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Surveilled president trumps campaign for inappropriate purposes The move comes just hours after the president requested a probe into whether the federal agents did spy on this campaign for political reasons correspondent Ryan Knoebels has more from the White House the president getting results pretty quickly and the question is is this more about an effort to discredit Robert Muller and his investigation the president continues to call that a witch hunt and wants to see it come to an end of course we are now just past the one year anniversary of the launch of that investigation Texas governor Greg Abbott says he's asking for an array of citizens and leaders to participate in the round table discussions regarding school safety following Friday's shooting in Santa Fe Texas that left and people dead corresponding click Neville says the Round Table start tomorrow Governor Abbott says students from Santa Fe will be a part of the discussions as well as state leaders safety experts and people on both sides of the gun control debate is essential that we hear from the experts before any hard and fast conclusions are arrived here so that we can have all the information placed on the table the governor says safety measures could include social media threat assessments of students and limiting entrances into school buildings Clayton levels Santa Fe Texas a big win for Spike a new title for Jennifer Aniston and a series that's all about family respond David Daniel has the Hollywood minute God Bless America Spike Lee he wins it can the director's new movie Black Klansmen took the grand prize at this year's Cannes Film Festival the top overall award the Palme d'Or went to veteran Japanese filmmaker Hirokazu Kore EDA for. Shoplifters. It's. On Here's a web series that keeps it all in the family how to beat your sister in law at everything stars actresses Melissa Greenspan and Michelle as are who are real life sisters in law creators and writers Susan Cohen and Sidney Suskind raise the budget on Kickstarter drew in such familiar faces as Phil Lamar and Susie Nakamura as guest stars and are campaigning for Creative Arts Emmys nominations in 2 categories . Jennifer Aniston for president the actress is teaming with comedienne taking its HARO for the Netflix comedy series 1st ladies Aniston will play the 1st female president of the United States and its Haro who also co-wrote the series will play the 1st lady Netflix says the show will prove that behind every great woman is another great woman in Hollywood I'm David Daniel. Sports. Sure hits on he had another exceptional outing struck up 9 while throwing $72.00 thirds innings of 6 at ball in a 7th Briere start the angel snap their 5 game shit with 5 cubic free over the Tampa Bay Rays Kiki Hernandez and Yasi of each it to run homers and the L.A. Dodgers beat the Washington Nationals 7 to Steph Curry tallit $35.00 points with $53.00 pointers shooting over James Harden and driving past a huge star as the Golden State Warriors made a 2nd half statement to beat the rockets 126285 and the Vegas Golden Knights have made hockey history by advancing to the Stanley Cup final and I turned a 21 victory at Winnipeg in game 5 of the Western Conference Final become the year in a 1st N.F.L. Team N.F.L. Team the 1st N.H.L. Team to win 3 playoff series and its inaugural season here K B C dependable traffic when they need it most South L.A. 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All across America 86690 right I is here home and I'm very McNamara Welcome and good morning I just have to play you know you and you and I talked about last week whether it was a gods or that the media made idiots of themselves or the whole Imus 13 response of the president had and they continued it I want to play here this is from from Face the Nation an editor from Slate magazine and then we go to C.N.N. . They just won't back down you're ready for this yeah right here here here we go right this is Face the Nation Harry even in this particular case where he's responding to a hypothetical question about and I've. Seen gang member he doesn't I mean no his lying was just though he didn't talk specifically about the M.S.N. 1000 gang members he talks specifically about bees people which is vacant it slippery and it's unclear exactly what he means but that it wasn't ever sponsored directly to the question about M.S. 13 yes and this is again this is absolutely intellectually dishonest Yes It's why you want fake Yes this is lie this is a lie from the Slate editor Let's continue here OK at that is in keeping with his past language. I think that we would have valuating these kind of comments in evaluating this kind of imprecision I'm not sure we should give the benefit of the down towards the president only referring specifically to this one group of people and having said that even if that was the case I do think there's a serious problem with the president humanizing any group of people in the United States even if they are hardened criminals John is it appropriate for a president ever call anyone an animal even if they are sadistic gang members Yeah I think that's something to watch out for the history of political leaders dehumanizing opponents even criminals and using animal metaphors is a dangerous one that is in defense of him as 13 wow. For no Mayor Willie Brown you want to add some comments to that one that way this is by the way the 1st the 1st one was Slate's Jamelle Bouie. This is exactly what's going on this is this is part of the mentality very much alive in the party on the left hate to the point that. He's worse than M S 13. It shouldn't be dehumanizing Yes M S 13 well you've been hardened criminals I think most people would disagree with you on the yes it's OK it is. We have we have no problems with that whatsoever brutal sadistic murderers gang members. No problem calling them animals Number one we are all animals to begin with but just to let you know what was happening even after they made fools of themselves of it still defending it one told you I mean that was the one thing that they were saying well the president it is the same as if. I was asked the question is Eric a nice guy. Somebody asked is Eric a nice guy yeah yes' or really really nice guy I like him a lot but what about air well I just responded well you didn't say his name I didn't have to say his name I directly responded to your question about Eric that's what they're trying to play here on THE PRESIDENT That's what you're trying to do from Slate magazine it's childish it's disingenuous it's a lie it's fake news and they make it worse by going out and then saying and even if that were true right and then start defending M S 13 wow they just make it too easy they really do when you think about it well we I guess we we knew that this was coming though what if we did I mean criminals and you know the former president telling a group of of Christians that they needed to get off their high horse after addressing ISIS You need to get off your high horse when it comes to the terrorists in the world today over something the Crusades that happened hundreds and hundreds of years ago. As we say to the left keep it up. Yeah keep doing exactly what you're doing we're going to make note of it and we'll call you on it and talk about the lives. Because if you watch that in the setting that it was at talking to law enforcement and a specific question from a sheriff you knew exactly what he was talking about yeah there's no doubt but they're still trying to do. That just boggles my mind. By the way I just this one here because we didn't get a chance to talk about the you know some of the response to the Texas school shooting. On Friday. This is something of this be a conundrum on the left campus reform editor in chief Laurence Jones hammered late night host Jimmy Kimmel Sunday on Fox News for the white privilege he enjoys as a rich white man while wanting to disarm law abiding Americans. Kemel started off his Friday show by referencing the Texas shooting as another reason why politicians need to do something to gun control he said quote so they sit there with their hands in their pockets pockets that are full of gun money and they do nothing they just wait for the outrage to pass because it didn't happen to their children least you can do is register to vote right now make sure we vote for politicians who will do something these kinds of things don't happen in countries with real sensible gun laws Jones however sees the late night hosts by the way Jones as black. As in another example of white privilege. I've never seen a better example of white privilege then Jimmy Kimmel said Jones he's a white rich man that has security but he doesn't want other Americans to have security as well have the 2nd Amendment. We've tried it your way we've tried it the liberal way to where they have gun control and it did not help our communities continued Jones referring to gun laws in places like Chicago and so I'm not willing to disarm myself one thing I will say is I wish the left would be a little bit more honest and they just say they don't like the 2nd Amendment you and I have said this for the longest time that has been the liberal black leadership in this country and the elite liberals who wish to do everything to disarm law abiding blacks in some of the highest crime areas of the country. Now the liberal black leadership it might be tough to use the argument of white privilege but to the elite in Washington D.C. To the elite in Hollywood to the elite like Jimmy Kimmel to the elite Hollywood folks that live up in their gated community with the most sophisticated security systems and their armed guards perched on their high towers with their Moats surrounding their castle and lecturing you that you should not be able to protect yourself if you're not rich if you're not famous you should not have the same ability as we do. Like the fact that he has been called out for clearly stating his white privilege Jimmy Kimmel white privilege. Oh are you going to start that narrative and when you're going to start that kind of finger pointing wait until it comes back at you and my question is how would how would Kimmel respond to that if you've got your security I'm sure there are security here with people with guns and right protecting you right you've got your own private security. You know I'm sure you live in a place that has a lot of security and you have private bodyguards you're that famous you're in the public eye you have someone else carrying your guns most people aren't rich from like you so Jimmy stop on that mention being a guest. If it's about to set up being somebody who was blatantly obviously promoting your white privilege you know it's very simple. I get to have it because I can pay for it right you can't because you're too stupid to carry your own gun. But time and time again they walk themselves right into it and then they wonder you know how Donald Trump becomes president they wonder how the Republicans beyond Donald Trump the Republicans had a massive sweep in 2016. Well this is why you're out of touch with the rest of America so is your party. One of the other narratives that has come up after the last couple of school shootings and this has been promoted a lot by conservatives which I think is a very important argument to make that you know the left automatically says guns must go right but as we know guns have we have had much easier access to guns. In our history guns were actually easier to access years ago yet these things didn't happen so since you're addressing the fact that you wish all Americans to give up their 2nd Amendment right and believe in Santa great and then should we think about giving up other rights because the fact of if it isn't the gun because it was easier access to guns is it is apparently the environment and what we are teaching our kids so should we be teaching our kids something differently by the way David French had an article in National Review where he's talking about some of the studies showing that even in this case a kid wearing the trench coat that that. School shootings since you know the Columbine with Dylan clean Eric Harris and Eric Harris who have led the imagery of the majority of school shootings since that point right now and he said that because it's part of the popular culture one of the points brought from that is what somebody else actually does can influence other people so what you actually see what your environment is what you were spawn to what is pounded into your head over and over again by the media whatever can have an effect on you well then should we stop should should if you believe that other people for instance say this I'm asking this question that that if we're being told that everybody needs to give up their guns or some form of guns or you know. All their guns and because that was what even the Democrats proposed in the legislation where they really wish to get rid of all some automatics which was the majority of guns out there than if you expect Americans to give up their 2nd Amendment rights then should we be willing to give up other rights are there other 1st Amendment rights that should be that should be restricted because of right should 1st amendment rights go 2nd Amendment rights if you have no problem with that the White Man other rights you don't have to say that right you don't have to produce that movie you don't have to cover that story right nobody has to do anything because that's what we hear you don't have to have that gun you don't have to say that it's T.V. Stations don't have to promote that government should control all of that too if there's a shooting no government coverage and no coverage of it the government should stop coverage of it right to protect others to protect others so where are we going to go but their narrative has been brought up that wait a minute what about how we teach our kids what about the fact that you know maybe we should bring values back in. Maybe kids should be hey you never know maybe kids should be forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance I'm just throwing all this stuff up since well people should be forced to give up their guns when people should be forced to do other things to ensure that they have the correct mindset right I mean what is it what are the values we're teaching in schools what are we teaching kids to do something has changed guns were easily accept acceptable in the past and now. You have. A totally totally different society inside of a public school you think about how different it was even from the times that you and I went to public schools. Starts to change it's a different mentality in terms of what can be how the children can be disciplined because if you think about that what is the real leadership of course it starts in the home but how do children really learn old children actually. They in fact require discipline but it is their nature to be to be drawn to be molded by such discipline and yet we refused to issue discipline at schools. 86698 right I am going to put people your goals 866 feet under the radar you're on the road i Radio. Listen to Red Eye radio show wherever you are with our free app for your i Phone or Android more info at Red Eye radio show dot com and use the keyword mobile as a pro driver you have to be an efficiency expert that's why the new Pilot Flying J. 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If you're traveling to Latin America or the Caribbean to visit friends and relatives you can protect yourself and your loved ones from Zico there are ways to prevent Sica before during and after your trip like packing and using it registered insect repellent with an active ingredient like deep purple carrot pregnant women should not travel to an area with a risk of visit C.D.C. Dot gov slash. To learn more ways to stay healthy. And I'm going back tomorrow let's go to Jim in Chicago Jim you're on right our radio Welcome to the show. Hi guys do you remember but over the last year you have mentioned why doesn't trump quit out the tweeting the nonsense he should focus on this accomplishments and everything needs doing well now you've seen the result of that he's got people that are as anime is in the political establishment and in the media now in the last week of the fund the terrorists in Israel and they've been defended M.-S. 13. And the reason why they did that is because for the last year he knew that he could push their buttons and get them. Over react with outrage and now they can't stop themselves it's like them they have legs dog they've been so conditioned now that anything that he puts out they are going to see it that way you know I said something I think off the air a few weeks ago to that effect Jim I said you know part of me just thinks that there's that a lot of the time that the president's really just toying with the media Well we've talked about that on the air in public of that and run with them and something while I was mentioning I was referencing something very specific and I wasn't sure in that moment and I'm still not sure. But there's no doubt that at times he is doing that there's no doubt in my mind that he loves that back and forth because he knows that they they backed themselves into a corner they paint themselves into a corner. Most often with situations like this and why is that Well look his answer on. Emma's 13 was very clear was just answering a question it was very clearly he was talking about M.S. 13 However the very predictable media I don't know and that moment if he made a conscious decision you know to toy with the media but there's no doubt they're very predictable in how they react to him yeah get out of it the things in the last week won't work tweets. And when you look at you know what happened. With with and Israel and what was going on there that wasn't necessarily deliberate but it certainly does benefit him and and maybe the setting up was all along that toying back and forth just to get them worked up and emotional about things knowing that eventually they would that would come to this point which they did. And for video road log Here's your forecast you may recall last Monday I had mentioned that for the week ahead we would see 3 to 5 inches of rain for locations in the northeast east and south and we're going to repeat that forecast for the week ahead another $3.00 to $5.00 possibly 6 inches of rain for many of those areas that saw that amount last week will also see the central plains of no brassica and Kansas stay wet this week with upwards of 4 to 5 inches of rain the dry areas continue to be most of California the desert southwest and Texas without a lot of rain for the week ahead surprisingly there has been a lot of progress this weekend corn planting of the 18 states that report 62 percent of the corn crop is planted the average for this time of year 63 percent temperatures today ninety's in the desert southwest and southern plains eighty's on the eastern seaboard 92 in Vegas seventy's for the west coast 58 in Chicago your national forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout thanks so much John 80690 right I. Gave you see news alive and local That's well 30 I'm Rob Moore Rinko a toddler's then after being struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver Sunday evening in South Central and instance a place near south of here on the west 92nd Street if you for 6 pm the driver the S.U.V. Has been arrested on suspicion of DUI only marrier car so he says his heart is broken over the shooting last week in Texas but also in his words L.A. Is not being caught flatfooted He says the city is doing everything from gun buybacks to mandating that guns at home either have trigger locks or are locked up and we all. Citric away every gun that we know of from prohibited possessors we've got the backlog down to 0 for a bit of possessors of people who had been as a balance of convictions severe mental health. And so we're being able to go to those folks find the guns and homes that shouldn't have them and take them away or said he was appearing at a Sunday Hollywood luncheon marking the 25th anniversary of women against gun violence Ken Jeffries K. A.B.C. News at the weekend box office Deadpool 2 is the big winner It opened with $125000000.00 in the mess the ticket sales gave the sports. Show he autonomy and angels with a $52.00 victory over the Tampa Bay Rays attacking the great back up 9 in the $72.00 third's innings kicking Hernandez the week each hit to run homers the Dodgers beat the national 7 the 2 Steph Curry tally 35.53 pointer shooting over James Harden driving past Houston star as the Warriors made a 2nd half statement to beat the rockets 126285 K D C dependable traffic when they need it most South L.A. 91 westbound at the 110 north down the transition close for road repairs Chatsworth Whitey's found a rocky road numbers 34 and 5 lanes closed down your page see so cal weather forecast pounds overnights in Brazil possible fifty's to around 60 for lows Daytime highs and sixty's below seventy's 61 right now in downtown L.A. Problem Rinko 7 ID P.V.C. News. 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They have no fear every Curley and Gary McNamara. Whatever. So you ready all right I don't know for what what I just I would just because the last caller was talking about the M S 13 things so I just it reminded me of something. Where the daily wire broke this broke this down about. Ana Navarro who was a as you know as a political pundit not a fan at all and she was on NEW DAY This goes back to May 17th OK. And the day after the you know that it came out you know what the president had said in that law enforcement meeting when asked specifically about M S 13 I Ridgeley played it just to hear what Ana Navarro had to say and then something came up which I must make note of OK concerning the concept of fake news and the person that just hates it when you accuse them of fake news but this may be a perfect opportunity to do that but 1st I want to play the Saudi oh cut from new day in Chris Cuomo with Ana Navarro going back to. May 17th Here we go on the president on the whole Imus 13 thing I'm a lot more concerned of when he does things like call immigrants animals and we start a human I think people he thought he was talking about the White House as he was talking about M.S. There goes play the sound Let's play the sound Here's the sound. We have people coming into the country trying to come in with stuff a whole lot of them but we're taking people out of the country you wouldn't believe RINGBACK how bad these people are. These are people. These are animals the defense is that he was following up by a statement of the sheriff saying that this is M.S.N. 13 he was just talking about him as 30 but enough now not good enough not good enough from the president to have called countries and Central America call countries like Haiti shitholes Well here's the problem with with that defense her defense is that it's it's not the entire equation and it's it's also not her entire background is no it isn't because Ana Navarro back in October 10th of 2016. Should Donald Trump. Drop out of the race yes he should drop out of the human race he is an animal apologies to animals scuse me on October 9th so are 20. Should Donald Trump drop out of the race yes he should drop out of the human race he is an animal apologies to animals. Well again that's the inconsistency of course you're not going to complete the equation and you don't want people to remember what you said in the past about your political enemy the other point is Chris Cuomo who gets so upset if you accuse him of fake news you know he mentioned afterwards the Trump was responding to the sheriff's question but it changes the whole cut the whole context when you hear her specific question in whole point it was and then his response in talking about the people that were coming in then it makes total and complete sense Chris Cuomo who says he you know gets so upset when you accuse him of fake news but by him not playing it and putting it in the full context that's fake news so there you go well but nobody should call but there's her tweet from October 9th 2016 should Donald Trump drop out of the race yes he should drop out of the human race he is an animal apologies to animals now right so can you go any further No plenty of hypocrisy to go around on the left their actions their words if it's somebody we hate that's fine it's hard murderous criminals How dare you. So there you go just wanted to make sure that we we played that for you so to your calls and comments we go 86690 right I let us go to Amber in Morristown Tennessee Amber welcome you're on what I read your welcome to the show high. I was calling about the down issue you guys are talking about who has to go. Also I think it all starts with this one in Chile also because they are chase here despite their children anymore and that's a bad way out still and so it causes kids to bully in the teachers get scared and they don't want to deal with the issue and so if it doesn't get it and blow up the school well you know those again again what you are thing is because we could sit there and people we could get people call all day saying what they believe the the the problem in the challenge is our point is it is you know when you look at the park when school and for example park when. In in in Florida and how that shooter was able actually to be in a program where things that would be committed. Would be construed as misdemeanors were just considered school infractions and he wasn't put into law enforcement because of the fact that we cannot have the perception that you know that a member of a certain race and or gender or whatever commits more of a percentage of the crimes and so we must hide the truth of what's going on. Our point is it is the left that's calling for us to give up our rights so then fine then other people should give up their rights to if it stops the shooting everybody should be willing to give up their rights that was the whole thing with Parklane remember when they put in the clear backpacks and the kids went white a minute what about my 1st Amendment rights sorry you don't have well they were upset when they found out that they didn't have their rights to have a non clear backpack right my privacy Well you're saying that other people's rights should go away so why are you complaining when the liberals take away your rights what you perceive as your rights is that what you're asking for I don't want any average David hold that direct question right and it should have been asked. By the way he had a comment over the weekend which I said all know that again this proves that he has the complete you know people are criticizing for saying Look kids should be able to speak they're just kids what do they know about life and we said just the opposite we just know these kids are coming out with the same liberal talking points as any 50 year old liberal. So don't treat them as don't treat them as children or act like you know that they have childish opinions their opinions are the opinions of the adult liberals out there so this is what again the idea of the entire design the and it doesn't end with that mindset it doesn't change over the years. Doesn't matter if there are kids in high school or somebody who's retired The idea is the idea of what are they saying differently than somebody who's 65 and is a liberal. Nothing nothing nothing so yeah we just said no we need to treat their opinions as if they have the same credibility as any adult liberal well because if you're saying that their opinion is uninformed. I would agree not necessarily due to their age though right. Let's go to Jonathan in Albuquerque Jonathan hi you're on the radio Welcome to the show Hi. So my subject is on its Oh I don't a broad stroke and whatnot because everyone goes wow can we fix the kid stuff and this is just an observation my daughter is 4 years old I had recently put her in the school she had. Basically wanted a little kids a little older because you know up to 5 to 5 and whatnot and they were he was bawling her and they're like oh how cute they're playing it's like no they're not playing my daughters in tears that's not OK and I brought it up as he turned teacher didn't care. And whenever I told him I told my daughter you stand you tell him no I don't appreciate that stand up to him then she got in trouble for defending herself and we're making victims in the schools that's all we're doing we're too Jim from a young age to become a victim and to have other people you know take care of it or just sit there silently Well I remember again that happened even when when that was back you know 40 years ago even longer when I was in junior high school and and you know the bullies were around at the bullies you know they just didn't say things they came and they you know it was it was physical violence and I was in one class and the bully and his buddies they picked out one kid every day and said we're going to beat the crap body and they did and I They Scott to me I said Don't even try and I'm just a little shrimp and they didn't think they had no fear of me whatsoever and so they couldn't get me in class because I was aware and just stood up against them the teacher didn't pay attention and when we left class walking down the hallway and the kid you know I figured OK it's over with his buddies came and he just took his fist and he punched it in my back the other kids pushed me into the locker my books with my books went flying all over the place and they kept running down the hallway thinking I was never going to come after them they stopped and I never stopped I mean I came straight Adam and Kate hit the guy full force tackled him on the ground ripped a shirt was beating his face. Is junior high we get pulled to the principal's office I have to suspend you both so why I'm defending myself they attacked me I defend myself and the principal says well you there's no fighting allowed I said but he attacked me he said we're going to call your parents to go ahead you know my dad calling. Yeah that's nothing new that's been going on you know said Brace and you know call to call them call my dad and them and I'll never get the principal says Well are you. But we get you a shirt are both you willing to forget it and never let this happen again I said I did I didn't attack anybody. I won't won't happen to me again it was he and he says I won't bother him again he never did and then it was over today both of you would get suspended. Was I wrong to retaliate as I did. In junior high I don't believe so well but in today's environment I would be wrong and I would be punished and I would be suspended for in essence because they would say well you were defending yourself the incident already happened you should have gone to the teacher is what we get you should have chased him down the hall when and and tackled be dismissed it's a yeah and and beyond that I mean the the lack of authority for for teachers to discipline children yeah other one size fits all 0 tolerance type policies policies that have been in place for many years and public schools all of that has an effect I'm not going to pretend to play psychologist when it comes to these these these kids who commit these heinous acts. Because I don't know what that mentality is I that's something extremely foreign to my mind it's explained it's extremely foreign to most people's minds you know committing such a heinous act taking multiple lives 86690 right I replied back with more readily radio with a recorder you had to remake tomorrow. Tension drivers now lazy and as for stopping centers you get a serial killer. With carbon monoxide detectors just $39.00. 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It's one I Radio he is Eric Hurley and I'm Gary McNamara age 6690 coming up on the top of the hour a spy in the Trump campaign and Devon Nunez says he won't meet with Department of Justice officials until the documents are handed over he said he will refuse to meet with those officials until they hand over the documents connected to the F.B.I. Source who spoke with the Trump campaign aides in 2016 about Russian interference in the election The Hill reported on Sunday so. This is going to be interesting because we know who the sources Yeah and and and all that so. You know he said you know it was the he had said earlier even last week and then send number the former Trump. Campaign person back from 2011 through 2015. Really not part of the you know the 2016 Trump campaign at all stated that he's been told that there might have been other informants and Nunez saying that kind of alluding to that last week saying at least one and then saying over the weekend he was asked Is it possible that there was more than one and he said it is possible and so I guess we'll find that out as soon as the oversight committee gets. Gets the the part of the justice paper I mean it's so huge. And again the royal wedding but when I look at it in the context of history and talked about there would talk or Carlson just how unbelievably big that is when when you look at it whether it's the combination of the war and in the end for you know the informant who was spying on the trunk campaign or the spy who was informing. The spy who was spying or the informant who was spine but either way spying was being done. And that's key I don't remember that happening. Again against an active campaign right No No And the question would be why why is that person there who were in any position of authority and what was the what was the justification for why would you put someone there based on what based on what suspicions and those suspicions would be built on certain things right communication or or or associations or the actions of others and I think those questions will have to be asked in order to get us to the very real beginning of that investigation. On Westwood One. Schneider is hiring more truck drivers with recent pay increases. You have to be expert that's why the new Pilot Flying J. My pilot is loaded with features to put the beat down time like fueling status which Wayne is likely 1st stored prompts to make quick and easy and provides you a place to save all your card info and get you can even showers in parking spaces right from your phone. 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