Bradley Jr inviting you to stay tuned for another message of God sovereign grace. Was. Was. It. Was. He. Was was he. The was. Was. A. Way. Early the. Local O'Leary. The litter. I am. Alone. Well the ear the. Earl. The the all of the. Well all the rare. The. Lame the old way. The girl a little the. Girl. I would like to send you a sample copy of our publication The Baptists witness a believe that the articles will be beneficial to you and assist you in your study of God's word there's a schedule of all of the stations carrying the broadcast and letters from our listeners writers set the Baptist Bible our box 1737 Cincinnati Ohio 45217 And I remind you that you can hear the broadcast at any time by going to our website at Baptist Bible our dot org. We return to our series from the book of Hosea and today a look at who's area chapter 10 we play special attention to verse 12 it is time to seek the law or the 1st going to look at the condition of the people they're described as having a divided heart and then the consequences of their action judgment was coming and then we will consider the cure to seek the Lord described their condition as being that of a divided heart Ehrhardt is divided now so they be found faulty he shall break down their altars he shall spoil their images now this is a problem that was frequently encountered. It is spoken of numerous times throughout the scripture of the people having a divided heart and the Book of Exodus but Moses had been on Mount Sinai receiving the law and he comes down and finds the people worshipping a golden calf. And participating in all kinds of evil and corrupt activities in Exodus Chapter 32 verse 26 Then Moses student the gate of the camp and said to who is on the Lord side let him come unto me and all the sons of Levi gathered them some of us together to him people were divided. They were worshipping an idol they had broken the very 1st commandment that Moses was receiving from the lower and so he says who is on the Lord side let him come and to me the Lord is never please when these people have a divided heart when they profess on one hand that they love Him and worship him and then at the same time give them so. Practices they found that same situation in the dangers of a lie just the prophet and 1st Kings chapter 18 of the 21st verse Alija came on to all the people and said the how long haul he between 2 opinions if the Lord be God follow him but if by you then follow him and the people answered him not a word how long Holtby between 2 opinions your giving lip service to worshipping God if you ask me people who is your God they would have said just over and yet they had the mistaken idea that if they would worship but you will in addition that they would receive some benefits they had that idea that bail was in charge of the rain and they needed rain for their crops. And so they were worshipping the false god and you know the contest that took place when the altars were built and the prophets of Balal cried and cut themselves asking that their God would bring down far enough course no fire descended but then Alija stands before the altar that he had built and prayed Lord rained down fire that this people may know that the our God had not the servant and the fire licked down from heaven and not only burned up the sacrifice but consumed the altar and licked the water out of the ditches of the people cried the lower He is God but they were struggling they were. Divided in their heart and so it took this great display of God's power to draw them back and even then many of them failed to make the true commitment some 12 in the 2nd verse they speak vanity every one with his neighbor with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak a double heart a divided heart no firm sincere complete commitment to serving God and then the book of Matthew Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount Matthew chapter 6 1st 24 No man can serve 2 masters for either he will hate the one and love the other and she will hold to the one despise the other you can not serve God and Mammon Mammon being riches you cannot serve God and Rick use you can't serve God and for anything else you need to serve God put him 1st as Jesus also said See keep 1st the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you now as we look at these passages various places in the Bible both the old in the New Testament. We need to ask ourselves. Is it possible that at times our heart is divided that we come to God's house and we sing hymns of praise. And we confess that Jesus Christ is our savior and we're thankful for His mercy and for his greatness but at the time when the things of the world become so attractive. Interest in making more money interest and being in are telling a variety of things that kind of tracked us so that really our heart becomes divided James Chapter one of the 8 Vernice says a double minded man is unstable in all his way as God would have us to have a heart full of love for him fully committed to him determined that there will be nothing to interfere no destruction and then the original language conveys the thought that this word which is translated divided a divided heart also has the meaning of being deceitful so various warnings are given in Scripture about being deceived Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 16 take heed to yourselves that your heart Be not deceived and he turned aside and serve other gods and worship Him I would have people who had been so wonderfully blessed by God the 10 Plagues coming upon the Egyptians so that they were able to leave the waters of the Red Sea being parted so that they could come across safely Why could they possibly they in turn to worship the God to the Pagan. Gods that were no goblins gods by name. Dogs that sometimes had a presence by an image that had been cut out of a knot of stone so lazy yet we're sometimes to see the think there's going to be some additional benefit if we worship this got other people worship this not it seems to be the popular thing of the people around us why should we not give ourselves to it as. It's so easy to be distracted you're being Mom Marg and continually with information from the media from people who are caught up in the humanistic thinking of this culture and if you're not careful you can soon be taken in by be deceived by one of the purposes of the pastor teacher that the lowered puts in the church is to proclaim the truth and teach God's people so that they will not be deceived if Eason's chapter 4 1st 14 that will henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine with a slide of man and cunning craft in this wire by they lie in wait to deceive he says there are false teachers there are people of influence there are philosophers in the world that are there waiting to deceive. It's their purpose they desire to promote their ideas which are totally contrary to the teaching of Scripture and then it's possible not only to be deceived by false teachers be deceived by friends that might influence you and lead you down the wrong path but it's possible for you to deceive your south James Chapter one Verse 22 but biggie doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own sound. I know it's on to talk about a man that looks in to the looking glass and behold his face but he goes away and forgets what manner of man he is what's the purpose of looking in the mirror you look to see if there are some adjustments that need to be made probably would be some unique sights here today of some hadn't looked in the mirror this morning and taken appropriate action comb their hair and make whatever adjustments were needed to progress to come here it certainly doesn't accomplish anything if you look in the mirror and say yeah I got a problem but you don't know anything about it so if you look in the mirror of God's word and you see there are some discrepancies but you don't like change you don't repent you turn aside and you forget what manner of person you are what do you do you're deceiving yourself saying to yourself I'm Ok I'm not perfect I know I've got some faults but I'm busy I've got a lot I don't I don't have time to really work through these problems I don't have what it takes to make these changes that might well be our 1st John chapter one verse 8 says if we say that we have no sin we want deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us gene might say on one hand well I know I'm a sinner I'm not claiming to be sent a slick perfect but what about the sins that you're aware of the sins that you see the Sens for which you're convicted as you read God's word and you hear it preached if you say I have no sin I'm ignoring the Syrians what are you doing you're deceiving yourself. And then we're told to be on guard because of those who would deceive 2nd tip of the chapter 3 verse 13 but evil man and subdue Cers so wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived by just that not describe the age in which we live evil man seducers those that would suggest that would put you in that would convince you of what they're teaching likes worse and worse deceiving and being deceived so we find in this 10th chapter the book of Hosea evidence of what it means to have this heart problem. Being divided heart that's divided they claim to worship God but were unfaithful to him they had entered into a covenant they had agreed when Moses had granted before them the law of God we will observe it we make a promise we recognize ourselves to be in a covenant relationship with our Rob And does this not bring back to our mind the 1st lesson in this book of Hosea when Hosea married. There was an unfaithful wife she went after her lover. She said On one hand Hosea is my husband but she sought after those that would bring her her pleasures and provide for her additional material things that you desire it says that when the people prospered they multiply their own turf but it was a strange conclusion they drew we're doing well we're prospering instead of thanking God instead of tearing that on the All terms of the hydrants they built for. Biltmore altars to the false gods and they spoke falsely they were untruthful too caught what a ridiculous thing what a food is spent a lot of gob. To stand there and say Jehovah's our God we worship him. All the while building more all terms and worshipping the problems what folly it is to say I'm a Christian I believe I've been say to the mercy and redemptive work of Jesus Christ and then live like the rest of the world be caught up with the same interests have the same goals involved in the same entertainments they were untruthful and consequently since they were untruthful with God They were untruthful with each other and reach the point it could not rely on what an audience. Now if we're following Jesus Christ God cannot Law God is a common truth and we ought to be truthful in our commitment to him and our commitment to each other Isaiah Chapter $65.00 Verse 16 that he who blessed of himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth and he didn't swear it on the earth shall swear by the God of truth because the farmer troubles are forgotten because they are good for a mind as God is described here as being the God of truth and then in John Chapter 14 of the 6 1st Jesus says I am the Way the Truth and the life. So God is the God of truth Jesus the Son of God is truth and John 1417 says even to spear it of truth whom the world cannot receive because it see of him not neither know with him but even know him for a key while of with you and shall be in you told the Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and John 1717 says sanctified them through divide truth by word is truth so God is described as being the God of truth Jesus Christ is the truth the way of the life the Holy Spirit is described as being the Spirit of Truth and the word is the word of truth so we want to believe the truth we want to be truthful in our commitment to the Lord we want to be truthful in our commitments to others Furthermore it says that they trusted in their own devices verse 13 he have plowed wickedness she have reaped iniquity you have eaten the fruit of lies because that it's trust in Vayu way in the multitude of mighty me. Rather than trusting God they trust it in their own way have you ever some complications in your life and you had to admit I have had these troubles I've had these difficulties because I trusted and my own way I depended on my own wisdom I depended on my own strength I thought I could handle this if you didn't come before God humbly asking for His guidance and direction you didn't depend upon him from day to day if you walked in your own way depending on your own strength and furthermore it says they fear not the Lord they didn't fear bot. Tend to take worship God Jehovah was their God He said he is the lower and we trust him but they obviously didn't fear him because they were so untruthful and so disobedient and so terribly wicked in their conduct so then we see the consequences verse one of this chapter says Israel is an imp divine he bringing forth fruit unto himself according to the multitude of his fruit he half increased altars according to the goodness of his land they made goodly images now they were an imp divine the vine was there the leaves were very evident but there was no fruit no fruit of benefit made to think about Jesus who came to the fig tree and shall That was only leaves in them was no fruit upon it and you cursed it and it bad now it does say that there was some fruit that they had borne but it was for sound fish purposes the vine was to bear fruit that would be a benefit to others these people with their selfish interest if they did anything at all they did it for their own benefit they weren't doing it to the glory of God they weren't doing it for the benefit of other people and then verse 6 it will also be carried unto Assyria for a present to King Jeremiah Ephraim shall receive Chaman shall be ashamed of his own counsel look at the emphasis that's put upon this 1st of all that it talks about they trusted in their own way and now it says they trust it in their own counsel and in both cases it brought them to a place of disaster it brought them to a place that God was going to severe judge the. They so help and counsel from the pagan kings around. What an absurdity the people who had been chosen by God favored by God blessed Bhangra he sent his word to them through its profits he watched over them he cared for them and then when they needed help they sent to Assyria they send to the pagan kings we need help we need counsel if you suffered because you have so counsel from the wrong source how often I've heard it said. There are problems that are so complex we need professional help but that it is man that the Word of God. And the ministers of God are not capable to deal with it we've got to have professional help these people suffer because they went to the wrong source for counsel and then it said Thorne came up in their own turds the highest places also of this is verse 8 the sin of Israel shall be destroyed the foreigner and the theists will still come up on their own terms the altar the very place where they offered sacrifices the very place where they came to worship God with me grew up with Thistle and for what is no place I here's an altar Here's a place where sacrifices have been made the very 2nd fascistic not required them to make but now because of their sin because of their neglect this is grown up upon the altar one when the Glick the true order of worship the altar becomes contaminated whether it's they all turn your own life that place where you come in your own quiet sort of prayer to seek God you pour out your heart before him confess your sins and asked for his blessing and for his help and it is though it grows over because there's been neglect. He. Told her. It's a sad picture that is painted forests in this 8th verse of Hosea Chapter 10 when it speaks of the very term of God being neglected and so we need to draw a lesson from this to recognize our duty to be faithful and in church in the lower serving him because we are thankful for his abundant mercies and the grace that he has so wonderfully bestowed upon us if you would like to get this complete message on cd and titled time to seek the Lord request it. Till next week at the same time of the Lord richly blessed you all. Is shit in. Slums. Will come up. The Baptist Bible our has come to you under the direction of elderly Sayer broadly junior pastor of the Cincinnati Primitive Baptist Church address all mail to the Baptist Bible our Cincinnati Ohio 45217 that's the Baptist Bible our Cincinnati Ohio a 4 by 217. The . 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Things got pretty rough in Springdale a homeless man and Bush a woman in a park bathroom heater in the head knocked her down then he dragged her into a stall ripped off her clothing and raped her 4029 News indicate she was forced into performing several sexual acts but then she did get away later 20 year old Andrew Palmer was located by police and take it into custody on several charges including rape and kidnapping 3rd degree battery plus theft of property and interference with emergency communications a sex offender is still on the run and he was even on the swim police are looking for level 3 sex offender Daniel camp in Hot Springs he hasn't been seen since Thursday afternoon that's when a parole officer spotted him at a gas station now Fox sixteen's Tyler Thomas and has this update and we're told the camp ran into a boarded area behind this gas station here and there's been a few sightings since but I thought he's just have not been able to track him down but he has possibly gotten a hold of a stolen handgun and could be armed Arkansas community corrections is offering a $100.00 for credible information about his whereabouts in centered in Police confirm a Bentonville West High School teacher is now under investigation accused of having inappropriate relations with a student $4829.00 News has not released the names this is news from a Aryan.

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