Join us now for cold to worship dedicated to presenting the truth of God's word home to worship sponsored by Zion chapel Apollo. I will saying of my redeemer and his wondrous love to me on the cruel cross he suffered from the curse to set me free saying all saying of my redeemer with his blood they purchased me on the cross they sealed my part and paid the debt and made me free Think of those words again from that curse to make me crazy. Old. A. Girl. Reading from John Chapter 3 The words of aura Jesus says he spoke them to negative Amos when he came to him by night beginning to read at verse 7 reading part of that message that Christ gave to negative Amos through the 101st marble Not that I said unto they it must be born again the when boss word Lester and the hearers the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whether Red go or source everyone that is born of the Spirit naked Amos answered and said to him How can these things big Jesus answered and said into him are thought a master of Israel and noised not these things Verily verily I say under they we speak that we do know and testify that we have seen and you receive not our witness if I have told your earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things and no man has the sun and up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved he that believeth on Him is not condemned but hey that believe or not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the Only Begotten Son of God and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and man love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil Let's give thanks for this and let's pray that we will know what in our nation today we are loving darkness rather than light and so many terrible ways many ways so many relationships and terrible ways of darkness let's pray that God will show us the light and that we will rightly recognize that there can us our Father we come to the through Christ Jesus Christ son described here as the Son of man described here as by only begotten Son We know he is the eternal Son and he optional became the Son of Man coming down to earth coming up self even to the death of the cross and we give thanks for that we give thanks father that taught us give him we give thanks for Jesus that you went to the cross we give thanks Austral for the spirit that was given and that must be given today to give the new birth to make us to be born again. And as for Jesus you said a negative us and that word to us today that which is born of the flesh is flesh of that which is born of the spirit of spirit Marvel not that we must be born again and we beg of the that we may not only be born again but have more of a spirit more of the spirit taking the things of the wine or Jesus in the church saying like Paul that we may know the and the power of the resurrection we pray for these things 1st we also give thanks for the other blessings that we have forgotten Ramadan shelter the blessing to nature the sunshine the rain the freedom that we have we pray for those who do not have these blessings many and suffering in terrible ways especially the persecuted the war torn lands we pray Father for those that are in Wind and Fire and earthquake and calamities we pray for our homes with Crash specially for the broken homes of the children in them we pray for the schools that they might again teach that the work the Creator the not the lie of evolution and other lies that are being taught more and more we pray Father that what teach our children of the self in the byways through Christ in whose name we beg these things and give thanks they can be done amen and as we look at this again negative Amos and the Lord Jesus there that night like to think of what we read there on the 12th verse if I've told your earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things when we think of the earth and earthly things we do arrayed that the heavens declare the glory of God we think of the wonders of nature springtime summer weather all that comforting itself every year said time and harvest day and night all in God's order. Earthly things we can see God in them it went to the point that Paul says they are without excuse that a Claire has got head and His power His wisdom is well in doing these things in the way they are amazing but it is earthly and all the earth we need that which is heavenly we need him who came down from heaven and we need each one of us to have the blessing that Paul spoke of when he wrote to the church had ever since and said to them that had been dead and said they were quick and they had walked across the course of this world according to the spirit that was snow bosses working in the children of disobedience said we all were like that and because of it in the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes all of that the mind and we were children a breath then we read but God who is rich in mercy for his great lover what he loved us he would when we were dead incense quick enough together with Christ by grace are you saved taken us from the earth made to the heavenly that's especially described in that next 1st phase in chapter 2 verse 6 and half raised us up to gather and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus heavenly places on earth that's what it is to have Christ to receive Christ as Paul said he revealed his son in me he gives us to Christ and He gives Christ to us that as Christ said just before death we are to abide in Him and He had us that's heavenly places on earth and that must begin in the big M's. After the new birth yes before the new birth we are dead and sent where dead to the heavenly where of only of the earth only of the flesh as Christ had said that they got a majority or that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit very much separate even though they can take place in the same place so why life on earth here why we are here it must begin before 'd death and before if we are made right having eternal life in heaven when we see this here I think of it as often I fear we have it the wrong way around we think of heaven a place is probably something like Going to a restaurant going to a party something out of the ordinary of life not our home not our way we go to church to go back home and live our life we read the Bible and we begin to think about other things are normal life which is really in control I was saying and that looking back over my life how much of it was the heavenly under how much of it was as God said of Abraham he had here no abiding city he looked for the city of home God was the builder no maker though he was on earth he was always looking up he was like a bird not clung to the earth headed for the heavenly city and that's what we need and Christ said if I've told you earthly things and you believe not I'll show you believe if I tell you of heavenly things. Christ Himself came down from heaven as he said the next verse no man hath the Senate up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in Heaven I've often wondered when Christ was here on Earth what about those things that are spoken of in scripture even David a 1000 years before that had spoke of Christ the Father stating to him set on my right hand until I make the animators like footstool we have to believe even though we may not understand that God is all places in heaven on earth so is that our Jesus the Lord Jesus who with the father made the earth and by the word of His power is up holding it the whole earth yet he could say to some people just before he left this earth after his crucifixion resurrection lol I am weighed you always even to the end of the world. And he has with us by that same spirit that is speaking of here of which we must be born again he said just before his death recorded the Gospel of John that the Spirit would take the things of him and show them to us when the Lord Jesus began his ministry himself he said the kingdom of God is at hand Matthew all records of his message as repent mark records that repent and believe the gospel to be ready for that kingdom to enter into it if we go back to the beginning of what Christ said in a good image except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God What do you see we all see the things of earth all of us who have natural sight. But do we see the kingdom of gone do we see that kingdom which is by faith the just shall live by faith by faith we begin to believe and the only true God by faith we begin to believe that God is and that he is a reward or of them that diligently seek Him All of that by faith believing and through believing we live by that faith the just shall live by faith yes we live on earth walking sitting aiding working we'll do all that we say well that's living Yes it is living and one way perfectly but when the judge show live by faith that's heavenly that's living as Paul said to the glaciers by the faith of the Son of God He said the life that are now live in the flesh he led by that faith of Christ as well as in Christ that again is Would being made to set in heaven a place in Christ the wonderful beginning of receiving Christ who go back to the 1st chapter of John we read in the 12th verse to as many as received Him to them gave he power to become the sons of gun even to them that believe on his name the name of Him who is in heaven the name of Him who came down to earth the name of Him who was the creator of the world we and believing and that name receive power to become the sons of God is that God comes and lift us up into the heavenly kingdom puts us into it. Made to set in when I places in Christ a reality a great reality a reality that will never stop so real if we have it if it has a beginning and us and we have a sneaker beginning in that way beginning would the new birth to see our self outside of it 1st then to be brought in to be forgiven to be convicted by the Spirit ha some for we are the way every penance Yes submitting to God's Word in faith that he's right and we're wrong very very very wrong so wrong that God had or sent his son down to earth and like he said here as Moses lifted up the server in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up lifted up on the cross for centers like you and me have you believe to have you believe that that is the way of the heavenly ISIS believing an Christ the beginning or just a said that record in John chapter 6 except to eat of my body and drink of my blood you have no life in you as Moses leaped up the server in the wilderness that which was broken both before he was no to the cross and at the time of being the health of Macross broken Beeton crown of thorn Thomas has later the spear piercing in a sign broken broken in body in having to utter those sad words on the cross My God. My God why have Stahl forsaken me you know why I do for sake and because of my son have you learned that he had to be for saken for your sand that's beginning to see the kingdom of God It's a whole different kingdom it's his work not ours if we were to read a little father and he faces Chapter 2 we would have read by grace are you saved through faith through believing trusting that not of ourselves is a gift of God It's a heavenly gift it's not something we did or earned not even faith to say I said it earlier Paul forgot about the faith of the Son of God We read that in Romans 3 we read it in Galatians 2 we rated and for evidence 3 the faith of the Son of God I'm not sure that all translations translate it that way I know my Bible does and some may not but it is true it is both faith in Christ but is also faith of Christ as I've often mention he is the author and the finisher of our faith when we go back to that statement that Paul made to the Ephesians made to sit in heavenly places in Christ that's all by faith it's not physical it's spiritual It's a heavenly kingdom it's not over on earth yes but not over it from heaven God making us said and heavenly places in his son with his son because of his son. Oh what a great salvation is it any wonder that Philip bless stated I was saying the wondrous story home I lost the state to save and his boneless love and mercy he the ransom freely gave Yes and said That's the story God's story the Gospel that's what makes the church his body all because of that beginning would accept a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of gone except a man be born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God and then if I've told you earthly things and you believe not all we are believe it by tell you of heavenly things and then speaking of himself the son that came down from heaven which is in heaven He is everywhere present all over at the door Jesus said of the father not a sparrow falls to the ground out to whatever heavenly father he was at in comfort but it's also a great fact amazing when we have these 2 statements here of Christ what we call the Gospel described in hype by Moses lifting up the servant described in actual happening God saw loved the world that He gave His only begotten son both times that host saw ever believer in him the Way the Truth the Light we need to believe it objectively he is that in the world but he must become that for you and me. They must be come your way my way your truth my truth is set if you continue in my word you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and that is knowing the word as it's written but above all the living word as he said a little father in that same conversation if the Son shall set you free you shall be free and he then going back to that statement of Christ himself I am the Way the Truth and the life we all have natural life but Christ is the life sheer Chile for eternity if you don't have him you will die and have only eternal death but if you have him now and through him have that beginning of eternal life by faith in him becoming children of God through and because of him and not just our believing but going back to that scripture of John chapter one verse 122 as many as received Him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name Father understanding and explanation in the next verse who were born not of blood not of your parents not of the will of the flesh not your choosing not the will of man not of anybody else or ourselves but of cotton It begins with God it in this would God it's all of God It is of God that show of mercy it is of God who are saved by grace it is of God who gave his son and can make a center like you and me set and have on my places and in Christ. Oh mother told. Her. Mother. Thanks for listening to call to worship if you have questions or comments regarding today's program you can write to Zion chapel 937 Royce Avenue Holland Michigan 49423 or their e-mail address is worship at call to worship dot org for more information on call to worship and it's ministry check out their website w w w dot to worship dot org listen again next week at this time for call to worship some up. To 90 k. a Y. K a y. Colts . Nobody needs some of them are. Even man. Brands. To. Test. A game or the. Other. Big power loads going to. Go. To the bank it was an old soup. Bowl. Going towards the north a Lone Ranger was going down south. When you told. Me that it. Carried a. Load. Of 3. Gold We split. Any. Food. Allergies. With you love. You just about. Food is all relative. How I can. Look at you. When you snip. But lol lol lol. Lol. Let. Me. Just. Read that it. Was experience for me. Because. Of. His neighbors blew it. Luggage. A a a. A a a a relentless. Our lives. Illo . Lol. Dot com. Day 1090. The truth. Bring. Show weakness. So I would shoot up to say. Always it me. Lucky.

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