The bait of some kind for for some reaction that's the only thing we can understand because we were meant threatened at least not in any way to suppose that. Women and children would be murdered and there's new backlash on social media and in Hollywood over the remake of a holiday classic i simply a b it's all about sorrow and fear is my memory it's cold outside that was blasted by supporters of the me too movement for seeming to promote date rape so John Legend and Kelly Clarkson of recorded an updated version of the classic pen back in 1944 with new lyrics that say if I have one more drink it's your body and your choice I've got to go away I can call you a ride but the new lyrics are drawing the ire of several people including Dean Martin's daughter and Sharon Osborne Hollywood p.r. Guru Howard Bragman also weighs in we have talked about cancer culture this is what I would call with a troll where to be you shouldn't culture Ok where we have to go back and look at things you have to look at them you have to have a little historical understanding Howard Bragman was a guest on the morning Dr I'm just a little Kate a.b.c. News. The man known as Hollywood Superman will no longer be posing for pictures on the streets Christopher Dennis was found dead Saturday in the San Fernando Valley the street performer for nearly 30 years was reportedly discovered lying head 1st in a been used for clothing donations t.m.c. Is reporting that Dennis was the victim of a brutal robbery recently but managed to get help from a Go Fund Me campaign and once again then fell upon hard times he was 52 Talk Radio 796 u.s. . Microphone as the Trojans new athletic director Clippers lost to Milwaukee they host Portland tonight u.c.l.a. Beats long beat Long Beach State in college hoops Chargers visit the Raiders on Thursday Night Football to sports on the new home of the u.s. . Trojans and 795 seen you start 3. A.b.c. Dependable traffic right now with 60 pick road through said Anita Hill Road work in the right lane delays now from Crossroads Parkway and eastbound 60 remote up through central yet roadwork here in the right lane that's busy from the 71 westbound 10 affair plex to crash the 2 left lane block the backup to Gary and south for a 5 round Valley View would begin that you right lane still here back up now Studebaker and North 57 at the 60 rush in the carpool lane busy from Pathfinder next report at 124 I'm Roger Kramer am 790 k v 6. Your am 790 whether highs in the seventy's low eighty's across the southland 78 in Diamond Bar 69 in Long Beach 80 in downtown l.a. Here 790 k.b. Seen h.t.m. Now 95.5 f.m. H.d. 2 and download that you need apps you can take a few with you wherever you go I was born or a.b.c. News a b c news is sponsored by Sleep Number. You're using them taking your calls 80220222 page standard. With the long term and you can get it right. There when it is easy am 70 k. V.c. Is your chance to win $1000.04 times a day it's free money on am $70.00 k. V.c. Be listening for details and get ready to win money it's free money on am 70 k. V.c. Weekdays morning said 805-1105 afternoons at 2 o 5 and 4 o 5 proving that it pays to listen to 790 see Joining me today Dr Drew is out I've got here Davis from Red State dot com sitting to my left in the good doctor's chair it's made and right now we're going to be welcoming a former Navy Seal and f.b.i. Special agent and media analyst and friend of our show Jonathan t. Gilliam were to be speaking about the murders in Mexico let's welcome John of the now Jonathan welcome to the show thank you for joining us. Hello Kitty Oh there you are nicer than how are you. And let me say Jonathan is also the author of sheep no more the art of awareness and attack survival So Jonathan you know obviously 9 Americans a lot of them children have been murdered in Mexico and this supposed caravan which now I'm hearing doesn't actually a caravan like bumper to bumper to bumper but they were spread out a little bit which is interesting but I there's so many questions that you know obviously you know you can't every time you hear a news story come out you know as us in the news reporting business when I was special when I was a news reporter you have to wait and get all the facts and you know anything that comes out in you know it's almost like the fog of war right like you can't trust everything that the media comes out with or what you hear even I'm questioning the government immediately is like oh they're just you know they're mistaken for another cartel and I'm like how do you mistaken blong women with babies in a care in a car but I don't know so you tell me what are your 1st thoughts on it when you heard what do you do any of your. Dear your spidey senses any of the hair standing up on the back of your neck what do you think. Well you know when I was a c.e.o. I worked in Central South America the entire time we work or in the Middle East at that point and we were trained in the special forces and police forces all over the place down there and how to combat these narco traffickers and listen these people are murderers 1st of all ruthless they don't care and they murder right and I don't see here there's a lot of issues about this that. Raise red flags and I'm glad that you said what you just said about the media because the media really doesn't wait until they get all the facts anymore they just start reporting stuff based on their opinions a lot of the times and their opinions are wrong and look I hate the fact that children were killed that Americans were killed but you know there's something fishy here because of the way that this was carried out. It wasn't just you know they didn't just mistake that these people were other cartel members because the fact is once they showed up in this these were very close you can tell by the way I saw some of the video of the vehicles they they were shot burned and then in the case where the woman actually stood up and put her hands up she was taken out so they were actually looking at your team's ball right even if they were mistaken in the beginning if that was a mistake you would stop shooting or you wouldn't burn the Koran completely or you would shoot a child running away in the back. You wouldn't then continuing go after the other a right row this was its 1st I can see from an investigative standpoint and knowing who these individuals are down there having worked out there they don't once they set out to kill a specific group of people they actually do threat assessments and mission plans just like anybody else they don't just randomly show up and say hey oh there's that cartel guy will take him out these are planned operations and so the way the the operation was carried out that day you know their cars were just packed up close like you would see in a presidential motorcade the cars were spread out all over the place so much so that some of the kids actually got away so they were it to me this seems like it was targeted who they wanted to hit and if that's the case it raises a lot of questions as to why and who actually did the attack the one thing I got to say about the whole thing is it's very odd that these people are living in Mexico and this day and age rolled around as though they're you know they've got all this we have a heated discussion about that we were the same for like a half a well how did they make their money I mean let's put it out there I think it's been widely reported that this sect about had broken off from the Mormon Church had gone down to Mexico because they were polygamist and you can practice polygamy in Mexico which whatever you know that's if you want to go to a foreign country that's that's their deal but. You know to to to have all these children and just feel like that you can safely move around even in your own little caravans how no man that just it's like how do you make your money how do you you know they obviously were very comfortable with going or because they were dual citizen so they were Mexican citizens and American citizens they were coming up and down across the United States border I think they were going if I'm correct they were going up to pick up one of the woman's husbands that was flying into Phoenix or Tucson airport so they were just. Cruise and on up to America to go grab them and then back home and then on top of that to know that 10 years ago one of their family members just Brother cartel and then another young teenager was kidnapped by the cartel to confer Randy you for ransom which they did not pay and the child was released but all that to say you know if what was the what were they doing there do you have any kind of insight as to what they might have been doing or not to say we don't mean to cast aspersions on the family to say that you have to investigate the question or. But look at what you all just pointed out Ok 1st of all the mom gets out of one vehicle put her hands up when there's when there's murder and chaos all around that tells me it was either a desperate attempt to get them to stop saying I'm a woman or saying hey check it out it's me you're actually she's. Right so why do you know last were we live here hello exactly oh my God and even think about England Ok so that's one thing you have people that are living down there who have actually had interactions with the cartel were somebody was kidnapped and they broke rebuffed him and said we're not paying and they let the kids go I mean that never happened because that's surprising right so that's another thing there's also a report in The New York Post that was out saying that they were connected to this sex cult there was an upstate New York I mean there's so many don't know if you also have an axiom one the one next to him one young guy said No I thank God I got busted I guess you could look at that I did made sure I double checked this where it came on because the New York Post reported that somebody connected with the next group had said that they were supplying nannies for that group that would then later be turned into sex slaves now again there's a whole island now but investigators that's their job they're going to go follow all those leads I would have where I can see the difference between way the media normally reports in the way I say that I look at these things and emotionally I look at these things as though put control facts but then I work through them to see if I can prove one thing or the other and connect the dots and that's right and one thing I can definitely say is that the majority of Americans and I did run into Americans when I was all over situ South America including Mexico they were there for a couple reasons lifestyle business or they were up to no good. Those are basically the reasons why they lived in other countries down south america Jonathan let me ask you this you you mentioned earlier I'm just kind of back to our conversation for just a 2nd you mentioned earlier you said. I have questions about who did this a lot of this you know we should ask who did this because of the nature of it are you saying that there are different possibilities as do you when you say we need to know who did this do you know are you talking about Daryn it's hard to tell are going to be on cartels or how do we know it's cartel I mean look you go well the government was the 1st one to say oh they got caught in between 2 different threads about how do you. Listen that's just as ridiculous a lot on the way up to the president right that but that's just as ridiculous as me saying in any given city where there's a murder happening say that that must have been an African-American with a hoodie on No that's right statement it's not true and for somebody just to say these people got shot down there it must have been cartel the way it worked out well there's plenty of people who do assassinations like that you can't you can't make assumptions in this world based on things that you don't know about or that you assume because that's what you've seen in a movie or that's what you heard because your personal ideological feeling you have to look at the facts and that's what that's what has to be done in this case they you know before we jump in there and say we need to go to war in Mexico we need to look at the facts and ask the question why are these people living down there what is actually going on who are they and or is it worth committing a military troops in our Merican lives that will actually serve the country down there doing this type of stuff and much so also women and children and then they were also seen by whoever was doing the shooting whoever that entity was to me if I you know and look I'm I'm not an investigator but you know just why. Watching news and you know kind of putting things together my own mind that seems to be making a real big fat point to somebody I'm going to murder your women and your children and I'm making a point about it 9 of them 9 of them and another one's got away so I mean are they make you know are they going after the men and saying hey y'all need to cooperate you didn't pay me my money you didn't do You didn't do what I want to whoever but you know I I doubt the women and children these little babies that were months old and little children that were under 10 and you know I mean they don't have anything against a cartel they are too young but I mean it seems like there was a saint seeing made Yes it was a message but they were actually going to pick up I think is what you're saying but yeah husband yeah yeah they didn't wait until he was picked up that's odd to me See these are things that some of the best employment I look at these people but if the husband is dead he can't give you money right. But they're only ornery these people maybe power players and things that we know nothing about that the thing that you have to do before you rush to judgment and star in people start reporting things is you have to weigh out all of the knowns and all the questions minion you have to start connecting the dots and letting the sack tell you the story and this case we have some knowns a lot of questions and a lot of unknowns and. That so that what does it do in the media and what does it do in the emotional status of American people these days well they just everybody jumps to conclusions and then we start trying to throw solutions out there before even though what happened I was listening to Larry Larry O'Connor who's on to our show before us a few days ago after the story broke and I don't remember the name of the guests that he had on but he had somebody on that was an investigator I don't know if he was an f.b.i. Guy too. He had made a comment that he had heard and you know of course this is all hearsay but you know in. His circles said he had heard that that maybe that they where they lived on their compound they had complained about that there was a lot of cartel activity it was getting very dangerous and this family had maybe made some complaints or that maybe they had gotten some security from the local I don't know if it was local government or maybe the state government or something so you know you could always put that into the equation too that maybe they were just taken out because they started complaining a little too loudly and just getting in the way I don't know but again women and children I'm like why the women and children Yeah this was a brutal brutal attack I mean you don't see this type of stuff and was ideology is played in that or unless we are getting in the way and money the reason you around the world there's 2 types of people who do this stuff ideologically driven people and. Murderers cartel or people who are trying to send a message right right and the other cartel if a cartels doing that to you right at let's say there's a cartel and they murder these women and they murdered 9 of them they're only doing that because you got in the way of their making money correct Oh yeah yeah probably possibly or they or that. They should be part of a rival cartels but that would be in the way of making money you know right I mean in the end like all your yeah you're getting in the way of them doing business Jonathan in your opinion and we recognizing that this is just an opinion it's all allegations or you are former Navy Seal and him or f.b.i. Special agent so you have a lot more insight into these things than we do yes in your unformed opinion do you from what you've seen so far do you think there's any way that this is just simply a case of mistaken identity you know I just don't I don't think based on my training experience and having seen cartel hits I've been down in Central South America when these types of thing to happen I have plenty of friends who have talked about cases who work on the border in or around these incredibly dangerous areas in and around Mexico I don't think that this was just a random thing I don't think it was an accidental ticket of somebody that they didn't mean a hit to me this sounds like they hit who they wanted to hit and that's the that's the one thing I will say I do believe that they whoever was targeting whoever's doing the shooting hit who they meant and I believe I mean I'm not looking it up right the 2nd but before the show I was looking at a story and I don't they don't even know yet who's taking responsibility is that correct is that what you know Jonathan yet I don't think they've been able to they they know who the who the players are down there but nobody has actually come out and said it was us and the government down there doesn't even know yet who actually . Had their fingerprints on it we probably will never know because the reality is down there there's only really one or 2 small groups of authorities that anybody can trust you don't know who you trust this isn't the Mexico that people used to go to 20 years ago or 30 years ago where you go to a small town and get real taste of you know cultural food in the culture people don't want you down there and people will turn you over because they're afraid that these cartel members go in and randomly murder police and families and tourists justice in the message but that's different than that this was targeted they they went after them with a vengeance and then went after them some more right when they take the group pleasant we should other and we should mention that this occurred in a territory that's under the control of the scene seen a lower amount on that. Chappell's area. By the way that somebody has a prison it is it is very gentle where none of them are actually we got to take a little news break we've got some calls coming in can you stick with us to the to the next segment Ok that's a former Navy Seal an f.b.i. Special Agent media analyst on a thing t. Going on giving us his insight and what he knows about you know Central and South America and he's going to be with us right after this break that security was filling in for Dr Drew on Leeann Tweeden this is Am $700.00 b.c. . A.b.c. Defendable traffic right now sponsored by sleep number out of the 5 Burbank but what are you get a big rig stuck in the 3rd line from the left busy here from San Fernando and westbound 60 pick road through said I need a road work in the right lane and delays to cross roads Parkway eastbound 60 Ramona through Central road work in the right lane busy from the 71 westbound to bear plex been working on a crash here all that's where 2 lanes are blocked the 2 left in at backing up out of town south or if I believe you. I'll have a big Oregon lanes that's jam from Studebaker and North 57 of the 60 that x. Uncleared recovering from Pathfinder next report at 134 I'm Roger Kramer am 790 k v 6 discover president data rates may have cozy up to your fall favorites at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf trade their News Limited Edition the sweet and savory maple latte and neighborhood Boston lattes or spice things up with their classic seasonal favorites like the pumpkin ice blended drink pumpkin cold brew latte and pumpkin spice to try to take perfect for the autumn days and let sheers see the early return of their signature holiday favorite the winter dream tea latte which is available now through the end of the holiday season find your nearest store and coffee be done come. On. This Veterans Day Why not honor a vet you know bring them to the place where it's good job. 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J j j j s right. $7000000.00 to be. Welcome back to Dr Drew may day live with myself and tweeting care Davis is filling in for Dr Drew Today's out giving a speech in Las Vegas we are joined by Jonathan t. Gilliam former Navy Seal and f.b.i. Special agent and media analyst talking about these gruesome murders in south of our border in Mexico of the offshoot of the Mormon Church and let's let's take some calls you get but that Jonathan. Jonathan you there. Alone and here they are you are you are right so let's take a phone call let's go to Joseph and Los Angeles Joseph you're on with Jonathan and Karen Leeann welcome yeah a walk I'm already I'm good thank goodness I'm great so listen I was in the area I was going to Chihuahua I don't know if you know this but the Mennonite community is huge there and also you can sing or. When they are Mormons. I'm sorry if you have your radio up you might want to just turn it down Mennonites or Mormons. Or Mormon moment minute I'll come right there they've been in that area for quite some time. My theory or you know no that's for sure but I mean it's definitely you know God's work hard to make it seem. Like it's like you know it's a cartel issue and that's why. Now you get ready to take off on a flight Ok only last month we just talked about the thing is what do you say about the job then guns for hire I mean that's all kind of probably part of cartels too right yeah yeah I mean well I mean her children hers nowadays are there their people are very well trained I mean they go to war all the time with Mexico's military so it's not want what you saw when they tried to get El Chapo son right they had to release because they were more powerful than them the military and the government so yeah very modest couldn't even keep them yeah yeah and like I said before you know people move down to Mexico in these places of South America for a couple reasons lifestyle because they're business or because they're up to something all right let's go to the nation of all let's go to Shannon in Pasadena Shannon you're on midday live with Cura Davis and Leon tween and with our guest Jonathan t. Gilliam How are you Shannon I'm good so when I 1st heard the news about this my immediately thought to myself That's the Lebaron clan and i only because they just happen to be reading a book called Under the Banner of Heaven and they kind of it's like a murder story it's a true story but it goes into the end of history of the moment church how it's founded and why you know different sex lives to Mexico why not and bury clan has been around for really really lawyer like decades in Mexico I believe right yeah and they they haven't always been up to good so that was just kind of a about what what what what what was up to no good you know they well they're you know basically they think that it's Ok to lie and steal because they're doing it for God because they're the chosen people so it's Ok for them to do that it's interesting that like certain terminology and stuff like that yes I was I was not you writing something about that here it's it's a whole strategy in it also involves welfare bringing down the u.s. Government by sucking it dry. I by putting as many people on welfare as possible it's like a hole in this part of the I hold that it's codified in their in their in their sect and I like like Jonathan said there's only couple reasons to move we live in the greatest country on Earth yeah so if you see why I would never I would never take them and I have done just right now live in Mexico in the middle of something hard going on here not to say that these children deserve this or not we're not saying this but but something is fishy here right Jonathan Yeah and thank you for your phone calls and I think that. Anybody in their right mind it is. Actually surprised when when I talk to people especially after I wrote my book which tells people how to do threat assessments on the on their lives or when they're going to go on these trips of I'm really surprised at how many people will pick up and go to Mexico because they think it's just the way it used to be and it's hard right it's very there's more beheadings and murders in Mexico than there is in the Middle East 33000 last year that we just heard we just saw the number of Mexican authorities open through 33341 murder investigations and 20 I try the highest number after God So yeah maybe maybe just go to Florida or maybe for a vacation I don't know interesting how all these colds and all these ideologies whenever they take on a religious twist all they always say that it's Ok for them to lie because they only have that but it's in the name of God or their god or whatever or a or the Messiah or whatever you have very interesting art we're going to have to leave it there Jonathan as always thank you so much for your insight and I'm sure we'll be talking to you again soon appreciate it you gotta be here if you don't want to thank you that was former Navy SEALs f.b.i. Special agent author of sheep no more the art of awareness and attack survival you can follow him at j. Gilliam under underscore seal and Jonathan t. Gilliam dot com That's your Davidson Leeann Tweeden after the news we're going to be. Speaking to Myron Ebell about withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement the same $700.00 k.b. Say. Hey a.b.c. News live in local It's 131 was born in a deadly plane crash is under investigation in Upland a small plane slammed into a house just before 11 am sparking a fire that gutted the ranch house Jimmy Schiller from San Bernardino County Fire tells k.t.l.a. 5 it could have been much worse I can tell you that all the occupants of the home or accounted for and safe however the pilot died the home was mostly destroyed by the crash in the fire the houses near the small cable airport in Upland But neighbors say they've never seen anything like this Kevin trip a.b.c. News a mother and her 2 children are being buried together just as they died together in Mexico's massacre this week soldiers stood guard as 3 coffins were carried past 500 mourners today this is the 1st funeral since 9 Americans were gunned down by drug cartels in northern Mexico today marks the one year anniversary of the mass shooting in 1000 Oaks in the overnight hours of November 7th 2018 a man armed with a $45.00 caliber pistol with a laser sight shot a security guard outside the borderline Bar and Grill in 1000 Oaks He then walked into the bar and started throwing smoke bombs and unloading several high capacity magazines as a cop showed up the gunman took his own life shooting left 13 people dead a healing garden will be opened today near where the massacre took place Jason Campbell Dony a k b c news embattled e cigarette maker Jewel is pulling its top selling flavor ahead of possible ban from Feds new flavored products will no longer be sold amid a nationwide backlash against vaporing jewel only now sell menthol and tobacco flavors and officials at Los Angeles World Airport say the expansion yesterday of the l.a. Exit pick it up lot after disastrous debut has resulted in minimal wait times for travelers looking to get out of the busy central terminal area they say. Traffic on surrounding streets is flowing smoothly and the wait is now usually been less than 10 minutes the airport has also put an end to it park and flies service Talk Radio $700.00 k. B.c. Sports u.s.c. Has just introduced a mike bone as the Trojans new athletic director Clippers loss to Milwaukee they host Portland tonight and the Chargers visit the Raiders on Thursday night football that's sports on the new home of the u.s.c. Trojans and 790 year traffic market check weather and more Dr Drew midday live with Leeann Tweeden And today you are Davis next k b c news time 133 are you nearing age 65 and concerned about how you'll manage your health care benefits in retirement signing up for Medicare and knowing which plans to choose can be very complicated at retirement planners of America we're here to help we're hosting a free medicare seminar near you where you can learn how to navigate the complex world of Medicare our seminars are completely free and educational in nature join us on Tuesday November 12th at the Courtyard l.a. Pasadena old town and Wednesday Nov 13th at the home with suites by Hilton Irvine John Wayne Airport for more dates and to register go to r.p. Dot com. If you see dependable traffic right now south by just before Burbank a disabled big rig clearing from lanes busy now coming away from San Fernando and westbound 60 between road and said to a need outs ongoing road work here and that's where the right lanes blocked busy from Cross Roads Parkway also looking at this drive on the westbound side of the at a fair plex for crashing the 2 left lanes that now back up toward town in south l.a. View big rigs still in that you right lanes at that you jam through the 6 o 5 next report at 144 I'm Roger Kramer am 798 you say. Here I am 700 market check the Dow closed up 182 points today the s. And p. Closed up 8 points and the Nasdaq closed up 23 point. 79 whether high from the mid seventy's today throughout the Southland 78 walnut 74 in Santa Ana 79 in downtown. Well a year 798 you see in h.d. Now 95.5 f.m. H.d. 2 going in on 790 8 am plus get the live stream of the podcast at a.b.c. Dot com and was born or a.b.c. News sponsored by Sleep Number. To. Write a 70 j d c. Welcome back to Dr Drew midday live with myself Lance Wayne Carey Davis filling in for the good doctor today as he's doing a speech in Las Vegas you can follow Gary Davis at real Cura Davis k I r a d a vi as she's editor at large at Red State dot com And coming up right now something that if you've been looking at the news you've probably been hearing about it really going to be speaking and welcoming the director of c.e. Eyes Center for Energy and Environment we're going to be talking about withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement let's welcome on to the show Myron Ebell Myron thank you so much for joining us today thanks for having me all right so give us the latest you know that it's been called the disastrous you and Paris climate treaty you know a lot of people's hair was on fire when President Trump said I'm going to pull out of this Paris climate agreement what is the latest what's happening why is it back in the news and what are your thoughts on it. The terrorist climate treaty was to go she added you know December 2015 and President Obama signed it and then it went into effect you know. On November 4th 2016. Mr Trump when he was running for president promise that he would take the United States out of the Paris climate treaty he announced on June 1st 2017 that he was going to do that but under the terms of the treaty a country can't withdraw immediately you have to wait 3 years after the treaty has gone into effect you can then send a letter to the United Nations which is what they did on Monday of this week 3 years as of Monday so the very 1st day that the trumpet ministration could announce that we are officially withdrawing was Monday and on Monday Secretary of State might come Peo sent that letter to the United Nations and in one year from her Monday that is the 4th of November 2020 we will the United States will officially be out of Paris climate treaty Ok so when we talk about you know climate and you know a lot of things I think sometimes people vides glaze over because they're not we know you know people talk about global warming or climate thing you know all of the stuff and people are screaming from both sides and it's like Who do you believe because you have credible people on both sides saying different things and so when people talk about the Paris climate a deal can you tell me tell Kara tell our listeners why did Trump say I'm going to pull out Why did he say it was bad for the American people. Well he said 1st of all it's it's a very bad deal for the United States because every country in the world made a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their own country and each each countries if you summed up all of the the every country's. Commitment that would be the treaty the problem was China and India part of this treaty. Yes every country in the world is sickly but but China said that well our emissions will keep increasing until 2030. And so they they didn't promise make a promise to cut their emissions then so why did they get a pass and like when everybody just said Oh Ok go ahead yeah well because China is very cooperative and they claim that they want to be a leader in climate so everybody gives them a pass in the India said look we have hundreds of millions of people who don't have electricity we're trying to work they're trying to bring people out of poverty right there trying to electrify the country and that's going to create a huge increase in carbon dioxide emissions which is the principal greenhouse gas carbon dioxide which is what you get when you burn something right a tree or a ton of coal or a gallon of gasoline you're going to get carbon dioxide so India said well we were going to electrify the country and all of these green sources of energy that don't emit carbon dioxide they cost a lot more so we will we will be happy to do that if you pay us to do it otherwise we're going to build coal fired power plants and so so the president in the 1st place said look. This is this this hurts the United States' economy and it's not fair because China which now has larger emissions then the United States and the European Union combined China has said our emissions are going to keep going up the 2nd thing is that there's there's something very different about an agreement an international agreement in the United States and in other countries so basically every country in the world that promised to reduce its emissions except the United States is failing to do so so the European Union made a big commitment but virtually every country in the recruiting is not meeting neck . Are they even close. A couple countries are quite Ok And they're probably very small countries I'm assuming right well we can go through the list but the fact is that the European Union is failing to keep its commitment right most other countries that promised reduce emissions are failing to keep keep their commitments now in the United States when we sign an agreement. To do something somebody can go into federal court and say hey the federal government isn't doing what it is great to do and the court can say hey you got to do it so are it's different in this country then say in in England or the United Kingdom where they promise to do something if they don't do it they can say well you know we tried this intention. I mean that's what it sounds like it sounds like an agreement not like a binding thing were going to come out to you and get money or take it a quarter you know it sounds like to me it sounds like just merely a transfer of wealth that's all that's all it sounds like is is the United States was going to have to pay out the but for other countries that weren't going to reduce their emissions and new things like integration you know already we were the only country that was reducing our emissions we didn't need the pair's climate court we certainly don't need to be sending money to countries that have no intention of making the world a cleaner place. Well and that brings us to the 2nd part of all actually can you hold that can you hold that thought we have to take a break and then we'll go to the 2nd part that is Myron Ebell director of c.e.i. Center for Energy and Environment we're talking about pulling out of the Paris climate agreement we'll be back right after this break that scare Davis on land in the stock to dream of a life on Am 700 k.b. Say. 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Salable fuckin back to Dr Jim and they live with Lance when Kerry Davis is sitting beside me filling in for Dr Drew and we are still joined by our guest Myron Ebell director of CIA Center for Energy and Environment we've been speaking on President Trump pulling out of the Paris climate agreement and you know him saying that this is looking out for the best interest of the Americans and before the break Myron you were saying that there was a 2nd part of this and you can go ahead and expand on that well the 2nd part is that in 2009 at the Copenhagen the annual u.n. Climate conference and that one was in Copenhagen it was that was our last chance to save the world and it collapsed but before it collapsed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama came up with this great idea to get the developing countries on board and that was called the green climate fund and the green was by 2020 and that was a remember President Obama's 2nd term ended in $2617.00 so it was after he would be out of office course that that all the developed countries the wealthy countries would put in at least $100000000000.00 a year to help the developing countries the poor countries. Deal with climate change in reduce their emissions so the green climate fund is is up and running and they're you know they're going to fall well short of the $100000000000.00 Now of course they're blaming it on the United States with the United States were participating we would but in fact they're I think they're going to be lucky to get $10000000000.00 a year instead of $100000000000.00 a year so all these these poor countries in Africa Asia and South America that have been expecting and wanting this money are saying hey you know where is it and so that's going to cause some I think some fun in the international negotiation that we have every year but the United States. We'll be out of it because we're not contributing we're getting out of Paris and we're not contributing to the requirements like but I would say you know you said something that's absolutely right spot on which is this is about redistributing wealth and that's of course what's happening in California with your sequin. Your own you know that your garden you're not you're not reducing emissions but you are right moving a lot of wealth from consumers paying higher electric rate the highest leave Christ Yes Yes Hi Yes and we're putting it into we're forcing companies like p.g. Need to do all these renewables of like when to when and solar and things like that while we're still burning down of the ground and 9 times we've written what we've reduced the ratio to how much carbon emissions were burned into the air from California burning last year was like 9 times greater than anything we've kind of erased. So like let's be honest let's have an honest conversation problem with all of this is so full disclosure I was raised by hippie environmentalist my mother to this day she's Canadian and the world is going to. For all going to die right Kim has got a new party it's the Green Party my mom's like old like all hippie boomers she's all into I this is how I was raised this is what I was raised on climate change well we called it global warming Yeah and she is I mean I help my mom listen I love you mom. But I'm right she and many people I know are railing on Facebook about this how dare Donald Trump pull out but at the end of the day as you point out my run at the same thing that's happening California is happening with this this is just a piece of paper yes isn't anything in nobody else's you sign down to a for incessantly the world is Sunny we have just been hoodwinked Now just why all of our climate is the same right whether we do our job whether Great China or India are burning their billions of dollars and look I'm not blaming I understand we're all in it together if we can burn it better and do you get to trans you know turn over to better burning for whatever let's try to do that and we're into that but you can't just say all of a sudden you've got to stop burning fuel Look people places in India with a 1000000000 people and poor countries that we're talking about are trying to raise their people out of poverty how do you do that you have to burn fuel and that's going to put some carbon emissions into the air because either that or people are going to still be eating off dirt floors Ok And they're trying to pull their people out of poverty or how to pull them in to a better way of living that's just life and we can try to do other things and what Dr Drew always says why are we not putting in our energy and our investment our time trying to figure out ways to burn carbon fuels out of you know particles out of the year and don't things like that that it will you can rattle on out with ideology and it's only for transfer of wealth I act. Salie have one more question for my mind are we allowed to keep you one more time Myron sorry we have to take another break it's talk radio Ok Ok Great thank you that's Myron Ebell director of c.e.i. Center for Energy and Environment That's Kara Davis on land tweeting this is made they live on am 70 k.b. Say there's a chance your local Geico agent owns the same designer dog breed as you where you can go no go walk to Apple dog after a while 100 percent lovable Oh yes so many wrinkles such a tiny face but there's a better chance your local Geico agent could help you out with auto homeowners renters or condo insurance motorcycle boat or r.v. Insurance to work hard to provide sound advice and significant savings you don't need a chic break will face pop to do that local Geico hs call or visit your sedate. 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But we will begin negotiations to reach enter either the Paris accord or really entirely new transaction on terms are fair to the United States as businesses work workers it's people's taxpayers who are getting out but we will start to negotiate and if we will see if we can make a deal that's fair and if we can that's great if we can't that's fine seems like someone says a lot because sound doesn't make it better to go thinking he would be making to get back in well when he made that statement the other countries the other major countries like President France immediately said sorry we're this is it this is there's only one deal it's called the Paris climate treaty and you are in or out so I think he was just throwing it all it branched trees and you know but you know I've got 2 graphs on one screen in front of me here that there's good news and bad news the bad news is that regardless of all of the hundreds of billions of dollars that have been spent around the world to reduce emissions and move from coal oil and natural gas to windmills and solar panels emissions keep going up they you there's hardly any of that there there isn't even a little hitch like they've gone down a little They just keep going up the good the good news is that all of the predictions about how much warming it was going to be that the computer models say we're talking warming that the data is very moderate warming. You know difficult for me to predict your global warming is a problem we've got a century or 2 to figure it out then or 20 years all right we're going to have to leave it at that I think you so much Myron Ebell resetting some light at that scary Davis on Leeann Tweeden this is Dr Drew midday live on Am 700 k.b. Say listen to the weekdays if they don't find enough to finance for over your shot it was in $1.04 times a day and your next shot of the brain is coming up in minutes so if you want some free her. D.c. Los Angeles spoilage County Jail o s h d 2 Los Angeles. Jail. Write. A b c news live in local It's 2 o'clock I'm Liz Warner officials say one person is dead after a plane crashed into a home in San Bernardino County this small plane crashed into a house in Upland sparking a fire just before 11 am today much of the house was destroyed but officials say the people in the home escaped injury however San Bernardino County Fire officials say it was the pilot who died that crash happened close to the small cable airport in Upland and u.s.c. Has announced that Mike bone is their brand new athletic director the college sports veteran is heading to s.c. After leaving the athletic director's position at the University of Cincinnati Bohn takes over from u.s.c. Legenda Lynn Swann who left the job a few months ago it comes as u.s. Seattle Logic's program faces numerous obstacles bone previously worked at the University of Colorado San Diego State and the University of Idaho Kevin trip k b c news 2 former Twitter employees are being charged with spying for Saudi Arabia the 2 tech to workers were allegedly paid to provide Saudi officials with account information of the country's critics the complaint filed in u.s. District Court in sever Cisco alleges a model of a wobble a u.s. Citizen and Bara a Saudi citizen with accepting expensive items and tens of thousands of dollars deposited into secret bank accounts for private information of accounts critical of the Saudi government and this is the 1st time Saudi Arabia has been accused of spying in the u.s. And it comes a little more than a year after the execution of Washington.

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