welcome to hln news and views. we have teams from the federal emergency management agency we're watching in mississippi to survey the damage from the weekend tornado. the storm killed at least ten people in mississippi and two in alabama and turned hundreds of homes and buildings into rubble. dozens of people were hurt. the coroner of choctaw county almost became a victim himself when the twister flipped his truck four times. another man was heading to his dad's restaurant to take cover in the freezer. his car was tossed up and lifted into the restaurant. >> it was unbelievable. it just -- when the windows exploded it was like anything i've never experienced. i mean it was just amazing. scared us to death. i'm very fortunate. i've got four beautiful children. i couldn't imagine being without them. as tragic as everything is, we've lost ten folks and family in this incident today. all family members and our heart goes out to them because we're lucky to be here. and don't realize how lucky you do have it until something like this happens. >> just glad they got out all right. the tornado end upped hitting alabama as well. richard lui was in albertville, alabama, right outside huntsville. here's what he found at one woman's home. >> so we're looking at a very large tree branch right about five feet away from where your head was. >> right. >> came right through the ceiling. that's about eight inches in diameter, probably about six feet long. you woke up and you saw that? >> yeah. well, when i woke up, it startled me so. i thought, you know, that sounds like a tornado coming through. and i got up and i felt that before i ran into it. and i thought oh, my lord, that's the tree. >> and then you ran straight through here. >> i crawled over that. >> i'm looking through this, nancy. this is not an easy path for you. >> no, it's not. just made my way through here feeling my way around because it was dark. and i was not prepared like everybody says to be. i didn't have my flashlight in the bedroom. >> so i was just noticing this second bedroom. it is completely covered, this bed is with the roof. >> it has. >> do you ever sleep in this room? >> a lot of times i do. and i just happened to be in that back bedroom. >> again, our thanks to richard lui there in albertville, alabama. as we mentioned, at least two deaths are being blamed on the storms in that state and ten in mississippi. oh, my god. wow! wow! wow! holy crap! >> look at that thing starting. you are probably saying the same thing. schools canceled in darlington county, south carolina, because of tornado damage there. this is moving a mile away from where the video was shot. tore off the roof of an elementary school, damaged a high school, hit several homes and a church as well. you can see the debris flying there as well. three people were hurt. doctors are planning tests to try and pinpoint the source of rocker and reality tv personality bret michaels' brain hemorrhage. his publicist says the former poison front man is in the icu under 20-hour surveillance and says doctors haven't located the source of the bleeding yet. michaels had an emergency appendectomy earlier this month and he does have diabetes but it's not known if there's a connection between all of that and this. >> that's the type of bleed where a blood vessel bursts. it can be very mon in diabetics. it's a bleeding stroke and near the base of the brain stem, you really are concerned about swelling in that area. it's the area that leads to res piration and your heart rate. it's kind of like the main center for all the functions that are automatic. so if you have a lot of swelling in that area, it really can lead to serious brain damage. >> michaels is a contestant on this season's "celebrity apprentice." and as of last night's episode he'd avoided being fired from the board room. all righty. nfl star ben roethlisberger going to make his first public comment today regarding the six-game suspension he's going to serve this year. the league commissioner sidelined the steelers' quarterback because of his questionable off-field behavior. georgia prosecutors investigated sexual assault allegations. pittsburgh coach mike tomlin says roethlisberger is ready. i don't know if you've seen this yet. there's a good samaritan that stops a man from stabbing a woman and then he gets stabbed himself. it shows him collapsing on the sidewalk and he lays there for more than an hour. the video shows one person after another just walking right past him. a few stop for a closer look. one snapped a picture, but no one came to his aid. police got two 911 calls during that time. neither people -- neither of those people gave the right address. by the time they responded to a third call, that man was dead. robot submarines have been dispatched to try and shut off a growing crude oil leak in the gulf of mexico. this is the area where that oil rig exploded tuesday. it's about 50 miles off louisiana and 11 workers are missing. and now presumed dead. experts say the sunken oil rig is leaking about 1,000 barrels of crude oil a day, which is -- that equates to about 42,000 gallons each day. the "exxon valdez" spilled 11 million gallons total off the coast of alaska back in 1989 so the coast guard says if they can't tap that leak, crews might drill relief wells. and that could take several months. two lawmakers want to call in the national guard to help fight crime. you'll hear about a wave of violence in one big midwestern city and get the chance to talk about what you think the solution is. thing beats a sale! wrong move! you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal. ♪ who's born to care this life was protected... ♪ seems you've always been right there ♪ this life was saved... ♪ soothing sadness ♪ healing pain and this life was made easier... ♪ making smiles appear again because of this life. nursing. at johnson & johnson, we salute all those who choose the life... that makes a difference. ♪ you're a nurse ♪ you make a difference [ er yusinadseitivity p y be missing some othection you need cre-h toothpastes,you n'ed tora to protectstty aleasntheck mod or new crest pro-heah seiv all righty. two illinois state lawmakers want the national guard to help fight crime in chicago. they say 113 people have been murdered in the city so far this year. seven people died, 18 others were hurt. mostly by gunfire just in one night last week. but chicago's police chief says the national guard is not the answer here. >> the u.s. troops have been winning the hearts and minds in iraq. they stabilized those communities. they made those communities much better from the time that they went in and now those communities are safe and we're saying that's what we want right here in illinois. >> let's go back to 1970. at kent state. national guard comes in. four students shot, killed. you know, i don't think we want that here in chicago. >> illinois governor pat quinn decides when to deploy the state's national guard, and he has not commented yet on this idea. but we do want your views on this story. richelle carey is here to share some of that with us. >> remember that young man darrion albert. he was killed. he was beaten to death by -- allegedly by school students. it was caught on tape. you can understand why people there would want answers. no one can agree on what the answers are. can the national guard actually help save lives in violent neighborhoods like the ones in chicago, what they are going through or would they make the situation more chaotic or do you think it's even just setting a bad precedent? a posted this question on my facebook page. getting a pretty good response so far to this story. let me share some comments with you. chris says this. if the police can't stop or even slow down the violent crime there, then by all means, send in the guards. citizens have the right to live and walk their streets without fear. fred, though, fred says this. sounds like a slippery slope to into a military police state. fred doesn't think it's the answer. let's talk to some view bers this. walter is calling from butler, indiana. walter, you are open to this idea? >> caller: yes, ma'am, and only because of my personal experiences. i was born in new york city, and i have seen how crime started running rampant. if you look at all the major cities across the united states, the south bronx, chicago, it's almost like when katrina, when there was roving gangs of criminals running the streets. and the police had taken the guns away from legal law-abiding citizens. so then the animals are running the asylum. fortunately until we address the issue we're going to have these problems. i'm all for law and order and the poor people that live in these hard zones, hard-working people that just want to live peaceful lives are scared to death. >> let me ask you this, walter. i want to pose a few questions for you. if you support this idea, then do you have any concerns about it being a sliplyrey slope like the facebooker before you did? if you bring in the military now, how long? do you have any concerns with that respect? >> my only concern is for the people that live in utopia that believe that the police will take care of everything and you shouldn't have guns to protect yourself. >> clearly the folks in chicago don't think it's a utopia. they don't think the police will take care of everything. >> it's not a perfect world but every american citizen has the right to live in harmony and live without fear of walking down the streets and having bars in their windows. >> boy, isn't that the truth. okay. okay. >> caller: that's just my opinion on it. >> thank you very much. rodney is calling from jacksonville, florida. you agree with the chicago police chief. the police chief says the national guard is not the answer. why do you agree? >> i just really feel the guard isn't trained to handle u.s. citizens. they are really not. they are trained for more specific assignments such as wars and, you know, hurricane katrina and things of that nature. if they would increase the workforce of the chicago pd instead of trying to cut labor and cut back on costs each year, then they might be able to see some impact and at least a dent in what is currently going on up there. they need to get more programs in the communities to help these troubled teens and young adults with their behavior issues. such as after-school programs, mentoring programs. and last, but not least, us as adults today in this nation, we have to start stepping up and start being role models and living by example and take this country back to its core beliefs and values. >> rodney, i was going to jump in but you laid out your platform there. rodney, thank you. let me get in a facebook comment. dawn says this. isn't that what the national guard is for? they are here to protect and serve us. sound like dawn is on board with this. mike wrote this. this goes against all principles of a free nation. when the military is used against its own people, we start functioning in the same capacity as a military dictatorship. the military does not have to abide by the same laws that the police do. the national guard is needed for disaster relief. poor management of the public safety system in a major city should not qualify as disaster relief. you are raising great points on both sides. do you think bringing in the national guard would save lives in chicago where they are dealing with a really bad crime wave? or do you think it would make the situation or chaotic or not even just the issue of more chaos. do you not like the idea of the military functioning as police? call us right now. 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail us, you can also text. text hlntv. standard text rates apply or go to our facebook pages as well. we'll continue to read your responses and have a really good discussion about this throughout the day. christi, you can understand why the people in chicago definitely want some answers. you just can't agree on what the answers are. >> when you have two different law enforcement entities like that trying to mix, trying to merge, that could, who knows what that could bring, i guess is the answer. thanks, richelle. sandra bullock may have gotten a letter from one of her husband's alleged mistresses. hear what she had to say. lmost . time for new zyrtec® liquid gels. they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms so i'm ready by the time we get to the first hole. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. it is good to have you with us today. immigrant rights activists are going to take arizona's tough new immigration laws to the courts. thousands or hundreds of activists protested at the state capitol yesterday. look at all these people here. the mayor of phoenix told them he'll sue to block the law. now it requires people to ask -- police rather to ask people about their immigration status if they suspect someone is in the country illegally. and critics called that racial profiling. >> what is reasonable suspicion? i mean, are we going to get pulled over for a broken taillight or just because of the color of our skin? and if so, is everybody going to get stopped? white people? you know, are they going to be looking for europeans as well? or is it just the brown people? >> what do you have to say to those concerns? >> they're really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics. and the state of arizona has a very high hispanic population. we've never had a policy of racial profiling. in fact, quite the contrary. it's been -- it's been outlawed. >> critics want president obama to fight the law. he calls it misguided and says he's asked the justice department review whether it's even legal. a man with a gun was arrested moments after president obama's plane left asheville, north carolina. police say joseph mcveigh was impersonating a police officer in an airport parking lot and that his car had sirens and flashing lights. they say he had formulas for rifle scopes on a note in his cup holder. police add the president was not in any danger. sandra bullock, listen to this one, may have gotten an apology from one of her husband's alleged mistresses. tmz reports melissa smith faxed a letter yesterday to bullock's agent and it says, quote, i am sorry for any hurt or pain that i've caused you. my actions of engaging with a married man are unforgivable." hln has not confirmed the letter. we contacted bullock's agent about it. haven't yet heard back. you know with the economy slowly starting to recover here, are you slipping back into your old shopping ways and ditching those discount stores? clark howard tells us about a trend he never saw coming and how you can benefit. >> okay. i create enough paranoia for people using the boss' equipment at work. but i got a new one for you. let's say you decide to use the boss' fax machine for something sensitive, personal or maybe you are sending a resume to a new potential employer. or you are using the boss' copier to make copies of your resume or personal financial documents. well, listen to this tip from wbz tv in boston. would you believe that the newest wave of copiers and fax machines digitally record the image of everything that goes across the plate. what that means is that your employer gets to snoop on every fax, every copy that anybody makes. so don't send sensitive financial documents from work and absolutely, positively, do not make copies or fax, cover sheets for resumes or resumes to potential new employers. i'm clark howard. for more ways to keep you out of trouble with the boss go to and you can watch clark howard every saturday and sunday at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern here on hln news and views. dozens of schoolgirls in afghanistan have ended up in the hospital with a mystery illness. officials are investigating what is making them sick. the question is has the taliban found a new way to keep girls from getting an education? gecko: uh, you wanted to see me sir? boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. ♪ 'cause band-aid®'s stuck on me ♪ [ female announcer ] moms trust band-aid® brand to heal the hurt better than store brands. [ laughs ] ♪ i am stuck on band-aid® brand ♪ ♪ 'cause band-aid® helps heal me! ♪ rocker turned reality tv star bret michaels is fighting for his life as we speak here. his publicist says he's in critical condition in intensive care following a massive brain hemorrhage. doctors apparently have yet to find the source of that bleeding. alan duke is following this story from los angeles. what do we know about his prognosis or what they are even able to do at this point, alan? >> it's really interesting how his manager and his publicist have been very careful not to tell us much. they do tell us that he is a survivor and a fighter. and we know that the doctors are right now searching for the source of the bleeding in his brain. and they are pleading with friends and family members who may have other information not to share it with the media. they say doctors will release a report probably this week on his medical condition. so we really don't know much other than what they've just told us. >> i heard one doctor say that if you can speak, that you are on the better end of this thing. do we know if he's able to talk? >> well, some of those friends and family who have spoken, including his father, spoken to some journalists, have said that they've talked to him, that he is able to talk. so that's a good sign. when i tried to call his father this morning, they simply referred us to the publicist in new york. so this is really shocking to a lot of the folks in the rock world. in fact, i just happened friday afternoon to be at the "tonight show" backstage in the green room with creed when they were taping for jay leno. and the news broke. and let's listen to what the couple of the members of creed who knew bret michaels said about this. >> maybe when he had that collapse on him. >> that was at the tony awards. >> pretty recently. that's too bad. i heard he's a very have good guy and that's tough. there's lots of bad things happen to a lot of good people. and it's just a shame. >> well, our prayers go out to him and his family and we have, you know, reached out to people that we know to -- that are close to him to let him know how we feel and that we are there for him and his family. we just got to pray, man. and believe that the best is yet to come in that situation. so all you can do is keep having hope. >> and a couple of hours after that, i was with gene simmons and paul stanley of kiss. they hadn't heard the news. when i told them about bret michaels, especially paul stanly, was really, really struck by that and my interview with them had a sort of more somber tone at least at points because kiss, a predecessor to the group like poison, they took that very personally. >> one more quick question. were there any signs? we know he was a diabetic. what were the signs leading up to this? were there any? >> well, just, i think it was 11 days earlier, he was suddenly hospitalized with -- for his appendix. of course, he's got a very serious case of diabetes, which doctors say complicate everything. and he wrote in a blog just a day earlier that he wasn't feeling 100%. so his health has certainly been an issue. >> all right. alan duke, boy, thank you so much. live for us there from los angeles. we appreciate it, as always. teams from the federal emergency management agency are in mississippi today to survey the damage from this weekend's deadly tornado. the storm killed at least ten people in mississippi, two in alabama and turned hundreds of homes and buildings, as you see there, into nothing but rubble. dozens of people were hurt and the coroner of choctaw county, mismirks almost became a victim himself when the twister flipped his truck four times. another man was driving to his dad's restaurant to take cover in the freezer when the tornado blew out the windows of his car, lifted it up and tossed it into the restaurant. this twister damaged several homes and toppled power lines in albertville, alabama, as well. governor bob riley visiting that area today. electricity may not be fully restored until wednesday. >> oh, my god! wow. wow! wow! >> that's where you'd be saying, too if you saw this, isn't it? schools canceled in darlington, county, south carolina, because of tornado damage there. look at this twister here just moving along this treeline. a mile from where this video was shot. it tore the roof off an elementary school, damaged a high school and three people were hurt. one of our ireporters captured incredible video, though, of a tornado that touched down in north carolina. alan mitchell was in the car with his family when he noticed the funnel cloud. he joins us now on the phone from aiden, north carolina, near greenville. thank you alan, for being with us. let me ask you. i understand your wife was driving. you were headed home. what did you first see that made you realize, you know, there was danger approaching? >> well, what we saw was on the way home, we saw -- we went through a couple of rain storms. and as we were on 64 getting ready to turn on to 264, we saw the clouds -- the sky just came low and there were lots of clouds. a big, looming kind of cloud. we just didn't pay attention to it. then a few seconds later, joanne says, look at this. i looked up and it was right there in front of us. >> so you saw the thing forming? >> yes. >> okay. how did you know what to do at that time? i lot of people are in your situation allan where you are just driving down the road. >> i knew i didn't want to be bunched up near any other cars. i knew i wanted it to be on the left so we could just go straight. and i knew i didn't want to be around the truck that had passed us. so -- and i didn't want to go too close to the edge of the road because the embankment was kind of steep. and if it came our way, i didn't want it to have us roll down that hill there. >> but you kept driving. you didn't stop? did you just slow down? >> every once in a while, joanne did slow down. that's when we came up on cars. a bunch of cars were slowing down. so she did slow down. >> how are you keeping each other calm at that point? >> say that again? >> like what was your conversation in the car as you are watching this? >> there wasn't much of a conversation. she just wanted to know what she should do. our son was in the back. every time i told her to do something, i don't know if you can hear it, he's asking why. he's in that kind of phase right now. but i knew i wanted to keep the thing to our left. that was the biggest thing. we didn't speed much at all, unless something, like the ambulance went by, the truck went by. somebody pulled out in frochnt us, like i figured they would. we wanted to keep going straight and keep some options open if it turned in our direction. >> you obviously did the right thing and have it on video to show your son when he's older and you can explain the whys even better. thanks for sharing pictures with us. we're just glad you are okay. >> i can't hardly hear you. >> thank you for sharing the pictures. we're glad you're okay. >> why, thank you very much. >> thank you. i want to invite the rest of you if you have pictures or video of severe weather or breaking news from wherever you happen to be in the world go to and click on the upload now link. nfl star ben roethlisberger will make his first public comment today about the six-game suspension he'll serve this year. the league commissioner sidelined the pittsburgh steelers' quarterback because of his off-field behavior. georgia prosecutors investigated sexual assault allegations against roethlisberger. but they decided not to file charges. pittsburgh coach mike tomlin says the quarterback is ready to accept the nfl's punishment and move forward with his career. a frightening multicar crash at tal dalea caused one driver's door catch fire. it was the final lap in the race. justin alguere's car. here's the bird's-eye view. look at this thing go. driver jamie mcmurray loses control, spins out there. cars scatter. dennis setzer gets pushed into the fence and caught fire. the fence kept his car from flying off the track. and that allowed brad keselowski to win the race who almost was kept out of the race because of problems with his car. good heavens. two lawmakers want to call in the national guard to help fight crime. you'll hear about a wave of violence in a big midwestern city. and we're asking you, what do you think of bringing the national guard in to police the city? a surveillance video has new yorkers kind of asking themselves a lot of hard questions today. it shows a good samaritan stopping a man from stabbing a woman and then getting stabbed himself. actually that's not on the surveillance video, but this is. him collapsing on the sidewalk. and laying there for more than an hour. the video shows one person after another just walking right past him. a few did stop for a closer look. one even snapped his picture, but no one tried to help. police did get two 911 calls during that time. neither of those people, though, gave the right address. by the time they responded to a third call, the man was dead. two illinois state lawmakers want the national guard to help fight crime in chicago. they say 113 people have been murdered in the city so far this year. seven people died, 18 others were hurt, mostly by gunfire just in one night last week. but chicago's police chief says the national guard is not the answer here. >> the u.s. troops have been winning the hearts and minds in iraq. they stabilized those communities. they made those communities much better from the time that they went in and now those communities are safe. and we're saying that's what we want right here in illinois. >> let's go back to 1970. at kent state. national guard comes in. four students shot, killed. i don't think we want that here in chicago. >> illinois governor pat quinn decides when to deploy the state's national guard. he has not yet commented on the idea. but do you think bringing in the national guard would save lives or do you think it would make the situation more chaotic? we want your view on this. call us at 1-877-tell-hln or e-mail us, inspect or text your comments to hlntv. or go to our facebook pages. some travelers stranded by the volcan ic ash cloud are getting hit with hefty parking fees. this is after they may have had to pay extra to stay in a european hotel. "usa today" is reporting some airports are waiving the fees, including jfk, along with newark, las vegas and denver. apparently not all of them. tiger woods going to be back on the links later this week. we're going to be all over this for you. he'll be competing in the quail hollow championship. it begins thursday in charlotte, north carolina. and rafer weigel will be there bringing us live reports. organizers say the event is sold out and they don't expect hecklers but if there is a disruption, they will hand telequickly. the world champion new york yankees getting another reception visiting the president at the white house this afternoon. before that, they're going to take the world series trophy to show to a wounded veterans at walter reed army medical center and then visit supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. and then they play the baltimore orioles. how is that for a full day? well, british officials have apologized for a memo suggesting the pope launch his own brand of condoms. hear how the vatican is responding to this embarrassing memo. [ male announcer ] fishing pole, it's been a while. you stood in the basement gathering dust while i, sneezing, itching eyes kept you from our favorite stream. the one that runs through a field where pollen floats through the air. but now, with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec® to relieve my worst allergy symptoms, indoors and outdoors... let's go before the fish stop biting. they won't wait for us. but that's okay. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. today, we battle wits with the trout. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. ♪ welcomerewards from see when i accumulate 10 nights, i get one free. and...they let me choose where to use them. the loyalty program he signed us up for has all these restrictions, blackout dates, a crazy point system... and we couldn't stay here. so what am i getting for free? my undying love? [ yelps ] wendy. hole-in-one. [ male announcer ] accumulate 10 nights. and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart. immigrant rights activists say they're going to take arizona's tough new immigration law to the courts. hundreds of activists protested at the state capital yesterday. the mayor of phoenix told them he will sue to block this law which requires police to ask people about their immigration status if they suspect someone is in the country illegally. critics call this racial profiling. >> what is reasonable suspicion? i mean, are we going to get pulled over just for a broken taillight or just because of the color of our skin? and if so, is everybody going to get stopped? white people? you know, are they going to be looking for europeans as well? or is it just the brown people? >> what do you have to say to those concerns? >> they are really -- they are really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics. and the state of arizona has a very high hispanic population. we've never had a policy of racial profiling. in fact, quite the contrary. it's been -- it's been outlawed. >> critics want president obama to fight the law. he says it's misguided, and he's asked the justice department to review whether it's even legal. democrats and republicans eyeball to pieball in the u.s. senate. this time about clamping new restrictions on wall street bankers. republicans insist they want to reform the regulations for the financial industry. but the gop opposes this bill. later today, democratic leaders will call for a procedural vote and republicans will have to decide if they want to prevent debate on the measure. if all 41 republicans stick together, they can keep it from coming to a vote. a man with a gun was arrested moments after president obama's plane left asheville, north carolina. joseph mcvey was impersonating a police officer in an airport parking lot and his car had sirens and flashing lights. they say he had formulas for rifle scopes on a note in his cup holder. they did add the president was not in any danger. the vatican says the pope will still visit great britain in spite of an embarrassing memo leaked by the country's foreign office. british officials apologized for a fake memo suggesting the pope could launch his own brand of condoms. it also suggested the pope could bless a same-sex marriage. vatican says the matter is closed and the four-day visit in september was never off the table. please let me forewarn you this video is disturbing. this shows a bull goring one of spain's most famous bullfighters. an 1100-pound bull, here it comes, gored the bullfighter's groin saturday in central mexico. tossed him in the air causing major blood loss. the manager says the bullfighter's life is no longer in danger but it pierced a vein and an artery. a 16-year-old girl trying to become the youngest to sail nonstop around the world is coming ashore. she wrote on a blog she just can't keep going because of problems with her boat's auto pilot. she will dock in cape town, south africa in about two weeks and then plans to keep going. her older brother zach completed a solo circum 1navigation at 17. sandra bullock may have gotten an apology fromhusband's mistresses. tmz reports melissa smith faxed a letter yesterday to bullock's agent saying, quote, i'm sorry for any hurt or pain that i have caused you. my actions of engaging with a married man are unforgivable. hln hasn't confirmed the letter. we have contacted bullock's agent but haven't heard a response from them yet. it's the end of an era. sony will stop making floppy disks within the year. it is one of the last companies to produce them and they say demand is dwindling. in japan it sold 12 million floppy disks last year. how long would you wait at a chance for a job? hundreds lined up in queens, new york, for a chance at a hundred jobs as elevator mechanics. some waited in line since friday morning. >> so i'm just hoping while waiting in line that i get the job. i have been unemployed for two years. this is the last hope. >> there's a chance, that's all we want. a chance to get a good job to provide for our family. >> good luck to those people. the workers who get hired will start as apprentices for $15 an hour. do you want to know how to get the most for your money? clark howard wants to help you out. log onto submit your ireport and you could be selected to be profiled on the network and get valuable advice from america's money coach. dozens of schoolgirls in afghanistan ended up in the hospital with a mysterious illness. officials are investigating what's making them sick. the question is has the taliban found a new way to keep girls from getting an education? before rogaine, my solution to the problem was to go ahead and wear hats. i was always the hat guy. i can't even tell you how much it's changed my life. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. no more hats. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. understood that with knowledge, an comes confidence.y richman in junior high, while abroad, he explained how jellyfish stings can be neutralized with vinegar... l'aceto allevia il dolore. [ male announcer ] perfect italian. as an adult, timothy's knowledge of storm cells and tornadoes saved the newberry prep cheerleading squad. but when it came time to buy a new car, he was just as nervous as the rest of us. so timothy got his knowledge at, regained his confidence, and got the perfect car at the perfect price. oh, my god. wow! wow! wow! >> it was unbelievable. when the wind just exploded it was like anything i have never experienced. it was amazing. >> is everyone getting stopped? white people? are they looking for europeans as well or just the brown people? >> he's calling for national guard deployment. it's drastic action. is it wranlted under these circumstances? without question. >> some of the stories we are covering now. hi, everybody. chuck roberts. thanks for choosing hln news & views. teams are fouring across mississippi surveying the damage from the weekend tornados. the storm killed at least ten people in mississippi, two in alabama and turned hundreds of homes and buildings into piles of rubble. dozens of people were hurt. a coroner almost became a victim himself in choctaw, mississippi when his truck was flipped. a man was in his truck when the sirens sounded. the windows blew out. he was lifted up, tossed into a restaurant. >> it was unbelievable. when the wind exploded it was like anything i have never experienced. i mean, it was just amazing. it scared us plum to death. i'm very fortunate. i have four beautiful children. i couldn't imagine being without them. as tragic as everything is, we've lost kinfolks and family in this incident today. we lost family members and our hearts go out to them. we're lucky to be here. you don't realize how lucky you have it until something like this happens. >> oh, my god. wow! wow! wow! school is cancelled in darlington, south carolina because of damage there. the twister is moving along the tree line about a mile from where this video was taken. it damaged a high school, tore the roof off an elementary school, damaged a church. three people were hurt. the owner of the coal mine that exploded in west virginia insists the air was fine hours before the blast. tests earlier in the day showed no build-up of explosive gases. he said the tests showed adequate air flow inside the mine. the company will give what it calls unprecedented financial compensation to the families of miners killed in the blast. massey says it will pay life insurance benefits, health care, college expenses for the children of the 29 miners who died. a day after the memorial, president obama says the 29 men died in the pursuit of the american dream. he met privately with families before giving a eulogy at the service. he says the nation will honor their memory by improving safety. doctors are trying to pinpoint the source of bret michaels' brain hemorrhage. he's listed in critical condition in the icu. his publicist said the former poison front man is in the unit under 24-hour surveillance. doctors have not located the source of the bleeding. michaels had an emergency appendectomy and has diabetes. it's not known if there is a connection. >> that's the type of bleed where a blood vessel bursts. it's very common in diabetics. it's a bleeding stroke. near the base of the brain stem you're concerned about swelling. that's the area that leads to respiration and heart rate. it's like the main center for all the functions that are automatic. so if you have a lot of swelling in that area it can really lead to a serious brain injury. >> the doctor was kind enough to flesh that out. she's on the phone now. thank you for your time. to what extent is the diabetes a factor here? >> caller: well, there are some studies. initially when he first had the subarachnoid bleed we weren't sure what type of stroke. you can have any kind of bleeding stroke that can leak blood into that space. diabetics we know are at increased risk of a bleeding stroke or a regular stroke. but a pure sub arachnoid bleed caused from aneurysm, you know, the jury's still out. studies say there is a risk. some studies say there is not. at this point, it appears that from what i have read -- because i haven't seen the case, obviously -- that he has mostly a subarachnoid bleed. they haven't pinpointed the aneurysm that caused it. they don't see blood anyplace else in his brain. so, you know, they're not sure what's going on. we know that high blood pressure is a risk, although they have never said he had high blood pressure. smoking can contribute to it. a lot of people just have small aneurysms. sometimes they don't even know about it until it ruptures and bleeds. >> could it be a residual effect of the set crashing on his head last june? >> you know, usually when there is a bleed from trauma you have immediate problems right away. it's nothing that would be delayed like this. so, you know, he may have been unfortunately somebody who had this aneurysm. it just ruptured at a certain time. you know, people wondered. he had the emergency appendectomy, said he was in a lot of pain. you would have to be in a lot of pain and have blood pressure raised significantly but you would have to have the aneurysm there. >> his dad said he's in arizona. is there a good unit there? >> yeah. you know, at the universities they have stroke centers and intensive care units. so there are some excellent places in arizona as there are in every state. you know, every state usually has a great university where they have good stroke centers. >> doctor leave vinocur, thank you very much. we'll have coverage all day long, the place to be for the latest on bret michaels and his ongoing emergency. we think he's in arizona in icu. two lawmakers want to call the national guard to help fight crime. you will hear about a wave of violence in a big mid western city. aflac is not pay the hospital insurance. aflac is not pay the doctor insurance. aflac is not major medical insurance. aflac is affordable-we-pay-cash-directly- to-you-fast-when-you're-sick-or- hurt-insurance. if all you know about us is... duck: aflac! ...then you don't know quack. to find out all the ways aflac's got you covered, visit [ male announcer ] visine®-a is clinically proven to relieve all your worst eye allergy symptoms. it goes right where you need it, relieving allergy eyes in minutes. visine®-a. the most complete allergy eye drop. to the seekers of things which are one of a kind. the authentic, the rare, the hard to define. to those who'd climb mountains or sail across seas... for the perfect vanilla or honey from bees. to the lovers of orchards where simple is grown, who treat every bite as a world of its own. to those always searching for what's pure and what's real... from we who believe... we know just how you feel. häagen-dazs. she told me ok, maybe it wto kill the weeds. and you did. along with the grass. i used the wrong stuff. there were dead spots everywhere. this is the right stuff. ortho weed b gon max. it kills weeds down to the root. even the tough ones like dandelion and crabgrass. but unlike that other stuff, it won't kill the grass. ortho guarantees it. kill the weeds, not the lawn. weeds, not lawn. got it? yea. ortho weed b gon max. defend what's yours. two illinois lawmakers both represent chicago. they want the national guard to help fight crime in chicago. they say 113 people have been murdered in the windy city this year already. seven died and 18 others were hurt in one night, mostly by gunfire last week. but the chicago police chief says the national guard isn't the answer. >> the u.s. troops have been winning the hearts and minds in iraq. they stabilized those communities, made those communities better from the time that they went in and now those communities are safe and we're saying that's what we want right here in illinois. >> let's go back to 1970 at kent state. national guard comes in, four students shot, killed. you know, i don't think we want that here in chicago. >> illinois governor pat quinn decides when to deploy the national guard and he's not yet commented on the idea. we'd love your thoughts. has it come to that? richelle carey has more on what the viewers are saying. >> has it come to that? that's a great question. can the national guard help save lives in violent neighborhoods like some of the neighborhoods in chicago? if they could save lives, is this necessarily the way to go about it? there are a lot of questions, a lot of issues. i posted the question on my facebook page and you have been discussing away. all right? here's some of what you're saying. laura says, nothing else seems to have worked. why not give it a try? our country wastes money on so many other things. why not do something helpful? if it works, maybe other cities will do the same thing and crime could possibly go down. amy says, i think it would make matters worse. it would cause an increase in violent crimes and it would be aimed at the national guard for being there. i foresee riots. i think she thinks it would make people resentful of their presence. let me talk about this with martha. martha's calling from bozier city, louisiana. i have been there before, miss martha. you have experience with the national guard in your town. what's your take on this? >> caller: in 1978 i lived in memphis, tennessee and both the police department and fire department went on strike so they brought in the national guard. the guard did an admirable job but we had a dusk to dawn curfew. so they were basically keeping the streets empty at night. one of the big issues is police officers are trained to deal with people in highly charged emotional situations. the national guard is not. although soldiers have done an admirable job in iraq, my city is not a war zone. if the people of chicago decided their city is a war zone they have big issues they need to deal with. the big thing they have to do is just like most cities in the united states have had to do, we have had to decide what we want to spend money on and what we don't want to spend money on. sometimes that includes an increase in taxes to provide adequate police protection but we don't need soldiers marching down the street. that's like soviet bloc countries 30 years ago. >> you bring up a lot of good points because you have been through this and the people of chicago haven't seen in national guard in the streets. you mentioned spending money. wow. i guess the follow up to that would be is money necessarily going to solve the problem even? >> caller: it would be a help. but at the end of the day, people have to behave somewhat reasonably. if they don't there's not much you can do except put handcuffs on them and build more prisons. i do believe when you have a larger police force like detroit has really been working hard to put their police on the streets to stop gun violence. and they have made great strides in that. that's what's going to have to happen in chicago and other large cities with crime problems. you've got to have a larger police force out there on the street. >> that's martha's take. thank you for the conversation. paul is calling from california. what do you think about the idea if you were in chicago looking out the window seeing the national guard patrolling the streets? what do you think? >> caller: i think it's good. i think that the national guard should come here because the police department don't have the manpower to do it and then they have the opportunity to patrol the streets at night, keep the gangs off the streets and if they do find them, they pick them up, take them to jail. i think it's a good deal. if i was the governor of illinois, i would have declared marshall law and brought in the national guard. they treat the american people like -- they're police officers but they are in a police officer type of form that they are national guard. that's what they are there for. >> you're saying it would make the community safer? >> caller: yes, ma'am. >> thank you for the conversation, paul. what do you think about this? bringing in the national guard to maybe bring down the violence, the crime in chicago. there are a couple of lawmakers who want it to happen. do you think nothing else is working so maybe this is an idea? maybe it concerns you. call us toll 1-877-tell-hln. you can also e-mail us at text us, discuss it on facebook. if you're in chicago, call and tell us what you think about the idea. we'd like to hear from you for sure. >> boy, the troops have to know state law and city ordinance in a crash course. >> our first caller made a great point that they are not trained to be police. >> they have a whole different skill set. thanks. sandra bullock may have gotten a letter from one of her husband's alleged mistresses. with giving gm a second chance. quite frankly, i can respect that. we want to make this a company all americans can be proud of again. that's why i'm here to announce we have repaid our government loan, in full, with interest, five years ahead of the original schedule. but there's still more to do. our goal is to exceed every expectation you've set for us. we're putting people back to work, designing, building, and selling the best cars and trucks in the world. with our 100,000-mile, 5-year powertrain warranty to guarantee the quality. and the unmatched life-saving technology of onstar to help keep you safe. from new energy solutions. to the designs of tomorrow. we invite you to take a look at the new gm. rheumatoid arthritis going? 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[ female announcer ] ask your rheumatologist about simponi™. just one dose, once a month. hi, i need to start saving on car insurance. money a bit tight? yeah, i've had to cut back, sell some stuff. like his watch. oh. we can help you save. because we instantly compare your progressive direct rate with rates from other top companies. watch this. [ beeping ] nice savings. this means i can buy my watch back. oh, this watch? yeah. not for sale. [ gasps ] that's cold. making sure you get a great deal. now, that's progressive. call or click today. the u.s. supreme court will decide whether a california law will ban the sale or rental of violent video games to kids as a violation of free speech. the case will hear the case. oral arguments are expected this fall. video game makers say the voluntary ratings system is enough of a screen for parents to judge if the games like grand theft auto iv are appropriate for kids. the man accused of hacking into sarah palin's e-mail account will not testify at his own trial. a federal trial in knoxville. the defense rested the case today. the only defense witness being an agent who testified about his emotional state at the time. the 22-year-old was trying to derail the campaign for president when he hacked into sarah palin's e-mail account in 2008. kernell could get 50 years in prison. nfl star ben roethlisberger makes his first public comment about his suspension. the league commissioner sidelined him because of off-field behavior. georgia prosecutors investigated sexual assault allegations against big ben but decided not to file charges. pittsburgh coach mike tomlynn said he's, quote, ready to move forward." a surveillance video has new yorkers asking questions today. a good samaritan stops a man from stabbing a woman and got stabbed himself. he collapsed on the sidewalk and laid there more than an hour. one person after another walked right past him. a few stopped for a closer look. in fact, one snapped his picture. but no one tried to help. police got two 9-1-1 calls but neither gave the right address. by the time they got there, responding to a third call, the man was dead. activists will take the tough new immigration law in arizona to the courts. hundreds of activists protested at the state capital yesterday in phoenix where the mayor said he'll sue to block the law which requires police to ask people about their immigration status if they suspect someone is here illegally. critics call it racial profiling. >> what is reasonable suspicion? are we going to get pulled over for a broken taillight or because of the color of our skin? if so, is everybody going to get stopped? white people? are they looking for europeans as well or just the brown people? >> reporter: what do you have to say to those concerns? >> they're really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics and the state of arizona has a very high hispanic population. we have never had a policy of racial profiling. in fact, quite the contrary. it's been outlawed. >> critics want the president to fight the law. he says it's misguided and asked the u.s. justice department to review its legality. sandra bullock may have gotten an apology from one of her husband's alleged mistresses. tmz reported melissa smith said, i am sorry for any hurt i have caused you. my actions are unforgivable. we contacted sandra bullock's agent. no response yet. robot submarines were dispatched to shut off the oil leak in the gulf of mexico. this is the area where the oil rig exploded tuesday, a week ago, 50 miles off louisiana. 11 workers are missing, presumed dead. now the oil rig is leaking 1,000 barrels of crude a day. 42,000 gallons. the exxon valdez spilled 11 million in all off the coast of alaska in 1989. but if the subs can't tap the leak they may take months to drill relief wells. dozens of afghan schools are sick. has the taliban found a new way to keep girls from getting an education? as skin ages, elastin fibers break down. this exclusive biomineral concentrate system... has active naturals ingredients shown to multiply... elastin's elements. i'm impressed. the study showed improved firmness, texture, wrinkles, or spots in 100% of women. how uplifting is that? new ageless vitality. save $15 at that's the beauty of nature and science. people in chicago are living with fear every day and with good reason. there have been 113 homicides there a year. that's almost one a day. two state lawmakers, one in the west side of chicago and the other from the north side are urging governor pat quinn to do something drastic, that is, send in the national guard. judy wang of wgn joins us. will we see troops on the streets any time soon? >> reporter: it doesn't sound like that is going to happen. mayor richard daly was on the campus of uic to welcome world leaders attending a global city summit. when asked about deploying the national guard he didn't say no. he said he's willing to listen to the proposal but he's skeptical. sending in the national guard -- two lawmakers agree, yes, it's drastic. some south side residents say, no way. >> it won't be good. a lot of problems. there are enough problems, issues. wouldn't be good. >> reporter: others don't think it's such a crazy idea. >> whatever we have to do to save these kids, you know. they're real bad out here. they need some guidance. whatever we have to do. >> we're talking about the governor, the mayor and the superintendent working together to put extra bodies on the streets and have the men and women work in conjunction with the chicago police department. >> reporter: appearing on the wgn morning show the state rep touted the proposal he and shawn ford unveiled this weekend. they argue police do not have the manpower to fight the war in our backyard and point to a recent night when seven people were killed. >> think of the repercussions. are they situated with fully automatic weapon? you have to be careful. we're open to suggestions. >> reporter: the mayor says stricter gun control laws and better community involvement are better suggestions. >> reporter: jody weiss points to the kent state shootings in 1970 when national guardsmen killed four students during a campus protest. he stands by the strategy for the summer. >> we're goeng to have pinpointed deployment that changes every every day. if we have to move the resources we will. >> reporter: now we called governor pat quinn's office for comment. a spokesperson told me there would be no statement but the governor has an appearance later in town and he may address the issue this afternoon. i'm judy wang in chicago for hln. chuck? >> thank you, judy. appreciate the update. we have been asking you if you think bringing in the guard may save lives or would it make the situation more chaotic. we're taking on your views. some of the facebook comments include this. chris writes, if the police can't stop or slow the violent crimes there, then by all means send in the guards. citizens have the right to live and walk their streets without fear. fred writes, sounds like a slippery slope to me. we don't want to turn into a military police state. call 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail you can text views and your comment to hlntv. dive in on facebook, too. we're going to air your comments throughout the day. teams from fema are in mississippi surveying the damage from the weekend's deadly tornado. the storm killed ten people in mississippi, two in alabama and turned hundreds of holmes and buildings into rubble. dozens were hurt. the coroner in choctaw coin, mississippi almost became a victim when his truck flipped four times. another man was driving to his dad's restaurant to take cover in the freezer when the tornado blew out the windows in the car, lifted it ands s ttossed it ine restaurant. in albertville, alabama, the governor is visiting today. electricity may not be restored until wednesday. >> oh, my god. wow! wow! wow! school is cancelled in darlington county, south carolina today. you can see that twister moving along the tree line. only a mile away from where the vortex was. this video is awfully close. it tore the roof off an elementary school, damaged a high school and hit several homes and a church. three people were hurt. wouldn't you know it, one of our ireporters captured incredible video of a tornado in north carolina. allan mitchell was in the car with his wife, 5-year-old son and 6-week-old daughter driving home sunday. his wife noticed the funnel cloud. mitchell said he knew they would encounter bad weather. he said they decided not to stop though some did stop under overpasses. mitchell said they heard the warning on the radio after they saw the cloud. that was the order of events. mitchell said it was the first time he saw anything like that. many thanks to allen mitchell for sharing the great video and we're also glad they made it home safe and sound. when you have pictures or videos of breaking news or great stories go to and look for the upload now link. nfl star ben roethlisberger makes his first public comment today about the six-game suspension he'll serve at the beginning of the nfl season. the commissioner sidelined the quarterback because of off-field behavior. georgia prosecutors investigated sexual assault allegations against rohim but decided to pa on charges. a scary car crash in alabama caused a driver's car to catch fire in the final lap of the race. here's the bird's eye view. a driver loses control, spins out. the cars scattered across the track. dennis setzer is pushed into the fence and it catches fire. amazingly he's okay. the fence kept the car from flying off the track. that allowed brad kezlowski to win the race. almost kept out of the race because of problems with the car. that's a lot of circumstances. robot submarines were dispatched to shut off a growing leak in the gulf of mexico. that's the area where the oil rig exploded last week 50 miles offshore. 11 workers are missing and resumed dead. experts say the oil rig is leaking about a thousand barrels of crude a day. that's 42,000 gallons a day. the exxon valdez spilled 11 million gallons all told in 1989 off alaska. the coast guard said if the subs can't tap the leak, crews may drill relief wells but it could take months. families of 29 men killed in a west virginia coal mine want answers. the company that ounce the mine gave one saying today it had no warning a deadly explosion was about to happen. the evidence they are giving and the extra help they're offering the miners' families. [ female announcer ] any hair can shine in the spotlight, but aveeno hair shines in real life. introducing a whole new kind of shine from aveeno nourish plus. when hair is damaged, the cuticle doesn't reflect light well. with active naturals wheat protein, these formulas target and smooth damage so light reflects more visibly. [ female announcer ] a study showed 75% more shine after just one use. real shine, for real life. yours. [ female announcer ] visit for a free sample from the new nourish plus shine collection. rocker turned reality tv star bret michaels is fighting for his life. his publicist said he's in critical condition after a massive brain hemorrhage. they are not sure where it's coming from. they haven't found the source of the bleeding. alan duke is following the story from los angeles. what's the latest? there is a lot of conflicting information. >> yes, there is. people who know bret who have been on one of the shows with him have been giving interviews. in fact, the road manager put a plea on michaels' website today asking them, don't do that. don't talk about bret unless we tell you what to say. they are being careful, not even telling us what city or what hospital he's being held in. we know on friday they said it was bleeding around the brain stem. today they say the doctors are looking for the source of the bleeding. you know, when the news about bret michaels came out i was at "the tonight show" waiting to interview creed. they were there to promote their up coming summer tour and they knew bret michaels and had some words to say when they heard about his illness. >> maybe when he had that set collapse on him. could have had something to do with it. >> that was at the tony awards. >> that was recently, yeah. it's too bad. i heard he's a very good guy. that's tough. lots of bad things happen to good people. that's a shame. >> our prayers go out to him and his family. we have reached out to people that we know that are close to him to let them know how we feel and that we are there for him and his family and, you know, we've just got to pray, man, and believe that the best is yet to come in that situation. so all you can do is keep having hope. >> about an hour later i was with the legendary rock group kiss, perhaps a predecessor to bret's poison. when i talked to them they were just devastated to hear about him saying he was a great guy. paul stanley and gene simmons taking it especially hard. a lot of people in the rock and roll world are pulling for bret michaels. >> he had an emergency appendectomy two weeks ago, the 12th. and he has diabetes. those are two facts we know for sure. >> yes. and just the day before he had on a blog said that he didn't feel 100%. it was that night he had an excruciating headache that sent him to the hospital. he's not been in good health. he's been watching that, but, you know, he's sometimes been known to lead a crazy life. >> yeah. let's not forget last june at the tony awards. a piece of set came down right at the end of the ceremony and he was flattened. he went right down on the ground right here at the end. it's hard to make it out. there it is. boom. you have to wonder if there might have been some residual consequence of that. alan duke, thanks for the latest. keep us posted. >> absolutely. the owner of the coal mine that exploded in west virginia insifs it is air in the under ground shaft was fine hours before the blastz blast. an official for massey said a test showed no build-up of gases and showed adequate air flow. the company will give what it calls unprecedented financial compensation to the families of the miners killed. it will pay increased life insurance benefits plus health care and college expenses for the children of the 29 miners who died. this announcement come it is day after a memorial service for those killed and injured in the mining disaster. president obama said the 29 men who perished died in pursuit of the american dream. he met with the families before giving the eulogy at the service. he says they will honor their memory by improving mine safety. a man with a gun was arrestarrest ed after the president's plane took off. joseph mcvey told an officer he wanted to see the president. his car had sirens and flashing lights. he is not a law enforcement officer. he's being held on a $100,000 bond on the request of federal authorities who say he had formulas for rifle scopes on a note in his cupholder. people described him as a ham radio enthusiast. he volunteers with a citizen emergency group. police say the president was never in danger. surveillance video has new yorkers asking themselves hard questions today. a good samaritan stops a man from stabbing a woman and got stabbed himself. he collapsed on the sidewalk and laid there more than an hour. one person after another walked right past him. a few stopped for a closer look. one snapped his picture. but nobody tried to help. police got two 9-1-1 calls but neither gave the right address. by the time they did respond to a third call, the man was dead. you see celebrity endorsements just about everywhere you go, but one celebrity won't be enforce dorsing a commercial product -- the pope. he especially won't be backing the product suggested in, of all things, a fake memo from britain's foreign ministry. o che any car in the aisle. choose any car? you cannot be serious! okay. seriously, you choose. go national. go like a pro. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. welcome to progressive. nice calculator. i'm just trying to save money on my car insurance. you know, with progressive, you get the option to name your price. is that even possible? uh, absolutely. trade? and i still get great service? more like super great. oh, you have a message. "hello." calculator humor. i'll be here all week. i will -- that was my schedule. the freedom to name your price. now, that's progressive. call or click today. immigrant rights activists say they will take arizona's tough new immigration law to the courts. hundreds of activists protested at the state capital yesterday in phoenix where the mayor said he'll sue to block the law which requires police to ask people about their immigration status -- in other words, prove they are a citizen -- if they suspect someone is here illegally. critics call it racial profiling. supporters say police will get special training to avoid that. >> what is reasonable suspicion? are we going to get pulled over for a broken taillight or because of the color of our skin? if so, is everybody going to get stopped? white people? are they looking for europeans as well or just the brown people? >> reporter: what do you have to say to those concerns? >> they're really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics and the state of arizona has a very high hispanic population. we have never had a policy of racial profiling. in fact, quite the contrary. it's been outlawed. >> critics want the president to fight the law. he says it's misguided and asked the u.s. justice department to review its legality. democrats and republicans are eyeball to eyeball in the u.s. senate again, this time about a bill that would clamp new restrictions on wall street bankers. republicans insist they want to reform the regulations for the financial industry though the gop opposes this particular bill. later today, democratic leaders will call for a procedural vote. republicans will have to decide if they want to prevent debate on the measure. if all 41 republicans stick together they can keep it from coming to a vote. the house passed its own version of the financial reform bill. the vatican says the pope's plans are still in place. he will visit great britain in spite of an embarrassing memo leaked by the foreign office. british officials apologized for a memo saying the holy father should launch his own brand of condoms and said he could bless a same-sex marriage. the vatican said the matter is closed and the four-day visit in september was never off the table. travelers stranded by the volcanic ash are being hit with big parking fees when they get home after they may have paid extra to stay at a hotel while they were stuck. some airports are waiving the fees including j.f.k. and newark and denver. how long would you wait for a job? hundreds lined up for the chance at a hundred jobs as elevator mechanics. >> i'm just hoping i get the job. i have been unemployed for two years. it's like the last hope. >> it's a chance. that's all we want. a chance to get a good job and provide for our family. >> the workers will start as apprentices for about $15 an hour. tiger woods will be back on the links this week and we'll be all over it. he'll compete init, competing i quail hollow championship. rafer of hln's "morning express" will be there and bringing us live reports. it's a hot ticket, too. organizers say the event is sold out. they don't expect hecklers but if there's any disruption they will handle it quickly. the world champion new york yankees get another reception. going to have one at the white house in two hours at 3:00 eastern. before that they'll take the world series trophy to show to wounded veterans at walter reed medical center then visit the bronx native and yankee fan supreme court justice sonia sotomayor then play the baltimore orioles. quite a day. a 16-year-old girl who's trying to become the youngest to sail nonstop around the world is coming ashore. abby sunderland wrote on her blog she can't go because of problem with her boat's auto pilot. she'll dock in south africa in two weeks then plans to keep going. her older broth, zack, completed a navigation at age 17. the next video is disturbing. if you have kids at home, you may want to leave them out of the room or show them out of the room. it shows a bull goring one of spain's most famous bullfighters. 1,100 pound bull gored the bullfighter's going saturday in mexico and tossed him in the air. major blood loss. the bullfighter's life is no longer in danger but he said the bull's horn pierced a vein and artery. kate gosselin's returning to reality tv. will her eight kids be allowed on the new show? would their appearance be breaking child labor laws? we have the answer just ahead. airbags. insuring your car and home. anti-theft devices. let's see. new cars, people over 65. [ female announcer ] call or click today for a free quote or to find an allstate agent. ♪ 'cause band-aid®'s stuck on me ♪ [ female announcer ] moms trust band-aid® brand to heal the hurt better than store brands. ♪ i am stuck on band-aid® brand ♪ ♪ 'cause band-aid® helps heal me! ♪ ♪ oh my god. wow. wow. wow. >> it was unbelievable. >> when the wind does exploded it was like anything i've never experienced. i mean, it was just amazing. is everybody going to get stopped? white people? you know, are they going to be looking for europeans as well? is it just the brown people? >> is calling for national guard deployment a drastic action? of course it is. is it warranted under these circumstances? without question. well, it is so good to have your company. i'm christi paul. welcome to hln news and views. a haitian judge we learned decided to drop kidnapping and criminal association charges against american laura silsby. the judge ruled she and a haitian-american pastor will stand trial on the less serious charge of arranging a regular travel. that's a charge that carries a sentence from six months to three years in prison if convicted. silsby, remember, was among ten american church members accused of kidnapping for trying to take a bus load of children out of the country in haiti. the others have been released and are back home in the u.s. right now. well, tets talk about what's happening in the u.s. teams from the federal management agency in mississippi surveying the damage from last weekend's deadly tornado. this storm killed ten people in mississippi and two in alabama, turned hundreds of homes and buildin buildings into what you sigh there. rubble. the coroner of chocktaw county, mississippi, almost became a victim, himself, when the twister flipped his truck four times. another man was driving to his dad's restaurant to take cover in a freezer when the winds lifted his car up and tossed it into the restaurant. >> it was unbelievable. when the windows exploded it was like anything i've never experienced. it's amazing. it scared us to death. i'm very fortunate. i have four beautiful children and couldn't imagine being without them. as tragic as everything is, we've lost ten folks and family in this incident today. all family members. our hearts go out to them. because i just -- we're lucky to be here. and don't realize how lucky you do have it until something like this happens. >> wow. wow. wow. holy -- >> would you be saying the same thing if you saw that in front of you? schools canceled in darlington county, south carolina because of tornado damage there. see this twister moving along the treeline, a mile away from where the video was shot. it tore the roof off elementary school, damaged a high school, hit several homes and a church and three people were hurt. robots submarines have been dispatched to shut off a growing crude oil leak in the gulf of mexico now. this is the area where the oil rig exploded tuesday about 50 miles off louisiana. 11 workers are missing and presumed dead now. experts say the sunken oil rig is leaking about 1,000 barrels of crude a day. >> of course, any oil spill is significant, but what the situation we have here right now is that we have approximately 40,000 gallons of oil being discharged out of the relief pipe that extends out of the well. and that, if you can figure the pipe, itself, is bent in several locations and if you can figure, like, a garden hose would be restricted for its discharge that is helping to curb the amount of oil that's coming out of the well that's pressurized. >> now the rig is spilling about 42,000 gallons of oil a day. to give you perspective, the exon valdez spilled 11 million total off the coast of alaska in 1989. the coast guard says if the subs can't tap the leak crews might drill relief wells and that could take several months. immigrant rights activists are going to take arizona's tough new immigration laws to the courts. hundreds of activists protested at the state capitol yesterday. the mayor of phoenix told them he'll sue to block the law. it requires police to ask people about their immigration status if they suspect someone in the country is here illegally. critics call it downright racial profiling. >> what is reasonable suspicion? i mean, are we going to get pulled over just for a broken taillight or because of the color of our skin? if so, is everybody going to get stopped? white people? are they going to be looking for europeans as well or just the brown people? >> what do you have to say to those concerns? >> they're really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics and the state of arizona has a high hispanic population. we've never had a policy of racial profiling, in fact, quite the contrary. it's been -- it's been outlawed. >> now, critics want president obama to fight the law. he calls it misguided and says he's asked the justice department review whether it's legal. we're learning more about the man with a gun arrested moments after president obama's plane left asheville, north carolina. police say joseph mcvey was spotted in an airport parking lot and told an officer he wanted to see the president. his car had sirens and flashing lights. so he's being held on a $100,000 bond at the request of federal authorities. they say he had formulas for rifle scopes on a note in his cup holder. police who know mcvey describe him as a ham radio enthusiast and volunteers with a citizen emergency group. police say the president was never in any danger. the u.s. supreme court is going to decide whether a california law that would ban the sale or rental of violent video games to kids violates freedom of speech. the high court agreed to hear this case yesterday in oral arguments are expected this fall. video game makers say the existing nationwide industry-imposed voluntary rating system is enough of a screen for parents to judge if games, like the grand theft auto series, say, are appropriate. california officials say the state has a legal obligation to protect children when the industry does not do so. the state law never took effect because a u.s. district court blocked it after the video game industry sued california citing constitutional concerns. well, dozens of school girls in afghanistan have ended up in the hospital with a mystery illness. officials are investigating what's making them sick. the question is, has the taliban found a new way here to keep girls from getting an education? i don't know if you've seen this yet. a surveillance video has new yorkers asking themselves a lot of hard questions today. it shows a good samaritan stopping a man from stabbing a woman then getting stabbed, himself. here's the thing. he collapsed on the sidewalk and laid there for more than an hour. you see the video here. one person after another just walking right past him. a few stopped for a closer look, one snapped a picture, but no one tried to help. police did get two 911 calls during the time, but neither gave the right address. by the time they responded to a third call that man was dead. more than 80 schoolgirls got sick in three separate cases of mass illness in northern afghanistan during the last week. officials are afraid the taliban might be poisoning them. in each case the girls complained of a strange smell before they got sick and the taliban had been known to target school schoolgirls in the past. so far there's no proof. a spokesman for the afghan president says any attempt to keep girl s out of school is lie a terrorist act. we have this just in. big legal troubles for walmart. federal appearss court in san francisco says the retail giant must face a class action lawsuit. claims the world's largest private employer discriminates against female employees. the lawsuit was filed back in 2001 and includes more than 1 million current and former workers. the lawsuit alleges walmart pays women less than men for the same job and female employees receive fewer promotions and have to wait longer for those promotions than male counterparts. well, health reform is passed. now what? one of the most significant measures kicks in later this year. young adults will be able to stay on their parents' insurance plans until age 26.'s poppy harlow is's poppy harlow is in new york. i know you sat down with someone who can really benefit from that change, right? >> yeah. i mean, we've spent so much time talking about health care reform. talking to the pundits, politicians. it's the folks out there that don't have health insurance that it actually matterses the most for. one of those people is calvin arias, 24 years old, lives in brooklyn, new york. he has chron's deciisease. people live with this throughout their entire lives. he's too old to be on his parents' insurance. doesn't have enough hours under his belt at his job to get that insurance but he makes too much money working her doesn't qualify for medicaid. he's one of the many people in this country stuck in a difficult position. you'll see more when you listen to him. >> i feel like i don't have my life because i don't have my health. i've cried so much. i don't want to do it anymore, you know? i just want to triumph whatever obstacle i have in my life. i want to be able to live instead of worrying about it so much. >> what would help? >> first of all for me to get good health insurance. without health insurance i'm nothing. i'm not able to get my medicine. i'm not able to go see a doctor. >> and that makes it worse. your disease worse. >> yeah. it definitely aggravates it. if i don't have any medication my disease is not in control. >> how much does the medication cost you now without insurance? >> generic 30-day supply, $640. >> $640. that's a paycheck. >> yep. that's more than a paycheck for me. >> should you go without it sometimes? >> i've been going without it since january. >> and you've spent a lot of time in the hospital, even recently? >> yeah. i went to the emergency room to get admitted. i was feeling stomach pains and a whole bunch of other side effects from my condition. >> are you going to have to pay for part of that? >> i'm going to have to pay for everything. >> do you know how much that's going to cost? >> hundreds and hundreds of dollars if not a couple thousand, at least. >> do you ever try not to go to the hospital because you think i can't afford it? >> yeah. that's probably why i wait so long is because i know i can't pay for it. i was robbed of my childhood because i wasn't able to run and play basketball or play baseball. i was in little league and had to stop playing little league because of my condition. >> you really think if you get insurance it's going to make the situation at least better for you? >> most definitely. like i said before, if you have your health you have everything. >> and we are going to check back in with calvin in a few months after that reform kicks in. it should allow him, christie, to be on his parents' health care. he says that's going to help in a major way. there are some insurance companies in this country, actually coming forward, and allow people before the mandatory deadline, young adults to get on their parents' health insurance, people who are 26 years old or younger, allow hem to do that before the deadline this fall. hopefully it helps calvin out. important to hear the stories of the people who really need it and they're waiting for anything to change. >> it really brings it home. no doubt. thank you so much, poppy. appreciate it. >> you got it. well, rocker bret michaels is under 24 hour doctor supervision now after suffering a brain hemorrhage. we're going to get an update on his condition from "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer in a moment. quite frankly, i can respect that. we want to make this a company all americans can be proud of again. that's why i'm here to announce we have repaid our government loan, in full, with interest, five years ahead of the original schedule. but there's still more to do. our goal is to exceed every expectation you've set for us. we're putting people back to work, designing, building, and selling the best cars and trucks in the world. with our 100,000-mile, 5-year powertrain warranty to guarantee the quality. and the unmatched life-saving technology of onstar to help keep you safe. from new energy solutions. to the designs of tomorrow. we invite you to take a look at the new gm. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night it's something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. 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[ female announcer ] 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in new blueberry pie and new red velvet cake. yoplait light. it is so good. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm. does two jobs... at once. one: kills weeds to the root. two: forms a barrier, preventing new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control. well, two illinois state lawmakers want the national guard to help fight crime in chicago. they say 113 people have been murdered in the city so far this year. and seven people died and 18 others were hurt. mostly by gunfire just in one night last week. chicago's police chief says, though, the national guard is not the answer here. >> the u.s. troops have been winning the hearts and minds in iraq. they stabilized those communities. they made those communities much better from the time that they went in and now those communities are safe and we're saying that's what we want right here in illinois. >> let's go back to 1970. you know, kent state, national guard comes in, four students shot, killed. you know, i don't think we want that here in chicago. >> illinois governor pat quinn decides when to deploy the state's national guard and he hasn't commented on the idea. we're going to have your views on this issue just ahead. first, though, we want to talk about bret michaels. he's fighting for his life right now. the rocker turned reality tv star in intensive care following a massive brain hemorrhage. "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer is in new york. what have you -- have you heard anything about his prognosis? >> not just yet. they're trying to figure out exactly what's going on. bret michaels still in critical condition. his publicist saying it's a serious situation. also telling us that they're very appreciative of all the support they've been receiving. here's who the publicist tells "showbiz tonight" at this time. "everyone at michael's entertainment would like to thank all fans and friends for continued thoughts and prayers through this difficult time. at this point bret remains in icu in krit kl condition, under 24 hour doctors care and supervision. we're hopeful further tests willow kate the source of the bleeding. as we all know bret is a fighter and we hope once all is complete, the slurred speech, dizziness, et cetera, will be eliminated and all functions will return to normal." of course, we join brett michaels' friends and fans in sending good thoughts his way. i got a chance to get to know bret some time ago. good, good, guy. >> everybody is thinking about him. thank you so much. i know you're going to have more on bret michaels tonight on "showbiz tonight" at 5:00 eastern i want to point out. let's talk to you about lindsay lohan. her dad says he's trying to get her help and now he's issued an ultimatum. >> yeah. this is a very fluid situation. it's fast changing today. of course, we'll have the details live at 5:00. michael lohan told tmz if lindsay and her younger sister ali met with them today he wouldn't try to legally protect ali from lindsay and wouldn't try to go to court and get a conservatorship over lindsay. tmz is now reporting the meeting isn't happening, so michael lohan is meeting with his lawyer. "us" magazine is reporting according to lindsay's mom, lindsay and ali are trying to get a restraining order to keep their dad away. here's what continues to baffle me, christi. why is he doing it in a public way? running to the cameras to say this is what i'm doing. deal with it privately, michael, if she does in fact need help. let's face it, his credibility has never been that strong and a lot of people say this is a big publicity stunt. i like to think it's not but it's hard to believe that when he's running to the cameras. >> you bring up such a strong point. that's something that echos with everybody. this family has pretty much been a mess in front of the cameras for a long time at this point. >> for a long, long time. it's a very fluid information. we'll have the latest on the lindsay lohan drama. will michael be successful in getting a conservatorship? will lindsay be successful at getting a restraining order against her dads? we'll see you here at 5:00. >> a.j., have a great afternoon. see you in a bit. sandra bullock, sure they're talking about this, too, may have gotten an apology from one-her husband's alleged mistresses. melissa smith faxed a letter yesterday to bullock's agent saying "i'm sorry for any hurt and pain i caused you. my actions of engaging with a married man are unforgivable." hln has not confirmed that letter. we contacted bullock's agent about it, haven't heard back. it looks as though kate gosselin's kids are going to be allowed to appear on her new reality show "kate plus 8." a pennsylvania department of labor says the show's producers got child labor permits for the children to appear on the program with their mother. the permits will have to be renewed every six months. last month state regulators said the children should have had permits to appear on gosselin's old show "jon & kate plus 8." well, what's it like to look up and see this huge tornado traveling down the road with you? hear how our i-reporter reacted when he saw this through his windshield. e w be se eousmbusie yle ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring about all the discounts boswe're offering. i've got. i some catchphrases that'llideas make these savings even more memorable. gecko: all right... gecko: good driver discounts. now that's the stuff...? boss: how 'bout this? gecko: ...they're the bee's knees? boss: or this? gecko: sir, how 'bout just "fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance." boss: ha, yeah, good luck with that catching on! anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. hey, i'm don shula, and i lost 32 pounds on nutrisystem. and i'm mary anne shula, and i've lost 23 pounds on nutrisystem. nutrisystem silver for 2010, the weight-loss program designed for older americans to lose weight and feel great again! let's face it, the older you get, the harder it is to lose weight. not anymore, honey. it's easy with nutrisystem. for a limited time, get our best tv offer: four weeks free! that's 112 meals absolutely free. even the shipping is free. i look and feel so much better, and so does coach. i'm back to my playing weight. see how nutrisystem silver can change your life. trust me, you will lose weight. don't miss our best tv offer: order now and you can get an extra four weeks of delicious meals. that's right, you can get an extra 28 breakfasts, 28 lunches, 28 dinners, and 28 desserts, 112 meals free. call or click now. a haitian judge has decided to drop kidnapping and criminal association charges against american laura silsby, now the judge ruled she and a haitian-american pastor will stand trial on a less serious charge of arrangining a regular travel, a charge that carries a sentence from six months to three years in prison if convicted. silsby was among ten american church members accused of kidnapping for trying to take a bus load of children out of the country. the others have been released and they're back home in the u.s. now. doctors are planning tests to pinpoint the source of rocker and reality tv personality brett michaels' brain hemorrhage. listed in critical condition now. his publicist says the former poison frontman is in the icu under 24 hour surveillance. she says doctors haven't located the source of the bleeding. michaels had an emergency appendectomy earlier this month and does have diabetes. it's not known if there's a connection. >> that's the type of bleed where a blood vessel bursts. it can be very common in diabetics. it's a bleeding stroke and near the base of the brain stem you really are concerned about swelling in that area. it's the area that leads to respiration and your heart rate. it's kind of like the main center for all the functions that are automatic. so if you have a lot of swelling in that area it really can lead to a serious brain damage. >> now, michaels is a contestant on the season's "celebrity apprentice." as of last night's episode he had avoided being fired from the boardroom. teams from the federal emergency management ayensy in mississippi surveying the damage from last weekend's tornadoes. the storm killed ten people in mississippi and two in alabama, turned hundreds of homes and businesses into what you're seeing there, just rubble. dozens of people were hurt. the coroner of choctaw county, mississippi, almost became a victim, himself, when the twister flipped his truck four times. >> wow. wow. wow. >> wouldn't you be saying the same thing? schools canceled in darlington county, south carolina, today because of this tornado and damage there. you can see the twister moving along the treeline mile away here from where the video was shot. tore off the roof of an elementary school. damaged a high school. hit several homes and a church. three people were hurt. >> you know, one of our i-reporters captured incredible video of a tornado that touched down in north carolina. we're talking about allan mitchell, in the car with his family when he noticed the funnel cloud. earlier i asked him how he and his wife, who was driving, reacted so close to being so close to a twister. >> there wasn't much of a conversation. she just wanted to know what she should do. our son was in the back. every time i told her to do something he was asking why. he's in that kind of phase right now. but i knew i wanted to keep the thing to our left. that was the biggest thing there. we didn't speak much at all unless something, like, the ambulance went by, the truck went by. somebody pulled out in front of us, like i figured they would. if they tried to get out without paying attention. so we just wanted to keep going straight and keep some options opened if it turned in our direction. >> thanks again to allan mitchell for sharing the video. glad he's okay. when you have pictures or video of severe weather or something happening in your part of the world go to democrats and republic camps are eyeball to eyeball in the u.s. senate again. this time about clamping new restrictions on wall street bankers. now, republicans insist they want reform the regulations for the financial industry. the gop opposes this bill. later today democratic leaders will call for a procedural vote. republicans will have to decide if they want to prevent debate on the measure. if all 41 republicans stick together they can keep it from coming to a vote. immigrant rights activists say they're going to take arizona's tough new immigration to the courts. hundreds of activists protested at the state capitol yesterday. in fact the mayor of phoenix told them he'll sue to block the law. it requires police to ask people about their immigration status. if they suspect someone's in the country illegally. critics call that racial profiling. >> what is reasonable suspicion? i mean, are we going to get pulled over just for a broken taillight or just because of the color of our skin? and if so, is everybody going to get stopped? white people? you know, are they going to be looking for europeans as well? or is it just the brown people? >> what do you have to say to those concerns? >> they're really -- they're really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics and the state of arizona has a very high hispanic population. we've never had a policy of racial profiling, in fact, quite the contrary. it's been -- it's been outlawed. >> critics want president obama to fight the law. he, in fact, characterizes it as misguided abe he's asked the justice debarment to review whether it's legal. after seeing this you've been writing in on the question of racial profiling. melissa says "to single people out and say let me see your papers just because is wrong, wrong, wrong. i do not believe in profiling or anything of the sort. i believe in due process and proper regulation. i'm a very big believer in taking a stand against those who do wrong." kimberly says she'd be fine with it. "i don't mind shows my credentials to prove i'm an american. i think anyone who is here legally would be fine doing the same to avoid the inevitable singling out of hispanics or any other race. not all illegals are from mexico." she points out. jacob writes "i love this law. they had to do it because the federal government wasn't doing enough. if i went to another country without proper i.d. and papers i'd be arrested. should be no different there." jamie is calling out those who support it. "random citizenship checks by police are okay, but try to provide affordable health insurance or better yet public insurance and you're labeled communist? this country makes me scratch my head. nobody understands freedom but throws the word around when it suits them." if you'd like to weigh in, we'd love to hear from you. find me at christi paul hln. nfl star ben roethlisberger will not appeal his six-game suspension. the pittsburgh steelers' quarterback making his first public statement. he released a statement insisting he did not commit crimes but says, quote, i regret i have fallen short by the values instilled in me by my family. georgia prosecutors, sexual assaults against roethlisberger, decided not to file charges. the super bowl champion apologizes for letting down the team and fans and promises to, quote, make the necessary improvements in his life. robot submarines have been dispatched to shut off a growing crude oil leak in the gulf of mexico now. this the area where that oil rig exploded tuesday about 50 miles off louisiana. 11 workers are missing and presumed dead right now. people are worried the leaking oil will threaten shores from louisiana to physical. >> certainly people are concerned. we're concerned here. that's why we're working very closely with all stakeholders and the states and elected officials to keep everyone informed. right now the oil remains 30 miles offshore. the weather is still looking favorable for us to continue with our cleanup operations. >> experts now say the sunken oil rig is leaking about 1,000 barrels which equates to about 42,000 gallons of crude a day. the exxon valdez spilled 11 million gallon s total off the coast of aking a in 1989. if the subs can't tap that leak crews might drill relief wells and that could take several months. sandra bullock may have gotten a letter from one of her husband's alleged mistresses. hear what she had to say. ( steaming ) ♪ do you need anybody free hot breakfast. now with fresh waffles. real value. from your friends at hampton. chances are your soil is like this: compacted, drained of nutrients. it'll hold your plants but it'll also hold 'em back. the solution: miracle-gro garden soil. the perfect mix of rich, organic ingredients, and miracle-gro plant food. just mix it in. and turn bad soil into great soil. helps plants grow twice as big. instead of holding 'em back, they'll leap ahead. miracle-gro garden soil. and moisture control garden soil. five p tiger woods is going to be back on the links later this week. we're going to be right here with you covering. it's going to be competing in the quail hollow championship begins thursday in charlotte, north carolina. rafer of hln's "morning express" is going to be there bringing us live reports. this is a hot ticket. tournament organizers say the event sold out and don't expect hecklers. if there is a disruption they'll handle it quickly. sandra bullock may have gotten an apology from one of her husband's ail ledged mistresses. tmz reporting melissa smith faxed a letter yesterday to bullock's agent saying "i'm sorry for any hurt or pain i caused you. my actions of engaging with a married man are unforgivable." now, hln hasn't confirmed that letter. we did contact bullock's agent about it. haven't yet heard a response. swiss authorities aren't in a rush to extradite filmmaker polanski in connection with his 33-year-old statutory rape case. now, polanski's attorneys were trying to block his extradition and have him sentenced. he's under house arrest in switzerland. the 11-year-old girl who wandered into a florida swamp is sending out a big thank you to her rescuers. nadia bloom and her family appeared at their church last night to express their appreciation for everyone's efforts then this morning spoke on abc's "good morning america." na nadia said she felt safe when she could find a hollowed out log to sleep in but if she couldn't find one, that was a different story. >> i really wanted to see nature and take pictures, but i didn't know i was going to get lost. and i found -- i had to -- i tried to eat a fern but it was so gross. i spit it out. i mean, i didn't throw up but i just spit out the fern. and there were these plants. they have spongy insides and you can eat them. and they're green. >> oh. >> i ate those. >> nadia spent a few days in the hospital but she was not seriously hurt during her four days lost in the swamp. a surveillance video has new yorkers, though, today asking themselves a lot of hard questions. here's the thing. it shows a good samaritan stabbing a man or stopping a man, i should say, from stabbing a woman. then he gets stabbed, himself. he collapsed on the sidewalk, laying there for more than an hour. the video here shows one person after another just walking right past him. a few stopped for a closer look. one snapped a picture, but no one tried to help. police got two 911 calls during that time, neither gave the right address, though and by the time they responded to a third call that man was dead. the u.s. supreme court is going to decide whether a california law that would ban the sale of rental of violent video games to kids violates freedom of speech. the high court heard the case today and oral arguments this fall. video game makers say the voluntary ratings system is enough of a screen for participaparents to judge whether grand theft auto and those series are appropriate. the state has a legal obligation to protect children when the industry does not do so. the state law never took effect because a u.s. district court blocked it after the video game industry sued california citing constitutional concerns. well, tuesday lawmakers want to call in the national guard to help fight crime. you're going to hear about a wave of violence in a big midwestern city. orhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. two ] i'm pret much we n do aut it. ugh. he's not even trying. he is actu gic. not impressed. a leather shoe? [ no even clean whu g thingst en they are. th tle messl g extra power. with as thro sm. we have this just in. big legal troubles for walmart right now. federal appeals court in san francisco says the retail giant must face a massive class action lawsuit. it claims the world's largest private employer discriminates against female employees. now, this lawsuit was filed in 2001 and includes more than 1 million current and former workers. it alleges that walmart pays women less than men for the same jobs and that female employees receive fewer promotions and have to wait longer for their promotions than male counterparts. well, two illinois state lawmakers want the national guard to help fight crime in chicago. they say 113 people have been murdered in the city so far this year. seven people died and 18 others were hurt. mostly by gunfire. just in one night last week. now, officials are at odds over whether the national guard is the answer. >> the u.s. troops have been winning the hearts and minds in iraq. they stabilized those communities. they made those communities much better from the time that they went in and now those communities are safe and we're saying that's what we want right here in illinois. >> let's go back to 1970. you know, kent state. national guard comes in, four students shot. killed. you know, i don't -- i don't think we want that here in chicago. >> illinois governor pat quinn decides when to deploy the state's national guard. he hasn't commented on the idea yet. we're going to have your views on the issue ahead. we want to ask you that very question. do you think bringing in the national guard would save lives or do you think it would make the situation more chaotic? call us right now at 1-877-tell-hln or e-mail us, or text us the word view, your comments and names to hln tv. standard rates apply. find me at my facebook page, christi paul hln. we'd love to hear from you. richelle carey and chuck roberts have pages too. we're learning more about the man with a gun arrested moments after president obama's plane left asheville, north carolina. police say joseph mcvey was spotted in an airport parking lot and told an officer he wanted to see the president. his car had sirens and flashing lights. he's being held on a $100,000 bond at the request of federal authorities and say he had formulas for rifle scopes on a note in his cup holder. people who know mcvey describe him as a hand radio enthusiast and volunteers with a citizen emergency group. police say the president was never in any danger. closing arguments under way in the trial of the man accused of hacking into sarah palin's e-mail. he did not testify at his federal trial in knoxville. the only defense witness was an fbi agent who testified about kernell's emotional state at the time. prosecutors say the 22-year-old was trying derail palin's campaign for vice president when he hacked into her e-mail in 2008. he could get 50 years in prison if convicted of identity theft and three other felony charges. the newest digital copiers and fax machines have potential to get you have trouble at work. hln money expert clark howard warns why to be extra careful about what you're copying. >> i create enough paranoia for people using the boss' equipment at work. i have a new one for you. let's say you decide to use the boss' fax machine for something sensitive, personal, or maybe you're sending a resume to a new potential employer. or you're using the boss' copier to make copies of your resume or personal financial documents. listen to this tip from wbz tv in boston. would you believe that the newest wave of copiers and fax machines digitally record the image of image of everything that goes across the plate. what that means is that your employer gets to snoop on every fax, every copy that anybody makes. so don't send sensitive financial documents from work and absolutely, positively do not make copies or fax cover sheets for resumes or resumes to potential new employers. i'm clark howard. for more ways to keep you out of trouble with the boss, go to >> you know you can get more great advice from clark howard every saturday and sunday at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on hln "news and views" as he helps you save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped off. former president george w. bush's new book is going to hit zo stores in november. he says it's not a traditional memoir, but an account of why and how he made key decisions in his life. his publisher is promising new details about september 11th. they say he deals honestly and directly with his flaws and mistakes. laura bush also has her book coming out next week. a world famous scientist says you definitely should not be bff with ets. with steven hawkings says you need to be wary about any close encounters. [ woman ] can't anything help these itchy allergy eyes? [ male announcer ] visine®-a is clinically proven to relieve all your worst eye allergy symptoms. it goes right where you need it, relieving allergy eyes in minutes. visine®-a. the most complete allergy eye drop. only $100. but am i wearing them now? hello. i'm wearing my older sister's jeans that she ruined with bbq sauce... or so i thought. see, my mom washed them with this tide stain release in-wash booster stuff. she's all, "you use it with your detergent to help get stains out the first time." are you kidding me? so now the stains are magically gone. and my sister passes on her jeans to me. what a life. 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wow! wow! >> school is canceled today in darlington county, south carolina, because of tornado damage. you can plainly see the twister right along the treeline only a mile from where this video was taken. iter to the roof of a aun elementary school, damaged a high school, and hit several homes and a church. three people were hurt. doctors are planning tests to try to pinpoint the source of bret michael's brain hemorrhage. he's listed in critical condition. his publicist said the former pieson front man is in the icu under 34-hour surveillance. doctors have not located the source of the pleading. he had an emergency appendectomy earlier this month and has had diabetes. it's not known if there's any connection. >> that's the type of bleed where a blood vessel bursts. it can be very common in diabetics. it's a bleeding stroke. near the base of the brainstem you are concerned about swelling in that area. it's the area that leads to respiration and your heart rate. it's kind of like the main center for all the functions that are automatic. so if you have a lot of swelling in that area, it really can lead to a serious brain damage. >> michaels is a contestant on this seasons "celebrity apprenti apprentice" and as of last night's episode he had avoided being fired from the board room. a surveillance video has new yorkers asking themselves a lot of hard questions. it shows a good samaritan getting stand. he collapsed on a sidewalk and laid there for more than an hour. the video shows one person after another walking right past him. a few stopped for a closer look and one snapped a picture. police got two 911 calls. neither gave the right address. by the time they responded to the third call, the man was dead. state police say a dna analysis confirmed a skeletal remains found in pennsylvania is that of laura garza. she disappeared from a manhattan nightclub in 2008 after leaving with a sex offender. he had recently moved to new york from texas. police say people riding atvs found the remains in mount cob. the man she was last seen with has been questioned but so far not charged. however, he has been in a new york prison since last year because he failed to report that he had changed his address. immigrant rights activists say they will take arizona's tough now immigration laws to the courts, but opponents of the new measure are voicing their anger in other ways. protesters smeared refried beans in the shapes of swastikas on windows at the state capital. hundreds of activists protested there yesterday and more protests are planned again today. the mayor of phoenix says he will sue to block the law. it requires police to ask people about their immigration status if they suspect someone is in the country illegally. critics call it racial profiling. >> what is reasonable suspicion? i mean, are we going to get pulled over for a broken tail light or just because of the color of our skin. is everybody going to get stopped, white people? you know, are they going to be looking for europeans as well or is it just the brown people? >> what do you have to say to those concerns? >> they're really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics and the state of arizona has a very high hispanic population. we have never had a policy of racial profiling. in fact, quite the contrary. it's been outlawed. >> critics want president obama to fight the law. he says it's misguided and has asked the justice department to review its legality. two lawmakers want to call in the national guard to help fight crime. you're going to hear about a wave of violence in a big midwestern city. dad, here, look at this. your p.a.d. isn't just poor circulation in your legs causing you pain. ok. what is it? dad, it more than doubles your risk of a heart attack or stroke. you'd better read about plavix. if you have p.a.d., plavix can help protect you from a heart attack or stroke. plavix helps keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots- the cause of most heart attacks and strokes. talk with your doctor about plavix? i'll do it. promise. (announcer) people with stomach ulcers or other conditions that cause bleeding should not use plavix. taking plavix alone or with some other medicines, including aspirin, may increase bleeding risk, so tell your doctor when planning surgery. certain genetic factors and some medicines, such as prilosec, may affect how plavix works. tell your doctor all the medicines you take, including aspirin, especially if you've had a stroke. if fever, unexplained weakness or confusion develops, tell your doctor promptly. these may be signs of ttp, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, reported sometimes less than two weeks after starting plavix. other rare but serious side effects may occur. five p two illinois lawmakers, state lawmakers, both representing parts of chicago want the national guard in the city to help them fight crime. they say 113 people have been murdered this year so far in the windy city. seven died and 18 others were hurt mostly by gunfire in one night last week. officials are at odds over whether the national guard is the answer. >> the u.s. troops have been winning the hearts and minds in iraq. they stabilized those communities. they made those communities much better from the time that they went in and now those communities are safe, and we're saying that's what we want right here in illinois. >> let's go back to 1970, you know, at kent state. national guard comes in, four students shot, killed. you know, i don't think we want that here in chicago. >> illinois governor pat quinn has the call. he decides and he alone when to deploy the national guard and has not commented yet on this proposal, but a lot of people have right here at hln. richelle carey is here with more on what our viewers are saying. >> we ask for their views and they're like, thanks, richelle, i'll tell what you i think about it even if officials haven't said so yet. there's some concerns about this. some people are welcoming this idea, the idea of the national guard coming into neighborhoods with the intent, the focus to be to tamp down the violence, to perhaps save lives and maybe you think that is the right way to go. others think it is completely the wrong idea, that this is not what the military is trained for. we're getting our views on this. it's on my facebook page. deann said i lived on the south side of chicago 25 years ago, and she says she had to look over her shoulder constantly. too many people have died at the hands of thugs. bring on the national guard for the safety of the people. marie says this, what would this accomplish? it would turn chicago into the wild west where there would be gun fights on every corner and guess who would be caught in the middle? so opposite sides there. let's talk about this. tara is calling us from ironwood, michigan. you're open to the idea. you think it would solve some of the issues, some of the dire issues really. >> caller: very much so. i agree with the proposal. everyone seems to back the war on terror. they should have started right here in the streets of the united states. if things get chaotic, it's because people have become combatant towards the troops and if that's the case they should be ashamed of themselves. >> being ashamed of thems themselves, but this is the military dealing with civilians and they're not necessarily trained with those types of sensibilities. do you have any concern about the military interacting in neighborhoods at all? >> caller: i think they're more just trying to keep a close eye on the situation and get input from the civilians on how they can clean it up. >> people across the country are very concerned about this. we're talking about kids losing their lives as well. tara, thank you very much. tara likes the idea. dale is calling us from middleville, michigan. dale, what do you think about this? do you think it could work? >> caller: no, i think it's totally wrong. we pay our national guard to defend our country, not to be in our streets. they're not cops. they're not paid to be cops. they shouldn't be cops. >> do you see why some of the lawmakers might be looking at all types of solutions possible though? i know you don't think this is the right solution, but do you understand why they might feel desperate? >> caller: i understand that, but chicago just needs to hire more cops, plain and simple. if they hire more cops, they wouldn't have the problems. >> okay. >> caller: it's all they got to do. that's wh they did in detroit. i work in chicago all the time. i'm down there all the time. if i was to go there to go to work, national guard comes in, they put a curfew on. i can't do my work because i work at night. >> dale, you're actually the second person who called today from michigan to reference some of the changes and things that are going on in detroit. thank you for your phone call. that's why we like people to call from all over the you don't tell us what's happening where they are. walker says adding troops to an already violent situation would be adding fuel to the fire and the presence of the guard and, yes kent state meetly came to mind, would simply fuel the violence. lori says, if they're to stop and unrest in other places abroad, why not at home? an e-mail from florida, they say bring in the guard. they'll clean it up quickly and effectively in record time. the cops aren't even close to what the military can do. what do you think? something that's worked in your town, let us know. what do you think about the idea of bringing in the national guard? do you think it would save lives? do you think it would just make the situation worse? do you have any concerns about the military being used in this role? call us, 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail, text hlntv. standard text rates apply and it's posted on all of our facebook pages. don't get me wrong, chuck, our service men and women, they can do any number of roles. i mean, they know how -- >> they adapt very well. >> they can shake a child's hands and make them feel like the center of the universe and turn on a dime as well, but people have some legitimate questions. >> there is a learning curve. tiger woods back in the news, back on the links. he'll be competing at quail hollow championship in charlotte. begins thursday and runs through the weekend. rafer weigel right here, hln's morning express will be there and bringing us live reports. the event they say is sold out. they do not expect hecklers, but if there's any disruption they will handle it quickly. the world champion new york yankees meeting with president obama at the white house right now. earlier today the team brought the world series trophy to show to wounded veterans at walter reed medical center. there's the ceremony under way. there's the president and the manager joe girardi. the president just walking in. he's coming in. there's joe girardi and derek jeter. a-rod is there. later tonight they will play the baltimore orioles. the president shaking hands. they're 12-6 this year. dozens of school girls in afghanistan have ended up in the hospital with a mystery he willness -- illness? what's wrong? has the taliban found a way to keep girls from getting an education? [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time... time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. a tornado hits, air life denver takes off... their night-vision goggles keeping the rescue mission safe... and powering those goggles-- the only battery air life trusts: duracell. trusted everywhere. even with an overactive bladder. i don't always let the worry my pipes might leak compromise what i like to do. i take care with vesicare. because i have better places to visit than just the bathroom. (announcer) once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle, and is proven to reduce frequent, sudden urges and leaks, day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. tell your doctor right away if you have a serious allergic reaction, severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. you have better things to join than always a line for the bathroom. so, pipe up and ask your doctor today about taking care with vesicare. the owner of the coal mine that exploded in west virginia insist the air in the underground shaft was fine just before the blast. an official from massey energy says tests earlier in that day showed no buildup of explosive gases and that those tests showed adequate air flow in the mine itself. the company though will give what it calls unprecedented financial compensation to the families of the miners killed in the blast. it will pay increased health care and college expenses. president obama said the men who were killed in west virginia died in pursuit of the american dream. went there to personally pay his respects to those who died and meet privately with family members before giving a eulogy at the service. >> we cannot bring back the 29 men we lost. they are with the lord now. our task here on earth is to save lives from being lost in another such tragedy. >> the president said the nation will honor their memories by improving mine safety. a man with a gun arrested moments after the president's plane left north carolina will be in jail for a while. joseph mcvey made an official appearance. the judge informed him federal authorities want him behind bars even if he comes with his $100,000 bail. mcvey faces a single misdemeanor charge of going armed in terror of the public. that's the specific charge. he was arrested in the parking lot at the asheville airport. police said he was carrying a sidearm and that his car was equipped with police-style lights and a siren. robot submarines have been dispatched to try to shut off that growing crude oil leak in the gulf of mexico. it's the very area where that oil rig exploded offshore from louisiana. 11 workers were missing and presumed dead. >> of course, any oil spill is significant, but the situation we have here right now is that we have approximately 40,000 gallons of discharge being discharged out of the relief pipe that extends out of the well, and that, if you can figure the pipe itself is bent in several locations and if you can figure like a garden hose would be restricted for its discharge, that is helping to curb the amount of oil that's coming out of the well that's pressurized. >> the rig is spilling about 42,000 gallons of oil a day. the exxon valdez by the way in 1989 spilled 11 million gallons all told. the coast guard says if the subs can't tap the leak, crews may drill relief wells. more than 80 school girls got sick in three separate cases of mass illness in northern afghanistan in the last week. officials are afraid the taliban is trying to poison them. in each case the girls complained of a strange smell before they finally got sick and the taliban have been known to target school girls in the past. they oppose education for women. so far there's no proof. a spokesman nor the afghan president says any attempt to keep girls out of school is like a terrorist act. a world famous scientist says you definitely shouldn't be bff with ets. why stephen hawking says you should be wary of any close encounters. after using rogaine for a while, i went to my stylist and she said hair was growing back... i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. 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school is cancel had had in darlington county, south carolina, today. a tornado damaged there. three people were hurt. there's the twister right along the treeline less than a mile or so from where the video was shot. it did tear the roof off an elementary school and damaged a high school. several homes and a church as well. three people hurt in south carolina. and look at this. ireporter was right there capturing incredible video of a tornado that touched down in north carolina yesterday. allen mitchell was in a car with his family. he noticed the funnel cloud and earlier we asked him how he and his wife, who was driving, reacted to being so close to the twister? >> there wasn't much of a conversation. we just wanted to know what she should do. our son was in the back. every time i told her to do something he was asking why. he's in that kind of phase right now. i knew i wanted to keep the thing to our left, that that was the biggest thing there. we didn't speak much at all unless something like the ambulance went by, the truck went by. somebody pulled out in front of us like i figured thelgd if they tried to get out without paying attention. we just wanted to keep going straight and keep some options open if it turned in our direction. >> always seek lower ground. thanks again, allan mitchell, great video. when you have pictures or video from where you are, go to we've been looking at the tornadoes and rain and strong winds that hit the south yesterday. this is what a georgia man had to deal with. thunderstorms caused a tree to fall into his house. edward crockett said he and his wife were eating their dinner when they heard a loud noise. >> we heard a great big boom, boom, boom, boom. i jumped. he jumped. i have a defib brill later and i thought it was my defib rrillat going off. i looked out the window and i said a tree has fallen on the house. i just thank god because if it would have shifted a little bit more, we wouldn't be here talking to you today. >> the tree fell over the sink and stove in the kitchen and his two daughters' rooms. no one was hurt. the owner of the coal mine in west virginia insists the air in the underground shaft was fine just hours before the blast. an official from massey energy said tests earlier in the day showed no buildup of explosive gases. he said the tests had also shown adequate air flow. the company will give what it calls unprecedented financial compensation to the families of the miners killed. massey will pay increased life insurance benefits, health care, and college expenses for the children of the men who died. the president says the men who were killed died in pursuit of the american dream. he paid personal respects to those whoprivately with the family members yesterday before giving a eulogy at the service. >> we cannot bring back the 29 men we lost. they are with the lord now. our task here on earth is to save lives from being lost in another such tragedy. >> the president said the nation will honor their memories by improving mine safety. a man with a gun arrested just after the president's plane left asheville, north carolina, will be in jail for a while. joseph mcvey, who is 23, made his initial appearance before a judge by way of video hookup today. she informed him that federal authorities want him behind bars even if he posts his bail, $100,000. mcvey currently faces a single misdemeanor charge of going armed in terror of the public. he was arrested in the parking lot of the asheville airport. police said he was carrying a sidearm and his car was equipped with police-style lights and a siren. the president was vacationing in asheville for the weekend. well wishes going out to bret michaels. the hard rocker has suffered a brain hemorrhage. we're watching closely. the icu unit is where all the focus is. we'll give you the latest on the condition of bret michaels. gr d e matains heyesy.rc g you stood in the basement gathering dust while i, sneezing, itching eyes kept you from our favorite stream. the one that runs through a field where pollen floats through the air. but now, with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec® to relieve my worst allergy symptoms, indoors and outdoors... let's go before the fish stop biting. they won't wait for us. but that's okay. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. today, we battle wits with the trout. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. ♪ using a catheter on a daily basis can be difficult, but if your situation requires it, liberty medical has important information that could make your life much easier. liberty medical, the trusted name in medical supply home delivery, will ship discreetly to your door, sterile and sanitary catheters. no more reusing old catheters, no more hygienic concerns, direct shipping is free and discreet and most major insurance carriers cover the cost of up to five catheters a day. 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they are not altogether sure of what the status is of current illinois law and city ordinances, but we're taking "your views" on this. call us toll free, 1-877-tell-hln. e mail at or text views and your comment and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. or g go to our facebook pages. tiger woods will be back on the golf course later this week and he's holding a news conference wednesday. we will cover both of them. he will be competing in the quail hollow championship which starts thursday in charlotte. rafer weigel of hln's "morning express" will be there bringing us live reports. it's a hot ticket. this event is sold out. organizers don't expect any hecklers, but if there's any disrupti disruption, they will handle it quickly. more than 1 million current and former employees have been given the all-clear to take walmart to court. why they say the retail giant is not playing fair when it comes to pay and promotion. a free lndry service that provides clean ots woman it feels sgow th i've got clea you don't know hove benals are ♪ music plays ♪ [ sneezing ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what are you gonna miss when you have an allergy attack? benadryl® is more effective than claritin® at relieving your worst symptoms -- runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes -- and works when you need it most. benadryl®. you can't pause life. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! health reform has passed so now what? one of the most significant measures kicks in later this year. young adults will be able to stay on their parents' insurance plans until they turn 26.'s poppy harlow is in new york. poppy, you sat down with someone who could really benefit from this change. >> i mean, that's exactly right. we've talked so much about what the politicians were and are saying, but what about the folks, chuck, that are not insured. one of those people is kevin. he lives in brooklyn, new york. he's 24 years old. he has crone's disease, an inflammation of his intestines. the problem he's facing is he's too old to be on his parents' insurance. he hasn't worked enough hours at his job to get insurance through them, and he makes too much money working that he doesn't qualify for medicaid. he's one of the many people that is stuck right in the middle, which is a very, very difficult place to be. take a look. >> i feel like i don't have my life because i don't have my health. i have cried so much. i don't want to do it anymore, you know. i just want to try with whatever obstacle i have in my life, i want to be able to live instead of worrying about it so much. >> reporter: what would help? >> first of all, for me to get health insurance, good health insurance. without health insurance i'm nothing. i'm not able to get my medicine. i'm not able to go see a doctor. >> reporter: and that make it is worse, your disease worse. >> yeah. it definitely aggravates it. i don't have any medication, my disease is not in control. >> reporter: how much does the nation co medication cost you without insurance. >> for a generic 30-day supply, it's $640. >> reporter: that's a paycheck. >> it's more than a paycheck for me. >> reporter: do you go without it sometimes? >> i have been going without it since january. >> reporter: and you have spent a lot of time in the hospital even recently? >> yeah, i went to the emergency room to get admitted. i was feeling stomach pains and a whole bunch of her side effects from my condition. >> reporter: are you going to have to pay for part of that? >> i am going to have to pay for everything. >> reporter: do you know how much that's going to cost? >> hundreds and hundreds of dollars if not a couple thousand at least. >> reporter: do you ever try not to go to the hospital because you think i can't afford it? >> yeah. that's probably why i wait so long is because i know i can't pay for it. i was robbed of my childhood because i wasn't able to run and play basketball or play baseball. i was in little league and i had to stop playing little league because of my condition. >> reporter: do you really think if you get insurance it will make the situation better for . like i said, if you have your health, you have everything. >> we'll check back in with him in a few months when health reform kicks in and he's able to get on his parent's insurance. so hopefully a better time for calvin thanks for health care reform. >> hope it turns around. it expires at 26, huh? >> yeah, so he only has two years. >> good report. big legal troubles for walmart. the retail giant has to face a class action lawsuit. it claims the world's largest private employer discriminates against women workers. the suit was filed in 2001. the lawsuit alleges walmart pays women less than men for the same jobs and female employees get fewer promotions and have to wait longer for the promotions than their male counterparts. let's check wall street. stocks trading high today, but barely. you can thank caterpillar. the dow is well off session highs. it's right at that cusp right now on the upside around eight points at 11,212 just before the close. kate gosselin is returning to reality tv but will her eight children be allowed on her new show? we've got the answer. @@@@@@@@@@@ ok, maybe it was my fault. she told me to kill the weeds. and you did. along with the grass. i used the wrong stuff. there were dead spots everywhere. this is the right stuff. ortho weed b gon max. it kills weeds down to the root. even the tough ones like dandelion and crabgrass. but unlike that other stuff, it won't kill the grass. ortho guarantees it. kill the weeds, not the lawn. weeds, not lawn. got it? yea. ortho weed b gon max. defend what's yours. what are you really buying? a shiny coat of paint? a list of features? what about the strength of the steel? the integrity of its design... or how it responds... in extreme situations? the deeper you look, the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand what it means to own a mercedes-benz. the c-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial. ♪ . y?e l, hoss. ! yeah ee no. ! bessco febreze freshness. the owner of that coal mine that exploded in west virginia insists the air and the underground shaft was fine just hours before that deadly blast. an official from massey energy company says tests earlier in the day showed no buildup of any explosive gases. he also says those tests showed adequate air flow in the mine. the company will give what it calls unprecedented financial compensation to the families of all those miners killed in the blast. massey will pay increased life insurance benefits, health care and college experiences for the children of the 29 men who died. nfl star ben roethlisberger will accept the punishment imposed on him by the league's commissioner. pittsburgh steelers quarterback made his first public comments since that six-game suspension. he released a statement insisting he did not admit -- commit rather any crimes. but this is what the statement says. i have regret i have fallen short of the values instilled in me by my value. georgia prosecutors investigated sexual assault allegations and decided not to file charges. he's apologizing for letting down the team and fans. doctors are planning tests to try and pin point the source of brett michaels' brain hemorrhage. he's still in critical condition. he's in icu and they're watching him 24 hours a day. michaels had an emergency appendectomy earlier this month. they're not sure if that's connected right now. he's a c-- we have new developments in the case of a missing brooklyn woman. a dna analysis confirms the skeleton found in pennsylvania is that of laura garza. she disappeared from a nightclub in 2008 after leaving with a sex offender. garza recently moved to new york from texas. her remains were found earlier this month several miles outside of scranton, pennsylvania. a surveillance video, take a look at this, shows a good samaritan stopping a man from stabbing a woman. this is happening in new york, okay? then he ends up getting stabbed himself. he collapsed on the sidewalk. he laid there for more than an hour. the video shows one person after another walking right past him. a few stopped. they just stopped for a closer look and one snapped his picture. no one tried to help. mike galanos of hln's "prime news" joins us with more on this. mike, we've done unfortunately similar stories before of people not stopping to help. what is your take on this? >> the first thing is we're all left to graple with this. this is what we're all about, news and views. what is your view on this? we'll be talking about it at 6:00. how have we grown so cold is my first thought as i see this? the numbers we're getting, 25 people came and as you said, did nothing. we know there were three 911 calls, so at least we know an hour and ten minutes went my, richelle, and people did nothing. we hear someone took a picture, someone shook him and saw the blood. it's sad. >> let's try for a moment, if possible, to put ourselves in that situation. if you're walking past, maybe you're thinking, okay, this is new york, maybe he's homeless. i don't know, i'm trying really hard to think what would i do if i were in that situation? you're thinking i would help but can you think of any situation you can justify why you're walking by? >> i think you just nailed it. you think you would at least get close to the man. do you smell alcohol? is he drunk? i think that's what people think. we're told that one person shook him and saw the blood and still did not do anything. we wonder why. i think these are the consequences i believe of a more isolated society. we do not care about our neighbor. we don't know our neighbor as well as we used to. so if you're not in my little world, i don't care. i think this is a repercussion of that. >> there are some states with a good samaritan law where someone can be prosecuted in certain situations. do you think we need to expand those types of laws? >> maybe as a wakeup call to all of us as a society in situations like this. you mentioned, and we on "prime news" looked back at some of the incidents. we go back to 2008 with that 78-year-old man that was hit by a vehicle. nine drivers continue to drive by. it took 40 seconds for someone to even step off the sidewalk to help the man. this is 2008. another incident in 2009 where a man dies in emergency. people do nothing. why is this happening? thankfully it doesn't happen a lot. but these are three too many. >> all right, call in and talk to mike later on so we can -- i don't know, again, we have these stories but we have other story where is people step up and do amazing things. >> exactly. and we like to celebrate the good but in this case we're calling out the bad. >> mike, thanks for talking. all right, teams from fema are in mississippi today. and you certainly know why. look at this, to survey all this damage from the tornado over the weekend. that storm killed at least ten people in mississippi. two in alabama. and turned hundreds of homes and buildings into that piles of rubble that you see right there. dozens were hurt. a man says he was driving to his dad's restaurant to take cover and the tornado tossed his vehicle right into the restaurant. >> oh, my god. wow! wow! wow! holy crap. >> in south carolina today, you can see the twister moving along the 2003 line. it tore the roof off an elementary school and hit several homes and a church and three people were hurt. think about this. two lawmakers want to call in the national guard to help fight crime. you'll hear about a wave of violence in a big mid western city. 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[ female announcer ] discover the best of what's next at two illinois state lawmakers want the national guard to help fight crime in chicago. they say 113 people have been murdered in the city so far this year. okay, 113. we're in april right now. 7 people died and 18 others were hurt, mostly by gunfire, just in one night last week, we told you about that. officials are at odds over whether the national guard is the answer. >> the u.s. troops have been winning the hearts and minds in iraq. they stabilize those communities. they made those communities much better from the time that they went in and now those communities are safe and we're saying, that's what we want right here in illinois. >> let's go back to 1970. you know, kent state. the national guard comes in, four students shot, killed. you know, i don't think we want that here in chicago. >> and that right there was the police chief who is against it. the illinois governor decides when to deploy the state's national guard and he hasn't commented on this idea yet. we do have your views on this issue right now. all right, we are asking, i apologize, can the national guard help save lives in violent neighborhoods like some of what's happening in chicago or do you think that's absolutely not the right answer? getting lots of views on this. stormy wrote this, it's about time. it is a war out there. how many innocent people have to die in order for someone to consider it a serious situation? the gangs feel they rule the streets out there and it's time we take them back. let's talk about this. we've had a lot of people call in from illinois. i asked earlier from that and you have been asking that. catherine is calling from illinois. catherine, you are from chicago. what do you think about this idea that the national guard can maybe do something about the violence, what do you think? >> caller: i honestly believe that it's going to create more problems than it's going to solve. someone said earlier that they could foresee riots. so do i. >> actually, you're right, someone else did say that earlier. why do you say that, because you think people in the neighborhoods wouldn't respond well to it? what do you mean? >> caller: it would be like a police action, like a police state. >> i hear what you're saying. go ahead. >> caller: and i just don't see it being the solution to this problem. it it's going to create more chaos. >> let me ask you this, do you think more police officers is the solution? do you have any thoughts on what you think the solution might be? >> caller: yeah, i believe that we need more police officers. the national guard is trained to protect our country from invaders. >> okay. >> caller: they don't have to follow the same laws that we as american citizens do. and as one person very clearly pointed out, remember kent state. >> okay. >> caller: four innocent boys or children died. >> the police chief brought up that as well stating some of the reason why is he was opposed it. catherine, thank you for calling. melissa is calling us from dayton, hor. what do you think about this idea? >> caller: i want to say i was blown away when i heard the amount of people that have been killed in chicago since the first of the year. and i feel that the men and women serving on the chicago police force should be able to ask for assistance from the national guard. i feel that's why they are called the national guard. they're to help in situations that are out of control. it sounds like gang activity in chicago has gotten way out of control. and i think the brave men and women are the police force putting their lives on the line every day, even after having lost 600 police officers from their force, should be commended that they deserve to feel somewhat safe while enforcing the law. and i think that, as a nation, i don't want a repeat of the 1970s. but i believe we're way past the kent state situation as a nation. you know, don't bring the tanks but they clearly need help. >> so you think that it could work if implemented correctly? >> caller: well, they worked for katrina. i believe they did a good job there. >> okay, melissa, thank you. i'm out of time. she brought up some interesting points on both sides. appreciate your views. the music world is mourning the loss of a ground breaking rap star and co-founder rapper guru. he died last week after a year-long battle with cancer. the new york based hip-hop legend was a major figure in bridging hip-hop and dance. his series of record s feature several collaborations. so take a look at the video from one of their well-known songs "manifest." ♪ ♪ check it out these are the words that i manifest ♪ >> he was known for singing about social ills that hi saw all around him during a time when many other rap artists were glorifying drugs. issue of "essence" magazine or logon. [ female announcer ] it's red lobster's festival of shrimp... a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want. combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi. it's everything you want in a night out. starting at just $11.99, during the festival of shrimp. and wear hats. i was always the hat guy. i can't even tell you how much it's changed my life. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. no more hats. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. does two jobs... at once. one: kills weeds to the root. two: forms a barrier, preventing new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control. preventing new ones for up to four months. or mi fashtienh ncv,in evemoays i'acceavipfoyinsance. atiochto eonexll, y for m. , e on car insurance. el it's funny you 2ishtoure se- an gmitessa f pnt a haitian judge has dropped kidnapping and criminal association charges against americans. laura fields and a haitian-american pastor will stand charge for arranging irregular travel. they face from six months to three years in prison, if convicted. the others are back home in the u.s. the u.s. supreme court will decide whether a california law that would ban the sale of rental of violent video games to kids violates freedom of speech. the high court agreed to hear this case today, so oral arguments are expected this fall. the existing nationwide industry imposed voluntary rating system is enough of a screen for parts to judge if games like grand theft auto are appropriate, say officials from the gaming system. california says the state has a legal obligation to protect children when the industry doesn't do so. the state law never took effect because the law was blocked after the video game sued california. so we'll follow that case for you. all right, closing arguments being presented right now in the trial of a man accused of hacking into sarah palin's e-mail. he didn't testify at his trial that's happening in knoxville. the only defense witness was an fbi agent who testified that cornell was upset by the investigation. his lawyer called it a college prank with no criminal intent. prosecutors say he was trying to derail sarah palin's bid for vice president. he faces up to 50 years of prison. the dow has been riding an eight-week long winning streak. could this be the start of number nine? stephanie has the wrap-up of the trading day. >> hi, richelle. stocks traded in the narrow range for most of the session. but we still may get to see gains for the week. not a lot of information to go on today, so investors remained on the sidelines. later this week, we'll be getting an earnings report. so we'll see how that shakes out then. today, the dow was up, but less than one point, to 11,205. the dow was helped by earnings from caterpillar who posted higher than expected earnings. shares jumping 4% today. the u.s. government will sell up to 1.5 billion shares of citigroup. the treasury currently owns 7.5 billion shares. at current prices, american taxpayers could make a decent profit. more than $2 billion. the government originally received the stock and exchange for providing citi with funds during the financial crisis. what a difference a couple years makes. >> isn't that the truth. thank you, stephanie. a woman who dropped a bombshell on the haleigh cummings case is being shunned by her family. lots of family discord now. next, we'll talk to the host of "issues!" jane velez-mitchell. we know why we're here. to build a new generation of airplanes to connect the world. airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. and make nonstop travel possible to more places. around the globe, the people of boeing are working together, to bring us together. that's why we're here. ♪ oh! just come snuggle with mama. [ male announcer ] missing something? like 2 pairs of bifocals for $149.99 at sears optical, with progressive lenses for just $25 more per pair. hurry in to sears optical today and don't miss a thing. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. nfl star ben roethlisberger says he will accept the punishment imposed on him by the nfl commissioner. the pittsburgh steelers quarterback made his first public comments today about his six-game suspension. he released a statement insisting he didn't commit any crimes. it says, i regret that i have fallen short of the values instilled in me by hi family. georgia prosecutors did investigate sexual allegation assault and decided not to file charges. he's apologizing for letting down his team and the fans. tiger woods will be back later this week, and he's holding a news conference wednesday. he'll be competing in the quail hollow championship in charlotte, north carolina. we'll be bringing you live reports. tournament organizers say the event is sold out and don't expect hecklers but if there is a disruption, they'll handle it quickly. breaking news in the case of a missing woman. a dna analysis confirms a skeleton found in pennsylvania is that of laura garza. she disappeared from a nightclub in manhattan back in 2008 after leaving with a sex offender. garza recently moved to new york from texas. police say some people riding atvs found the remains earlier this month several miles outside of scranton. the man she was last seen with has been questioned. so far not charged. however, she's been in a new york prison since last year because he failed to report he had to change his address. a haitian judge has decided to drop kidnapping and criminal association charges against american laura silsby but ruled that she and a haitian american pastor will stand trial on the charge of arranging irregular travel. a charge that carries a sentence of six months to three years in prison if convicted. she was among ten church members accused of trying to take a bus load of children out of the country. the others have been released and are back home in the u.s. the owner of that coal mine that exploded in west virginia insists the air in the underground shaft was fine hours before the blast. an official from massey energy company said tests showed no buildup of explosive gases and he also says that those tests showed adequate air flow in the mine. the company will give what it calls unprecedented financial compensation to the families of those miners killed in the blast. massey will pay increased life insurance benefits, health care and college expenses for the children of the 29 men who died. robot submarines have been dispatched to shut off a crude oil leak in the gulf of mexico. the oil rig exploded tuesday 50 miles off louisiana. 11 workers are misses and presumed dead. people who are worried the leaking oil will threaten shores from louisiana to florida. >> certainly people are concerned and we're concerned here. that's why we're working very closely with all stake holders to keep everyone informed. right now the oil remains 30 miles offshore. the weather is still looking favorable for us to continue with our cleanup operations. >> experts now say the sunken oil rig is leaking about 1,000 barrels or 42,000 gallons of crude oil a day. the exxon valdez spilled 11 million gallons total off the coast of alaska back in 1989. the coast guard says if the subs can't tap the leak, drills might divert the oil from that spill area. that could take several months. teams from fema are in mississippi today to survey the damage from last weekend's deadly tornado. the governor says he wants to have those estimates ready to submit to the white house by wednesday so back up a request for federal help. the storm killed at least ten people in mississippi and turned hundreds of homes into rubble. the coroner of choctaw county almost became a victim himself when the twister flipped his truck four times. >> wow! wow! wow! holy crap! holy crap! >> good thing that's all he said. school was cancelled in darlington, south carolina because of tornado damage there. you can see the twister moving along a mile away from where the video was shot. it tore the roof off a elementary school and hit several homes and a church and three people were hurt. well wishes are gg out to brett michaels, the hard rocker has suffered a brain hemorrhage. getting ready to plant? chances are your soil is like this: compacted, drained of nutrients. it'll hold your plants but it'll also hold 'em back. the solution: miracle-gro garden soil. the perfect mix of rich, organic ingredients, and miracle-gro plant food. just mix it in. and turn bad soil into great soil. helps plants grow twice as big. instead of holding 'em back, they'll leap ahead. miracle-gro garden soil. and moisture control garden soil. emigrant rights activists say they're going to take arizona's new immigration law to court. but opponents are voicing their anger in other ways. protestors smeared refried beans on windows at the state capitol. more protests are planned for today. the mayor of phoenix says he'll sue to block the law. it requires police to ask people about their immigration status. critics call it racial profiling. >> what is reasonable suspicion? are we going to get pulled over for a broken taillight or the color of our skin? if so, is everybody going to get stopped, white people? are they going to be looking for europeans as well or just the brown people? >> what do you have to say to those concerns? >> they're really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics and the state of arizona has a very high hispanic population. we've never had a policy of racial profiling. in fact, quite the contrary. it's been outlawed. >> critics want president obama to fight the law. he's asked the justice department to review whether it's legal. whether you would be profiled. tim says this, it is an open invitation to harassment. yes, i would mind. this is what goes on in all hardline dictatorships. random checks for papers. where are you going, what is your business there. and this, why don't you issue dog tags instead? is it my fault because i'm mexican and i went to college and got my degree? i'm sorry, this is racially motivated. it has nothing to do with checking citizenship. are they going to do the same to arab muslim people in arizona and send them back to the middle east? but wen they have this, we don't have 200,000 europeans sneaking through the border from mexico. if one group is doing the crime, then profiling is necessary. if they're legally here, they have nothing to fear. lisa says, this country recovering from a recession. how are americans going to get jobs to support their family it is they are undercut. and laura writes this, yes, i mind being profiled. you should not be stopped unless you're violating the law. a lot of very strong opinions on this. this issue is not going away any time soon, so we'll continue to ask your views on it. thanks for weighing in. brett michaels is fighting for his life. the rocker turned reality tv star had a massive brain hemorrhage. a.j. hammer is in new york to tell us the latest on his condition. this makes you stop in your tracks when you hear a brain hemorrhage. >> yeah, a bummer of a story to be sure. really not a lot has changed in the last couple of days. brett michaels remains in critical condition. the situation is still very serious. they're appreciative of all the support they've been receiving. a lot of good wishes are coming in. here's what they tell "showbiz tonight." everyone would like to thank all fans and friends for their continued thoughts and prayers through this difficult time. at this point, brett remains in icu. we are hopeful that further tests will locate the source of the bleeding which has not been located. bret is a fighter and we are hopeful that the slurred speech, dizziness will be eliminated and all functions will return to normal. he actually commented on how he wasn't feeling well after he had an appendectomy on april 13th. this is what he mosted on his blog. i'm not 100% yet. i've yet to get my blood sugar back in order because i've been real active. richelle, i had the opportunity to get to know bret pretty well during the heyday of his band poison. so that would have been back in the early '90s. he was just a really, really decent man and a good guy to hang out with. a lot of fun as well. and still is. i don't want to talk about him in the past any way. but from that time in the past he was a fun guy. >> absolutely the best wishes to him. he seems like a nice man, he really does. i know you're going to have the latest on brett michaels on "showbiz tonight." let's turn to la lohan and the trauma with her dad. what is going on and why does he always have to have a camera twl to do it? >> michael lohan is concerned, and i do believe it is heartfelt, this concern he has, about his daughter. he believes that lindsey is using drugs and wants her to get help before she becomes another statistic. michael has hired a powerful attorney and his attorney told "showbiz tonight" michael lohan hopes to meet with her to come up with a treatment plan that will allow her to get her life back on track. if she keeps that meeting from happening, and right now every indication is she has no interest to do anything with her father, michael is prepared to take legal action, telling tmz he would pursue a conservatorship. that's what britney spears' dad did with britney. "us" magazine is reporting according to the mom, dina, they're getting set to get a restraining order in place to keep their dad away. and richelle, what baffles me is why he does this publicly. he hasn't had a lot of credibility in the past, certainly not with his family or the public. and a lot of people say playing it out this way makes it look like a big publicity opportunity. so michael, do what you can to get her help but keep it private. >> without a doubt. and i'm a little perplexed why the minor child, what is the younger sister's name? >> alley. >> a little perplexed why she's spending so much time in this situation? that's probably another discussion as well too. >> by her account in one report last week, nothing is wrong more and her hanging out and living with lindsey is fine. so this is a very fluid situation. coming up on "showbiz tonight," much more on lindsey in crisis. and she's reportedly been fired. all the lindsay lohan drama unfolding at 5:00 p.m. eastern. a lot to deal with today. >> you know, if her father isn't the one to help her, hopefully somebody can. >> and the one thing that we'll point out today, which is good, he's willing to step aside if somebody else will take the reigns. >> there you have it. that's good stuff. a.j., thank you. sandra bullock may have gotten an apology from one of her husband's alleged mistresses. this is what it said, in part. i'm sorry for any hurt or pain that i may have caused you. my actions of engaging with a married man are unforgivable. hln has not confirmed the letter. two state lawmakers want to call in the national guard to help fight crime. wave of violence in a big mid western city. a big legal troubles for walmart. a federal appeals court in san francisco says the retail giant must face a massive class action lawsuit. this is what it's about. it claims the world's largest private employer discriminates against female workers. it includes a million current and former workers. the lawsuit alleges walmart pays women less than men for the same jobs and female workers receive fewer promotions and have to wait longer for promotions than men. two illinois state lawmakers want the national guard to come in and help fight crime in chicago. 113 people have been murdered in the city so far this year. seven people died and 18 others@ mostly by gunfire were hurt in just one night last week. officials are at odds over whether the national guard is the answer. >> the u.s. troops have been winning the hearts and minds in iraq. they stabilize those communities. they made those communities much better from the time that they went in and now those communities are safe. and we're saying that's what we want right here in illinois. >> let's go back to 1970. at kent state, national guard comes in, four students shot, killed. you know, i don't think we want that hear in chicago. >> the illinois governor decides when to deploy the national guard and he hasn't commented yet. closing arguments are under way of the trial in the man accused of at his federal trial in knoxville. the only defense witness was actually an fbi agent who testified about kernell's emotional state at the time. prosecutors say the 22-year-old was trying to derail palin's campaign back in 2008. this is serious. he could face 50 years up to prison. a surveillance video has new yorkers asking themselves a lot of tough questions today. it shows a good samaritan stopping a man from stabbing a woman and then getting stabbed himself. he collapsed onto the sidewalk, and lay there for more than an hour. this video you're seeing shows person after person walking right past him. a few stopped for a closer look, and one snapped a picture, and no one tried to help. police got two 911 calls during that time, but neither gave the right address. by the time they responded to a third call, this man had died. u.s. supreme court will decide rather a california law that would ban the sale or rental of violent games to kids violates freedom of speech. pay close to this. i am sure your kids have some of these. video gamemakers the industry-imposed voluntary rating system is enough for parents to judge if games like "grand theft auto," are appropriate. california officials say the state has a legal obligation to protect children when the industry doesn't do so. the law actually never took affect because the u.s. district court blocked it after the video game industry sued california, citing constitutional concerns. dozens of school girls in afghanistan ended up in the hospital with a mystery illness. officials are investigating what's making them sick. has the taliban found a new way of girls getting an education? allstate has more discounts than you can imagine. for anti-lock brakes. for safe driving. airbags. insuring your car and home. anti-theft devices. let's see. new cars, people over 65. 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