specific spot for police. cops announce 5-year-old haleigh likely dead. evidence including two cinder blocks pulled from the muddy waters of the st. johns. as the search for little haleigh's entire body and the murder weapon goes on, bombshell tonight. after the trial judge brings down the hammer on croslin's co-defendant in the drug case, 19-year-old hope sykes basically along for the ride, getting a whopping 15 years hard jail time, that's for one hand-to-hand sell. croslin charged with 8, that's 120 years for her. tonight we learn exactly why police bring croslin to the base of the st. johns. and tonight, a major player recants a key statement to police. >> the truth will come out and you know, then they'll know that they were [ muted ] with the wrong people, not doing their jobs right. >> you're saying that your client knows what happened that night? >> yes. i am dying for an arrest to be made in this case. >> she says, "nanny, tommy and joe took a rope, a yellow rope, and wrapped haleigh up with a yellow rope, tied it around her." >> i don't believe that tommy and misty could do anything to harm a child. >> they tied brickle blocks to her -- the other end of it and dropped her into the st. johns river. if they dropped her in the st. johns river, where was she at? how did she know? how did she see it? >> this is your grandmother, and she's coming out over the past week or so with so many types of bad theories. you know, how these terrible children did this, that. >> i ain't got nothing to say to them jokers. i ain't got nothing to say to you lying people. >> she grabbed junior and got into bed, and they covered up their heads and -- completely. >> i don't believe that anything that flora hollars is saying, i think is a complete lie. >> and when she took the covers off of her head, haleigh was gone. >> i do not see misty sitting there and listening to her baby cry. >> if i knew something, you'd know a long time ago. leave me alone. >> you tell them where haleigh is. bring haleigh home. >> i can't just bring her home, you know? >> it's going to take a little bit more than that to break her down. and him too. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. bombshell tonight. we learn exactly why police bring misty croslin down to the banks of the st. johns. and tonight, a major player recants a key statement to police. >> the damn police said you are facing three years in prison unless you help us find haleigh. i said i can't help you find nobody. i don't know where she is. >> is it true that you have stated that your client can i.d. the killer? >> he's first of all not culpable, but he does know what happened that night. >> i would do it. i would take it. three years in and four years out. i'll take it. i'll take it and run. >> if you think joe had something to do with it -- >> go put him in jail. >> i'm not going to boot camp. i'm telling you, they think i'm bad now, wait till i get out of that. >> are you convinced in your own mind that your granddaughter, misty croslin, and grandson tommy croslin and joe overstreet are all three responsible? >> yes, ma'am, i am. >> i don't know why she would want to hurt and implicate three of her grandchildren. it's just very sad that she would do that. >> i want that little girl to be put to rest. >> i know for a fact tommy -- tommy ain't got the heart. he -- i don't give a [ muted ] what anybody says. tommy had nothing to do with that case. >> he did take a polygraph on april 8th. because of the polygraph we were on the dock with tommy and law enforcement. >> this [ bleep ] sucks, dude. i want out of here so bad i would do anything to get out of here. >> i do believe joe overstreet is involved in the disappearance. >> i changed my mind when i put two and two together that she knowed where to go to at the river. she's involved. >> straight out to art harris, investigative journalist at with breaking news. art, explain. >> nancy, i can tell you why misty croslin was taken down to the river by police. she was there because she says she can identify the dock that haleigh was thrown off. she's told police her brother tommy took her to that very dock shortly, about four months ago, and told her this is where he and joe had dumped the body. >> okay. now, art, when does she tell cops this story? >> this was a month before her arrest, about four months ago, nancy. >> wait a minute. she tells cops that she's taken down to the river and shown where haleigh's body was disposed. she tells cops before the drug arrest? >> before -- a month before the drug arrest, my sources tell me. and they wanted to know if she could identify the dock. there's several docks around -- >> wait a minute. i still don't have the timeline. are you telling me tommy croslin took her there a month before the drug arrest or she told cops about it a month before the drug arrest? >> tommy took her there a month before the drug arrest, and she told cops about it, and they have taken her back to the river to see if she could identify the dock. >> when did she tell cops about it? while she's in jail and wants to get out? >> that's right, nancy. >> okay. >> and tommy denies it. his lawyer says didn't happen. >> not only that, we've got a major recantation. that's when you tell police one story or you tell something on the stand under oath, then you think about it and you go rut-ro, that didn't happen. explain, art harris. >> nancy, as strange as it seems, i'm reporting on that tommy croslin now says he lied when he told police he was at the trailer at 10:00 the night haleigh vanished. he says it didn't happen, he lied because he wanted to get out of jail. he was facing a $50,000 bond on a gun theft charge, and right after he told that, what he says is a lie now, it was reduced to $5,000 and out he went. he went home. >> to marc klaas, president and founder of klaaskids foundation, this changes the whole scenario, marc. frankly, i don't know if any of them are capable of telling the truth. >> there are so many shifting scenarios, so many shifting alliances, so many shifting loyalties in this, so many things that have been said, so many lies that i think the only way this will ever be resolved is if one of these individuals ultimately shows the authorities proof of life or proof of death. >> marc, how long have you been in this business? you've been in this business -- polly, your daughter, was taken. >> yeah. >> you've got it on your lapel. how long ago was that? >> that was over 16 years ago. 16 1/2 years, just about. >> do you really believe that anybody involved in this is going to tell the cops the truth? they're all lying to save their own skin. >> oh, i don't think that they're going to stop lying. but i think that it's not going to get resolved in any way, shape, or form until somebody receives proof of life or proof of death on this little girl. otherwise, it will just be this revolving -- this revolving loyalties, these revolving scenarios, these revolving stories that we keep hearing again and again and again. >> so far we've counted up 11 scenarios. 11 different scenarios. can you hand me that, clark? thank you. that this bunch has come up with. let's see them, rosie. first of all, misty croslin asleep, when she woke up haleigh's gone. that's the first story. second, croslin wasn't home that night. unknown kidnapper. third, overstreet and tommy croslin assault, rape the little girl, kill her, dump her body. that came straight from misty croslin to her grandmother. fourth, haleigh overdosed at a drug party fifth, croslin hit haleigh on the back of the head, croslin and overstreet disposed body. next overstreet takes haleigh, tied rope and cinderblock around her, threw her in the st. johns. dead or alive. next, man in black, unknown stranger. next, four people in the trailer the night haleigh vanished, they took haleigh. next, timmy and chelsea helped hide haleigh, she was spotted in massachusetts. tenth, someone holding haleigh, demanding $35,000 to get her back. and last, croslin out partying, having party time, drugs, et cetera, says haleigh saw it and said "i'm telling daddy" and gets killed. 11 different scenarios. out to ellie jostad, where did the different scenarios come from? >> well, nancy, there's a bunch of different sources from these. obviously that first story, i was asleep, when i woke up haleigh was gone. that comes directly from misty croslin. the other version that misty wasn't heard that night, that story came out just a day or two after haleigh went missing. we heard it from a variety of sources. it wasn't pinned down to anybody. remember, though, shortly thereafter, actually, a few months later, tommy croslin, her brother, says he goes to the house that night, knocks on the door, nobody's home. and now as art harris is reporting, he's apparently taking that story back. so we don't know, was he there that night or not? >> we are taking your calls. out to raeleen in florida. hi, raeleen. >> caller: hello. >> hi, dear. what's your question? >> caller: first i have a comment on you. i love your twins. and you are my hero. i love you. >> i don't deserve it, but thank you. >> caller: yes, you do deserve it. i live, like, 30 minutes from this bunch. >> mm-hmm. >> caller: and i have two things. the first is if misty took the cops to the river and she showed them where the body was and if they found anything, can they go ahead and arrest her like on this murder charge as of right now? >> okay. i know you've got a second question. so hold tight. let's go to that one. with us tonight renee rockwell, peter odom, both defense attorneys out of atlanta, and our correspondent and attorney jean casarez joining us from "in session." what about it, jean casarez? >> well, i think what she's talking about is accessory after the fact. in other words, you can know about a crime. that's not a crime to know about it, but if you helped conceal it, if you helped so someone doesn't find out about it and actively help that person escape authorities, then you can be an accessory after the fact. >> but renee rockwell, she would have to be part of it because she was at home with the girl when the girl was taken. >> unless, nancy, she was just so overdosed or so exhausted and passed out -- >> well, she wasn't. >> wait a minute. if she was the question is she going to be arrested in the murder or going to be arrested in the cover-up? >> renee, you can make up whatever you want to, but the grandmother sykes was there that night and said she was perfectly normal. isn't that right, jean casarez? >> that's right -- >> you can't make up a scenario. >> it was earlier, 7:00 at night, not 3:00 in the morning. >> are you now suggesting that ronald cummings, haleigh's father, may somehow be to blame for her disappearance? >> yes, ma'am. for leaving the kids there with her. with her all strung out. >> so are you convinced in your own mind that your granddaughter, misty croslin, and grandson, tommy croslin and joe overstreet are all three responsible? >> yes, ma'am, i am. stiff joint sufferers have discovered elations, clinically proven to improve joint comfort in as little as six days. and now, elations introduces new powder packets. on the go, one-a-day packets with the elations patented formula of clinically proven levels of glucosamine and chondroitin. in a delicious new form that's more absorbable than joint supplement pills. say goodbye to big old horse pills. with the elations that goes where you go. new elations powder packets. the new standard in joint health. i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i'm going to work with kids. i want to fix up old houses. 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[ male announcer ] if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and i don't know why. >> she is blaming joe and tommy. >> they're going to know. they're going to know. >> tommy croslin is blaming joe overstreet. >> i didn't do [ bleep ]. that's my story and i'm sticking to it. >> joe overstreet saying "i wasn't there." >> i didn't do it. >> all three are pointing the finger at each other. >> what tommy told me -- >> they don't want to listen to me. >> he says, "nanny, i've got to break down" -- >> i promise you i'm done with all this stupid [ bleep ]. >> "i've got to tell somebody." >> i ain't had nothing to do with none of that crap. >> i said are you going to tell me joe did this? he says, "yes, nanny, joe did." >> play with fire you get burnt. >> yep. >> she would have been awake when the brother came over there banging on the door. >> go ahead and tell the truth, man. >> i woke up, she was gone. >> and don't be making up stories. >> i was like, oh, my god. >> one of them are lying. >> misty's going to get her little butt kicked. >> i know for a fact tommy -- tommy ain't got the heart. >> i'm not no drug trafficker or anything. you know that. >> they can't do nothing. they can't prove [ bleep ]. they cannot prove nothing. they've got no proof. >> oh my god, i know it's funny. >> instead of going i'm innocent, i have nothing to do with this, i want to find haleigh, they keep saying they don't have any proof, they can't prove it, they can't prove it. i find that highly probative. and as to attorney renee rockwell's made up scenario that misty croslin was strung out of her gourd the anytime haleigh goes missing, take a listen to what an eyewitness had to say. >> i know that by now you are aware that miss hollars, who is misty croslin and tommy croslin's grandmother, she's the one, one of the ones that called police and ended up mounting this search of the st. johns river, really believes that ronald cummings, your grandson, is partially at fault. what's your response? >> i heard what she said on your show about ronald being responsible because he left the children with her and she was all strung out. but i was there, and she was not strung out. >> back to art harris at, who's breaking the story tonight regarding not only the fact that croslin had this knowledge for some time as to where the body was dumped but that tommy croslin is now recanting on a major, major milestone in the timeline. art harris, he's now saying he never went to the home, banged on the door between 10:00 and 10:30, and that nobody answered. >> that's right, nancy. and his private investigator, steve brown, tells me that's not possible because his wife got home about 10:15, he was baby-sitting. he doesn't rule out he could have gone over there later. but the fact that tommy has now saying he lied to police does not help the prosecution's case, it seems. >> to leonard padilla, bounty hunter, who has offered to bail croslin out from behind bars, now offering to bail out ronald cummings, what do you make of tommy croslin's about-face? >> well, i discussed this thing at length with lindsay on several occasions, about the 10:00 thing. and i kept asking lindsay, how could it be true one way or the other if he had never said anything about it for about eight months? it seemed to me that he would have said right off the bat, i went over there and there was nobody there at 10:00. but he didn't do that until october. and then afterwards, something came to me from an individual in the investigation that tommy, and this was about a month ago, had said, well, maybe i didn't go over there after all. and myself and lindsay were more inclined to believe that he hadn't gone over there because he was home until 10:15 with the kids and she didn't get home until about that time from school. >> has evidence been found that may close the case on who killed haleigh cummings? >> i was told that misty had knocked her in the head and killed her and that joe and tommy got rid of her. >> knocked her in the head with what, a cinderblock? >> we will follow this case to the end. have anything like it. magnificent, isn't it? with progressive, it's easy to cover all of your favorite rides. progressive has truck insurance? number one in truck and motorcycle. is that a golf cart? yep. we also cover rvs, boats, snowmobiles. don't tell me, you insure pink ponies? no, um... i just like to ride that sometimes. [ chuckles ] save on all your rides. now, that's progressive. call or click today. officers spent three days searching the st. johns river, but they did not find 5-year-old haleigh's body. >> she's involved too because she was pointing a spot out on the river on the tv. >> it was crazy. >> they have no remorse or something. >> who was with her, the last person with her? she was. >> woke up and she was gone. and the back door was wide open. >> she is the one that holds the key information to finding out what happened to this beautiful little girl. >> i believe the one that misty told me that they tied her up in a rope and dropped her in the river. >> he didn't make any calls until either she saw him pulling in the driveway or until he actually started coming in the house. >> just don't know whether they raped her or not. i just hope and pray that the child was already dead before she hit that water. realene in florida, you had a two-wronged question. what's your other question, dear? >> caller: the other one is the sister-in-law -- i don't remember. she was on your show. >> chelsea. yeah. >> caller: she said -- she was saying that miss hollars hadn't had nothing to do with her grandkids over seven years. but i've seen a picture on her wall of her and misty -- >> i saw that too. >> caller: -- and it hasn't been seven years. misty was not 10 years old in that picture or younger. >> you're absolutely correct. hey, before you get to your question, rosie, let's pull up that interview we had with miss hollars. in fact, i pointed it out one night when i was speaking to her. you can see misty and miss hollars. misty croslin and miss hollars together in the photo just as raeleen is pointing out. so what's your question, dear? >> caller: my question is so she's -- she is -- you know, she's lying about it because she's -- that was my question. >> that's an excellent point, the fact that she is lying about it. to marlaina schiavo. what do we know about miss hollars and her communications and her relationship with the grandchildren? because she was very specific and detailed in what she said they told her from behind bars. >> not only was she very specific, nancy, but we know from all the jailhouse conversations that they have had a lot of contact and a lot of times you hear them say, i need to call nanny, tell nanny to write me. so there was a relationship here, but according to chelsea croslin there was not much of a relationship. so again, lots of inconsistencies in what we're being told. >> why would miss hollars make up a lie about her own flesh and blood? >> miss hollars has not been around our family for the last seven years that i have been with the croslins. i have met flo hollars maybe two times. she is not involved in our family. so i don't know why she would want to hurt and implicate three of her grandchildren. it's just very sad that she would do that. thing as taking a chance? as having to decide to go for it? at the hartford, we help businesses of all kinds... feel confident doing what they do best. by protecting your business, your property, your people. you've counted on us for 200 years. let's embrace tomorrow. and with the hartford behind you, achieve what's ahead of you. ♪ it says that when you buy a grand caravan, dodge will give you 60 days to decide if you want to keep it. that's ridiculous. look at it. it's got seating for up to seven, a smooth v6 engine and a five star government crash test rating. why would you need 60 days, really, who is that indecisive? the dodge "you won't need 60 days to decide but we'll give it to you anyway" event. who killed haleigh cummings? >> divers removed two cinderblocks which are being examined. >> he misses his baby. i mean, good lord. his heart's tore out. >> i come home from work, and my child was not there. >> she's a daddy's girl. everywhere she went, everywhere daddy went, haleigh went. >> without a body the case against haleigh's killer may have to be built entirely on circumstantial evidence. >> police have obtained yellow rope from tommy croslin's home. >> sources say it could be the possible murder weapon. >> please, all we want is my child. that's it. >> i think he knows more than what he's saying. >> if i find whoever has my daughter before y'all do i'm killing them. >> i know one thing. misty had been out on a drug binge for three days. her and ron had fought that day, and she told him she didn't want to babysit, and he told her yes, you are going to babysit. >> i want to know, does she have any contracts with any newspapers or any tabloids? >> no. >> i have not made a penny off of this story. i have told exactly what those two kids has told me. and if none of them down there don't like it, they can kiss where the sun don't shine. >> she said the cops had you on the video in the back, when you got back in the car you had the pills in your hand. >> i didn't have no pills in my [ muted ] hand. >> well, at one point in the game according to the video -- >> no. not at one point -- >> -- you had pills in your hand >> [ muted ]. no at one point in the [ muted ] game i had no pills. i don't know, she must have got something because there is no pills. >> well, kerry shoemaker's saying the same thing, hope. they all reviewed the videos. you had the front scene video and then you have the rear view video, which is what she was talking about in court today. >> no, mom, she was talking about that they have me sitting in the back of the vehicle. >> well, hope sykes can carry on all she wants to. but in the middle of her plea sentencing the state very wisely played back where she was basically taunting the judge, saying things like if you think i'm bad now just wait until i get out. if you're going to give me 6 years, you might as well give me 15 years. i don't want boot camp. i don't want youthful offender. well, the judge listened. be careful what you ask, my dear, for you will surely get it. she got the 15 years behind bars. that should be a lesson to misty croslin. we are taking your calls live. for a recap for you that are just joining us, right now we know in breaking news from art harris, why cops bring misty croslin down to the docks of the st. johns river. and also tonight, in a stunning twist, a bizarre recantation by a key player in this case. it throws the timeline out the window. cops now starting square one. out to art harris, investigative journalist at what did you learn? >> nancy, i can tell you that misty croslin is telling police that tommy took her to that dock on the river to identify the place that he threw -- he says he and joe overstreet threw haleigh's body. police took her there to see if she could identify that as the dock that they went to purportedly the night tommy showed her where it happened. >> and what about the recant? >> tommy croslin has now said he lied to police when he said he went to the trailer at 10:00 p.m. he says he never -- he said it to get out of jail so they would reduce his bond on the gun theft charge. and now -- you're right. it throws the case out the window. police still believe, they're hanging on. they believe his first story. but his lawyer says it's likely that it was not 10:00 because that's when his -- that's when he was baby-sitting. >> art, if he goes over there anytime that night, i don't care if it's 10:00 or 1:00 a.m., he's placing himself at the scene of the crime. don't they get that? out to the lines, kathleen, new jersey. hi, kathleen. >> caller: hi, nancy. it's an honor to talk to you. >> likewise. >> caller: and your twins are just precious. i so enjoy the photos. okay. i have a quick comme question. you know, the three of them are obviously -- they're all lying to save themselves. and i was thinking, they aren't the smartest bunch. so i really find it hard to believe that one of them didn't blab to one of their friends by now. and i just think if you find that person that they spoke to who has nothing to lose by talking, that's the only way you're going to get to the truth. >> hold on. just a moment, kathleen. don't go anywhere because we may have that person. rosie, roll the sound. >> i'd rather go to [ muted ] prison. you got a lot [ muted ] up. i'm not going to boot camp. because i'll be -- i'm telling you right now, they think i'm bad now, wait till i get out of that. >> let me explain something to you, hope. you screw up on anything at this point in the game, you will get 15 years. >> well, i ain't doing no damn six years mandatory nothing. they can kiss my ass. you might as well stick me with 15. >> kathleen in new jersey, this woman, hope sykes, got 15 years hard jail time for being there during one hand-to-hand sell to another undercover cop. there you go. right there she's just brimming with attitude. look at that. right there. look at that. >> caller: yeah. >> don't you know, if misty croslin ever said one thing to her about what happened to haleigh that this girl's going to crack and talk to get out of jail. >> caller: yeah. i think there's got to be others. there's three of them. i really think there's got to be someone else also, but my question is, what's ronald's reaction to all these recent developments that implicate -- >> that's a good question, kathleen and new jersey. out to ellie jostad. what was his reaction when he was told behind bars that haleigh's likely dead? >> well, we've been told, of course, that he was very upset about that. however, both he and crystal sheffield say that they are not going forward with any sort of funeral plans, they are not planning to go forward and have her declared dead, they're still holding out hope that this could be a false tip and that she could still be alive. let's stop, everybody. as we go to break, happy birthday to our cajun friend from louisiana, sims regard, loving husband of wife, robin, pictured here. father to jenna and ryan. grandfather to 3-year-old brianna. loves saltwater fishing on the mississippi. birthday wish, to save the gulf coast from the oil spill. sims regard, happy birthday, friend. >> i didn't do anything with that little girl. >> i didn't do it. >> i had nothing to do with none of that crap. >> those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and i don't know why. >> they're treating our family like crap. >> she's involved. >> she's the last one to see our daughter. >> how did you let my daughter get stole -- >> she says "nanny, tommy and joe took a rope" -- >> has something hard to hear. >> -- "tied it around her." welcome to progressive. nice calculator. i'm just trying to save money on my car insurance. you know, with progressive, you get the option to name your price. is that even possible? 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"hello." calculator humor. i'll be here all week. i will -- that was my schedule. the freedom to name your price. now, that's progressive. call or click today. what scenario do you believe unfolded? what do you think happened that night? >> how the [ bleep ] can you let my daughter get stole -- >> exactly what misty told me, that the rope and the cinderblocks and dropping her in the st. johns river. >> there have been a few stories that have swirled around. >> i don't even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not. >> cops in satsuma, florida, are trying to connect the dots. >> i know statistics say that chances are that she's dead -- >> sorry. i can't imagine what they're going through. >> misty croslin, the last person to see little haleigh the night that she vanished, mentioned a cement block day one. >> you said your back door was wide open? >> yeah. it was brick. like, a brick on the floor. >> she says, "nanny, tommy and joe took a rope, a yellow rope, and wrapped haleigh up with a yellow rope, tied it around her, and dropped her into the st. johns river." >> could this new lead, the yellow rope, be linked back to little haleigh and those cinderblocks? >> it's probably not enough, though, just to have, well, yellow rope and yellow rope. but if you can match up that specific yellow rope found to yellow rope on the bricks, that's significant. >> croslin and her brother, tommy, have both implicated their cousin, joe overstreet, in haleigh's disappearance. >> i didn't do it. >> you didn't do it? >> no. >> if you can't show me, you know, why do i believe it? >> we are taking your calls. unleash the lawyers. renee rockwell, peter odom, our correspondent jean casarez from "in session." peter odom, there is no way that these three have not talked. but now anything that tommy croslin would want to tell police in exchange for a lesser plea sentence is not worth the paper it's written on. >> right. >> he has recanted something. didn't his lawyer tell him about that little problem, his credibility problem? >> well, none of these three, nancy, has any credibility whatsoever. i have to side with marc klaas on this. when he said there's never going to be a case made on their statements, alone. we've got a very important piece of circumstantial evidence. that is that this little -- poor little girl is missing. then we have a whole lot of statements, all of which have been contradicted and re-contradicted by each other. without physical evidence there is no case. >> tom shamshak, former police chief, private investigator, instructor at boston university, joining us out of boston. is there any way without physical corroboration that you can believe anything these three say? >> hi, nancy. no, i don't think that we can believe anything they say without some physical evidence. and who knows? these cinderblocks with this yellow rope that has been reported, i'm sure the analysis will be working, you know, to link that up. >> and to dr. michael bell, chief medical examiner of palm beach, if they did find haleigh's body at this point, what could they tell from it? >> well, if there's any injuries or damage to the bones, such as a knife, they could certainly tell that. they're not going to be able to tell whether or not she was strangled -- >> yeah, because there's no soft tissue left. >> exactly. it will be limited to what they can tell. switching gears, in the united states every ten seconds a child is abused. april, child abuse prevention month. child help, an international organization, raises awareness and fights for the abused and neglected children around the world. and with us live tonight, its founders, sara o'meara and yvonne fedderson. both of you ladies, thank you for being with us. first of all, out to you, sara. you got every governor in the u.s. to sign on to a resolution about child abuse. congratulations. >> thank you. >> what is the resolution? >> the resolution is bringing more awareness to each governor of what's happening in child -- for child abuse in their state. but also what -- when they sign that resolution they're saying they will do everything in their power to eradicate child abuse. child abuse has to stop now. and that's what it is saying to them. and thank goodness we have all of them that have signed. >> to yvonne fedderson, co-founder of child help at, everybody, if you want to check it out. welcome, ladies. you're absolutely beautiful. >> thank you. >> of course, these two were hollywood actresses before they started their hollywood crusade to help children. yvonne fedderson, explain to the viewers how serious, how critical the issue of child abuse is right now. >> oh, it's very critical. there are so many hurting children out there who need our help. you know, when you think of one in four girls and one in six boys will be abused before they're 18, and that's on record. and also, ten years ago there were only three children -- when i say only, that's terrible. there shouldn't be any children killed because of child abuse and neglect. but ten years go there were three children who died every single day. then it went up to four. and now it's up to five children who die every single day. so the problem is huge. we need all of your help. and we'd love for you to look us up on and find out all the programs that we have across our nation. and we'd love to have you get involved and help us because we need all the help that we can get to help these children. >> i think that we need to have more stringent laws. we are so lax when we do find that a convicted child abuse case, they are out in no time. and you know, nancy, you have had these on your program. you know what i'm talking about. because when they get out for good behavior after they've been incarcerated, what do they do but go out and kill more children? so i think that we do need to really stand firm on our laws in america. >> to yvonne fedderson, what sorts of services do you all provide for children? >> well, we do prevention work in the schools. we have our hotline, our national hotline, 1-800-4, the number 4, a-child. and that's seven days a week, 24 hours a day you can call, you can find out about child abuse, you can get literature on the problem, and you can report child abuse. we save lives all the time on that line. and we have group homes and foster homes. we have villages. we have advocacy centers. we run the gamut to help their children. >> bethany marshall, weigh in on child abuse in our country. >> i think one of the biggest contributors to child abuse is the parent who believes the child is unconditionally bad and because of that they neglect to feed the child, they don't clothe the child, they don't send the child to school, and there's an escalation of punishment. so i would appeal to the public that if you know a parent who treats the child like he or she >> they are all the time. >> girls are brought from the villages by people who can lure them and tell them they are getting a nice job. >> there is no way to escape. >> let me see your papers. >> we take suffrvivors, we take everybody. the girls are psychologically broken. we give them training what they want to do one they will be really strong. these are all convicted. 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[ female announcer ] make the retirement cornerstone annuity from axa equitable part of your retirement plan. consider the charges, risks, expenses and investment objectives before purchasing a variable annuity. contact a financial professional for a prospectus containing this information. read it carefully. whoo hoo! hi, there. i'm brooke anderson. this is the "showbiz tonight" news break. here is what is coming up at the top of the hour. rielle outrage over john edwards' mistress. plus, the explosive "showbiz tonight" poll, is sandra the most admired woman in america? that is your "showbiz tonight" news break. that is at the top of the hour on h lchl n. we'll see you then. what a week in america's courtrooms. take a look at the stories, and more important, the people who touched our lives. the skeletal remains of a female, an adult female, now discovered. is it missing 28-year-old mom of two, susan powell? >> many helped to try to find her, would be appreciated. >> appreciated, this guy is so suspicious. >> josh powell said he's taking his two boys camping, age 2 and 4 at midnight? >> a lot of times i go camping with my boys, you know, not anything big, i just go overnight. >> in the snow? >> do you have any idea what happened to her? >> no. also focusing on two other missing women. 21-year-old mother of three, stephanie eldridge, who went missing suddenly. leaving her 4-month-old daughter, car, and shoes behind. also looking at missing 20-year-old amber huss who said good night to her family at 10:30, just 3 hours later she was gone. >> they are indicating it's badly decomposed. >> the only question is who she is. the trial judge brings down the hammer on hope psychs, one of misty croslin's co-defendants in the drug case. >> i ain't doing none of that mandatory time. they can kiss my ass. you might as well stick me with 15. >> message to misty croslin, you will do hard jail time. the truth will some out, you know, and they don't know he disposed of his mother's head. >> then going to church hours later with blood literally still on his hands. missing, 24-year-old nursing graduate, sung lee vanishes from the local barnes & noble bookstore. >> fong lee's own brother found his sister's car in the parking lot, her cell phone and backpack were found in the trunk, no sign of the sister. >> never been overnight before. >> police consider her a woman at risk. let's stop and remember petty officer 1st class joseph mcswain, 26, valdosta, georgia, killed iraq on a second tour awarded the bronze star, purple heart, combat action ribbon. left studies and a track scholarship at norton university to enlist. dreamed of being a youth minister, leaves behind grieving parents robert and florence, a navy gold star mother, brothers robert and kyle, widow erin and daughters lilly and gwinnett, joseph mcsween, american hero. thanks to our guests, but our biggest thank you is to you for being with us. good night. from the new york control room. good night, brett, rosie, squeaky, norm, we're missing elizabeth tonight, everyone. we welcome her beautiful baby girl to this world. everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp, eastern. eastern. until then, good night, friends. -- captions by vitac --

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United States ,New York ,Louisiana ,Boston University ,Massachusetts ,Iraq ,New Jersey ,Boston ,Florida ,Hollywood ,California ,Georgia ,Mississippi ,America ,American ,Steve Brown ,Amber Huss ,Leonard Padilla ,Joe Overstreet ,Josh Powell ,John Edward ,Susan Powell ,Ronald Cummings ,Brooke Anderson ,Tommy ,Fong Lee ,Peter Odom ,Marc Klaas ,Bethany Marshall ,Renee Rockwell ,Stephanie Eldridge ,Michael Bell ,Haleigh Cummings ,

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