Get them a break. In 70 k.v. C.p.d. Film 6 begins right this very moment brought to you by Larry Miller and since Levy will be anyone's ever time's fresh air mattresses free and mature gems in Encino master craftsman sitting right there making the jewelry so he save you an enormous amount of money over other stores or we start because he doesn't have to send out and mark stuff up tonight we've got an unusual show in and I think a pretty interesting show next hour we're going to talk about the criminal justice system in a specific case I want to pick yet that has got weirder. In the 8 o'clock hour we're going to talk about urban survival and how can they do actionable stuff to plan for the next earthquake and also make your life better and cheaper and easier . As you're waiting for the big one which at some point will come in a lifetime I'm pretty sure but the palm political landscape is is fascinating right now everything is under the lens of there's an election looming and we're looking now at this rally last night and conservative pundits and politicians are condemning Trump for. The send her back chant that went on he now is saying the doubts that he immediately jumped in and did not endorse it is not happy with it so what I'm fascinated about as I'm watching how he's maneuvering his campaign after the 2016 campaign which is very different I don't know that he thought he was going to win it he was a businessman running a different intent now he's in it and he's running his campaign a certain way and you know it's interesting because those in the White House were blindsided by that blindsided by his response to that not very happy you had the republicans calling pounce and saying whoa tell us what's going on here because this is not good for reelection and I'm wondering what is good what isn't good for reelection have an interesting guest on Allan Lichtman is a professor of history at American University author of 9 books including The case for impeachment and Professor I think it was now you correctly predicted 9 presidential elections are correct that's correct before you were born. Already it was my 1st prediction and also by the way 17 consecutive shows on Tic-Tac Toe which is nothing to sneer at correct that is correct I was a big money whenever you want to that's wanted to reflect So I'm wondering as you watch what's going on it is really fascinating because we're in new area I there's so many questions I want to ask you about polling and about rejiggering the landscape so it used to be that the saw was you tried to reinforce your base and then add on additional That's like that's how you want this president is digging in and going for the base hard or is it that we don't see that he's expanding spending and that there is a middle that's that's hanging out there that is digging what he's doing that even though maybe a certain results aren't happening based on his actions the fact that he's going after immigration the fact that he's the economy is better the fact that he's doing certain things without necessarily wins yet doesn't mean they're not behind them. I don't think he's going after them at all I think he's doing what has worked for him all his life you don't change in your seventy's and one of the rules of Lichtman rules of politics is what you see is what you get look at Trump's entire history He's exploited race from the beginning back in the 1970 s. He made money as a real estate executive having a trump company by discriminating against minorities take nothing pay no price because he reached a settlement with the feds How did he jump into politics in the 1st place with the most racist most protracted biggest lie in American political history the mongered for 5 years that I 1st African-American president was actually going to Africa not in the United States and what did he do during the presidential campaign he can beat women he demeaned. Great racial minorities has always worked for him the base you have you rise the more base is solid the base is not going anywhere and when I said I'm going to the middle I misrepresent how he said it I don't mean he's playing for the middle I said their voters floating around who are deciding what to do they're waiting to see who the Democratic candidate is when you have Democratic candidates stand there and pledging that they're going to decriminalize immigration that their health care for immigrants etc that need to play right into his narrative going it's the country goes that way do you want that is that I'm going to get a Democratic nominee who's going to be talking about decriminalizing him or immigration will want to you know take legally and Castro made that point that he's not he is not going going to be nominated but here's how my system works Ok thing to do with any of the things that people are talking about all right my system by the way which I developed the same year I was on the quiz show as the world's leading x. . Spurt in earthquake texture rush right Ok big in your neck of the list but not mine don't laugh he said. And he said we're going to collaborate and I said no we're not you know they care about earthquakes here in California I'm going back to Washington d.c. Nobody cares about that he said Dodo we're going to collaborate on politics he said I solved earthquake prediction he said Get this he was one of the a leavened people in the world he was from Moscow who was voted into the some of the it and the American National Academy of Sciences and he came to the us in 1963 as part of the Soviet scientific delegation that negotiated the most important treaty by far in the history of the world the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty they kept us from destroying the world by exploding these huge nuclear bombs in the atmosphere in the oceans and he said he fell in love with politics but said look I live in the Soviet Union you know political predictions to get it supreme leader off with your head because you're a political expert I'm a mathematical expert let's team up and we develop the keys to the White House based on the proposition. That you look at a like sions from earthquake perspective not liberal versus conservative Republican versus Democrat caught a versus Reagan number this is 81 right stability versus earthquake stability the party holding the White House keeps Pala earthquake there kicked out and we looked at every election from 860 to 980 we came up with the notion that elections are essentially referenda up or down on the strength and performance of the party holding the White House and the challengers have very little to do with it so our keys are looking at things like internal challenges within the party and Koller mid-term election results 3rd party challenges whether the sitting president is running long and short term economy some actual under s. Candle foreign policy successes and sadness none of the things the pundits are talking about modernist one let me but let me stop you for a 2nd because Mike you're curious when you see scandals enter into this for instance is to take one point once a scandal today if something doesn't stick and it doesn't punish somebody it's not a similar case of the right so we got it while I have been screaming that these talent we Democrats need to stop talking in failing you know wetting their fingers and putting in the political winds and grow a spine and start an impeachment inquiry it's only way to nail the status of let me ask you this and I know we're going with is going to read read one of the things you wrote but the the audience doesn't zone so the theory is from the not yours so they go to impeach him Senate says see only her he now is even more involved in saying see that failed and and it helps him you're tearing your theory is that the the optics of the impeachment could destroy him that's what happened in the Clinton impeachment everybody has only lost a couple of House seats. Yeah but they won the presidency because of the cloud of scandal hanging over the Clinton administration they would even let Bill Clinton by far their best campaigner campaign George w. Bush campaigned on restoring integrity to the White House in a quarter of the voters said the scandal was very important and Bush won by 537 votes in Florida so absolutely look at the Nixon thing looks and actually never got impeached he resigned and his approval rating when they started the optics was 67 percent right before the House Judiciary Committee voted articles he was already down to 24 percent so it doesn't even have to get to all articles of impeachment even get to the Senate it's the public revelations that matter are let me ask you this president because we are in a new time some looking at what's happening now and the one's going to start to show by saying the the the comments he made are either racist or not the pending on what party you're in big because people are bending over backwards to obviously race I'm not saying that there are people out there saying not it's almost to me like that that used you see white and gold on the dresser you see black and blue in the dress so what does it mean it's not racist are simply selling out Ok truck classic racist mean that's been used for Tucson or understood I understand that my question to you is this the president is a master manipulators as far as the media you haven't heard a thing about the 20 candidates running he's eaten up the news cycle for the last 5 days making the 4 women the face of the Democratic Party which could be could be plausibly successful How do you factor that into your 13. It doesn't it all of the stuff you know comes and goes every 4 years people always say to me Oh but what about this this year you've got a woman running you've got the lock running you've got Ronald Reagan running who's too loud occult. Things don't matter they predict nothing they wash out there was no security that's at work anything unless it's predictive which is why I don't listen to any. Of that no track record of production there that great of predicting afterwards well you know he ran a bad campaign he ran a good I try and tell people listening to this show that your love when you look at the Hollywood Squares on c.n.n. 9 boxes of people these are all to all people who don't know anything are pulling answers out there but because they have to so what do you think what do you think of a new and I was a what I think of anyone thanks very much like calling my cousin on the fucking mixed in with you think it's outplayed its meaning and it's like talk just like sports talk radio you know right thank you I hate sports talk radio if her strong got her and he used his other arm and it was Passover and his mother came out and said she was jewish could he pitch and you know what is the talk it's all fake promises so what should be what should we be looking here at here at this point time because it doesn't look like look Nancy Pelosi didn't survive this long she was dead and buried a year and a half ago they were just on the dirt on her face and here she is the head of the party Ok she's got the progressives in the party going after her the Republican Party now isn't binary it's no longer what it used to be with the Tea Party and center now it's either you're behind Trump or you're not behind Trump and if you're not behind Trump and if you're not behind Trump you risk his Ras and you'll be out of the party or you lose the election that's very different Does that enter into this now. Enters into it are. The big picture of light advice to your listeners is keep your eye on the big picture and get the day to day that's why Palosi is making such a horrendous mistake it's hard to be wrong morally constitutionally and publish it so that you know that if you know that why doesn't she and let me preface that by saying on the other side the economy is cooking he's got judges in that he said he was going to do that Kavanagh and he's confronting China. The tax cut supposedly We don't know yet helped lower income immigration he's getting Mexico to co-opt in Mexico into helping there are there are perceived wins ISIS in Syria those things don't count. Some of those things count if they're real absolutely not the issues no they don't count at all but that's why Palosi is making such a horrendous mistake she's morally wrong because the only way to stop a bully is to confront the bully she's constitutionally wrong if in fact as she says Trump should being jailed in the proper constitutional remedy is a peach mix and she's politically wrong because you've got to pin the scandal on him you actually like there's not enough yet that's gone wrong in this administration absent the scandal to defeat Donald Trump just as the Democrats would have easily won in 2000 absent the scandal so if you know this one's a seasoned politician Obs What are you frightened of. I've been railing you know I've been arguing with Season politicians since 19 Eighty-Four literally because we have an iron triangle here the iron triangle is the consultants on the pollsters the media and the candidates and they are locked into this iron triangle of what really matters is the strategy the fund raising the speeches the debates the ads I am trying all because the consultants and pollsters make huge amounts of money doing this the media needs it to survive right and then they sell this bill of goods to the candidates who are afraid not to listen to them even though it never works ever. When you put it but actually it's too much what do you think about the debates and the field of candidates and the issues they're talking about how does that claim not a bit well only as I said the tour here your challenges can fight all they want look how the Republicans fought you know in 2016 it could have been much more bit and that was how. Clinton and Obama fought in 2001 measure the out party not responsible for governing you can fight all you want and you know what the pros the truest thing that was said in the debate 1st time was said by someone who's not going to be nominated Marianne Williamson which she says you're not going to win this with your plans that's not how presidential elections are decided and she is absolutely right Trump didn't win because he had better plans he won because people were pretty disillusioned with the state of affairs in the country and they were ready for a change how social media now and the Internet and the interference from other countries how does that play into this because it seems to me. The even the way they're polling I mean polling has experimenter bias polling has inherent issues already huge issue and we saw that. I did science in college and if there's so much experiment by it well there you go so it does experiment to bias the uni even realize it's happening unless you're good and depends on the questions asked and I would always error is much greater than plus and minus Oh my God statistical error My Syria doesn't take into account all the other errors when you do a poll and you ask why would you like this person for president the 2nd question should be whose vice president currently has a can answer it negates the 1st question it exactly so so I say you know keep your eye on the big picture people don't follow for example my 2 keys our foreign policy splashy savvier foreign policy splashes success they have nothing to do with the day to day conduct of diplomacy. Body but nobody follows that just as nobody but nobody has read the mull over of course and that amazing that Congress cock in me that I people coming arguing about something said Did you read it or go with it how are you talking about it. They're pretty that's like I would the joke was Woody Allen said he took everyone with speed ringing read War and Peace he thinks it's about Russia but that's about how that's how. Much people in the moment are bored so therefore let you go your prediction is still the Trump wins unless they impeach Yes Nothing changed nothing is changed and the grounds for impeachment just gotten stronger and stronger and as I said you know if you think Trump should be in jail and you're not starting even an impeachment inquiry you're committing congressional now telling could be impeachment backfire in a big way anything could perhaps nothing nothing in life is risk less but you know as John Stuart Mill said you know. It's not the evil people who create the evil themselves it's the good people who stand by and do nothing. In fashioning guest Alec My professor of history American University author of 9 books including the case from Peter and the Twitters and Allan Lichtman and what did you went on to go by what was the 100 chance Wow Grand what you're thinking anyone that was a lot of money I love that 110 grand in 81 like what 300 gram I mean yeah maybe more but it was not all cash no I got one like. Your very interesting guy do anybody use your for campaign consulting you know they don't because I tell them the campaigns don't matter what I tell them what they don't want to hear campaign or what you believe don't follow conventional political strategy because it won't help you win and then if you lose you become a footnote like who remembers John McCain or John Kerry or Al Gore you know they're irrelevant because all they did was conventional politics Well thank you Professor Whitman We'll have you want to get in and we'll know part we'll know pretty soon how your predictions on a you take it easy fascinating I can only call about that I don't agree with a lot some of what he says but it is fascinating also I love a guy who's definitive about as I should be more different about what I say and by the way thank you thank you thank you Marian Lynch and I'm watching the the big draw on c.n.n. They're going to go in down to 21 down to 20000000 Williamson sang goodness is still still there and if it's not one or 2 but will have her or her vision to. Go 7 and a cave you see the fun of 80202522 we'll be right back. It just. The environment. For you. To participate. And we have the. And wonderful stories that you will remember for a lifetime Elby dot com l b. 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That's still going to claim the Ivers you just say by bundling home and auto with progressive going to finally buy a ring for that gal of yours here go send in my condolences. This next 2. Years to live in Los. Care because a casualty insurance companies discounts unavailable States or situations they call you the great master you see or the fix porterhouse in the butcher shop and if you lift the 1st 4 for your mouth you savor the more. You get amazing offers during the Mercedes Benz summer of it but the $2906.00 last sedan and g.l.c. S.u.v. The perfect recipe is the driving performance plus you can enjoy 6 months of Sirius x.m. All access including the Mercedes Benz summer event now serving limited time offers from select one of the vehicles offers and September 3rd person spends the best for you. This is the big. A.t.c. . Life is a highway rest put in 700 k.v. C.p.t. Phone 6 continues we can back the news so just the Epstein build a night what a surprise and a shocker that is but I got the document of why the judge denied him bail I just scroll it out and read from that also you know they say some big names are going to drop big big names are going to start coming up and if I tell you these 2 names just what your appetite about what the listen for afternoon is about I know the line mosque. Oh Mark Zuckerberg how do they fit into the Epstein story. No separate incidents for him 700. 70000000 to. A.b.c. News Live Local at 630 on Brian Piers new shocking allegations are coming out against l.a. County sheriff Alex view no way for Jason Campbell Donia with details a department head claims she quit in protest after being ordered to reinstate a fire deputy and change his disciplinary record the l.a. Times says that she was told by the incoming chair of chief of staff that it was v. In a way it was priority to reinstate the deputy quickly so it looked like the previous administration did it the sheriff had been criticized for rehiring the deputy that was fired back in 2016 for domestic violence a judge will determine if even a waiver had the authority to reinstate the deputy in August Jason Campbell Donia n.b.c. News radio the Us Marine Corps is telling Congressman Duncan Hunter from San Diego to stop using its employees and a phrase on its campaign mailers that link is likely 2020 opponent to terror Hunter currently faces federal charges of wire fraud campaign finance violations falsifying records and conspiracy the San Diego Republican has pled not guilty to all counts in the mailer Hunter targets his $20000.00 opponent and the 2 Muslim women currently serving in Congress a spokesperson for the campaign said they would stop using the Marine emblems and phrases. Residents in Minnesota Congresswoman Ellen Omar's district are reacting to the recent attacks on their representative from President Trump. Said he's unhappy his congresswoman is under attack despicable and horrifying. Commonplace in a similar situation obviously and everything is. More concerning but just in my everyday life I don't see more people. Omar returned to Minnesota today to host a town hall meeting on Medicare she was cheered by hundreds of supporters when she arrived at the airport today President Trump is nominating the son of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to be the next labor secretary the president made the announcement on Twitter saying Eugene quote led a life of great success he added that Scalia is respected as a lawyer with a lot of experience with labor issues previously served as solicitor of the Labor Department during President George w. Bush's administration sports the Dodgers lost the Philadelphia today 76 the bounce back in Houston later on tonight. The closing bell the Dow Jones concrete Yes and he was. 22. Tonight 6475 is a high and partly cloudy currently 72 along. Here 700. 95.52. As an customer you have great could help you save money energy or the environment find out if time of greens or electric vehicle rates are best for you. Southern California. Home take. The roadways. To traffic. So you're running one. Dora just getting word of an accident a bit ago 57 freeway north bank connected the Q 10 Freeway eastbound As mentioned last report the right lane is blocked at the start of that connector so northbound 57 really starting to slow down now with seach piece arriving on scene 57 north of the traffic flow from about auto center drive downtown want to one freeway north one of 4 street a stall one of the middle lanes walk there and that's flowing traffic to about when you're Boulevard also on the $1.00 to $1.00 checked at the $710.00 freeway northbound before Firestone in Southgate a stall there just cleared out the lanes driving however extra tough from about Rosecrans Avenue 710 north near Firestone where the stall occurred earlier next report coming up at 643 I'm Richard turn it James have a 90 day A.B.C.'s. Right now at t. Mobile get an awesome i Phone 10 are on us when you bring your family over and trade in your old device because whether you have mom dad or a friend on your mind it's a give so called I'm brilliant you'll want to keep it for yourself most importantly it's on us in 6 vibrant colors plus with unlimited everything from t. Mobile awesome i Phone 10 are will have everyone snapping streaming sharing to their heart's content all geared up but don't wait it's only for a limited time so visit the store or call $1800.00 t. Mobile to get i Phone 10 are on cox. Congested customers using more than 50 Gigs per month a notice reduce speed student prioritization to deal with 40 p.p. a 24 month ago credits for about 5 customers plus tax qualifying trait important service and finance agreement require contact us people cancel your credit stop the remaining balance to $64.00 gigs your down to $3125.00 per month for 24 months pre-credit price 7.9990 percent a.p.r. One offer brick out. 70 k. Peace again 70 k. . 70. 790 caves he peed killing 6 continues under always looks as if I'm going to swing Monday can't you know I'm not I'm not going to sing this song by the way our breaking news of the big she in an announcement you know they're the draw that's draw they were there making this like it was going to be the lotto like everybody's watching most people don't know the names of most of these candidates but it's like 288 candidates were pulled down to a few of these chicks than a mere 43 and before you know what 20 ish they'll debate on the scene in stage who get more than 2 minutes time. Who will be able to answer anything in the stand anything Marion Williams has to do to make it 5 for the draw anyway the draws done they did the draw and here's what they came up with let me tell you because it's my job here the Knights won and Sanders. Will join Delaney Hickenlooper Ryan Bullock Williamson club are sure overworked and booed outage on July 30th which means on the 31st how Rison Biden and together together again you can see Biden going to one of them can't believe he's going to bring up the bussing thing again we're doing Gillibrand Garrard Tenet the Blasio and sleep Booker Yang Castro on July 31st so it's still an inane amount of people it's so stupid that none of them going to have time to really exist remember before the debate I said when you get down to the Ok everybody's going to do this raise your hand so you get no context the candidates or how or the question or funding or what some of these people could have a good idea you could hear but you who has time to do that and then of course we have to hear from people like Marianne Williamson who's nice and funny and good to laugh at but in going to give us solutions to world hunger or health care right now and she's not going to be in the final 4 or 3 or whatever so why am I listening to her if I want to see or I can go to some kind of thing I think she said to somebody and every Sunday don't some kind of preaching thing go there I don't need to watch it on the debates it's from President. I have time I just so the Jeffrey Epstein thing 1st off. He didn't get bail why why possibly would have Judge not given bail here are the reasons why the judge didn't go the government's evidence that abstain is a danger to the community is clear and convincing no kidding so basically the judge is saying no I don't see any remorse I don't see you saying no and didn't they just take a whole lot of videos and crap out your place seems to me like it smells like you're still doing stuff Ok it is number. Of trucks and young girls appears likely to be uncontrollable See point one that Peter just made defense argument so there's not like Epstein that it is not an out of control rapist he doesn't fly because new judge's words it seems fair to say Mr Epstein future behavior will be consistent with his past behavior Ok like I said the lewd photos and all of that stuff refer to Peter's point on. Photographic trophies of the victims and other young females who just obscene poses ongoing and forward looking danger yes the job the evidence of witness intimidation and threats that he did put tens badly for him being out walking or walking around and seeing people the judge notes that despite the defense going to abstains New Mexico behavior where they said he was good he reported in and everything well you want a cookie you're supposed to report in essence challenge to sex offender level and at least one jurisdiction since 2008 which means he's not remorseful and the judge also noted reports saying abstain was allowed by n.y.p.d. To skip minatory sex offender track and so forget that she later is not always been compliant with his legal obligation as a registered sex offender the pretrial Service report listed myriad reasons Epstein is a flight risk and cement fact a judge said he is a classic risk in other words the judge is pointing out you know what next in flight risk in the dictionary I want to put in his picture now because he's it and let's see what else given that to tell you the circumstances the government has met its burden. Keep Epstein jail so see you later do not pass go but did anybody really think I usually my rule of thumb is if they find a you know. Sort of soggy passport with you're name in a different picture and a different name. Usually not a good sign we're going to let you out anyway I promised I would mention some of the names of come out and some that I threw around were. Mr Zuckerberg and Mr Musk Ok so here's the deal we are we're learning that the questions about steen are growing and growing and growing we're begin to suppose that 500000000 fortune was he an agent was you not an agent. Why did Acosta grant him such a lenient non-prosecution agreement why did they steal it why did he even imply a cost that he belonged to intelligence the intelligence community in any case there are other business associates who engage in improper sexual conduct Who what did they know when did they know it's all of those questions start to come out now a former Mar-A Lago locker room attendant Roberta Guthrie followed the suit against Epstein former girlfriend and allegedly man images on Maxwell No this this this document says nobody who was around Epstein a lot is going to have an easy time now which makes a whole lot of sense if you want his buddies back then it's all going to come out said Guthrie's lawyer now this is the wildest thing and I didn't realize this the guy who's going after Dershowitz at all is David Boies you know David voices he's the big big if they're like top 5 lawyers in this country the did the Al Gore case did the you know that the election case I mean that's him he this woman has they've had both. Her lawyer and he's fighting with Dershowitz back and they're at war and Dershowitz is saying boys he has boys he has it out for him and boys are saying why would I have it on for him would prove that he was rear we say he was even though he says he only sleeps with wife so that's going to get ugly but Epstein is the most amazing thing he remained a fixture I mentions the other night on these at least circles even after he was a registered sex offender so I'm going to take a break we'll come back I'll tell you why because his business was not what you think it was Ok this. Trafficking in young girls. He did this for a reason this was his business this was basically his business for one reason or explained to you when we come back we'll talk about Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg how they may play into this thing which is kind of stunning it distinct takes twists and turns if you wrote this is a movie you couldn't you clearly wouldn't believe what went on here especially the fact that after like I said after years of registered sex offender he's still seeing major people big time people how does that happen because he's co-opted you because you're scared that now you've been around him you may know stuff and he will bust you if you say anything that was his game some talk about how he used to sex trafficking to be successful in business or m. 70 k.p.c. . Ok b.c. Dependable traffic right now 5 freeway South Bend in Macbean Parkway in Valencia an accident occurring just a little bit ago the details apparently a truck lost a tire possibly a trailer tire and that smashed into a car and that triggered the accident left side of the freeway affected and that's 5 south of McBean Parkway just reported to be to go look for some slowing We'll keep you updated as we get more details 57 freeway north of the 60 freeway junction earlier crash that's still right side of the freeway near the transition one Freeway eastbound at Parkway Calabasas in the Western San Fernando Valley a stall is reported in the middle of traffic lane be careful if you have Netflix and one of one freeway northbound it for street downtown stall clearing but travel remains heavy approach and next reports coming up at 7 o 3 I'm Richard turn it James 790 k. A.b.c. 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The 29000 Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival is returning to marine stadium in Long Beach July 27th and 28 and this is an event you do not want to miss experience an amazing Chinese water sport and competition that is over 2000 years old the 21000 Long Beach drag about festival is fun for the entire family so come and immerse yourself in 2 full days of age in Chinese culture and tradition see the boat each with their own uniqueness and charm watch the races and visit with the competitors but the $29000.00 Long Beach drag about Festival is not just about the boats of the races marvel at the authentic martial arts and dance for. Enjoy the sounds of live music and much more and the best part is that 2900 Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival is free to the public visit l.b. Dragon boat dot com for info that's l.b. Dragon boat dot com 2900 Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival July 27th and 28th at the Marine stadium in Long Beach will see you at the races. 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Now you can take Las number one morning news the k.t.l.a. 5 Morning News with you in your car. Here the key to a 5 Morning News love but am 790 k b c weekday mornings from 4 to 6 right before the morning drive with John Phillips and Jillian Barberie on Am 730 k b c. Me I. Am 70 k b c 2 Dylan 6 continues so let me race from this for time. As I as I left we're talking about halfway up things so what's amazing is that he hung in the lead circles even after his a registered sex offender a few years ago he was a guest at a dinner party in power Alto hosted by Lincoln's co-founder Reid Hoffman for the mit neuroscientist at Boyd and at the dinner Elon Musk introduced Epstein to Mark Zuckerberg Mark met Epstein in passing one time at a dinner honoring scientists that was not organized by Epstein Zuckerberg spokesperson Ben La Bolt said Mark did not communicate with Epstein again following the dinner in the making Valley very compelling noted that in an email in a must respond I don't recall introducing obscene to anyone as I don't know the guy well enough to do so Epstein is obviously a creep and Zuckerberg is not a friend of mine some years ago as it is house in Manhattan for about 30 minutes in the middle of the afternoon with a woman as she was curious about meeting the strange person for a novel she was writing we did not see anything inappropriate at all apart from the weird art he tried repeatedly to get me to visit his island I declined so there's the the Zuckerberg must part of it once or is he done business with Epstein said that Epstein $21000.00 square foot townhouse was like Davos the source said Bill Gates Larry Summers Steve Bannon visited the house which is called one of the largest real residences in Manhattan Alan Dershowitz his name keeps coming up and as I told you you've been fighting with David Boies the lawyer in April Boies client Guthrie should Dershowitz. Defamation. Let me get going to get to the meat of the stuff which is which is stunning on Wall Street Epstein is a subject of mystery and fear he came across a very smart very sophisticated one hedge fund manager said he always had a good read on people how Epstein obtained his fortune is a matter of speculation his claim to a billionaire only client list now seems laughable to the bankers this guy who did the article spoke to one Wall Street source with direct knowledge of obscene business said one source of absolute income was providing tax advice and estate planning however they say that on Wall Street currently the theory is Epstein's activities with women and girls were central to building of his fortune and his relations with some of his investors the centrally mounted to blackmail he invites you to parties he gets you to do stuff and now you're in you can't you're complicit you can't do anything because you're right he'll rat you out and now he's got you He also bragged about his contacts in Washington boy said reporters are likely to dig into why the Justice Department decided not to prosecute him and kept a deal secret from his victims one theory circling him on prominent Republicans is that Epstein was a Mossad agent for Israel Another is that the George Bush White House directed the cost and not to prosecute Epstein to protect Prince Andrew on behalf of the British government then us all his closest ally in the war in Iraq so that's an that's another hit of course to to abstain friends of people most curious about are Donald Trump and Bill Clinton for those who are in Epstein's orbit the stakes of exposure to get higher as more and more women keep coming out boys and saying Wait until you see the names on the list when these 2000 pages are released it will blow people's mind so. Right now they don't know anyone who's provided information about a little legitimate business that he was engaged in so here's a guy how weird does that get here's a guy who they say is worth over 500000000 $1.10 in cash. Passports Saudi passports diamonds in a safe cash in a safe all these residences work on Wall Street was hired by whim bars father even though he was in a graduate of college to teach an elite boys' school for a short time one of the kids fathers was the head of Goldman Sachs got him to be a broker and in a short time he supposedly went out on his own and then somehow miraculously bought this largest residence in Manhattan an island and other places and yet no one knows exactly how he made his money when you think you'd be able go these are his clients these are investors we found his books we found. So the mystery continues as an agent was healed I mean wow wow and then who was involved with this guy that is worried that their name going to come out is that the administration is a Clinton who so distorted gets weirder and weirder and weirder but the big news was he get out of prison any time soon he did not meet his bail What a shocker am 70 k.p.c. . Let's consider the secret life of the animist nesting doll living most of my life in the dock inside the other nesting dolls she has plenty of time to think if she could sadly she has no brain however when in a most nesting doll has that Geico not only save people money but also has been providing great service for over 75 years she thinks it's all b.s. You should switch because yes so it's into Geico is a no brainer in a most nesting doll and a lot in life. Right now at t. Mobile get an awesome i Phone 10 are on us when you bring your family over and trade in your old device because whether you have mom or dad or a friend on your mind it's a give so cold and brilliant you'll want to keep it for yourself most importantly it's on us in 6 vibrant colors plus with unlimited everything from t. Mobile awesome i Phone 10 are will have everyone snapping streaming and sharing to their heart's content all of year long but don't wait it's only for a limited time so visit the store or call $1800.00 t. Mobile to get i Phone 10 are on cox. Congested customers using more than 50 Gigs per month may notice reduce speed student prioritization if you authority p.p. a $24.00 monthly bill credits are well qualified customers plus tax qualifying trait important service and finance agreement require contact us before cancel your credit stop the remaining balance to $64.00 games 0 down plus $3125.00 per month for 24 months pre-credit price 749990 percent a.p.r. 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You get amazing offers during the receipt has been summer events like the $2906.00 last sedan and g.l.c. S.u.v. The perfect recipe is the driving performance plus you can enjoy 6 months of Sirius x.m. All access including the Mercedes Benz summer event now serving limited time offer . And select one of the vehicles offers in September for receipts for the best for you. Let's consider the secret life of the in a most nesting doll living most of her life in that dark inside the other nesting dolls she has plenty of time to think if we could sadly she has no brain however when in a most nesting doll he has the Geico not only save people money but also has been providing great service for over 75 years she thinks it's obvious you should switch because yes switching to Geico is a no brainer in a most nesting doll and a lot in life. Just announced they will Aloha and welcome aboard ho y. An Airlines flies with us now for a limited time new home when your lines were on the lead Master Card card members can earn 60000 bonus Hawaiian miles after qualifying purchases that 60000 bonus miles closer to the war and traditions of might apply today of why airlines dot com offer subject to credit approval terms and conditions for complete details credit cards issued by Barclays Bank Delaware. Hey man you need to have a little talk I don't know if you've noticed but we got a lot of food in this country a lot of peaches got a corn of apples a lot of everything got so much for that we can't. So for all this extra food how is 17000000 kids in America struggling with hunger I just don't get it that's why the feeling in America a nation language like a food banks. And gets it to the hungry kids who need it thank you for even if you live in Iowa Alaska or some are crazy laid back this is a complicated. And you've got hungry kids feeding America has done the math. And support feeding America in your local food bank and Feeding America boy I know you got Internet on your phone so what are you waiting for we can't do it without your help. A feeling America and counsel. Are. Plenty to track your kids from kindergarten through college and know everything about him we'll talk about that coming up we've got a journalist going to dinner gosh he didn't interesting thing wrote a piece about Robert Blake because a 2020 special 2 hour special aired and part of a bunch of questions about the prosecution the cops. Maybe a bit of corruption going on that didn't smell right and I never really paid that much attention the Robert Blake case in reading about this it's fascinating and when dinner Gus wrote his piece guess who responded to the piece Robert Blake what happened when the respondent you find out next to him $700.00 k.b. She would be back right after the news. Love is easy to express when you get it. Right. Thank you panel tactic you and me and I mean I've. Ben Shapiro you post our blog. Guy here my favorite favorite tape a d.c. Los Angeles County 62 spoke to the station. Right . You live local 7 am guy hears us Marine Corps telling a congressman to stop using its emblem in phrases on its campaign mailers to link his likely 2020 opponent to Terre San Diego Republican Duncan Hunter currently faces federal charges of wire fraud campaign finance violations falsifying records a conspiracy He's pled not guilty to all counts in the mailer Hunter targets his $2800.00 pony the 2 Muslim women currently serving in Congress a spokesperson for the campaign said they would stop using the Marine emblem and faces new bands at Los Angeles International are fighting bacteria built up Jason can't Donia with the airport officials rolled out the $2300.00 new bins this week the new bins are slimmer and have anti-microbial treatment that prevents the growth of bacteria entre Service says an airport spokesperson says they've been looking at ways to improve the overall experience at the airport and the new bins will help improve airport clearly ness and lessen fears about contracting diseases Jason. Donia n.b.c. News Radio police search for a killer after a fatal shooting this afternoon in Hollywood a 45 year old woman died in the incident shortly before 230 in the 900 block of North Oxford Ave Police say the suspect used a handgun and was last seen driving northbound on Oxford afternoon and a Toyota Rav 4 if you have any information you should contact police and cops are raiding a rapper's home in Hollywood Hills dozens of police officers swarmed a home this morning that belongs to the pop star known as why the raid is in connection to a deadly shooting several weeks ago that happened after a high speed chase and compted one of the cars involved in the chase and shootout is reportedly registered to white it's unknown if the rapper is facing charges and former v.p. Joe Biden is condemning President Trump for not stopping supporters from chanting center back at a rally last night in North Carolina speaking today in Los Angeles the presidential candidate said the president's body language didn't say supporters should stop chanting I only showed a clip where he stood there too soon. Biden says Trump is playing a game by targeting the for minority congresswoman Biden added that Trump is quote dividing the country and raising the issue of racism Trump disavow the chance that were directed at Minnesota Democratic congresswoman Omar during a rally in North Carolina last night and while San Jose police were conducting a trespassing sweep near the Guadalupe river this afternoon they found a body of a woman officials with the police department are still investigating but they say the woman's death occurred under suspicious circumstances no other details are known at this time but of Esta gators are collecting evidence close to Julia street near the downtown area k d c sports the Dodgers lost to Philadelphia today 76 feet in his take on Houston later on tonight that sports on the new home of the u.s.c. Trojans. So Cal weather tonight 64 solo Marl 75 is a high currently 80 and walnut 69 in Torrance an 85 in Chatsworth.