police move in at the capitol rotunda and move out some noisy demonstrators in handcuffs. there's a crucial issue president obama they say he needs to pay attention to. everybody's asking why did she do it. days after her arrest for dui, steve mcnair's girlfriend killed him and then herself. police say they do have a motive. also, a gruesome story, possibly more than 100 bodies allegedly dug up from their final resting places in a clandestine scheme here. who's charged with doing it, and why. all righty. it is thursday. and we are so glad to have your company, as always. thanks for sharing your time with us. you're with hln "news and views." we're talking about aids activists today who staged a noisy protest inside the capitol rotunda. capitol police arrested 26 people. they charged them with unlawful assembly. police say they were part of a group that end erd the rotunda and bound themselves together with plastic chains. on their website the group said they tried to take over the rotunda to demand action on aids from president obama and congress. the protest came a day before key congressional votes on aids programs, and a day, of course, before president obama leaves for a trip to africa. meanwhile, how much did the family know about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use. well, two sources tell our sister network cnn the family members were so concerned about him, in fact, that they tried to stage an intervention. sources say sister janet grew so concerned about his appearance after a visit back in 2007, that she tried to intervene with help from some of her mothers. jackson reportedly ordered his security guards not to let family members into his home and refused to take calls from his mother, katherine. some family members issued a statement emphatically denying the source's claim. here ooh's what it says. we categorically deny ever planning, participating in, or having knowledge of any kind of intervention whatsoever. we strongly believe that these sources and others, no matter who they are, are making these defamatory, inaccurate and untrue claims for monetary reasons. now, the statement is signed by tito, marlon, jackie, jermaine and katherine jackson. janet, however, did not sign that statement. jackson's dermatologist says he knew the pop superstar used diprivan as a sleep aid, and he says he warped jackson about the powerful sedative's dangers. on "larry king live" last night, dr. arnold klein not only talked about drug use, he also addressed lingering speculation that he fathered jackson's children. >> did michael tell you he used diprivan? >> i knew at one point that he was using diprivan when he was on tour in germany. and so he was using it, with an anesthesiologist, to go to sleep at night. i told him he was absolutely insane. i said, you have to understand with this drug, you can't repeatedly take it. what happens with narcotics, no matter what you do, you build a kol rans for them. >> larry: what about the rumors of the children and you being the father of them? >> michael loved those children as a father. those children loved him as a father. that's the most important grouping there is. >> larry: that's nottensing the question. >> no, because i'm not going to answer oef- >> larry: you donated sperm? >> i donate to a sperm bank. i don't think i should go oh over my legal affairs. to the best of my knowledge, i'm not the father. >> klein admits obviously as you heard right there that he did donate sperm to a sperm bank, but not to jackson specifically. he said he would be willing to take a dna test. nashville police have officially ruled the death of steve mcnair a murder-suicide, and they may have pinned down a motive here. the new dash cam video we've gotten in, police released this of mcnair's 20-year-old mistress, sahel kazemi. they say she shot mcnair four times as he slept and then killed herself. they arrested her for dui just two days before those shootings. mcnair was a passenger in that car, by the way. he was not charged. and left in a cab, actually. investigators say kazemi told friends her life was spinning out of control because of financial problems. and she suspected mcnair was seeing someone else. police also released the 911 call a friend of mcnair's made after the bodies were discovered. >> i received a phone call that there were injured parties inside this apartment. >> male or female? >> there's two people. >> two people? >> yeah. >> and they both appear to be deceased? >> i think so, sir. >> you got a call from who? >> his name is wayne. they share this apartment. and he came by, he walked in, and he really didn't pay no attention, but he said, i think -- i think they're hurt in there. so he called me because he knows i'm the man's best man. so he went to check on him. it is not looking good in here. >> you said the guy's name is what that you got the call from? >> wayne. >> wayne? do you know his last name? >> huh-uh. >> he's the roommate? >> yeah. >> family and friends will attend a memorial service for mcnair tonight. the 36-year-old former nfl most valuable player was married with four kids. seven democratic members of congress say cia director leon pa net a recently testified that the agency misled congress since 2001. the democrats didn't reveal specific details about his testimony, but they did say he told them the cia had concealed significant actions from all members of congress for a number of years. now, in may, remember, house speaker nancy pelosi accused the cia of misleading congress during a closed-door briefing back in 2002. today pelosi said she hasn't spoken to panetta about his testimony. >> democrats in the house intelligence committee said they told them that the cia misled -- >> i've not had that briefing from director panetta. i've learned from the letters that went out that we saw yesterday, that the press brought to our attention. >> the republicans are accusing the democrats of putting politics ahead of national security. a new round of cyber attacks hit seven south korean websites today. there's no sign u.s. sites are targeted again as they were over the weekend. the suspicions are originating in north korea. security experts say it could be difficult to track down the people responsible. over the weekend, several u.s. government sites, including the white house and pentagon, were targeted by denial of service strikes. today japan said it's time to send a stronger message to north korea to stop "provocative actions." it did not say whether it's experienced similar cyber attacks, however, and so far nirk hasn't responded to charges that the attacks are originating from there. as the g-8 summit in italy today, the group is working on hammering out the details of a trade deal. now that the economy is caught in this recession, the g-8 is trying to successfully finish the first round of talks. the trade deal is to help prevent countries from turning to protectionism trade and investment practices to try and battle the recession. economists blame protectionist policies for helping to cause the great depression, in fact. 2,000 to 3,000 protesters crowded into the streets of tehran today. a pro-government militia used batons and tear gas to disperse them. this allegedly shows today's demonstrations. so far we have not been able to confirm its authenticity, i want to point out. today's protests came on the tenth anniversary of a student uprising. this is another -- this is amateur video. i apologize, we do not have that second video. we'll continue to run this one for you. but again, we have not confirmed whether this is authentic. back in 1999, 200 students protested the closing of a reformist newspaper that supported a hardline activist. they broke windows, set fires and attacked students at tehran university. again, you can see some fire, and a lot of smoke in what we believe to be, or what is said to be a protest there in tehran today. car chases, not child's play by any means. this one involved, not one, not two, but three kids. who was behind the wheel and where were they going? a little girlvanishes and in the coming weeks her dad's being deployed to iraq. whatever you're doing right now, will you just humor me here. take a moment, if you would, and look at your tv screen at lindsey baum. she disappeared on june 26th. police say she was taking a short walk from her friend's house to her home in mccleary, washington, but she never made it home. her father's a member of the tennessee national guard, hasn't seen lindsey in a year. but yesterday he made a personal plea for her safe return. >> i would love nothing more than to see my daughter before i have to go. so please, if you know anything, contact the hotlines, contact any 911 centers, but please, bring me my daughter home before i have to leave. >> detectives say they've not found nif evidence to explain her disappearance of the you could be a real key here in helping them try to find something. in the meantime, we want your views. do you think the army should give lindsey's dad a break here, or does he have no choice but to deploy to iraq in this given situation. call us right now, 1-8 # 7-tell-hln. e-mail us at click under your views. text us, too, to hlntv. standard text rates apply. we'll air some of your responses throughout the day. we're really grateful you take the time to let us know what you think. startling and re volting. listen to this. more than # 00 bodies now at a historic african-american cemetery may have been dug up and dumped in mass graifs. also, their burial plots could be resold. yes, for money here. we've learned the office manager and three grave diggers near chicago will be charged today on counts including dismembering of a human body. the county sheriff said they're thoroughly checking grave sites to find out which ones were disturbed. >> we're bringing in high-tech machines that are going to be able to use altering waves of light to make sure that nothing has been tampered with. we have thermal imaging units that are going to be on site here soon, and we're going to double-check everybody's. we told people, this is an inkred pli historic cemetery for the african-american community. but as well as the notables, there are regular family members everywhere, children, grandparents, when you look at some of the grave stones that we come across that have been dumped throughout the cemetery, and have been hidden, you see grave stones of babies, you see gravestones much grandparents, wives, husbands. this is heartbreaking stuff. >> these poor families here. the sheriff also said most of the excavations actually happened in back lots where the plots were older and not as frequently visited. and he said the cemetery's current owners are not believed to be involved in this. police say a 14-year-old led them on a chase at speeds over 100 miles an hour. and here's the dash cam video, folks. the suv hit an em bank 89, launched into the air. look at that thing go. his 10-year-old brother and 12-year-old cousin were in there, too. they weren't seriously hurt. but one was quick to point the finger. >> it's not my fault. it's all austin's fault. >> okay, okay. do not move, do you understand me? >> the 14-year-old said, they were going to dairy queen. armed gunmen burst into a home and brutally killed two u.s. citizens in mexico. a massive search now on for those suspects. but it may be clear to investigators right now why these victims were targeted. we'll tell you. bombings in northern iraq, and in baghdad, killed at least 43 people today. authorities say two suicide bombings killed at least 35 people and wounded more than 65 others. in baghdad, at least seven people were killed and more than two dozen wounded when a busy market was bombed in sadr city and one person was killed in a roadside bomb in another district. of that city as well. let's take you to central afghanistan now. a truck rigged with explosives went off killing at least 25 people, and many of them were kids on their way to grade school. this intense explosion scattered wreckage for more than a mile and left a huge crater in the road. four policemen are among the dead. the taliban denies any involvement. an anti-crime activist is one of two u.s. citizens shot and beaten to death in northern mexico, a multiagency search is under way to find those gunmen. apparently they stormed into the victim's home on sunday killing him and his brother-in-law. they suspect the crime is connected to local drug lords. in may, le baron led street protests de mappeding the release of his 19-year-old brother who had been abducted by a kidnapping gang. the teen was later set free, but local media reported a note found on le baron's body that the killings were in retribution for his anti-crime activism. an american journalist in north korea has finally made contact with her sister here in the u.s. >> a tremendous relief to hear laura's voice last night. it was only the first time i had heard her voice in weeks. >> laura ling and euna lee were sentenced last month to 12 years in prison or charges of illegally entering north korea for a smear campaign. she said she's sorry about everything that's happened and stressed the need for diplomacy and government help. you know, there's encouraging news in the latest job numbers. the latest claims were at the lowest level since january. the labor department says claims fell by 52,000 to 565,000 last week. that beat am list expectations. rainy weather and penny pinching kept a lot of you out of stores. retailers closing stores in the malls. report a sharp decline in sales last month. many merchants are worried about the back-to-school shopping season and what's in store there. okay. if you think you may be overpaying or your rent, there's a way for you to find out. hln money expert clark howard breaks it down for us. >> i'm a landlord and i can't believe i'm going to spill the beans on this. the but one-third of americans represent and there's a website called rent-o-meter. what a neat idea. is it 100% accurate? no. here's what you do. put in why you're renting, what kind of place you're renting and what rent you're paying. rent-o-meter is going to let you know if you're paying at market, above market or pe lo market. if you find out you're paying currently way above market, listen to what it will do. it will pinpoint other properties available for rent near you, and what rents they're available at. one of the things about renting right now, there's so many vacant apartments and condos for rent. if you just sit tight and don't go out and shop the marketplace when your lease is coming up for renewal, you're crazy. take advantage of the marketplace, and go shop and save, save, save. i'm clark howard for more money saving tips, go to howard. >> get great consumer advice from clark howard. every saturday and sunday, specifically at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern. he's going to help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. what a story this one is. a missing 11-year-old girl's father set to be deployed to iraq. the question is, will lindsey baum's dad be forced to leave the country without knowing her fate? you, our viewers, sound off. @@ we're so glad to have you with us. thanks for being here. one of the big questions today is how much did the family know about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use. two sources tell our sister network cnn family members were so worried about him, that they tried to stage an intervention. sources say janet in fact grew so concerned about his appearance after a visit back in 2007, that she tried to intervene with help from some of her brothers. jackson reportedly ordered his security guards not to let family members into his home and refused to take calls from his mother katherine. family members want to say, they issued a statement emphatically denying the source's claims. we categorically deny ever planning, participating in, or having knowledge of any kind of intervention whatsoever. we strongly believe that these sources and others, no matter who they are, are making these defamatory, inaccurate, untrue claims for monetary reasons. that statement is signed by tito, marlon, jackie, jermaine and katherine jackson. janet jackson did not sign the statement. jackson's dermatologist said he knew the pop superstar used diprivan as a sleep aid. and he warned about the dangers. in a revealing interview last night on "larry king live" on our sister network cnn, that's where arnold klein talked about jackson's alleged drug use saying at one point jackson even went to rehab. >> michael at one time had an addiction. and he went to england and he withdrew that addiction at a secure setting where he went off drugs all together. when i met michael in this present situation when i was seeing him, that i had to keep reducing the dosage what he was on. because he came to me with a huge tolerance level. >> the client also addressed lingering speculation that he fathered jackson's children saying, to his knowledge he was not their father. but he did admit he donated sperm to a sperm bank once, but not for jackson. he said he would be willing to take dna test. they've officially ruled the death of steve mcnair and his mistress a murder-suicide. they may have pinned down a motive here. david mattingly looks at the new evidence that's emerging. >> reporter: nfl quarterback steve mcnair was behind one of the biggest moments in super bowl history, falling just a few yards short of taking the tennessee titans to victory in 2000. and nine years later, fans in nashville still loved him, knowing him to be generous and approachable in public. but in private, mcnair was taking a serious and unexpected risk. a married man with children, mcnair was seeing 20-year-old sahel kazemi. her family said the relationship had been going for more than five months and that she was confident mcnair was divorcing his wife and they would soon live together. but early saturday that ended with this 911 call from a friend of mcnair's. >> reporter: that call came from this condo in a building not too far away from titans stadium. police arrived to find the couple dead. mcnair had been shot twice in the head and twice in the chest. police now say it was a clear case of murder-suicide. and that mcnair may have been asleep and did not know what was coming. police described kazemi as a young woman in turmoil, reeling from financial pressures, complaining to her friends that her personal life was a mess, and that she should end it. early thursday morning she was arrested for dui. that evening police say she bought a 9 millimeter handgun. >> we also have reason to believe that kazemi recently learned before this day that she believed mcnair was involved with another woman, and that, too, participated in her state of mind we think. >> reporter: nashville police say they share their findings with mrs. mcnair. they did not know if she was aware of the relationship. this kind of image of mcnair saddens fans who gather at the titans stadium where they knew him as a competitor and philanthropist. he spoke of his family at his retirement. >> it's a blessing now that i'm fortunate to walk away in this game on my own two feet, and to realize that families are very important. >> reporter: that was just 16 months ago. former nfl running back eddie george tells me the man who was murdered was not the steve mcnair he had known since 1996. >> he was in search of filling a void. >> reporter: george believes his old friend was having a crisis of his own. maybe struggling with life after football. >> what people fail to realize is that when you make a transition away from a game, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, you go through something, you change. and you're constantly searching for something. >> reporter: and in nashville, fans now search for ways to celebrate the life of a star athlete who brought them many fond memories, while mourning his scandalous death. david mattingly, cnn, nashville. aids activists staging a noisy protest inside capitol hill today. capital police arrested 26 of the demonstrators and charged them with unlawful assembly. they say the group entered the rotunda and bound themselves together with plastic chains. they demanded funding on aids prevention. the protests come a day before key congressional votes on aids programs, and a day before president obama leaves for a trip to africa. #,000 to 3,000 protesters kroded into the streets of tehran today. a pro-government militia used batons and tear gas to disperse them. we want to share amateur video we've gotten in. allegedly this shows today's demonstrations. we want to point out so far we have not been able to confirm its authenticity. you can see people running there, throwing things. it looks like we see a fire with a lot of smoke. today's protest came on the tenth anniversary of a student uprising of the regime. i want to show you another amateur video we just got in. we've not been able to confirm whether it is authentic. but you can see some of the protests that are believed to be going on. back in 1999, 200 students protested the closing of a reformist newspaper which reported moderate president muhammad katmi, hardline activists broke windows and attacked students in a dormitory at tehran university. again, it is believed that protests have taken shape yet again today there in tehran. a new round of cyber attacks hit seven south korean websites today. no sign that the u.s. sites are being targeted again as they were over the weekend. but there is suspicion the attacks are originating in north korea. security experts say it may be pretty difficult to track down the people responsible. but remember over the weekend, several sufficient government sites, including the white house and pentagon, were targeted by denial of service strikes. japan says it's time to send a stronger message to north korea to stop "provocative actions." it did not say whether it's experienced similar cyber attacks. so far, north korea hasn't even responded to charges the attacks are originating from that country. at the g-8 summit in italy today, though, the groups working on hammering out the deals of a trade deal. the world economy is caught in the recession, the g-8 is trying to successfully finish the deal around the talks. they're trying to battle the recession. economists blame protectionist policies for helping to cause the great depression in fact. you know that car chases are not child's play by any means. this one involved three kids, though. the who was behind the wheel and where they say they were speeding off to. all righty. listen to this. police say a 14-year-old -- 14 -- led them on a chase at speeds over 100 miles an hour. here's the dash cam shot for you. the suv, look at this, hits an embankment and goes airborne there. his 10-year-old brother and 12-year-old cousin were in there, too. thankfully they weren't seriously hurt. but one was quick to point the finger. >> it's not my fault. it's all austin's fault. i just have to say -- >> okay, okay. do not move. do you understand me? >> not my fault he's yelling. the 14-year-old, by the way, said they were just going to dairy queen. okay. doing a good deed can bring you some good news in a bad economy if you're helping a relative who's down on their luck. here's the thing, if you claim that relative as a dependent, you get a personal exemption deduction of about $3,600. you'll have to provide you -- prove you provide half of that person's support. if they live at your place for free, for instance. if you and another family membe provide at least half the ñ relative's support, you can als claim that exemption. a lot of companies are obviously letting off their workers. some businesses are actually creating new jobs. in money and main street, alina cho takes us to a small town in georgia where a textile mill closed years ago. >> reporter: in the heart of the south, the face of tiny west point, georgia, is literally changing. the old pizza hut is a korean barbecue. the old kfc, young's garden. jobs once scarce are finally returning. >> just like christmastime. like christmas. >> reporter: christmas, in the middle of a recession? in west point, yes. >> we jokingly call it kia bill. >> reporter: kia is about to open a sprawling manufacturing plant, thanks to $400 million in tax breaks. even in the midst of a recession, the company will hire 2,500 new workers, add suppliers and new businesses, and the mayor says west point, population 3,500, stands to gain 20,000 jobs over the next five years. divine intervention. >> the economic activity here is incredible. the trickle-down effect in the local economy has been staggering. >> reporter: remarkable for a city that was slowly becoming a ghosttown. textile mills that once defined west point shut down in the 1990s, leaving many out of work. including 52-year-old margaret mcmanus, laid off last year, now working again at one of kia's suppliers. did you ever think you would be making car parts? >> not at all. not in a million years. >> reporter: new construction is everywhere, at roger's barbecue, business is booming. we say if we can get them in one time, we'll get them back. >> reporter: malcolm malone's car wash business is up 70%. and down the street at irish bred pub, ruth invested her life savings in the business. it's paying off. >> i wanted to come down to the dairy because of kia. we have jumped in with both feet and we have not looked back one time. >> reporter: so how is this tiny rural community adapting to the new asian infusion? does west point feel more like a melting pot now? >> yeah, we've got the culture coming in. you don't have to travel to atlanta anymore. >> reporter: from milltown to manufacturing mecca, a bright spot in an otherwise gray economy. alina cho, cnn, west point, georgia. how to thrive in a tough economy. obviously people are doing it there. for more of our series, money and main street, watch cnn tonight at 8:00 eastern time. hope that helps in some way. police say a group of cemetery workers came up with a sickening scheme to make some extra cash. it allegedly involved digging up the graves of more than 300 people. in an act investigators are calling startling and re volting. this number has been changing all morning, but now we're up to more than 300 bodies at a historic african-american cemetery that may have been dug up and dumped in mass graves. also their burial plots could be resold. yeah, for money. the office manager and three grave diggers at oaks cemetery near chicago were charged with one count each of dismembering a human body. the county sheriff said they're thoroughly checking grave sites to see which ones were disturbed. >> we're bringing in some high-tech machines that are going to be able to use ultra waves and lights to make sure that nothing has been tampered with. we have thermal imaging units that are going to be on site here soon. and we're going to double-check everybody's. because as we told people, this is an incredibly historic cemetery for the african-american community, but as well as the notables, there are regular family members everywhere, children, grandparents. when you look at some of the grave stones that we come across that have been dumped throughout the cemetery, and have been hidden, you see grave stones of babies, you see gravestones of grandparents, husbands, this is heartbreaking stuff. >> the sheriff said most of the excavations have been in back lots where possibly they were older and not as frequently visited. the current openers are not believed to be involved here. a little girl vanishes and in the coming weegs her dad is being deployed to iraq. please take a moment to look at this girl's picture here. lindsey baum disappeared june 26th. police say she was taking a short walk from her friend's house to her home in mccleary, washington, but she never made it. they are still frantically searching for this little girl. her father is a member of the tennessee national guard. he hasn't seen her in about a year. earlier this week he made a personal plea for her safe return. >> i would love nothing more than to see my i have to leave. >> detectives say they have not found any evidence to explain her disappearance at this point. we're curious about you feel regarding this. should the army give lindsay's day a break or you notice he had no choice but to deploy to iraq at this difficult time. give us a call at 1-877-tell-hln. 835-5456. or e-mail us at and click under your views. you can catch this views, your comments and your name. standard text rates do apply here. we have been getting a lot of really interesting calls on this one. we'll air your responses throughout the day. thank you so much. i'm jane velez-mitchal and here is my issue. tmz snapped this shot of debbie rowe weeping during paris jackson's speech. for some bizarre reason she was watching the memorial service outside where she could be photographed, interesting, considering her recent spat with the paparazzi during which she dropped the f-bomb on a photographer. debbie, if you're watching, please, do the right thing. in my humble opinion, that would mean, do not seek custody. the jackson family was very preccive of michael's three kids on tuesday. the kids were comfortable with there jackson clan. debbie, leave these kids with their family and walk on by. i'm jane velez-mitchal and that's my issue. two sisters kept apart finally communicate. cnn contributor lisa ling spoke to her sister, laura, who is serving 12 years of hard labor in north korea. what lisa is saying about that now.  i'll clean the pool if you clean the windows. pick the windows, pick the windows! anything but the windows. deal. oh! new windex outdoor all-in-one... cleans outdoor glass fast. just spray with water, wipe with a windex cleaning pad, and rinse for a streak-free shine in half the time. you're done? she pulled a fast one! ( laughs ) new windex outdoor all-in-one. a streak-free shine in half the time. s.c. johnson, a family company. michael jackson's family says, no he didn't. not only some of his relatives thought he had a drug problem, they tried to intervene. days after her arrest for dui, the former nfl quarterback steve mcnair's girlfriend killed him and then herself. police move in at the capital rotunda and move out noisy demonstrators in cuffs. this group says there's a crucial issue president obama needs to pay attention to. hi, everybody, the latest news from hln news and views. i'm chuck roberts on a thursday. two sources tell our sister network cnn that family members were so concerned about him that they tried to stage an intervention. sister janet who was so concerned about his appearance in 2007 that she tried to intervene with help from some of her brothers. jackson reportedly ordered his security guards not to let family members into his home and refused to take calls from his mother, katherine. at the time some issued a statement denying all that. janet jackson did not deny the statement. his dermnologist knew he used diprivan as a sleep aid and he warned jackson of the dangers. in an interview last night on "larry king live" dr. arnold klein not only talked about drug use but lingering speculation that he fathered jackson's children. >> did michael tell you that he used diprivan? >> i knew he was using it when he was on tour in germany he was using it with an an theseiologist to go to sleep at night. this drug you can't repeatedly take and what happens with narcotics you build a tolerance to them. >> what about all the rumors about you and the fathering of those children? >> here's the most important thing, michael loved those children as a father and those children loved him as a father. as far as i'm concerned, that's the most important grouping there is. >> that's not answering the question. so you donated sperm? >> once i did to a sperm bank and i don't think i should go over my affairs because as best i know i am not the father. >> he would be willing to take a dna test. as the investigation into the michael jackson death continues, lots being said about his daughter paris taking center stage speaking at that tuesday public memorial. should the family kept her from the glare of the spotlight? call us toll free. you can e-mail at, click under your views or text us, text the word views and your comment and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. hope to hear from you soon. nashville police have officially ruled the death of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair as a murder/suicide and may have pinned down a motive. here's the dash cam of mcnair's 20-year-old mistress. they said kazemi shot mcnair four times while he slept on a couch. police arrested for her for dui only two days before the shooting. mcnair was a passenger in that car. he wasn't charged. he left in a cab. investigators say kazemi told friends her life was spinning out of control because of financial problems and she expected steve mcnair was seeing someone else. they released the 911 call after the bodies were discovered. >> i received a phone call that, that there was an injured party inside his apartment and -- >> was it male or female? >> two, there's two people. >> two people? >> yeah. >> they both appear to be deceased? >> i think so, sir. >> you got a call from who? >> his name is wayne, he shares this apartment and he came by and said he walked in and he really didn't pay no attention to them, but he said i think they're hurt in there. and so he called me because he knows i'm his best man and i checked on him and it's not looking good in there. >> you said the guy's name is what? >> dwayne. >> dwayne. do you know his last name? >> no. >> he's the roommate. >> family and friends will attend a memorial service for mcnair. the former nfl great and most valuable player was married with four kids. an anti-crime activist is one of two citizens beaten and shot to death in mexico. they storm under to the victim's home tuesday killing, i'm sorry, 32 benjamin and his brother-in-law. police expect the crime is connected to local drug lords. he led street protests demanding the release of his 19-year-old brother who had been abducted by a kidnapping gang. local media reported a note found on the body indicating the killings were in retribution for his anti-crime activism. for the first time in days protesters are back on the streets of tehran. we can't verify when the amateur video was shot, but here it is. today's demonstrations mark the tenth anniversary of a student uprising and the protesters are using the anniversary to resume their demonstrations against the june 12th presidential results. an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 protesters fotook to the street of tehran but they used force to break up that crowd. bombings in northern iraq and baghdad killed 43 people today. authorities in tel afar said two suicide bombings wounded more than 65 others. in baghdad 65 others were wounded and two dozen wounded when a busy market was bombed in sadr city. and in central afghanistan, a truck rigged with explosives went off killing at least 25 people, many of them kids on the way to grade school. the massive explosion scattered wreckage for more than a mile and left a huge crusader in the road. four policemen among the dead and the taliban denies any involvement. the bodies of seven u.s. service personnel killed in afghanistan this week arrived at dover air force base, delaware. they included six soldiers and one sailor. four of the soldiers were killed when an ied exploded near their vehicle on monday. the others died in separate incidents that same day. joint chiefs of staff chairman admiral mike mullein was on hand for the transfer of the remains. a little girl vanishes and in the coming weeks her dad is being redeployed to iraq. take a look. lindsay baum disappeared on the 26th of june. she was taking a short walk from her friend's house to her home. she never made it. her dad's a member of the tennessee national guard and has not seen the girl in a year. earlier this week, though, he made a personal plea for her safe return. >> i will love nothing more than to see my daughter before i have to go. so, please, if you know anything, contact the hotlines, contact any 911 centers. please, bring my daughter home before i have to leave. >> they have not found any evidence to explain her disappearance. >> overflowing garbage cans are springing up everywhere in the city of toronto. here's an example. an i-reporter gives us the smelly truth that has the ordinary pristine city knee deep in rubbish. aids activist stage a noisy protest inside capitol hill today. police arrested 26 of the demonstrators and charged them with unlawful assembly. they bound themselves together with plastic chains. the coalition website demands funding on support programs. the protests came a day before key congressional votes on key programs and a day before president obama leaves for a trip to africa. at the g-8 summit in italy today, workers are working on half rpg out a trade deal now that the world economy is caught in a recession. the g-8 will finish the round of talks. the trade deal is supposed to help prevent countries from turning to preventionest trade to help battle recession. the economist blame for helping cause the great depression back in the 1930s. at home the confidence in the president seems to be shrinking a bit. in a new research poll released just today, 70% of those asked said he is a strong leader, but that's down ten points in four months and 53% said he has a clear plan for the country's problems, that's 11% off the february reading. >> and this is supposed to be some kind of a playground attached to a school now basically it is a garbage site that is overflowing with garbage piling up. >> i think it's terrible. >> is it impacting you personally? >> definitely. i would pay more for them to actually pick this up. so, i think they should get whatever they deserve, you know what i mean. >> definitely. >> that video comes from an i-reporter in toronto. he's reporting at a city worker strike now in its 18th day. great video, great reporting and thanks for your contribution, how does it smell in toronto right about now? >> i have to be balanced. i hope i can be. certain areas that have garbage piled up. for example, the one video i recorded yesterday and parts of the city, the downtown, you will not see piles and piles of garbage everywhere, but you will see at least the trash cans overflowing and certain areas that are not as bad, but areas where they kind of look exactly what we showed yesterday. >> how about big buildings and hotels, where are they putting their refuge? >> it seems in the media a lot of the places are using private contractors to haul their trash out and it's going to one of the five or six designated sites where the citizens themselves are also taking their trash. >> everyone is getting very frustrated and patient sentence being lost. what is the city going to do? are they going to hire workers to replace the union what is the plan? >> i have not heard of any such plan. there are no immediate contract talks that i'm aware of as of yesterday evening, at least. the mayor was actually posed as questioned that the city trash south of the border and cnn is playing that and he's responsible, as well. the public is cooperating on one of the designated dump sites and things are working well so far. so, to answer your question, the city is not taking any immediate action to resolve the issue, as far as i know. and no contract talks that i know of. >> has to be frustrated the swimming pools and playgrounds have to beturned into dumps. toronto has such a problem the ferry service, day care, library, pools are either limited or closed, is that right? >> that is correct. the outside city workers, they are part of the, i believe same union that are on strike at the same time. but the most impact, the visible impact of the strike is really the trash piling up and the garbage dumps that are designated around the city. >> i hope it gets resolved. toronto is a beautiful, vibrant city. i have been there many times. i-reporter jimmy deol in toronto. >> thanks for having me. >> if you have pictures or videos go to, like he did, and click on the upload now link. car chases aren't child's place, but this one involved three kids. who was behind the wheel and where they say they were speeding off to. a new round of cyberattacks and no signs that u.s. sites are being targeted again. they're suspecting the attacks are originating in north korea, but it may be difficult to track down the people responsible. over the weekend several government sites including the white house, the pentagon and the transportation department were targeted by denial of service strikes. japan said it's time to send a stronger message to north korea to stop what they called provocative actions. it didn't say whether it experienced similar cyberattacks. north korea has not responded to attacks there. an american journalist imprisoned finally made contact with her sister here in the u.s. >> a tremendous relief to hear laura's voice last night. it's only, it was only the first time i had heard her voice in weeks. >> laura ling were last seen a month ago and they were charged on entering north korea to conduct a smear campaign. she told her sister she is sorry about everything that has happened. in an act investigators call startling and revolting, more than 300 bodies at a historic cemetery may have been dug up and dumped in mass graves so their burial plots could be resold. here's exclusive video from the burr oak cemetery on a tour given by cook county sheriff. they were charged with one count each of dismembering a human body. the county sheriff said they thoroughly checked grave sites to find out which ones were disturbed. >> we're bringing in some high-tech machines that are going to be able to use ultrawaves and lights to make sure that nothing has been tampered with. we have thermal imaging efforts that will be on site soon and we'll double check everybody's. as we told people, this is an historically and as well as the notables, regular family members everywhere, children, grandparents. when you look at some of the grave stones that we come across that have been dumped throughout the cemetery and have been hidden, you see grave stones of babies and you see grave stones of grandparents and wives and husbands. heartbreaking stuff. >> most of the escivations happen in back lots where the plots are older and not as frequently visited sites. the cemetery's current owners are not believed to be involved. police say a 14-year-old led them on a chase at speeds of 100 miles per hour and higher. the suv hit an embankment and launch under to the air. his 10-year-old brother and 12-year-old cousin were in the vehicle, too. they weren't seriously hurt, but one was quick to point the finger. >> it's not my fault. it's all austin's fault. shots to fight the h1n1 virus could begin as early as mid-october. her and top health planners are huddled in washington to wrap up the government's battle plan. >> we want to be ready for the fall, so we're bringing together governors and their top health and emergency planning managers to use these summer months to plan for a fallback theme campaign to look at hospital capacity and be prepared for a more serious flu that may return in the fall months. >> sebelius said the first in line for shots are school-aged children, pregnant women and health care workers. encouraging workers in jobless figures. the number of new claims for unemployment benefits is at the lowest level since january. claims fell to 165,000 last week, beating analysts expectations. you hear people say i'm a night owl or i'm a morning person. turns out there is such a thing and it has a real physical effect. people most productive in the morning are strong throughout the day while night owls are strongest at night, that could mean a night owl athlete would be at a disadvantage if he or she had to compete in the morning. one of the most touching moments of the michael jackson memorial when his little girl, paris, spoke to the mourners. what are our viewers saying about that eulogy. welcome back. for the first time in days, protesters are back on the streets of tehran. new pictures have come in. we can't verify when this amateur video was taken. the demonstration today, though, marked the tenth anniversary of a student uprising in 1999 and the protesters are using the anniversary to resume the election results of june 12th. 2,000 to 3,000 protesters took to the streets of tehran. we haven't heard if there were injuries or arrest or somewhat more orderly. in an act investigators called startling and appalling more than 300 bodies in a cemetery south of chicago may have been dug up and dumped in mass graves so their plots could be resold. the office manager and three grave diggers at the cemetery were charged today with one count each of dismembering a human body. the county sheriff said they thoroughly checked the grave sites to find out which ones were disturbed. >> we're bringing in high-tech machines that are going to be able to use ultraray lights to make sure that nothing has been tampered with. thermal imaging units on site here soon and we'll double check everybody's because we told people that this is an incredibly historic cemetery for the african-american community but as well as the notables, there are regular family members everywhere, children, grandparents, you look at some of the grave stones, joe, that we come across that have been dumped in, throughout the cemetery and have been hidden. you see grave stones of babies and you see grave stones of grandparents, wives, husbands. this is heartbreaking stuff. >> and the sheriff said many or most of the evacuations occurred in back lots where the plots were very old and not as frequently visited. the cemetery's current owners, he says, are not believed to be involved. police in nashville have officially ruled the death of former quarterback steve mcnair a murder/suicide and may have pinned down a motive. here is the new dash cam video of mcnair's mystery. kazemi shot mcnair four times as she lept on a couch and then positioned herself next to him on the couch and killed herself. police arrested her only two days before for dui. mcnair was a passenger in that vehicle. he wasn't charged and he left in a cab. investigators say kazemi told friends her life was spinning out of control because of financial problems and she expected mcnair was seeing someone else. police released a 911 call that a friend of mcnair's made after the bodies were discovered. >> i received a phone call. there were injured parties inside this apartment. >> male or female? >> two, there are two people. >> two people. >> yeah. >> both appear to be deceased. >> i think so, sir. >> you got a call from who? >> his name, his name is wane. he shared this apartment and he came by and said he walked in and got and he didn't pay no attention to them. but he said, man, i think they're hurt in there. he called me because he know i'm her man's best man. so i checked on him and he's -- it's not looking good in there. >> you said the guy's name is what that you got the call from? >> duane. >> duane. >> family and friends will attend a memorial service tonight for steve mcnair. the 36-year-old nfl most valuable player was married with four kids. bombings in northern iraq and baghdad proper killed 43 people today. authorities in tel afar said two suicide bombings wounded more than 65 others. in baghdad, seven people were killed and two dozen wounded when a busy market was bombed in sadr city. in central afghanistan a truck rigged with explosives went off killing at least 25 people, many of them kids on their way to grade school. the massive explosion scattered wreckage for more than a mile and left a huge crusader in the road. four policemen are among the dead. the bodies of seven u.s. service personnel killed in afghanistan this week arrived at dover air force base, delaware. four soldiers were killed when an ied exploded near their vehicle on monday. the others died in separate incidents that day. you saw, there he is, the man on the left is a four star admiral joint chiefs general admiral mullein was on hand for the transfer of those remains. a little girl vanishes and in the coming weeks her dad is being deployed to iraq. take a good look. lindsay baum disappeared june 26th. she was taking a short walk from her friend's house to her house in mccleary, washington, and never made it. her dad is a member of the tennessee national guard and he has not seen his little girl in a year. earlier this week he made a personal plea for her safe return. >> i will love nothing more than to see my daughter before i have to go, so, please, if you know anything, contact the hotlines, contact any 911 centers, but, please, bring me my daughter home before i have to leave. >> they have not found any evidence to explain her disappearance. how much did the family know about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use? two sources tell our sister network cnn that family members were so concerned about him they tried to stage an intervention. janet jackson grew so concerned about his appearance in 2007 she tried to intervene with the help of some of her brothers. michael jackson ordered security members not to let the relatives ined is. janet jackson didn't sign that statement. jackson's dermatologist said the pop superstar did use diprivan as a sleep aid and he warned michael jackson about the sedative effects. on "larry king live" dr. arnold klein talking about jackson's alleged drug use and at one point jackson even went to rehab. >> michael at one time had an addiction and he went to england and he withdrew that addiction in a secure setting where he went off of drugs altogether. and what i told michael when i met him in this present situation when i was seeing him that i had to keep reducing the dosage of what he was on because he came to me with a huge tolerance level. >> klein also addressed lingering speculation that he fathered jackson's children. he donated sperm to a sperm bank, but not for jackson. as the investigation into michael jackson's death continues, lots being said about his daughter, paris, taking center stage on tuesday at that public memorial service. should the family have kept her from the glare of the spotlight? do you think she wanted to be there doing that? we'd love to know your view. e-mail look for the your views icon or text views and your comment and name to hlntv. we we'll air your responses throughout the day. their demonstration didn't last long. what they wanted us to know and why police say not in this way. we're just getting word in. this is from canton township, michigan, where five people were killed today and there's the train track. an amtrak train hit a car. no word on whether there were any injuries on the train. the train is, obviously, upright and still appeared to be on the track. but, apparently, the train pushed that car several miles down the track. we don't know exactly how the accident occurred, but several people did in canton township, michigan. unedited live pictures just coming in and you can see the scene overhead from our wdiv detroit affiliate. over the weekend, several u.s. government sites including the white house and pentagon were hacked. south korea was also affected. authorities are pointing the fingers now at north korea.'s melissa long has details. what is the late snst. >> chuck, you maengz mentioned e weekend that the cyberattacks happened over the weekend on the fourth of july and have followed since then. the source is still kind of evasive right now. you mentioned two the websites attacked the white house and the pentagon. and homeland security department, the ftc and nasdaq and the washington post, while the internet addresses have been traced to north korea, that does not necessarily mean they are, in fact, related to pyongyang. indication it could come from china, not certain of the origin of this. homeland security department saying the far-reaching attacks show the importance of homeland security at this point of a critical, national issue and also waves we're seeing of cyberassaults is what is known as a denial of service attack. what that is, essentially, not that uncommon and it's caused when sites are so overwhelmed with internet traffic they're taken off line. this incident does bring to the forefront a key 21st century threat. again, these attacks started back on independence day, chuck. >> a lot of vulnerabilities we don't want to talk about it almost. let's change topics. a kansas teenager builds his own electric vehicle, right? >> exactly. it is amazing he went against his parents' wishes in so many ways. he's 17 yoors old and very creative. he wanted a set of wheels and his parents said, no. he retrofitted an old ft. escort through what he learned online. his parents again, said, don't do it. he found a car that was destined for a junk yard before he bought it. he ford a motor online, didn't tell his parents about that one. he didn't even know how to change the oil in his vehicle and he learned to do it all online. he replaced the gas cap with an electric plug and he didn't have to gas up his vehicle for over a month and the top speed is 38 miles an hour, which i bet makes mom and dad happy that he can't speed around town and they said they're very, very proud of him even though he went against their wishes. very creative and very smart young man. >> i hope he did doont a time-out for that. that's great. he has a bright future, doesn't he? >> i think so. >> great stories. thank you, again. aids activist stage a noisy protest today inside the capital where police arrested 26 demonstrators charging them with unlawful assembly. they entered the rotunda and bound themselves together with plastic chains. funding on aids prevention and support programs from president obama and congress. the protests come a day before aids programs and a day before the president heads for africa on a short trip. you've heard the cliches about cops hanging out at doughnut shops. >> it's a great idea. cops and doughnuts. everybody talks about cops and doughnuts. >> some officers are embracing their inner doughnut and making some cash, too. a private swim club is under fire in suburban philadelphia accused of kicking out kids from a day camp because some of the children were black. they heard members of the valley club asking what blacks were doing there. a few days later the club refunded the camp's swimming fee. didn't say why. several club members complained the children "fundamentally changed the atmosphere at the pool." but he said the complaints did not involve race. seven democratic members of congress say leon panetta testified that the agency mislead congress repeatedly since 2001. the democrats didn't reveal specific details about his testimony, they did say that he told them that the cia concealed significant actions from all members of congress for a number of years. in may house speaker nancy pelosi accused the congress of misleading congress during a closed door briefing in 2002. today pelosi said she had not spoken to leon panetta about his testimony. >> democrats from the house intelligence committee say they told them that the cia misled them. >> have you learned anything? >> i learned from these letters that went out that we saw yesterday. >> republicans are accusing the democrats of putting politics ahead of national security. at the g-8 summit in italy today leaders are working on hammering out details of a trade deal. the u.s. is trying to finish the round of talks. the trade deal is supposed to help prevent countries from turning to protectionist trade and investment practices in a bid to battle the recession. the economist blame for helping cause the great depression in the '30s. back at home, confidence in the president appears to be shrinking a bit. a new cnn research poll out this morning finds that 70% of those surveyed said he's a strong leader that's down four point in three months. an american journalist imprisoned in north korea has finally made contact with her sister here in the u.s. >> a tremendous relief to hear laura's voice last night. it was only the first time i had heard her voice in weeks. >> laura ling and euna ling were sentenced last month to 12 years in prison on charges of illegally entering north korea to conduct a smear campaign. ling said her sister told her she's "sorry about everything that happened" and stressed the need for diplomacy and government help. an anti-crime activist is one of two u.s. citizens beaten and shot to death in northern mexico. now, a multi-agency search is under way to find the gunmen. they storm under to the victim's home on tuesday killing benjam and his brother-in-law. he led street protests demanding the release 6 his 19-year-old brother who had been abducted by a kidnapping gang. that teen was later set free. local media reported a note found on the body indicating the killings were in retribution for his anti-crime activism. we have an update in the fatal monorail crash at walt disney world. early sunday in florida. disney has you a pended two employees who were handling the switching of the mon know rails. the station says the manager on duty wasn't even at disney. he was eating at a restaurant in nearby lake ba whehen na vista d relaying instructions by a radio. the station says both the manager and maintenance worker have been fired. one monorail driver was killed when that train collided with another one early sunday. encouraging news in the latest jobless figures today. new claims for unemployment benefits are at their lowest level since january. the labor department says claims fell by 52,000, easily beating analysts' expectations. rainy weather and penny pinching kept many of you out of stores in june. many merchants are now worried about the back to school shopping season. spin bowlers throwing leaves now have a place to ply their trade courtesy of the nypd. how the sport of cricket is bringing some of the city's diverse cultures together. michael jackson's family says no we didn't, but sources tell cnn some of his relatives not only thought he had a drug problem, they tried to do something about it. also, police move in at the capitol rotunda to move out some noisy demonstrators. this group says there's a crucial issue president obama needs to pay attention to. and bodies allegedly dug up from their final resting places in a clandestine scheme. who's charged with doing this and why? it is bizarre. i do want to wish you a happy friday eve as we like to call thursdays around here. i'm christi paul. you're with hln "news and views." thanks for being with us. want to get you some apprised of some news we've been watching. live pictures coming to us from michigan where five people were killed when this amtrak train hit a car. this is in canton township, michigan. it's an amtrak wolverine train. there are 170 passengers and crew on board. we understand no injuries on the train, and that passengers are now preparing to get bused to another train so they'll continue their travels, but we are hearing that this train actually pushed a car several miles down the track, and now you can see the people that are there on the scene trying to assess the whole situation. an amtrak spokesperson tells cnn the car was apparently blocking the tracks, but as soon as we get some more information, obviously, we're going to inform you about what we learned. meanwhile, how much did the family know about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use? two sources tell our sister network, cnn, family members were so worried about him they tried to stage an intervention. sources say sister janet grew so concerned about his appearance after a visit back in 2007 that she tried to intervene with help from some of her brothers. jackson reportedly ordered his security guards not to let family members into his home and refused to take calls from his mother, katherine. at the time some family members issued a statement emphatically denying all of it. janet, however, did not sign that statement, we understand. jackson's dermatologist, meanwhile, says he knew the pop superstar used diprivan as a sleep aid and says he warned jackson about the powerful sedative's dangers. last night on "larry king live" on our sister network cnn, the doctor also addressed lingering speculation that he fathered jackson's children. >> did michael tell you he used diprivan? >> i knew at one point that he was using diprivan when he was on tour in germany, and so he was using it with an anesthesiologist to go to sleep at night. i told him he was sleuth insaab insane. this drug you can't repeatedly take. what happens with narcotics no matter what you do, you build a tolerance for them. >> larry: about wha about all the rumors about you and the fathering of those children. >> here is the most important thing, michael loved those children as a father. those children loved him as a father. as far as i am concerned that's the most important grouping there is. >> larry: that's not answering the question. >> no, because i'm not going to answer it the way you want -- >> you donated sperm. >> i don't think i should go over my legal affairs because i think to the best of my knowledge i'm not the father. >> so there you have it from him saying he did donate sperm to a sperm bank but not to jackson specifically. he also says he would be willing to take a dna test. now, as the investigation into michael jackson's death continues, a lot is being said about his daughter paris who, remember, took center stage and spoke at his public memorial service. so what one of the questions is should the family have kept her from the glare of the spotlight? we want your view on this. call us at 1-877-tell-hln. it was one of the most poignant moments and moving moments of that whole memorial, but give us a call. 1-877-835-5456 or e-mail us at and click under "your views." you can text us as well, "views" plus your name. that was one of the moments that really touched a lot of people so we'd like to hear from you and get your take on it. we'll air your responses throughout the day. tonight family and friends will attend a memorial service for former nfl quarterback steve mcnair. nashville police have ruled his 20-year-old mistress shot him four times as he slept and then took her own life. police have released the 911 call after a friend found those bodies. listen in. >> i received a phone call -- >> uh-huh. >> -- that there was -- inside his apartment. >> a male or female? >> two. there's two people. >> two people? >> yeah. >> and they both appear to be deceased? >> i think so, sir. >> you got a call from who? >> his name is wayne. him and -- share this apartment. and he came by, you understand, he walked in and got a feel. he really didn't pay no attention, but he said i think they're hurt in there. so he called me because he knows i'm the man's best man so i check on him and he's -- it's not looking good in here. >> you said the guy's name is what that you got the call from? >> wayne. >> wayne? do you know his last name? >> uh-uh. >> and he's the roommate? >> yeah. >> take a look at this dashcam video from two days prior to this murder/suicide. police arrested kazemi for dui. mcnair was actually a passenger in the car. he wasn't charged though and left in a cab. investigators say kazemi told friends her life was spinning out of control because of financial problems that she suspected mcnair was actually seeing someone else. well, for the first time in days protesters are back on the streets of tehran. we're going to share with you some new pictures as they're coming into us. but we want to let you know we have not verified when this amateur video was shot, so we don't know if it was from today's demonstrations, but this marks the tenth anniversary of a student uprising in 1999. the protesters are using the anniversary to resume the demonstrations against the june 12th presidential election results. a estimated 2,000 to 3,000 protesters took to the streets of iran, a pro-government militia used force to break up the crowd. right now, meanwhile, officials in cook county, illinois, discussing an alleged scheme to dig up hundreds of body at a historic cemetery and resell the plots. let's listen. >> payments, normally cash. they would then give an individual -- unsuspecting individual a deed for a plot, and after they did that and the unsuspecting individual left, they would then get a grave digger to go disintera grave, take the remains from that ga gave -- grave and dump them in an area in the back of the cemetery. the person was none the wiser that had been a used grave. there is extensive evidence as far as the remains of individuals that are spread throughout the back of the cemetery area here. the state's attorney will talk about the specific people who were charged, their names and the like, but the one individual who was the office manager here was the individual who was at sort of the center of this operation. she was the one that was taking the payments. she was the one that was directing individuals to dig, and this was not done in a very delicate way, folks. when the digging occurred, they would excavate the grave, the entire site, and then they would proceed to dump the remains wherever they found a place to do it in the back of the cemetery. this was not replacing graves. it was not moving graves. this was dumping of them. the individual we're talking about also had set up a memorial fund on her own where she took money from that and apparently pocketed that money as well for individuals who came here to the cemetery. there are numerous people that have worked with us on this. the state's attorneys have been very helpful. the fbi, i can't emphasize enough to you, the amount of resources they're bringing to bear here is phenomenal. they're bringing people from all around the you don't help with the forensic side of this operation. the one point we're trying to reiterate, there are not going to be quick answers here. we're going to be here for quite some time. we're not talking weeks, we're talking months. the records are in shambles here. the actual sites are not well marked, it's difficult to ascertain what is where. so this is going to take some time. so we've been trying to plead with the public for patience because it's going to be needed now. the outpouring today has been phenomenal. i can't tell you how difficult it's been for all of us. i have been here since 6:00 this morning. there were people lined up here. there were people here last night waiting to get in to check on the remains of their loved ones. i wish i had better information for a lot of them, but we don't have that yet. it's going to take us some time to get there, but we're going to try our best to get to that point. we don't know what else to tell the people here, we're just hor riffically sorry they have been subjected to this. we're trying our best to work on making this right as well as we can. at this time i was going to ask the state's attorney if she can come up here and make a few comments. >> good afternoon. first, i want to thank sheriff dart and his entire police force and crew for working on this investigation. they've done a great job and i also want to thank all of the assistant states attorneys from the special prosecutions unit in my bureau who have been working tirelessly with the sheriff's department on this particular case. and i would also like to offer my condolences to the families, the families who have loved ones buried here. i'd offer my condolences for what you have been through and the lack of respect that's been shown to you and your families and your loved ones. the cook county states attorney's office this morning has charged four persons in connection with the crime as outlined in your press release. short time ago at 26 and california we presented formal charges against four individuals and the charges in fact were dismembering a human body, each one of those four individuals have been in fact charged with that particular crime. this is a class act felony. the sentence range on a class x felony is 6 to 30 years in the illinois department of corrections. bond was set for the four individuals as follows. carolyn towns has a bond of $250,000. the three other offenders here, keith nix, terrence nix, and a maurice daly have had bond set at $200,000. $250,000 for carolyn towns and $200,000 for the other three. on many occasions one or more of the defendants involved in this scheme resold burial plots that were already occupied by previous buried corpses. cemetery grounds keepers then disinterred the corpses. the corpse its were then either reburied or dumped in an open area in the back of the property. it's also alleged the defenders destroyed cemetery records and altered existing burial plot deeds. the investigation is still continuing, and as tom just indicated, this is something that is going to continue for quite a while. having prosecuted many, many violent cases throughout my career in the states attorneys office, i must say this crime is a whole new dimension that shows us what lengths people would go through for financial gain, and the disrespect for all of the people who are buried in this cemetery. anyone who has entrusted this cemetery with having their loved ones really were entitled to the respect and the dignity that they obviously have not gotten. one other thing that i want to mention, tom mentioned it, there was -- we have information that there was a fund that was set up in 2005, a fund in order to get money for the building of an emmitt till memorial museum. we are asking the public right now for help. if there are any people out there who in fact contributed to that fund in order to have that building, that museum built, which was never done, if there are people out there that have contributed, can you please call the sheriff's hotline number and please pass that information on. as i indicated, this investigation is ongoing, and, again, i want to offer all my condolences to all of the families who have their loved ones buried here. >> that's anita alvarez, the cook county states attorneys office. just a grotesque amount of disrespect that is involved in this crime here. again, four people charged facing felony charges of dismembering a human body. they could get 6 to 30 years. they are allegedly people who worked at the burr oak cemetery and allegedly resold existing burial plots and then reburied people there after moving bodies, not just moving them, but dumping them after they dug up those graves. we're back in just a moment. 7. a team of researchers hope their new cars leading their way to environmentally friendly motor sports. this is this week's edition of "ecosolution." >> this is the latest formula 3 racing car. it reached a top speed of 140 miles an hour. it's been built by this team at warrick university to see just how green they can race. >> we tried to do something green for all the bits of it. >> so fear of getting too literal an apple and a chocolate bar. i'm told that car over there uses both somehow. how on earth does it use these? >> they have been very innovative. >> they have converted the cocoa butter into die biodiesel. and the apple? >> you can extract fuel from anything that has oil in it. thank you very much. >> let's look at the car as a whole. the diesel engine can run on waste materials. some of the body work uses hemp fibers and recycled bottles. the seat uses foam made from soybeans. the steering wheel is made from carrots and the wing mirrors contain potato starch. but what's the point of it? after all, the car is fast, 140 miles per hour, but not fast enough. it would need to hit 160 miles per hour to have a chance of winning a race and formula three regulations don't allow biodiesel engines to race anyway. the answer lies in the application. >> these are the early days of these material. so some of them have been really quite challenging to make the parts on our car, but in the future certainly we hope that they will spread into other forms of motor sport. >> so what do the experts think? first the environmental acade c academic. >> it appears very nice if you think about your own little usage. yes, we can make ourself green by using all this stuff made from corn or from sugar beet or whatever, but then if you say, well, okay what is that displacing and what is it doing for the poor people in the world in terms of the price of food. then there are very much limitations on how much one can grow that. >> and the racing expert. does it make the grade for formula three? >> not only are you going to have to create new cars with new designers with new people and a new factory to come to a new formula, but you're suggesting that maybe they're going to have a new energy power. to bring all that together at the same time is probably quite a challenge. >> but all that doesn't put these guys off. the bottom line is. >> i'm excited. >> it's great fun. >> sure, it's fun, but -- i'm trapped. i'm stuck. sasha herriman, cnn. well, we appear to be getting a clear picture of michael jackson's possible addictions. "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer is in new york. i know it seems more and more people are talking now about his alleged drug use. >> yeah, christi. the key is now we're hearing from people in michael jackson's inner circle. a lot of speculation that's been flying around is now being confirmed with some credible information. dr. arnold cline, long-time determine nolg and friend of michael jackson spoke with larry king last night and gave us really good insight into michael's history of drug use. >> michael at one time had an addiction. he went to england and he withdrew that addiction in a secure setting where he went off of drugs altogether, and what i told michael when i met him in this present situation when i was seeing him, that i had to keep reducing the dosage of what he had on because he came to me with a huge tolerance level. >> michael had admitted an addiction to painkillers years ago but clearly it went well beyond that. >> the other thing that's come out today that is a little bizarre is that we're hearing his sister, janet, tried an intervention. do we know anything more about that? >> well, that she went to visit him back in 2007 and found him so emaciated she tried to get the brothers involved in stage an intervention. they ended up getting turned away. michael shut them out. and then denial. i remember this, a denial was issued to "people." it was signed by everyone but janet jackson. this is something so many people can relate to and so many doctors have told us this is typical behavior. it's sad because on one hand you have the family trying to help and on the other hand all these enablers and security around michael jackson keeping people away from doing the right thing by him. really, really so sad. obviously, a lot more to talk about tonight on "showbiz tonight." brand new michael jackson bombshells. new revelations from jackson's former doctor that the king of pop had taken a dangerous drug. we'll see you tonight at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific with the latest. >> thank you so much. we will see you then. stay with us. we're back in a moment with "your views." in an act investigators are calling startling and revolting more than 300 bodies at a african-american cemetery may have been dug up and dumped in mass graves all so their burial plots could be resold. this is exclusive video from the burr oak cemetery from a tour given to cnn by cook county sheriff tom dart. the office manager and three grave diggers at the cemetery near chicago were charged with counts of dismembering a body. the office manager was apparently the ringleader and said she also made by stealing donations from a foundation to the memory of emmett till. >> this was not replacing graves, not removing graves. it was dumping of them. ed individual we're talking about also had set up a emmett till memorial fund on her own where she took money from that and pocketed that money as well for individuals who came here to the cemetery. till was lynched in 1955 when he was 14 and his death helped galvanize the civil rights movement. he was buried at that cemetery. most of the excavations reportedly happened in back lots where the plots were older, but investigators say the current owners are not believed to be involved in all of this. another story we're watching today, how much did the family know about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use? well, two sources tell our sister network cnn the family members were so concerned about him they tried to stage an intervention. sources say sister janet in fact grew so concerned about his appearance after a visit back in 2007 that she tried to intervene with help from some of her brothers. jackson reportedly ordered his security guards not to let family members into his home and refused to take calls from his mom, katherine. at the time some family members issued a statement emphatically denying all of this. janet jackson did not, however, sign that statement. jackson's dermatoloterminrms he knew jackson used diprivan as a sleep aid. last night on "larry king live" on cnn dr. arnold klein also addressed lingering speculation that he fathered jackson's children. >> larry: did michael tell you he used diprivan? >> i knew at one point that he was using diprivan when he was on tour in germany and so he was using it with an anesthesiologist to go to sleep at night and i told him he was absolutely insane. you can't repeatedly take that drug. you build a tolerance to narcotics. >> larry: about wha about all the rumors about you and the fathering of those children? >> michael loved those children as a father. those children loved him as a father. as far as i'm concerned that's the most important grouping there is. >> larry: that's not answering the question. >> no because i'm not going to answer it the way -- >> larry: or you donated sperm. >> once i donated sperm to a sperm bank but i don't think i should go over my legal affairs. i think to the best of my knowledge i'm not the father. >> admitting there he donated sperm to a sperm bank, but not to jackson specifically. he also says he is willing to take a dna test if asked to do so. now, as the investigation into michael jackson's death continues, we're just talking about this, a lot being said about his daughter paris who took center stage and spoke at his public memorial service. do you think the family should have kept her from the glare of the spotlight is the question? what is your view on this? call us at 1-877-tell-hln. it's 1-877-835-5456. or e-mail us at you can text us, too, text "views" your comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. but your opinions are important to us. thank you for sharing it and we'll be reading your responses throughout the day. tonight family and friends will attend a memorial service for former nfl quarterback steve mcnair. nashville police have officially ruled his 20-year-old mistress sahel kazemi shot mcnair four times as he slept and then took her own life. police have released a 911 call made after a friend found their bodies. listen in. >> i received a phone call -- >> uh-huh. >> -- that there were injured parties inside this apartment. >> is it male or female? >> two. there's two people. >> two people? >> yeah. >> and they're both appeared to be deceased? >> i think so, sir. >> you got a call from who? >> his name is wayne. him and one of them here share this apartment. >> uh-huh. >> and he came by, he walked in and got a feel. he really didn't pay no attention. he said, man, i think they're hurt in there. so he called me because he know i'm the man's best man. so i check on him and he's -- it's not looking good in here. >> okay. you said the guy's name is what that you got the call from? >> wayne. >> wayne? do you know his last name? >> uh-uh. >> and he's the roommate? >> yeah. >> now, want to show you this dashcam video from two days prior to this murder/suicide. police arrested kazemi for dui. mcnair was a passenger in that car. he was not charged and actually left in a cab. investigators say kazemi told friends her life was spinning out of control because of financial problems. she suspected mcnair, too, was seeing someone else. we should point out he was married as well. with four children. seven democratic members of congress say cia director leon panetta recently testified that the agency had misled congress since 2001. in a letter to panetta dated last month, the democrats didn't reveal specific details about his testimony, but they did say he told the cia had concealed significant actions from all members of congress for a number of years. in may house speaker nancy pelosi, remember, accused the cia of misleading congress during a closed door briefing that was back in 2002. republicans are accusing the democrats of putting politics ahead of national security. meanwhile, look what was happening as protesters invaded the capital rotunda today for this loud demonstration here. the activists say congress and president obama aren't doing enough in a fight against aids so they're pushing for congress to lift the federal ban on funding for ser riyringe progra. at the g-8 summit in italy the group is working on hammering out the details of a trade deal now that the world economy is caught in this recession. the g-8 is trying to finish the doha round of talks. the trade deal is supposed to help prevent countries from turning to protectionist trade practices to battle the recession. economists blame protectionist policies for causing the great depression. five people were killed today when an amtrak train hit a car. this is in canton township, michigan. it's an amtrak wolverine train. all the victims who died were in the car that was hit. no reports of injuries among the 170 passengers plus crew on the train, but wear hearing that train actually pushed the car several miles down the track. an amtrak spokesperson tells cnn the car was apparently trying to cross the tracks and was hit. amtrak says the train was headed to chicago from detroit. now, the passengers will be taken by bus to an arbn arbor t board another train. another day, another round of cyber attacks. today's targets are south korea sites once again. do we know anymore about who is behind these attacks? a new round of cyber attacks hit seven south korean websites today. no sign u.s. websites are being attacked again as they were over the weekend. the white house and pentagon were hacked then. authorities at south korea are pointing the finger at north korea. reggie aqui has more details for us. so, boy, it's amazing this has been going on for days at this point and they haven't been able to stop it. >> this might just be the way it's going to be from now on. that we're going to hear about more of this as people become more sophisticated, as technology becomes more prevale prevalent. this this case we have a whole list of the various government agencies and nongovernment agencies that were affected. look at that. includes the white house, the pentagon, the u.s. treasury department. as you say, no longer does this it seem to be really affecting the united states very much. north korea still being hit -- i should say south korea still being hit. one of their largest corporations was infiltrated by this cyber target. the question now is where is this coming from? and you have heard some people accuse the north koreans as being part of this, but we don't know. and they're still trying to track this down. there is some evidence that perhaps it's coming from china, but again still can't say that for sure. what we do know is that it is most likely from a rather amateurish group, at least that's what the computer experts are saying. they did not infiltrate, for example, the computers that are internal at the pentagon or the white house. these were just public websites that you or i could reach, and so the u.s. government is kind of spinning this away saying is it a huge deal? yes, it did cause some inconvenience for people. it didn't actually have any secrets stolen, for example, from the u.s. government, and that this may be something we have to deal with from now on. other computer experts say the fact this is disturbing so many different branches around the world of government, of commerce, that is a problem we need to look at more seriously. so welcome to the new world, right, christi. >> my goodness. just can't keep track of it all. hey, i know obviously we're going to keep an eye on that, but we want to change gears real quickly and talk about this kansas teenage mother built his own electric vehicle. i can't wait to see what he does next. >> kids these days, right? well, here is the thing, this is the part that i kind of love about the story. i know parents are not going to like me for this. but he asked his parents to take one of their old cars, a ford escort and turn it into something a little more modern. he wanted to retrofit it and they said no. he's 17 years old. andrew loder is his name. despite the fact his parents didn't want to do it, he did it anyway. and i should mention the car was supposed to go to the junkyard. he bought a forklift motor online without telling his parents. he said he didn't really even know how to change the oil in the car previous to this, but he found out through his web research how to build an electric motor. he replaced the gas cap with an electric plug. it only gets 11 miles per charge but the thing works and his parents say, it's all right. you disobeyed us but you did something that was really cool, it didn't hurt anybody. we didn't really need that car anyway, so there you go. a teenager building an electric vehicle. i guess this is one case where it was okay to disobey your parent. >> he can't really speed in it. >> another good point. >> they won't have to worry about any tickets. >> and he's helping the environment. >> i can't wait to see what he does next. the things you find on the internet. >> but listen to your parents otherwise unless it has to do with building an electric car. >> reggie giving the÷ disclaim there. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. well, while a lot of companies obviously are laying off their workers, there are some businesses actually creating new jobs. in "money and main street" alina cho takes us to a small town in georgia that went bust when it's once thriving textile mills closed years ago. >> reporter: in the heart of the south, the face of tiny west point, georgia, is literally changing. the old pizza hut is a korean barbecue. the old kfc, young's garden. jobs once squarcarce are finall returning. >> just like christ masstime. >> reporter: christmas in the middle of a recession? yes. >> kia is about to open a sprawling manufacturing plant thanks to $400 million in tax breaks. even in the midst of a recession the company will hire 2,500 new workers. add suppliers and new businesses and the mayor says west point, population 3,500 stands to gain 20,000 jobs over the next five years. divine intervention. >> the economic activity here is incredible. the trickle down effect in the local economy has been staggering. >> reporter: remarkable for a city that was slowly becoming a ghost town. textile mill that is once defined west point shut down in the 1990s leaving many out of work. including 52-year-old margaret mcmanus, laid off last year. now working again at one of kia's suppliers. did you ever think you'd be making car parts? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: not in a million years. >> no. >> reporter: new construction is everywhere. at roger's barbecue, business is booming. >> well, we say if we can get them in here one time, we can get them back. >> reporter: malcolm's car wash business is up 70%. and at irish brew pub, ruth ann williams invested her life savings in the business. it's paying here. >> i came here because of kia. we have jumped in with both feet and we have not looked back one time. >> reporter: so how is this tiny rural community adapting to the new asian institution. does west point feel like more of a melting pot now? >> yeah, we have the culture coming in. you don't have to travel to atlanta anymore. >> a bright spot in an otherwise gray economy. alina cho, cnn, west point, georgia. >> how to thrive in a tough economy. obviously people are doing it. hopefully that helps put some ideas in your head. for more of our series "money and main street" watch cnn at 8:00 eastern. we'll be right back. for the first time in days protesters we have new pictures we want to share with you. we can't verify when this amateur video was shot. today''s demonstrations mark the tenth anniversary of a student uprising in 1999. the protesters are using the anniversary to demonstrate again their displeasure with the june 12th presidential results. a militia used force to break up the crowd. also iraq is seeing its deadliest outbreak of violence since u.s. troops pulled out of its cities last month. at least 64 people have been killed. in the deadliest attack, two suicide bombings struck talafar. in baghdad, 72 people and more than a dozen wounded when a busy market was bombed inside sadr city. let's take to afghanistan. a truck rigged with explosives went off, killing at least 25 people, and many of them were kids on the way to grade school. the massive explosions scattered wreckage for more than a mile and left a huge crater in the road. four policemen are among the dead as well. the taliban is denying any involvement in that case. the bodies of seven u.s. service personnel killed in afghanistan this week arrived at dover air force base in delaware yesterday. they included six soldiers and a sailor. four of the soldiers were killed when an ied exploded near the vehicle on monday. the others died in separate incidents that day. admiral mike mullen was on hand for the transfer of those remains which you're seeing there. car chases, not exactly child's play by any means. this one involved three kids, though. wait until you hear who was behind the wheel and where they say they were speeding to get to. >> [ music ] >> welcome to comcast local edition, i'm donna richardson, and my guest this hour is christine bergmark who is the executive director of the southern maryland agricultural development commission. welcome, christine, it's good to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> that's a big mouthful, and i know that you're working on an extremely exciting program, bi-local challenge. >> it is an initial that we launched two years ago, and essentially what it is is the last full week of july we ask everyone across the state of maryland and beyond to take a pledge, and the pledge is eat something or drink from a farm every day during that week. >> oh. so where do we get the information about where to find the farms or how do we sign up for this pledge? >> well, there's a website. it's that website will give you all sorts of information why to buy local and where to buy local and it connects you to other statewide initiatives that are going on at the same time. if you go to the website, we've added a count. people used to say, where do i sign up? normally you have to go buy, eat something from a local farm. this year we decided to add a counter to the website. when you are' counted, you can receive a certificate with your name on it that you can put up in your office or your home or wherever. >> which is very, very important. it's reduces your carbon foot print because you're driving hopefully a shorter distance, you have access to local products that are available, and also it helps the farmers. >> well, and in fact, our theme this year is healthy plate, healthy planet. all kinds of benefits to buying local, benefits for you, healthy, nutrition, it's fresh, and preserving our farms survive, we keep clean water, we keep clean air, we reduce the carbon footprints from things traveling 1500 miles, and it tastes good. >> exactly. now for those people who may not cook, how can they be a part of this? >> yeah, sometimes people say, well, i hate to cook. that's okay. you can go to a store or to a restaurant that features local farm products, and there are more and more restaurants every year, some of them are on our website, and you can click throughout to find out who they are,. >> what kind of items can we acquire localfully. >> during the last week of july, there is so much product available. there's sweet corn, blackberries, all kinds of tomatoes and melons are in season, and of course, there's always wine, cheese, eggs, meatss. >> so we do have a wide variety of things we can get. say that i go and i go to a local farmer's market and purchase something, what is a vegetable that i'm not quite familiar with, how did i find a recipe. >> excellent question. there are recipes on our website. people can post their own recipes of their own events and own blogs by why they buy local. some of the things i wanted to mention is the economic benefits. we talked about the planet, we talked about the fact that it tastes good, and it's fun, but there's also the benefit of supporting our farms, and if every household in the state mucofmaryland were to buy just 2 worth of products for 8 weeks, basically the summer season that, would put $200 million straight back into the pockets of our farmers. that would do a lot to keep our farmers thriving. >> which is so important. i know we have less than 30 seconds, but you have some partners that you wouldn't typically think of who have now joined in. >> yes. hospitals are joining in this year. fact, they're looking to do a competition to see how many people they can get involved. >> have you exciting. christine, thank you very much for coming in today. >> thank you. >> my guest today has been christine bergmark with the southern agricultural commission. if you're interested in what comcast is doing in your area, go to on demand and click get local. for comcast local edition, i'm donna richardson. [ music ]gggggggggggg michael jackson's family says no, we didn't, but sources tell cnn some of his relatives not only thought mike hl a drug problem, they tried to do something about it. a gruesome story, possibly 100 bodies allegedly dug up from their final resting place in a clandestine scheme. who is charged with doing it and why? a story tugging on heart strings, a missing 11-year-old's dad is said to be deployed to iraq. will he be forced to leave the country without knowing her fate? hi, i'm chuck roberts, welcome. how much did the family know about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use? two sources tell our sister network cnn family members were so worried about him they tried to stage an intervention. sister janet jackson grew so concerned about his appearance after a visit in 2007 she tried to intervene with the some of some of her brothers. jackson reportedly ordered the security guards not to let family members into the house and he refused to take calls from his mother, katherine. at the time, some family members issued a statement emphatically denying it all, although janet jackson didn't sign that statement. jackson's dermatologist says he knew the pop star used diprivan as a sleep aid and warned jackson about the powerful sedative's dangers. in a revealing interview on ""larry king live"" a. arnold klein not only talked about drug use, addressed lingering speculation that he fathered jackson's children. >> larry: did michael tell you he used diprivan? >> i knew at one point that he was using diprivan when he was on tour in germany, and so he was using it with an anesthesiologist to go to sleep at night. i told him he was absolutely insane. i said you have to understand that this drug, you can't repeatedly take, because what happens with narcotics no matter what you do, you build a tolerance to them. >> larry: what about all the rumors about you and the fathering of those children. >> here's the most important thing. michael loved those children as a father. those children loved him as a father, and as far as i'm concerned that's the most important grouping there is. >> that's not the answer. you donated sperm? >> i don't think i should go over my legal appearance because to the best of my knowledge i'm not the father. >> klein admits he donated to a sperm bank but not for jackson. he also said he'll be willing to take a test for dna or lack of it. a lot is being said for michael jackson's daughter paris taking stage. should the family have kept her from the glare of the spotlight? call us now toll free  877-835-5456. e-mail at click under "your views" or text views plus your comment and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. we'll hear your views all day. investigators call startling and revolting, more than 300 bodies at an historic african-american cemetery may have been dug up and dumped in mass graves all so their burial plots could be resold. exclusive video from the baroque cemetery given by cook county sheriff tom dart. the office manager were charged with one count each of dismembering a human body. the sheriff described the office manager as the apparent ring leader and said she made money stealing donations dedicated to the memory of emmitt till. >> this was not replacing graves, not moving graves. this was dumping of them. the individual we're talking about also had set up an emmitt till memorial fund on her own where she took money from that and apparently pocketed that money as well for individuals who came here to the cemetery. >> emmitt till was lynched in 1955 when he was 14 and his death helped galvanize the civil rights movement. he's buried at the cemetery. most of the excavations happened in back lots where the plots were older and not as frequently visited. the cemetery's current owners are not believed to be involved. tonight family and friends will attend a memorial service for steve mcnair. nashville police ruled his mistress sahel kazemi shot him four times while he slept on the couch and then took her own life. police released the 911 call after the friend found the bodies. >> i received a phone call that there was injured parties inside this apartment. >> okay. >> and. >> male or female? >> two, there's two people. >> two people? >> yes. >> and they both appear to be deceased. >> i think so, sir. >> you got a call from who? >> his name is lane, he was the one that shares this apartment, and he came back, you know what i'm saying, he walked in and got a feeling -- he really didn't pay no attention, but he said i think they're hurt in there. so he called me, because he know i'm a man's best man, so i went to check on him, and he's -- it's -- it is not looking good in here. >> you said the guy's name is what that you got the call from? >> wayne. >> wayne, do you know his last name? >> unh-uh. >> and he's the roommate? >> yeah. >> here's dash cam video taken two days before the murder/suicide, kazemi being arrested on suspicion of dui. mcnair was a passenger in the car. he wasn't charged. he left in a cab. investigators say the woman told friends her life was spinning out of control because of financial problems and that she suspected steve mcnair was seeing someone else. a private swim club in suburban philadelphia is under fire accused of kicking out kids from a day camp because some of the children were black and the camp's director is considering legal action. three children told the ca director they heard members of the valley club asking what blacks were doing there. a few days later the club refunded the swimming fee but didn't say why. they told wtxf several club members claimed they "fundamentally changed the atmosphere, the complexion at the pool." but he said the complaints did not involve race. the incident brought out some protesters. >> from what we're hearing is that it was the members that kind of started it, that the board had decided to let out, you know, sort of let these children in, and then the members, the parents saw this, and said, no, we don't want our kids swimming in the same pool as these other kids and again, you know, they're kids. >> a club member said he was there on the day in question and complained but not because black kids were in the pool, because he felt there weren't enough life guards for 65 extra kids and that that posed a safety hazard. well it's back. the national weather service made it official today, el nino has returned. what does it mean for our weather? we go to meteorologist chad myers to get a breakdown. what does this mean? >> it means the hurricane season could be less likely to be severe. it could mean that southern california gets a break from its drought. it also could mean that there's going to be a drought in parts of the ohio valley over the winter. let's just, let's start from scratch. here's cabo san lucas, here's mexico and south america over here. on the other side of the map this is australia. in the middle, you will see an orange area developing. that is the anomaly, as we call it. that's just warm wanter, that's developing in the pacific ocean, that's getting close to the west coast there of south america. when that happens, our weather changes significantly. it changes significantly in a couple of ways. it changes because we get below average rainfall across the ohio valley, but also, chuck, i'm going to try to get a color here for you, this is going to be the red zone here where we get all of this excess rainfall from florida, across the gulf coast and all the way back even into arizona. this happens in january, february, and march of 2010, so about six months from now, and that's how that's going to change for us here, but the bigger change for the winter is all of the above normal temperatures all the way through the plains, and then a little bit above normal down even almost into florida and the west coast. it changes the forecast for winter snow. it changes for snowpack, and it also changes for what could happen to when this rain eventually dries out in southern california, as soon as an el nino, a big one is over, all that vegetation in california all dries out, then it catches on fire, so that's kind of maybe a year, year and a half away, but that big change in how much vegetation can grow in southern california can do one of two things, it could begin with the rainfall and if we get big storms, i've seen buildings fall into the ocean because of the storms that crash in el ninos in southern california but it l could also mean a big fire season later on because you had so much rain. it all goes in tandem. >> we could play golf in minneapolis on new year's day. >> that could possibly happen. >> that could happen. >> the last big el nino, was 1989. >> ha chad, thanks. appreciate the info. at the g-8 sum nit italy the group worked to hammer out details of a trade deal, now that the world economy is entirely in recession the g-8 is trying to finish the doha round of talks to prevent countries from turning into protectionist trade practices. it helped lead to the great depression in the 1930s. aids activists staged a noisy protest inside capitol hill. police had to arrest 26 of the demonstrators and charged them with unlawful assembly. the group entered the rotunda together and bound themselves with plastic chains. it demands funding on aids prevention and support programs from president obama and congress. the protests came a day before key congressional votes on aids programs and a day before the president leaves for a brief trip to africa. life took a tragic turn for a homeless army veteran when he accidentally backed over his son at a campground but that horrible twist of fate has now opened up some life-changing opportunities because their story was told. five people were killed today during the noon hour on an amtrak train, struck a car in canton township, michigan. that's the amtrak wolverine. it's still upright and apparently intact. all the victims who died were in the car. no reports of injuries among the 170 passengers on board that train. passengers and crew. we're hearing the train pushed the car about 150 feet. earlier we had reports it was pushed several miles. obviously that was wrong, an amtrak spokesman says the car was trying to cross the tracks and was struck. the train was headed to chicago from detroit. passengers are being transferred to buses to take another way to get to their destination. a short time ago former washington mayor and current city councilman marion barry discussed his arrest over the weekend for stalking his ex-girlfriend. federal prosecutors have now dropped the charges but barry says it should never have happened to begin with. >> my mother called me the day after the incident and if she had not known her son, she knows that i would not do anything like that. this could have cost her, she is 92 years of age, could have caused her to have a heart attack or stroke because of the trauma of it all. the point i'm making here, that this inappropriate arrest has led to consternation, has led to embarrassment around the nation and led to all of this and the buck ought to be put at this inappropriate arrest, and i'm expressing it in deep and strong language because it has caused me great pain. >> barry's lawyer says he and his ex-girlfriend were on their way to a party and she changed her mind about attending. prosecutors say the decision to drop the stalking charges was based on a full review of the evidence it was bad enough his family was homeless but fate dealt an iraqi veteran another blow when he accidentally backed over his son at a campground. ken coker in michigan has the tragic story. >> reporter: after serving his country in iraq, this had become home for daniel nichols, his wife and his two children. his 5-year-old son, mason, is in the hospital, after nichols accidentally ran over the boy and his mother as they slept in their tent. the father got into his car to warm up, fell asleep. the car somehow slipped into gear and rolled over the tent. >> the next thing i heard was sort of like a crash, and sounded like something was breaking, and so i just thought that i heard some screams, some cries and like, oh, what did you do, and then i heard "what w.h.o. did i hit?" the boy suffered apparent head injuries. his mother only minor injuries. their 2-year-old daughter, jasmine, was not hurt. >> he had nowhere else to go. >> they had stayed with relatives, moving from home to home but had no place to call their own. david nichols served in iraq, in the army, got out seven months ago. >> he's been homeless for a long time. he went to alabama and tried that for awhile but he couldn't turn up a job. >> he returned to michigan, looking for a job, and a home, she says. >> even mcdonald's jobs, working at fast food restaurants, or a cook. he's been wanting a cook job. >> hoffmaster state park on the shore of lake michigan, $18 a night for a rustic site no, electricity. they had been there for about a week. >> it started out as a camping trip to take the children there but turned out to be a nice place and they stayed on. >> reporter: he hoped to spend the summer there, if possible, she says. then campers heard the screams of a distraught father. one of the campers is a respiratory therapist. >> and then i heard the man saying "i want to you breathe. i want to you breathe. i need you to breathe." >> reporter: she ran to help, but the boy was conscious, and breathing. police say they are investigating this as an accident. >> our thanks to kevin coker, w.o.o.d. in michigan for that. the tragic situation has taken a somewhat unexpected turn for the better. their assignment editor says a washington, d.c., woman, saw cnn's coverage of the story and offered the family a place to stay and jobs in the d.c. area. the number of homeless people in the u.s. is holding fairly steady but the background of the homeless is changing. the government says more families are packing homeless shelters these days. the department of housing and urban development says the number of homeless families grew 9% between the fall of 2007 and 2008, and there's an increase in the number of people seeking help from suburban and rural areas. they now account for a third of the people requesting transitional housing. two sisters kept apart by a secretive regime finally communicate. cnn contributor lisaling talked to herrister, laura, serving 12 years of hard labor in north korea. what lisa is saying about the conversation. for the first time in days, protesters are back on the streets of tehran. these are brand new pictures, we can't verify when the amateur video was actually taken. the demonstrations today, though, marked the tenth anniversary of a student uprising in 1999, and the protesters are using the anniversary to resume their demonstrations against that presidential election on june 12th. an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 protesters took to the streets in tehran but a pro-government militia used force to break up the crowd. we've heard of no reliable arrest or injury numbers if any exist. iraq is seeing its deadliest outbreak of violence since u.s. troops pulls out of cities last month. at least 60 people have been killed. two suicide bombings struck the city of tal afar leaving 35 dead and wounding more than 65 others. in baghdad, seven were killed and more than two dozen wounded when a busy market was bombed in sadr city. one person was killed by a roadside bomb in another district of the capital. a truck rigged with ek explosives blew up in central afghanistan, killing kids on their way to grade school. it left a huge crater in the road. four policemen are among the dead. the taliban denies any involvement. an american journalist in prison in north korea has finally made contact with her sister here in the u.s. >> a tremendous relief to hear laura's voice last night. it was only the first time i had heard her voice in weeks. >> lauraling and euna lee were sentenced last month on charges of illegally entering north korea to conduct a smear campaign. ling's sister told her she's sorry about everything that's happened and stressed the need for diplomacy and government help. a little girl vanishes and in the coming weeks her dad is deployed to iraq. lindsay baum disappeared june 26th. she was taking a short walk from her friend's house but never made it. her father is a member of the tennessee national guard. he hasn't seen his little girl in a year. earlier this week he made a plernl plea for her safe return. detectives have not found any evidence to explain her kiss disappearance. a massive power outage caused major traffic jams in l.a. people in more than 20,000 homes and businesses lost electricity last night. a cable at a power station apparently gave out. firefighters responded to about 13 reports of people trapped in elevators. a touching tribute or a young girl being exploited? what our viewers are saying about paris jackson's memorable address to the crowd at her dad's memorial on tuesday. be right back. welcome back. first to the g-8 sum nit italy. world leaders worked out some details of a global economy caught in recession. trying to successfully finish the doha round of talks the trade deal is supposed to help prevent countries from returning to protectionist trade and extra pras from battling the recession. some economists blame protectionist practices for helping to cause the great depression. people in this country are weighing in on president obama's job performance. brand new poll numbers hot off the press and paul steinhauser joins us live. >> chuck, brand new numbers. these are national figures and we asked about the president about how you feel about barack obama, opinion of obama on some specific issues like whether he is a strong leader, check it out, 70%, seven out of ten people say they think he's a strong leader, a good number. it dropped ten points since february. whether he's tough enough, 64%, but that is a drop of nine points from february and whether he has a clear plan, that's dropped 11 points from our similar poll in february. one number, chuck, that has not dropped much at all, interesting, whether the president inspires confidence in you, you can see nearly three out of four people feel he does and that is barely down at all from our numbers in february so a little bit of slippage, chuck, but good numbers. i think any politician would like to have. >> you bet. there's talk of a second stimulus package among democrats. is that gaining any traction? >> nancy pelosi, the house speaker, was asked about it today. right now she wants to see if the current stimulus, she feels it will kick in later this year in the third quarter, so she said before we talk about another stimulus let's make sure this one works first. the vice president today joe biden was in ohio, chuck, a state seeing tough economic times and he was there to tout the stimulus. he's also in new york state this afternoon while the administration says the stimulus is working, they say it is creating new jobs and more will be created in the third quarter. you're hearing a different story, chuck, from republicans. they say the stimulus is stimulating the government and not creating the jobs in the private sector that need to be created. a political food fight between the democrats and republicans over the stimulus. >> are they scoring points? >> polling indicates that americans are becoming more concerned about the budget deficit and more concerned about whether the stimulus is working. if the economy stays the way it is, it could be a problem for the democrats next year but that's still a ways way. >> how much of the first stimulus has been spent, 11% in. >> i believe you're right, the small percentage. the administration says more will be spent this summer. more than 300 bodies at an historic african-american cemetery may have been dug up and dumped in mass graves so their burial plots could be resold. the office manager and three grave diggers at the cemetery south of chicago were charged today with one count each of dismembering a human body. all are being held on bond. this is exclusive video from the baroque cemetery from a tour given to cnn by cook county sheriff tom dart. he says they're checking gravesites to check out which were dils turned. >> we're bringing in some high-tech machines that are going to be able to use ultrawaves and light to make sure that nothing has been tampered with. we have thermal imaging units that are going to be on sight here soon and we're going to double check everybody, because we've told people that this is an incredibly historic cemetery for the african-american community, but as well as the notables, there are regular family members everywhere, children, grandparents. when you look at some of the grave stones that we've come across that have been dumped throughout the cemetery and have been hidden, you see grave stones of babies, you see grave stones of grandparents, wives, husbands. this is heart-breaking stuff. >> sheriff dart also said most of the excavations occurred in back lots where the plots were older and not frequently visited. the current owners of the cemetery are not believed to be involved. a private swim club in philadelphia is under fire, accused of kicking out kids of day camp because some of the children were black and the director is considering legal action. three children told the camp director they heard members asking what blacks were doing there. the club refunded the swimming fee a few days later but wouldn't say why. several club members complained that the children "fundamentally changed the atmosphere and complexion at the pool," but he said the complaints didn't involve race. the incident brought out some protesters. >> from what we're hearing is that it was the members that kind of started it, that the board had decided to let out, you know, had sort of let these children in, and then the members, the parents saw this, and said, no, we don't want our kids swimming in the same pool as these other kids and again, you know, they're kids. >> a club member said he was there on the day in question and complained but not because blacks were in the pool but because he felt there weren't enough life guards for 65 extra kids in the same pool and that it posed a safety hazard. how much did the family know about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use? two sources tell our sister network cnn family members were so worried about him they tried to stage an intervention. it didn't take. sister janet grew so concerned about his appearance service seeing him in 2007 she tried to intervene with the help of some of her brothers but michael jackson reportedly ordered his security guards not to let family members into his home and refused to accept calls from his mother, katherine. at the same time, family members issued a statement all emphatically denying this. janet jackson did not sign that statement. jackson's dermatologist said he knew the pop superstar used diprivan as a sleep aid and warned jackson about the powerful sedative's effects and its dangers. in an interview on ""larry king live"" dr. arnold klein not only talked about drug use, he addressed the lingering speculation that he fathered jackson's children. >> did michael tell you he used diprivan? >> i knew at one point that he was using diprivan when he was on tour in germany, and so he was using it with an anesthesiologist to go to sleep at night and i told him he was absolutely insane. i said you have to understand that this drug you can't repeatedly take because what happens with narcotics no matter what you do, you build a tolerance to them. >> larry: what about all the rumors about you and the fathering of those children? >> here's the most important thing. michael loved those children as a father. those children loved him as a father. as far as i'm concerned that's the most important grouping there is. >> larry: that's not answering the question. >> no because i'm not going answer it the way you want to answer it. >> larry: you donated sperm. >> i donated sperm to the sperm bank but i think to the best of my knowledge i'm not the father. >> he admits he did not donate sperm to jackson and he also said he's willing to take a dna test. as the investigation into michael jackson's tpz a lot has been said about his daughter, paris, speaking the at public memorial service before literally millions if not more. should the family have kept her out of the glare of the spotlight? we'd love your views.÷ 877-835-5456 or e-mail at, and click under "your views" or text "views" and your comment to hlntv. we'll air your responses in a few minutes and throughout the day. standard text rates apply. a possible motive and new video emerges in the murder/suicide of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair. dash cam video taken two days of the killing of mcnair's 20-year-old mistress sahel kazemi. she was arrested two days before the shooting. they say she shot mcnair four times while he slept on a sofa and then killed himself -- herself, sorry. mcnair was a passenger in the car right there. he wasn't charged. he left in a cab. investigators say kazemi told friends her life was spinning out of control because of financial problems and she suspected the married mcnair was seeing someone else. police also released a 911 call, a friend of mcnair's made, after the bodies were discovered. >> i received a phone call that, that there was an injured party inside his apartment and -- >> was it male or female? >> two, there's two people. >> two people? >> yeah. >> they both appear to be deceased? >> i think so, sir. >> you got a call from who? >> his name is wayne, he shares this apartment and he came by and said he walked in and he really didn't pay no attention to them, but he said i think they're hurt in there. he called me because he know i'm a man's best man. so i checked on him and he's -- it's not looking good in there. >> you said the guy's name is what that you got the call from? >> wayne. >> wayne. you know his last name? >> unh-uh. >> and he's the roommate? >> yes. >> family and friends will attend a memorial service tonight for steve mcnair. the 36-year-old nfl most valuable player was married with four kids. the number of homeless people in the u.s. is holding fairly steady, but the background of the homeless is changing. the government says more families are packing homeless shelters these days. the department of housing and urban development says the number of homeless families grew 9% between the fall of 2007 and 2008, and there's an increase in the number of people seeking help from suburban and rural areas. they now account for one-third of the people requesting transitional housing. inside the capital rotunda, the scene of a loud protest today where demonstrators left in handcuffs and say there's a crucial issue president obama has to pay attention to. tragedy west of detroit. five people killed today when an amtrak train struck a car in canton township. this is the amtrak wolverine which is pretty much undamaged. all of the victims who died were in the car. there are no reports of injuries among the 170 passengers and crew on board the train. the wolverine was headed for chicago when the train pushed the car we're hearing about 150 feet. the car was trying to cross the tracks and it was hit. amtrak said the train was headed to chicago from detroit. all the passengers are being are have been transferred to buses to complete their journey. aids activist stage a noisy protest today inside the capital where police arrested 26 demonstrators charging them with unlawful assembly. police say the group entered the rotunda and bound themselves together with plastic chains. the coalition's website demands funding on aids prevention and support programs from president obama and congress. the protests come a day before key congressional votes on aids programs and a day before the president leads for a short trip to africa. a new round of cyber attacks hits seven south korean websites today. there's no sign that u.s. government sites are still being targeted as they were over the weekend. there is suspicion the attacks originate in north korea but security experts say it may be difficult to track down those responsible. over the weekend, the fourth of july weekend, several government sites in the u.s., including the white house and pentagon were targeted by denial of service strikes. japan says it's time to send a stronger message to north korea to stop what it called provocative actions. this didn't say whether it experienced similar cyber attacks. north korea has not responded to the charges that the attacks were originating there. an american journalist in prison in north korea has finally made contact with her sister here in the u.s. >> a tremendous relief to hear laura's voice last night. it was only the first time i had heard her voice in weeks. >> laura ling and euna lee were sentenced last month to 12 years in prison for illegally entering north korea to conduct a smear campaign. ling's sister told her "she's sorry about everything that's happened," and stressed the need for diplomacy and government help. overflowing garbage cans springing up everywhere in the city of toronto. here is an example. >> an i-reporter gives us the stinking truth about how toronto's garbage worker strike has the normally pristine city knee deep in trash. a little girl has vanished just as her worried dad is prepared to be deployed to iraq. lindsay baum disappeared june 26th. she was taking a short walk from her friend's house to her own and never made. his father hasn't seen the little girl in a year since she and her mom went to washington. earlier this week he made a plea for her safe return. >> i would love nothing more than to see my daughter before i have to go. so please if you know anything, contact the hotlines, contact any 911 centers but please, bring me my daughter home before i have to leave. >> detectives say they've not found any evidence to explain her disappearance. it's supposed to be some kind of a playground attached to a school. now basically it is a garbage site that is overflowing with garbage piling up. >> i think it's terrible. >> is it impacting you personally in. >> definitely. i would pay more for them to pick this up so i think they should get whatever they deserve, you know what i mean? definitely. >> that video comes from an i-reporter, jimmy deo in toronto, reporting on a city worker strike on its 18th day. jimmy joins from us toronto. great video, thanks for reporting. thank you for your contribution. how does it smell in toronto right about now? >> well, you know what? i have to be balanced, i hope i could be. certain areas that have garbage piled up, as an example the video i recorded yesterday there's parts of the city, the downtown cor der which are not as bad. will you not see piles and piles of garbage everywhere but the trash cans overflow so long there are certainly areas that are not as bad but other areas that look exactly what the video showed yesterday. >> how about big buildings and hotels, where are they putting their refuse? >> it seems it was at least in the media a lot of the places are using private contractors to haul their trash out. >> their trash out. it's going to one of the five or six designated sites where the citizens are also taking their trash. >> i guess everyone is getting frustrated. what's the city going to do? will they hire replacement workers to break the union? what's the plan? >> actually, i haven't heard of any such plan to hire replacement workers. there are no immediate contract talks that i'm aware of as of yesterday evening at least. the mayor was actually responding, well, the public is cooperating well with the designated dump sites. things are working well so far. to answer your question, the city is not taking any immediate action to resolve the issue as far as i know and there are no contract talks that i know of to speak of. >> all right. it has to be frustrated, swimming pools and playgrounds turned into dumps. >> the most visible impact of the strike really is the trash piling up and the garbage dumps that are designated around the city. >> i hope it gets resolved. toronto is a beautiful, vibrant city. i've been there many times. thanks for the contribution. great images. good luck and thanks again. >> thanks for having me. >> if you have pictures or video of breaking news or cool stories go to like he did and click on the upload now link. you hear people say i'm a night owl, a morning person. it turns out there is such a thing and has real effects. researchers found people who are most productive in the morning are strong throughout the day. night owls are strongest at night. in one example of how this plays out a night owl athlete would be at a disadvantage if he or she had to compete in the morning. why did she do it? days after an arrest for dui former nfl quarterback steve mcnair's girlfriend/mistress killed him and herself. now police say they have a motive. i'll clean the pool if you clean the windows. pick the windows, pick the windows! anything but the windows. deal. oh! new windex outdoor all-in-one... cleans outdoor glass fast. just spray with water, wipe with a windex cleaning pad, and rinse for a streak-free shine in half the time. you're done? she pulled a fast one! ( laughs ) new windex outdoor all-in-one. a streak-free shine in half the time. s.c. johnson, a family company. four people are charged in desecrating graves at a cemetery near chicago, the scam police say may have led them to dig up more than 300 graves. and club members say it's about safety but nonmembers say it's about race. what really happened at this pennsylvania swimming pool. police haul out some noisy demonstrators in handcuffs. what the group is demanding in washington. here's the latest from hln news and views. i'm richelle carey. thank you for your time. in an activateors called startling and revolting more than 300 bodies at an african-american cemetery may have been dug up and dumped in mass graves. also their burial plots can be resold. this is exclusive video from the burr oak cemetery from a tour given to cnn by the cook county sheriff. the office manager and three grave diggers at the cemetery near chicago were charged today with one count each of dismembering a human body. the county sheriff described the office manager as the apparent ring leader and said she also made money by stealing donations dedicated to the memory of emmett till. >> this was not replacing graves. it was not moving graves. this was dumping them. the individual we're talking about also had set up an emmett till memorial fund on her own where she took money from that and apparently pocketed that money as well from individuals who came here to the cemetery. >> he is buried at that cemetery. most of this happened where the plots were older and not as frequently visited. investigators say the cemetery's current owners are not believed to be involved. for the first time in days, thousands of protestors were back on the streets of tehran. new pictures are coming into us but we cannot verify when this amateur video was actually shot. the crowds are chanting "death to the dictator" and this is happening during demonstrations on the tenth anniversary of a student uprising in 1999. security forces fired tear gas and charged the crowds with batons. cell phone service was cut off in the central part of the city. iraq is seeing its deadliest outbreak of violence since u.s. troops pulled out of the cities last month. at least 64 people have been killed. two suicide bombings struck the city of telefar wounding 65 others and leaving some people dead. in baghdad at least seven people were killed and two dozen wounded when a busy market was bombed in sadr city. one person was killed in a roadside bomb in another district. a little girl vanishes and in coming weeks her dad is deployed to iraq. take a very good look at lindsey baum. lindsey disappeared on june 26th. police say she was just trying to take a short walk from her friend's house to her home in mccleary, washington. lindsey never made it. her father is a member of the tennessee national guard and hasn't seen the girl in a year. earlier this week he made a personal plea for her safe return. >> i would love nothing more than to see my daughter before i have to go. so please, if you know anything, contact the hotlines, contact any 911 center but, please, bring my daughter home before i have to leave. >> detectives say they haven't found any evidence to explain her disappearance. a private swim club in suburban philadelphia is under fire. listen to this. it's accused of kicking out kids from a day camp because some of the children were black and the camp's director says she is considering legal action. three children told the camp director they heard members of the valley club asking what blacks were doing there. okay. then a few days later the club refunded the camp's swimming fees. the campers' swimming fees. didn't say why. the club president told philadelphia station wtxf that several club members complained the children, quote, fundamentally changed the atmosphere at the pool, but he says the complaints did not involve race. the incident brought out the protestors. >> what we're hearing is that it was the members that kind of started it. that the board decided to let out -- to let these children in and then the members, the parents saw this and said, now, we don't want our kids swimming in the same pool as these other kids. again, they're kids. >> a club member says he was there the day in question and complained but not because black kids were in the pool but because he felt there weren't enough life guards for the extra 65 kids in the pool and that posed a safety hazard. well, it's back. the national weather service made it official today. el nino has returned. what does that mean for our weather? let's go to meteorologist chad meyers for a breakdown. okay. el nino is the popular kid again? >> he is the one back in town. >> right. >> the kid's back in town again. ought to be a song. here's mexico and here's south america. all the way over to the other side of the pacific, this over here is australia. well, in the middle of the pacific, you see this orange area. this is a time lapse over the past six weeks. this water is now warming up. what does that mean? it means that as we get rid of this map it means the precipitation and the temperatures over the winter will be significantly different than where they should be this time of year for normal. a below normal season for the eastern part of the ohio valley. a well above normal season -- put that back -- well above normal season for precip across texas, arizona, and even into florida. that's the big story. how much rainfall will fall across the southern states. this is january, february, and march coming up. so that may really make more of the drought problems we're seeing in the southeast. something else you'll notice about this winter if it continues to get stronger, big, strong el nino will make a well above normal winter time temperature during the day and during the night time. that may affect snow pack. that may affect skiing. that may affect a whole lot of things. the biggest event usually that happens in el nino would be in california where storms could crash onshore and make waves and erosion. also, that extra rainfall, richelle, will eventually make extra plants that will eventually dry out that will make added fire problems, maybe a year or two from now. so a whole lot of things will happen when el nino, the boy child, shows up. and it looks like so far that's happening. la nina is over. the girl is gone. the boy is back in town. >> okay. it always makes sense when you explain it, chad. i appreciate it. but that's a long list of what el nino can do. >> for a long time. >> all right, chad. thank you very much. a touching tribute, or a young girl being exploited? what our viewers are saying about paris jackson addressing the crowd at her father's memorial. well we may now know what caused the air crash that killed adventurer steve fossett. federal safety officials say downdrafts were the probable cause. they believe fossett's plane hit a mountain after encountering the downdrafts and the plane wasn't able to recover by climbing. he was also the first person to circle in a balloon and his remains were found a year after he disappeared in september of 2007. how much of the jackson family -- how much did the family know rather about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use? two sources tell our sister network cnn the family members were so worried about him they tried to stage an intervention. sister janet was so worried after visiting him back in 2007, sources say, that she tried to intervene with help from some of her brothers. jackson reportedly ordered his security guards not to let family members into his home and he even refused to take calls from his mother, katherine. well, at the time some family members issued a statement emphatically denying that but janet jackson did not sign the statement. we told you earlier michael jackson's daughter paris is the subject of some debate. a lot of things said about her taking center stage and speaking at her father's public memorial service. should the jackson family have kept her from the glare of the spotlight? hln callers are weighing in on the issue. first up is stacy from georgia. what are your thoughts about paris being on such a public forum during this time? >> caller: how you doing? >> great. how about you? >> caller: all right. i do believe it was fine for paris to speak and help with the healing process and also i just want to say that, you know, if the only reason viewers watched the memorial service was to scrutinize everything that went on, people like that i have no respect for. they need to get a life and i mean a life with meaning and leave those kids alone because right now they have enough to deal with and i'm a true believer that god heals and god not only hears prayers but he has the power to answer them, as well. >> stacy, thank you for your phone call and your passion. >> caller: thank you for the broadcast that headline news did. millions of people couldn't get to california but we -- it was like we were there in the living room. so we thank you all so much for broadcasting that. thank you. >> thanks, stacie for watching. all right. elliot is calling from texas. what do you think? >> caller: how you doing today? i just wanted to speak upon this as this bothers me because we look upon cnn, headline news, and your other stations to present to us different types of media that's very important for us to know because you are the ones to present it to us but it is also very influential as a station, a company that we look upon. and for you to bring this as a question as to whether or not the children should have spoken or not, that to me brings about chaos among the people to bring this as a subject in their own thinking patterns. whether or not the children should have spoken should not even be an issue when it comes to the people. it's something that was done for the family's choice, for the child's choice. it's quite evident to see that this was her choice to do this but for it to be a topic of discussion and to bring about a question why it should be or not, that's where the confusion comes about. >> okay. >> caller: i respect cnn but i want to say i respect cnn and thank all so much but don't make it more of an obstacle than it is. please don't do that. >> okay, elliot. thank you for your phone call. we'll take the criticism but we're actually reflecting questions we saw out there. but we will take the criticism. thank you. debbie is calling from washington. what do you think? >> caller: i think paris is the most precious little thing in the world. i mean, she humanized michael jackson for me, not being a fan. i watched her fidget with her little purse ahead of time, and move up to the mike and from her heart came these words that made me say to myself, she reminded me not to judge a book by its cover. she brought love into the world. she made him something that -- she was amazing. and it made me think about how much she loved her daddy and what a good daddy he had to have been. >> thank you for your phone call. a lot of people were touched by that. all right. we've got hln facebook comments to share as well. aaron says i don't think the jackson family should have shielded paris from publicly express herg feelings. we witnessed a little girl who misses her father. i thought the words paris spoke were heart felt but i don't think it was a good idea because i'm afraid she will become a target in the media. julia wrote this. no one could have humanized michael jackson the way this brave, lovely little girl did so eloquently. the whole world cried with her. thanks to everyone who took the time to text, call, e-mail. go to the facebook page. we'll do it again tomorrow with another topic. you will hopefully be just as passionate about that. we'll take you criticizing us as well. that's what we open ourselves up for. we appreciate you watching. a woman says she recently spoke with steve mcnair's mistress and could tell the young woman was troubled. this is sahel kazemi at a dui stop days before police say she shot and killed mcnair and then herself. how she opened up to a perfect stranger and what she said. family, friends, and fans of steve mcnair are visiting a nashville funeral home today to pay last respects to the former tennessee titan quarterback who was killed over the weekend by a 20-year-old mistress who then committed suicide. one woman says she spoke with sahel kazemi shortly before the killings and tells our affiliate waay that the signs of trouble were all too clear. >> my heart dropped because i knew in my heart it was her. i knew it was her. >> reporter: vera mosley knew it was her because they had recently met the young woman when she took her daughters to nashville two weeks ago for a day trip. they stopped at david buster's and had a bite to eat but on this day happened to strike up a conversation with a young waitress. what they didn't know then that they know now, it was that waitress, sahel kazemi who they even snapped a picture with who would be the one to pull the trigger on her boyfriend retired nfl quarterback steve mcnair. >> she asked me, have you ever been in love? that's exactly what she asked me. she said, we have been on all kinds of vacations but lately he acts like he doesn't want to spend time with me and it's killing me. i don't know what to do. she knew the relationship was ending and she was beautiful on the outside but dead on the inside. >> reporter: 20-year-old sahel kazemi days away from killing mcnair and taking her own life opened up to a complete stranger. why did she open up to you? >> why me? why did she pick me? because i didn't tell her anything. she asked me, can i talk to you? >> reporter: tas turned out kazemi was talking to a woman who coincidentally had written a play called "woman what are you worth" a play about women who lose themselves in relationships. but while mosley may have given the right advice to the young girl a psychologist we spoke with says it may have been too late. >> the person feels they can't live without the other person and of course that's wrong. they're wrong. but they don't know that. and then the disasterous chain of events follows from that big lie that they tell themselves. >> reporter: and the disastrous chain of events did follow despite mosley's kind words. >> you'll get over this man. you know he's 35 years old. you're just going through this, you're youthful and beautiful. it'll be okay. >> trying to convince them otherwise, you can really hardly talk them out of it. >> wow. thanks to affiliate waay for that story. fans are also heading to lp field where the titans play. the team has set up a video tribute to mcnair and is offering a book for people to leave condolence messages to mcnair's family. aids activists staged a noisy protest on capitol hill today. capitol police arrested 26 demonstrators and charged them with unlawful assembly. police say the group went into the rotunda and bound themselves together with plastic chains. the coalition's website demands funding on aids prevention and support programs from president obama and congress. the protests came a day before key congressional votes on aids programs and a day before president obama leaves for a trip to africa. updating a story we brought you yesterday, the getty center art complex remains closed today after being threatened by a brush fire. the fire department says the 80-acre fire is about 90% contained. that is good news. the fire broke out about a mile from the museum which of course houses a world renowned art collection. hundreds of visitors and staff were forced to evacuate. our investors react to some really disappointing sales reports. we have all the details and the trading day as well. stephanie always puts this in perspective. >> i try, richelle, every day. despite a surprisingly good jobs report this morning stocks are just slightly higher. the number of americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell by more than 50,000 last week. the dow finding its way higher by four points to 8183. nasdaq and the s&p 500 about a third of 1%. gm is on the cusp of exiting bankruptcy. the deal deadlined for appeal passed earlier today and the new general motors expects to make an official debut tomorrow. there was one 11th hour appeal but it was denied by the court. the slimmer auto maker will have chevy, cadillac, buick, and gmc under its umbrella. you, the taxpayer, will own a majority stake in the new company. how does that feel, richelle? you like your ownership role? >> i'll wake up a boss tomorrow? is that what you're telling me? >> all different tomorrow. >> i'm telling you, stephanie, it always adds perspective. thanks. >> sure. well, did the jackson family have suspicions michael was sick? maybe hooked on some kind of drugs? well, speculation keeps swirling about what caused the pop icon's death and our jane velez-mitchell will continue to look into the issue. dddddd investigators call it startling and revolting. more than 300 bodies at an historic african-american cemetery may have been dug up and dumped in mass graves. all so their burial plots could be resold. exclusive video from the burr oak cemetery from a tour given to cnn by the cook county sheriff, tom dart. the office manager and three grave diggers at the cemetery near chicago were charged today with one count each of dismembering of a human body. the county sheriff described the office manager as the apparent ring leader and said she also made money by stealing donations dedicated to the memory of emmett till. >> this was not replacing graves. it was not moving graves. it was dumping of them. the individual we're talking about also had set up an emmett till memorial fund on her own where she took money from that and pocketed that money as well from individuals who came here to the cemetery. >> till was lynched in 1955 when he was just 14 and his death helped galivanize the civil rights movement. he is buried at this cemetery. most of these excavations reportedly happened in back lots where the plots were older and people didn't visit them as much. investigators say the cemetery's current owners were not believed to be involved. how much did the family know about michael jackson's condition and possible drug use? two sources tell our sister network cnn family members were so worried about him they tried to stage an intervention. sources say sister janet was so worried after visiting him in 2007 she tried to intervene with help from some of her brothers. jackson reportedly ordered security guards not to let family members into his home and refused to take calls from his mother, katherine. at the time some family members issued a statement emphatically denying that but janet jackson did not sign the statement. congress will not be honoring the late singer, michael jackson. today the speaker of the house nancy pelosi shot down the idea of the house of representatives approving a resolution to honor him. >> michael jackson was a great, great performer and lots of sadness there for many reasons. what i have said to my colleagues over the years and certainly as leader and speaker is that there's an opportunity on the floor of the house to express their sympathy or their praise any time that they wish. i don't think it's necessary for us to have a resolution. >> why not? >> well, because i think in this case the idea is to praise the life and work as i assume that resolution does, then why not do that, a resolution i think would open up to contrary views that are not necessary at this time to be expressed in association with the resolution whose purpose is quite different. >> what started all this is congresswoman sheila jackson sponsored a resolution to acknowledge the pop star's charitable acts and proclaim him an american legend, musical icon, and also a world humanitarian. well, hln's facebook users are weighing in on whether jackson's daughter paris should have spoken at his memorial. this is what paul from new york wrote. she wasn't prompted any more than jfk jr. was prompted to salute his dad's coffin when it passed him in the street. interesting comment there. this is an e-mail we got. i feel janet put paris up to it last minute to end the show with a bang. you could tell the little girl is in agony. there was no need to put her in that situation. of course we don't know that but that is certainly someone's take. we appreciate everyone who expressed their views to us on this. you can always e-mail us, text us, or call us about any question we pose to you any time. we appreciate it. tennessee department of mental health says it will not air a public service announcement about suicide it was working on with former nfl quarterback steve mcnair. police have officially ruled his 20-year-old mistress sahel kazemi shot him four times as he slept then took her own life. tennessee officials say the psa hadn't reached the point of being aired and now it's inappropriate. this is dash cam video from two days before the murder-suicide. police arrested kazemi for dui and mcnair was a passenger in the car. he was not charged and left in a cab. investigators say kazemi told friends her life was spinning out of control because of financial problems and she also suspected mcnair, who was married, was actually seeing someone else. tonight in tennessee family and friends will attend a memorial service for mcnair, the 36-year-old former nfl most valuable player who was married with four kids. for the first time in days, thousands of protestors are back in the streets of tehran. these are new pictures coming in. we cannot verify when this amateur video was actually shot. the crowds chanted "death to the dictator" during today's demonstrations on the tenth anniversary of a student uprising back in 1999. security forces fired tear gas and charged the crowds with batons. soon after the protests started, cell phones service was cut off in the central part of the city. iraq is seeing its deadliest outbreak of violence since u.s. troops pulled out of the cities last month. 64 people have been killed and the deadliest attack, two suicide bombings struck the city of talefur leaving people dead and wounding 65 others. in baghdad seven people were killed and more than two dozen wounded when a busy market was bombed at sadr city. one person was killed in a roadside bomb in another district of the city. well, paris hilton was in a miami courtroom today over a lawsuit that claims she didn't do enough to promote pledge this. if you don't know what it is, it was straight to dvd movie she starred in. investors were suing for $8 million from hilton and her entertainment firm. hilton says she plugged the movie various times and fulfilled her end of the deal. she may testify tomorrow. well, we may now know what caused the air crash that killed adventurer steve fossett. federal safety officials are saying that downdrafts were the probable cause. they believe fossett's plane hit a mountain after it encountered the downdrafts and his plane just wasn't able to recover by climbing. fossett was the first person to circle solo in a balloon. his remains were found a year after he disappeared in september of 2007. another day, another round of cyber attacks. today's targets are south korean sites once again. do we know any more about who is behind these attacks? a new round of cyber attacks hits seven south korean websites today. there is no sign u.s. sites are targeted. again. of course over the weekend several federal government sites including the white house and pentagon were hacked. authorities in south korea point the finger at north korea. has more details on this. virginia, this is big and a little frightening. >> it is troubling. you know, they were public sites. they're accessible by the public. they were not internal sites. even so the wide range of the attacks has officials thinking this isn't so good. some of the sites were actually taken off completely for a day or so. you mentioned the white house, the pentagon, u.s. treasury, federal trade commission, the nsa, national security administration, homeland security was even targeted and also they weren't all government. you see there nasdaq, "the washington post", and yahoo finance also targeted. now, these are called denial of service attacks. they're not uncommon. what happens is a virus deluges the site with so much traffic it clogs it up and takes it offline so no one else can use it. now, there has been some tracing of these internet addresses from the virus to north korea. but officials are quick to point out that doesn't necessarily mean it comes from there or that the government was involved in any way. there is also some indication maybe they came from china. the bottom line is it is very difficult to figure out where they came from and whether it would be government involved or individual hackers. they're already warning the public it's not something they may be able to trace ultimately. the thing that i think the takeaway message here especially for homeland security is that cyber security is a pressing issue, something that needs to be addressed, that the government needs to be more organized so that they can defend against these kinds of attacks. it becomes more of a reality in the 21st century. i think that's really where the focus is, what this is showing that we're deficient in and how we need to get better. >> it is very much a reality because even the president could not give up his blackberry. so it affects everybody. we will definitely keep an eye on that, virginia. tell me about this kansas teenager who built his own electric vehicle. >> yeah. talk about ingenuity. he is only 17 years old. his name is jason. he figured out how to do it over the internet. he is not technically savvy at all. he went to the internet and did the research. he took this old ford escort that was headed to the junk yard and he transformed it from a gas-using vehicle to an electric car. now, you know the interesting thing about this, i'm sorry, his name is andrew. his parents didn't want him to do it. they said, no. don't do it. this is too much. well, he decided that he was going to do it anyway. he ordered a forklift motor. that's what he used to put under the hood. here's the funny thing. his parents said no and then finally he got them to sort of say oh, okay. he said, good. because i already ordered the motor. it's on his way. he says his top speed is 38 miles per hour. he gets 11 miles per charge. that doesn't seem like a lot but get this. he hasn't had to gas up his truck for over a month so it really helps out in terms of not having to use your gas vehicle by having this to do some of the short errands. so good for him. >> he doesn't need a skateboard or anything. that's for sure. >> he doesn't even know how to change his oil in his gas car but he can build an electric car. >> what a kid. i love it. i love that he did this. he did disobey his parents but -- >> now they say they're proud of him. >> all right. thanks, virginia. >> you bet. >> all right. we have new details about sunday's deadly monorail crash at disney world. a spokeswoman says three employees have now been placed on paid leave. she says this is part of the investigative process. it is not necessarily a disciplinary action. the suspended workers include a monorail cast member, pilot, and transportation manager. a local affiliate reports two employees who were supposed to be coordinating the monorail switching at the time of the crash were actually eating at a nearby restaurant. it reports that maintenance -- a maintenance worker was left in charge while the other two employees were at a restaurant. well, many companies are laying off their workers. some businesses are actually creating new jobs. our money and main street segment, we go to a small town in georgia that went bust when its once thriving textile mills closed years ago. >> reporter: in the heart of the south, the face of tidy west point, georgia is literally changing. the old pizza hut is a korean barbecue. the old kfc, young's garden. jobs once scarce are finally returning. >> just like christmas time. >> reporter: christmas in the middle of a recession? in west point, yes. >> we jokingly call it kiaville. >> kia, the korean car company, is about to open a sprawling manufacturing plant thanks to $400 million in tax breaks. even in the midst of a recession, the company will hire 2500 new workers, have suppliers and new businesses and the mayor says west point's population 3500 stands to gain 20,000 jobs over the next five years. divine intervention. >> the economic activity here is incredible. the trickle down effect in the local economy has been staggering. >> reporter: remarkable for a city that was slowly becoming a ghost town. textile mills that once defined west point shut down in the 1990s leaving many out of work including 52-year-old margaret laid off last year now working again at one of kia's suppliers. did you ever think you'd be making car parts? >> not at all. >> reporter: not in a million years? >> no. >> reporter: new construction is everywhere. at roger's barbecue, business is booming. >> we say if we can get them in here one time they'll come back. they enjoy it. >> reporter: malcolm malone's car wash business is up 70% and down the street at irish pub ruth ann williams invested her life savings in the business. it's paying off. >> i came here because of kia. i wanted to come to this area because of kia. we have jumped in with both feet and we have not looked back. >> reporter: so how is this tiny, rural community adapting to the new asian infusion? does west point feel more like a melting pot now? >> yes. you have the culture coming in. you don't have to travel to atlanta anymore. >> reporter: from mill town to manufacturing mecca, a bright spot in an otherwise gray economy. how to thrive in a tough economy? people clearly are doing it. for more of our series "money and main street" watch our sister network cnn tonight at 8:00 eastern time. aids activists staging noisy protests inside the u.s. capitol today. capitol police arrested 26 of the demonstrators and charged them with unlawful assembly. police say the group went into the rotunda and bound themselves together with plastic chains. the coalition's website demands funding on aids prevention and support programs from president obama and congress. the protests came a day before key congressional cess votes on aids programs and a day before president obama leaves for a trip to africa. at the g-8 summit in italy today leaders worked on hammering out details of a trade deal. now that the world economy is caught in a recession the g-8 was trying to finish the talks. the trade deal is supposed to help prevent countries from turning to protectionist trade and investor practices to try to battle the recession. economists blame protectionist policies for causing the great depression. let's preview what's coming up at the top of the hour. a report into the cause of michael jackson's death. sources close to the family tell cnn some of his brothers and sisters tried to intervene just two years ago. plus, a very disturbing story out of illinois. four people charged with digging up graves and reselling them for money. lots of controversy over pool in pennsylvania. a group of african-american and hispanic kids said they were kicked out because of their race. a horrible story here. five people were killed tea when an amtrak train hit a car in michigan. this is the amtrak wolverine train. all the victims who died were in this car. there are no reports of injuries among the 170 passengers, plus crew, on the train. we're hearing the train pushed this car 150 feet. amtrak spokesperson said the car was trying to cross the track. the train was headed to chicago from detroit. a video story we brought you yesterday, the getty art complex is still closed today after being threatened by a brush fire. the 80-acre fire is about 90% contained. the fire broke out just a mile from the museum. this museum houses world renowned art collection. hundreds of visitors and staff had to evacuate yesterday. a little girl vanishes, and in the coming weeks her father is going to be deployed to iraq. take a good look, lindsey baum disappeared june 26th. police say she was taking a short walk from her house to her house in mccleary, washington. she never made it. her father is a member of the tennessee national guard and has not seen his daughter in a year. >> i would love nothing more than to see my daughter before i have to go. so please, if you know anything, contact the hotlines, contact any 911 centers. but please, bring my daughter home before i laugh to leave. >> detectives say they haven't found any evidence to explain her disappearance. with more and more reports of michael jackson's possible drugs use, "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer talks about his possible addiction.

Related Keywords

China ,Delaware ,United States ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Mexico ,Oaks Cemetery ,Tennessee ,Milltown ,Wexford ,Ireland ,Tehran ,Iran ,West Point ,Georgia ,Dover ,South Korea ,Chicago ,Illinois ,New York ,Pyongyang ,P Yongyang Si ,North Korea ,Japan ,Doha ,Ad Daw Ah ,Qatar ,Germany ,Afghanistan ,Atlanta ,Philadelphia ,Pennsylvania ,Florida ,Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada ,Capitol Hill ,Michigan ,Sadr City ,Baghdad ,Iraq ,Cook County ,American Cemetery ,Ohio ,Mecca ,Makkah ,Saudi Arabia ,Maryland ,Kansas ,Nashville ,Paris ,Rhôalpes ,France ,Italy ,Americans ,Canton ,South Korean ,Irish ,American ,Steve Mcnair ,Donna Richardson ,Debbie Rowe ,Nancy Pelosi ,Jimmy Deol ,Joe Biden ,Janet Jackson ,David Mattingly ,Arnold Klein ,Michael Jackson ,Malcolm Malone ,Margaret Mcmanus ,Lindsay Baum ,Tito Marlon ,Clark Howard ,Barack Obama ,Alina Cho ,Eddie George ,Larry King ,Lindsey Baum ,Euna Lee ,Chuck Roberts ,Katherine Jackson ,Paul Steinhauser ,

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