B c news time 8 o 2 is now in your new home of the u.s.c. Trojans here sports with Randy way the Angels took 11 innings to lose to the Rangers 87 game 2 in Texas and 11 a tiny body has started for the Halo's Dodgers play in the Blue Jays and 7 Clayton Kershaw started for the blue the galaxy is playing Kill Zone soon at 7 for the league's Cup semifinals. A how many bizarre cups to the soccer teams do the ele have seaplanes San Jose tomorrow at 730 n.f.l. Preseason where the points don't count like Whose Line Is It Anyway he got Rams Broncos Saturday and 6 charges Seahawks Saturday and 7 and the Chargers are now without a safety because pre-season sucks. Simple. As that. And the other day another body count more players than all the injured for the regular season because we spend on month with preseason in practice during James the safety for the San Diego Chargers of Los Angeles well the bus is full and he joint practice with the Saints what happened was apparently back when he was in college at Florida State he got a screw inserted into his foot and he hurt his foot so bad in practice on Thursday the screw bet he's going to have surgery he'll be out for months the Chargers are screwed Ok a.b.c. News time is 8 o 4 now it's k. A.b.c. Dependable traffic when you need it the most Here's Bill Thomas Jeff I was about on the San Diego Freeway now the $45.00 southbound after of the century freeway Rosecrans off they have one of the inside legs taken away with that crash out on the 4 or 5 that's the Soto street off ramp westbound on the 10 coming into Boyle Heights disable car left wing shut down there so your head that way pushed off to the right there's already a back up out of West Covina westbound on the 10 now for the $144.00 westbound coming up on Interstate 5 San Fernando Road off ramp and he going to wreck there in the far right lane and the $45.00 southbound heavier than average out of Los Alamitos down toward Irvine and along the way in that back up a wreck to clear to the shoulder for. South right by the 22 in Seal Beach next report at 820 Idol Thomas 7 id k b c. K A.B.C.'s So Cal weather low morning clouds and fog that sunny and a few degrees warmer today with highs in the mid seventy's near the coast mid eighty's downtown mid eighty's to mid ninety's in the valleys but temperatures expected to reach triple digits in some spots tomorrow and Thursday and right now it's 63 in Sherman Oaks 6364 in Diamond Bar here 790 k. A.b.c. And h.d. Now at 95.5 f.m. H.d. 2 and download the 2 Net apps you can take a.b.c. With you wherever you go I'm just a little k b c news are you. Ready to get. To morning drive. We show you the delicious chili in Bunbury crazy way sports shift the way the news and Bill Thomas try to get a. Good morning at 8 o 5 it's John Phillips and Steve Edwards even for jelly and good morning Steve good morning Johnny boy and good morning Randy Wang Happy Tuesday here we go coming up later on of the hour Dr Drew makes a house call and speaking of doctors Jillian his knob here today because she was trying some new medication and it just whacked the hell out of her so much taking couple days off should be back tomorrow that's right it's a chemo maintenance drug from what I understand right she was on a 7 year mate in spill they had to try something different and she tried something different and it did pretty much destroyed her for a couple days so she I think she's off that pill and going back on the other one so we'll see and by the way you can follow her on Twitter everything I'm telling you is in very specific detail she has documented her whole journey hopefully she's back to. But you'll be warming up in a ball pen just in case I've got to leave the door open in the back Ok push in a minute. But 1st there's a lot of news in the world of politics and who better to talk to about of than the national political contributor for McClatchy newspapers you can follow on Twitter at 8 Elche age Malcolm Andrew Malcolm Good morning hello Andrew. Guys how you Dylan good guy and I ask Andrew something to turn off topic you know Ok Go right ahead I was telling John I really enjoyed Andrew when you wrote for the l.a. Times because when you were writing for the l.a. Times you were a different kind of voice you were the liberal voice you were necessarily a terribly conservative voice you were kind of a moderate right voice in a paper that didn't have a lot of those and I thought what you were doing was very important so that you hear different voices and different points of view what happened there. Well. Investors Business Daily made me an offer I couldn't. And then they killed their print edition. And now I'm writing for McClatchy it's the same the same voice the same attitude and the same what is it now 53 years experience if fascinating this every. Presidential election is fascinating I find but this one particularly so and gee they're getting along you know. 1960 John Kennedy announced his campaign on January 3rd 10 once before the election. Now now we're. Almost 2 years and still got 64 weeks to go. Hard to believe isn't it and we're also looking at the polls this early out and there's a brand new c.n.n. Poll that has Joe Biden way ahead at 29 percent Bernie Sanders is 2nd at 15 percent Elizabeth Warren 3rd at 14 percent but get this Camila Harris has fallen all the way down to 5 percent she's down what was that steep 12 points from the last one I think she was running at 70 percent after that debate. Yeah it's surprising I thought she would be doing much much better 1st we need to remember as John just said we are way way out 64 weeks and as history suggests and Joe Biden should know this by jowl history suggests that people ahead now. Don't get the nomination you remember 'd President Gingrich president Gephardt and President Dean. They don't they don't do that well the ones that are ahead now. But you know when you look at it who is it was is a Biden. Biting Bernie and Warren. Is we're right where we were in January. And Biden wasn't even a nominee a candidate back then says I look at these numbers if you put together the kind of left left vote which would be Bernie and Elizabeth they matched by his number if you had the 2 of them together if one of them dropped out. Theoretically they were taught by yes the Democratic National Committee as is would be delighted if some of them dropped out I think there's 8 or 9 that are qualified for the mid September debates. I think we'll see some others drop out some of those people couldn't get out of the ones and twos and better or Rourke 'd isn't doing a great John Hickenlooper who is an interesting guy. He dropped out last week. And the d.n.c. Is pushing for some others maybe Steve Bullock. And and no Roarke if they can get a me says overwork says no but they want them to drop out and run for the Senate. You know that song we have 23 seat difference there for party control in the Senate and if a Democrat won the presidential election and that would give Democrats. Both Houses Plus the White House so there's a lot of pressure Hickenlooper says he's thinking about running in the in the for Colorado Senate seat and he could make that a real race he's an interesting guy you know he started the craft brew house yes and then downtown Denver then he's a mayor for a couple of terms then he's the governor for a couple of terms and he's much too moderate and reasonable for the current Democrat field but remember this is the primaries right so you're talking to all the people way on the far end of the spectrum. And and and he he wasn't you know it's a number I enjoy very much better Roark who gets a lot of coverage all the time and keep setting its campaign and he pulls one percent. And that said turns out that's a problem with with caramel issues she's been resetting her campaign desperately trying to trying to do something. I mean to show up in these in these polls she's changed a lot of positions and that doesn't sit too well and what the people over on the left you know as she's she takes one position then the next day she and the morning show she says well you know I that was exactly what I meant to say and. They're looking for authenticity and in primaries. And and funny to me that the Elizabeth Warren is Rise I don't know if you guys. Saw her video when she announced . You can the beer with her husband that just happens to walk into the room. She really are to and she says severed of a follower and then she should hang on a minute I'm going to get me a beer. Just the regular plain when I want to live with more on the Senate smoke the peace pipe when I was there you. Know laugh at heart and not laugh at hard John's jokes. When I see her he looks like an anxious 2nd grade teacher and the supplies haven't come in yet. She said to me she's everybody's angry Ev. And. You know she's. She's she's just like a lot of them she's changed the way she she campaigns and she's getting better and I and the poll numbers seem to reflect that again the caviar is way far out polls 'd are just a snapshot but learning is the same Bernie and I guess you could argue that's authentic. But he seems to be yelling all the time and that gets old. But it would Bill Maher to think you can see the egg salad sandwich. When you see when you see Bernie's like he just walked out of the deli. Yeah I knew we were where he was than a lunch will serve. Well Andrew I talked about this yesterday it seems like the Democrats learn every wrong lesson from everything that's ever happened to them. 2016 Bernie Sanders did well unexpectedly well against Hillary Clinton and he thought and other people thought well democratic socialism is on the rise and that's why Bernie's popular No As it turns out everyone just hated Hillary. Going to 2018 Beto O'Rourke did unexpectedly well in his race for the Senate in Texas and people thought well maybe he's the new Jack Kennedy maybe this guy's the the next winner for the Democrats on the national scale now as it turns out everyone just hates dead groups. It's also who who are running against and the candidates and I'm talking Republicans now if they can make the election about their opponent then they usually went member Lyndon Johnson $1064.00. He was taking us into a huge war 550000 troops over a he made the election about very Goldwater because he was very cold water very There was one commercial that ran once child with a flower and the nuclear bomb going off in or not well you let you make the elect right exactly Steve you make the election about the other person which is what Trump will do I'm sure he's trying instead of letting them fight their own fight and and wound each other now you have the he's jumping in I think but when the when the general election comes and remember. Democrats have their convention 1st in July in Milwaukee Good luck with the humidity and and. Republicans do it. In a much more moderate place Charlotte North Carolina in August but that gives Trump 5 Live weeks to plan the offensive to adjust the convention he says he won't change on the. Mike Pence on the ticket. I think he would probably think about it especially since I'm pretty sure the Democrats have to have a woman on the ticket somewhere here with Nikki Haley would be the one but if you hire you if you're vising that you know he was you tell him to take that or not. Yeah probably she's she's unusual you think about the trunk cabinet people she's worked out a way to stay Nikki Haley and still work with Trump or when she was ambassador at the United Nations Cheney. I kind of gently disagreed with that with Trump sometimes she was a wonderful spokesman against the Russians. And in the in the Security Council and she really held her own she insisted that this seat the u.n. Ambassador be a cabinet position which it isn't always and now she's out on her own she can make some money on Madge and she's going to be doing another book she did disagree with the president on some of his online antics the other day but that's that's who she is and Trump seems able unlike with others to take it so we'll see I I don't know I mean that would alienate a lot of conservatives if if Trump dumped pence but you know is is a real mean nice guy have minimum talk with him he is a nice guy but he's kind of an l.a. Is not all that exciting and if the Democrats have an exciting ticket. Trump might want to spice it up here but then let me give you a quick little maybe I'm right analysis on this thing passes very important for Trump in the beginning Trump would like the Godless the high from New York City so you hear this godly guy this real conservative with a bonafide you need he give him cover with the event Jellicoe visitor he doesn't need him for that now no you're right you're right and it's it's what Obama did when he was the young quote kid coming in from coming in from Chicago and he picked Joe Biden who was the familiar staunch liberal. Is not so liberal now the party's moved so far over but a pick Joe Biden as a sort of a confidence builder and gave him a bunch of very prominent public jobs and guess what Trump has given. Pence. A number of very prominent public space Council and and a number of other things so. There's a pattern here even though if Donald Trump claims that he wasn't really a politician we're talking to Andrew Malcolm who's the national political contributor for McClatchy newspapers you can get him on Twitter at age Malcolm do this think there should be a new system where the whole campaign is 6 months long rather than years long about 6 weeks most of the countries I know were lost but a lot of the countries in the world. That are democracy issues like ours they managed to pick a new national leaders party leaders and national leaders in 40 days I can of this got one I think coming up this fall so. Why not I mean it it's great for the t.v. Stations where they get all billions of dollars in advertising and excess weight and who are not in California because the races are run in California. That's right exactly who's going to if you if you're a fear a Republican actually a Democrat to who's going to you know no no you just so you want to John you like the idea like race locked up. Shortly just there is no way you can do that because the 1st way to demonstrate that you're a viable candidate is raising money and you have to start that early and the bigger the war chest the more credible you look and you know we do horse racing too much it's the horse race the blue horse race now it's how much money did the candidate write raise last week that's suddenly becomes a huge as you know it is it is until the fall it's the votes start. And. The record of fund raising is is spotted here with this crowd Ok All right Andrew Malcolm thanks so much for joining us thank you always a pleasure You bet guys good to be with you and say 21 let's take a look at the road John coming up they sponsored by the Southern California b.m.w. Centers and a couple of heads both at else accountable of our 1st off of the 4 or 5 south else accountable that are that record the car pool and left lane just saw the picture there another record also going to all of art of the Harbor Freeway southbound on the one town are holding the 2 right lanes this crash occupying the carpool lane at Washington Boulevard on the 6 o 5 northbound if you tool around Riverside County westbound on the $91.00 this is right by the Van Buren off ramp that crash reported in the carpool and left lanes we are sponsored by the Southern California b.m.w. Center's b.m.w. Invites you to cut the cord join a select group of b.m.w. 538 owners to beta test B.M.W.'s groundbreaking wireless charging system available exclusively 120-019-2100 extension 0 b.m.w. 530 Eve models details at Q dot com slash b.m.w. Wireless next report at 833 I'm Bill Thomas am 7 id. 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Kids are living different lives even than when you were a kid and certainly when I was a kid in 2 ways 3 ways actually but one of the ways is if you live in a neighborhood where there's not a lot of wealth you're fearful all the time so you don't go out and play freely if you live in a neighborhood that has wealth your over schedule you go from here to there to there to there and everything is a lesson or planned league or whatever else and the 3rd part of it is that you're on your cell phone all the time and you're not dealing face to face with other kids and that this is creating real problems especially the lack of free form activities and play were kids make the rules and do the play and social media is dominant which is where a lot of the bullying now takes place which right out of the purview of the school district so they can't really do much about I think that's a bully you have kids who are so obsessed with games now for tonight and everything else that their lives do not require going out side and playing with other kids now take everything that you just told me and answer this question for me I'll try what does this mean for the opioid crisis in the future doesn't help means it's going to get worse doesn't help does it and I'm reflecting on when I was a kid we had kids back then when I was a kid. You know I was in some organized stuff but basically you you left every day you went out and you played you played hard every day and you didn't have parental authorities around you made your own rules but it was a different time you had to band together she could run away from the dinosaurs that was. The way you waited for that all morning didn't you know I had to get it in and say 30 Let's take a look at all latest headlines. 70000000 a. Day a.b.c. News live at a local at 830 I'm Jeff whittle the search continues for the man who allegedly stabbed to death a retired administrator in a parking lot at Cal State Fullerton yesterday on the 1st day of fall classes the victim was 57 year old Steven Chan of a haas In the Heights the suspect is only described as an Asian man in his twenty's whose name has not been released student Leslie can always has the big police presence on campus yesterday after the murder did make her feel safe that was talking to k.t.l.a. 5 I did see that there was a lot of security so I'm glad about that that they took action right away and if the security on campus but if not I would have been felt uneasy. Now the murder is not believed to have been a random attack in that the victim targeted the retired administrator specifically according to Fullerton police there's yet another twist in the legal battle involving a close associate of Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex via New Wave On Monday a judge ordered deputy coroner Mundo Yeah to turn in his badge a gun in uniform that's because a lawsuit is pending regarding his rehiring the deputy was fired in 2016 over domestic violence allegations he was rehired after share of in a way of a one the 2018 Alexion he was a close aide to during that political campaign Kevin Tripp k. A.b.c. News Pacific Gas and Electric has permanently shut off power to the high voltage electrical lines that have been linked to the deadly camp fire last November which killed $86.00 people in and around the town of Paradise in a court filing p.g. Any so that as of July 31st they've d.n.r. Gys doll towers on the 36 mile long caribou Palermo line through Butte County Meanwhile California fire officials say the acreage that's burned so far this year is down 90 percent compared to the average over the past 5 years but that could soon change since wildfire season is about to begin to them in October are historically California worst wildfire period it's crazy that it's big news when California's not burning but that's Cal Fire Scott McClain He says while the acreage burned is down significantly 95 percent over last year's historically devastating a deadly season of attentional for more and even worse devastation is there with all the rain there was a lot more fuel and while consistently hot temps and winds have been down so far September and October are the hottest and windiest he says all the grass when heat and wind is added can become tinder dry in just an hour so far no major wildfires but McLean warns again the danger potential is increasing Jim Roope Los Angeles a.b.c. News time $832.00 and now with all the u.s. Soldiers here sports with Randy Wang I think you missed 2 women in this check of sports brought to you by my. Kernan inspections dot com Angels lost to the Rangers 87 it only took 11 innings game 2 in Texas and 11 how many bodies starting from the halos Dodgers those the Blue Jays in 7 couldn't turn a shot starting for the blue galaxy going to play Cruz Azula at 7 for a whatever the league's Cup semifinals is l.a. Have seen playing San Jose tomorrow at $730.00 in the n.f.l. Preseason with a point still not unlike Whose Line Is It Anyway Rams play the Broncos Saturday and 6 charges play the Seahawks Saturday at 7 but I'm sure there's a good movie at the theater you can watch who's watching pre-season football and now bad news if you're a big fan of the angry bagel by short guy. No reason showed people got no. Showed. No. One Chris Morgan the angry Bengal bus guy that's going to fight Lenny Dykstra in a month gets in the ring he won't be known as the angry little bagel boss guy because the bagel chain bagel boss has sent a cease and desist letter saying stop calling yourself the angry Bengal boss guy we don't want to be affiliated with your crazy ass. D.c. News time is $834.00 now it's k a b c dependable traffic with Bill Thomas Jefferson all those issues the of an empire just a bit 1st off to work in this crash on the 110 southbound else we're going to all of our off ramp back was one of the 2 right lines are wrecked clearing out of the car pool and left lanes on the 4 or 5 south after the century freeway Elsa going to a boulevard off ramp now to Riverside County here's the 1st wreck 91 westbound Adams off ramp injury crash overturned car the right lane taken away there a little beyond that was going to the 91 westbound of Van Buren that wreck of the car pool and left flank and then off I head $91.00 was found Lincoln Avenue off ramp will be in Corona circular here there are 2 fast track lanes the left a fast track one has walked with back crash the right one is passable but Riverside through Corona and Orange County it's a grind off and I do want to westbound next report at 844 I don't time. Am 7 Ivy k.p.c. . Here's your 790 k. A.b.c. Market check stocks down modestly a couple hours after the opening bell Dow negative by 32 points s. And p. 500 is in the red by 5 the Nasdaq below the line by just 3 and a half points k b c So Cal weather sunny warm are today highs mid seventy's at the beaches mid eighty's downtown mid eighty's to mid ninety's in the valleys triple digits in some bally locations tomorrow and Thursday but it could cool down a bit again this coming weekend and right now it's 68 in Sun Valley 66 in Huntington Beach 70 wanting Glendora here 790 k. A.b.c. And h d now at 95.5 f.m. H.d. 2 booming on 790 am plus get the live stream and podcast at k b c dot com I'm just little k. A.b.c. News. Right. J b c. 50 years after Woodstock one of the headliners sits down with our own Steve Edwards and cuts through the myths explaining what starring at Woodstock was really like and sex drugs and rock'n'roll as it actually happened it's very informative and very funny and you can hear it all on the Steve Edwards confessions podcast Steve where can people get that we can get it at i Tunes or you can get it k b c dot com among other places it's a good one because this is one of the stars what it looked like through his eyes of Woodstock 969 was it better than Woodstock 86969 I was much better actually but the apps weren't as good it's a 36 on Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. John Phillips and Steve Edwards in for Jillian Well earlier this morning we talked to a woman who contract and typhus and l.a. City hall however her. Losses at the city attorney's office say no you didn't was not industrial You got that home they don't want to pay her workman's comp claim and now she's suing them and it's turned into a whole mess but because they're denying that she contract it at city hall that means they're not taking measures to read city hall of typhus and rodents and the homeless encampments and all that business which means other people are still at risk joining us to talk about this is a man who has pretty much pulled out all of his hair over the subject over the last couple years our colleague here at 790 k. A.b.c. Dr Drew Pinsky Drew morning Don who pretty much pretty much. Worse just might my outrage just expand into different areas every day. How is it that they can deny that this woman aides are saying she doesn't even have typhus they think she's got meningitis do something else oh she did there's no there's categorically no doubt she had type of that's an easy pot where she got it I understand they might want to defend that but why don't they defend themselves against the a.c.l.u. Attacks that prevent us from actually helping the homeless Why did they choose this poor woman who contracted typhus and is trying to send the raise the alarm so other people don't get typhus in that rat infested environment by the way they did immediately start the flame the place I'm trying to deal with the rats thing they didn't do anything with the homeless because those suits they don't fight what is that and it's the homeless encampments that produce the rats correct it is all the garbage and the lack of ability to keep up with the sanitation it's also the deaf occasion and the urine and blood and the needles that gets out into our ocean because it when it rains it completely bypasses our sewage treatment plants and one of the things that I've really recently been talking about is. What if the city of Arcadia suddenly stopped disconnected from the sewage treatment you don't think we'd hear from environmentalists in about 12 minutes where are the a turtle with a straw on its nose makes people apoplectic and then this silence it's unbelievable truth to tell it tell us the kind of the Sociology behind all of this what you just said. What are people thinking that the North is. They it's it's cognitive dissonance it's called they have this very rigid belief system then view of the world and these phenomena are challenging the veracity of those positions it is not simply the case that you can leave people to their liberties on the street and they will thrive some people need it because stowed eal care every country on Earth provides this and every state provide some version of this except California Oregon and Washington it is not a 3rd world problem it is an unwillingness to take care of sick people and that is can only be found in some sort of ideological distortion that households that people a never get sick don't have brains brains don't get sick and everyone is free at all times even when their brains get sick now if they were talking about a demented person oh my God we must help these people but when other brain disorders cause the very same symptomatology get away let's pretend for one second that we had a mayor and we had a city attorney that want to do something about this city hall to protect the health of their employees and to protect the health of those who have business in city hall and they brought you in as a consultant to give them advice what would you tell them I would say it's probably impossible if you don't clean up the streets and clean up the. Yes you have to get people off the street and living in sanitary environments where we have that's why the basic needs of civilization include sanitation people couldn't congregate in these environments we call cities so we solve the problem of sanitation but we have an ideological group in power that believes that we don't need sanitation we don't need anything and so we 1st have to clean up the streets and to do that whenever they start talking about how complicated it is immediately call them out it is not complicated it is simple and by the way the l.a. Times ran an article I think it was over the weekend about what you do what happens when you put people in housing and they don't get adequate mental health treatment it's a catastrophe it's a catastrophe these are not static conditions they are progressive many of them progress to death I argue in the strongest terms that by not treating them you are committing homicide you are actively contributing to people death you are also committing people whose illnesses could be managed early if they were brought in and custodial care to could thrive again but if you allow these illnesses to unravel over long periods of time they become irretrievable So the simple solutions are a expand gravely disabled the expand access and availability of conservatorships and give conservatorship more teeth. You need to create more psychiatric beds the city of Pomona has been doing this and they have a psych hospital right there into Mona more about a hospital they've had half their homeless population they've gotten off the street I actually spoke to the White House yesterday and I told them about the success of the moment I said they have 7000 homeless they have 3000 off the street and they literally immediately went to me and went Why is that a success why is only 30 percent off the street a success because it's so vastly superior to everything else we are doing where only a trickle a few people at a time per year are finding their way off not not a percentage even and we cuz we are failing so miserably and finally we have to and enforce our vagrancy laws then clean it up then you're going to have to use pesticides you're knocking you you can try to control the rat thing with non pesticide alternatives I tried in my own home we were overrun for 6 months and it became really a health issue on our home so we had to use pesticides or fruit Drew ever want to run for office I I don't want to but I feel like I may have to because this it just feel like I'm going to it is mobilize my physicians sensibilities so profoundly I feel like I have to do something and I don't know what else to do I may have to run for mayor. I think the government the state government is the problem so it has to be something of the state level because I think the mayor Mayor is a no because I think that the mayor is at the whim of the city Charles Taylor can a board of supervisors and the poor police are only a force in the laws they have available to the laws must change they wanted to be detached from ideology and remade the pragmatic solution to human suffering period and Fox News just has a new piece out talking about the homeless stats in San Francisco or shoring and they went to the city for comment and the city is blaming business I heard that and this is not income disparity this is not big business is driving up the price of housing and I'm willing to subsidize though I would like to know where business big business has been in the state why are they not creating or allocating resources for the government and sort of involving themselves with this problem they've been pretty much silent they need to be actively involved but they're not the cause of the cause if you want to read about the cause is a great book called American psychosis that chronicles the history is how we got here and it's about the care of people with custodial needs that's really what it's about so are you announcing today Ross and asked if you have no voice you say I see you. Because listen listen you actually are a man was a plan we don't have it's so simple it's Listen these are my Taisha it's on the streets I know and what drives me insane is you have a you know an adolescent with a clipboard asking if you have mental illness are you doing drugs that's not how you find out what's going on with these people you need somebody like me out there asking the clinical questions we know it has to tell us what's going on with that patient part of these illnesses on the street have something called anosognosia associated with them they literally the f.m.r.i. Changes are the same as in a stroke in that region where you lose insight and ability to see what is happening to. Do that is when you need help from other people and that part of the brain also will have you answering questions with I'm fine what's wrong with your the problem I'm relatively a political but I'll work on your campaign through got you've got to. Now wait a minute to your point about the problem coming from Sacramento listen to the zip all from just publish from Quinnipiac University they say there has been a 10 point increase in the number of Californians who say they disapprove when asked Do you approve or disapprove of the way Gavin Newsome is handling his job as governor I would have to imagine his handling of the homeless crisis is causing those numbers to soar it is again we have to be pragmatic in our governing it's got to be they have forsaken us citizens they forsaken the people who have voted them into power in the name of ideology and political expediency just look at the fact that we have absorbed over a 1000000 undocumented immigrants in this region now living somewhere they're not on the street. Well what is that is that big businesses fault is that housing problem No They came without a country without a family without a penny without a job and they found a place to live this city don't tell me this is a housing problem it's deeply insulting All right Dr Drew we're going to have to leave it there will be listening today between noon and 3 to you in Leeann Tweeden on midday live with Dr Drew and Leeann Tweeden right here and 7. I'll talk to you later today no you won't campaign consultants to actually run across the street if I see you. And thank you it's 847 let's take a look at the job back to the San Diego Freeway South horrified right by else we're going to all of our 3rd record of the carpool and left lanes that is an unpleasant journey coming down from l.a.x. For the right for the South Bay for a 5 southbound and the 4 or 5 northbound nothing in life but making the right toward the west side to find a back up leaving Long Beach West out of the 134 right by the 5 I see that wreck off the shoulder and you are backed up to the 2 town consequently to 10 westbound back to all the way out of a good door area coming in from the 573 collisions in Riverside County 91 westbound to Adams overturned car in the right lane of Van Buren the car pool and left lanes of walk of backlash also circular and then Up ahead the fast track lanes are blocked with a collision I do want westbound Lincoln Avenue off ramp in Corona next report at 9 o 3 idle Thomas have an i.v. Cave. Champney chump Let's talk termites everybody it's time for me Randy to tell you about my friends Frank and Cassie McKernan inspections and we give you their phone number and their website early that way it's in your phone and then you'll know why you put it in your phone 818-785-3587 that gets you out to McKernan inspections out there in Van Nuys they serve the entire southern California area inspecting homes looking at termite problems rodent problems plumbing leagues or would run all you got to do is call them and they will look at your house figure out what the problem is reverse that damage and make your home better than it ever was before. 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Here it comes again lunch Lupita's same old same old or you ready to take a vacation from the ordinary with a new Jamaican jerk turkey sub at Firehouse ups freshly sliced smoked turkey breast crave the sweet mustard sauce and a hint of Caribbean seasoning just $555.00 for medium save time order the new Jamaican jerk turkey on the Firehouse Subs up firehouse ups enjoy more subs save more lives to speeding locations limited time only plus tax prices may vary for delivery a reminder today please join retirement planners of America for a free retirement seminar today Tuesday Aug 20th at Radisson Hotel Chatsworth when it comes to retirement People often wonder do I have enough to retire on what can I do to maximize retirement cashflow should I roll over my 4 a one k. 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Good luck dialing it's John Phillips and Steve Edwards in for Jillian Let's go to Bill in Pasadena Bill good morning. Everyone faces I call what say you. Well. Basically the people that really need to hear this message are not listening to the station. Listening to other conservative leaning. Spaces like Fox. And I'll tell you this the body count doesn't matter it could be 10000. 'd city the only thing that's going to bring about any change is when this situation spreads beyond the city limits into the suburbs when other people search for experiencers Cesar's. You know whatever result from this condition Well here's. These people work in city hall and by these people I mean the city council the city attorney the mayor and their top staff members they're the ones that are now being exposed to it if they don't care that they're being exposed to it why would they care that people in the suburbs are getting sick. Well there seems to be very few people or one case of the moment at city hall and the contractor. Sees. The hole it's very very minor and I don't think they really care Alright thanks for the call bell We appreciate it let's go to Paul in Burbank Paul good morning oh Paul morning morning a Yes Oh Dr Drew I've talked many times on the show and I'm all for it I'm with him I would fight with him on the same as you did the only thing is he hasn't faced the behavior the Titanic the lower Los Angeles city bureaucracy and you say well why it's so simple no it's not simple because when people have factions when everybody wants something they will fight in Resist and the NIH And that's how things didn't get done member when they were grocer ran on I'm going to plant a 1000000 trees a lot of things with the rain on it since you got nervous the farmer Public Works said we can afford to trim about a 1000000 more trees never happened right when I was on the Hollywood Hills West they were Council I saw all the time it's this all of resistance in denial and I'm like I said I'm bored. You don't give me your feedback What do you think about what I'm saying here I'd say you know there's this big lawsuit you know that big compiled at the city they've been feed 'd so many times. I know about a back seat right there soon got about you know Paul my 1st reaction to that is sometimes you gotta play the court of public opinion and you have to work it up you have to work the public up one of the problems we have you're always is that you're paying attention several other people are paying attention but most people aren't and you really have to get people involved in start up you know what I do if I was mayor I'd show up to these homeless encampment outside of city hall at 3 o'clock in the morning with a bunch of tractors and a bunch of city employees and I would clean those encampments out and I'd throw all their stuff out and I'd take them to homeless shelters or I'd take them to mental institutions and I would tell the courts if you want to stop me you come down here and stop and they will and they will you know what I would do if I do I do it at 3 o'clock you know what I'm going with John's original plan we need to get the mob involved you know what I would do if I were mayor I would demand a recount. 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Better Life with Dr Sanjay Gupta here's a headline that's going to get your attention you could be swallowing a credit cards great and plastic every week I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent one professor we spoke to put it best plastic is not a particularly harmful material however there is the potential that it does significant harm Look no one wants to be eating plastic right but a new Australian study says We eat about 5 grams of it a week microscopic bits here and there but it adds up the research commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund found that the largest source of plastic ingestion is drinking water whether it comes from a tap or a bottle the 2nd biggest source of shellfish because shellfish or even whole including their digestive system after a life in plastic polluted areas recycling may not be quite as easy as just throwing something out but it can make a huge difference I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta helping you live a better life. Love you for you Larry O'Connor on the next Larry O'Connor show is Joe Biden already failing and it's your life probably Harris has no interest in being California senator she just wants to be president but Dr Liz Harrington of the r. And c. To let you go show weekdays tendon a sit in on the a.b.c. . Take 58 on Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. John Philip Steve Edwards in for Jillian coming up at the top of the hour in culture joins us and Coulter we're going to give away some tickets to see Deep Purple at the Wiltern Theater and of course taking phone calls at $8222.00 k.p.c. 180-222-5222 don't go anywhere $790.00 k. A.b.c. . Want to get back to basics spin free conservative talk of course you do and that's exactly what you did after news through the 6 with Ben Shapiro naturally the big story of the day is the president didn't back this is the big story nearly every day when the president decides to cram and it is so foolish it is so ridiculous with the political level moral level it is insanely foolish Shapiro's the sure fire way to get it right t.c. Los Angeles Orange County 62 Los Angeles to New station. Bright. A b c news is alive and local at 9 o'clock I'm just with all today is the 1st day of classes in the l.a. Unified School District which has more than 600000 students attending more than 1000 schools l.a. Us the superintendent Austin Buettner spoke to k.t.l.a. 5 at an elementary school in Torrance this morning really excited when I got 4 kids they're all off to college so I remember finally these days but how cool is it every kid being welcomed by the game excited me back in school the doors. Opportunity opening that's what it's about and drivers should be aware that there will be more children and teenagers on the sidewalks and crosswalks today than there were during summer vacation of course a memorial service will be held in about an hour from now for the California Highway Patrol officer who was killed last week on the $215.00 freeway in Riverside when he pulled over a pickup driver who allegedly grabbed a rifle and shot Andre Moyet to death the public is invited to the memorial which starts at 10 am at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside that will be followed by a private funeral officer Moyet had been with the c.h.p. For about 3 years and had been a motorcycle officer for about a year Governor Gavin Newsome has signed a controversial bill into law regarding the use of deadly force by law enforcement in California this one basically changes the culture of policing in California Assembly members surely Weber's California act to save lives holds the strictest standards in the nation for police use of deadly force born from several police shootings of unarmed black men in California and around the nation it does 2 things it changes the standard police use to determine if deadly force should be used from reasonable to necessary to protect or save lives it also allows the courts to determine an officer's actions leading up to the use of deadly force in accountability it would not bring back those that we've lost but we hope and pray that it will prevent those from being lost the law goes into effect January 1st Jim Roope Los Angeles and a truck driver has been arrested after saying he would commit a mass shooting at a church in Memphis Tennessee this Thursday and then kill himself according to court documents filed yesterday 38 year old Thomas MacVicar was apprehended in Indian app.

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