a georgia family gets a second piece of bad news. they now find out who police believe is responsible. president obama has a lot on his mate, a major address on health care and speech to school kids under the microscope. what he said today about your retirement. >> nobody expected that this guy is going to be the world champion. >> world champion, the newest heroes in one california town may be little league, but did they bring home a big win. this is hln news and views for saturday, september 5th. i'm susan hendricks, the tide may be turning in the battle against the wildfire. the western edge of the blaze is now under control. the eastern edge of the fire is still raging into the san gabriel wilderness where it poses less of a threat. a memorial service for captain ted hall and arnold do quinn own he is. >> they were scouting an escape route for a crew under their supervision. investigators are now examining evidence found in the charred hills as they try to determine who set the fire. >> we also look at ground litter, what i mean by that is debris laying on the ground. this looks like what remains of a plastic gas cap. >> governor arnold schwarzenegger is offering a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the conviction and arrest of the arsonist. >> authorities in western pennsylvania are searching for a missing 4-year-old boy. last seen by his family last night. the boy has a congenital heart defect. he needs to take medication three times a day. they have to move fast. they think wyatt may have wondered off from his home. last seen wearing a military style brown t-shirt and blue den on shorts and spider-man flip flops. police now believe the man who called 911 to report the killings was involved in them. guy heinze jr. is charged with 8 counts of first degree murder. physical and testimonial evidence point to him. >> very late this afternoon, two pieces of information came forward to us. we took those two pieces of information, compared it to the whole of all the evidence collected all week long. and we were satisfied that that led us to believe that guy heinze jr. is a responsible person for the murders. >> seven of the eight people killed will be buried today. an arrest warrant shows heinze gave police false information about where they was during the killing and about the circumstances before his 911 call. his father of one of the victims. o.j. simpson will remain behind bars. the nevada supreme court denied a request to let him out of prison while the court rules on an appeal. the court concluded the arguments by simpson and convicted co-defendant didn't meet the heavy burden required to post bail. he is serving 9 to 33 years for his part in a armed robbery in las vegas in between. president obama may be working on a new health care reform bill. several sources tell cnn the president may be ready to unveil his own version next week. yesterday he had a conference call with the most liberal members of the house. >> president barack obama will address a joint session of congress to talk about his plan for health care reform. the republicans are already receiving up the criticism. john klein said the plan is too expensive and being completed without republican support. >> democrats have crafted this legislation behind closed doors creating a partisan blue print that clocked in at more than 1,000 pages. it's complicated and convoluted and not going to work. it's time to press the reset button. >> instead the congressman says the gop wants to make sure people that aren't insured get insurance and those who have it can keep it. >> some republican leaders and some parents don't want their kids to hear that message. the gop chairman in florida claims the tuesday's speech, political indoctrination, the governor of minnesota says the president is not welcome in his state's classroom. it is baffling to teachers and enraging some parents. >> it's the president talking to students, the embrace of technology as a young student, i would have been so excited to have the president talk to me. so i think it's a great opportunity for our students and we're going to embrace it. >> trying to bring his views all into the school and you know with -- no, i don't think it's a good idea for him to do that. >> speaking to school children is really a presidential tradition. former president reagan delivered a nationwide address to students and campaigned for more tax cuts. the first president bush pushed for his education proposal. the second president bush was in a classroom during the 911 attacks. president obama will be the first to address students over the internet. taking steps to help americans build up retirement savings. president obama says he wabts to make it easier for people to contribute to individual retirement accounts. >> as part of my budget i proposed insuring nearlier american has access to a retirement savings account through his or her job, making it possible to automatically enroll in iras through payroll contributions. matching half of the family savings up to $1,000 per year and depositing the tax credit directly into a retirement account. >> another initiative would let people have their federal tax refund sent as savings bonds. a group called the earth liberation front is responsible for knocking down the two radio station towers. the towers in the seattle area were torn down because of health and environmental concerns. the fbi is investigating and one agent says it hasn't found evidence in a other groups besides the el fmt were involved in this. the towers were apparently taken down with a piece of heavy construction equipment which was already at the site. it is now confirmed that at least one of five sharks spotted off the massachusetts coast was in fact a great white. police will be on boat patrol off the cape cod this weekend and urging swimmers to be extra careful. it was spotted by a shark expert a mile from the closest beach. for now it's not causing much alarm, at least for nonswimmers that is. >> i'm surprised but i don't go in the water so -- >> especially now. >> they may be great white. >> that will be a little disturbing if i was a big swimmer. we were just looking at the seals. >> public safety officials meanwhile say the concern is not enough to close beaches during this busy holiday weekend. >> would you shell out $25,000 for dinner? before you answer, consider this. you would be having dinner with sarah palin. find out why the former alaska governor is selling an evening in her company. school supplies? for san walmart checks other stores' prices, and they'll match any advertised price. so instead of searching for "deals" out there... you can go back to school for less, right here. save money. live better. walmart. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ . oh, yeah! ( ball bouncing ) ( screams wildly ) ( ball bouncing )/ ♪ do you need anybody! earn up to 10,000 hilton hhonors® bonus points. real value from your friends at hampton. 90s slacker hip-hop. ♪ that can strain your relationships and hurt yourody 'cause pu'pride ♪ng a ride ♪ it's the credit roller aster ♪ ♪ and as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪ ♪ it's just the same for everybody, every boy and girl ♪ ♪ the credit roller coaster makes you wanna hurl ♪ ♪ so throw your hands in the air, and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna-be frat boy trying to get down ♪ ♪ then bring 'em right back to where your laptop's at... ♪ ♪ log on to free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage. there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. lee gar receipt blount is done for the year, us spended from the time for the rest of the season because he punched an opposing player during a confrontation at the thursday's night season opener. he clubbered boise state who is taunted him. oregon's president called blount's behavior reprehencive, boise state he will be disciplined but not suspended. school children got caught in a cross fire after they watched a violent kidnapping happen from the bus seats. texas authorities say this man was tied up and carried out of his home. three hispanic men with guns epterred the home and bound her husband with duct tape. kids on the school bus watched as he yelled and struggled and other people nearby say they heard a gunshot. police have a good description of the s umt v but it has not been found yet. >> take a look at the twisted metal from a nasty chain reaction crash that trapped two kids in a burning car in buffalo, new york on thursday. a doctor happened to be in the traffic and saw the accident. he bashed in the windows to free a 5-year-old girl moving quickly. a little boy was still wedged in the back. >> the engine was flaming and some of the smoke was starting to get in the passenger compartment. somebody was saying, we're not going to get the kid out. i said, there's no way we're not going to get the kid out. i'm not going to stand here with a car on fire and kid in it and leave the kid in there. we'll figure out a way of doing it. >> that doctor and another man did figure out a way to do it. they managed to pull the 7-year-old boy out. he is in critical condition. five adults were also hurt in the pileup. >> wildlife agents believe a wild cougar is on the loose near downtown seattle. they closed the largest park where the cougar is believed to be hiding. four people reported seeing the cougar in the area. one man saw it in his driveway yesterday morning. they say they are getting closer to catching it. if you would like to have dinner with former alaska governor, sarah palin, plan on picking up the tab, a huge one at that. the former vice presidential candidate is offering the dinner at an ebay charity program for a wounded veterans. an opening bid of $25,000. speaking of paying the tab, alaska taxpayers are on the hook for palin's resignation, the state has to send a minimum of $45,000 because of her abupt depart you're from office. they say the figure is misleading. it has happened once again, five more u.s. banks were forced to shut their doors on friday. two of the failed banks are in illinois. the others are in missouri, arizona and also iowa. so so far rising loan defaults have pushed 89 u.s. banks into failure. if you can't pay the credit card bills down, don't give up just yet. negotiation can be the key to climbing your way out of debt. >> do you know there are millions of americans for any number of reasons are having trouble making the credit card payments right now. well, i have great news for you. if you can't pay the bill and really there's no chance you ever feel you'll be able to pay them, do you know that now more than ever you can negotiate? i've seen several published reports recently about the great success people are having who have fallen behind on credit card debt, negotiating a deal directly with the credit card company. you don't need to hire somebody to do it. you can do it yourself. it's note a game or gimmick. they look at you as having no chance of paying off your debt once you hit six months that your overdue. if you are in a position to come up with some kind of offer to a credit card company, make it. what's the worst they can say? no. by the way, if you do work out a deal, make sure you have it in writing before you pay a penny. i'm clark howard, go to cnn.com/cla cnn.com/clarkhoward. >> you can get much more at 4:00 p.m. eastern. he will help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. as more details emerge about phillip garrido's violent past, people wondering why he wasn't considered a suspect when jaycee disappeared years ago. john ashcroft may find himself facing a lawsuit. a man who claims he was illegally detain after 9/11 can now sue ashcroft. according to court documents, the man, a u.s. citizen was held and interrogated for 16 days in 2003 as a material witness in a federal terrorism case. ashcroft had argued that as a prosecutor he was immune from lawsuits. john ashcroft's spokesperson told cnn they are reviewing the courts decision. bp announced this week it is tacked into a giant pool of crude oil, it could be one of the largest petroleum discoveries in the u.s. 4 and 6 billion barrels of oil equivalent, about a year's worth of u.s. demand. bp does not know how much it can extract. in spite of the size, the well won't reduce u.s. dependence on foreign oil. more americans were killed in afghanistan this august than in any month since the war started. it is the picture of one death that is the heart of a brewing controversy and it's a picture that cnn has decided not to show. cnn's pentagon correspondent chris lawrence explains why. >> reporter: when the taliban ambushed a marine patrol, a rocket propelled grenade ripped into joshua ben ard. the associated press snapped a picture of him wounded and released it against the family's wishes. on the phone i spoke with corporal ben ard's father. >> i think they were given a privilege by being assigned to that specific unit and if they were privileged to be there when my son was called home. and i think they abused that trust. >> defense secretary robert gates himself begged the ap not to release it. in a company to the letter's president called the decision appalling. the controversy comes just as president obama considers the possibility of deploying more american troops to afghanistan. the photo was actually one of many captured by a photographer embedded in corporal benard's unit, the ap says benard's death shows the sacrifice for his country and releasing the photo was not an easy decision. we feel it is our journalistic duty to show the reality of the war there, however unpleasant and brutal that sometimes is. cnn has chosen not to show the video out of respect for the family. some newspapers ran it. others refused toxt one media critic says he would not have run the photo -- >> that's exactly why some younger people say they don't consume the mainstream media and go online. they don't want gatekeepers and filters and people telling them what they should see. >> the picture is one part of a nearly 2,000 word story that the ap told. it includes an interview with a corporal's father, an ex-marine who explained about the military's rules of engagement. he felt protecting afghans was putting american troops at unnecessary risk. john benard told me he wrote those letters of xplant just three weeks before his son was ambushed. >> a woman who was childhood friends with jaycee dugard said she had her own scary encounter with kidnappers right before she went missing. she actually played with dugard the day before she was kidnapped. and edwards told her parents a car with a man and woman inside followed her home from the bus stop. >> i remember hearing the tire tracks pull on to the dirt road behind me and freaked me out. and i remember walking faster, hearing the tires go faster. that made me even more scared. then i ran home. >> at 11 years old. it was my worst nightmare coming true. my mom stated, it's the boogy man coming to life. >> edwards started a pink ribbon campaign to keep hope up that dugard would be found. >> everybody loves a winner, especially a hometown winner. >> welcoming back their world champion little league team. this is hln. ♪ you're the one ♪ who's born to care this life was protected... ♪ seems you've always been right there ♪ this life was saved... ♪ soothing sadness ♪ healing pain and this life was made easier... ♪ making smiles appear again because of this life. nursing. at johnson & johnson, we salute all those who choose the life... that makes a difference. ♪ you're a nurse ♪ you make a difference a georgia family gets a second piece of devastating news in one week after first seeing eight relatives brutally killed. they now find out who police believe is responsible. president obama has a lot on his plate this coming week. a major address on health care. a speech to school kids under the microscope. what he says today about your retirement plus this -- >> nobody expected that these guys were going to be the world champions. >> world champions, forget the big leagues, boy, did they bring home a big win. we'll watch the royal welcome. this is hln news and views for saturday september 5th. i'm susan hendricks. right now to soun california, the tide may be turning against the wildfire. officials say the fire is almost 50% contained and the part of the fire raging east poses less of a threat to people there. >> firefighters farewell to the brave fallen comrades this weekend. tedmund hall and quinones, they were scouting an escape route for a crew under their super vigs. investigators are evidence found in the charred hills as they try to determine who set the fire. >> indicators can be things such as burned rocks, soil that's been damaged. we will look at any area where we think the fire may have begun for those indicators. >> governor schwarzenegger is offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the arsonist. authorities in western pennsylvania are searching for a missing 4-year-old boy. why yet was last seen last night. the boy has a congenital heart defect. he needs to take medication three times a day. they have to move fast here. police say they think wyatt may have wondered off from his home. he was last seen wearing a military style brown t-shirt and spider-man flip flops. >> a shocking new development in last weekend's brutal massacre of a family. police now believe the man who called 911 to report the killings was involved in them. guy heinze jr. is charged with eight counts of first degree murder. physical and testimonial evidence point to him. >> very late this afternoon two pieces of information came forward to us. we took those two pieces of information, compared it to the whole of all of the evidence collected all week long. we were satisfied that that led us to believe that guy heinze jr. is the responsible person for the murders. >> seven of the eight people killed will be buried today. heinze gave police false information about where it was during the killings and the circumstances before the 911 call. his father is one of the victims. president obama may be working on a new health care reform bill. as you know, congress has been working on for months without much luck. several sources tell cnn the president may be ready to unveil his own version sometime next week. yesterday he had a conversation call with the more liberal members of the house who said they won't vote for a bill that doesn't have a government-run insurance plan. >> president barack obama will address a joint session of congress to talk about his plan for health care reform. republicans are already revving up the criticism. congressman john kline said the plan is too expensive and being completed without republican support. >> democrats have crafted this legislation behind closed doors creating a partisan blue print that at last count clocked in at more than 1,000 pages. it's complicated and convoluted and not going to work. it's time to press the reset button. >> instead, congressman kline says the gop wants to make sure people who like their health care can keep it. president obama wants to encourage america's students to work hard and stay in school. some republican leaders and some parents don't want their kids to hear that message. the gop chairman in florida claims the president's tuesday speech amounts to political indoctrination. the white house calls that nonsense. the republican governor of minnesota says the president is not welcome in his state's classrooms. the complaints are baffling to teachers and enraging some parents. >> the embrace of technology as a young student, i would have been so excited as a kid to have the president talk to me. so i think it's a great opportunity for our students and we're going to embrace it. >> trying to bring his views all into the school and you know, with school kids and things, i don't think it's a good idea for him to do that. >> speaking to school kmirn is a presidential tradition. former president reagan campaigned for more tax cuts, the first president bush gave a similar speech and pushed for education proposals. the second president bush was in a classroom during the 9/11 attacks. president obama will be the first to address students over the internet. >> the president is also taking steps to help americans build up retirement savings. in his weekly address, president obama says he wants to make it easier for people to contribute to individual retirement accounts. >> as part of my budget, ensuring every american has access to a retirement savings account through his on her job. this plan to make it possible for workers to automatically enroll in iras through payroll contributions and it simplifies and expands tax credit for millions of family, matching half of the family savings and depositing the tax credit directly into a retirement account. >> another initiative would let people have the tax refund sent as savings bonds. o.j. simpson will remain behind bars. the nevada supreme court denied a request to let him out of prison while the court rules on an appeal. the court concluded the arguments by simpson and conv t convicted co-defendant didn't meet the heavy burden required to post bail. serving 9 to 23 years for his sports in the robbery of sport memorabilia dealers. >> it is confirmed, one of five sharks spotted was in fact a great white. police will be on boat patrol this weekend. urging swimmers to be extra careful. it was spotted by a shark expert about a mile from the closest beach. for now it's not causing much alarm, at least for nonswimmers. >> i'm surprised but i don't go in the water. >> especially now. >> especially now. >> they may be great whites. >> no kidding. that would be a little disturbing if i was a big swimmer. >> they are staying on the beach. public safety officials say the concern is not enough to close beaches during the busy holiday weekend. would you shell out $25,000 for dinner? before you answer, consider this. you would be having dinner with sarah palin. find out why the former alaska governor is selling an evening in her company. ♪ well i was shopping for a new car, ♪ ♪ which one's me - a cool convertible or an suv? ♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪ wwalmart checks other stores' schoprices,lies? and they'll match any advertised price. so instead of searching for "deals" out there... you can go back to school for less, right here. save money. live better. walmart. university of oregon running back le garrett blount is down after one year, suspended for the rest of the season because he punched an opposing player after thursday's night season opener. there he is, he clubbered boise byron hout who was taunting him. oregon's president called blount's behavior reprehensible. boise state says hout will be disciplined for taunting but not suspended. school children got caught in a cross fire of sorts after they watched a violent kidnapping happen from the bus seats. texas authorities say this man was tied up and carried out of his home. his wife says three hispanic men with guns bound her husband with duct tape. as they carried him out to a waiting suv, kids on the school bus watched as he yelled and struggled. others nearby heard a gunshot. police have a good description of the suv, but it has not been found yet. take a look at this, at the twisted metal from a nasty chain reaction crash that trapped two kids in a burning car. this happened in buffalo new york on thursday. a doctor happened to be in the traffic and saw the accident. he bashed in the windows to free a 5-year-old girl. a little boy was still wedged in the back. >> the engine was flaming and some of the smoke was starting to get in the pain compartment. >> somebody was saying, we won't be able to get the kid out. i said, there's no way we're not going to get the kid out. i'm not going to stand here with a car on fire and kid in it and leave the kid in there. we'll figure out a way of doing it. >> that doctor and another man figured a way out and managed to pull the 7-year-old out. he is in critical condition. five adults were also heard in the pileup. if you could like to have dinner with sarah palin, plan on picking up the tab. the former republican vice presidential candidate offering the dinner at an ebay charity auction at the program for wounded veterans. opening bid of $25,000. and speaking of paying the tab, alaska taxpayers are on the hook for the cost of palin's resignation, the state has to send a minimum of $40,000 because of her abrupt departure from office. if you can't seem to pay the credit card bills down, don't give up just yet. hln money expert clark howard says negotiation can be the key to climbing your way out of debt. >> do you know there are millions of americans who for any number of reasons are having trouble making their credit card payments right now. i have some great news for you. if you can't pay the bills and really there's no chance you ever feel you'll be able to pay them, do you know that now more than ever you can negotiate? i've seen several published reports recently about the great success people are having who have fallen behind on credit card debt, negotiating a debt directly with the credit card company. you don't need to hire somebody to do it. you can do it yourself. it's not a game or gimmick. the credit card company looks at you as having no chance of paying off your debt once you hit six months overdue. if you are some some position to make an offer, make it. what's the worst they can say? no. if you do work out a deal, make sure you have it in writing before you pay a penny. i'm clark howard for more money saving tips, go to c cnn.com/clarkhoward. he'll help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. >> a sweet celebration, growing up in a traditional mexican moem home she spent of our time in the kitchen. >> cooking and baking. >> no one ever baked a birthday cake for claudia's mother. i figure i would bake a cake for her. >> she brought home loads of samples, when her family had their fill, she gave her friends a taste. >> people were think gs, oh, wow, we didn't know you did cakes. how much would you charge for my son's birthday cake. >> over the past 15 years her cake business began to include flowers and full service events company called a day to remember. >> the equivalent of a sweet 16 peopl party, it represents a time when a young girl becomes a woman. she never had her own coming of age celebration. >> my dad gave me the choice of that or a car. i chose the car. hey, it's great to see you're back after that accident. well...i couldn't have gotten by without aflac! is that different from health insurance? well yeah... ...aflac pays you cash to help with the bills that health insurance doesn't cover. really? well, if you're hurt and can't work, who's going to help pay for gas? ..the mortgage, all kinds of expenses? aflacccccccccc! it's the protection you need to stay ahead of the game... exactly! aflac. we've got you under our wing. aflac, aflac, aflac... aflac, aflac, aflac without my makeup. now, it's no problem. (announcer) neutropéna tone correcting night serum with high performance soy to even skin tone and active retinol to speed cell turn over. clinically shown to visibly fade brown spots in 14 nights. i even out my skin at night so it looks younger, flawless in the morning. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting now you can fade and prevent discolorations all day. new tone correcting spf 30. former attorney general john ashcroft may find himself fighting a lawsuit. a federal appeals court claims a man who claims he was illegally detained after 9/11 can now sue ashcroft. the man, a u.s. citizen was held and interrogated for 16 days in 2003 as a material witness in a federal terrorism case. he argued as a prosecutor he was immune from lawsuits. the spokesperson told cnn they are reviewing the court's decision. oil company bp announced this week it has tapped into a giant pool of crude oil 7 miles below the gulf of mexico of the it could be one much largest petroleum discoveries in the u.s. 4 to 6 billion barrels of oil equivalent which includes natural gas. this is about a year's worth of us demands. they do not how much they can extract in spite of his size, experts say the well won't reduce u.s. dependence on foreign oil. an e-mail claims a group called the earth liberation front is responsible for knocking down the two radio station towers. the towers in the seattle area were torn down because of health and environmental concerns. the fbi is investigating and one agent says it hasn't found any evidence that other groups besides the elf were involved in this. the towers were apparently taken down with a piece of heavy equipment that was already at the site. more americans were killed in afghanistan this august than any month since the war started. but it's the picture of one death that is the heart of a brewing controversy and it's the picture cnn has decided not to show. chris lawrence explains why. >> reporter: when the taliban ambushed a marine patrol last month, a rocket-propelled grenade launched. they snapped a picture of him mortally wounded and released it against the family's wishes. >> if there was son or daughter they wouldn't do it. >> reporter: on the phone i spoke with the corporal's corporal bernard's father. >> i think they were given a privilege, by being assigned to that specific unit and that they were privileged to be there when my son was called home and i think they abused that trust. in. >> reporter: in all right to company's president, he called the decision appalling. the photo was actually one of many captured by a photographer embedded in corporal bernard's unit, including later scenes of fellow marines honoring him. the a.p. says bernard's death shows his sacrifice for his country. and releasing the photo was not an easy decision. quote, we feel it is our journalistic duty to show the reality of the war there, however unpleasant that may be. some newspapers ran it, others refused to. one media critic says he would not have run the photo, but -- >> that's exactly why some younger people say they don't consume the main stream media and they go online is because they don't want gate keepers and filters telling them what they should see. >> reporter: it's a nearly 2,000 word story that the a.p. told. it includes an interview with the corporal's father, an ex-marine who complained about the military's rules of engagement. he felt that protecting afghans was putting american troops at unnecessary risk. john bernard said he wrote those letters of complaint just three weeks before his son was ambushed. chris lawrence, cnnt pentagon. everybody loves a winner, especially a hometown winner. how the town of chula vista, california welcomed back their world champ little league team. this is hln. wellbeing. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nuture it in your cat.../ with a full family of excellent nutrition.../ and helpful resources. ♪ purina cat chow. share a better life. there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. tylenol doesn't interfere with certain high blood pressure medicines the way aleve metimes can. that's one reason why doctors recommend tylenol more than any other brand of pain reliever. kelly saunder's nature valley. ♪ the place that inspires her to go faster... ♪ and slower. ♪ elk mountains, colorado. where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended. a georgia family gets a second piece of devastating news in one week after first seeing eight relatives brutally killed they now find out who police believe is responsible. and president obama has a lot on his plate this coming week, a major address on health care, a speech to school kids that's under the microscope and what he said about your retirement. >> nobody expected that these guys were going to be the world champions. >> world champions, forget the big leagues, they may be leg leagues, but, boy, did they bring home a big win. this is hln news and views for this saturday september 5. i'm susan hendricks. right now in southern california, the tide may be turning in a battle against a wildfire. officials now say the fire is almost 50% contained and the part of the fire that is still raging east into the san gabriel wilderness poses less of a threat to people there. and firefighters bid a final farewell to a pair of brave firefighters killed last weekend. the funeral is scheduled for next saturday morning. the service will be held at dodgers stadium. the two firefighters were killed when their fire truck plunged down a mountain last weekend. they were scouting an escape route. >> indicators can be things such as burned rocks, it can be soil that's been damaged, so we will look at any area where we think the fire may have begun for those indicators. >> governor arnold schwarzenegger is offering a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the arsonist. a shocking new development in last weekend's brutal massacre of a family in a georgia mobile home. police now believe the man who called 911 to report the killings was involved in them. guy heinze jr. is now charged with eight counts of first-degree murder. police say evidence points to him. >> very late this afternoon, two pieces of information came forward to us. we took those two pieces of information, compared to it the whole of all the evidence collected all week long, we were satisfied and that led us to believe that guy heinze jr. is the responsible person for the murders. >> seven of the eight people killed will be buried today. an arrest warrant shows heinz gave police false information about where he was before the killings and about the circumstances before his 911 call. his father is one of the victims. o.j. simpson will remain behind bars. yesterday the nevada supreme court denied a request to let him out of prison while the court rules on an appeal to his conviction. the court concluded the arguments by simpson and his convicted co-defendant didn't meet the heavy burden required to post bail. simpson is serving nine to 33 years for his part in an armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers in september of 2007. as you know, congress has been working on a health care reform bill for months. yesterday president obama had a conference call with some of the more liberal members of the house. they said they won't vote for a bill that doesn't have a government run insurance plan. president barack obama will address a joint session of congress on wednesday night to talk about his plan for health care reform. but republicans are already ramping up their criticism. congressman john kline said the plan is just too expensive and is being completed without republican support. >> democrats have crafted this legislation behind closed doors creating a partisan blueprint that at last count clocked in at more than 1,000 pages. it's complicated, it's convoluted and it's quite simply not going to work. it's time to press the reset button. >> instead congressman kline says the gop wants to make sure people who aren't insured get insurance while people who like their health care can keep it. president obama wants to encourage america's students to work hard and stay in school. but some republican leaders and some parents don't want their kids to hear that message. the gop chairman in florida claims the president's tuesday speech amounts to political indoctrine nation, the white house calls that nonsense. the republican governor of minnesota says the president is not welcome in his state's classrooms. the complaints are baffling to a lot of teachers and are enraging some parents. >> it's the president talking to students. the embrace of technology, as a young student, i would have been so excited as a kid to have the president talk to me. so i think it's a great opportunity for our students and we're going to embrace it. >> trying to bring his views all into school and, you know, with tool tips and things. i don't think it's a good idea for him to do that. >> speaking to school children is really a presidential tradition. former president reagan delivered a nationwide address to student and campaigned for more tax cuts. the first president bush gave a similar speech and pushed for his education proposals. president obama will be the first address students over the internet. the president is also taking steps to help americans build up their retirement savings. in his weekly address, president obama said he wants to make it easier for people to contribute to individual retirement accounts. >> as part of my budget, i have proposed insuring that nearly every american have access to a retirement savings account through his or her job. this would make it possible for workers to automatically enroll in an ira through payroll contribution. and expanding a tax cut to a million families, matching savings up to $1,000 a year. >> another initiative would let people have their federal tax returns sent as savings bonds. and a group called the earth liberation front is responsible for knocking down these two radio station towers yesterday. the e-mail says the towers in the seattle area were torn down because of health and environmental concerns. the fbi is now investigating and one agent says it hasn't found any evidence that other groups besides the e.l.f. were involved in this. the towers were apparently taken down with a piece of heavy construction equipment that was already at the site. it is now confirmed that at least one of five sharks spotted off the massachusetts coast was in fact a great white. police will be on boat patrol off of cape cod this weekend. they are urging swimmers to be extra careful. the great white was spotted by a shark expert about a mile from the closest beach. right now it's not causing much alarm, at least for nonswimmers, that is. >> i'm surprised, but i don't go in the water, so -- >> especially now? >> especially now. >> they may be great whites. >> no kidding? that would be a little bit concerning this i was a big swimmer. but we're just staying on the beach. >> public officials say it is not enough to close beaches on this busy holiday weekend. would you shell out $5,000 for a dinner? but consider this, you would be having dinner with sarah palin. find out why the former alaska governor is selling an evening in her company. towels in my room. continue. ( strokes violin ) ♪ do you need anybody! friendly service. real value from your friends at hampton. new aches and pains, ...and new questions about which pain reliever is right for your body. tylenol 8 hour works with your body, with one layer that dissolves quickly... ...one layer that lasts all y ...and no layers that irritate your stomach the way that ibuprofen can. it's tough on your body pain. not on your body. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! you know, it makes me feel pretty good. we're offering a solution for a customer that maybe has to choose between paying their credit card or putting food on the table. our main objective is to reach out to the customers that are falling behind on their payments. a lot of customers are proud and happy that bank of america actually has a solution to help them out. i listen. that's the first thing i do is i listen. you know what, what happened? what put you in this situation? and everyone's situation is different. we always want to make sure that we're doing what's best for our cardholders. i'll go through some of his monthly expenses, if he has a mortgage payment, if he pays rent. and then i'll use all that information to try and see what kind of a payment he financially can handle. i want to help you., bank of america wants to help you, through this difficult time. when they come to you and they say thank you aj,, for helping me with this problem, that's where we get our joy from., university of oregon running back legarrette blount is done for the year because he punched an opposing player after a confrontation during saturday night's season opener. he clocked byron hout who was guarding him. oregon called blount's behavior reprehensible. . a bizarre story out of texas. school children got caught in a cross fire of sorts after they watched a violent kidnapping happen from their bus seat. texas authorities say this man was tied up and carried out of his home near el paso. three hispanic men entered her home and carried him out. kids on a school bus watched as he yelled and struggled. other people nearby said they heard a gunshot. police have a got description of the suv but it has not been found yet. take a look at this, at the twisted metal from a nasty chain reaction crash that trapped two kids in a burning car. this happened in buffalo, new york on thursday. and a doctor just happened to be in the traffic and saw the accident. he bashed in the windows to free a 5-year-old girl moving quickly. but a little boy was still wedged in the back. >> the engine was flaming and some of the smoke was starting to get in the passenger compartment. somebody was saying, we're not going to be able to get that kid out. and i said to myself, there's no way we're not going to get that kid out. i'm not going to stand here with a car on fire and a kid in it and leave a kid in there. i said, we'll figure out a way of doing it. >> another man did figure out a way to do it. they pulled the boy out and he is now in critical condition. private citizens were also hurt in the pileup. a cueiougar is on the loose seattle. at least four people reported seeing the cougar in the area recently. one man even said he saw it in his driveway yesterday morning. wildlife agents set up a trap and said they're getting closer to catching it. if you would like to have dinner with alaska governor sarah palin, she's offering the dinner at an ebay charity auction. the 10-day auction begins. and alaska taxpayers are on the hook for the cost of palin's resignation. the state has to spend a minimum of $40,000 because of her abrupt departure from office. palin's spokeswoman says the figure is misleading. if you can't seem to pay those credit card bills down, don't give up yet. negotiation can be the key to climbing your way out of debt. >> do you know there are millions of americans for any number of reasons are having trouble making their credit card payments right now? i have some great news for you. if you can't pay the bill and really there's no chance you ever feel you'll be able to pay them, do you know that now more than ever you can negotiate? i have seen several published reports recently about the great success people are having who have fallen behind on credit card debt negotiating a deal directly with the credit card company. you don't need to hire somebody to do it. you can do it yourself. it's not a game, it's not a gimmick, the credit card company looks at you as having no chance of paying off your debt once you hit six months that you're overdue. so if you are in a position to come up with some kind of offer to a credit card company, make it. what's the worst they can say? no. if you do work out a deal, make sure you have it in writing before you pay a penny. i'm clark howard with more money saving tips, go to c nrks nrnn.k howard. >> you can get more from clark howard in this strugglingically to help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. ically to help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. ecoically to help you save , spend less and avoid getting ripped off. nically to help you more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. oically to h more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. mically to h more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. yically to h more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. cally to hel more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. ally to help more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. lly to help more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. y to help yo, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. to help you save mo spend less and avoid getting ripped off. you could say it's a case of life imitating art. in -- dropped on average from 1963 -- researchers say there's a direct link to the smaller families people saw on television. dr. sanjay gupta has more in today's "vital signs." >> reporter: the music, the drama, this is brazilian telenovella at its best. you don't have to speak the language to understand the emotion in the delivery. the young star is known for taking on difficult characters. he plays a recently diagnosed schizophrenic, battling not only himself, but the stigma of mental illness. when we catch up with him on the set, he just completed a scene acting out a group therapy session. his fellow actors rchb s at all group of patients struggling with mental illness. >> for more on this and medical stories from around the world, here's what you do, just head to our website, cnn.com/vital signs. video. >> v v it hard to breathe. but now that i'm breathing better with advair... i can enjoy the zoo with my grandkids. (announcer) for people with copd including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. we had a great day, grandpa! we sure did. ask your doctor how advair helps improve lung function for better breathing. (announcer) find out how to get your first full prescription free at advaircopd.com. a woman who was childhood friends with jaycee dugard said she had her own scary encounter with possible kidnappers right before dugard went missing 18 years old. she said she actually played with dugard the day before she was kidnapped and the week before she disappeared. she told her that a car with a man and woman inside followed her home from the bus stop. >> i remember hearing the car on the drive behind me. and i got scared and started walking faster. and i ran home. at 11 years old, it was my worst nightmare coming true. my mom stated, it's the boogeyman coming to life. >> shortly after jaycee's disappearance, edwards started a pink ribbon campaign to keep up hope that dugard could be found. > five more banks were forced to shut their doors. so that are the loan defaults have pushed 89 banks into failure. john ashcroft may soon find himself fighting a lawsuit. a federal appeals court claim a man who was illegally detained after 9/11 can now sue ashcroft. according to court documents, a man, a u.s. citizen was held and interrogated for 16 days in 2003 as a material witness in a federal terrorism case. ashcroft has argued that as a prosecutor, he was immune to lawsuits. ashcroft's spokesperson told cnn they are reviewing the court's decision. the small southeast asian island of timore erupted in a violent fight for independence ten years ago. at least a quarter-million people were displaced. one man was so moved he changed his whole life to help them out. tanya hardy is cnn's hero. >> it was riots, buildings being burned, people trying to save their lives. the children are supposed to have proper -- that's why we committed to go and to help them. my name is rudy, i'm a pilot. when we started, we only had four children. and we find others even more that needed help. so we decided to build our own orphanage building. right from the beginning, we give them vaccination, clothing, food. we couldn't give them anything more valuable than a proper education. ♪ a, b, c, d, e, f, g >> when parents died, i couldn't go to school. for me, i am now in an american school. >> we are able to provide and to teach them, just be who you are, help others and do it from your heart. >> to learn more about budi's amazing work, just go to cnn.com/heroes. in just a few weeks, we'll be introducing the top ten cnn heroes of 2009.?e a georgia family gets a second piece of devastating news in one week after first seeing eight relatives brutally killed they now find out who police believe is responsible. and president obama has a lot on his plate this coming week, a major address on health care, a speech to school kids that's under the microscope and what he says today about your retirement. plus this. nobody expected that these guys were going to be the world champions. >> world champions, forget the big leagues, the newest heroes in one california town may be little league, but, boy, did they bring home a big win. this is hln news and views for this saturday september 5. i'm susan hendricks. right now in southern california, the tide may be turning in a battle against a wildfire. officials now say the fire is almost 50% contained and the part of the fire that is still raging east into the san gabriel wilderness poses less of a threat to people there. meanwhile firefighters will bid a final farewell to a pair of brave fallen comrades killed last weekend. the funeral is scheduled for next saturday morning. the service will be held at dodgers stadium. the two firefighters were killed when their fire truck plunged down a mountain last weekend. they were scouting an escape route for a crew under their supervision. investigators are examining evidence found in the charred hills as they try to determine who set the fire. >> indicators can be things such as burned rocks, it can be soil that's been damaged, so we will look at any area where we think the fire may have begun for those indicators. >> governor arnold schwarzenegger is offering a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the arsonist. one man is in custody after the search for a missing 4-year-old boy come dos a tragic end. wyatt smith's body was found in a acceptic tank this morning in western pennsylvania. he was last seen wednesday night playing with his sisters near his home. after he didn't return with them, a search was started. the child's body was sadly discovered when a neighbor noticed a septic tank lid was open. wyatt had a condition that required medication three times a day. a shocking new development in last weekend's brutal massacre of a family in a georgia mobile home. police now believe the man who called 911 to report the killings was involved in them. guy heinze jr. is now charged with eight counts of first-degree murder. police say physical and testimonial evidence point to him. >> very late this afternoon, two pieces of information came forward to us. we took those two pieces of information, compared to it the whole of all the evidence collected all week long, we were satisfied and that led us to believe that guy heinze jr. is the responsible person for the murders. >> seven of the eight people killed will be buried today. an arrest warrant shows heinz gave police false information about where he was before the killings and about the circumstances before his 911 call. his father is one of the victims. president obama may be working on a new health care reform bill. as you know, congress has been working on for months without much luck. several sources tell cnn the president may be ready to unveil his own version sometime next week. yesterday, he had a conference call with some of the most liberal members of the house. they said they won't vote for a bill that doesn't have a government run insurance plan. president barack obama will address a joint session of congress on wednesday night to talk about his plan for health care reform. but republicans are already ramping up their criticism. in his party's weekly address, congressman john kline said the plan was just too expensive and is being completed without republican support. >> democrats have crafted this legislation behind closed doors creating a partisan blueprint that at last count clocked in at more than 1,000 pages. it's complicated, it's convoluted and it's quite simply not going to work. it's time to press the reset button. >> instead congressman kline says the gop wants to make sure american who is aren't insured get insurance, while people who like their health care can keep it. president obama wants to encourage america's students to work hard and stay in school. but some republican leaders and some parents don't want their kids to hear that message. the gop chairman in florida claims the president's tuesday speech amounts to political indoctrination, the white house calls that nonsense. the republican governor of minnesota says the president is not welcome in his state's classrooms. the complaints are baffling to a lot of teachers and are enraging some parents. >> it's the president talking to students. the embrace of technology, as a young student, i would have been so excited as a kid to have the president talk to me. so i think it's a great opportunity for our students and we're going to embrace it. >> trying to bring his views all into school and, you know, with school kids and things. so, no, i don't think it's a good idea for him to do that. >> speaking to school children is really a presidential tradition. former president reagan delivered a nationwide address to student and campaigned for more tax cuts. the first president bush gave a similar speech and pushed for his education proposals. the second president bush was in a florida classroom during the 9/11 attacks. you may remember that. president obama will be the first address students over the internet. the president is also taking steps to help americans build up their retirement savings. in his weekly address, president obama said he wants to make it easier for people to contribute to individual retirement accounts. >> as part of my budget, i have proposed insuring that nearly every american have access to a retirement savings account through his or her job. this plan would make it possible for workers to automatically enroll in iras through payroll contributions and the budget simplifies and expands tax cuts to millions of families matching savings up to $1,000 a year and depositing it directly into a retirement account. >> another initiative would let people have their federal tax returns sent as savings bonds. o.j. simple son will remain behind bars. yesterday the supreme court denied a request to let him out of prison while the court rules on an appeal to his conviction. the court concluded the arguments by simpson and his convicted co-defendant didn't meet the heavy burden required to post bail. simpson is serving nine to 33 years for his part in an armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers in september of 2007. it is now confirmed that at least one of five sharks spotted off the massachusetts coast was in fact a great white. police will be on boat patrol off of cape cod this weekend. they are urging swimmers to be extra careful. the great white was spotted by a shark expert about a mile from the closest beach. right now it's not causing much alarm, at least for nonswimmers, that is. >> i'm surprised, but i don't go in the water, so -- >> especially now? >> especially now. >> they may be great whites. >> no kidding? that would be a little bit concerning if i was a big swimmer. but we're just staying on the beach. >> public officials say it is not enough to close beaches on this busy holiday weekend. severe w weather, medical emergencies, getting lost, travelers need to prepare for anything. >> there are many things that could happen when you're traveling in particular with regard to the weather. travel insurance will help reimburse you for your expenses and help to bring you home. >> you should take extra care when you travel overseas. >> many people worry about losing their passport while they're traveling. make a color copy of it and put it in your hotel room. >> and make sure you can get cash when you need it. >> before you leave for a trip abroad, change your atm pin to a four digit code. most foreign atms only accept a four digit code and this will help you get cash while you're traveling. it's what doct most for headaches. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers.. and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol... more than any other brand of pain reliever. i know landscaping, but i didn't know how wireless could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business. tara showed me how i could keep track of my employees in the field and get more jobs done faster. i was blown away. i'm blown away./ only verizon wireless has small-business specialists in every store to help you do business better. we should get you a hat. now buy any blackberry, like the new tour, at our lowest prices ever, and get one free. university of oregon running back legarrette blount is done for the year after only one game. he's been suspended for the season because he punched an opposing player after a confrontation during saturday nights's season opener. he clocked byron hout who was taunting him. oregon's president called blount's behavior rep hence blg. a bizarre story out of texas. school children got caught in a cross fire of sorts after they watched a violent kidnapping happen from their bus seat. texas authorities say this man was tied up and carried out of his home near el paso. his wife says three hispanic men with guns entered their home and bound her husband with duct tape. as they carried him out to waiting suv, kids on the school bus watched as he yelled and struggled. other people nearby say they heard a gunshot. police have a good description of the suv but it has not been found yet. it has happened once again, five more u.s. banks were forced to shut their doors on friday. two of the banks are in illinois, so far this year, the struggling economy and rising lo loan defaults have pushed 89 u.s. banks into failure. take a look at this, at the twisted metal from a nasty chain reaction crash that trapped two kids in a burning car. this happened in buffalo, new york on thursday. and a doctor just happened to be in the traffic and saw the accident. he bashed in the windows to free a 5-year-old girl moving quickly. but a little boy was still wedged in the back. >> the engine was flaming and some of the smoke was starting to get in the passenger compartment. somebody was saying, we're not going to be able to get that kid out. and i said to myself, there's no way we're not going to get that kid out. i'm not going to stand here with a car on fire and a kid in it and leave a kid in there. i said, we'll figure out a way of doing it. >> that doctor and another man did figure out a way to do it. they pulled the 7-year-old boy out, the boy is in critical condition. five adults were also hurt in the pileup. wildlife agents believe a wild cougar is on the loose near dournlt seattle. they closed the city park where the cougar is believed fob hiding. at least four people reported seeing the cougar in the area recently. one man even said he saw it in his driveway yesterday morning. wildlife agents set up a trap and said they're getting closer to catching it. if you would like to have dinner with former alaska governor sarah palin, plan on picking up the tab, and a huge one at that. the former republican vice presidential candidate is offering the dinner at an ebay charity auction benefiting wounded veterans. the starting bid is $25,000. and alaska taxpayers are on the hook for the cost of palin's resignation. the associated press estimates the state has to spend a minimum of $40,000 because of her abdrupt depart dhur from office. palin's spokeswoman says the figure is misleading. as for details emerge about phillip garrido's violent past, people are wondering why he wasn't considered a suspect when jaycee dugard disappeared 18 years ago. and now a friend of jaycee's reveals more about garrido's criminal history. john ashcroft may soon find himself fighting a lawsuit. a federal appeals court claim a man who was illegally detained after 9/11 can now sue ashcroft. according to court documents, a man, a u.s. citizen was held and interrogated for 16 days in 2003 as a material witness in a federal terrorism case. ashcroft has argued that as a prosecutor, he was immune to lawsuits. john ashcroft's spokesperson told cnn they are reviewing the court's decision. oil company b.p. announced this week it has tapped into a giant pool of crude oil about certain miles below the gulf of mexico. it is one of the largest petroleum deposits in the u.s. b.p. does not know how much it can extract. an e-mail claims a group called the earth liberation front is responsible for knocking down these two radio station towers yesterday. the e-mail says the towers in the seattle area were torn down because of health and environmental concerns. the fbi is now investigating and one agent says it hasn't found any evidence that other groups besides the e.l.f. were involved in this. the towers were apparently taken down with a piece of heavy construction equipment that was already at the site. more americans were killed in afghanistan this august than in any month since the war started. but it is the picture of one death that is at the heart of a broiling controversy and it is a picture that cnn has decided not to show. chris lawrence explains why. >> when the taliban ambushed a marine patrol last month, a rocket grenade ripped into corporal joshua bernard. the a.p. snapped a picture of him and has now released it against the family's wishes. >> reporter: on the phone i spoke with corporal bernard's father. >> i think they were given a privilege by being assigned to that specific unit and that they were privileged to be there when my son was called home. i think they abbecaused that trust. in a letter to the company's president, called the decision appalling. the controversy comes just as president obama considers the possibility of deploying more americans to afghanistan. the a.p. show the reality of the war there. however unpleasant and brutal that sometimes is. cnn has chosen not to show the photo and a.p. image. some newspapers ran it, others refused to. one media critic says he would not have run the photo, but -- >> that's exactly why some younger people say they don't consume the main stream media is because they don't want gate keepers and filters and people telling them what they should say. >> the story includes an interview with the corporal's father. he felt that protecting afghans was putting american troops at unnecessary risk. john bernard told me he wrote those letters of complaint just three weeks before his son was ambushed. a woman who was childhood friends with jaycee dugard says she had her own scary encounter with possible kidnappers right before dugard went missing 18 years ago. emeala edwards said she actually played with dugard the day before she was kidnapped and the week before she disappeared. she said that a car with a man and woman inside followed her home from the bus stop. >> i remember hearing the tire tracks turn on to the dirt road behind me and it freerked me out and i remember the tires moving faster and that made me even more scared and i ran home. at 11 years old, it was my worst nightmare coming true. my mother stated it was the boogeyman coming to life. edwards started a pink ribbon campaign to keep hope up that dugard would be found. everybody loves a winner, especially a hometown winner. how the town of chula vista, california welcomes back their little week world champion team. this is hln.an until i was going to get...ind t my driver's permit at fifteen, seven months. i think the stories that affect me the most... are the ones i hear from children. they go off to start off in life, and by no fault of their own, they're already in a hole. you're supposed to, uh, protect your children. it's hard to protect them from an identity theft when... you don't know who's out there doing it. so how do you protect them from an unknown source? i just couldn't believe it and i was really... frustrated and just... flabbergasted, i guess. security. peace of mind. protection. that's what lifelock provides. to this day we don't know the damage... that's been done to his credit. now we gotta go get my credit fixed... and get it back to where it's just nothing. i was told that i could write a letter... tobhe credit reporting bureau, or to write it to all three, 'cause some get it reported, some don't. the one thing i would tell you is take action. learn what you can do for yourself for free, or look at a service, in detail, like lifelock, who can be there for you, put that frontline of defense, and have a $1 million guarantee. parents need to realize that this can happen to you. it's my identity, and i don't like people... messing with my stuff. protect yourself, your family, and all you've worked hard for. take control of your identity. protect yourself with lifelock's... proactive protection and our $1 million... total service guarantee. security. peace of mind. protection. that's what lifelock provides. you can take control of your identity. call now for special savings and we'll also give you... 30 days to try lifelock absolutely free. call now and mention id. call now or go to lifelock.com. ♪ the frantic search for a missing pennsylvania boy has come to a tragic end. the homicide investigation is now underway. what police found outside of pittsburgh. a georgia family gets a second piece of devastating news in one week after first seeing eight relatives brutally killed they now find out who police believe is responsible. piecing together a brand new opera, 140 characters at a time. see how the composition made its way from twist tore the london stage. you're watching hln on this saturday, september 5. glad you're with us, i'm susan hen depression. . wyatt smits sky's body has been found. now man is in custody, but police have not released the suspect's name. the boy was last seen friday evening playing with his sisters near his home. when he didn't return with them, a search was soon started. hundreds of people joined him today. his body was discovered when a searcher noticed a neighbor's septic tank lid was open. the search was even more urgent because wyatt had a condition that required medication three times a day. >> most of the victims in the brutal slaying here in brunswick, georgia are going to be laid to rest today. seven caskets were in a funeral home last night. family members wanted our cameras there, they wanted to remind people that a killer was out there, quote, a monster, and they wanted the person responsible arrested. there was an arrest late friday night. police chief here in gwynne county said he had a couple of new pieces of evidence that came to light late friday. he wouldn't say what they were, and he wouldn't talk about a possible motive. but we know that 22-year-old guy heinze jr. who made a very passionate 911 call is the one who found the victims and is now charged with these killings. he not only killed his father, but five other family members and two children as well. >> this is the most heinous crime we have ever had in the community, i think we all know that. much more than that, i don't want to comment, i don't want to say that would be inappropriate. but there's still a lot going on right now that the family's going through, that grieving process. and i just want to leave it alone right there. >> reporter: police chief doering says that heinze jr. wasn't a suspect until late friday and he had been let out on bail late friday, only to be arrested an hour and a half later. and family members found out that heinze jr. had been charged with these crimes while they were at the visitation. they say they were simply floored, simply shocked and that it's going to take a long time to recover from. fire crews are turning a corner on the wildfire that has scorched southern california. the fire is almost 50% contained right now. and the part that is still raging east into the san gabriel wilderness poses less of a threat to people. meanwhile firefighters bid a final farewell to a pair of very brave fallen firefighters next weekend. investigators are examining evidence found in the chars hilled as they try to find out who set the fire. >> indicators can be things such as burned rocks, it can be soil that's been damaged, so we will look at any area where we think the fire may have begun for those indicators. >> governor arnold schwarzenegger is offering a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the arsonist. when congress returns to work next week, overhauling the u.s. health care and insurance system will move to the top of the capitol's to do list. deputy political director paul ste steinhauser in is washington. >> reporter: susan, the president goes prime time on wednesday night. it's just the second time he's done that during his presidency. we expect mr. obama will give us more details about what he wants in any health care bill. the big question of course, will the president drop a public option. such a government plan which would compete with private health insurance, it's proposed by democrats and some republicans as well. cnn has learned that the white house is quietly drafting its even health care reform bill that it could introduce to congress if needed. do americans support what the president is doing on health care? our poll say 48% favor the president's plan and 51% oppose. one thing's for sure, after a month of a lot of media coverage of those town hall meetings, attention will shift this weekend from them to the president. president obama wants to encourage america's students to work hard and stay in school. but some republican leaders and some parents don't want their kids to hear that message. the gop chairman in florida claims the president's tuesday speech amounts to political indoctrination, the white house calls that nonsense. the republican governor of minnesota says the president is not welcome in his state's classrooms. the complaints are baffling to a lot of teachers and are enraging some parents. >> it's the president talking to students. the embrace of technology, as a young student, i would have been so excited as a kid to have the president talk to me. so i think it's a great opportunity for our students and we're going to embrace it. >> trying to bring his views all into school and, you know, with school kids and things, so, no, i don't think it's a good idea for him to do. so, no, i don't think it's a good idea for him to do that. >> speaking to school children is really a presidential tradition. former president reagan delivered a nationwide address to student and campaigned for more tax cuts. the first president bush gave a similar speech and pushed for his education proposals. the second president bush was in a florida classroom during the 9/11 attacks. you may remember that. president obama will be the first address students over the internet. the president is also taking steps to help americans build up their retirement savings. in his weekly address, president obama said he wants to make it easier for people to contribute to individual retirement accounts. >> as part of my budget, i have proposed insuring that nearly every american have access to a retirement savings account through his or her job. this plan would make it possible for workers to automatically enroll in iras through payroll contributions and the budget simplifies and expands tax cuts to millions of families matching half of a family's savings up to $1,000 per year and depositing the tax credit directly into a retirement account. >> another initiative would let people have their federal tax returns sent as savings bonds. a quiet massachusetts beach resort, a busy holiday weekend, and something lurking in the water, all that's missing is the scary music, right? we'll take you there on hln news and views. hearts happy... ...and big hearts happy too. because as part of a heart healthy diet... ...those delicious oats in cheerios can help naturally lower cholesterol. 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(announcer) find out how to get your first full prescription free at advaircopd.com. a woman who was childhood friends with jaycee dugard said she had her own scary encounter with possible kidnappers before jaycee went missing 18 years ago. and now a friend of jaycee's reveals more about garrido's criminal history. emeala edwards said she actually played with dugard the day before she was kidnapped and the week before she disappeared. she said that a car with a man and woman inside followed her home from the bus stop. >> i remember hearing the tire tracks turn on to the dirt road behind me and it freaked me out and i remember the tires moving faster and that made me even more scared and i ran home. at 11 years old, it was my worst nightmare coming true. my mother stated it was the boogeyman coming to life. edwards started a pink ribbon campaign to keep hope up that dugard would be found. o.j. simpson will remain behind bars. yesterday the nevada supreme court denied a request to let him out of prison while the court rules on an appeal to his conviction. the court concluded the arguments by simpson and his convicted co-defendant didn't meet the heavy burden required to post bail. simpson is serving nine to 33 years for his part in an armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers in september of 2007. john ashcroft may soon find himself fighting a lawsuit. a federal appeals court claim a man who was illegally detained after 9/11 can now sue ashcroft. according to court documents, a man, a u.s. citizen was held and interrogated for 16 days in 2003 as a material witness in a federal terrorism case. ashcroft has argued that as a prosecutor, he was immune to lawsuits. ashcroft's spokesperson told cnn they are reviewing the court's decision. if you would like to have dinner with former alaska governor sarah palin, plan on picking up the tab, and a huge one at that. the former republican vice presidential candidate is offering the dinner at an ebay charity auction in a program benefiting wounded veterans. the starting bid is $25,000. and alaska taxpayers are on the hook for the cost of palin's resignation. the associated press estimates the state has to spend a minimum of $40,000 because of her abrupt departure from office. palin's spokeswoman says the figure is misleading. a massachusetts congressman is considering getting into the race to succeed late senator ted kennedy. yesterday democratic representative steven lynch picked up the paper work that he will need to run for the seat. lynch said he will be making a decision in the next week or so. the special election will be held january 19. massachusetts attorney general martha cokley was the first to announce her candidacy. university of oregon running back legarrette blount is done for the year after only one game. he is suspended from the team for the rest of the season because he punched an opposing player during a confrontation at the thursday night's season opener. there he is. he clobbered byron hout who was taunting him. oregon's president called blount's behavior reprehensible. hout will be disciplined for taunting but won't be suspended. it is now confirmed that at least one of five sharks spotted off the massachusetts coast was in fact a great white. police will be on boat patrol off of cape cod this weekend. they are urging swimmers to be extra careful. the great white was spotted by a shark expert about a mile from the closest beach. right now it's not causing much alarm, at least for nonswimmers, that is. >> i'm surprised, but i don't go in the water, so -- >> especially now? >> especially now. >> they may be great whites. >> no kidding? that would be a little bit disturbing if i was a big swimmer. but we have been just been looking at the seals. >> public officials say it is not enough to close beaches on this busy holiday weekend. you could say it's a case of life imitating art. in brazil the number of children for each woman dropped on average. there's a direct link to the smaller size of families viewers saw on television. sanjay gupta has more in today's vital signs. >> reporter: the music, the drama, this is brazilian telenovella at its best. you don't have to speak the language to understand the emotion in the actor's delivery. the young star is known for taking on difficult characters. in his current role, he plays tarzo, a recently diagnosed schizophrenic, battling not only himself, but the stigma of mental illness. when we catch up with him on the set, he just completed a scene acting out a group therapy session. his fellow actors aren't actors at all, but a group of patients struggling with mental illness. >> for more on this and medical stories from around the world, here's what you do, just head to our website, cnn.com/vital signs. >> vital signs in association with phillips, because we're thinking of your health and well-being. . unlock an outdoor dreamland for your indoor cat. exciting flavor combinations, plus a touch of garden greens make it irresistible. friskies indoor delights. feed the senses. tylenol doesn't interfere with certain high blood pressure medicines the way aleve metimes can. that's one reason why doctors recommend tylenol more than any other brand of pain reliever. don't get the recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin d? that's where their favorite cereals like trix and lucky charms can help. general mills big g is the only leading line of kid cereals that has both calcium and vitamin d in every box. check for this banner on the cereals they already love... like cinnamon toast crunch and cocoa puffs, help them get more of what they need with general mills kid cereals. another one of those popular videos on our sites improves how infe infectious laughter can be as a wife giggles -- >> as my lawfully and pancaky, i don't care -- >> makes you laugh, doesn't it? now the bride may be forgiven for breaking up. he tried to put the ring on the wrong way. the pastor even tried to keep a straight face, but eventually joined in on the laugher. he even made a joke saying court is now in recess, eventually everyone composed themselves and the pastor was able to pronounce the couple man and wife. the bible often mentions city walls, archaeologists in israel have found one that may be among the oldest and it's one of the most popular stories on our website today. it was built about 3,700 years ago. it is near the city of jerusalem. they have been digging there since 1995, but it's a section discovered just last year that's proving to be an important find. it is 26 feet high and made of huge cut marble stone. scientists say they have no idea how it was done without mechanical equipment. the wall is believed to have been cut by ancient pagan people who the bible says inhabited jerusalem and other parts of the middle east. here is the report found on our video page. >> reporter: ronnie wright says the complexity of the construction reveals new detail about the sophistication of middle bronze age jerusalem. >> two big straight walls, to put the stone on the seventh meter and above is -- i don't know how to do it today without electrical equipment. >> the wall was built for protection for a spring nearby. . college students would rather cheat than fail a class for getting help onlip. line. papers selling papers for $15 a page online. listen to this man who says he has written dozens of papers for american students on internet essay sites. >> it's unethical, but i come from a third world country and it's good pay. >> of course that's contributing making our society dumber because they're not learning how to do the work themselves and how to communicate. >> cheating has apparently gotten so bad the university of san diego has a mandatory seminar for student who is cheat. 700 took part last school year. this new skult chur in a colorado town is a little too natural for some way. it shows a bare bottomed rock climber. it was recently put up in the main intersection in the town of silt. >> who would climb a rock naked? that could get you hurt? >> first people complained and then it got rumored around and now the people who do like it are contacting us. >> i thought it would be fun to take a picture of it. >> the naked rock climber isn't the only part of the sculpture, it also shows colorado wildlife. the town's board members approved it before it was installed. this will be a labor day weekend full of this, hugs and kisses for 128 soldier who is got a hero's home coming in alabama. members of the 46th engineering battalion spent the last 15 months in baghdad rebuilding schools and bridges. >> being able to spend time with him and him missing like all the first time she sat up and the first time she said mama and maybe she'll say dada soon. >> it's been so long to be without your loved ones. >> by the way, every soldier who went to iraq in june of last year made it back home. if you're not a big opera fan, you probably assume the art form is just for uptight stodgy folks. it's got the twitter voice buzzing. hear how the new opera house is creating it's new hit.