Christ obeyed what about me sometimes we think something like this I don't have to do anything to be saved Jesus did it all yes it's true that it's impossible for us to do anything that earns our salvation but that does not mean we do not have to lovingly willfully completely faithfully and joyfully surrender to Jesus Hebrews Chapter 5 verse 9 teaches that Christ became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him obey Him That sounds like legalism to me a works oriented salvation really if that's what you think then you know it to yourself to invest time to study this series it emphasizes our need to surrender to Jesus but it never pushes a human merit or works oriented salvation to learn more check out that series again all 6 of these resources are at our free page Jesco to international Gospel Hour dot com forward slash free and follow the links there and finally before we get started in today's last m. We encourage you to join the posits who keep up with international Gospel Hour and visit facebook dot com poet slash international Gospel Hour and twitter dot com forward slash Jody Apple Let's get started in our study of the 3rd chapter of Mark's gospel Let's preview the 2 ways that we always summarize each new chapter of the gospel records 1st we usually start by summarizing the key words that we find in each chapter and then 2nd we summarize that as we outline the key thoughts presented in each chapter the 1st summary will give us an idea of some. The general teaching that we will encounter as we read bank and study our way through the text the 2nd summary will provide more detail than our brief word studies but nowhere near what we will find as we engage in a verse by verse thought by thought study of Mark Chapter 3 we began that verse by verse thought by thought study after we conclude these 2 summaries Here's what we can learn from the key word studies of Mark Chapter 3 there are $193.00 unique terms that make up the $546.00 total original words in Mark chapter 3 s. $35.00 versus the top 4 terms are the same as the top 4 terms in Mark chapter 2 the word translated as The Who which appears 74 times the word translated as and also even and yet are but appears 68 times the word translated as he she it self same and so forth $41.00 times the word translated as to say speak Tel 13 times these 4 original terms appear $196.00 times in Mark 3 together making up nearly 36 percent of the total words in the chapter once again because we have focused on these most frequently occurring terms many times in previous studies we will move on to other key words in Mark 3 The word translated as 2 half appears 8 times in the chapter we have repeatedly noted a number of key terms in the Gospels that either dramatically emphasize or even just subtly depict something about the real world of the 1st century way point them out for these reasons biblical authors. Moved by the Holy Spirit of God through the process of inspiration slash revelation they wrote about real life people real life places real life events and so forth accordingly they used words like we use words to reflect their surroundings they referred to real geographical places like mountains cities deserts lakes rivers and more they mentioned real people by their names in association with others Amalie France religious and political groups and so forth they described those real people told us the roles that they played and they explained how they fit into the biblical narrative they documented real historical events sometimes nothing more than daily fare sometimes dramatic occurrences and proceedings biblical writers like contemporary writers and all writers in-between used all of the words the illustrations the styles of writing and so forth that they had at their disposal and consistent with their age they use them all to reveal a world very much like our world the simple word translated as to have like many other terms that we have noted in earlier studies pictures represents that really existing 1st century world that term described the man who had a withered hand a simple statement of fact reflecting that man's physical condition chapter 3 verse one Jesus spoke to that man the one who had the withered hand in chapter 3 verse to the us twice in the space of just a few words Mark recorded the same thing about the same man they do the same thing in conversation today later in Mark 3 the same term was used to describe the physical condition of others those many as had a few. Actions chapter 3 verse Tam Jesus used the word to reflect the power the real power that he gave to the apostles to cast out demons and heal sicknesses chapter 3 verse 15 and the scribes use that word to falsely attribute Jesus' ability to cast out demons to the ruler of the Demons chapter 3 verse 22 our point this term like many others used in Scripture tells us what it means to be in a particular state or condition that is a really existing state they were translated as to be or exist appears 7 times in Mark 3 this term often near the top of most frequently appearing terms in the text does the same sort of thing that the prior termed For example in the 1st person Mark 3 we read this and he entered the synagogue again and a man was there who had a withered hand the word had referencing the condition of the man's hand was the term we just looked at a moment ago the man had a withered hand that was the real state of affairs describing the man's health in the same sentence just a few words before in our English translations The text tells us that a man was there referring to the point the synagogue the man was there tells us more about this man namely where he was to very simple terms conveying to very simple affirmations a fact of reality the man was in the synagogue and the man had a withered hand the term was also used in reference to Jesus the demons cried out and said You are the Son of God They were not the greatest That is not the ringing Este endorsement of Jesus identity and yet when. They said accurately reflected who and what Jesus was the proposition translated as in 2 or 2 or 4 appears 7 times in Mark 3 this simple proposition like the words already noted also depicts the reality of the 1st century world it often indicates place or location movement a sense of time a measurement goals reference points and so forth all of these uses reinforce what we have recurrently mentioned biblical writers describe a really existing world using words and concepts like we do in order to refer to the same kind of really existing subjects that we do. The word translated as that in order that or so that appears 7 times in this chapter at the risk of sounding like a broken record this term does the same sort of thing as several of the previous words that we have just noted it indicates purpose aim goals results and emphasis Why did the Farriss watch Jesus so closely as Jesus entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day a synagogue where there just happened to be a man who had a withered hand they did so because they wanted to know whether or not Jesus would heal this man on that day the sabbath day and they wanted to know whether or not he would heal so that they might accuse him of the word that here reflects their goal their purpose Similarly in chapter 3 verse 9 Jesus instructed the disciples that a small boat should be kept ready because of the multitude Jesus used the word twice in chapter 3 verse 14 to reflect a sense of purpose for his called 12 Apostles he appointed them that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach many of these terms seem insignificant they are not heavy duty theological or philosophical words you do not have to work very hard in order to understand their meaning some of these meanings are so obvious that we often gloss over them rather quickly but these seemingly insignificant terms the propositions the articles the connecting terms and others they are the supporting terms the glue that unite and that show relationships between the words that we deem to be even more important those heavy duty theological or philosophical words that we just. Called attention to let's continue to look at additional key terms in marked Chapter 3 The term translated as brother appears 6 times in the chapter The term for brother can refer to physical brothers as in Mark 317 or it can refer to spiritual brothers as in Mark 3 verse $33.00 The word translated as to be able appears 6 times in this text this word referring either to physical ability like eating bread chapter 3 verse 20 or mete physical ability like the in ability of divided kingdoms to stand indicates real ongoing or real potential action again it's just part of the 1st century setting a part of the Real World New Testament Let's consider some other key terms going as low as those that appear 4 times in the chapter The word translated as to do make or work appears 6 times it's used to refer to what could be done on the Sabbath chapter 3 verse 4 the things that Jesus was doing chapter 3 verse 8 Jesus appointment of the Apostles chapter 3 verse 14 and in the last verse in the chapter doing the will of God chapter 3 verse 35 the personal pronoun translated as you or you people was used 6 times in Mark chapter 3 to refer to Jesus you are the Son of God chapter 3 verse 11 Jesus speaking to his listeners I say to you chapter 3 verse 28 and also to identify his mother and his brothers chapter 3 verse 32 another proposition the word translated as from by our sense appears 5 times in the chapter it was used primarily to. Cait geographic location we see it several times in March after 3 verse 7 from Galilee from Judea from Jerusalem and so forth the word translated as I or we appears 5 times obviously another personal pronoun it was used several times in reference to Jesus physical mother my mother and to Jesus' physical siblings my brothers but it was also used with her friends to his spiritual brothers and sisters the word translated as mother appears 5 times the same principle applies here the word was used in a physical and in a spiritual sense the word translated as not or no it also appears 5 times the word known a correct it appears several times in the chapter in reference to a kingdom that cannot stand chapter 3 verse 24 the house that cannot stand Jack or 3 verse 25 and a divided Satan that could not stand the word translated as man appears 4 times in the chapter The word translated as House also appears 4 times the word house was used in a literal and a figurative sense divided houses where figure to have and though the strong man was representative of Satan in context robbing a strong man's house alluded to the possibility of stealing from a real house the word translated as much many or more appears 4 times 3 of the 4 times that the term appears in the chapter it refers to the size of a multitude of great multitude it's in chapter 3 verse 7 and again in chapter 3 verse 8 or to the number of people that Jesus healed he healed many chapter 3 verse 10 the word for hand appears 4 times in the. Chapter all 4 times referring to the man who had a withered hand the 1st 3 prior to Jesus healing and then the want to after his healing remember as we conclude these thoughts about words studies remember the value the limitations of these words studies we cannot by studying words in isolation learn their meaning and with no further effort know everything that can be known about a given context we can however study words in an integrative associate to have network words as they are connected and thus as they relate to other words and in doing so gain a stronger understanding of a passage to some extent granted a very limited extent we have not just looked at simple glossed definitions of words by themselves though we did not look at every lexical tool possible and study everything about a given word meaning we gave some perspective about how the words we introduced were used in the setting of the chapter under consideration yes that's definitely a rather limited point of view but over time we will see a pattern emerging of how certain words are used in pretty much the same way across mark or across the Gospels or across the New Testament just remember that our key word studies are only emphasize the word only they are only a part of how we read how we study and how we learn from God's revelation Let's start our overview and our outline of Mark 3 the brief outline marked chapter 3 verses one through 6 Jesus healing in the Capernaum synagogue in another Sabbath challenge purses 7 through 12 Jesus followed by multitude near the Sea of Galilee. Says 13 through 19 Jesus called the 12 apostles verses 2227 Jesus accused he's out of his mind he has been. Persist 28 to 30 Jesus and the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and then finally the last section verses 31 through 35 Jesus true family let's build on that and let's start a look at a more extensive outline of the chapter the 1st section Mark Chapter 3 verses 126 Jesus healing in the Capernaum synagogue another Sabbath challenge Jesus entered the synagogue in the village of Capernaum again say verses 21 and 39 of chapter one there was a man in the synagogue that day who had a withered hand verse to day no doubt referring to the fairest sees who in chapter 2 verse $24.00 challenged Jesus once already about the Sabbath they watched Jesus closely in order to see what Jesus would do the Farriss wondered whether or not Jesus would heal on that day the sabbath day their concern they were looking for things that they might accuse him of verse 3 Jesus spoke to the man who had the withered hand and Jesus directed him to step forward verse 4 Jesus spoke to them the ferrous he is and Jesus asked them this question Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil to save wife or to kill the text tells us that the fair ceased were silent verse 5 Jesus looked around at the ferrous Ace The text tells us that he did so with anger as he was grieved by the hardness of their hearts Jesus spoke to the man with the withered hand. And Jesus told him to stretch out his hand the man did so and his hand was restored whole like the other verse 6 the Farriss who were present in the synagogue obviously saw what Jesus did and they went out immediately to plot with the Herodian against Jesus their objective to have Jesus destroyed that he has killed in the next section Mark 3 verses 7 through 12 Jesus followed by multitude near the Sea of Galilee were 7 Jesus all along with his disciples withdrew to the Sea of Galilee verse 8 Jesus was followed by a great multitude including people from Galilee Judea Jerusalem I DIMIA people from beyond the Jordan people from Tire Sidon a great multitude they all told Jesus when they heard how many things he was doing verse 19 Jesus directed his disciples to have a small boat ready because of the press of the crowds verse 10 because Jesus healed many who were afflicted many came to him and pressed amount him to touch him versa Levon when unclean spirits saw Jesus they fell down before him they cried out and they said you are the Son of God verse 12 Jesus warned them not to reveal that he has not to tell who he was versus 13 to 19 the next section in Mark 3 Jesus called the 12 apostles verse 13 Jesus went up to a mountain and he called his apostles he called those he wanted and they came to Jesus 1st 14 Jesus appointed 12 so that they might be with him so that he might send them out to preach verse 15 Jesus gave them power to heal sicknesses. And to cast out demons see for example Matthew Chapter 10 person 16 the names of the Apostles were Simon to whom he gave the name Peter James the son of 70 and John the brother of James to whom he gave the name born orgies that is Sons of thunder Andrew Philip Bartholomew Matthew Thomas James the son of Alphaeus Patty s. Simon the Canaanite and the list ends with Judas identified here as the one who also betrayed him at the end of the list verse 19 tells us that they Jesus and the Apostles entered a house in our next broadcast we will take up at this point and continue our study of Mark Chapter 3 taking up at this very point Mark Chapter 3 verses $2227.00 Jesus accused he's out of his mind he has be also Bob these reminders as we close to start our free self paced online bible study go to AA I g. H. Dot world Bible School dot o. r G or click the online courses link at international Gospel Hour dot com to study by mail call this toll free number 1855 Aichi h. 698 a to receive a free 30 lesson Bible study series you can also request that series using the contact form at our website international Gospel Hour dot com co-leading the. Thank you for listening to our broadcast today we hope 1st that it glorified God But 2nd we hope that it edified you listen to it again if you need to or to other lessons in. Series by going to the media tab on our site international Gospel Hour dot com the colon to the. K a a y. If you love them enough to listen to them practice the same song on tuba. Over and over well you know over and over and over that surely you gentlemen each t.s.a. Dot gov slash the rights to make sure they're correctly blowing in the backseat sounds good honey check today at any age and he has a dog of slash the right seat brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the I don't. Know what is hope hope to me was just that he would get to come home. Had no idea how hard it would be when he got back I wish she'd stop drinking so much she thinks it's helping but it's not. A hope she sees that soon I but I don't care if he comes to my games. But I hope he does I used to hope he'd find happiness again now I hope America makes you help he thinks it's too late and it's not with everything that he's going through I hope you see the counsellor I just want my brother back I hope he'd get help stop hoping things would get better on their own. He told me to stop asking. I didn't. And one day he asked for I hope is knowing there are other families just like yours that the veterans they left got help in recovered but to make the connection dot net and turn hope into action I expected to be a lot easier I didn't know what steps to take next I was transitioning from the military I was a people going to an avionics specialist I missed my unit my family play with my daughter I felt like a stranger I didn't have a clear sense of what to do next and then I thought if I'm going through this other veterans have gone through too right sorry south that I wasn't alone and go to make the connection that in there to learn how other veterans of overcome the challenges of transitioning out of the military a a a y am to 90 k. a Y. Little Rock is streaming online a 10 k. a Y. Dot com Cumulus station. 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