Well investigators are on the scene to assist with the investigation the debate over a proposed school parcel tax in Los Angeles heading to court the Los Angeles Unified School District is being sued by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is their president if the district wants to impose it partial to do it in a way that's not as rushed as it was before I actually think through this thing and propose a tax that complies with wall to Paul believes the ballot process was not done legally he's hoping the judge will rule that the June 4th ballot question is invalid on Tuesday the school board voted to make it clear that the personal tax would not include square footage from parking structures measure is designed to raise $500000000.00 every year Kevin trip k b c news a day after u.s. Officials announced Iran might be plotting to attack American troops secretary of state Mike Pompei o is making an unannounced trip to Iraq to speak with allies in the region pump aoe met with top Iraqi leaders including the prime minister over 4 hours the trip administration did not provide any details in its accusations against Iran there's advice for new parents worried about the measles outbreak health experts say babies can be fully immunize sooner if their parents choose a person could be fully immunized a baby could be fully immunized by the 13 months of their life Dr Jeffrey Gunson House or from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health says a baby can get the 1st shot at 12 months in a booster shot one month later usually the booster shot is given a few years later and several police officers in Los Angeles are being treated for the dangerous Mersa staph infection it's not clear how the officers caught it but experts like Dr Michael Herd say 1st responders often come in contact with various diseases it gets me if they're concerned anytime you're dealing with a population where sanitation is not reliable so the homeless unfortunately don't have access to clean water and washing and toileting the l.a.p.d. Says 3 often. There West Valley Station have the drug resistant infection considered highly contagious the doctor says it can be easily spread in places like police stations he says essential to always wash your hands sports the doctors leave the brace 3 to 0 early on the Tigers 5 to 2 behind a 3 run 3rd inning So Cal weather tonight partly cloudy 57 tomorrow could see some clouds throughout the day a high of 66. 60 in Sun Valley and 61 in downtown l.a. . Now 95.5. And down will the to take a b. C. With you. Here is k b c news we're right home tonight be smooth sailing bumper to bumper or somewhere in between Let's find out now and toss it over to traffic. And down the 5 freeway South Bend at the 6 o 5 connector an accident investigation continuing your car missed the ramp went over the side. Road reportedly still blocked traffic extra heavy still on the southbound 5 as you make your way from about Paramount Boulevard in San Bemis a major wreck their 10 freeway each one of the $57.00 freeway junction multi-car crash the transition road closed in the right lane at the start of the transition also shut down eastbound 10 slow going there extra slow conditions from about be a very also just reported 60 freeway westbound just past the 710 freeway interchange just all left side of the freeway and on the few 10 Freeway eastbound of goold Avenue getting word of a stalled right side of the road there your next reports coming out 20 I'm Richard turn is James 790. He's an encore presentation on Talk Radio $798.00 b.c. . And see what they. Did But yes I was. On the break home. Oh who who's on your t.v. Every 3 minutes you know I am and as a rule I need to be on t.v. Commercial on the hour of wow he was so good looking. At some and powerful guard and also you know it's funny I started printing out your bio all of your credits and the people in Brazil are saying the rain forest is going to rain for. 11 things every year do you have to audition anymore or did people just know your deal. Right now I'm probably in a category of we know what we're getting so why bother them but you've done drama drama I didn't know you started with the step and skewed Steppenwolf Theater group is this you this is the to the state the people of the city it is and yet you play both ferals father with a cougar in a car Ok well that's just goes that's as good a shape by them that I don't know why that visual of you in that crafty little car what's funnier than a cougar and a hot car. Of course lumbered yet in an office space and now Veep which is just one of the most amazing shows and I got to tell you guys are really if you haven't seen it this year. They're pushing the envelope so there's no Omble you know you know they really threw the bill up away a long time ago that day and this year I think that they the writers decided to really lean in to you know reality a bit more than they have a passion a good they you are oh but when you're on the stories there are they do they bring in people from Washington to tell them and they have over the years had a lot of consultants they've talked to a lot of people and so a lot of stuff they do pull is you know stuff that is plausible certainly but also they've they've actually. Predicted certain things there was a thing we did 34 years ago about Chinese hacking. That was a story line. And and this was I forget what season that was maybe 2 or 3 and that it came to be I'm not tell you talk about the Russian intervention there was a thing there about 4 years ago right I remember a couple years ago that is in Washington d.c. This is the agriculture building the thermostat started changing and the printer started printing out Chinese and they said oh yes. I guess we've just been found out I guess we have neighbors Yeah oh wow oh wow so the other thing I wonder on the show because the dialogue it's so dense style of you're the statistician bad news you're always you're always popping in given Selina Meyers was the vice president and was the president awful news that's real it's like the facts of you know you're not trending well and. I'm just always waiting for you to just come in and just kill her with reality all the you know all he does is measure perception that that's basically his job for her and usually the perception of her is not good so he can only tell or any numbers how bad or good it is on any given day so that that's another great thing too is I can only imagine this with Trump and with politicians it's just gaggle of people like Conrad Lawrence's ducklings you know when they do just everywhere she goes I'm stepping off steps Yeah if you look they're just following her wherever she goes and she's just coming out with nonsense and yet sanity and common people I look at her as like her character walking through any where we are whether it be a photo op at a rally whatever she's like a tornado she's the center of a tornado whipping up stuff picking it up and stuff is getting hurled through windows and we're trying to you know void whatever you know shrapnel is coming our way and I don't laugh out loud at t.v. Shows are left out because typically it's weak and I don't care for Spoiler alert if you haven't watched it why are you so busy tough because you've got what 9000 new Netflix shows that appeared last night. Last week the fact that she got up in front of an African-American church group. And started railing realism about her African-American competitor and ended up turning it into the opposite of a me too thing right but man to man man oh man up that the woman should man up and the audience goes crazy I just laugh and just laugh and what she found her slow but rather than see how hard is it for you guys who goes 1st who's the guy who ruins the scenes because you crack up I am I'm pretty good for 2 reasons one I'm not that cheerful in real life and the other the other thing is that can't is so stoic that I'm already in a mode where I'm just I just have a stone face that that's my goal the the culprit I would say is twofold Tony Hale both in cracking people up and himself cracking up he's the one to tend to go for Tony it was her assistant who carries for her son back issues that oh my gosh he's he's Did you think I don't remember to click the 1st episode was it already think well if it was there you know you weren't on I was not Kevin Dunn and I who Kevin Dunn plays Ben is chief of staff we're not we came into the show in its 2nd season right and we already when we arrived it was a machine that was well oiled for sure and I mean by watching the 1st season I think it worked from the get go short amazing and the rhythms got to be tough to because it's a really dialogue dense they packed a lot into that 2830 minutes and there's a lot of the thing I congratulate you on I won't mention the show that I'm watching hour ago what the hell are they doing there every joke out is where somebody looks at the documentary camera and goes oh it's like The Office on steroids it's like the writers did not have a punchline so the person just turns and goes and does that takes a bit hard look at. You know did they really are they going to keep doing that it's so depressing you guys just go out on dialogue and dialogue and dialogue and there's like 9 story lines also running running through it heard well these guys the staff these men and women who write the show that day there we probably shoot. 15 minutes longer than they can include They have to edit it then they got it and then I got to get the says we're just not getting them signed from. George Jason who's tell me if you look on one side of the room and then I'm ready to do it because the cuts Larry should 20 minutes are over there's no continuity and story lines drop out because you can run funny in where you're kind of doing the same stuff where you just keep going and yeah we would do table reads that were I mean at the script was you know it's a 4550 minute script easy. To tear and they would like you know pick and choose as they went the next script the route would be obviously a little bit shorter but you know they're always and what is it where you shoot this thing well the 1st 4 seasons were in Baltimore. Then it moved back here to Paramount and it was basically it was like half and half I would say it was more on the stage then then I don't know Ok sure but but there were practical locations to do people go crazy when you were in Baltimore in your family and they see you both the more it's pretty low key you know right people don't get too excited about it Baltimore Yeah I mean we're pretty under the radar I'd have to say and most of the time we were at a stage that well I call it a stage it was a giant warehouse. Which was actually outside of Baltimore about about maybe half an hour ago so I'm curious with you when people see you because again your bio is just it's insanity and it's human like all American Gothic The Good Wife the good fight veep you can go fire Brady Bunch Movie one hour photo with Ron Williams Of course office space when people see you is their thing now with Veep because it's so out there the people is it still the office still lumbered to everybody is that a big deal it depends on the it's just the demographic it's usually got and it's an age factor you know if it's if it's under $45.00 it's a lot of office space if it's over that there's a lot of West Wing. Midnight Caller but Midnight Caller is that that's quite a long time because if your show that was that was I was playing you or you didn't really know what was modeled I want to play and make I spend my life my underwear in a bathrobe and the pressure and the other things with them watching you on Veep the next year I watch is Barry any good Stephen Root in there like you guys from Office Space Yeah are doing killing it yes Stephen's been he's been doing great on that show and unbelieves and the other thing I want to talk about with you is at this point do you like doing comedy or do you like doing drama better cleansing you do a lot of drama lately are you gunning for that or when you look at a script you go whatever well I said I'm still I'm still do I mean I'm still involved with there's a it's a it's kind of a prequel or earth sequel to the my character on the good fight and they still do a thing on it's a. Reaming So it's now called the good fight and I'm still trying to same character . I never did but I I have to say I never look at them differently I do. It To me they're just characters and whether or not whatever the reaction to them is not you know I'm not really concerned with other than you know trying to fit into whatever whatever story whatever piece of the puzzle I'm supposed to be so I'm I'm a fan of employment so I understand where you are you a the guy you can't talk to are you staying No no no I can't I don't feel me I don't care if you kill me if the guy if I had to go up to somebody all they knew about me in 247 there are hundreds of men's room do they got diarrhea can you bring the thing 1st like in there about you know I've never been that guy and I don't have I don't have a problem with guys who are thank you to that extent I've never no no I never took college with John. Malcolm it's but Malcolm is was never that guy you know no he seems like he made he why he's actually wear the clothes for 7 now no he's not that guy he just is you know he's from southern Illinois but you know. Masquerading as the Count of Monte Cristo John it's not that it seems like he was beamed down he does not seem like he's truly from from anyone he'll be the 1st to tell you. He's a blessed and who is a mentor I'm always curious with actors you know because I have parents who are so not not helpful and not supportive you know my mother would be like when t.v. You think a good good looking enough to. Do who's a mentor for you like who says to you you can really do this well. I mean I got I was supported certainly my parents were supportive of it my father was a field. My father was more skeptical than my mother my mother was very open to it and I think instinctually felt that I did have some kind of you know talent at it or some kind of something that worked you know she was and she was very encouraging from the get go that's my memory Bob since early on I mean the success you have workers Yeah I mean I had a pretty good early journey I you know I worked in Chicago in the theater but I you know I did my share of day jobs and all of that and I haven't lean times I came out here. I got into television relatively soon in terms of a I was 27 years old and got a fairly sizable part in a mini series on n.b.c. But then there was the you know just the reality of trying to maintain that. But it . Never went very a really long time of a drought where nothing happened and by the way like I said with your your I don't know how you get by car to the places because there's so much he does like a leaven movie than things last year well but you have an overt center but even from the beginning you know you had a pretty good run I did look and you know when you're in it you don't really think about that as much but now that I've you know come to an advanced age. I look back and realize how fortunate I was in in those beginning times and how I was able to turn one thing into another I always think it's about. You know if people ask about well you know there's no handbook obviously for that I mean and it's just about I think it's about opportunity but I think the trick is that when you get an opportunity that you're ready for it you know because opportunities. Can they can they can be bold but they can also be squandered to always know my kids that if you want to perform the people make it when so many of you stand up and do it I've seen the people go I'm not today's not the den or my rock you may not get set on their lives the people who you are the a I've always seen them or you go hey can you sing it but but the g. On sing the going over I really and they're into it and they want to know you and they want to then anybody wants you know they're knocking you down right to get in there I think it's really a desire to want to do it takes you a long way talent is certainly you know a good thing to have but it does a the need to want to perform is you know it's something that will get people over the line amps absolutely anybody you still haven't worked with that you want to work with cause you work with a lot of different for well I mean sure I'm 1000000 by now but I don't you know I don't really 0 in on me living really good yet living would be good brand on you I can't make that thought of me I don't want to go I don't know I can pretend a brand I can reach for my shoes on the wall and really you know my idols you know Deval and and you know guys like that I mean Ok anybody you're like Jason Alexander I've done a lot of stuff with church Jason believe it or not William Shatner was his thing when I was a kid he wanted to get into acting because of it and I did Bob Patterson which I call but all my shows the t.v. Shows were launched all have a long talk because of called ill fated. Which was on after getting extra syllable on the West usually usually this is my luck usually when you get a new show that supposed to be the big show they put it on after the Super Bowl you're going to laugh because you know what this is the Super Bowl or big event because they want a 1000000000 people to see right they put those R.'s on after what about John the drunk who's like which you were in I was assaulted if I'm in Chicago and Jason and I and the crew were waiting for our premiere and they called us and said Joan is canceled. Morning while it's running it's canceled and I looked at Jason and I said I think that means we don't have a huge lead and I've got a sick feeling that exists already that's going to cut into our ports tend Well yeah for a large super bowl don't just don't want to buy junk cars Yeah you know one of our just goes that was just now where is she and people clinking glasses going we're on 6 more minutes or so that's turning off bunch of us are countries that show business I am 70 k b c 80225222 is a phone number Gary call is our guest in studio I want to talk about your you're involved with U.C.L.A.'s appear for careers program which is a really cool program as being about a day of love you talk about that we combat it and then I'm going to just interrogate you relentlessly until your are devoid of moisture and you leave the house and 700 kids you've got a question for Gary great 802 to 5 to do you want to yell at him about something why care 802225222 will be right back. Can you see dependable traffic right now for all 5 freeway northbound of the 10 Freeway connector is stalled so huge pieces left side of the freeways affected at the start of the transition and they're already talking about doing a traffic break here shortly meaning they're going to stop cars so watch your step here just in 4 or 5 north of the 10 Freeway 65 freeway northbound at South Street there is a report of some debris on the road and know what it is but they say a large object of some kind 3rd lane from center divider head to head in that way c.h. Pieces so they may run a break once they arrive there then freeway eastbound at the $57.00 earlier accidents cleared traffic remains a little bit extra heavy and in Downey by freeway south one of the 6 o 5 crashed there started the transition next report coming up at 833 I'm Richard Turnage am 700 k. B.c. Well. I can't believe it. That fellow brought his little brother on our mission into orbit at all until it got down. 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U Thank you. For the discussion. 790 k. B.b.c. . 7 I think he's too much excuse Mr Guy came our number to discover to some frequency if you take a bunch of calls guard your headphones on and I do indeed that's good here too damn mass your knowledge of what's a question for Gary they go oh yeah I love the cell Midnight Caller That was so much interesting fun to watch how did you get on that show and the main driver of the show producer and. That was one of the it was. Not the 1st thing I ever did on camera but close to it it started in 1988 I just you know I got a meeting I had done a couple of t.v. Movies and I got a meeting for audition for it and the guy that wrote the scripts was a guy named Richard I'm not sure what he had on before that. This show I mean you know the whole show with you and your and like everything else yeah it was it was it for 1st. Kind of 1st time out on a series it was it was a great baptism because I was I work basically all day every day so it was an hour so that that what I love the premise of it and just the different story lines you guys to do it's something I would like to go back and see again this is not to do those shows live on somewhere midnight callers a strange situation because it was a it was. The 1st season midnight call that was done during a writers' strike so it started late there was only 16 shows. It didn't really reach 60 shows it was tough to syndicate and I heard there was a last minute call or used a lot of music a lot of what would be now expensive music got it so in those days I guess you know you could just kind of fudge that but you know more now somebody wants the bar yeah they aren't going to a Susan which of course you Gary. So. Who care and love you you're a believer versatile Hello Susan she said you know you near just tell Susan will take her after the news because she either hope she's Ok Now now I worry now where I was you know you must go there every night Real quick Pineapple Express What are your thoughts about Pineapple Express. Yeah you know the only thing I can think of is a lot oh we did I mean I'm thinking Robert Downey Jr Seth Rogen I mean it was insane yes but but but Robert Downey Jr wasn't the less I was in a blackout 100 percent you know part of me I'm thinking of the other teams right now James Franco I got I got Yeah yeah it was crazy Seth Rogen and his his his writing partner Evan Goldberg there I think they had that script sitting around since they were in 8th grade and I said you know I asked him I said So Seth did you did you develop this as a No we had this in a trunk when we were in general I schooled we gave it to Sony and said Will you make this and say Yes I said was they had to run they had you know how do you think the 1st 3 movies were gigantic I just heard an interview the other day by the way I love him but that laugh I would I would assassinate him because he's a happy guy and he said I get it but it's the funniest thing was as a writer you know that you get notes on my t.v. Series I had 15 people I think I really I was like busboys or give me no it was like to have to take these so he said my 1st 3 movies are like make a good zillion dollars So our next movie they came in he gave us notes and I thought what are they doing I'm not going to take notes I don't know how to take notes right we just made you a $1000000.00 Dude you're not going to I'm sure his experience is not you know everyone I know I just as a writer producer No but you know like right out of the chute Yeah I know those guys are hilarious but let me ask you this allegedly stoned all the time how are you aggressively directing a movie on a budget with a time table where people have to show up and you have script supervisor say you got to do that again because that wasn't exactly the take is he there you go. When you think about that taken he goes. Well I was but I went Well I would say exceptional we need tolerance I'll let you know I don't think we know some of your yes and I don't think and I don't know that it's a documented it's all in his eyes not in front not knowing I don't think it I did it it doesn't seem to say prayer services like that on a so serious terrorist like chocolate fountains and yeah there was a lot of stuff there sorry that tells us what isn't all the time yeah you know you've got a big cast and a big crew Marshall out of one bagel and you have the kind of 14 ways you you know I want to sign for I want to visit to addition and so I thought I thought it was the jury's deli they just ordered stuff to see if they could get at the Liberals or an ox with lasagna on it and there's an ox that was on it and I have a little person and company got them all Ok it's very well I mean anything they ask they would try and push you around because they could write because they got sick because they were I'd never seen a chocolate fountain except on Willy Wonka there was I in my in my memory is correct I there was a chocolate with me Robert I want to meet him so badly we're going to take more calls Susan I think is back or she's in a chocolate on Mike in Marina Del Rey and I do want to talk about the charity too about the u.c.l.a. The peers for your peers for careers when we come back 700 b.c. We'll be right back with Gary call. Katie you know liability 30 I'm right here is one of the 8 victims of today's school shooting in Colorado is dead police say they've arrested 2 suspects in the shooting at them school Highlands Ranch that both are students at the school police have not released the possible motive or the names of the suspect but described one as an adult and the other as a juvenile the names of the victims have also not been released several police officers in Los Angeles are being treated for the dangerous Mersa staph infection it's not clear how the officers caught the Murtha infection but experts like Dr Michael Herd say 1st responders often have to deal with the dirt. Conditions definitely are concerned anytime you're dealing with a population where sanitation is not reliable so the homeless unfortunately don't have access to clean water or hand washing and toileting the l.a.p.d. Says 3 officers in their West Valley Station have the drug resistant infection is considered highly contagious and the doctor says it can easily be spread he says it's essential for everyone to wash their hands Kevin trip k b c news the debate over a school tax measure in Los Angeles is heading to court the Howard Jarvis taxpayer is suing the Los Angeles Unified School District Board they're hoping to block a June 4th ballot question that asks voters to approve a partial tax measure he is designed to raise money for the district today the board voted to make it clear that the parcel tax would not include square footage from parking structures critics say the process was not done legally and it was an emotional day for the families of those with students in the Highlands Ranch this mother was reunited with her daughter not long after the shooting at the stem school after the shooting at the stem school took place. One person has died from the shooting sports the Dodgers lead the praise for 03 innings that I made to stop the Tigers 52 behind a 3 run 3rd inning look at stocks the Dow Jones Industrial Average is posing down more than 470 points on Wall Street due to a growing trade war threat and the closing bell today the Dow Jones tumbled 473 points the Nasdaq fell 160 points and the s. And p. 500 lost 48 points so cal weather type early colonial around 57 tomorrow could see clouds throughout the day a high of 66 currently 62 in Downey 61 in Garden Grove and 60 in Torrance here 70 k. B.c. And 80 now $95.00 f.m. To pulling it on 70 m. Plus the last human podcast and. I'm Ryan Piers k b c news what are the roads so quiet for you if you dry. Home Tonight let's find out and toss it over to traffic. And Ryan horrify freeway stamp and the 90 freeway interchange in Culver City and French left lanes been blocked there for a time and traffic is stop and go beginning at about Venice Boulevard to punch involved and c h p just pulling up on scene a short while ago that's 4 or 5 south of the 90 in this new accident investigation 10 Freeway eastbound at the 57 freeway interchange right lane shut down because. Of a crash earlier and we just got the update from c.h.p. Just reopened a little bit ago but 10 each month from via Verity tried to stop and go 5 freeway south of the 6 o 5 freeway in Downey long plane crash investigation there earlier a car missed the ramp went over the side so taking a while the clear heads appear 5 south approaching the 6 so far your next reports coming up at 843 I'm Richard turn and James have a 90 day a.t.c. 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Free discussion them citizen and the a.b.c. . 786 Peter took 6 continues another man is good here Rick Springfield. Gary Cole. Is my guest Gary Cole has been in everything ever recorded on television I mean I looked at look at the list and the Brady Bunch Movie I mean Brady Bunch goes to Washington indeed how did how hard was that to do and keep a straight face because that was so you can't get the camera you had to play it straight right for the 1st time I had the whole entire Mike Brady gear on I was terrified I was in my trailer I had never had it all out together I had to bet clothes on but not the hair I had the hair on but not the clothes and I put all the gather it was like 1st it's over career is over right here. But Betty Thomas who directed it and the script that was written. Was it was actually turned out to be a really good idea they left them trapped in the seventy's and everybody else regarded devotees group monsters going to do so and it worked and those movies like us you know I love when you want your movie to go boy this is one degree off and if they're dead right the tone is just running a little bit off if you've been in the movie like that where you going oh my God Oh I've been in several that don't work that's for sure we all are let's see if Susan's around Susan are you there. I am I who I guess are you want to say I'm great I'm great I am lumbered. On and on and you know infinity and you are so good in that you just one of the play is most blew up there and I'm elated in my opinion well thank you Danny thank you I didn't think you and I saw you on this one he show. And you care about. I forget what it was when you were. Like. Just something when you come home you're living a double life but look at that no yes that was that was one of the I think that was some television movie where I think I faked my own death to get out of my marriage and then took up with somebody else and then wound up killing people yeah yeah it's a lot of you know I don't know why you know you were a want to just read the whole list of movies it only takes 25 minutes to switch the old man and so you have so you know it was one that was just you would know you are in this in those Harry and well under stated 'd and I don't know if you were you a child Oh I don't know they all think I know they all going to vote they all blending and all those evil guys when you you know well played really well Gary Michael Goodchild most unbelievable. You know what and I get it I get really it's like the berries are going to go softer door let's go to Mike in Marina Del Rey Mike would you want to go. How do you do if I were you know. Expand thank you thank you I think you know it was really you know you're a great very well the best show just curious maybe hard for you to answer Is it a happy face that is about what we just said other rips you know work with it is a joyful place to show up basically has been from the get go Julia is a born leader. And the cast by the nature of the show the way the ensemble has to work together became very close and we've you know continued that friendship you know him through the through the years and hopefully it will it will go beyond after the shows now. Said for farewell. Yeah actually I you could still be the love playing that part that's out well that's a killer part I mean she's That part is she senator self she's going to be sorry to let go of that part yeah that's what an a she owned and loved that's 4 years of therapy and one hour exactly yeah I thank you but I think really quickly to Larry cave Mitch right he was pitching a show for rates you know and she said I want to be a still I want to me I will say you know x. Or this word of that word she got her wish with the. Absolute I mean look there's wonderful thank you sir and thank you for not cursing because then you you saw my children who I wanted to this I'm somebody with thank you so much thank you I'm familiar with you don't get to for me thank you very much let's talk before because we're going to end up doing this thing called on let's talk about the piers for career gets very important I think of school and you're so seething with that yeah . Back in I think 2008 my daughter actually went through a program that is that kind of was a. The preceded this in a way this was a it was called peers and it was about. It was for kids that were on a spectrum whether it be autism or any kind of 80 d. Or language layer comprehension delay and what it was was basically a workshop in socializing. You know making friends keeping friends making it down to dismiss effects of making plans making phone calls how to enter a conversation on a playground stuff like that things that you might think a lot of kids might pick up organically and they do but in this case they need you know a little extra guidance and it was very very beneficial I know that it was beneficial quickly doesn't notice a big difference this program is kind of leaping forward into time. And it is basically designed for. College college students on the spectrum to transition into employment center everything that goes along with that resumes interviewing us in choosing career creating a listening finding applying for employment electronic communication interviewing etiquette conversational skills and an excellent group conversations Human Workplace stress management conflict resolution stuff that people take for granted right right and this is so valuable Yeah yeah and I think you know hopefully it will it will spawn you know thousands of other programs like it and this one will expand as well because I think that I think there's a big big need for it and again it's it's called Usually peers and its peers for careers that they've given School of Medicine at u.c.l.a. If you want to know more about it you can do that if you have a site that they can also I do think my professional. Note that I've brought here and you're going to tell the story that's really Radio thank you for that by the way you do it fast something fire there you go. For more information please contact Piers clinic at u.c.l.a. Dot edu and he was on I think x. Late yesterday you know edu And there's a phone number 310-267-3377 you can give it to me again Gary so I have it sure Piers clinic at u.c.l.a. Dot edu and the number 3 want to know 267-3377 that's terrific We'll take a brief break we come back we'll talk to John and I got a lightning round of questions because we were going to time that we're going to put you through basically if you get out more about you I'm ready I'll strap in a short time strap and aim 70 k.p.h. They. Gave you see dependable driving right now in 10 Freeway westbound and fair pledge drive crash where a pickup truck Spano hit the right shoulder wall c.h.p. Just starting to arrive a little bit ago and try to be starting to slow in that area eastbound side you may also think to see delays 4 or 5 freeway south of the 90 freeway interchange in Culver City a crash number one lane block left side traffic stop and go beginning at Venice Boulevard 5 freeway south of the 6 o 5 and down the long plane crash investigations been out there for a long time because a car missed the ramp and went over the side 5 south approaching he got slow going from Slawson Avenue next report coming up at 9 o 3 a Richard turn a James 700 k. A.b.c. Do you sell stuff on line then you know what a pain shipping can be it's time consuming it's expensive it's a hassle until now introducing ship station the fastest easiest and most affordable way to get your products to your customers whether you sell stuff on Amazon s e Shopify or your own website with Chip station you can quickly ship all orders from one easy to use dashboard saving you a ton of time there's even an. 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Like these they're giant sweet juicy and I know mama level and they started just 1999 with double the berries for just 99 more they'll arrive on the day you choose fresh delicious and beautifully packaged and your satisfaction is guaranteed Ok I'm definitely sending mom some happy from Sherry's berries this year order now because Mother's Day is this Sunday May 12th remind me one more time Ok Go write this down shop berries dot com click the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring that's Barry's dot com s p r i n g the home of Ben Shapiro. Sittin on the b.b.c. . 700 k.b. C p 2 at 6 continues you know what I'm to do a lightning round with Gary but I also don't have the prog you callers have. Been able to talk him so let's do that I will sacrifice on your behalf Let's go to William and Rosemead because everybody loves Mr Kerik all go ahead with him Hi Peter nice talking to you I love you better back to me by the way thank you Mr Cole I bought who a v.h.s. Tapes of several very sad that you're so good you made you make your show to my blood the way to fix it thank you he played better news for a bit sir thank you very much yeah and yeah I think that's probably the only place that Viet Fatal Vision exists is on v.h.s. The next one the lady was talking about when you were so scary Oh that could have been yes the McDonogh Right right right right thank you Mr Cool thanks very much any player killer like that did you can you watch references how did you get into that field vision we had at an enormous amount of material they had it was based on the Joe McGinniss book right but the producers had. All of the crime scene photographs. They had most of the transcripts from the then there were several show there was one of there was an Army trial there was a grand jury trial then there was another trial after that so there was a lot of material and you try and play it I was wonder with actors how close you want to get to him because then you're doing it under person Asian and it's kind of like you know I wasn't worried about doing it dead on impersonate there was there because he did do a lot of press. After the 1st trial so he was on the old Dick Cavett Show and several of thanks so there was there was footage to look at so I tried to you know I tried to kind of get exact about mimicry I'm not not necessarily voice you know right away his face and the intensity in the mannerisms the stuff like that and he just had that he kind of had a you know he certainly had a tone about it oh yes pretty distinctive John in Long Beach. Yeah Hello Peter Carey. Yeah here where I work we definitely get a kick out of the movie Office Space in your character and a lot of times you'll be interoffice e-mail going out and don't put put your picture on them sometimes it's kind of funny. But from my coworker Jesse could you do your Bill Lumbergh in person nation and ask Jesse to work late and also work Saturday and Sunday this week is Jesse do you work with Jesse or is Jesse I do you do Ok 200 bucks by the way yeah you get to talk to him to check it out you know here we go yeah Jesse but it would be great if you could come in on Saturday Oh and I'm also an on going to need you to come you know on Sunday to your friend John asked me Ok I There you go all right could something important or just going to this is anecdotal. And I wished I was I was told I mean since you're going now we went into Milt John you would be getting the season to system our sanctuary Our before you go ready for this here we go did this as quickly as you can do you sing. You know yes you know I don't need to. Yes dance easy I love when people write on their bios Roland you know all the stuff revelational skills right rollerblade no ski Yes Yodel No miss no nap no nap yes heat access daily no gluten free no Thrones no. Drive a stick Yes drive a hard bargain yes drive across crazy ever Yes sure German from now. Been to 15 Dr Fisher to get have you been to 15 Dead or Phish shows no. Favorite Band. Oh Eagles favorite food pizza favorite color blue favorite person. Really Ok and bigger splurge biggest splurge biggest word. For concert tickets Ok for the further you go yeah I know you play you play music you Tarzan I'm a I'm a closet drummer Yes well which is hard because they don't get it oh you've got if you've got an explanation so you don't know what do you play I have my I have my electric you know sense so I can say with that laughs and I can play with anybody I don't want to you aren't going to play with me because then people would have to listen to it and that but it's not your goal though to play do you want to play in a live band Well I have I did I actually made a few appearances with the with the very famous band from t.v. Just going to say has to be Greg Grunberg Yes exactly it's Wednesday I feared I appeared to have the best plane in the band with you that would be there Teri Hatcher sang in the band house on keyboards. Adrian paths Dar There you go and I'm covering what's that song you know it was the best one we do it again once you get out there with the drums there I think you're retiring and so I'm going to amp in the closet if you want to play ever Let's go. Do it what's your what's the next thing you know what it is after. I die I'm waiting to see about a show that I was kind of doing simultaneously in the fall with Veep called fam which was a just like a half hour sitcom we did a half a season so we're you know we're waiting on them a bubble like everybody else you like the new world now where actors can actually do 10 to 10 episode rather than 22 was sure we can do 10 and you're not exclusive to that well the thing that strong about that though even though you know everybody likes to be paid $22.00 times yeah but writing for 10 shows is a lot I think that ups the game of stories because writers are able to really plot out a whole year as a rush to. Almost trying to outdo the 2 you're on the treadmill to yeah yeah your house is running Yeah you're trying to out run material Well you're trying to stay alive and you're just playing every week and and with charts of it is very very hard and I think it'll probably everything hopefully will probably or a lot of it will shift to that good luck that will come back and say goodbye they care am 70 k.b. So let's say you just bought a house bad news it is your one step closer to becoming your parents you'll probably most along and skip anybody noticed you mowed the lawn told people to stay off the lawn compare it to your neighbor's lawn and complain about having to mow the lawn again good news is it's easy to model home an auto through progressive and save on your car insurance which of course will go right into the on progressive casualty insurance company affiliates and other insurers has come out available in all states or situations do you sell stuff on line then you know what have pain shipping can be it's time consuming it's expensive it's a hassle until now introducing ship station the fastest easiest and most affordable way to get your products to your customers whether you sell stuff on Amazon s e Shopify or your own website with ship station you can quickly ship all orders from one easy to use dashboard saving you a ton of time there's even an easy to use mobile app so you always have access plus you'll save money with ship stations deeply discounted rates from all the top carriers like u.s.p.s. 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Roses Now you can send mom a dozen of beautiful assorted roses for just 999 That's right just 1909 order now and you can double your roses and get a premium vase for an extra 99 that's 2 dozen roses and a premium vase to get this amazing Mother's Day deal go to Pro Flowers dot com click on the microphone and enter code spring give Mom a dozen beautiful assorted roses for just 1999 or double the roses and get a free base for an extra $99.00 when it comes to ordering flowers for Mother's Day Pro Flowers makes it easy to order like a pro the only way to get this amazing deal is to go to Pro Flowers dot com click on the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring that's Pro Flowers dot com code spring profile hours dot com code s p r i n g Mother's Day is this Sunday what am I going to get or why not send mom some happy from Sherry's berries the freshly dip gourmet strawberries covered in decadent toppings like chocolate chips and pick shimmer sugar yet they started just 999 or you can double the berries for just 99 more just go to berries dot com click the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring you've never seen dipped berries like these there are giant sweet juicy and I know mama level and they started just 1999 with double the berries for just 999 more they'll arrive on the date you choose fresh delicious and beautifully packaged and your satisfaction is guaranteed Ok I'm definitely sending mom some happy from Sherry's berries this year order now because Mother's Day is this Sunday May 12th remind me one more time Ok Go write this down shop berries dot com click the microphone in the upper right corner and enter code spring that's Barry's dot com s p r i n g finding great candidates to hire can be like well trying to find a needle in a haystack but not with zipper cruder it's powerful technology actively. 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Dot edu and 310267337 you're the last that it is going to go not going to change like we have here there. 3102. Except in 337777 There you go I love when I write something and so important and I can't even read it coming out and it's a blast when I talk to people I go you know the big point of the report it's the. Lead when I don't know what I said here in a dream was frustrating thanks man you know you're a man you're such a good guy Thanks for having me and I love your work every love your work and I wish you a lot of success health and happiness right back at you come back and soon as you know help with this to do in advance you got it you let us know thank you or we're here I'm 7 on the. Facts don't care about your feelings through. I feel I feel more confident I feel like I have the liberty nothing more. And I can't I feel I feel so strongly about you see the film you're playing tired of the lies and spin of the mainstream media get the facts no feelings. Tune into the bench with your oh so now afternoon 3 to 6 j d.c. Los Angeles the Orange County Cumulus station. K b c News Live Local 9 I'm Brian Pierce one of the 2 suspects in today's school shooting in Colorado a speed of benefit as 18 year old Yvonne Erickson Erickson and a 2nd juvenile suspect were students at stem school Highlands Ranch The 2 are accused of opening fire there this afternoon killing one person and injuring 7 others the Douglas County Sheriff's Office has an identified the victim who died but said he's an 18 year old student at the school all the other victims were also students Police said the gunmen were deep inside stem school Highland ranch when they opened fire in 2 locations the debate over a proposed school parcel tax in Los Angeles is heading to court the Los Angeles Unified School District is being sued by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association John Coupole is their president if the district wants to impose it partial tax it needs to do it in a way that's not as rushed as it was before and actually think through this thing and propose a time. That complies with the all who Paul believes the ballot process was not done legally he's hoping the judge will rule that the June 4th ballot question is invalid on Tuesday the school board voted to make it clear that the personal tax would not include square footage from parking structures measure years designed to raise $500000000.00 every year Kevin trip k b c news a day after u.s. Officials announced Iraq might be plotting to attack American troops secretary of state Mike pump aoe is making an unannounced trip to Iraq to speak with allies in the region pump aoe met with top Iraqi leaders including the prime minister for over 4 hours the Trump administration did not provide any details and its accusations against Iran there's advice for new parents worried about the measles outbreak health experts say babies can be fully in an iced sooner if their parents choose a person could be fully immunized a baby could be fully immunized by the 13 months of their life Dr Jeffrey Johnson House or from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health says the baby can get the 1st shot of 12 months in a booster shot one month later usually the booster shot is given a few years later and several police officers in Los Angeles are being treated for the dangerous Mersa staph infection it's not clear how many officers caught it but experts like Dr Michael Hertz say 1st responders often come in contact with various diseases it's kept me if they're concerned anytime you're dealing with a population where sanitation is not reliable so the homeless unfortunately don't have access to clean water and washing and toileting the l.a.p.d. Says 3 officers and their well.

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