Has been lifted off America here now is Pastor Larry with Choi Anderson thank you Margaret and warmest greetings to our listeners we are going to continue talking with Troy Andersen he and Paul McGuire have written a book that will provide you with insight and motivation and isn't that what we did insight and motivation sometimes we don't have inside sometimes we don't have motivation but this this tremendous book it's very insightful it's very much aligned with profit say with secret societies there's all kinds of things going on in our country and in our world as we've seen from our previous program where we see the spiritual forces the forces of darkness the forces of death and destruction or being trained against our president and I know that's probably sound like a conspiracy theorist but the funny thing I've found about conspiracies is that they're not all just very Some of them are very reveal and the Bible does tell us about the darkness and about that encroaching darkness so we were talking about the book from pocalypse and we're going to continue our discussion with Troy Anderson Troy thank you so much for being on our show once again thank you so much for inviting me on your show it's a great honor and I think the Democrat Party in particular and liberalism in general dropped a cement block on their toes when they refused to stand and clap during the State of the Union Address Oh most felt bad for them old on not on their side but they seem to be that they were just throwing mud in their faces I mean when President Trump spoke about the lowest level of unemployment for blacks everyone applauded but not the Democrats when everyone clapped for in God we trust everyone applauded and clapped not the Democrats when. The little 12 year old boy who put American flags and flowers on the tombstones of veterans stand phone does far as I'm concerned he was a hero when he was honored everyone applauded not the Democrats and it seems like I don't know the impression I get was that there were a lot of sore losers that night and I wonder how is that affected their popularity have the liberals moved any or are they just those level in just those way out on a rotten branch as they were before you know I think there's a growing awareness that the you know that the Democrats and the liberals you know that this whole facade they put on you know beyond you know supposedly the great champions of the porn the minorities and all that all this kind of thing and it's all just been sort of this scam and I think more and more people are seeing through this and realizing that you know the things they say and one thing they do there's a gigantic disconnect and so you see that with the increasing poll ratings for President Trump and just sort of growing awareness that you know the liberal that been massive collusion with the mainstream media to try to topple President Trump and there's all these deep state actors and will be I knew seems courses in and always a cult activity that's been going on with the liberals and it going to get a party so I think there's a there's a there's sort of like the ice of the world are being opened to what's really sort of happening Aaron and so I think we're going to continue to see the Democratic Party and the liberals you know move into a sort of you know even a more minority status is as more people come to understand what's really happening here now what are some of the catastrophic crises that President Trump could face during his years in office I mean you know he does speak about North Korea but there could be some kind of a global economic reset and perhaps some other things on the financial horrifies and what are some of the other things that you and Paul talk about and that you and Paul in. Dissipate as possibilities Yeah I mean so if you sort of watch the news I mean there's all kinds of you know that the world in a great state of crisis we have these astronomical levels of debt pretty much every country worldwide you know some Harvard professor report saying that we're at it 2 century high level of debt Mark and so that there is you know widespread concerns that this whole sort of house economic house of cards could come crashing down what we're seeing in the stock market dropped at the last few days here you know maybe it's just a small temporary correction but the Bible does talk about you know famine and economic difficulties during the end times so that's one thing so it would be you know we have one chapter called The economic reset here a couple of years ago Christine Lagarde who's the head of the i.m.f. Gave a speech I think at the National Press Club and kept on talking about a reset and she was like mentioning numerology terms and and sort of cold kind of references and and so the you know what we talk about in this one chapter is that there appears to be either a plan for some kind of global reset of the economy or you know maybe if a natural collapse that they would take advantage of and you know nobody knows when this might happen but this appears to be one of the elites clans and and we believe you know when this does happen you know when the turn seems collapse when there's some kind of economic you know big problem this will be the out of tune up the used to introduce microchip implants which we've seen you know being rolled out slowly and you know of course the Bible warns us against the mark of the beast and you know what we don't know if these technologies will be that but you know there seem to be some links between these things I know there's that view in Paul bring out something that I've often wondered about not you know you really nail it down you document the fact that the globalist elite believe that they are superior even genetically that you know they're they're the superior category of human being. And that which And I say they have a Darwinian evolutionary right to rule over the masses because they're more highly evolved I guess you would say and so I'm thinking a bridge in ski merger runs on a hunch lay open he wrote and said that we need to discard traditional values and we need to go beyond those values and so they're saying that you're allowed to do anything Care own slaughter or murder or whatever lie cheat steal and so forth if it is your end game and so now we've come to a point where the movers and shakers at least the global as a late they are taking a stab when should we say a stride ahead of everyone else and now they're claiming a superiority to do things that we might not be able to stomach but we can't stomach those things because we're stupid and they're better than we are explain them a little bit yes I mean what we've explored this it both the battle on code and term by clips you know so many people at the very top of the century that Param it you know believe it their ancestry traces back to Nimrod you know the Tower of Babel in the sort of the origin of Mystery Babylon and the secret society even the cold religions and so today you know what we argue in his books is that we're seeing way that the return of Babylon spiritual battle on or or Mystery Babylon. You know and all the secret societies so the elite you know what we find ourselves today is that the elite believe they at this it's right to do whatever essentially it takes you know to to create their utopian global system that they want to create on the Bible talks about a global government cast a society and a cult based religion that the elite will eventually you know create you know especially during that the tribulation period and and by the most one most shocking thing that we would be on this book is that you know that there appears to be a plan or plan by by the elite to reduce the population or. Perhaps significantly and you know you maybe you've heard about the Georgia Guidestones were talks about reducing the population down to 500000000 people but if you you know read the statements of the various elite that we document the in the book they actually talk about this so you know I don't know what you know we don't know how this is going to happen or when it might happen but this is you know one of the goals is to create this sort of a much much smaller society that they will you know will be a you know the top of and will be there you know cater to them right right now and and hucks lady did speak a bad what did he call it a scientific dictatorship have been some refer to it as a techno Craddick even late to control the world with a global government global economic system global religion and allegedly they'll be only 2 classes an elite master a god like figure ruling class and then a mass of slave class just like there was an ancient Babylon who got the 2 you've got the really smart guys and everybody else were a bunch of dummies and we you know we better shut up because we don't know what's going on so that you know that seems so anti-Christian to May And of course it is you know where it we're talking about saving the unborn they have no desire to save the unborn or even those who are already born if they're just too many of us I mean this is demonic in the extreme degree yeah I mean it certainly isn't you know that many people might find this you know somewhat unbelievable but if you if you read their writing to you read their books you read their statements and this is the way they think they can talk and baby you overpopulation and climate change is the 2 biggest And you know of course nuclear war is the biggest threats facing humanity and I interviewed Jim Marrs for this book Easy he passed away last summer but he's you know New York Times best selling author he wrote a book called population control and he looked into this whole thing and you know that a lot. Kinds of methods are being used in 1st when they refer to the scientific dictatorship or the technocratic elite you know there's all kinds of technology that used to you know sort of control us in the way we think of what we believe in but on top of that you know there's all the pesticides and chemicals in the g.m. Oh as and you know the trails and you know just a zillion different things you know Bill Gates came out and talked about a manufactured you know Biarritz could you know potentially kill hundreds of millions of people worldwide and and so there's there's thing they have been you know kind of a nightmare scenario so you know it's very serious do you believe and I think you do if I remember correctly that there is a plot to secretly trigger a nuclear conflict that maybe starts in the Middle East and then the destruction would be so great that we would automatically have to go out under some kind of a the latest globalist entity in other words the idea of American sovereignty would be just gone because we know no longer exists do you think there's some secret plan to somehow trigger a nuclear war that maybe actually really want Donald Trump and glad to have Putin and Kim Jong un to start this war and they're going to be pulling some strings so that it actually happens he you know I mean that this is one of the theories out there that people are concerned about you Don't course we don't know if this is really the case but this is one of the concerns and we have a couple chapters doubled to this topic you have you know I interviewed Peter pry you used to be bad at that e.m.p. Commission He's a former CIA analyst and he wrote some op eds with the former CIA director about the Super even p weapons that North Korea supposedly had and satellites in orbit over us and in the speech you know the idea that these were triggered they could not get a letter it granted it causes massive chaos and deaths of you know a large large percentage of the population so that's that's one thing that you know that the. A concern about these weapons but on top of that there's been you know military analysts to protect gates of being concerned that you know there could be some kind of you know a secret or trigger you know maybe using North Korea or Iran or someone to get the superpowers involved in some kind of great like ratio you know God forbid that ever happens but you know that's one of the concerns the way we dealt into this into the book and there's you know people concerned about that you know certainly if something or well like that happened it would be very easy for the elite and you know you know to tell the rest of the world that you know what we need a global government in order to prevent you know this kind of thing from you know even worse you know I believe that God control these kind of things and so it's and if and where you know you mentioned the super easy and p. Weapons that was something that you know we had learned about several years ago and it seemed that the President Obama did not want to do anything about that because it would upset the balance of power and I've often thought he didn't like the idea of American exceptionalism he didn't like the idea that we are number one in the world so he wanted us to be like everyone else and if we had some kind of protection against e.m.p. Weapons that would not fit into his agenda as President Trump said anything about the danger that we face from e.m.p. I'm not aware of that but I'm sure he is aware of the danger and I'm sure he doesn't have the you know Obama reluctance to do anything about it because he's talking about making America great once again and if we have a massive e.m.p. Attack that's certainly Moon Moon happen does our president the president time have any any plans regarding e.m.p. Protection for for the infrastructure for the electrical grid for example because an e.m.p. Attack would would affect everything water bills would would not operate trucks would not operate there would be no food in. Supermarkets and 2 or 3 days the shelves would be empty we all know what happens if there's a blizzard and trucks don't go but this would last people's pace bankers what more I mean would just be Draco nian somehow I'm wondering do you guys have any insight into what President Trump is seeking to do about that yeah I mean I know of you said Rod for this book and he told me that he believed that you know during Trump's time in office that America would face some great crisis if he spoke of a nuclear invasion and you know so of course you don't know we know what's going to happen here but you know I did explore this you know question of you know what's being done to address this and you know of course the president's call to this nuclear posture review so that's going to lead to you know you know stripping our nuclear forces and improving you know our military and those kind of steps and Peter Principle I told me that you know there's this request to harden the nation against m.p. Attack has been you know submit that I've been Homeland Security and they're beginning to understand a pilot program to begin looking at this how much it would cost or what it would entail and I don't know if the president's taken action on that yet but it would certainly seem to me to be an extremely important thing to do and Mr Price told me that if I cost you know somewhere around $2000000000.00 essentially harden the nation protect our critical about school infrastructure and so was he to be that would be up to 16 or very important thing to do given that threat from from North Korea and I think also Russia has weapons and maybe some of the countries but we don't have them like like you said and Obama didn't think this was a big deal and you know now we're sort of letting this very vulnerable position I know very was a recording of President Trump making highly vulgar comments about women it was released and his enemies thought that that severed his ties with evangelicals and you know they thought that we would all be so so upset about. That and I know there are there are still some never Trumper ers who are evangelicals and certainly it was you know it was not good it was offensive but you know I believe that many of us exhibited what I would call a biblical maturity that the media did not expect you know although you know we didn't approve of what he said I think we were focusing on the bigger picture and there's you know President Trump has some negatives like we all do but I think he's got so many positives and I think what's happening especially in the event jungle camp is that we're basically coming together in fact Steve's trying pointed out that no generally charismatics don't get politically involved they are more interested in revivals and so on and so forth but in this case they did say that you know well let's let's forget our differences we've got something really important so do you think as a whole we focused on the bigger picture and not gotten hung up about some of the vulgar comments you think that's really what's happening today I think what happened is that you know everybody was watching what was unfolding prior to the the presidential election and and many people saw it that you know if we elected only Clinton as president that would have put us on the fast track to this global system the elite want to move us into it I think people were very concerned about that for a number number one and number 2 is you know the Bible is full of many flawed leaders you know Moses I mean almost killed a man you know I got drunk David you know committed adultery and then you know killed a guy to cover it up you know there still is many many men have been used by God throughout history that squad leader many presidents and so you know in that sense you know course you know Christians aren't happy of everything that President Trump is done or said but you know I think what's happening is people are looking at the bigger picture you know perhaps he's you know at some kind of you know. Spiritual awakening maybe you know committed life to the Lord recently or baby so we're in that process and there's you know faith leaders I interviewed that believe that you know that they're seeing what may be you know spiritual growth going on with him but but but if you look at the actions he's taking you know he's taking actions to support the things of God to support to be a Christian values and these are the important things and and you know so it's not ideal it's not perfect but you know we believe he has the right characteristics to sort of get the job done and that's one thing you know that we believe God wants to do it wants to you know sort of get the job done and we're getting a reprieve it will get some extra time for the church to wake up you know and for Christians to fulfill the Great Commission the last you know instruction Jesus gave us yeah we certainly don't want to view President Trump as the answer but he is opening doors and giving us opportunities he certainly you know is not the Messiah in fact one of the never trump or I will mention his name wrote a little plug op ed column Jesus president drum didn't die for your sins Jesus dead Well as far as I know none of us have ever said that President Trump died for our sins I think that's missing the thing altogether so really I think it would like a President Trump he's certainly providing a lot of open doors we have the opportunity and and we here in south much greater church were very excited about the fact that we have somewhat of a reprieve from the Drac Kone and situation that would have developed if Hillary Clinton had gotten in office for 4 years or maybe maybe 8 years and I think that's that's really really an important thing because I think you call that no Jonathan burnous calls that the Nineveh moment for America and he says we need to take advantage of and I certainly agree with that as. I look at the President Trump as a look at his wife I think there is a gradual maturing she always dresses very modest lady sounding more presidential to me then I think you know a couple years ago so I think there is progress and of course sanctification as we call it in the Christian community is a progressive kind of thing where justified instantaneously but sanctification we die daily as the Apostle Paul said and we grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ I think we see that in President Trump I would agree that's you know that if it is I would have you know r.c.m. Very signs of this and you know going back to that and to that in a moment so I believe Graham several years ago and he compared America to ancient Nineveh the lone superpower of its time and he said that when God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to warn them of judgment the king the people repented and Billy Graham said he if we just think they can after begin today in America and so this is become known as our eyes are not of a moment you know we also interviewed and Graham watch for this book and she's you know it's also agreed that this is what will be given probably this extra time you know the church has been largely asleep what's what's been happening for many years now so what humans extra time to fulfill be the prophetic destiny that I believe America has if it began the pilgrims who dedicate America to guy in the Mayflower Compact and you know and we've done you know as much as we could to spread the gospel throughout the world so you know if anything if you know I don't trump I have 2 terms and that Mike Pence is in there for a while we maybe because of extra time to help fulfill the great commission I know Paul McGuire and I both believe Sava lay in the reality of revival and I believe that God wants to bring revival and reading the book I know you believe that to and so I do want to challenge our listeners. As to be praying for revival I believe in prayer fasting confession of sin being filled with the Spirit of God asking God to do what only he can do and being the 5th recipients then vessels of the Holy Spirit I think that's really what we need I know you have that positive aspect in your book show thank you so much Troy for these shows we're just about out of time and friends we've been visiting with Troy Andersen one of the authors of the book Trump Parker lips we also have a companion volume it's the book God and Donald Trump by Steve Strang you can get both of these books are either one Marvin please come to the mike and tell our listeners about this special offer Thank you Pastor Larry you can have a copy of this incredible new book trunk pocalypse for a gift of $25.00 in the United States and 30 dollars in Canada to place your order just call our call center had 180-652-1144 if you would rather write in place your order our new post office box number is post office box 76834 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147 and you can order this book as well as all of our materials on our website at s w r c dot com Stay tuned over most of the stations for our Bible in the news article and join Pastor Larry tomorrow as he talks with Michael Hoggard on the watchman on the wall program from Southwest Radio Church. The Bible in the news is a presentation of Southwest radio church our Bible in the news article today is brought to you by Pastor Larry sparge Mino Christians in America generally have had leaders with basic moral values that make it possible to be law abiding and not compromise Bible standards we have been a nation of leaders from many different denomination all backgrounds and various religious affiliations How wonderful to see such unity among starched diversity basic moral values have always been maintained that however is no longer the case therefore a question of supreme importance is this Should Christians ever disobeyed their government someone reply in the negative but Kim Davis the Kentucky county clerk who was arrested for not complying with a federal judge to issue same sex marriage licenses size with Martin Luther King and believes that civil disobedience is justified Judge David Bunning told Davis the court cannot condone the willful disobedience of its lawfully issued order if you give people the opportunity to choose which orders they follow that's what potentially causes problems Frank Jurek Christian Post op ed contributor responds and says Judge Bunning is absolutely right this is the kind of chaos that results when people do not respect the law but I'm not referring to Kim Davis I'm referring to the United States Supreme Court. Goes on to point out that there is no justification in the Constitution for a judicially imposing genderless marriage on every state in the union 5 unelected justices simply impose their own law on 330000000 people 2 words describe the situation judicial tyranny who gave judges the right to make new laws and to cast away the moral underpinnings of the United States of America it may sound like a rather obvious question but any form of tyranny involves arrogating rights to oneself that is morally improper or even legal. Supposing the Supreme Court decided to drop the age of consent for marriage in every state to 12 years of age should we jail Kim Davis if she were to refuse to sign the marriage license because the groom is 70 God is the supreme judge and the supreme law giver as Peter remind of the Sanhedrin has recorded in Acts 529 we must obey God rather than man it is becoming increasingly obvious that Christians are becoming marginalized freedom of worship is now being put in the place of freedom of religion there are moments in history that cry out for men and women of Christian character to rise and meet the challenges created by their personal decision to render radical obedience to Jesus Christ and what else can we render to the Lord and Savior who gave all for each and every one of us that was today's bible in the news commentary you can have the entire month of the Bible in the news articles the audio portion as you just heard it on 2 C.D.'s for an offering of $14.00 in the United States and $15.00 in Canada to order your monthly Bible in the news on cd just call or toll free number 180-652-1144 you can also order the Bible in the news on cd by writing to Southwest Radio Church had Post-office Box 100 Bethany Oklahoma 73008 and you can order the Bible in the news audio on our website at s w r c dot com Join us again tomorrow at the same time for the watchman on the wall program and a Bible in the news article from Southwest Radio Church thank you my regular listeners this is eventually Certina Thomas inside in a word every Sunday night at 8 pm thank you for joining us if you're enjoying the broadcast. Please contact. Change in work of the. Ministry org or call us. 338627. 1090. No one can have a personal encounter with Christ and come away unchanged it's especially true of the Apostle John today here on turning point Dr David Jeremiah returns to The Book of Revelation and John's dramatic physical response to his vision of Jesus and discover how Christ brings comfort with his words and his touch as David introduces the pollution of his message quietest and his churches thank you for joining us today as we continue our study of the book of revelation today we're going to finish what we started yesterday as we sort of paint the backdrop of are still. Christ and his churches as you know in the 2nd and 3rd chapters of The Book of Revelation we have 7 letters that were written. Recently from the heart of the Holy Spirit written down in the human realm by John and these were letters that were written to churches in Asia Minor and these were churches that literally circled the Isle of Patmos where John was in exile each of these letters are written individually to each church and they were historic churches they actually received the letters and they were read in the congregation but they're also letters that have great meaning to us today prophetically and they outline the history of the church from the time and when the letter was written until the Lord Jesus comes back for his own These are exciting letters and will get started with the 1st of those letters tomorrow but we have a little bit more introductory information to cover so with your bible open to Revelation Chapter one we're looking at verses 9 through 20 and we're talking about Christ and his churches so let's finish that up as we move through this book together. John is pictured descent trial a team of Christ in the midst of his church. And then he begins to describe in the 2nd part of this vision is not only the position of Christ in the midst of his church but now the portrait of Christ his head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow What does that mean what that means is this this speaks of his eternity or his duration the snowy white hair of his head is not the white hair of senility but of absolute Holiness it represents the wisdom of a judge have you ever seen any of those old television programs where they have the English courts. And they put on those white wigs. They do it because it was something that came to be a symbol of the judge a symbol of righteousness and justice. This description of the Lord is light that of Daniel in the 7th chapter let me just read a verse from Daniel 7 verse 9 listen to it and the Ancient of Days did sit whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like pure wool Now you getting the picture John sees Jesus standing in the midst of his churches a long flowing row girt about the breast with a golden girdle and his hair white as snow pure white. And then he describes as I watch this and his eyes were as a flame of fire verse 14 you know I can't help but make the comparison John was the one who walked with Jesus most closely when Jesus was on this earth can you imagine the contrast that John must've felt. John Head remember seeing Jesus with his eyes filled with tears. Now they are filled with fire his eyes penetrate into the deepest depths of the soul his eyes see everything in life and in your life and in mind there is nothing hidden from the piercing fire eyes of Jesus his x. Ray vision and his anger are symbolized by this close up of his eyes. Hebrews 413 says this neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do I hear people talking about how they're going to fool God and I want to tell you something when you stand before this judge draped in the long robe with the white hair and his eyes like fire his piercing eyes will look right through your life and uncover everything you've ever done there is no escaping the eyes of the judge who comes to judge. Some 11 for says it this way the Lord is in his holy temple the Lord's throne is in Heaven His eyes behold his eyelids try the children of men what a statement. The Sama says the very eyes of the Lord will try the children of men notice his feet. And his feet like undefined brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters brass in the Bible always speaks of judgment for instance the altar in the Jewish tabernacle was made of brass and the feet of brass speak of the time when Christ shall put all of his enemies and every evil power beneath his feet burnished brass is the military brass and the photos of Jesus will be utterly crushed. And I can't help but make the contrast these are the feet. That carried. The one who preached the gospel Paul wrote about it to the Romans when he said How shall they preach except they be sent as it is written How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring good tidings of good things Isaiah $5027.00 is the quote There you see the contrast the eyes of Jesus that once were filled with tears are now filled with fire the feet of Jesus that once carried him as he preached the gospel are now the feet of brass that trample out the righteous judgment against those who have rejected him. And now watch number 5 his mouth and their 2 statements about his mouth are separated in the text but we must see them together 1st of all the bible says his voice was as the sound of many waters verse 15 I want you to know 2 things about the mouth of Jesus 1st of all the sound of his voice and secondly the sword of his mouth watch 1st of all the sound of his voice the Bible says that this one who stands in the midst of His Church is with the long flowing robes and the golden girdle around his breast and his eyes like fire and his hair like white wool in his feet of burnished brass. This one when he speaks has a voice that is like the sound of many waters and there's a lot wrapped up in that phrase the sound of his voice extends from the quiet ripple of the brook to the roar of the ocean. Above the noise of the boisterous waves is the thunderous voice of the Son of Man. Let me give you some passages that speak of his voice like that you can just write them down and look them up Jeremiah 2530 and 31 listen to this the large shell rar from on high and outer his voice from his holy habitation he show mightily roar upon his habitation he shall give a shout is there the tread the grapes against all the inhabitants of the earth annoy me even to the ends of the earth for the Lord hath a controversy against the nations that is exactly the picture that John saw when Jesus speaks in judgment some day it will be a lie the awesome noise of many waters 432 says it this way and his voice was like the noise of many waters Psalm 29 for the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is full of majesty some 93 for the Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters yea then the mighty waves of the sea Walter Scott has written about this he says this represents the sign of his supreme sovereignty and His Majesty over all the waves of human passion over the circumstances of a wrecked world and a ruined church when Jesus speaks as the judge in the end times in the vision that John sees and his voice has heard it will be the most awesome sound that has ever been heard in the universe. I can't even imagine what it must be like but if you think the eyes of fire strike terror into your soul the voice of many waters will cause you to fall down as John did dead before his feet. And then notice the 2nd thing about his mouth is the sword of his mouth verse 16 says he had in his hand 7 Stars Now watch this and out of his mouth went a sharp 2 edged sword. I told you I couldn't paint this picture it's too awesome Are you getting any image in your mind. Out of this mallet this is a 2 edged sword the instrument of warfare is the 2 edged sword that precedes from the mouth of the Lord the sword of course is the almighty word of God Hebrews 412 says for the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any 2 edge of sword piercing even to the dividing of Sunder of soul and spirit 617 says and take the sword of the Spirit which is the Raman of God it is with this weapon that Jesus Christ goes forth in the Book of Revelation to fight turn in your Bibles to chapter 2 in verse 60 this is the weapon of our Lord. Notice verse 16 he says to the church at Pergamon repent or else I will come unto the quickly and I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth notice to the 19th chapter of the Book of Revelation Revelation 90 and verse 50 and out of his mouth go at the sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he tread of the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God Notice Chapter 19 verse 21 and the remnant were swaying with the sword of him that sat upon the horse which sword proceed of out of his mouth. This one who stands in the midst of his church is covered with a robe and a crown with white hair whose eyes are like fire and whose voice is like the sound of many waters is a royal war year who has a 2 edged sword that extends from his mouth and when he comes to judge the nations with one word he will slay the nations and they shall be destroyed. Notice his hands number 6 and he had in his right hand verse 167 stars watch now the right hand always speaks of Lordship it always speaks of control it always looks to authority if 120 says which he rot in Christ when he raised him from the dead now watch this and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places whenever you see right hand in the Bible it is always with a sense of authority and control and so this one who stands in the midst of the church is dressed as we have said and described as we have said has in his right hand in the hand of authority now watch this 7 stars. And the 7 stars are the angels or the messengers of the 7 churches. It says that the 7 stars are the angels of the 7 churches the word angel is the word from which we get our word messenger. And the 7 stars in the right hand of the Lord in the midst of his churches are the 7 preachers to the 7 churches now you didn't know preachers were stars did you but that's what the Scripture says if you want to remember this here's a good way to do it where do the stars live now where in Hollywood where is Hollywood it's in Los Angeles right. The stars and the angels are the same dog the same. I want you to notice something for a while at the aside get the picture of the control of the Lord surrounded by the 7 churches standing there in the majesty that we've described with his right hand holding 7 stars and the 7 Stars that he holds are the ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the 7 churches. I don't know if that brings comfort to you but it sure does me I am in the hand of the Lord as his messenger to the church that doesn't absolve me from responsibility doesn't make me any different than anybody else except that it gives me a sense of great encouragement that the one who stands in the place of sovereignty holds his messenger in his right hand in the hand of authority. You know how you can be a star listen to what Daniel says and Daniel 123 they that be wyse shell shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever you know how to get to be a star turn many to righteousness if you turn many to righteousness Daniel says you'll become like a star. What a hope and what a goal Well there's one last thing that John sees and that's the face of Jesus. And the Bible says in verse 16 and his face or his countenance was as the sun shining in its strength John had seen the face of Jesus when he was transfigured Paul have seen his face the day he was saved the face of the Lord is the central feature of his person it represents everything that he is everything fades in the light of its brilliance the Bible is filled with that let me just read some passages to you Matthew 172 And Jesus was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sun and his Rayment was White has the light acts 2613 Paul is giving his testimony before the king and he's telling about his conversion and this is what he wrote this is what he said all came it may be a I saw in the way a light from heaven above the brightness of the sun shining round about me and them which journeyed with me that's what Paul said it was like he saw a light that shone brighter than the sun when he was saved. And 2nd Peter 119 says we have all so a more sure word of prophecy where I'm to you do well but you take heed as unto a light that shines in dark places until the day come no watch this and the Days star arise in your hearts. Revelation 2216 I Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root and the offspring of David here it is and the Bright and Morning Star. The awesome truth of the brightness of the face and countenance of Jesus is wrapped up in his judgement which is sure to come for don't forget this picture of Jesus in the midst of his churches is not the picture of the friendly Lord it's the picture of the coming judge and 2nd testimonials to 8 says it this way but unto you that fear my name it says this and then show back wicked be revealed whom the Lord now watch this whom the large shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming. Every eye shall see him for when he comes his face will be brighter than the sun that shines in the heavens. Now let me take one paragraph and try to capture this expression listen to it carefully. Here is the son of man clothed with power and majesty with all and with terror that long royal robe at golden belt buckled at the breast that hair so glistening white that like snow on which the sun is shining it hurts your eye those eyes flashing of fire eyes which read every heart and penetrate every hidden corner those feet glowing in order to trample down the wicked that loud reverberating voice like the mighty breakers booming against the rocky shore of Patmos that sharp long heavy great sword with 2 biting edges Yes that entire appearance as the sun shine in its power too intense for human eyes to stare at that entire picture taken as a whole is symbolic of Christ the Holy One coming to purge his churches it is an awesome picture that's who we have to face some day I'm glad I don't disturb and before him at the great white throne judgment to be sentenced to damnation. But I'm afraid we take too lightly the fact that we do stand before him as b. Leavers at the Judgment Seat of Christ to give an account of the things done in the flesh. If you have caught this picture as clearly as I want you to catch it and if you can at least get to the threshold of seeing Jesus the glorified son of man you shouldn't be surprised at the next verse verse 17 and when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead. I don't have any trouble figuring that out. I believe I can comprehend that it's scary enough just reading about it being there would be almost too much at the sight of Jesus Christ John Falls is dead John had known Jesus personally John had been the one who laid his head on Jesus' breast and even after the resurrection John had seen him in his resurrected body but John had never seen him as the glorified Christ and now he sees the glorified Lord and he falls down as dead but let me share something very precious in this text I never saw this before when he fell down as did the one who had the right hand of authority filled with the messengers of the churches the one with the brightness of his face in the sharp 2 edged sword in the awesome voice that one who saw the fear of John watch what it says now he laid his right hand on him. Isn't that something he put his hand on him. The hand of judgment. And the hand of comfort all of it the same hand and he spoke to him and he said John don't be afraid. You know when you read about the coming judgment and when you see Jesus Christ as the coming judge if you know him as your personal savior you don't have to be afraid. Through the comfort of the Holy Spirit he reaches out and he puts his hand on you and he says fear not. Listen to what he tells John he gives him 3 reasons not to fear he says fear not John don't be afraid now I want you to see this picture but don't you be afraid fear not for I am be eternal God I am the 1st and the last I am 1st in the sense that none is before me I am the last in the sense that none shall follow me I am the living one fear not for I live for ever. Secondly he says fear not for I am the resurrected Christ I became dad and behold I am alive on through the ages of ages Peter says that you and I have been be gotten again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and Jesus said to John number one fear not for I live for ever number 2 Fear not for since I live for ever I can make in your station for you what does the Bible say he ever lives to make intercession for you and me as the resurrected Christ that's what he's doing and then notice Thirdly fear not for I have the keys of death and of Hades and I'd like to preach a whole sermon on that but I don't have time Jesus said John fear not for he ever lives to make intercession for us and he holds the future in His hands He holds the death and hell in his hands and if you know him and you're in his hands you don't have to worry. You don't have to be afraid. And then he said John you write the things which you've seen. You remember when we started all of this I told you that you didn't want to miss the central message of this book it's the revelation of who. She's ascribed not John it's the revelation of Jesus Christ and I want to tell you something Jesus is everywhere I wrote down just just quickly convey to you the central of the of this that already now we aren't even into the 2nd chapter already here's what we have about Jesus listen carefully he is Jesus he is Christ he's the faithful witness the 1st be gotten of the dead the prince of the kings of the earth. The one who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood the one who comes with clouds the one who is pierced for us on the cross He is the Alpha and Omega the Beginning in the ending the 1st in the last he is the Lord He is the almighty El Shaddai he is the son of man he is he that liveth and was dead and is alive for evermore this is the revelation of Jesus Christ He is Lord. And some day my friend he is coming in the awesomeness of His coming is like what John saw in the midst of his churches. Are we ready for him to come. I don't think there's any place you could turn in the Bible and find a more awesome picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and all of his glory every time I read that I'm just amazed and as you know words cannot ever totally measure a picture that's why we often see a picture's worth a 1000 words but these words do paint the best picture we can see today of what it will be like in the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ Tomorrow we'll look at the 1st letter that was written this letter written to a church in the city of f. Asus and the content of the letter is about what happens when we lose our 1st love . Of the church an f a says obviously started out well but something happened and they lost their 1st love this is a very very good section of the Word of God because not only does it cover what happens when we lose our spiritual fervor but it is a great outline that will help us understand how to keep the love in our own lives right not only the love we have with God but the love for our partner our spouse the next 2 days here on turning point our very. And so don't miss the revelation to one through 7 losing our 1st love the letter written to the church in f. Asus and then don't forget you can get all of this material in written form by requesting your copy of the book escape the coming night this 275 page paperback updated edition is yours for the asking when you make an investment in turning point during the month of February we simply ask you to send a republic of the people by the people and for the people. 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Your speaker on the Baptist Bible our this month we complete 65 years on the air and our theme for this anniversary month is Grace is wonderful Jesus Christ has described as being full of grace and the grace he gives is wonderful because it provides the forgiveness of sins strength for our trials and in time of need here the message of grace from the Baptist Bible our own to station 181 and I had a stroke 145 or 92 heart attack 150 or we're 90 and I had a stroke this is what high blood pressure sounds like you may not feel it symptoms but the results from a heart attack or stroke are far from silent when your treatment plan or talk with your doctor to create a plan that works for you go to lower your in. Everything changed by the American Heart Association American Medical Association and yet cancel. Am to 98 a y. . Am to 90 games a while Little Rock is streaming online attend a wine dot com Cumulus station.