Online can I tell you why. Why could I tell you why yes and how could I tell you while how could you really because I can't really know way to go there's no way to tell you why and that's why I can't tell you why that was for menu the name that's the name of the song is I can't tell you why that's the Eagles the you know Eagles the Eagles the Eagles for the long run the Navy won their gal show. That was the eagle scout ship really was actually Yeah that's yeah it's going to be a true story later. If you want to hear the full story give us a call here 5014 through double o. Double 8 and we'll tell you the full story of how the long run is the Eagles Steely Dan Gallagher show. D.s.t.v. And that will be them doing that yes and anyway before that was crypt top so you do it for slit your guts from the nuns so vile right you know that you know that Sterno and oh yeah but we're really glad to hear that when you know they were say in Hell yeah her. Yeah and t.c. Wherever he is using you know man you know where years and you know what he was saying. For that was him Stu you really Dan Yeah that was off Katie why'd she did she sure did she like me anyway. Rose darling apparently that was played last week as well. By Christopher maybe 2 weeks ago but no more than 3 weeks ago can't you very easily and 2 years ago it was. 2 or so weeks ago by you in 2 or so years ago by you I always play it because it's a good one when you. Heard. It Before that we had the mark 4 with a track called. Rock your little baby tonight that was a 45 on the Mercury of label Good God the mark for Mark for and before that we had we had a bit of prog rock to start you out we had Astra from that we're doing a track called The Dreaming of if I can't even read it couldn't have my old man reading glasses with Yeah but sterno played that like like a long time ago so thank sterno when he thanks you and thanks for Astra well but we're not talking about the 4th album by supergroup No no not the super group 18 of the band is Astra and of the band is nastier than if yes with the 4th I know don't be confused and don't be my eyes old. Don't be my eyes old exact my emotions or come to you said. We started out with some yes yes we did yeah ya. Know I think you're back to the Joe Jackson Oh no yes we didn't. No. Yes Well you know I am ready for some yes but this walk we played and you and I and you know this post and you and I my favorite Yes song really yeah is that was to asses Yes. Oh man you know hey it's now 12 o 5 in the morning here at k.b.s. 88.3 Community Radio here in Lit Rock Arkansas. Well look here up 11 o 3 pm here at k b 80 point yeah yeah rock. Salt That's right sterno knows what was happening right there and you know this is great music of the 20th century and it guys so it is are we having a good time or what some are having a good also some 21st century and a little touch of the 19th Yeah only a little later on the little little dribble of the 1000 but most of the 20th act mostly and Mr Wing go as the top of the hour old White House fellow didn't go into it or any other anything just play it just made it. Let let. The sky smiling. Up at the blue sky. Yeah man wow are we happy to hear that or what I was that was more heavier right was more more heavier what that was was King Diamond of course the possession from the Abigail album Wow that was very heavy you very lot louder lot faster on a lot faster and that went out to t.c. I think Man it sure enough did yeah sure enough did it before that we had enough. Of the little long shot of Zappa Frank Zappa. Non-stop double shot of Frank concluding with Don prunes the orchestral version from 1975 and preceding that Wudi this is the spot tornado from the album the yellow shark. 999092 man. And oh yeah $108.00 yeah that one nothing read nothing you've got to give the 1st man there's no such thing as double tasking and the seeing that whether we have known since we had King Diamond we had King Firas all man this is King Crimson It is King grammar so it was . D i k m e n how you like. Macedonia my soul cooking music album yeah. It was yeah a good step for that was some Willie Nelson Yes that was blue skies by Willie Stardust Stardust 978 can believe that everybody's mother has that one now is willing Yeah yeah that's what that was and before that was some Dr nerve that was a track old Splinter doctors saying Kings That's tonight. Doctor nerve from the beta 14 Ok record and we started out that chunk of music with Joe Jackson Joe Jackson from big world that was the title track somewhat title track called it is. Old Big World mean man we need to do it and all title track show. You know now of them you know what I would say and if I told title track let's do that and let's do that next week man yeah it'll be for sure the new year all title tracks or yeah it's done it's already done disappoint you in the future it's already done already done Yeah so hey it's 1131 here K.B.'s 88.3 f.m. Little Rock Arkansas this is a great music of the 20th century and if you want to call us then do so at area code 5014 double double 3 double 088. That my own for you bat out of you give us a call here at 5014. Ok so now know we're rehearsing on the air way no we're not so you say you know we got you we want to give a note we're not a number you say double your love love love love all movies we're going up next doable with Mr Wing go to me below a Yes Ok So let me live now he's crazy around here it's really crazy Tom we're having a good time top of the box oh darn add this let's abandon the band called Yes And this is called They're going to slow down just a little bit it's called in you and I.