And that's music by The New some singers there from Memphis Tennessee where church in early in the morning time listen. Please get yourself together and get dressed so you can get to work on time so you won't have to talk to the red lights you know you stay at home too long and the red light is doing its job but you keep the white couple like change change you get only get only so you can get where you need to be on time it's important that stress in the day is when every day is wherever he's supposed to be including church work or whatever get up so you can be on hand it's important like your Bible study tonight get only up so you can be there for the beginning of the lesson all of that stuff goes a long way you know we get together we got to be on time. Timing is everything and please value another man's time I'm one that I don't like afford to waste my time my time is very important and if you like it or not the time that you lose you can't get it back so stop procrastinating let's get on up and do our assignments for Jesus Christ let's get on up get to work on time yes if you can be worthy of your higher rank is just get in. And if you're out there driving put the telephones down drive to stay alive don't text and drive yeah you can hurt yourself or somebody else all of these are courtesy notes from the Prophet any goes a long way I'd say a pleasure good morning to all of the members of the j. And s. Gospel singers like to tip our hats to year keep on going strong God is with you you all have been out here a long time so keep on for a wing in the Holy Ghost right we're going to share music with you from am a brown and then a one gospel singers coming from their. New cd and the cd is entitled faith and that's the song that we're going to play we're going to play faith from the cd of am a brown and the one gospel singers. To It's music ironically and the mighty blazing stars simply that letting you know that heaven is my home. Yeah there's a prepare a place for us. He's providing for us he's working on our mansions right now because one day we got to get out of here and we got to make sure that we have prepared ourselves to live with him over on the other side I don't know about you but I got to see him I got to get there we go through a no Down here we have enough we experience another hail down here to miss heaven and to go and spend eternity in Hale I get to go with Jesus I don't have any other choice I got to be with him that's why I'm striving and I'm working every day even through the tough times when Faith wavers a little I still have to stand strong knowing that when it's all said and done that he will be with me gospel music coming your way at 21 minutes after the hour of 6 am we're sitting mikes out with you today until 7 am let's go with the very best in gospel music from Community Radio K.B.'s 88.3 f.m. Good morning to you. your spirit but I want to encourage you to always believe the report of the Lord because he's still in the miracle working business and I know that he will back skin you for the last couple of weeks about praying for evangelist to end Thompson my cousin in Lake Providence. She's the wife of kin don't terms and one of the members of sensational 6 been going through a lot of changes in her health these last couple of weeks so call her name out again this week things are getting better so continue to lift her name up before the Lord she's evangelists Joanne Thompson powerful woman of God in Lake Providence Louisiana the enemy is attacking her body but can I get a witness out there that know that God can heal set free and deliver I know that he can 36 minutes on the down side at 6 am Good morning to you. dangerous to breach this contract because this will be the contract that will allow you to read Job title clear to your match and in the sky so hang on in there and do your on to the end not until but unto the got to endure it get a little shaky some time you get a little weak along the way but God is just strength he's a very present help in that time of need just know that he'll be with you. The actual service the annual Men's Day worship service for the Mount Zion Baptist Church 9 o 8 South cross street in Little Rock Arkansas will be held on Sunday October 20th 2002 minute 11 am and the guest preacher will be Reverend Rick Warren the 3rd Reverend John Wesley Smith Jr is the pastor of the Mount Zion Baptist Church and Deacon David Morrison is the Men's Day Committee chairman they've done all of their rehearsals they're ready to saying for you and all of this will occur on this coming Sunday October 20th 2001000 and 11 am at the Mount Zion Baptist Church 9 o 8 South cross street in Little Rock Arkansas and also let's keep our hearts and our mind set and are ready to celebrate with the hearts of joy the hearts of joy they will be celebrating 51 years of singing the Gospel Saturday night October 19th 2019 they at the Reed Memorial c.m.e. Church that's $31.00 a oneself is or street in Little Rock Arkansas That's at 6 pm and they will finalize their anniversary on Sunday October 25th 2019 at the Antioch Full Gospel Baptist Church $3824.00 Antioch Boulevard College Station Arkansas that's where Bishop Kennett and Dr Brenda Robinson are overseers the guests will include truly faithful revenge a room Clarke a new generation son Hatteras Mina purpose Celeste to your wonders the new Hebrew I'm singers prosperity and many others and on Sunday night Elton restating would be their worship leader get to church on time. Tell the other quite good singers that the prophets say let's start getting to church on time all right nobody want to same 1st nobody wants to sing last so if you get there on time you have a perfect flow in the Holy Ghost All right we can do it we've been doing it all the time so let's make it a practice to get all your musicians all your singers getting them all together getting the church on time and when you get to church be dressed and ready to go forth all right just occurred with a note from the prophet continuing with the very best in gospel music we've got 15 minutes to the hour of felony and so get on up if you've got to be there at 7 o'clock that mean you've got 15 minutes to get there Rise and shine get in the car Yes The time has been well spent thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with you the very best and gospel music we are encouraging you to get up and go to church tonight to your bible studies. Are going to work but we are encouraging you to get to church for the Study of the word remember that God's love you and don't allow anybody to steal your joy today for this is the day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice and to be glad in it good morning to you be safe and make I'm Dr Anthony wise words and this has Climate Connections. What has leathery wings and needle sharp teeth feed at night and drinks blood. They Hampshire bats. Vampire bats are native to South and Central America and Mexico they like warm human areas and struggle have temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit but winters are getting warmer as the climate changes so the bats may move north even going as far as Florida or southern Texas what people are most concerned about with vampire bats is them feeding on livestock and then passing rabies virus that's bad ecologist Mark Hayes using climate data and records of that sightings he worked with u.s.d.a. Researchers to model where the bats might show up over the next 50 years natural resource managers can then use those maps to identify areas where they should monitor livestock for example the u.s.d.a. Has personnel who look at cattle that are brought together and Watts feedlots and so forth and evaluate them very quickly for a potential vampire bat bites because the threat is real not just a spooky Halloweentown. Like Climate Connections subscribe to our free podcast on i Tunes or wherever you get your part gas. Climate Connections is produced by the Center for Environmental communication and learn more at Yale Climate Connections dot org. This is a way troposphere to inspect the storm drain for treasure pollutants good luck wait wait what do you say more to say the red blood small. Fleet of your right to recycle your moral put your butts in the national And one final go for launch maybe learn more about storm water by visiting the u.a.e. It's not even new Slayer storms. Never mind.

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