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A reminder we have a free money matters retirement seminar 7 pm tomorrow Hilton with the Neils or Saturday Doubletree Anaheim orange find out if you have the best financial plan for your retirement needs to help make your money last through your retirement years if you are properly diversified so you can take advantage of stock market gains when possible while having protect yourself if there's a crash and more if you're retired or retiring soon Don't miss it Reserve ad money matters dot net that's Money Matters dot net or call 89940302. Peter telling coming up at 10 o'clock Peter what's going on this morning we're going. Down the dinosaur. There's. A. A.p.c. . Cumulus station. Ok a.b.c. News is Live and Local at 10 o'clock I'm Jeff will Vice President Mike Pence defended President Trump's firing of f.b.i. Director James Comey during a visit to Capitol Hill today President Trump made the right decision at the right time. To to accept the recommendation of the deputy attorney general and the turning general. To ask for terminations to support and the determination of the director of the f.b.i. Was simply the right decision. Senior White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny is reporting the director told me was fired just days after he requested more money for the F.B.I.'s Russia investigation the director of the f.b.i. James Comey asked for more resources more money to put toward the Russia investigation to ease concerns from Capitol Hill from Senator Richard Burr and Senator Mark Warner that this f.b.i. Investigation this hill investigation as well as moving too slowly. Also ironically secretary of state Rex Tillerson met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian ambassador Serug a kiss Lee act today in Washington where they discussed ways to improve the tense relations between the United States and Russia we understand why as well as I would say here is American citizens and Russian citizens would like to leave. And we have to remove all. The calls blabber often kiss Lee AK also met privately with President Trump today in the Oval Office reporters not allowed 20 year old man was named a suspect in the severe beating of a 15 year old boy who was walking home from a high school baseball game near San Pedro in late March l.a. County Sheriff's Department says James l. Williams of St Peter was already in custody in a neighboring county in an unrelated matter now that he meant as a pitcher on the junior varsity baseball team at San Pedro High School was critically injured in the beating investigators do not think he was targeted for personal reasons but may have found himself caught up in a gang initiation ritual 2nd man is considered a person of interest in the case but has not been charged and Jeffrey news and Talk Radio $790.00 k. A.b.c. Sports the Dodgers nip the Pirates $4.00 to $3.00 intended for Las 4th straight win starter Julio your wrist tossed 6. Shut out any 6 no hit for the blue last night to help them get off to a great start and win now the angels defeated the A's 7 to 3 Albert pool slugged is 596 career homer for the halos Spurs down the rockets 111072 take a 32 lead in their n.b.a. Playoff series Anaheim Ducks host the admins and Oilers tonight Game 7 of their 2nd round n.h.l. Playoff series and the Kings have signed Left-Wing Tanner Pearson to a new 4 year 15000000 dollar contract that sports on the home of the l.a. Kings $790.00 k. A.b.c. K b c news time is $100.00. 3 with the pain of all traffic when you need it the most Now we do have a slow ride in Anaheim eastbound 91 of the street stall the big red has been cleared from lanes with traffic backed up all the way to not ave because of that also Corona West 91 of the 71 interchange injury wrecked tying up the 2 left hand lanes are just seen brake lights back from Maple slash 6th Street because of that lot a slowing southbound 57 in Bray at Lambert road we had an earlier crash now cleared to the shoulder but traffic is backed up all the way from Diamond Bar Boulevard because of that also on the 6 o 5 southbound right at Telegraph Road Santa Fe Springs area accident in the fast lane and it's just a solid red brake lights from back road because of that and a few trouble spots downtown l.a. In fact on the northbound 110 the Pico off ramp is closed because of an accident right off the side of the freeway but that's causing a lot of slowing back from about Florence Avenue you'll stay on the brakes towards 9th Street where we also have a rock blocking the right hand lane on the northbound $110.00 South $110.00 right there around 5th 6th Street Crash tying up the left hand lane as well so quite a few problems downtown I'm Jeff whittle k b c dependable traffic Ok a.b.c. So Cal weather mostly cloudy cool again today highs only in the mid to upper sixty's it's 62 at l.a.x. 63 in Santa Ana 64 in downtown Los Angeles yet news at the top of the hour at the bottom and when it breaks I'm Jeff we'll Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. News the one element to it of orange our founder David Wilson says our annual There are challenges but this will be your best opportunity to see big and show day we can do it again but hurry the challenge and there you are. K b c News sponsored by Toyota of orange is our broad. Do you buy timeshare Axa team dot com get out safely legitimately fer ever think only what show of the Year is here this is a production Sorry gang we have a slight technical problem. That's. Killed. For your 700 he'd. Be Doing the 10 begins right now phone number 80222522 theories he'd like to call me and discuss the fact that teams call me is no longer the director of the f.b.i. And what your take is on that or anything else we have the news quiz later for Lady Antebellum tickets at the Hollywood Bowl it's a hot ticket to Carly or Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience of Greek theater. Also talking jacket next hour some interesting stuff to discuss with him but I wanted to touch base right away. With somebody who can tell us what's going on in Washington at the moment that's Josh Meyer senior investigative reporter for Politico car co-author of run for chaos an inside the pursuit and takedown of the real $911.00 mastermind lead Sheik Mohammad the morning Josh how are you good how are you I'm good really active day for you they are anything new but this is this particular moment other than the James Comey spin what's going on behind the scenes Well you know we're pursuing various threads here to see you know of course why he was fired why now what happened what led to this sorry for the News of the symbol you know that talk here but you know I mean there's so many questions about this I mean you know you know he referenced the president referenced almost a year old news conference as as the reason for firing it what's a lot of people think just straight it's credulity and believability So the real question is why did they do it why now what happens to the Russia probe whether there will be any credibility in terms of what they. Actually do find at the end of that probe so you know there's also some disclosures about how Call me at least it told some people on Capitol Hill that he had just asked for more resources from the Justice Department for the Russia probe right before it was fired so you know we're we're sort of scrambling at all fronts to figure out what basically just what's happening Josh there are some stories are some phrases of the Justice Department is actually told about a week ago to come up with reasons to fire home and you know anything about that well you know we've heard that and you know one of the big questions I've been pursuing today and nobody wants to talk about this by the way I'm People are ducking for cover some people are very angry but a very very senior person that I talked to off the record. Just this morning said you know one of the big questions is you know Rod Rosenstein is now the deputy attorney general he's a very well regarded career prosecutor nobody would be surprised that the Attorney General Jeff Sessions might have been doing the bidding of the president you know because Trump has been gunning for people to squash the investigation I think for months now but the question is why the number 2 guy who's a career Justice Department official well regarded comes in just a few weeks ago and that all the sudden sides this very very damning letter that that stops just short of calling for called me to be fired yesterday like you know was he doing it you know would it lead to give political cover to what was happening was he asked to come up with this memo. Knowing that Comey would be fired over it or was he just asked to come up with a memo criticizing call me for stuff that happened so you know that I think there's a lot of questions that Rod Rosenstein should be asked and should answer as a Including as well as you know the attorney general Jeff Sessions at the White House over this and I'm also wondering if Komi is going to be called in from the investigative committees on both sides both sides the are going to question Congress going to question him on what he knew going forward just because he's not f.b.i. Director he can be called in front of Congress to say what was going on what do you know give us all of the details and get us up to speed absolutely I mean he. To do that formally he do it informally I mean there was even talk this morning that they could hire him as a you know of counsel to the to the committee to do that I don't think something like that's going to happen especially because you know both the House the Senate are controlled by the Republicans I don't think they would go along with it but you know you've seen you know concern spread across both sides of the aisle I was Senator Byrd from the Senate Intelligence Committee a Republican has been critical of the firing of called me a lot of people are asking questions about it you know Senator Schumer of course charging that there's a cover up here so this is not going away I think that one of the big takeaways from this that nobody can disagree with is that the trumpet ministration badly underestimated the blowback that they would get from this 100 percent you know in reading articles latest night and all this morning that the president was sitting in the Oval Office last night and we're shocked he's watching c.n.n. He's watching Fox and seeing the huge blowback thing I guess he thought was going to is about a 17 percent approval rating with the public and he was kind of dead man walking on both sides of the aisle because the Democrats who hated him the Republicans had hated him and I guess if the president wanted to do something the opportune time to do that is January instead of now but it but it seems like he was dying that nobody was supporting him on t.v. There was big blowback which is why he dispatched Kellyanne Conway and others to come out on his behalf to talk about I did not think it was going to be that big in the news right well there was a 3 hour period there I think or if not more where there were no surrogates even deployed to the t.v. Stations and elsewhere. To us at Politico and elsewhere you know to talk about this to sort of give the presidential spin on it so you know I'm not sure why they were that flat footed about it but you know if you thought that basically because they were parroting the line of criticizing him for the Clinton administration handling of the e-mails and so forth that that would go over well with with Democrats as well as Republicans I mean he's clearly wrong about that and I do think well you know what Dean to take some exception to with. That is called His approval rating I mean he is revered within the f.b.i. And I've covered him since before 911 for you know 17 years now and he is known as a very very direct prosecutor who was a pervious to politics and so whatever you want to say about his you know missteps in the Clinton administration at best a guess and so forth to get a clip investigation you know people did think that he would pursue this investigation where it led no matter what without fear or favor and I think that the f.b.i. Particular is going to be very upset you know that he's been fired over this but I did a story last night about how some agents were in tears people are just incredulous that he's been sort of thrown overboard so you know Washington really really well Josh and by the way you're right they prove rating within the f.b.i. I know a lot of people here I know people at the meeting last night who said they were shocked and they love this guy but his approval rating with the public based on what they know is 17 percent also the 61 percent of Americans have little or 0 confidence in Congress to be able to be impartial regarding the Russian investigation right right and then Trump's approval rating is not so great either Yes And so yes so those are the the numbers there what are we looking at as far as a replacement is I'm guessing the replacement people go nuts 1st the us to go through Congress and to prove that it's an almost impossible standard now for Place need somebody with huge credibility 0 connections politically or professionally to this administration and you've got to get in through the Senate with 51 votes so who is that person you know I heard really Giuliani's name and I thought that's not happening and I heard Chris Christie's name and thought that is not happening and then I heard John Pistole and me Kelly and Trey Gowdy What are you hearing well you know I mean we've heard a lot of those names John Pistole actually would be a very good choice and he was the deputy f.b.i. Director I've known him for a long time to be very credible but he also knows Mike Pence very well from it they have an Indiana connection. And so you know I think he also read that the t.s.a. Which was a very unfortunate job or. Very hard won and I think he did a good job there he was the t.s.a. Administrator but some of the other names I think are you know dead on arrival but you know the bigger question is I mean even if you brought Eliot Ness back to life I think it would be hard to find anybody that would be able to you know walk in and take that job and do it with the kind of credibility that's needed to restore trust in this investigation talk to Josh Meyers senior investigative reporter for Politico The other strange thing is that you have an attorney general Jeff Sessions who's recused himself from anything that concerns Russia and yet he could be involved in the removal of the head of the f.b.i. Who's investigating that very issue why yes that's a very good question and we're we're trying to figure that out now too so yeah I mean there's you know there's a lot more questions that are that there are answers and each time you think your answer and what you're you're raising 3 or 4 or so it's going to be a busy day at a busy week so you know I would love to hear from Call Me I don't know if he's going to talk I mean but you know it's stated here I would think and now and the Republicans on the Hill what are they doing are they distancing themselves are they waiting because a lot were blindsided in not everyone wants to throw in like you said Richard Burr said he was troubled by the timing and there are a lot of questions to be asked and I see some others or a very very quiet in this when politicians want to get their posts on t.v. I don't see so many I'm. Right no I mean I think that there's you know that a lot of them are still trying to figure out what's happening there's a lot of scrambling on the Hill as there are in the media in the media landscape around Washington trying to figure out just you know what the heck is going on here calls are being made phone calls meetings and so forth but you know I do think that it's it's clear that you know the Republicans are some of them are angry about this I mean obviously McConnell has you know the majority leader has rejected calls for a special prosecutor. You know but Rod rosacea as the deputy attorney general the acting person in charge of this could appoint somebody unilaterally he doesn't need congressional approval to do that but yeah I mean we're we're trying to sort of take the temperature on the hill and see what's happening right now but you know they've fallen in line much more with the trumpet ministration in the past on some of the Russia probe stuff and rot you know making a peep about things that other people thought were objectionable but in this case you are seeing some pushback so you know what I think it at a level I haven't seen before so well you know we'll see where that leads they could just have a flurry of statements criticizing Trump for doing this and then just let it slide but you know he could have legs we don't know so Josh before I let you go is Trump clashing with national security adviser McMaster I've heard multiple reports that it was not a great situation of their great master has corrected him in front of people and that he's pushing back and I think when McMaster mentions it in South Korea and I'm paraphrasing that all will be the same we're not going to change our policy after the president said we're going to try and get more money from South Korea to pay for the fad system isn't something you're hearing to. Yes we're hearing now that I mean McMaster is. Doesn't suffer fools well at all not that the president is a fool but but you know he's he is not a politician at all he's a very very blunt I mean that's one of the reasons he's got so many supporters and followers so you know whether or not this will. You know get worse or better I don't see it getting better but but yeah I mean I think it at some point the president and his staff are going to have a sort of you know get to a calculus of how many people can they throw overboard just because they don't agree with the president so. But yeah I mean I think that that this is something that's brewing into something serious I think but I think it would make Masters very well regarded so that so far it has certainly saved him. Now I know you also helped launch this national security journalism initiative because I'm of your bio and you were in Rock Band Journal rock band suspicious package are you still playing in the band Yes actually. Thanks for asking we actually played at the White House correspondents jam a couple weeks ago to raise money for a good cause this is the night before the correspondents' dinner but but yeah but you know we named the band that because of a couple of us cover national security issues but now we're fairly positive that there's a very large n.s.a. Folder on us just because so many of us have. And you play Journal palooza Are there other bands that play that. Yeah there's a couple of others and actually our bass player is temporarily deployed out to l.a. Tim Burger So a shout out to have out there but yeah there's like this cultural Badger's one with people for your times there's one for one or 2 I love it let's return to a lot of it's one journalist or 2 with ringers but we sort of have day jobs well let us know if you're playing out here we're promoted and we'll get you on for national security issues too and thanks for coming on and it's a really busy day for you in this kind of walk last minute Josh is the senior investigative reporter for Politico co-author of hunt for chaos and inside the pursuit takedown the real 911 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and his political dot com Of course the website is Twitter's at Josh Meyer m e y e r d c And we'll talk again Josh thanks so much for your time my pleasure I didn't really appreciate it let's even take some calls here real quick and I'll take our girls girls John to Dana Point you're on Talk Radio 700 k.b. She Good morning. Good morning yeah I think what's happening here is they were. Crowded out. His financial tax returns I mean let's ask him and I am now over and I think that's why. Comment. You know I'm opposed to these billionaires. Running for their years so running their business and running our government to mock the stairs a lot. You know very severe for some of these businesses is when I look. And I do think there's a lot of financial problems every other sitting president disclose their tax returns and their financial information and this president has just non-cooperative what it will so let me ask you question let me ask you a question I'm sorry this so calmly has ticked off Democrats and Republicans I mean Chuck Schumer is out there today are saying you know what this is a horrific thing to do and where timing but Schumer would have fired him Democrats would have fired him ages ago Hillary last week said he's responsible for my loss in the election it's not supposed to be a politicized office so there were problems or I mean and I think he was dead man walking I just can't believe that they that the timing the way they did it that they didn't think they didn't think this was going to be a thank you for gone and that they didn't think this when we spoke if I would trump what I'm going to fire them in January just get rid of him and be done with it but he kind of embraced them and now kaboom it's hit the fan fascinating and I go through this we come back and take Tony inherent every else a little best 5 pm last night black Ford Taurus stopped outside f.b.i. Headquarters guy with a militant no folder who was Keith Cho live present on drums former bodyguard was sent to the f.b.i. The director was here in l.a. We went to be building and emerge an hour later as you heard I know people who were at the meeting with coming out here he did not believe that he was fired and the backlash was huge huge and in the West Wing a lot of people want to wear that the president is planning to fire Komi and they were tonally off guard and from insiders there's word that there was a huge huge meetings urgent meetings with age to figure out how with. Aides to figure out the fallout and how to do that which is why you saw people rushing to get on camera and that the president was upset because he perceived that nobody was defending him on the cable networks so he got Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee standers all out there to appear on t.v. As soon as possible so they could talk this up and put his take on it and read you the letter that went to call me that talked about the mishandling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's e-mails but the big thing here now is there are so many investors I think for ongoing investigations into Russia's collusion and then you've got the the gentleman from Russia to the surge a lab or of the Russian foreign minister is here today you can only wonder what's going on with those talks and negotiation with Russia and I'll play a clip of him being asked a question about the firing and you'll hear how that played out so we got a lot to cover 80225222 we got the news quiz for Jason Bonham experience and lead. Into Dylan was going to happen to be a cool name for a group antis up on and Jack Abramoff coming on later because amazingly a story that's not getting covered because this is the big story is something happen in the Senate to show that the g.o.p. May be going a certain direction and you wouldn't even know it of a dissent it looks like it's being going in the direction of much more out of it Mitch McConnell may have his hands full trying to get stuff through the Senate as would the president so we'll talk about all of that 80225222 Peter to 10 continues right after this on talk radio 700 k.b. See. The same time it is done by gavel it every day you can of those but they live we'll take your calls and Mike somebody somebodies upset. Easy is your wife No No Well probably but now I know I want to get probably voted out. All right who is it it's is in Iraq Robert De Niro's upset about what. Happened to me. Remember your mother's always proud of you not as proud as if you were a famous radio personality. 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For the 110 Freeway southbound right up to 68 we have an accident blocking the left hand lane that as you backed up all the way to the 5 and then on the northbound 110 also at 56 street the 2 right lanes blocked by a crash involving up bus that has traffic very slow from Florence Ave also signal are issued in the Tarzana receive area eastbound a one a one white oak it's a stall the bus is blocking the right hand lane and traffic is backed up to right now about to Tampa Ave and you'll stay on the brakes over towards the 405 interchange before things open up our crash is just cleared Santa Fe Springs out 6 o 5 a Telegraph Road 2 middle lanes of reopen but you're jams solid from the 60 all the way down to the 5 and in Bray at southbound 57 at Lambert road a wreck still clearing from the right hand shoulder with brake lights from Diamond Bar Boulevard all the way down to not wood and which stops shops Stater Brothers supermarkets and don't miss out on 2 ads one day Wednesday it's the best day to save this Wednesday shop last week Saturday and this week said together on the same day and save big state or brothers where you always get more for the last time Jeff with dependable traffic Mother's Day Jams enough said See you later I'm kidding why buy a gift to cost you a lot of money looks cheap you're not sure what she likes go to mixers were gems have something custom made or pick up a piece that's being custom made that's an historically they make everything from scratch he brings in loose dimes he's got 4 master craftsman sitting there they can make anything from Rock n roll heavy chunky jewelry to the most refined stuff a picture out of a magazine draw something they can make it they can also repair stuff while you're watching wait in 45 minutes or less and they'll save you at least 30. 50 percent over of the jewelry stores because of a jewelry store stuff is made there's middleman it's marked up Mitch makes everything right there he cuts out all the middlemen and he has a huge selection in his brand new store it's world jams at 17 to a 5 insurable of art in the Plaza de Oro right across Nancy no comment for the arch over the freeway insurable of art plenty of free parking and they are open Monday to Saturday 10 to 6 Sunday and other times by appointment so for Mother's Day go see Metro gems 818-347-7974 is the phone number the best to go see him in person and see the beautiful selection or having make something custom for your favorite person. You. Talk. To. Somebody came to see. It all a missile has blown no tap on my telephone palm and Ehrlichman Mitchell and Dean It follows a pattern if you dig what I mean in column an eloquent Michel indeed it follows the pattern if you did what I mean and what are we left with no. Money to give you see either that 8 of us got here and from the revolution will be televised talking about age 2008. But let's go the phones here a lot of people on talk Tony you're on Talk Radio 700 gives you the morning. Hey Peter I think a once just sessions started killing call me what its priorities would be he would have resigned anyway because I think that Trump and sessions want to go hard core against the drug cartels and the gangs and the sanctuary city stuff and and told me so why color corruption like Obama's priorities and like the new attorney general can't really tell the old ministrations f.b.i. Guy what to do people even new guy so they want another new guy so they could control him say this is what our priorities are so you just go after the cartels the gangs do the sanctuary city stuff and all like that it's a way don't be so white color corruption interesting interesting theory I mean he what he's after the Mexican drug cartels do you know point out to me in May He said that they're the the reason for this epidemic over there and he does report to the attorney general the director of national intelligence although people said the commie that he was above politics people in the f.b.i. Said that this is a guy who would do the right thing always and supposedly the president was really angry over the Russian Vesta geisha and that he wouldn't support the claims of the president and President Obama had tapped his phone so you know what is going to be interesting if they call Komi to testify. As to what he knows and I would assume they want to know what he knows up in this point and that he will be testifying Mark Chris everybody else I'll take your calls in a minute 802225222 I see a letter also that list some of the potential replacements for call me and I'll tell you some of the other stuff that's been reported behind the scenes and White House what's going on and I'd like to hear take on this too plus I got a couple of questions now that come he's been fired about what happens next and I have some clips of what Kellyanne Conway and what Chuck Schumer Mitch McConnell had to say so all of that and more 80225222 when Peter Tom the 10 continues right here on Talk Radio 700. K. A.b.c. News is Live and Local at 1031 I'm Jeff whittle this morning at the White House President. Donald Trump explained briefly why he fired the f.b.i. Director James Comey yesterday he wasn't doing a good job very simply he was not doing a good job Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer on the Senate floor this morning said he wants the deputy attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Russia's meddling in last year's election what Komi was doing when he was fired what should happen now what must happen now is that Mr Rosenstein appoints a special prosecutor to oversee this investigation and the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee that would be Senator Mark Warner of Virginia has asked James Komi to testify on Tuesday that breaking news from the screen of c.n.n. Right now so call me will probably not be going away quietly now the l.a. School board's passed a resolution creating a network to help families and students who are detained by immigration authorities the measure would also attempt to make it difficult for immigration agents to have access to students on campus and for District personnel to give out information about those students will board member Monica Garcia any employee any student any family member you should know you belong here you should also know that we are in relationship with ice the resolution was sparked by a student whose father was picked up by ice agents right after she was dropped off at school can jet free skate a.b.c. News meanwhile a 6 year old San Diego boy remains in critical condition after a crash involving an undocumented drunk driver who had been deported 15 times previously Kavi sees Jim Roope reports u.s. Customs and Border Protection says 38 year old Constantino Banda fled the scene after hitting the lake family car leaving 6 year old Lennox with severe head injuries and his mom and dad with minor injuries then his criminal history includes domestic violence his last deportation in January he had been deported 14 other times since 2002 each time re entering the u.s. Illegally. And 6 year old Lennox the little boy as well as his mom and dad were returning home from a day at Disneyland when their car was hit and Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. Sports Dodgers edge the Pirates 43 thanks to an r.b.i. Double from Austin Barnes in the 10th any giving away its 4th straight win blue host Pittsburgh 710 tonight in their series finale Angels beat the a 7 to 3 in the Halo's an Aes get underway in Oakland at 1230 this afternoon 2 hours from now to wrap up their series San Antonio over Houston 111072 grab a 32 lead in their n.b.a. Playoff series Anaheim Ducks 0 as the Edmonton Oilers tonight decisive game 7 of their Stanley Cup playoffs series Washington Capitals defending Stanley Cup champions Pittsburgh Penguins also play game 7 tonight in the Eastern Conference that is sports on the home of the l.a. Kings 790 k. A.b.c. Will have traffic on market check weather and more Tilden attend next k b c news times 1034. Apparently the thing for businesses to do these days is target millennial So it may sound coming from this baby boomer but Motel 6 is a be great place for years squad as they won't. Be updated rooms or glass with contemporary floors bedding and flat screen T.V.'s that are totally on blast their prices are always low I'm Tom Bowden will keep it lit for you go online and Motel 6 dot com. 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Has dependable traffic when you need it most it's a signal lurk in receipt on the eastbound side of the want to want white oak stalled bus partially blocking the right hand lane traffic backed up from Tampa and you'll stay slow over towards Haven Hurst before things open up a new trouble for the southbound 6 o 5 our earlier crash of Telegraph Road is cleared but now montevallo South 6 o 5 a Beverly Boulevard a rock falls on the right shoulder but you. Slowing down before the 60 interchange because of that also Bray south 57 at Lambert road crash still clearing from the right shoulder with delays from Diamond Bar Boulevard all the way down to not would downtown l.a. Southbound one tenet 56 street accident still in the left hand lane in your slow from the 5 that crashes clear North 6 o 5 at 56 street but you're very slow yet from about that gauge Avenue to the 10 I'm Jeff will cave dependable traffic nature's healthy Trinity you know what it does for you it works or support your entire g.i. System it promotes immune colon and liver function and optimizes digestion so if you want your g.i. Tract to be in great shape get yourself powerful probiotic need to talk eternity and if there's something going on down there usually the signs are gas and bloating in Indy gesture and they're warning signs that the area of body that's supposed to be absorbing and eliminating is not working exactly right you McCall now and you can talk eternity cannot bring balance to your god and provide powerful support for your entire g.i. Tract as I say every day it's gluten free has no g.m. 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You're 70 and right now it's 60 and band eyes at Huntington Beach checking in with $63.00 degrees and at $65.00 in downtown Los Angeles and get news at the top of the hour at the bottom and when it breaks I'm Jeff we'll Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. News the same company that brought you here oh now offers a better way to finance home improvements and find local contractors get your project started today visit renovate America dot com That's renovate America dot com. Renovate America. Call me if you're interested. As That's 802225222. Your 700. 23 you can. Buy or. If you're here in l.a. And I know you are a long time would like you something $1000.00 back for those seats that he bought in. Signatures in the autographs and merchandise in the bank statement happy birthday let's go to Mark you know it's so good though Mark you're on Talk of your 700 p.c. Good morning yeah. You know I couldn't disagree with you more about what you're saying about. This timing the firing of James Comey I want to make 4 points 1st of all Jay anywhere I think the suspicion would have been even higher than it is today that that he was attempting to award a number to. Donald Trump President Trump is and if he does stand if he does I mean let me before you go through these reports because we're limited in time I don't know if I can get you to all 4 but look at the Among an optic standpoint and playing the Washington game look at the pushback that happened now whereas before Democrats would have been happy to. This guy go Republicans would have been behind it now doing it this way makes it look suspicious makes it look like there may be a nonissue chance that we'll ever get this phone fully incredibly cleared up it takes on a whole whole other life as far as when you when you do something and how you do something yeah yeah but he waded through a lot Rosenstein little work for the Obama administration to make the recommendations he had to belittle his own well. Rosenstein is new to the administration and again I'm hearing stories don't know if they're right verified or not that the administration asked the attorney general over the last week or so find a reason to fire him because the investigation was not going away and because he would not confirm the fact that the president was spied on by the mama administration so I'm saying the timing of this thing he could have done it earlier and I think avoided a lot of lot of this aggravation and a lot of the question not a questions are why now how come now why did Rosenstein just write this now and we really believe it was about he was too tough on Hillary back then so it just what you do is you don't want to beg 8000000 more questions you want to go I quietly into the night this is not going to quietly away into the night well like I said he's damned if he does and if he does I just I think part of it Mark is that being new in Washington and having a lot of people White House are new and not used to handling this administrative stuff he now blind again they were blindsided last night so pretty interesting but thank you thank you for calling in and with your input and I'll take all of your puts Also we're going to break to the White White House press briefing in a minute Sean Spicer not doing the press briefing supposedly he's on his naval reserve duty but last night when the story broke apparently Spicer wanted to drop the news in an e-mail but was it was not transmitted quickly enough so he ended up standing in the door of the press office around 540 shot in a statement to reporters who happen to be nearby He then van. And then outside suppose he was standing with hiding behind behind bushes and the deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders come and Conway did the t.v. Camera crew thing and that he only said he'd answer questions if they turned on or off the lights and didn't film them which is what they did and today he's absent he is going to be like I said he's going to naval naval maneuvers or whatever and I think that Huckabee Miss Huckabee is going to be doing the press conference so we're breaking give you some insight into what's going on there in Washington and we'll take more your calls David and Christina really also get in a minute 80222522 Talk Radio $700.00 k.b. 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Lightly a lot of people have been asking with the stock market at all time highs should I take my gains protect what I have and get out or will the stock market continue to go off this is Ken Moroney post on the money matters radio show inviting you to our free seminar to 7 pm tomorrow Hilton Woodland Hills 1 pm Saturday Doubletree Hotel Anaheim orange or Thursday May 18th Laguna Hills if you're retired or retiring soon get answers to your questions and more reserve at Money Matters dot net that's Money Matters dot net or call 89940302. 790 k. A.b.c. Has dependable traffic when you need it most brought to you by Smart and Final signal alert in the receipt of you spot on the want to want white oak it's a stalled bus the right lane partially blocked and that's just adding to slowing from Tampa Avenue over to Haven Hurst before things open up. Southbound on the 6 o 5 we have a new crash right at the 60 interchange just one block in the car pool and 2 left lanes is what we're hearing and traffic slow just back to Valley Boulevard that accident up ahead to at Beverly is pretty much been wrapped up in all the delays from the 60 down to the 5 of mostly thinned out so that's good news now in Corona westbound on the 91 and Auto Center Drive we have a new crash block in the left hand lane that's causing brake lights back from the 15 enter change and. Downtown. We have an accident that is now finally. Over to the right hand. Now. When you purchase for participating products at Smart and Final selected varieties of. Details. How about a store that has farmer's market freshness thousands of club sizes plus every day groceries and party supplies where prices are up to 25 percent lower than supermarkets that smart. High quality foods organic. And really cool stuff you can't find anywhere else it's not a supermarket. You may 16th selected 16 ounce packs of Jenny o. Fresh ground turkey $47.00 each limit packs and tropical pineapples are a $1.99. 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Has never sat on and she's happy with the cash they got from consigning What are you waiting for find your nearest home consignment center showroom online at the home consignment Center dot com and take my challenge I'm Trina Webster and I'm Dan Webster founders of z. Quiet let me be honest I snored he did crazy loud and I was forced to sleep on the couch most nights Dan tried everything including surgery to solve a snoring problem nothing worked so he turned to experts and created a solution that's a total game changer a mouthpiece called z. Quiet not just any mouthpiece one that generally opens the airway where the snoring happens in fact it's based on the same technology as treatments costing thousands of dollars it allows natural job movement so you can talk breathe normally and best of all sleep comfortably without making a sound and what's really cool is that it couldn't be easier just pop it in before you go to sleep to kick snoring out of bed so you can for your 700 k.b. She let's take the White House press briefing with Sarah Huckabee Sanders right now as most of you I think know Xan is on reserve duty for the rest of this week so I will be briefing you today and in the following days I've got a few announcements here at the top before I take a. Questions have an update on the tunnel collapse of the him for nuclear waste site in Washington State the incident is moving from the emergency phase toward the recovery phase after extensive testing we remain confident at this point that there has been no indication of worker exposure or an airborne radiological release a fire make him out the president has full confidence is that why did he say that look I think it again he's question Director Khomeini's reason for needing to stay at the f.b.i. He had countless conversations with members from within the f.b.i. I think one of the big catalysts that we saw was last week on Wednesday. Director Comey made a pretty startling revelation that he had a centrally taken a stick of dynamite and thrown it into the Department of Justice by going around the chain of command when he decided to take. Without talking to the attorney general or the deputy attorney general when holding a press conference and telling them that he would not let them know what he was going to say and that is simply not allowed in somebody like the deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein who everybody across the board. As unequivocally said this guy is a man of upstanding character and essentially the gold standard of the Department of Justice when you take an action like that when you go around the chain of command in the Department of Justice then you have to make steps and take action to that Democrats aren't celebrating. As you are just to question limit around here at all on that he said that he made a lot of missteps and mistakes back in the end of October this president wears a lot of the f.b.i. Director when he reopened the investigation into what you may also be seeing quite happy with and that is what changed I think the president's position one he was a candidate for president not the president those are 2 very different things once you take over leading the Department of Justice that's very different than being a candidate in a campaign as you guys all know the.