Like to. We have. We have talked about this issue everybody's got 2 jobs whatever their job is and then getting to and from their job especially in Southern California and we have spent billions and billions of dollars over the years on different schemes to alleviate this problem widening roads now we're narrowing roads deliberately to make traffic worse to drive people literally out of their cars and on to public transportation but after having spent a fortune and voting for an unlimited source of transportation funds ridership on public transportation is actually down it's going backwards here. It's a tricky situation isn't it and you know l.a. Isn't alone in wrestling with this problem the fundamental problem is most drivers rights let's explain to our way well let's have a whole new industry. You know we need to spend money and this kind of works and sort. As we all know eventually just be a more crossing the road congestion comes back slowly building more roads not so this common along well we don't have any we don't have any room to build roads I mean the 105 was the last major highway that can be built in the in Los Angeles because there just isn't any space we've widened roads and before the project is done it's already obsolete so we know that doesn't work and yet we do kind of continue to make that mistake it seems to me anyway that the problem is the inefficiency of the light rail system here it's not built out enough yet to function the way the London Underground does away New York City or any of the major cities that have light rail that functions brilliantly because you have to drive to get to it and you have to drive once you get off the last stop you're still too far from your final destination until the system is fully mature it's not a practical alternative once people get in a car to drive to the train in model just keep driving to work. Yeah I know it's a huge geographical area it's very difficult to get the capacity out to the suburbs because you know what ends up is that everyone gets on on the train really far out and as it gets closer in there's no room for additional people to get on board 'd so it's an issue that the city of Las is going to wrestle with a lot recently there's been a. Resurgence of interest in bus transit be closely it's seen speaking light rail and we're talking with Dr Graham Coxon who's the chief economist at interaction Rex dot com one of the things I read according to your research is that this cost the city Well we know of course each driver $2820.00 in a combination of car repairs and wasted gasoline but. The figure that it costs the city over $19000000000.00 What does that figure represent what are those costs. Basically some of all of those individual drive a car so the cost the drive if you wasted is that last time as well because that's incredibly valuable but it's also the indirect cost so. You know as consumers we're buying goods and services and companies are delivering those goods and services that are a gesture and effectively is going to put their prices up because they can do less work in the same time so. All of those get passed back on the consumer so it represents all of those kind of costs together clearly cost a business or it's going to be a big number if anything it's probably going to be an underestimate but at the same time you know the cost of congestion is reflects the fact l.a. Is a prosperous economy so many people live people work. People For need to get around he said we're doing better than last year by 2 hours what's the difference. It's quite clear that it's disputed all over the kind of the whole system so it's been a little bit better. Last year. You know. People don't really feel about that much whether it's $100.00. 4 hours is really kind of not much of a difference. You know there are people who are working from home we have more companies that allow people to telecommute but the bottom line is and I think that you're right geography often dictates history and this is an enormous city geographically there are bigger cities Dallas is bigger but you know you're up in Chatsworth where people have horses and you can go to Venice or east l.a. . It's an enormous bit of topography and that's just the actual city of Los Angels when you start to look at how far people come in from Riverside County from Ventura from the Santa Clarita Valley from South Orange County in some cases. We have people who are commuting 2 hours or more in each direction every day the wear and tear on the body and soul cannot be estimated really it's that's that's a wild card factor in what we're doing here. Yeah I mean it's not easy to Merson being stuck in traffic. Use your torrents. It's depressing but people's mental health and the danger is that people become distracted. Traffic accidents as a result which is a great. The solution again at some point I'm an optimist on this I have no reason to be but I'm an optimist on it despite all evidence we road widening is a failure we've seen as I drive the one on ones of the 4 or 5 to the 10 every day so that's that's good morning good afternoon and good night that is the holy trinity of hell when it comes to traffic and they spent billions of dollars winding a 405 and they've done it twice in the time I've been here and it has had 0 impact on the actual commutes people have to go through the support of a pass and the only way it can ever be fixed is to put a tunnel through the supposed to pass in a light rail system because light rail can't make the grade there now this is one of the things that Ilan mosque who had a great success yesterday with his falcon heavy rocket is talking about with his boring company is to tunnel through the support of a pass for the Hyperloop and to build some kind of a system that can tie the San Fernando Valley and points north to the airport and to downtown Los Angeles and that is the only solution we can keep putting cars on the road and then demographically if you know that we could wide nothing until the northbound lanes are in all my heart and the South felons are on Honolulu and I won't keep up with population growth. Yeah and you know to come with a cause is to so many of them just so one drive and they're. Just not very effective road space as you say you know light rail buses isn't any form of public transport it's just going to be. More efficient way of getting people into tents. And today she said I mean we could hope that we can. Avoid getting people on the roads maybe flying towards more remote working more telling working we are. Calling me now and I think that's kids well we trying to unavoidable. People on the road and anyone that can avoid. Them allow them. Listen thank you so much for coming on talks about it Dr Graham Coxon who is the chief economist at in racks we appreciate you being with us 80222 k. a B. C. Is the number and ladies and gentlemen this would be an excellent time for you to call our contest line which is Triple 879-5222 if you are the 7th caller. You will automatically win a $25.00 Norm's gift card where life happens and you will qualify for your shot to roll like a v.i.p. In Las Vegas which includes. A 101st or a 2 night stay at the Venetian in Las Vegas $100.00 gas card $100.00 spending card to v.i.p. Take a seat a legendary band Chicago live at the Venetian and they open tonight at The Venetian and they will be playing at through the 24th so don't miss this role like a v.i.p. Vegas get away with Chicago opportunity start dial in the contest line right now is Triple 879-5222 that's triple 879-5222. When President Trump gave his State of the Union address immediately following the State of the Union Address Chuck Todd of Meet the Press the host of Meet the Press on n.b.c. News was part of the Round Table and he said the following he didn't leave with a conciliatory tone on immigration he didn't lead with a conciliatory tone and so he led with the let me paint the picture of the of this mythical immigrant criminal that I want everybody to mythical all immigrant criminal like the Sasquatch Yeah I know it's a unicorn just it's a fictitious beast. And of course immigrant criminal as if all immigrants are the same as if there's no drunk drivers it's just drivers there's no illegal immigrants there's just immigrants Ok so we know all we're onto you Chuck Todd we have been listening to this softness tree and this media spin for decades from politicians and. You know glitterati So we're on to you maybe other people are buying it but we're not because we're experienced in breaking out our spin doctor and liar to English dictionary so we know what you meant by mythical the piers the problem Super Bowl Sunday. Edwin Jackson a linebacker for the Indianapolis Colts goes out party and he calls a nuber to get home and he's fill little sick to his stomach which my guess maybe and you know party related it's not the 1st guy to tell the driver to pull over and you were drivers named by the way Jeffrey Munroe pulls over the side of the road on I 70 and a guy named Alex Cabrera Gonzalez plows into him and his Ford f 115 kills both of them and this made the news because Edwin Jackson is a player in the n.f.l. He's a football player for the employers cults you know if he wasn't a football player the story of it the bottom of a newspaper would not get national of the end of the story was just a driver Jeffrey Munroe in Indiana got killed by a drunk driver hit him that it might make the papers in Indiana but it's not going to make network news and it's not to come to our attention it came to our attention because a football player was killed so now is this a one off this another one of these anecdotes that the open border people talk about that I'm sure Chuck Todd believes his chest Well it's just you know it's a one off it doesn't really this happens thousands thousands of times a year now I know that that seems like hyperbole it's not there are thousands of people a year who are killed in this country by people who are here illegally and as we said we have to say this all the time if we had secure borders there would still be crime there would still be drunk drivers there would still people being murdered there would still people being right there would still people being robbed there would still be drunk driving accidents all that would still happen but Edwin Jackson and Jeffrey Munroe would be alive if we had control of our borders because the guy who hit him had been deported twice he'd been arrested for drunk driving in San Francisco he had been picked up for driving without a license just recently nothing was done. Now he's he's really an amateur at getting deported because we've got the new record holder the new record holder according to The Washington Times who leaned on ice to fork over the information and ice did give the data they one of the top 5 deportees because you know we have these stories where you'll you'll hear that somebody was deported 5 times like the guy who killed Kate stunningly or 10 times 15 times the record holder for us has been the 20 times deportee that we reported last year and that's the highest number I had ever seen were way off way way way off you know I kind of think what happens how does the judge or the ice agent or whoever feels when they look and they know like Ok this is number 44 ricin in your back out I mean how do they feel when they know that this guy's been in here for a time 44 times well that's the number ladies and Charlie are 44 that's the number that's a lot of blame to get a record holder was deported 44 we don't have his name ice would release name 44 times and number 2 was 41 and then we have people in the thirty's. Going down for the top 5. You know it's possible that the Hank Aaron of deportation the guy got deported 44 times was a catch and release guy a guy who was maybe coming across into El Paso. And would get caught and you just get returned to the border and that's how we rolled up the huge number but the point of this is that these multiple deportees put the truth to the lie that we have any effective border security because you know when you see people that have been caught and sent out of the country again and again and again and again and again and sometimes after committing very serious crimes and they're in the database then you know this is a joke when the whole Dr thing was going on and we had. 100000 children walk across the border many of them Honest scored their parents or sent the north and just walked across the border to get children and then I said we had the vice president Border Patrol union saying we're not catching them they're catching us it's a 24 dependable came to see traffic tension a break in the road to find out here's Bill Thomas Absolutely not traffic updates sponsored by sort of as an Epic Battle of Seattle a Valley Freeway 14 South how this be at Escondido canyon in the Acton spilled over gravel all lanes are shut down except for the carpool lane that accounts for the back up out of poverty and now it's a 2 hour 10 minute ride coming down from the high desert into the new hall pass here Highway is a good Alton said of the 14th just take your way out your way we can also take the $138.00 westbound coming in from Palmdale over toward Interstate 5 of us believe off into Garmin south out of the 5 go over that ever get back into the new hall pass as well with all ends up on Interstate 5 so in Orange County of the 45 southbound this right by the you put off about valley that wreck did clear out of the car pool and left but there is a back up you will struggle through coming down from Seal Beach now it's the sort of Presidents Day event get a free box ring or save up to $500.00 on a certain adjustable set her going to be batteries in Huntington Beach or visit certain retailers dot com only k.b. 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For me talk about attorneys we James Bergner so many listeners have taken my advice and here's why he's the original trust attorney for thousands of people here in Southern California and he has been for years here and his reputation by treating clients like humans like people not just the number he uses his knowledge fears his and resources with insurance companies to win his cases to win your case he's won hundreds of millions of dollars for thousands of accident victims all consultations and conversations are confidential and guess what they're free now if you aren't receiving direction or help with your accident call sweet James it's the only call you'll need to make I've personally recommended friends and family to call attorney sweet James Bergner and you should too don't go at this alone if you're hurt or if you've been in any kind of accident car truck motorcycle animal bite slip and fall you know what I'm talking about the list goes on call the one to trust the people's attorney of Southern California sweet change 188812021 that's 88812021 or go to suite James dot com. Coming up on the next drive home with Jillian Barberie John Phillips Are we headed to shutdown city if there's no deal at immigration. We'll explore the political clout after Dr Drew and Lawrence of right here on Talk Radio 790 k.t. See. You're pretty. Back. To bring back Well there's been lots of bad news in. The news business and particularly at the l.a. Times of late but early this morning it was confirmed that biotech billionaire Patrick soon Jong right here in Culver City has purchased the Los Angeles Times and The San Diego Union from trunk the parent company and he was involved in trunk his investment firm is called nad capital and he purchased the Times and The San Diego Union for 500000000 in cash man it's a lot of cash and he assumes 90000000 dollars in pension liabilities and I think that this is really good news because we desperately need the newspaper you know and Jack Dolan on our earlier in the week on Monday who did that blockbuster report on the pensions we need a local newspaper we need a good local newspaper and there's been chaos with out of town ownership with the Los Angeles Times we have somebody who lives here deep pockets making a major investment I think it's a very positive development huge because the trunk was thinking about getting rid of reporters and having unpaid contributors to the l.a. To know like the Huffington Post let's go get. Yours Leeann Tweeden thank you very much good morning everyone this check of the news brought to you by j w heating in the air the owner of the l a Times has reached a deal to sell the paper to biotech billionaire Patrick soon Shong bringing the paper back under local control for the 1st time in nearly 2 decades tronc the Chicago based company formally known as Tribune publishing will sell the Times the San Diego Union Tribune and the rest of its California news group to soon she hung for $500000000.00 in cash plus the assumption of $90000000.00 in pension liabilities since young worth nearly $8000000000.00 is one of L.A.'s wealthiest residents and a minority owner of the l.a. Lakers over 100 angry people let school officials in Pico Rivera know that they want Gregory sell Seato fired for demeaning mill. Terry service members one by one Erin students a better ins and advocates of the military told the l Rancho Unified School Board if they want the controversial teacher gone and you're dealing with an issue far margin than you would ever imagine they created this hostile environment they created this so see the environment you guys like seriously does that's like lolo so we need you to do your job the school board however says it may take weeks before any action is taken Saucedo is currently on paid administrative leave n.p. Co Rivera James wrote Haas k b c news Congress is on the verge of a long term budget deal that would include spending increases to the Pentagon and domestic federal programs Suzanne Malveaux says the proposal would fund the government for another 6 weeks clues a disaster relief package for those areas ravaged by the hurricanes also raises the debt limit past midterm elections so it's not a political football and community health centers for another 2 years House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says she and many fellow Democrats will oppose the expected bipartisan budget deal unless Republicans allow the chamber to vote on immigration legislation the undocumented immigrant accused of killing 2 people including a pro football player is facing federal immigration charges John Lawrence reports. Is now facing federal immigration charges after a DUI crash that killed 2 people he has been arrested on suspicion of intoxicated driving one of the victims Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson attorney John Crawford depending on his blood alcohol level. Anywhere from 6 years to 12 years in prison for each death President Trump tweeted on the crash calling it a preventable tragedy and saying it's another example of why the u.s. Has to increase border security I'm John Lawrence reporting k b c news time is 833 let's get supports Israel. Anyway dare I say the Lakers are on a winning streak while the beat the Suns 11293 in thanks to 26 points from Brandon Ingram 21 points from Julius Randle why the Lakers so hot right now because lawns and still is a busted me. The Lakers as the thunder tomorrow at $730.00 Clippers are going to face Blake Griffin in the Pistons Friday and 4 and that's going to be an ugly game the ducks think the Sabers $43.00 in overtime those the Oilers Friday at 7 the Kings the play the Oilers tonight at 7 you know that game right here on $790.00 gave the city Let's check the countdown clock. Only 3817 days to the l.a. 2028 Olympics but she starts to mother. That's right tomorrow will be the opening ceremonies of the 20th. Jangling banks an obligatory this time of year every time the Olympics comes they see the story in the Olympic Village and young Chang where 2000 athletes will be residing for the next 2 weeks 810000 condoms of them delivered to the Olympians you do the math there that's about $55.00 condoms per person and before you start judging that this is Sodom and Gomorrah How could they do this just think about this is negative 7 degrees and young Jenning these people might just need to bump Bugg least to keep up the body heat and sports I'm Anyway one of the Kings Dock Radio 790 and keep in mind that Matt Lauer is not there so I think they want to live aboard condoms this year let's get to the kids driving Bill Thomas gets ugly on the Isle of Alibris way 14 southbound ask you Can You know that's an act in a school that a gravel at one time had the whole freeway shut down right now you will be able to squeeze by in the carpool way but the right lanes are shut down it turns into about a to our 10 minute commute out of the high desert down into the new hall past before you get stuck in the back of course your highway that's the best way around the high desert down towards Chanakya read up a wreck of a 45 south right by the Harbor Freeway one of the middle whites taking away there the back of trucks right by the Rosecrans off ramp and off you want. County sighed horrified South at the Euclid exit and found Valley that motorcycle wreck has been removed from the car pool and left lanes off to the right shoulder still a lot to look at and the backup now out of Westminster only k b c Has dependable traffic What if you devotion extra port 844 I built office Talk Radio 7 i.v. K b c girls are you dealing with hot flashes the t.v. 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Down but the $1.00 to $3.00 menu could help you save for one especially if you leave the kids at home with grandma of course only. Build whatever meal you want with favorite Tom McDonald new $123.00 menu prices participation rate there cannot be combined with any other offer combo meal Here's a list of reasons why 18 to prepaid is a great prepaid choice according to Julius and Deb when you switch to a teensy prepaid you get to use e.t.e. Mavin 3 smartphones for free and to live for $75.00 a month I was going to say that Beecher to it 80 prepaid has no annual contract no activation fee and $18.00 he's reliable network no hidden fees 0 credit check no compromises 18 c. Prepaid has plans for people who like great prices plans for people who like great deals flexibility reliability customers name day customers name Julie customers in Springfield customers not in Springfield the list is long really long Thanks Julius Thanks Deb you're welcome announcer guy Hey I was saying that no matter your reason it's what you get into prepaid and get 2 free z.t. Maybe from a smartphone and 2 like $22.00 teams a level network put in time off are available at participating in 20 stores 2 for 75 dollars from other parts 2 lines of service on $45.00 don't look upon each other a multi line account account on auto pay why that would pay for 3rd party sources for use coverage of the trip to the party doesn't a.t.t. Dot coms last week. As you Talk Radio 790 k. V.c. Market check currently the Dow is up to 45 Nasdaq is up 24 an s. And p. 500 is up one 3rd. Of the Seas So Cal weather gusty Santa Ana winds have prompted officials to issue a red flag warning it's in effect until 6 o'clock tonight for the mountains in l.a. In Ventura County is clearing to sunny skies later with highs in the low seventy's at the beaches to the low to mid eighty's for the inland and valley areas it's $54.00 degrees in Van Nuys $55.00 in Huntington Beach and $57.00 downtown l.a. K.p.c. Weather is sponsored by 1st 5 California just like reading on a regular basis activities involving early man. Well give your child a head starting kindergarten more at 1st 5 california dot com get news at the top and the bottom breaking news when it happens and continuous coverage i k b c dot com and Leeann Tweeden k b c news. If you'd like to make. Dial 80222522 do cuz they kill you b.c. Phone lines are open. It's a 40 on a Wednesday morning the 7th day of February and congratulates Eddie incomers he won the $25.00 Norm's gift card I will qualify for a shot at the role like a v.i.p. a Las Vegas prize which is pretty great $100.00 cash $100.00 cash card to v.i.p. Tickets to see the legendary band Chicago that opens their engagement the Venetian tonight through the 24th and 2 nights at the Venetian plus 100 dollar travel card so listen again in the 10 o'clock hour noon and 3 pm for your chance and what a perfect way to introduce our next guest because she is a champion poker player and I'd like to point out also a champion rock paper scissors player and she's written a great new book about how you can turn indecision or let's put it this way uncertainty actually to your advantage we hear this all the time about how the markets don't like uncertainty they don't like uncertainty but poker players have to deal with uncertainty all the time they look at probability and opportunity and the book is called thinking in bets making smarter decisions when you don't have all the facts it's a pleasure to welcome to show any Duke Any how Oriya Harry Yeah Ok Ok Leeann Tweeden is with us and I guess you guys have met back from yeah we have the right guy who am good at. Yeah back land I think both of us have retired some token. Ackley and you're very tired though you're out. Yeah I retired in 2000 fall of I have not played a lick of professional poker since 2000 Get us now however while we might have retired from poker I retired years ago because I couldn't count I could see the math that would help but what I haven't retired from is talking about things when I don't have all the facts because. I am riding the crest of the wave of our time we are flooded with information and as we said almost in the age of Twitter and in the digital age is the irony the information age that nobody really trusts any of the information because the 1st blurt almost always turns out to be wrong almost always Yeah I mean I think that here's the problem is that in general there is a lot of information that we don't know and when we read something we have a tendency to believe it actually I mean there's a lot of data that shows that when you're sharing links on Twitter for example that you're despairing them as if they're true and it sort of spreads like a virus is this thing sort of gets you know shared around so would it be great if we thought about things more like that like you read the saying on Twitter you read the headline of an article and you sort of scan through and you're about to share it and what if you ask yourself before you did that what I'd be willing to bet that this is true then I think people would be sharing a lot less false than for me today they ask themself that this person put their money behind it exactly Percy after a perfect opportunity to talk about something on Facebook right now everywhere people are asking people to write one word so that the logarithm that only limits you to 26 friends. There it's not true right yes not just not true they varied yes and no but I've seen it 100 times today 100 times doesn't it it takes 2 seconds to go and just does it seem does it seem likely what advantage would Facebook have to limit your friends to $26.00. Why would they want to do that I mean I understand that they want to monetize advertising but in terms of your social media thread they have no there's no upside to them so it just intuitively should tell you this can't be true well you actually just demonstrated really well one of the strategies that I suggest in this book which just you know say your listeners know this is not a poker book you're not going to learn poker from it. It's going to teach you how to actually just make better decisions but you didn't actually demonstrated a really great strategy which is approaching the world not from the standpoint of just why is this true but instead why is it not true and you just did that right I mean if I see that on Facebook and people are telling me I'm limited to 26 friends I can just accept it as the truth or I can look at it and say well let me ask myself a question like why would that not be true and you just listed off a whole bunch of reasons why that would not be true that we're really compelling and what that causes you to do is go research so the idea is instead of just accepting things as true and then approaching the world to try to make sure that the things that you already believe that you're just confirming try to think about your beliefs is a work in progress and that you're always trying to sort of be more accurate and have the most accurate feel of the world and that's going to get you to the point where you start to think about well why is this not true and then you're going to go and be very hungry for information and that's kind of like that's the idea of thinking and bats right because the question that I would have for you guys land and Doug is if you guys were betting Who do you think is going to win the one that just goes around believing whatever they hear and then ignoring information that disagrees with that or the one that's really trying hard to think about what's accurate what's the right representation of the world gathering all the information we're talking about with any Duke who's book thinking in bets making smarter decisions when you don't have all the facts is available it's out in hardcover and available wherever you get books these days. Which means the Internet very much. So awful your local bookstore lets that if you can buy one Well no I don't get it in audio as well if you like to listen to books yes any one of the things that you talk about in the book is how our beliefs which means biases can deceive us and often deceive us I think that this is monstrously true but how can you turn that around and turn it into a benefit. So I mean it goes back to. What I was saying is that we walk around with these beliefs that I have that we have and they're very often not a particularly good actor representation of the world I mean the reason why it's escape is there's a lot of stuff we don't know so when you start to think about well how do I sort of ever come that carries how you do that here's how you turn this idea that we all have different perspectives that we kind of believe to our advantage how good are you at spotting when somebody else is spouting nonsense. I think that I think that I'm going to use politics I think that in the political arena we instantly recognize the other side's faults. Almost align like for instance I'll give you a perfect symbol I cannot tell you how many from the president on down conservatives Republicans were outraged that the Democrats sat on their hands during President Trump state of the Union Address legally forgetting that they did the exact same thing when brought supposed president and that's what they've been doing since the same television didn't something happened during what a brac. Which I was a liar Joe Wilson of South Carolina Congress you know you. Write bad so so that's the thing we're really good at spotting when other people are are being nonsensical and biased so let's use that to our advantage to go find a few people you only need a couple who are willing to enter into this journey a better decision making with you and make an agreement among yourselves that you're going to spot each other is nonsense so here's the thing groups kind of left on their own can get into that echo chamber a kind of thing where it's like we're right the other side is. But if actually it's actually you make a commitment with like a group of friends that you're not going to be like those echo chamber echo chamber people but you're going to make an agreement that it's all about being accurate it's all about you know having the most well formed best under construction beliefs that you some possibly have so we've made an agreement that I'm allowed to spout your nonsense and you're not going to get mad at me for spotting the nonsense and you're going to spot my nonsense and then what makes us feel really good is that we're really good nonsense spotters for each other and then what happens is that we just get better at like being open minded and listening to the other side and gathering other people's perspectives and I get the benefit of all the information that you know that I don't know you had to bet if. Of all the information that I know that you don't know and we become better decision makers for it and that makes us feel really good you know in the in the 18th century Thomas Jefferson has always held as a renaissance man and he was sort of in the definition of renaissance man he wasn't the Leonardo he wasn't out of the Vinci and he wasn't Ben Franklin but he was well read in a variety of areas but one of the things that's important keep in mind is that he was wealthy and literate and could afford to be state of the art he could he had book agents who could purchase the cutting edge of knowledge in a variety of fields that's impossible today it's impossible and that's part of the problem is that we feel this pressure that was supposed to know what's going on in East Timor and I couldn't tell you where East Timor was if you spotted me Timor I mean I'd be on the east side of Timor but I mean and you see these stories that come flying across your feed your news feeds or in Twitter or catch the news somewhere and we're just bombarded with information from medical science to astronomy. You mendacity in theft in sports and all this stuff that's Ping-Pong and all the car dash ins are breeding and we've got all this stuff that's fine or have and at some point I think it's Ok to say that's not my area. I simply agree one of the things I argue in the book is that we should get a lot more sensible would say I'm not sure and I don't know and that the world be a lot better off if we did that if you take something like I mean here's something that's being talked about a lot is trade and you know everybody and their brother seems to have some sort of really deep and very sort of certain opinion about whether trade is good or bad but you know for me I don't know about you guys that I'm not an economist I never Oh no I said that in economics Ph d. So I kind of like to leave it to the economics that sort of work out. Whether that's good or bad some money I market but I leave that to my manager money manager who's going to show me the pie chart with the different colored slices and I'm what am I going to say you're wrong I want to what the hell do I know going to be in English Hey listen I say thank you so much and the band is called thinking in bets making smarter decisions when you don't have all the facts written by any Duke go check it out right now we're checking out at $851.00 Talk Radio $790.00 k b c Dr Peter fields is both an m.d. And a chiropractor and is an expert in regenerative orthopedics It's a pleasure to welcome him to cave Thanks Doug is stem cell therapy a nonsurgical alternative to joint replacement absolutely stem cell therapy helps people avoid total joint replacements and the complications that are associated with it at ortho region we use the gold standard for stem cell therapy we take stem cells from your bone marrow and fat as well as platelets from your blood to help grow new cartilage in your knee hip or shoulder we also treat the outside of your joints so the entire joint is repaired and can function well again in addition stem cells can repair backs and necks if you have been told that you have bone on bone no more cartilage or need your joint replaced and stem cell therapy might be for you remember once surgery is than can never be undone if you want to avoid surgery on your joints or spine called Dr Fields 831-045-3123 extension 4 that's 310-453-1234 extension 1 the web at Dr Fields dot com That's d.r. Fields dot com hurrying to get legendary deals of the jeep Presidents Day sales event where we're honoring those who went the extra mile much like the Jeep Cherokee put up the 30 mpg highway for recognizing those who kept us on course my Jeep Cherokee is available 8.4 inch you can a touch screen and celebrating a resilience like Jeep Cherokee is available for buy for capability Don't miss out on the cheap President's Day sales of the e.p.a. Estimate of mpg 2.4 Therefore the 2 bedroom house may very cheap as a bridge to premarket ca us l.l.c. . General Casey traffic Bill Thomas dug into the ball valve on. You know valley 60 westbound he caught off that wreck reported in the middle lane that up ahead 60 westbound right by the 6 o 5 motorcycle rider down 2nd from the left shut down there and that will keep you have very occupied coming in from hospital Heights a regular and out of lanes of the 4 or 5 south after the Harbor Freeway earlier the middle lane had been taken away They're still have backup coming down from the Rosecrans off ramp at a time toward downtown l.a. That is a watt hour commute office at a freeway northbound north 5 and hopefully by the top of the hour this will be wrapped up but for now only the carpool line is passable with a gravel spill on the 14th south at the Escondido off ramp in Acton only k b c Has dependable traffic when he devotes next report for Thomas Talk Radio 7 I became results may vary not a solicitation for legal services if you owe the i.r.s. Back taxes payroll taxes or have not filed your returns the i.r.s. 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All that more for you 10 right here on top of your 70 caves. Just. Like the candy in the mall of mine don't bring around me. Well it is a gentleman the president is states once a big beautiful military parade apparently when he was in France and watched their best steel day military parade he told the French president McCrone you know the the counterpart to the hunky true Dell of Canada that I may have to outdo you on this and then it got on Air Force One and started talking about wanting to have a big military parade I was talking about on Memorial Day or on the 4th of July apparently now the date that the military is circling the Pentagon is looking at is Veterans Day November 11th it's going to be like Kim Jong un style with missiles on flatbeds like look at. And part of the reason they can push the Veterans Day is to keep it after the midterm elections so that it doesn't even become more politicized than it would be but the image of Donald Trump reviewing what tanks and missiles on missile launchers going down Pennsylvania Avenue the only thing he needs is the Apple ads and all the metals going down the leg of the pants now it's just that being exploited however. You know one of the things that caused the American Revolution. And if you look at the Bill of Rights the 1st 10 amendments the Constitution the 4th amendment talks of a quarter of soldiers and that was the practice of the British army making people put soldiers housed them and feed them in their homes because they didn't have barracks at your own expense and people hated it and it created a fear of standing armies that was one of the central issues animating political issues in the founding of this country would rather have the Minutemen or volunteers than a standing army over that fear it was one or is it took years to get West Point funded because we don't want have a professional army we feared in our cultures and we have had military parades at the end of World War 2 obviously when Eisenhower came back and MacArthur came back we've had them for the Iraq war we should have had them for Vietnam we didn't we should always honor the people that serve the country in those capacities but to just now have a parade because Donald Trump wants to outdo the French and send a message to Kim Jong Il and I show off I'm pretty sure you or somebody has explained to pajama boy rocket man that the United States military is bigger than his it's really a bad idea I mean he's got Kelly there he's got you know he's got big master there's got mad as there these guys want they're not going to guys I suspect that they've been trying to talk him out of it because he could be training and doing things to get ready in case it were ever. Our military ever needed that's what we do everybody knows around the world that we have the best and most trained military in the world we don't need to show anybody and and I'm We have the biggest I just can't help but think that the people in the military the military has been trying to say this is a bad idea but when the commander in chief tells you I want it.

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