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Welcome to moments of inspiration an international Christian ministry sponsored by many Christians and Churches of Christ interested in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ every message and program is designed to honor Jesus Christ Who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings we invite you to listen for the next 15 minutes as we present a time of worship with inspirational songs and a biblical messages brought by him or as featured speaker Max prayer please join us now for a few moments of inspiration. New . Issue is new. To know. This is the. Goal to see the Lol the local told the truth he. Is unique I am told. Even at low and slow leak. And. This will be. A good east is this week and 3. This will be. A no family no friends. No. Did too much pain and much. Too. And would. I love the sign that says Jesus is the reason for the season they tell the truth although we do not know exactly when Jesus was born in Bethleham of Judea to the Virgin Mary as the prophets foretold we believe it happened and it is certainly something to celebrate we have the testimony from heaven as angels saying of his birth those shepherds heard their song they investigated his birth and found the baby Jesus in that manger wrapped in swaddling clothes they began telling everything that had been told to the elm by the angels concerning the Christ Traditionally this season of the year has been set to celebrate the Incarnation the fulfillment of prophetic words of long ago is celebrated each year by those who have come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah and it is the birth of Jesus that is celebrated any and all efforts being made to remove Christ from the center of the celebration or futile without the coming of Christ into the world without the celebration of his coming as the savior of the world without the hope that is found in Him There is no reason for the season how silly to argue over it. Remove Christ from our celebration of his birth and we remove any and all reason to buy gifts decorate our houses plan family gatherings hold special worship services and have a holiday own December the 25th each year much has been said for years about the commercialization of the celebration and for good reason the focus has shifted for so many upon the making of money that is tragic there are many efforts made to bring joy into the lives of hurting people during our celebration of the coming of Christ each year the toy use will be collected and given to those who would do without food will be boxed and distributed so that many who cannot provide anything special for family will have food to spare folks who are displaced from home and family because of war or service to the country will find homes open to them and gracious gifts of appreciation for their sacrifice so even though there is the struggle from among the secular world to remove the influence of this Christ like spirit we know that it has not been taken away no where in scripture does it command us to celebrate the day of Christ's birth but nowhere in Scripture does it tell us it's to celebrate an annual anniversary of his death burial and his resurrection we do not set aside a special holiday to celebrate his ascension into heaven as disciples we celebrate the blessing of Christ's birth and his death burial and resurrection not just on designated days traditionally that are set by me in but we celebrate them every Lord's day. For without his birth there would be no gospel message concerning the grace and mercy of God through the cross where Jesus died so in a real sense we come together each and every Lord's day as did the 1st Christians and we commune with our Lord we remember his sacrifice for our c. Ends that sacrifice began when Jesus left Heaven and gave up his own rightful place before beside the father he became part of the creation he left the glory of God's Throne Room to become our savior so we celebrate his coming to earth our faith leads us to think of what it cost him to provide us with the forgiveness of c.n.n. And the hope of salvation the Gospel of Jesus is good news listen to the words of Holy Scripture once again about that heavenly announcement of Christ's birth and there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night and I will of the Lord appeared to they all men the glory of the Lord shown around them and they were terrified but the angel said to they do not be afraid I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people today in the town of David a savior has been born to you he is Christ the Lord this will be assigned to you you will find a baby wrapped in cloth as in line in a manger suddenly a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God insane glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to me and on whom his favor rests the angel had good news to share that night and today as we preach Jesus Christ the Son of God and the invitation he gives for all to come to heal me in faith and obedience that same good news is proclaimed. As we near the time of celebrating Christ's coming to the earth let us once again see the love of God for us and may our celebration be that of praise to God for the good news that came for all mankind. Creation. And. The Was. A. Thank you for turning into moments of inspiration this ministry exist to honor Jesus and to encourage you in your walk of faith with him for more information you can visit our website moments of inspiration dot org We offer free of charge a modern English version of the Bible we also offer the new life behavioral studies as a correspondence course these studies help us understand the value of knowing Jesus and living the Christian life if you're interested in these are other studies you can write us at moments of inspiration p.o. Box 653 Ballenger Tex's 768 to one again our address is moments of inspiration p. O. Box 653 Ballenger Tex's 76821 you may also contact us by e-mail emmel i Radio at s.b.c. Global net once again our website is moments of inspiration dot au argy where you will find more information about our ministry Please join us next week for moments of inspiration moments has produced a k r u and 1400 am and balance your Texas. Me It is now time for the Bible answers program in which we present a frank and earnest discussion of Bible truths in an ungoverned to answer your Bible question our subject for this program has goodwill toward man. And has promised that there will be no more said nothing nor sorrow nor death upon the earth when his kingdom is fully established. To add to Christmas thing on earth peace good will toward man is still strong throughout the Christian world. Then Jelinek song which in raptured those Judean shepherds still has the power to spread cheer and induce people to do one selfish things that the Christmas season but will lair ever be lasting peace on earth that is the question but 1st this program is brought to you by the dawn Bible Students Association publishers of the Dawn magazine in cooperation with Bible study groups and by the many friends of Franken darnedest everywhere so now and will the world always be plagued by war or will a time of lasting peace eventually come to Miami the prophet of God in Isaiah chapter 2 verse 4 tells us that the time will come when people shall beat their swords into plowshares nations shall not give up sort against nation neither shall they learn war anymore you know that is a wonderful text and however despite the assurance it gives us the world keeps right on dying even as the nations continue to make war upon each other there is no difficulty in understanding the full significance of this wonderful promise of the Bible if we keep in mind the fact that in the Divine Plan the principle fulfillment will be during the 1000 year reign of Christ and His Church failing to recognize this and unwarranted limit has been placed on the promise of God His promise of peace on earth and also his promise through Christ to give life to the people but it isn't the sincere belief of many that the Kingdom of Christ was set op at the beginning of the age but we still have no lasting peace. If as the claim was 1st made during the Dark Ages that the Kingdom of Christ was represented in the church state government of Europe it was but natural to believe that all the promises of God pertaining to the blessings of the kingdom could only apply during this present short span of life the reasoning was correct but the premises was wrong is that what you are saying yes that's it the Kingdom of Christ was not set up during the dark ages nor will the Parag get to vhs and authority of that kingdom ever be entrusted to imperfect fall in human beings it is because the kingdom of Christ has not been functioning through the centuries that the end jelly message of peace on earth has not yet become a reality however isn't it true add that the Bible speaks of the kingdom of heaven being at hand even in Jesus' day and hasn't the kingdom been represented in the lives of the true followers of Jesus since that time there are text of Scripture which show clearly that the preparation of the kingdom began with the 1st advent of Christ. The footstep followers of Jesus are as a class referred to as the kingdom but only in this preparatory stage they are promised that if they suffer and die with Jesus they will live and reign with Him Doesn't the Bible say fear not Little Flock it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom Yes and that is in harmony with what I've just said the kingdom class are now suffering and dying just as Jesus the King of Kings in that kingdom suffered and died they follow in his footsteps assured that if they are faithful to death they will receive a crown of life and will reign with Christ for a 1000 years and those who are humble a following in the footsteps of Jesus Nono cannot at the same time be exercising Kingdom authority among men I can see that point that's true and when the professed Church of Christ attempted to do so through civil powers of Europe it led only to war and not to peace Russell in Revelation Chapter 14 verse one were given a beautiful picture of the followers of Jesus when they are exalted to reign with him here their showing with the lamb on Mount Zion in the last verse of the prophecy of Obadiah we're told of a time when saviors come up on Mount Zion and the Kingdom is the Lord's actually we cannot expect the kingdom blessings of peace and joy in life to reach the people until the kingdom classes complete and exalted with the king but added Wouldn't it be proper to say that even in this preparatory work. God's goodwill toward man has been manifested even as it was in the birth of Jesus to be the reed team around the king and that's very true that people have not of course been aware of the matter in which God's good will has been operative on their behalf they have witnessed the condition continual failure of human efforts and millions have concluded either that God was not interested in human welfare or else he was powerless to prevent the evil which has so continuously triumphed in the affairs of men not all of while you insist the Scriptures show that Gawd's plan has been moving forward victoriously towards its goal of peace on earth and not only peace Russell but health and life as well that is right for the Angel and announcing the birth of Jesus and emphasized that he had come to be a savior as well as the Prince of Peace Yes he came to die for the people as well as to reign over them and the work of redemption was 1st to be accomplished for it was God's design that his son rule over a living race rather than a dying one for this to be possible it was necessary that Jesus 1st die for the people in order that they might be redeemed from death but then why has God permitted such a long time to elapse between the coming of Christ and the establishment of manifestation of His Kingdom has the long delayed been an order to select from the world those who will be associated with Him in His Kingdom Well that is one reason but not the only one we might also ask why God waited 4000 years after the fall of man before sending His Son to be the Redeemer. God's design is for the blessing of the n tired human race a race that when raised from the dead will fill the earth so we wanted all to have an experience with sit in death in order that they might appreciate the blessings of righteousness and the advantage of obedience to their Creator and His laws and it will be during that 1000 years of Christ's kingdom that all the dead will be awakened and given an opportunity to enjoy the blessings on of that Kingdom certainly the people will then know that the prophecy of the angels was true that the divine plan did not fail and they will know that there is at that time peace on earth yes for then there will be not only peace among nations but peace also all within nations best of all and indeed fundamental to all peace there will be peace between God and man and that will result in life for the Bible declares that in God's favor is life and we will rejoice in anticipation of that global how only of course which will ascend to God when the knowledge of His Glory fills the earth and all the people know the full significance of what occurred in 1900 centuries ago when the angels sang glory to God in the highest on earth peace and goodwill toward men and now Russell I believe you have a space announcement concerning the the dawn magazine yes that I have friends a copy of the Dawn magazine will be sent to you free to get your copy simply address or request a frank and Ernest box 60 General Post Office New York City hound it will be sent to you without any obligation you will find articles on a wide variety of religious subjects the veriest. Partment some for size conditions in the world as they pertain to Bible prophecy the Christian life and doctrine section is an inspirational outline of the problems of every day Christian living the Bible Lancers t.v. Section and the radio section list the television and radio stations giving the time when our programs may be heard from coast to coast there are also articles on the international Sunday school lessons which you will find most in lightening and then question and answer section you will find answers to the questions that you send in our That others send in and questions that you have often thought about you won't want to miss the 64 pages of enlightening and encouraging Bible truths in each issue of the dawn so send now for your free copy address your request to Franklin darnedest box 60 General Post Office New York City that is Franklin or nest box 6 all General Post Office New York City ask for the dawn you spell it d a w and the dawn magazine and it will be sent to you free by mail. Send for your free booklet today mail your request to Frank and Ernest Post Office Box 60 New York New York 10116 to repeat mail your request to Franken Ernest p. O. Box 60 New York New York 10116. Or call this toll free number 180234 drawn That's 180-2348 w and. The booklet will be sent to you free and without obligation this program is brought to you each week by the dawn Bible Students Association in cooperation with local Bible study groups and by the many friends of Franken Ernest everywhere to repeat call toll free the following number 180234 Dawn that is 180234 da w n to receive without obligation the free booklet offered Please include the call letters of this station with your request. And you are to 90 k. a Y. Little Rock the most powerful emergency rule in America Cumulus station Oh and. It's a and the it is. Hi this is Jay web of international gospel hour since 1934 Churches of Christ have proclaimed God's word through international Gospel Hour please stay tuned for another lesson on this program by Jody Apple are you listening. And thank you Jack welcome and thank you for tuning in to are you listening in the 1st part of today's program we will continue to emphasize that Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies that anticipated resurrected Messiah faith and then in the 2nd part of our program we will emphasize Bible reading in 3 weeks and new year will begin so for the next 3 weekends some of our 30 minute programs are on Saturday and some on Sunday so for the next 3 weekends we will encourage you to make this New Year's resolution read God's Word in 2018 read all of God's Word in 2018 and the 2nd half of today's program we will encourage you to read and to study God's word next year and we will let you know how you can download a free daily Bible reading schedule for the year we will do the same thing for the next 2 weekend broadcasts we will spend the 2nd half of each program providing new material each week in order to help you with your daily Bible reading next year and of course letting you know how you can freely access our daily by boat reading schedules. Join us today as we study and as we are blessed by God's word a brief reminder we air 6 programs in series every week to hear or download programs go to the media tab at international Gospel Hour dot com for questions comments or to follow us on line call us at 18 by 5 I g h 6988 Message us through the contact form at international Gospel Hour dot com or at Facebook dot com forward slash international Gospel Hour write us at international gospel our post office box won 18 pay Advil Tennessee 37334 and finally follow us at facebook dot com forward slash international Gospel Hour end at Twitter dot com board slash Jody Apple let's get into God's word today here's where we were at the end of our last study together the passages that we have been studying not only emphasized the necessity of 1st or Old Testament text being fulfilled they all emphasized the necessity of those taxed finding fulfillment in Jesus listen to God's Word in Luke Chapter 2237 the 1st passage that we used to emphasize messianic fulfillment in Jesus the text says to her I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in me and he was numbered with the transgressors for the things concerning me have an end twice in this one verse Jesus emphasized me what was written generally. In the 1st Testament must be fulfilled in Christ and what was written specifically in the 1st Testament in this case Jesus numbered with the transgressors must also be fulfilled in Jesus there are 3 passages that we examined in Luke $24.00 that do the same thing they emphasize messianic fulfillment in Jesus the 1st passage in Luke $24.00 verse 7 reads as follows The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful man and be crucified and the 3rd day rise again what does this verse mean in it says.

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