They don't think is necessary nor important and so the n.f.l. Players who are paid well are being placed in the valley of decision what are they going to do now if there was unity among the n.f.l. Players if they all decided they listen this is what we're going to do they would have the power but can unity be achieved when people are dependent on those salaries Well some of them have been in the least 78 years 10 years they probably got a little nest a put away they could probably take drawing a stance but what about Jamal to just get there Jamal just got that contract and his whole family and celebrated when his name was Khalid at night they go in from the ghetto to the suburbs they get him in to get a house for his mom you know read about some escalates for his cousins and he has been has been a lot of money already old crib and now he come this you need to stand with his brother bro I can't go out like that I get too much table may I get I got a fiance and I wouldn't have heard of and got his contract so here you have it God is letting us understand the significance of being an economic slave and what we've got to do is to free ourselves so that we can secure our sales but the mindset is what we've got to get and we don't have the mass and imitate what we really need to do the example is already been shown to us it was shown to us in the sixty's we're really in the late fifty's sixty's and early seventy's in a town you want to use are those persons that they call black movements with businesses and shops in any city that you went to even here in Little Rock. And they set up stores and they set up shops and they say listen you know we've got to have an economic base in our community and they did that as an example of what we're supposed to do right now the difference is is that we should do it without having to be required to be in any kind of religious order so the Minister Farrakhan who is the highest leader among us at this particular time and God has done that raised him up really high doesn't require people to become Muslims to associate and to be a part of the movement so that's not what it's about it's about the status and economic base for the black community so that example that the Muslims to set up in the fifty's sixty's and early seventy's is to be done again by the community itself so everybody else is doing it to us that's what the Arabs do they come into our community and they set up shops that's what the Koreans do they come into our communities and they set up shop so they see what do you what you should do we're the ones who are simply not doing it we don't see it because we've decided to do we decided to go into you cannot make slavery we decided to chase the jobs that makes us unable to stand up for people in our community because the job means too much to us it is our God and we said no our own power we said no and the ability to establish ourselves and do what other about a else is doing to us they know we got money in our community they know that so that's why they set up shop the only thing is they tell him there's a listen you can set up down there but it's dangerous Your Majesty you mad to close at 6 o'clock. Get out of there and we sit in back not doing it we sit in our hands and we refusing to move out like we know we can because we've got these little petty things that go on among us that cause us not to be able to have operational unity and I'm against that I'm against that pit in his. That does not promote unity operational unity we've gotta have it this but this program is all about we preach in unity here and we don't be preaching any philosophy beyond do for our sales establish ourselves become the free and independent people that God is demanding of us and the longer we put it out of the more he's going to use his strap man I look at it. And I'm on my phone on the 2nd I look at the news Roland Martin news comes on t.v. One news comes on his clock or more now he has to ows men he has excellent job of telling you all the mistreatment that happens to us as a community that's what they do they come on and they talk about all of the slights the injustices the mistreatments A.D.'s they could happen any of mistreatment that happens in our community but what he does not have the ability to do and I think is rooted in this little concept he does not have the ability to speak to or independent free ourselves why do we continue to be the battered woman syndrome leave him that's the message that Minister Farrakhan gave out 2 weeks ago we're going to have to do it or death we're going to have to do it our this is what God is demanding and listen the only thing that we should be talking to my folks about because I know some of you just can't think unless you get why people as a part of your strategy to save America I know some of you I know it the only thing we should be talking to them about is the 8 steps of Atonement why folks are need to atone before we can develop a relationship with our Let me see if I can put up with the 8 steps of atonement are so that you understand what I'm talking about Ok because you have not acknowledge. What you've done to us and what you did and what you continue now on to try to act like you haven't even done and what he wants want to speak about women getting him I said let me go through moment phone Ok so here's what here's what the 8 steps of atonement are for those of you those uy listeners out there ya have to 1st of all you've got to do is you've got to point out the wrong that's what I've been doing on this program for the last 23 years I don't spend much time on it because I mostly talk about us and what we need to do but for those of you who won't let people to be a part of your effort talk to them about atonement for sin then you get to the point where you can include them in 1st you got to point out the Rhone the 1st stage is the most difficult of our Because when we are wrong we are not aware of it someone has to point out the role when people you've got to except the fact that you did some horrible things to us to keep us in the condition they were in you literally set us back to 0 the 2nd stage of atonement is acknowledging the wrong so in this context the word acknowledge means to the truth of the fact that we have been wronged you have admitted that you said Ok let's go forward from here there's no deal with the past I think and then the do what's going on now with go forward let's go for wait a minute there's too much that has happened even even if you did it with just the families of the people that got wrong but what about those persons people who have gotten murdered their property was seized and nothing was ever done that never was compensated and say we understand we know about Black Wall Street which is in Tulsa Oklahoma but that when hundreds of wild streets black Well streets. That's when the only one read this report is what I want you to do read this report from e.j. Equal Justice Initiative and you'll find it there were hundreds probably thousands of back well streets where we were successfully moving for forward for independence and they thought it would violence literally killed everybody and chased them out of town and no one ever was arrested no one ever was we compensated for it we just say Ok let's go forward from here no 3rd step of Atonement this is what you need to talk to your white friends about Atonement confess to far you confess to fall to God and then to the person a person whom you've your far has ill affected and we got any kind of apology or anything for those years of racial terrorism no I don't think so I haven't heard in the 4th step in the atomic process is repentance means feeling contrition or self-reproach for what one has done to fail to do men these people are so far away from repentance and even funny because they they feel like if you got a job you should be happy that's the attitude toward the n.f.l. Players they make and money they ain't got no reason to be havin no problem that's the attitude you know no one telling the truth and the 5th step after you've gone through steps work to do in 4 is a tone it means we must be willing to do something in expiation of our scenes meaning now we've got to say listen here's what we did we sorry for what we did now here's what we can do to try to mediate to try to overcome that or try to payback something to you to make you hold at least a little bit after those 5 steps we then can do number 6 for you which is forgiveness forgiveness that yeah I'll get forgiveness is number one. They ain't done nothin for you they acknowledged anything they say it nothing about it they just said and you say we forgive you you break in the Atonement process forgiveness means to cease to feel offense and resentment against another for the harm done by an offender it means to wipe the slate clean I'm willing to do that if ya'll can do steps one through 5 mass how it is big enough to be able to forgive I'm not a group a whole in person but I'm not sure toopid I'm not going to put forgiveness in front of all the atonement the need to happen a knowledge of evil man and number 7 is reconciliation and restoration because then we can restore the relationship and reconcile with one another and move forward and then the 8th process which is which means that we have become in a perfect union at that particular time we are actually working together to achieve the overall good and what our people tend to do because you're afraid if you want to put let's work together here everything that's out let's just work together listen I'll have no problem working together but there are some things that have to happen before we get there it's called Atomic Age death of atomic So that's what you need to talk to to your wife friends who want to come in and talk about let's get all of this in let's just move forward. What about Atonement process or ma'am. Can you read this report please can you read the e.j. Report can you read it with just definitive report and then come back and talk to me Do you think we're supposed to overcome that you think we're supposed to actually decide now after you literally came Unitarian took our property set us back in 0 and then made us have to create a whole nother civil rights move because you know that's what happened there was a civil rights bill that was passed in $1800.00 and then we get to the 1960 s. When Molly the King come on the scene and we had to create a whole nother civil rights movement. One to give us treatment at citizens which we never had established. A moment that there are no Yaya like get off moments it is more 43008 and I still got some left for 230 The radiated phone I'm here to Studio you won't contend with anything that I've had to say if you want to say some about what I had to say you may give us a call right now and I will let you in 1433008 to get the phone number you ran to on theory you want to talk to Brother way you can do that as well guess what channel in Roman is up at h b c U's our young people understand we need to go get us some black education. Cuz they've been primed they've been they've had 23 years of respect. Good morning back to Holy working to respect life. And I'm like a brother legs a Lamb Yes So you know they say a lot yes sir yes sir listen but I'm like tell you something you have always had always had a good program but I tell you what they say number one is running fairly I would normalise this is a good topic you're talking about thank you have a town brother and reparation now now we need it we need to really get around that that needs to be emphasized churches everywhere go reparation not tomorrow but right now thank you have a rather thank you. That's a part of town process repairing the wrong brother repairing the damage but we never get there because the people we've decided that we don't require in and that because we've been we've got a job and so therefore we don't have a problem when the same time there they literally have shut the door on opportunities for our youth and have decided to criminalize them and lock them up and we are witnessing it. Good morning thanks for holding welcome to respect like why are a good morning whether or not your commentary was right for a 5 man all right if you were this man. Not a sock to you Bill I want. Obama and President Obama. Right. To carry a right. You all not to remember lawnmower we were young we were all me and my right man car all are something. But I'm of I. An American browse rather overlord. A black man rode. Well I had to break that down for you but yeah I get your point thanks brother for the car. Well that's accepting the fact that American the American government is ruling the earth and of course of a black man with a in the in the presidency which is just a spokes person a figurehead he's not really the person that shot calling he can establish policy like but the president is now doing he's establishing policy and if the policy is designed to harm a certain people out a move us away and that's what our lead is young this is we've just simply we've outgrown the wife the premises mindset of America we've outgrown it. And because we've outgrown it with challenging them all issues now we challenged them all in all areas of activity people actively got friends agrees with and say we've we've challenging them in our areas of people activity but but But what we are not doing is considering that if you challenge the people whose home you living in you don't even have to move. And we're living in these people's house which means that yes we did a lot we establish ourselves but we have got to do with all the other groups are doing in America yeah that's all I'm saying. To the reason with me we have to do with the other groups are doing in this culture and that's what you supposed to do you not supposed to be to be dependent on other people were you supposed to be is this just self they compete for the resources like everybody else and here's what I hope here's what's going to visually come out of what's happening in the n.b.a. In a fair here's what's here's what's coming as when you when you when you look at it through the prism of prophecy then you can see was heading down the road you can see was coming well what's coming is the n.f.l. Players are going to be for us to come to the mindset that listen what we need to do then is set up financial institutions that can serve our communities back home that we that we have from radio white with actually doing something like that that's why his death is suspicious he was said No Banks he started his own hometown. Using the black athlete and all of the wealth that they accumulate with the money to accumulate and Starr said in a financial institutions and status in them in these black poor communities where people can get loans to open companies and businesses so that's all we've got to do we need financial institutions that have our community's interest at heart so you present we don't have that these banks that we get in our communities man they don't give out economic loans they don't give out business loans all you can do is get something that depreciates you can go get your car and you can go get you. If you're lucky you can get your home but they're not giving money to established companies and businesses in our community so we need to establish there so these n.f.l. Is need to put a $1000000.00 a year or something together and put them to that these communities can have financial institutions that are there for the bring in of us to be able to go get money and establish companies in our community and employ people because we've got some brilliant people in our community but they're not going to take the risk they're not going to risk their own personal money that they've save in accumulated now making go get money from the bank and use those Brit brilliance and stamps bins in our community and employ people that can happen is you would think in wrongly because we're being educated wrongly at this particular time we're being taught all of the wrong things when it comes to education it is as simple as doing something for I would say if that's as simple as it is is a simple as that and those are the words that we have to remember and to incorporate into our eggs being do something for our self that's it that's the message do something for ourselves now the other part of it is ominous The other part of it is the warning or it says Suffer the consequences. Good morning thanks a whole and we're going to respect and like good morning to all the brothers only being. First if you mention. Mr Neely Fuller is the one that should get the critic for the compensatory kl concept and he talked about white supremacy being in charge of all people activity which thought it would education which we were to get it catered by the sales that's very true to say too that. This plan what I call the soul a plan where we challenge all the adults to find out about. Those impacts which the movers empower was one where we could pull out automatically not pay taxes and leave this situation in the. Situation but what I was to want to say is to let steady this move. Compensatory Co concept I can do that because all that he is making in the bill was missing and was missing as being in one accord and we can do this without being all Muslims all Islams and all this other stuff we can do this as a strategic situation for our people because when you take tax money and you take it back to trillions like and say we can get the we can get tempted to slice this economic power right good point that I talk about this economic path 5 and come in on the banner that we should be and Anyway Peace and Love to all that to come. Going back to what to expect. Thanks and some life. Bravo your mom and brother had a fun brief to say it and you omitted although it's a serious argument more money is given to black fur just dealing means mega churches and any other part of the black community yes very true and when we have these. Millions and tens of 1000 of the thousands of people in these charges and they believe there without a high hand what they should be doing to have a. It's just sad because you mention the can land in 19 fifties after 954 Board of Education and take of a very supportive case from school desegregation ruling the conspiracy to make sure that we were not it's Ok to properly started all of those black students who went to integrated schools that banned word perfect model citizens and now we have a situation where there is so much going on out schools that they want to break them up and say that all black he of the for the most part don't know how to and that's the reason they don't want us to get an education with them and that's why they're putting out a basket was an established and now an education system but I think it was because we found out so much from being around them just how they were and have a are and their treatment of mistreatment of their citizens and every time you go to church. And you see how these churches are growing I mean exponentially they go from a little church on the corner of 32nd an Arch Street if you will to the big St Mark's 1st of the Mt West frustrate and all of these other churches that have just grown and grown and grown they don't have a problem getting the money for these institutions but they have a problem in institutions of doing whatever is necessary to to. Uplift enough add to that out of that not a part of the mission that's right proud mission when it's and it's evident as the nose on your face that yes as a parent as as whatever data is that you go in if you just think about it that. You don't have a problem so case in. The exact services that might not. Some happen some happen to your phone I can't I can't say that what I would go as you might have called but that's where all the money goes in that community yes or no doubt we don't have to have that conversation too but I don't know what how well how good it's going to be thank you brother for the call. Because because the fear is fear consumes that population as well because it is the non-confrontational way in which you can sit back and serve God you can say I'm serving God but you don't really confront any of the things that is happening in your community you just you know you do the song and that's basically it and then you and then you just say well we're living in peace and that's what happens in the you know you break them from that right there good morning thank you all and welcome to is back to life very interesting program I would be very the caller before me so do people wake up but does God wake us up or the something consciously that we have to really dig in to continue to listen to shows like yours but we come to realize ation of consciousness Yeah I think all of that is correct I think that all of that is what's happening presently I think God is using those of us to articulate the mission what God wants for us and I think that there's a conscious level that happens as a result of it and as things happen to impact our consciousness and we see if I will say I was and it changes us it changes and you can see it now as a people in this community in this way in this society have changed and that's what making in Afghan people who make a hundreds and thousands of dollars take a stand like that take and we didn't we didn't you know we're changing and that's just happening and is God's doing Yeah thank you thank you I mean God is doing it I mean and you it's going to happen got cannot be defeated can't be defeated and you've got to come to that understand to see it and then measure your behavior based on what God's will happen to be for us right now because you can be aware of being against God's will by promoting something that is not time for it to be promoted. Like I said if you really want to have conversations with your white friends and partners talk them about it tell me and I asked in the Re does this lynching report and then have that conversation because there is no way that they could have the attitude that they have toward us if they acknowledge what has happened and what they purposefully did to not only just individually but as a government and then you remember when they would always call for states' rights that's what I was calling for they was calling for to be able to make rules based on what the state wanted to do with us and we concluded that we came to a decision to listen these people were dangerous and we can afford to deal with them but but by God's grace right now we've produced a generation that does not we outgrown that fear they on the scene right now and the only people that has a plan for them is the police departments in America and they are using the inability for them to earn money forced them into criminal behavior so that they then can arrest them lock them up take them off the streets and that's what our salvation of them requires that we produce jobs and go the economic route we've got to do that if we don't do that we are letting them down the children of Israel. Because you know those who you are. Stiff necked rebellious if the the people in the church you know they suffer from you know how to manage Hitty insolent arrogant and I. Think more of themselves than they should. All of those traits I'm not going to let you see the inspiration that is in the world right now because that's what it is you are there is this is this is inspiration that is in the world right now God is manifest in all I mean what he has of his the tip that I will give the people who who watch things listen if you read the book the destruction of the black civilization by chance or Williams you will find out how those dynasties there we had were end up coming to an end because we didn't last just 2 and 300 years we had dynasties and they lasted for thousands of years and how they came to an end was when nature turned against us started producing. Droughts where we didn't have the ability to feed and people had to break up and start migrating sea the sea when nature turns against you that is a sign that you are fit your nation have been weighed in the balance and you come up wanting. Nature is against what is happening in this culture right now just look at we had to make this up I can't do it now you have to pay attention open up your eyes it's the and then what we have to do is to come to the conclusion that all this sacrifice and suffering that we've done it wasn't for not it has a purpose behind it and what we've got to do again remember unity is the key to our salvation we've got to work toward it we've got to think it dream is talk about it and mature to the point where that's where we want to have. Listen. You've got to let me get this off my chest this morning hey listen call me and you can get tickets for the legendary gospel artist Fred Hammond who's going to be here Friday Nov 17th authentic sounds promoting it entertainment is presenting it for more information call 442-6739 Listen we'll be back next week God willing at the same time I'm a thank all of you if you want to reach brother Wayne after the program at 501-016-8349 say to all of you Pete thanks for listening and have a great rest of the day. Just. To get. My Africa 5 year old true has no choice she and millions like her must walk miles every day for water but together. We can end. By providing clean water so spot instead of spending hours walking to get water that makes the city close to be in a classroom that expands their minds and moms will came back time to care for their families sons and daughters can grow up strong finally free of sicknesses cost by dirty water and World Vision care about clean water runs. Deep enough to reach one new person with clean water every 10 seconds. Because every child every person everywhere. Deserves clean water. And a chance to rise to their full potential It's true when you just tap water you change and learn more worldvision dot. Profile America Sunday October 29th thousands of years ago cats were worshipped as gods cats have never forgotten this that anonymous quotation overlooks the condition of plenty of Americans who still venerate cats for such folks and also the former deities Today is National cat day for the less observant there's always the internet which cats seem to dominate there about $94000000.00 such honored animals in America slightly outnumbering dogs they're supposedly rivals tributes to domestic cats are made through some of the $430000000.00 per year spent on pet grooming services and America's approximately $9400.00 pet and pet supply stores the latter establishment employ over 110000 people in a nearly $15000000000.00 a year business profile America is in its 21st year as a public service of the u.s. Census Bureau. For. The. Health of. The folks there. Feel the. Same. Feelings. As. A. Kid. Sure. You make. You. Do that. The. Thing. That really resonated. Ok. I'll. Return. Back. All right. A little. Hard. On. Me. A. Little. Bit of the. Middle. Of the. Thank you ask.