from Wilt said we'll police aren't late played a little bit harder back in the day so I was just like I was wondering if you think in an All-Star game there have been a technical call I don't know that I can the day made it would get after each other a little bit out but yeah I didn't watch it so I just heard a lot of uncontested r.j. I guess you probably what it was one had 90 points at halftime 198-218-2200 I think they were shooting for Yeah they won 98 tornado and it was no defense at all just nice it's almost you know I think seeding exhibition really 2 things I need. I need government out of the chute and your beard tremor I want to find a barber that turns beards go to a place in the heights you don't do your own trim and I have until now I've always done you are getting a little bushy there what's going to go I think you should see how how far you can tell you Roger should I let it go or you get threats I'm actually I've been let mine go I'm trying to go Yeah but I haven't in in a month so I'm not I'm a let it go let it go I'm going to bring it on down where I can put a rubber band I'm Brandon I don't. Know Don I may go down to the valley that's that's about it or yeah it may know I'm not getting what I'm doing well what about it as if someone said a thing about that Haneke over there she seems like a real sweetie and when we need somebody. Or when stupid matches like between a shark and an alligator. Being in being in her taking her out on a date and I was sun and anacondas wrapped around my neck Oh I forgot to put Billy back into the cage This is the new girl from the she's been the wiser for a while but we're going to get it. As you can actually have a person Did you see the stories about the alligator today where is that all time you dodge that it was 10 feet the guy's walking dead by the pond only he had a great approach shot he's walking towards the alligator comes out of the water grabs me by the ankle pulls a yes to an 4 and he starts it with a butterfly goes the eye socket and gets rid of it and so I was thinking wow you know what a 70 they have a They've had this year how many attacks 77 gator tacks on the golf course and you don't hear about that but if a 7 shark attacks of homemade go wild I'm telling you I mean that guy they say usually you're going after balls with my chin he said This one came out of the water he's walking down it is a 10 footer came out and it dragged me it's like I was I don't think psychologically I could ever low pass a body of water anymore now or I never got it was you know there's a place is a there are places golf courses around here where also you marshy kind of like a resident on that one where you come around the corner up there yeah and there's a bunch of. Growth down the end of the water and I would be caught by the river you Covielle to that's when I'm looking I'm going to kind of think that's probably South orchid So I would think oh yeah but do people who know that there that looks like yeah I think they know they can get a weird looking one looks like the tail was long and a good. Long Tail remembering go on a mission and I still can't believe the owner of the next opened up for non handling that was a pretty amazing stat as well now that just that I just put that together though I don't care to the lady that got to come out and made a billionaire Iams annex the forum and Madison Square Garden and he's playing for Don he would have a good bankroll on that tour yes exactly what he is he'd have a given he can make him pay when I saw that orchestra he had up there I mean he had everything horns he had everything he reckoned I think when he came out on the no I would recognize him if he walked through the door right now I. Still can't believe that took a long. Dr after golf Saturday I wound up at Charlotte's and Kyo It's a neat little joint I went in there and we're going to get a pie but we found out you can eat there so we tried to get a burger and some guy comes over and it is upset so he was on the show for a while goes on well when I get to pay my bill he already paid Tommy Anders has it on that pass it on Roger writes that you know because your luck is that if you had to pass it on he goes you know there's a school bus there that is not exactly a taxi and I. Said I know what's going to happen I think of a thing was we didn't have any cash and I said I don't take credit cards or a.t.m. Cards it's an old school place like well publicized would write a check start right check ins you know you've already been paid for time Anderson pay for school you know it's funny I told Roger that I sort of bury myself in Cuba a little bit this weekend and it led me to to find out about Desoto obviously has determined no he started his he started the the American travels from Cuba that's where he came from you know I you know they say that there's a possibility that scholars maintain that Desoto might be buried like Chico the late Chico or place about an hour south of there Louisiana because because it is sort of going all over the place but I got it in park and apparently park in the archaeological place in Arkansas apparently it's got 'd stuff that they found back in the sixty's and this is the you know my position let's bring that listen if we found Stephanus out in the sixty's or we still didn't Are we still look and we need to be get on the Toltec my own thing that's the other one that's because you know he was. Discovered Hutch for he was the last race this rotted out of growing up I always thought well how did you discover there were Indians already use it that was already that's what is there to cover for the man if you discovered it for the white white guys yeah and I was yeah I just spent you know cellar debuted also to you know Spanish rolled into Cuba a kill half the of the 3 fourths of the population. You know what they did they brought disease they brought small thought that measles and kill everybody. Yeah curvy you know everything there were a couple a guest on c m b c or c n n i was watching and I want to watch a little bit of it because my good deal is if you're an atheist fine I respect your whatever but how do you think this all got started and then I got to thinking it's always been and then I mean you start thinking about how how did some of the just of Big Bang Theory explode and there's this planet that rotates on a classic axis around the sun and I start think about that yeah and that's always been that and. Yet your next shot is that you know you get to go. As you let your mind wander out there I was just out there thinking about that it's always van that's been the beginning that we know yet how to tell you about when you had a game that day one thing it was a beautiful weekend weather watch and today you got Presidents Day. Right although they did Oakland a lot of people all if I guess a day run a day yeah you got you got a $1000000.00 into it to raise you get a $1000000.00 given away also we established Tom Brady as a go quarterback but who's the best player man of history not best athlete but player a lot of other stuff too but I I still my go Brady you certainly can make the argument for that player I'll have to complete with you play for Tom Brady greatest quarterback the best player you have brown t Oh I say I think he's in the ne and I only bring his name up because he's a quarterback 5 seems to know that but use player but it's my opinion it is all over easily no no no I only bring t.-o. Because he's in the news here lately because of the n.f.l. Hall of Fame I remember t.o. With the Philadelphia Eagles and that was what he did with the staff just go you know he's right there right now like everybody is a right to say Rice at him but I don't know that but I have a but everybody below. Right but. T. O. He when he was from Philadelphia he came back to play in the shareholder brokers like I'm sure you look at. Some of the running backs I mean Adrian Peterson was a heck of a player Brown Wow where I was yeah i Player watch him play I'm just saying I think quarterbacks you say quarterbacks got to be your big you got to be your greatest player of all time greatest player in that's got to be the Brier that's different but a player an athlete exactly well player right he has no athletes and I look at the I'm gonna look at a running back to have that I'm a look at Walter Payton. Cut short so you won't even say. Since Simms no. Beriberi since no Barry Sanders said that Sanders said Yeah I don't think Lawrence Taylor was really greatest ever you know that's another question let me throw this one out there atcha would would Tom Brady be Tom Brady without Bill Bill a check which brought up a conversation I was at was some folks over the weekend and that same turn would launch title or have been launched in the without me apart so that's kind of like me thinking about how the world ever got started you're never going to love it and . Anyway player I don't know give Reindeer Games favorite president go around the horn What do you got I'm leaning towards Reagan or Truman. I would say regular Lincoln in the you know and I like time writing but also clarity day I just you know I thought I'll read a lot because I actually wrote down all of early presidential trivia Right yeah I did and I wrote down and determined just it was a little 50 hours yeah no how do you because I think that he did even though this is a beautiful book he didn't even know about the bomb till after f.d.r. Died did the vice president out he didn't even know it existed f.d.r. I mean he you know to got to carry on through all those wars in there that you've got to give it to him Reagan was stoppable Don't get me started on the Buchanan go on. Man you have Carter. You know I like Reagan but I mean just because of of what f.d.r. . Yeah I'm writing I like Reagan from my lifetime I would either go him or even one Clinton it's an educated guess on my part I'm going to go after one Clinton he you know he brought the deficit down. On interest rates where when Reagan took office about 820 Yeah well I don't accord it was it to 22 percent I think for the 1st out that 18 percent. Was yours Roger when you buy r.j. What weasels 63 and 3 yeah i'm remember that 1st I did in the eighty's. And it's moron houses so. What seed will the hogs that we've gotten into their ninja Good morning good morning guys who's a player president. Ronald Reagan what will beholds be I'm just putting it out there. I'm sorry everything you cursed us with that 11 to be there in. They had to really screw up ever be a big call Absolutely and they well you know what this isn't the year for the Razorbacks to see that you got of their own like they are like a football team just when you're ready to yeah yeah Oh Roger I got 12 well r.j. I'm gonna go 11 feed all right the American segue sauce to your favorite steak sauce of the best like sauce I go a one boy I tell you what between a one and that dead but that you know I'm 57 when they put on barges when this stuff just stinks so. I stop don't stop doing it I have to but I just found everything steak about steak I'll do plastic I'll use ketchup Yeah anything for a bad egg. Yeah there's some there's some refugee kid that would love to have a bad day all right a man who's a great football player of all time. For me it is the one the great one Jerry Rice has a good answer nobody will ever see him receiving right hard time lag in that on a month or 2000 yards I think he's the next most is 5000 is that right I just don't think any I mean what he did for that long and the duration of his position going across the middle with chances of getting his head knocked up with it yeah he was at that right there that's a fairly stunning how far ahead he is from downing those. Trivia questions start things off who's e.n.c. Doublings all time leading scorer I read an article about this guy it was a full page article in USA Today believable article so who's the all time leading scorer and Nancy w somebody ought to get that and by the way I watched the I think I text r.j. Did you guys watch in that Kentucky Georgia game yeah. It took it took 1st of all 15 minutes to play the last 60 seconds. I'm telling you there were 10 timeouts It was horrible I was trying to I was going to watch while I was working out and I finally said I'm leavin you know it gets lucky you know Kentucky found a way to win Georgia had they had a chance to beat them but come on they had to me time out to the end my goodness I was laughing I was talking about this morning I'll not be caught in that one announcer he kept over and over talking about let me tell you what you need to watch destroy the team they're so talented and they can win they could win the s.e.c. Term and I was like they're like 11 and something you know what though sometimes it's just that you know like they got a rebound and the like but it was like a minute left that probably would have helped sailed but if I was on the out of bounds line so Kentucky gets it's just a little thing when you're on the underdog just like Kentucky gets every break if you get rebounds or bounce and oh my god his best team he's seen out there so far I don't watch much because like about the last scene I canvassed a couple of drills. For Kentucky I'm not want. Much this year but that guy Fox I think his last name is yeah I can't help but think that looks like a satellite dish on the top. But there what is so tell me what do you think the c But I would like a 15 or 14 or yeah I think we're about 1111 and we take care of business r.j. You know if they take care of business I mean they've got a tough game against Georgia they've got Florida left and all burning and let's not forget Texas a and M's this Wednesday so there's a lot of basketball left to be played and and I think with the way that they've played over the last 3 games in 11 feet of logic one already right now has them I think of the. 334. That's when you talk about a 20 and I like the way you said 3 seed people start laughing. Because you just hear Kalahari over the weekend ranting about Godfrey and coaches that's why well got to get far stay out of the end of this shit and have to yeah he did it is. Perry was on about oh he was ranting and raving said how can you get rid of me I said Damn tell you coaches Right now you start putting in you get $3000000.00 and put it in my game because you know well the coaches community is just taken together by saying well you get it you get mine you get started mid-season you've got a visa to my davy I'm put in my contract now 3000000 if I get fired mid-season it's hard to do yada yada yada so you're going to get their mom and all those guys get their money why they don't get more money because I think it's kind of strange that they let him coach on very strong I don't even know if I'm the best for both of them why didn't I can't wait till the end of the year to get out and maybe recruiting I don't know well and I know what he is succeeding Yeah I'm not sure who it is I think it gives the team time to do that who knows but who is the over the top 4 C's of the top of your head. Hands and this Kansas skins I don't know the villain know what exactly I want to allow And I don't know I'm not one of. Well look at him. I'll get a bracket come in and says Oh my God I'm going to need a little help on that 12 things I need some 35 is Madea Trump over 35 yes she's in I'm gonna need some 35 and over women's names I'm going to need for the gravely tour is coming up I need a song parody to write for them again this year so. We've got some new faces in local t.v. I think we need to throw in there to Aniston out. Of that is that right now you know the thing about one for you Roger yeah Oh Rod gravely Mo we're given like Alabama and then I. Wanna go with them like that all right now and just talk about whether or not our the lack there of yesterday when I got out to play go 9 o'clock and it was the thickets fog I've ever seen in Cabo I mean it was really like that when the when the sun came up the fog took on a kind of a bright color it was unreal we could name see our ball and we don't hit it very far but we were on like the whole 4 and complaining about that and by a whole pie that was gone just like that that's like somebody threw a switch but it was on. This weekend 7577 something like that yeah well let me just tell you so I pulled up the numbers you know maybe a logical winter runs from December 1st through February 28th and these are the numbers and it's pretty astounding So these are days where we had high temperatures in these categories we had one day. Back in January where we had a high of 29 degrees one day in the twenty's 7 days with highs in the thirty's 19 days in the forty's 26 in the fifty's 15 days in the sixty's 12 days in the seventy's and one day in the eighty's I'm starting to rethink this well you know warming stuff yes that is that means that obviously the majority of the 670 percent of the days have been over 50 for this one right. Right I learned early warm in the last time I mean for us the last time we had a high temperature in the eighty's was way back on January the 8th and that's when we had that little 2 chance of an inch of snow officially. Today this year. Do exec of the Day O'Connor course they're thrilled they love it today oh boy what's the temp today $75.00 yes $75.00 we will have rain increasing right now there's rain along a upper level system in Oklahoma it's a some of it's in western Arkansas now but that area will be slowly moving to the east so you know as the day goes on the chance for Ryan will increase and especially into early tonight for Central Arkansas but you have a high temperature about 70 label. You guys were talking about gators Now if you want to see some Gators I was doing a presentation down to. The school in Gillette and they told me if you go about 9 miles south of Jalalabad and there's a dirt road you can cut off and go out to where there's some sort of bridge but they said there's a bunch of gators out there and there's no way why am I going there I go in there. I don't want to see him that I'm going to. Forecast out here Tommy we're going to have a mostly cloudy skies a 5050 shot of showers and thunderstorms most of those will be in the afternoon Little Rock High 75 degrees and I 70 percent chance of rain this evening showers and thunderstorms with a low of 55 and for your buzz to stay party cloudy with a 30 percent chance of showers once again a high 75 guys Wednesday and Thursday we may get up into the upper seventy's. Pretty much for spring like we saw. Yes it is Presidents' Day So enjoy lunch today golden crown easy an easy out all you can eat all for a bargain lunch price and as an added bonus golden brown normal rockets. Open from 7 am to 11 am this morning for your Presidents Day breakfast 2 central Arkansas locations I 40 you know spring Conway and just not the McCain mall in order to run for the show with no name a Tommy Smith David has Roger Clark a hawk on the weather named John one of 37 The Buzz thank you then drink beer question is it a favorite president what flavor of a hog be favorites Thanks also the greatest football player of all. Whether with gentle sevens. Or brain change is missing and for this Monday President's Day here in Arkansas will be mostly cloudy skies early in the rain likely by the afternoon and evening hours still warm though high around 75 the lead tonight a 57 degrees severe weather threat looks a lot of tomorrow just scattered rain in the forecast an incense shine back by Wednesday. High on my blog and cross that eagle Arkansas river bed makes ballplayer 905 all-American baseball player a member of the 1904 baseball team representing the United States at the World Championship games that have been acumen and also a member of the Arkansas Razorbacks Hall of Honor my father and a lot in senior played in the Negro Baseball Leagues and was Sundance Satchel Paige right here in Little Rock Arkansas ed re wonderful were preserving history by Remember Nelson Americans who have contributed to the great traditions of Arkansas athletics he and his renewal center is Arkansas' premier and dictionary have at Philippi weights is about half the cost about estate auctions we are designed to appeal to the professional accustomed to more exclusive accommodation with its log cabin cottages scenic walking trails to read it 33 percent like the Oasis looks more like a red degrees or an edge treatment facility from the despair at step because there is no way the Oasis is a division of recovery centers of Arkansas on line at the Oasis renewal center. There's nothing Toyota's president the filthy bet is done now with amazing deals to keep America moving don't miss you know percent financing on 12 Toyota by now and make no payments for 90 days click the banner for more details or visit by a toyota dot com. There are no accidents reported right now but if you do see something causing a traffic if you give us a call on the traffic line 433-1010 this is Stephanie from the signal traffic center why Yeah I know but hey some folks just need a little help to get started ideas and new creations med's buys what you made I'm asked all the time if it really works then they. Kitchen shelves at my in my fits belt frame and then they know it and it does it's been just under 3 years for me and I've been able to keep off the weight the h.c.g. 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Open a 2nd location album Bass Pro Shop on bass progress has brought something new to the people universe unlimited pizza topping but no additional charge that's right Pop Pop he says opening to location for the best it's diesel Well one of. The best it's a lesson in the fast lunch what you want one of over 1000000 combinations of people available it beats the less than the eating of piping hot people in 5 minutes. They do keep the right sitter pro painters' businesses are independently owned and operated schedule your free estimate today it's sort of Pro dot com sort of propane years we do painting you do life does traffic from the floods your driver general. There are no accidents reported right now but if you do see something causing a traffic case you give us a call on the traffic line 433-1010 this is Stephanie from the signal traffic center and I specialise a roof Rostenkowski when I'm in 6 pm the linemen yawn and finicky Alfredo tonight with the world's largest salad bar and please page your old pal Jesse Clayburgh Do you remember when radio was good. Welcome back to the show with the album backers and my little buddy if you're just stuck in on your a studio. Or you go boy. Or you got. A gravely ill or possibility. I must say I don't know all the words up so I didn't kill them 1st they. Just sing the hook again I'll just well what I thought a rod here let me start it over here we go let's try it I don't remember you said Obama or a ride. On the war. I went with the right. Are you ready to go. Gray blue mower black grandpa one daddy used to do. Very good. Even doing that now. Wow he got about 6 songs. It sounds a good. Good rant over a brand most There's a punk a good answer to your kind of your question is that yeah it is I wrote a story about where but it's over the weekend I gag you know nobody company I was going to talk about him and. More you need to write go back and read your article because of the great are going to watch out video was delayed but you think that record whatever event brought in for now now live or never be close to break being broken you got. To tell you something we're nobody else said what else would you John I did actually scold a 100 always in a college basketball game cause I got it in my sack with p.d.f. Files or get bad by trying to be able to actually score $112.00 point. One and give you. Do you want to. Yeah I don't doubt that all right who's your favorite president I think you know knows what else is going on Teddy. And not to you know Pat never going back on football and I had a big only here to. Create Is there a you do was turn into to the n.c.a.a. But you also know that the Roughriders went to Cuba thought the Spanish American War That's what Yeah yeah but what's the Hilda sound Juan one thing you know sound was. Kind of I said that they're not sure if he actually went on that deal or not but the legend is there becomes what seed will the hogs be. I'm hoping not 9 is that a good one let's go see the bad seed 11th usually how bad the legacy is a good play and game is a bad thing. What's a bad seed in the high range you know that the not so well 5 match up and that's the one that's always going to. Be are they all running back to be a 16 seed would be a bad see you know what do we go into for 60 to do you say throw it let me ask you this Are we in for sure get a call right now yes r.j. Yes Johnny. You know you don't care think about this 2 weeks ago we were cold you know and we had folks calling from I get where. We were the question is after day I think I think that is probably 50 percent right there of the moment yeah your favorites takes off. I won and greatest football player of all time well I got to 100 I didn't an image or 2 good ones and the Kevin little rocks and like and. Norman Yeah that's up to my 'd guy no good how you know we're going to. How about. What do you think they'll be Robin Robin Levon. Be a pretty popular right now on television go ahead I'm going to and I said we're in . Now do we have to want to game. Our number yet Lord Basil I just asked him to get in the convoy and got good enough now to go want to none now let me just do we need to win a tournament s.e.c. Do we need to win the i.c.c. Tournament do we have to win one I think they need to win right now alone already has Arkansas playing feint marries as an 11th the in Salt Lake City so we could if they got that how we could almost go into as we see it turn and not want to game and go right. Now when we have won many games in the s.c.c. Tournament or no no no on. Greatest football player of all time. Where is that where he's he was. He would. Be the dominant player though what's your favorite steaks off a well known play one and your favorite president. Brag of going to a lot of landslide Thanks a lot. Marcus. Hi How are you. Man I don't mean to calling God on one day that pigskin preacher on the show these last quote. Now he was only what she did I don't imagine that you don't like him on there Marcus ran out of the change of station very little knowledge and you know it was what was he doing it was well you think he's in a bad mood What was he doing that he was irritated about I mean Ted is going well I just don't know if that's real fake or I don't think I've heard the pigskins lad either well I think it would have to realize that Marcus he's a very intelligent guy I don't know well I've got the laugh track i.e. Maybe he was trying to do a little laugh track deal and I just think he's like you said he's more intelligent than we are goes over most of our head you know great strategy humor as you are else was back within the other day. Mitch Patrick remember he I think he'd been doing other radio shows in Baghdad Yeah that's that's a squirrel in the middle of a. 90 mile an hour much from a with me but. I just saw the picture get about to thank her mom because you're actually the Goddess one of who's your favorite president of all time to be Mr Bill. I can tell you that not the greatest but one of the great. What will the hogs be a lemon and favorite steak sauce a watch and you say Larry vodka now that was normal Ok. I got too many questions into me on here Marcus is the greatest football player of all turn. Out of this a regular Bronco here. You know speaking of we mentioned the other day Mean Joe Greene I saw where he's come into a little frog that he's going with Elsie Greenwood and Willis Reed he's a lot of impressive group in a b.b.s. Bring him in for a function downtown l c Greenwood me Joe Greenwood was freed and one other. Pretty impressive. We just talked about in the other day. My guess is a guy here. Named Hello. Tommy I staved let me turn a radio off I get the r.j. In between sound we get feedback on. Let me get it real quick Ok good just I'm writing to a guy named Tommy president well I gotta go a Lincoln because not only was the country good vibe in the southern capital was close to the say and the other thing was to get the 13th amendment passed with all that Lincoln had the biggest edge in d.c. President thanks I got the coolest one yeah yeah I guess I got the coolest one without without question my core my football guys I had given off in some of these I'll go Jim Brown and I will go along Tyler. Names. Well we got 4 more games to apply right. Right so you know me depends on the only way I'll reply it's just like that even if I'm a cry I must have prayer that we have on a positive note because the football team does and if our team collapses on basketball it's going to be summer but I like the way they're flying and I'm a go with 11. I remember always beat Florida Right yeah we're going to very strongly not a 4 in the last Missouri and then bowl game so hopefully the football will be that way or the way in baseball you know it's my Evo how you want to press about this weekend look at the number of fans man that was it was at 25000 fans over 3 days that's not very impressive but you know what the weather was great I had to ask Yeah you mean I. Had to send in the big picture of that yeah that was for Friday's game I. Think prop works out no now time for that but you know boys Barnum and Bailey out of the service. Joins us from. Yes What are we doing so we push the need to ease them out into eating well you know listening to Fox News for that. Right now I says oh yeah do you read 20 years old fox news and believe me. Start spring projects. Right now with real scientists everything. 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But Genesis Ottawa intersection of sin all but when Canucks world when projects valued somewhere between $1.00 and $1000000.00 on the show with no name with restaurant theater brought to you by Al Gore community Federal Credit Union rason man reads words rate suckers that's when men quote Stiller's to popular songs and you win prizes brought to you by Alcoa community Federal Credit Union in Benton on the web and I'll call community f.p.u. Dot org Grasso right there on the hill with no name brought to you by Alcoa community Federal Credit Union in Ben member own member focused on the web at Alcoa community f c u dot org out he will fuck buzz traffic from the floods your driving center there are no accidents reported right now but if you do see something causing a traffic if you give us a call on the traffic line 433-1010 this is Stephanie from the signal traffic center dating on happy our specials Monday teasingly 55th sushi and want to answer all of those trapped in peer come to many on a Monday teasing ways. To win the Powerball lottery to feel like you were listening to the show with no name. Back in lingerie studio. Great really just. Saved a 64 year old woman who gave birth to a plan I heard about yes. The wrong about that in their view dangerous crap time they're 10 years old mom again obese Yeah or and we chase a little get around that wrong to do that what's the word like the morally wrong. 64. B. Having kids 6 before saying I will be able to get in the proper upbringing and you know what Christie Brinkley I'd like to help out what about me and then getting a woman pregnant at that age when their salary saying how to care. For it our sex is because we're saying that was that applies to when I was younger I think we are . Now. I think the potency of I'm. 64 now 62 and I can imagine having 2 kids now. Twins. Couple of the stories we're cooking as you go see about the story in the paper today about Albert Pike hotel you know about that hotel yeah they have said 529 false alarms fire alarms has 2015 want 529 according to the 1st one that's a fake alarm it's a false alarm Yep a 25 I think the 2nd one you get paid 50 then if you have more than 3 or 4 you got to pay 550 bucks 25 bucks if you do what if you have a lot your long goes off and you keep call the fire department and there's your fault it's a false alarm has a fire department go on this but it takes more than a couple of men Absolutely 500 listen somebody from the fire department say Ok so that's enough we're not listed you got it you coming and we're going to find you or shut up and you can't keep doing this or the fire department 529 times I used to live downtown I used to hear building that would have to happen like crazy then the other thing I was going to mention that you know what and a half to go they can't not go they have to go to. Roger the other stories you see apparently somebody died in the parachute action in Roswell yesterday you know you know people talk to me about that I think you know united Rogers done it you know I've not done or argue that it was a tandem it doesn't say give me details all I know is that my thought is I've always said I'm the guy that isn't going down I know I know anyway I don't want but you know what you may make you think can you start doing some flying like they do we can we can't do it you got crap all coming out here are also John Day they made 11000 bucks you said 369 yesterday I guess was on the Seniors Tour for the couples one won the p.g.a. Tour what's a Spanish or my right a marquis stopped yesterday Johnson now yeah. Show one I mean hello. They got the same steps go Great All right James how are you. I saw just like you know that was Mitch that just had the funky left on. That I don't think it is not that you don't even have the last guy. Got annoying. And there you go. Right there right now there. I just don't really know enough about the same thing as it may have worded that. I don't know that he doesn't know I guess not he sounds like he said down again amped up on sound track Red Bull All right meaning team captain James who's your favorite president of all time and like right on again probably Ronald Reagan what will the halls be I'm just putting it out there. For like 13 year or 2014 that's possible but yeah I don't think they're going to win but maybe one game in the next 4000 favorites takes us. Golden Corral and I have had a curiosity how many people would go to corral put a one sauce or ketchup on their state would you guess James I would say one is a lot we go through a lot of that you do but you don't never talk to water it down to save money on. Marriage the greed of those the greatest football player of all time not necessarily best athlete best player I'm vegan Jim Brown Jim Brown I think Jim Brown I'm probably thinking about was one of those I dominant at his time you know I mean really he retired early and still dominated. A morning around about a gun and what's up. Right here game play for president they write. What the halls be. Their favorite steak sauce Well it's a steak or dry you don't need. A lot to take a little I want to maybe Western make it together. And then do a different bake in there. There's a Katy's again these grocery and mild Mr Misty. The Light says at the end I bought this store when I was not not. Thirsty does your study break it called what's it called again. J h e e n y well you dance a business like we did the monkey boy when we should go over there to get a call from. For more we've got them you'd got to. Pull than you can handle on one of the green 7 of us. In Little Rock. The one on free some of the buzz around right. The Make a Wish 27 seen heart feel which I thought of return this Friday to the Wyndham riverfront hope Villa North Little Rock and above will be there come on else can give the Make a Wish Foundation or support and hang out with the guys as the show with no name blown out of down drop down for all broadcast live on location from 6 am to 7 pm You can also donate by phone but call them father 1376 ways for stop by any of the Little Rock area well block or donate online and open some above dot com. Join a zone each weekday for the entertainment report brought you by Belin sward of Conway find out the very latest breaking news an entertainment each day on the Zone Justin Pat and me Matty t. Will dish out with the stars and celebrities have going on and you can catch it each and every day Ellen sward has everything for the best dressed man from Boots to suit check them out on Facebook or Instagram Beilin sward at 1020.