square in new york. police are looking for this man. he took off his shirt and later looked back toward the suv in what they described as a kind of stel think manner. the suv had smoke coming out of it, but did not explode. police tried to get people away. >> everybody started being backed up and everybody was being pushed back and the barriers started going up. >> we knew something was wrong when we saw the ambulances and cop cars. >> new york police say there is no evidence to support claims of responsibility from the pakistani taliban. you know, a lot is going on in this investigation. if you didn't watch news over the weekend, you're just now learning about this. let's discuss more. we are joined by mike brooks, hln law enforcement analyst. you have a lot of sources. what's the latest? >> right now, they are waiting for a lot of results from forensics from that vehicle, from that 1993 nissan pathfinder that had the propane tanks, the gallons of gas, the fireworks, all of this taken to a lab. they are waiting for results from that. fingerprints, hair and fibers. one big thing, robin, the videotape we're looking at. one of the things they can do is attempt to enhance this. in fact, it's pretty good video, if you look. a good view of the guy's face as he's walking away. what they will do because there are a lot of cam flas the times square area, they will look at this one and the others around there to see if they can put together a timeline of when this vehicle got there, if this person was the only one inside that vehicle, the only person that got out. where did he go after this? they will take a look at all this right now, robin. still early in the investigation, but they were able to get the vehicle identification number off of this pathfinder and they are tracking down the original owner. there were connecticut tags registered to another car that apparently they had gotten from a junk yard. they're running down the leads in a number of states. there is apparently a pennsylvania couple that may have had even better video and agents have already been there to retrieve that video. >> mike brooks, thank you very much. in the next hour i will ask mike about the potential for damage from this thing even if the fertilizer inside wasn't explosive grade. that's still to come. thank you. >> sure. >> we were ankle-deep in the house. we actually had a friend come -- we had friends trying to get to us by boat yesterday morning and by some miracle they got there. >> you think, it's not going to happen to me. that's what most people think. and it does happen to people. >> you know, flooding has forced thousands of people to flee their homes across the state of tennessee. look at this video. shopping centers in nashville are underwar. hotels and nursing homes are evacuated. flooding is blamed for the deaths of at least 11 people. i-40 is closed. all the one point receive people were trapped underwater with water rising around them. these toys are stacked up mike matchbok toys. in a couple of minutes bob will tell you what people have to work forward to weatherwise this week. president obama spent yesterday getting a look at the oil slick that's not stopped yet. he told people living on the gulf coast and cleanup worker that is the government is doing everything it can to fix the problems. >> every american affected by this spill should know this -- your government will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to stop this crisis. >> on a helicopter tour, he got a view of some of the marshlands being threatened by the oil. parents -- oops. okay, let me tell you more about the oil spill. hundreds of thousands of gallons keep leaking every day causing concern for those who rely on the gulf for their livelihood. let me take you live to richard lui with that part of the story in a few minutes here. parents, you may want to check your medicine cabinets. the fda is recommending generic versions of two popular children's drugs because of a voluntary recall for children's tylenol, motrin, benadryl and zyrtec. some had a higher concentration of the active ingredient than they should. generic versions aren't affected and the chances of serious health problems are remote. but we're talking about quality control here. five minutes past the hour. the storms that made for problems for folks in tennessee, where do they go next? >> epic flooding through tennessee, georgia, alabama, ultimately florida, too. a strong line of thundershowers and you can see most of it in the tennessee valley stretching back to north carolina, south carolina. flood warnings. all the bright shaded green because they saw 13 1/2 inches of rain in nashville alone over the past couple of days. the area in dark, a good chunk of georgia. to the gulf of mexico, winds from the south helping to build the oil up to shore today. by later afternoon, tomorrow, as the cold front zooms by, winds from the west. look at the strong thunderstorms. over atlanta, a tough morning commute. if you're getting there early, it's flashing with plenty of lightning and heavy downs t. heavy rain goes to the carolinas, ultimately to the northeast. it's going to be a terrible travel delay. the forecast in a couple of minutes. >> you don't know where to begin today there are so many stories. >> it's unbelievable what's going on. police are asking anyone who was in times square saturday for their video or pictures to help them find whoever was behind a car bomb scare. we'll show you what police had to do to get people out of one of the busiest places on the planet. >> let's go! these sensors indicate change at la quinta inns and suites! with thousandsnew oms d lots of new lobbies they're even better than before! book rooms at right-o! wake up on the bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta! [ male announcer ] we call it the american renewal. because ge capital understands what businesses need to grow. that's why today ge capital provides critical financing to more than 300,000 growing companies. ♪ and i know losing weight can be tough. know it can go down and up 'til you get fed up and want to give up. so i'm doing weight watchers and changing it up. losing weight isn't crazy unattainable. i'm learning simple, powerful stuff -- applying it to my life. and i'm standing here feeling all kinds of good a size smaller in a brand new pair of jeans. because weight watchers is keeping me, keeping on. why not join for free? come on. go on. weight watchers. because it works. in our salute to the troops we've got today's salute to the troops at the atlanta airport when we met up with specialist choicy menez and his wife mary lou. >> my name is special agent gimenez. i just got back from iraq and i'm really happy to be back. as you can see, i missed my wife so much. i love her. i can't wait to be with her again. >> i'm so proud of my husband. >> and look at the smiles on their faces. i'm glad you can spend some time together. if you have somebody in the service go to thanks for what you do. the oil leak in the gulf of mexico is obviously causing concern for those who rely on the gulf for their livelihood. richard lui is with us for that part of the story. good morning. >> reporter: yesterday, fishermen were celebrating despite hundreds of thousands of gall loss of consciousness you are alluding to at the headquarters, the center of seafood for alabama. they went out and celebrated in the blessing of the fleet, something they have done for 61 years. but yesterday, for some of the fishermen it was a little different. here is maurice ryan and what he told me about this year's blessing. >> i hope it will change it for me. i hope -- you know, that's why we're here. you've got to put your trust in someone. i really feel like with the church and the bishop, i've got my life in good hands because bp certainly isn't helping me. >> it could help widespread effects, but not only the livelihood of people, an entire way of life. >> reporter: that was the archbishop of mobile, alabama. he had driven on down to give that blessing. what was great about maurice is he gave us a tour of the procession going down the waterway. he showed us the decorations from the different boats. he had spent two days preparing his boat. but what is kind of ironic for him is that today, at 3:00 p.m., no longer will he be able to fish. normally at the end of this blessing they would have the opportunity to start fishing the next day. that's what he has to deal with on this date. robin? >> they are not fishing today. thank you so much, richard. one lawyer say it is lawsuits are spreading faster than the oil slick itself. the spill could hurt hundreds, maybe thousands of businesses and our money expert jennifer westhoven is here with a bigger picture. >> yeahme. >> if you don't live there you may not realize -- the fish come from there, what else? >> some peg the total cost at $14 billion. $7 billion to clean up. more than $2 billion lost to fishermen, all the commercial fishermen who can't do their jobs now. florida alone could lose $3 billion in lost tourism. think of the hotels getting cancellations now. the regular people who may rent out a beachfront home across the gulf. and not just florida but all the way maybe to texas. you heard them talking about lawsuits coming up. 30 suits already filed against the companies involved and mostly bp. you heard that fisherman saying "bp." breaking news this morning as united and continental merging. they need government approval. the airlines compete on 13 routes, so it could mean less competition and possibly higher ticket prices down the road. we'll watch to see if there are job cuts. we don't know right now. >> it would be the world's newest largest airline. >> yesment. >> thank you. an atlanta restaurant mixes a passion for fresh fruit and a desire to be a neighborhood hangout. stephanie elin checks out lottafruita. >> if you're doing the fruit cup it's got to be pretty. >> myrna perez's fashion for fruit began as a child. >> the entire menu was formed through my mexican background and my husband's background. snrk they offer fruit cups and smoothies with an exotic field. >> i just want add mom and pop place, somewhere you could live and work. for me, that's the best way to run a small business. >> reporter: perez chose to hire staff instead of paying herself. >> i decided that i would take that hit. hire somebody else to help me with the load and free up my time to work on this business model to be able to expand. >> reporter: four years into owning a business, perez says patience was key in developing her brand. >> i wanted to take my time, make sure we do things properly, do things the right way. >> if you're a small business owner we'd like to see your success story. go to and upload a video to share your business and your tips. you could be featured here on "morning express". some people suspect that the shroud of turin may be a forgery, but now the pope is weighing in. and you're filling up your gas tank but it's raining flame retarda retardant! it's rollback time at walmart, and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. we have new video of a bomb scare in times square. ireporter matthew derby, one of your fellow viewers, was in a mcdonald's in the area when police came in, told everybody to get out and you get the feeling of urgency. >> we've got to go. everyone! grab your food up. let's go. don't run. don't run. >> police are reaching out to the public for more pictures and video that may end up helping them. they say they have one tourist video which may show a possible suspect's face. if you were there, the police want to know about your pictures and video. president obama went to the annual white house correspondents' association dinner over the weekend and got to do some stand-up comedy. >> i wasn't sure that i should actually come tonight. biden talked me into it. [ laughter ] >> he leaned over and he said, "mr. president -- [ laughter ] >> -- this is no ordinary dinner. this is a big [ bleep ] meal." [ applause ] >> comedian jay leno said the president isn't as aloof as critics say. in fact, he loves to socialize -- health care and car companies he said, after a pause. pope benedict xvi prayed before the sho shroud of turin yesterday. some christians believe this was the shroud of the burial cloth of jesus. some two million other people are expected to see it while it's on display for six weeks. some customers were at a gas station filling up cars when an alarm went off and a cloud of white powder came raining down. it was the fire suppression system. it wasn't a fire. it was a malfunction, but half a dozen customers and their cars got coated. you know, there was another bomb scare in a major u.s. city. this was in pittsburgh. it disrupted the city's marathon. hi, rafer. the news is just oozing out today. it's everywhere. >> it is, robin, i know. authorities say the new york bomb scare already had them on edge and they were not going to take chances. so this marathon starts, about 15 runners had crossed the finish line when the race was stopped for 10 or 15 minutes after police noticed a suspicious device near the finish line. they say it was in a microwave oven by the greyhound bus station. they sent out a robot to disable the device. fortunately, fortunately it turned out not to be an explosive and they started the race and everything resumed. a waitress was taken out in an arena football league game. watch the poor waitress lose her tray and everything. oh, that hurts. she was okay, fortunately. the new orleans saints won the super bowl and are being investigated by the feds, specifically the dea. we'll explain it when we come back. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ breaking news today. new york police are looking for the man that you're seeing in this security tape. now, they're hoping that he has the answers about a failed car bombing in times square in new york on saturday night. police say that it appears he is looking back at the smoking suv and what they describe as a stealthy way. heavy rain is causing problems in tennessee. in nashville -- look at this! flooding lifted this mobile home from its foundation and carried it down i-24. it eventually hit a big rig and broke apart. the floods are blamed for 11 deaths across the state. what a piece of video. if you keep falling asleep they're going to kick you out of here. >> all right. looks like freddy kreuger killed them at the box office this weekend. the remake of "a nightmare on elm street" raked in $32 million. "iron man 2" opens on friday. those are a few of the top stories. we have news stories everywhere we look today. i'm robin meade. here's looking at you. a lot of new information this morning about a bomb scare in times square over the weekend. authorities are looking at a surveillance video that may have captured a possible suspect about a half block away, changing his shirt and kind of nervously looking over his shoulder. let's talk to law enforcement analyst mike brooks. police want to talk to the guy in the video. i wonder how difficult it will be to find him. you have millions of people and this one guy. >> exactly. hopefully someone will recognize this guy. it could be just some guy who was taking off his shirt, but nypd and the fbi joint terrorism task force think the guy may have been involved in this because this isn't the only pictures they have of the guy. all over times square there are a number of cameras manned by the nypd, some for the times square alliance, the group that provides security, if you will, in that area along with the nypd, but people are talking about the nissan pathfinder and what was inside this thing, robin. people are asking, well, how big of a bomb or improvised explosive device was this? if you look at things, robin, i was on the fbi joint terrorism task force for a number of years, worked a number of bombings. most likely this could have caused a huge fire bomb. some of the metal from the car and from the propane tanks inside could have killed some people. could it have taken down a building? no. but inside the vehicle there were two five-gallon containers of gas. in between that was a metal can with 20 to 30 m-80s, big firecrackers. some of those went off and that drew the attention of the vendor. now, there were also three propane tanks inside the car. whoever was responsible for this thought they were going to kick that off, apparently they thought the m-80s would ignite the gasoline which would then set off the propane tanks. but it didn't work that way. we'll talk later about how it was all discovered. >> you've got it. mike brooks, thank you very much. hln security analyst. there is a major run on bottled water in the boston area. people were told to boil water or risk getting sick, so the alert is in effect. the rush for bottled water got so intense that police were called in. >> don't bother going to the supermarket. that's crazy. it's a big brawl. don't go. just come here. >> an hour and a half after we opened we were back to square one with no water. >> repairs should be completed today. it spilled more than 65 million gallons of water and caused contamination that affected two million people. they will do tests to see if the boil order can be lifted. get this, gardening five minutes a day can boost your mental health. british researchers say that green activities like walking, jogging, gardening, farming, can boost your mood and self-esteem. other studies have linked to outdoor exercise to better mental health. this is the first study showing you need just five minutes to reap benefits. hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil is leaking from a battle creeken -- broken well in the gulf of mexico. it is a concern from louisiana to florida. richard lui is there in gulf port. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. when we were talking on friday i was telling you about how fishermen were concerned about their livelihood. that's on one side of dauphin island off the southern coast of alabama. we were on the eastern side at that moment and there were booms being put up. there were concerns about that hitting the coast there. what we did over the weekend, robin, is we went to the opposite side of the island. talk about the tale of two worlds. on that side there were sand beaches, people enjoying themselves and sunny weather in some parts of the day. we had the opportunity to bump into a group of college students -- well, i should say former college students, but they were pretending like they were college students celebrating their 18th anniversary of graduation from auburn university and they were having a good time. this is what they told me about how they were staying resilient despite the oil spill. >> this is a tradition. you just can't break with tradition. this area is special to so many people and not just the five of us. there are so many people who choose to come here for vacations to have down time, to bond and be together. again, we'll fight through whatever's happening with the weather or the environment. we'll come again. >> reporter: if the oil is here will you come again? >> well, as long as the house is standing and the roads are clear, sure. >> reporter: so if we look down instead of white sand we have black sand you'll be here? >> i will. >> we would. >> reporter: so, robin, that's waiting in paradise is what we call it. that end of the island, if the oil spill were to hit dauphin island that would be the first part to see the oil. because of hurricane katrina, robin, there are standing water underbeneath the homes. so basically it would be a city of -- an oil slick with homes looking down. they don't want me to tell them it was their 18th celebration because they look youthful number one and number two, they helped us dig out the car because it was so sandy we got stuck. a good bunch of girls having a good time. >> let me ask you about this morning your work is probably more difficult. i'm wondering about the rain and how this could potentially affect the situation. >> reporter: you know what they have been debating, robin, is the weather is kind of dark, but there is a storm coming through gulfport, mississippi which is an hour west of where we were yesterday. that is going to affect the boom. in dauphin island they have a lot of booms to affect the island. 80%, according to the governor had been pushed away or destroyed because of the storm action. they are going to have to go back and redo that. that's a good point. >> richard, thank you so much for the live coverage from the gulf of mexico shores. now that rain is actually part of a system that a lot of people are still worried about because of the strength of that. now, bob will show you that. at the moment we'll show you the latest pictures we have from above of the oil. >> exactly. this is what we were showing you on friday. if you look at the picture, it was actually taken yesterday. it's a visible satellite picture. that is the mississippi delta. you can see right there thick oil offshore. you can see the lighter shade of oil that floats on the top of the surface. that goes farther out. the last three to four days, straight from the south. the southeast pushing to the north a bit farther. the cold front responsible for the southeasterly wind is moving along to the east. so the rain, rainshowers and all the thunderstorm action is ahead of that and behind it, winds shifting from the west. heavy downs from nashville. they had 13 1/2 inches of rain, storm total from the weekend now wushing into the kier -- pushing into the carolinas. rain clearing out of tennessee. great news. we have ireporter video from the weekend. heidi groff caught this video over the weekend. we go back to the maps. i want to show you the heaviest rain south of the region and the flood warning are in place. you can see flood watches around georgia and alabama. we're just off the gulf of mexico. look at the thunderstorms coming in. you see biloxi, mobile into atlanta. we're currently in a ground stop at the airport because of the squall line. where's it going in tell you about it in a half hour. >> thank you very much. if you want extra cash you may want to do some spring cleaning. not of other people's homes but your own. too these cheap props aren't but la quinta is! nta inns and suites? yeahbuddy ts take a gander captain thre changing! they have thousands of new rooms! and lots of neato new lobbies! they're even better than before book rooms at hey, who's capinere? (laughing) wake up on t bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta! to help your skin get healthy and clear. fast forward a few years and now that your problem is wrinkles we still have the solution dermatologists recommend most. neutrogena anti wrinkle moisturizer with pure retinol sa. in just 1 month it's clinically proven to smooth even the deepest wrinkles. so all you neutrogena girls it's time to become neutrogena women. neutrogena recommended most by dermatologists. to all my moms out there, happy mother's day. enjoy your day. you deserve it. make your husbands, boyfriends, whatever, serve you. enjoy your day. >> mother's day is this sunday, by the way. a new list is out of the most influential music videos in pop music history. i don't think number one is going to surprise you. ♪ cause this is thriller ♪ thriller night >> michael jackson's "thriller." myspace sponsored a poll and gave "thriller" credit for breaking boundaries between music and film making. also "here it goes again" by ok go and "baby hit me one more time." is that the group on the treadmills? i love those guys. hey, careful with your spring cleaning. what you want to throw away may be money in the bank for you. jennifer westhoven will explain how to clean up and then clean up moneywise. >> right? everybody's got the junk drawer. and there's stuff in there. there's old cell phones, maybe broken ipods or digital cameras. you may have a busted laptop. you can sell this stuff. there's a site called write in what it is. so kodak. white in what it is and if it's worth something they will tell you how much. they will send you an empty box, postage paid. just drop the stuff in, tape it up, ship it back and you will get money. by the way, in case they don't take it, you can always donate it to a charity like goodwill for a tax write-off but keep your receipt. we have spring cleaning tips all week. tips that will save you money. send yours to or click on the facebook link. i'm going to see what this can be worth. >> i look at stuff and go, nobody wants this. >> i think that, too. but even if nobody wants it they could recycle it properly. >> i have more junk drawers in my kitchen than drawers that hold real utensils. no joke. >> i'm coming over and taking a cut. >> you may be able to get money back for buying a new appliance. we'll tell you about that. and tiger woods turned in one of his worst performances at quail hollow and he's pointing fingers. ♪ ♪ [ man ] blue one! recessed lighting. it's absolutely -- blue one! ♪ [ grunts ] blue one! [ children ] blue one! blue one! [ male announcer ] the routan. the only minivan with the soul of a volkswagen. can we do it again? [ boy ] yeah! sure. [ male announcer ] now with 0% apr for 60 months. it's a whole new volkswagen. and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. [ male announcer ] we call it the american renewal. because we believe in the strength of american businesses. ♪ ge capital understands what small businesses need to grow and create jobs. today, over 300,000 businesses rely on ge capital for the critical financing they need to help get our economy back on track. the american renewal is happening right now. ♪ hi, robin. this is kaitlyn from ohio and i want to make a very great shoutout to you. >> well, kaitlyn, here's a shoutout back. thank you so much. sign up for my wake up call monday through friday by dialling 1-888-robin-hln. it's free. an out of control car plowed into a high school marching band before a parade. four people are hurt. this is near cleveland. fire officials told media that three students have moderate injuries but the mother of a band member was seriously injured. the driver has not been charged. good morning to your monday morning travelers waiting in the airport. i'm afraid a lot of people will wait longer than expected, bob. >> slow-moving thunderstorms right by the airport in charlotte. you have a ground stop until 7:00. that will most likely be extended because the rain is about halfway over. for the rest of the day, rain stretching through the east. so areas like new york city metro. philadelphia, a delay for about an hour for you. atlanta, we had ground stops with a thunderstorm and later today, half hour to hour delays for the chicago metro area because of storms and wind. more coming up in a half hour. >> thank you. a may day rally turned violent in california. this was in santa cruz on saturday. nobody was injured. things got out of hand when protesters started spraying paint and breaking windows. someone started a fire at a coffee shop. police say some anarchists may be behind this. tiger woods had one of his worst performances he's ever had. did his personal problems have anything to do with his professional problems? rafer followed tiger. he's back now and can give us insight. >> this was not what we expected to see. this play was the worst he's played on american soil as a pro. he was heckled twice by my count. one time caught on camera. this photo shows fans giving him a thumbs-down. if he continues to play poorly, i expect the fans to turn on this guy. only winning will shut them up. he was asked the question, how did your personal problems play into this? he said, yeah, my personal problems are playing into it because of you, the media. >> every day i do media i get asked it. it doesn't go away. paparazzi still follow us. helicopters still hover around. does it test you? yeah, of course. >> he wasn't asked questions about his personal problems when i was there. the kid who did win it, the guy who looks like peter brady who shares the cover of tiger woods' video game. >> oh, him. >> he won and set a course record with the 43-foot putt. at 20 years old became the youngest pga tour winner since tiger woods in 1996. so the parallels are amazing. he said the first phone call he made, to his parents. >> that's sweet. >> awesome kid. an nba coach had a setback in his battle against cancer. george karl was sent to the hospital with a blood clot. his girlfriend blogged that the 58-year-old got it from his it d chemotherapy for throat and neck cancer. wish him the best. crazy video to show from you australia. look at this car losing control in a mini challenge series. two people along with a the driver were taken to the hospital. here it is again. this leads up to it. can you believe all three are okay? >> everybody in the crowd is okay? >> everyone is okay from what we're told. we are told they were minor injuries which is amazing given that video. it was an amazing weekend at the kentucky derby. did you miss it? one guy won $900,000 and we have his phone number. no, we don't. the story in the next half hour. >> he was given $100,000, bet on any horse you like. he picked the right horse. >> he was smart. >> thank you. how popular is sandra bullock? you might be surprised. that's one of the stories "showbiz tonight" is working on. >> hi. hope you had a fabulous weekend. coming up on "showbiz tonight" at 11:00 a.m. eastern, we have reele outrage. she tells hunter don't blame me for being a mistress and sandra bullock the most admired woman in america. "showbiz tonight" kicks off at 11:00 eastern here on hln. we'll see you then. a new york police officer smelled gunpowder coming from an suv in times square. he knew he had to do something fast and now you're going to get to meet him. anging cap too these cheap props aren't but la quinta is! nta inns and suites? yeahbuddy ts take a gander captain thre changing! they have thousands of new rooms! and lots of neato new lobbies! they're even better than before book rooms at hey, who's capinere? (laughing) wake up on t bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta! empowered. me powered. that's what i am on weight watchers. i'm learning stuff that i thought i knew. and i didn't. turns out i just needed the right direction. weight watchers. i even lost weight on vacation. yep, vacation. i'm me powered. know what else? i want my family and my friends to learn good habits. and they are. and you can too. and you can join for free. weight watchers. because it works. ♪ hey i like it. a lot. morning, sunshine. on a monday. i tell you, it feels like it. i'm robin meade. a lot of news going on. police believe that this video may help them investigate an attempted car bombing in times square over the weekend. why they want to talk to the man who you can see in this video taking off his shirt. we're seeing the fir victims of the oil slick in the gulf. fishermen are taking it on the chin. and then women who are no longer in their prime years are becoming major lingerie customers. why some tv shows might be behind all that. first, we have brand new video shot just a half block away from saturday's attempted car bombing in new york's times square. police are looking for this man. see him highlighted there. he took off his top shirt and they say he later looked back toward an suv in a stealthy manner. there was a t-shirt vendor and a vietnam vet that saw smoke and pointed it out to police. >> do you feel like you made a difference? >> i'm a veteran. what do you think? >> this was important to you? >> of course. >> what do you want the people of new york to know from lance? your message, lance, to the people of new york? >> see something, say something. >> police say that the smoke came from fireworks attached to the side of a propane tank in the suv. there was also gasoline and fertilizer inside. police say that the homemade bomb could have split the suv in half and sprayed shrapnel around in the crowd. police did not find any other suspicious devices and businesses in times square are open today. what about the investigation? police are also saying that there's no evidence to support claims of responsibility from the pakistani taliban. there's a lot going on in the investigation though. we're joined by hln law enforcement analysts mike brooks. mike, you're plugged in. you have plenty of sources there. what are they saying about this person in the video? >> first of all, they are saying that they're not taking a lot of credence in that threat, robin. the person in the video they are going to enhance that video that we've seen shot from this restaurant to try to figure out exactly who this guy is and get a better look at his face. >> okay. so we're looking for this person but tell me a little bit more about the car. they were looking for a vehicle identification number on this thing. they do have it, do they not? >> they do. up in the dash where you usually see the vin plate, that was taken off of the car but there are vehicular identification numbers other places on the car. they did find that and traced it back to the original owner and looking into that owner as well as the person who may have owned the tags that were on the car. they were actually connecticut tags registered to another car. >> now, you have millions of people who go to new york city and maybe it was for the weekend. they're going to visit -- is it a couple on pennsylvania for pictures they have? >> the fbi joint terrorism task force sent agents there up and retrieved the video from the pennsylvania couple. they are looking at that now to see if they can enhance anything to see whether or not it shows this guy or someone else getting out of that car. >> folks, if you were in times square over the weekend, you may want to check out your video and pictures as well because cops may want to. mike brooks, security analyst, thank you so much. more than 2 million people cannot drink their water this morning. that is caused a run on bottled water in the boston area. the major water main break created near panic at some of the stores over the weekend. people were told to boil their water or risk getting sick. that alert is still in effect. the rush on bottled water got so intense, police were called. >> don't bother going to the supermarket. it's crazy. it's a big brawl. don't go. just come here. >> hour and a half after we opened, we were back to square one with no water. >> officials say that repairs to the broken pipe should be completed today. look at the picture. it spilled more than 65 million gallons of water and caused contamination that affected the 2 million people. they'll do tests today to see if the boil order can be lifted. check medicine cabinets, parents. the fda is recommending that you buy generic versions of two popular children's drugs. a voluntary recall was issued for tylenol, motrin and zyrtec. president obama spent sunday getting a firsthand look at the oil spill that has not stopped yet. we're just learning that overnight the storms there are causing havoc with attempts to trap the oil. to give you a better idea about the spill, we have the forecast for where the spill is going to be tomorrow from the government. you can see that it spreads from louisiana to the tip of florida. the well continues to spew more than 200,000 gallons a day. obviously that's why the area keeps changing. richard is in that area with more on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. that is really good news perhaps because the question we get asked by all of the fishermen and residents when we're in our lodge house like we are here in gulfport, mississippi, and yesterday when we were in alabama, how close is this slick? when will it hit our shores? that news of course we're waiting for more developments as time goes by could be very heartening for many fishermen. we were speaking with some fishermen yesterday and the issue for them is how can they remain positive? they were. and in fact what they did was they had a celebration where they went down a waterway there for the 61st blessing of the fleet. it was a very positive environment for them, robin. that's the sort of situation. on the flip side, they put up those barriers, the booms, around some of these areas. according to the governor of alabama after he did an overshoot in a plane or helicopter yesterday, his report was that 80% of the booms had lost their ethicacy. they had gone up across the shore or out to sea. they'll have to put them back up. >> the waves are choppy sending those booms out? by boom we mean the barriers basically. man-made barriers. >> they are just floating. they are six inches high. they have wings on the side to float. when the slick comes up against them, it will stop the slick but there are waves and it was very choppy over the weekend. the waves go over the booms and when that happens, they have to put a second level which they did in some areas with a double barrier but then those got pushed out to sea or pushed on the shore and that was frustrating for workers in environmental companies and now the national guard deployed yesterday in alabama. >> that's a big story today. the weather is making it worse for the efforts to try to contain the oil spill. richard, thank you. appreciate it. the weather is a big problem in another area. flooding is blamed for the deaths of at least 11 people in tennessee. another four were killed in mississippi. right now i-40 is closed. that would be tennessee. and at one point several vehicles were trapped on the highway with the water just rising around them. shopping centers in nashville, some of them are under water. hotels and nursing homes have been evacuated. the floods have forced thousands of people to flee their homes. >> we were ankle deep in the house. we actually had a friend come. we had friends trying to get to us by boat yesterday morning and by some miracle they got there. >> you think it's not going happen to me. that's what most people think. and it does happen to people. >> some of the video is just incredible. unfortunately that weather system still has a lot of punch. where is it, bob? >> it does. that's the main problem. a slow moving cold front it rains over one spot for a longer period of time and you get epic amount of rainfall. we saw 13.5 inches around nashville. 20 inches of rain in other spots around central and northern tennessee. here's the cold front stretching from ontario through new york state and it's sitting in place over the gulf of mexico. that acts like a conveyer belt and gets gulf moisture ahead of the cold front and dumps it in the form of heavy rain across areas like tennessee and georgia and alabama. now stretching down into alabama and florida panhandle. rain going up to new england. scattered showers and thunderstorms out there. but the heavy stuff by far is in northern georgia headed in toward south carolina stretching into north carolina. all kinds of travel problems right now. rain is coming down about an inch to inch and a half an hour at times. look at flash flood warnings and watches. warnings are spots in green. a good chunk of tennessee. let me show you pictures we got from nashville. the flooding is tremendous in nashville. all kinds of problems. you can see aerials coming in as well. 13.5 inches of rain in nashville. that was just over the last couple days alone. luckily things are drying out. you can see the extent of the flooding there. check out the i-reports. the cumberland river flowing high right now. you can see that. parts of the street chunked away by the rain turning into a cascading waterfall. unbelievable mess across central parts of tennessee and down to the south the rain still falls. you can see the rain it goes. lightning flashing up by mobile bay. traveling in and out of here a mess for the morning. atlanta in a ground stop until 7:00. it will get extended. >> just a warning for travelers, obviously even if your flight isn't coming out of or going into atlanta, so many other flights do. you kind of get this domino effect of where is my plane. it's stuck in atlanta from previous flight and on and on it goes. >> raining in new york and boston so that doesn't help either. >> monday, monday. >> exactly. >> speaking of flights, new this morning united and continental airlines agree to merge. how this could affect your ticket prices. forget the gym. how you can get more out of your workout outside. we created our college of business and management... after collaborating with business leaders. we wanted our curriculum to match market needs, preparing you for today's most sought-after careers. in fact, we have not one but five specialized colleges, offering you bachelor's degree programs that... are both relevant and highly marketable. devry university. discover education working at time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. so forget return on investment. let's talk return on insurance. switch your car insurance to allstate, and you can earn a 5% bonus. 5% of your premium sent to you twice a year for as long as you don't have an accident. the safe driving bonus check, only from allstate. [ operator judy ] see how much you could save. call or click today for a free quote or to find an allstate agent. here's today's salute to the troops from the airport in atlanta. we met up with specialist troy jimenez and his wife, mary lou as he came home for r & r. >> i just got back from iraq today and i'm really, really happy to be back and as you can see i missed my wife so much and i love her and i can't wait to be with her again. >> i'm so proud of my husband. >> look at the smile. just love it. hope you guys enjoy sometime together on your r&r. one lawyer says that the lawsuits about the oil slick are spreading faster than slick itself it seems like. the spill could hurt hundreds, maybe thousands of businesses and our money expert jennifer westhoven is here. >> the total cost could be $14 billion. some of that might be us taxpayers. 7 billion to clean up. we'll keep an eye on that. more than 2 billion in lost fishing. commercial fishermen that richard has been talking about. florida could lose 3 billion in lost terrorism. think of cancellations at the hotels and people that rent beachfront homes across the gulf. 36 lawsuits have been filed already. new this morning, united and continental are merging if the government okays that deal. less competition could mean higher prices on plates from chicago and new york and california to new york some analysts say. it may mean headaches for everyone that flies. sometimes there are service glitches while they integrate workers and fleets and gates and that can take months. you probably heard about one of the most controversial catholic christian relics. what the pope has to say about it. it was a long shot but a fan cashed in big at the kentucky derby. how he galloped away with $900,000. it's rollback time at walmart, and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. and i know losing weight can be tough. know it can go down and up 'til you get fed up and want to give up. so i'm doing weight watchers and changing it up. losing weight isn't crazy unattainable. i'm learning simple, powerful stuff -- applying it to my life. and i'm standing here feeling all kinds of good a size smaller in a brand new pair of jeans. because weight watchers is keeping me, keeping on. why not join for free? come on. go on. weight watchers. because it works. i'm rafer weigel with sports. there was another bomb scare in a major city. this one in pittsburgh during the pittsburgh marathon. police noticed a suspicious package near the finish line. they let the first 15 or so runners cross the finish line and then stopped the race for ten minutes or so and then sent out a robot to investigate the package. it was in a microwave oven. they dismantled the device and it was not an explosive but they just wanted to be careful given what happened in new york. the weather did not dampen the kentucky derby or keep them from showing off those awesome bonnets. there you go. and what an amazing story. the winning horse, super saver. burrell was the first jockey to win the derby three times in four years. the horse's trainer one his first derby in 25 tries. he was 0 for 24. burrell said in a thick accent i'm going to win the triple crown this year. it was funny because the woman interviewing him, i don't think she understood what he said. love that guy. this guy is getting a lot of love. this houston businessman. won a contest to place 100 grand. chosen out of 67,000 applicants. you had to win the bet to take home the money and as you can see, he placed it on supersaver. >> i love that story. given 100,000. bet on any horse. and he bet on the winning horse. >> he was smart. he said that calvin would win because he always does. he walked away with 900 grand before taxes. new orleans saints will have to talk to the dea. a civil suit accuse them of trying to cover up a theft of vicodin from team headquarters. the team says it was a guy trying to shake him down for cash and they deny it. tiger woods gets sent home early and he got heckled at least two times. i saw it firsthand. i'll give you reflections on the tournament in the next half hour. robin? >> thank you very much. president obama is used to being the butt of jokes from the late-night comedians because he's the president. he got to turn the tables on them at the annual white house correspondents association dinner. >> though i am glad that the only person whose ratings fell more than mine last year is here tonight. great to see you, jay. [ applause ] i'm also glad that i'm speaking first because we have all seen what happens when somebody takes the time slot after leno's. >> leno said the president isn't as aloof as critics say. in fact, he loves to socialize. health care and car companies says leno. >> i'm katelyn calling from ohio. i want to make a shout-out to you. >> katelyn, good morning. looks like you are getting up on time because of the wake-up call. you can get the free wake-up call by dialing 1-888-robin-hln. police asking anybody who was in times scaquare over the weekend for videos and pictures to help them find who was behind the bomb scare. anging cap too these cheap props aren't but la quinta is! nta inns and suites? yeahbuddy ts take a gander captain thre changing! they have thousands of new rooms! and lots of neato new lobbies! they're even better than before book rooms at hey, who's capinere? (laughing) wake up on t bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta! ...there's lubriderm advanced therapy. and now there's lubriderm advanced therapy spf 30. the only body moisturizer with an spf this high. its nutrients match the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin... for a great clean feel with the best uva/uvb protection. see you later alligator. advanced therapy spf 30 is here... lubriderm. your moisture, matched. go to for $2 savings. week. >> it's amazing. there's so many people who care. >> a nonprofit group called wish upon a wedding made all of the arrangements for their special day. i don't think it will be easy going today for our travelers. bob will tell you why. >> horrible start right now. atlanta especially. monday morning everybody trying to get back to work. this is what it looks like outside in atlanta. a horrible day. you can see rain overhead. this is where it is now. northern part of georgia. look at the tower cam coming down hard right now. a 50-minute delay down in atlanta. trying to look at mid town right now and you can see flight explorer. that squall line hangs over us and heads to charlotte and more rain around d.c., philadelphia, new york. here's what we have for the day. call for an hour or more delay for the afternoon. new york, philadelphia, you will be affected with low clouds and wind. atlanta, thunderstorms are there for the morning. by this afternoon it begins to dry out but delays are there right now. more delays possible. boston, d.c. metros including baltimore. 30-minute to one-hour delays. detroit, you'll get more thunderstorms and then out west it is seattle. lots of wind. 50-mile-per-hour gusts. san francisco, windy as well. more on that in a half hour. >> all right. thank you. imagine this. some customers were at a gas station just filling up their cars. suddenly an alarm went off and a cloud of white powder rained down on them. it was the fire suppression system. for fire. a malfunction. let me show you live pictures that we're just now getting in of the flooding around the nashville area. look at this live picture. they got more than 13 inches of rain here and sadly when you look at the storms here, 11 deaths blamed on flooding. we'll work to bring that you picture. let's go back to that. here we go. this is a different one. the signals are going in and out i would imagine because it's moving and because it is still raining in some of the areas. so this tape came in about a minute ago. and i cannot believe how widespread the flooding apparently is. i see maybe the tops of trees outside a parking lot in a shopping center. they noted that a lot of shopping centers appear to be flooded along with roadways. i wonder if it is because maybe there wasn't a lot of drains in the area for the parking lots for shopping centers. i am simply amazed. i see a riverboat. obviously that riverboat you would think is in a river but then you see what appears to be a river outside of the banks of the river. you know that's not supposed to be there. for some people in the gulf, an oil slick will hit right where they live. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you up to thousands of dollars. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... and guide to understanding medicare, i can keep my own doctor and choose my own hospital. and i don't need a referral to see a specialist. as with all medicare supplement plans, and help pay for what medicare doesn't. call this toll-free number now... new york police are looking for the man that you see here in this security tape. they are hoping he has answers about a failed car bombing in times square saturday night. police say he appears to look back at the smoking suv in what they describe as a stealthy way. police are not calling him a suspect so far. 2 million people are boiling water in boston after a water main break. tests are being done to figure out whether the boil order can be lifted. >> who are you? >> remember me? >> looks like freddy krueger killed them at the box office this weekend. studio estimates that the remake of "nightmare on elm street" raked in more than $42 million. those are a few of our day's top stories. good morning. it's one busy monday. sure it is for you as well. i'm robin meade. we have a new i-report. matthew derby was in a mcdonald's when police come in and they are telling everyone to get out. you can feel the sense of urgency. >> we got to go. everyone. grab your food up. let's go. don't run. don't run. >> people who were there describe what they saw and what they heard. >> everybody just started being backed up and everybody was being epushed back and the barriers went up. >> everyone was racing toward the way we were. >> police are reaching out to the public to get more pictures and video that they think will help them. they have one tourist video which may show a possible suspect's face and they have a security tape that you saw at the top of the show here. one thing is clear. the homemade bomb was strong enough to have killed people. let's get back to the man who was caught on surveillance tape. police say he appeared to be nervously looking back at the suv. hln law enforcement analyst mike brooks is joining us. they want to talk to the guy. isn't like a need until a haystack? how do you find one man in new york city? >> what i'm thinking is there are other things that will lead them to believe that this guy could be involved besides what they see on the videotape from this restaurant that shows this guy kind of looking around. it's just a short distance away from that nissan pathfinder was left. >> what evidence will they look for besides tape that tourists give them? >> one thing that's big is forensic. as they loaded this nissan onto a flat bed, you saw all of the detectives and agents all had suits on and that's so they don't pass any possible evidence from their clothes onto that vehicle or inside that vehicle. trace evidence. fingerprint evidence. they'll look at those propane tanks. the numbers on those propane tanks. the fireworks, m-80s inside. they'll look at all of this to see if it could be linked to any other cases they might have open there in the city. >> let's go over what was found in the car. gas cylinders, propose tank, fireworks and fertilizer. >> we heard so much about fertilizer. the oklahoma city bombing was akno ammonia nitrate and fuel oil. they say by itself it wouldn't do anything at all. you also had three propane tanks. two five gallon cans of gasoline and one of the propane tanks had some of the m-80s on the outside but the 20 to 30 in a can tried to set that off to kick off everything else and that's what smoked up the inside of the vehicle and led to somebody seeing the smoke coming out of there and that officer that we saw a few minutes ago smelled gunpowder and that's what it was from. >> and thank goodness nobody was hurt and that the street vendors were alert enough to alert the police. thank you so much. >> absolutely. >> that's the breaking story. another breaking story this morning and that is deadly flooding in and around nashville. these are live pictures. it will change up a bit here. looks like the skies are cloudy in the area. nashville got more than 13 inches of rain. at least 11 deaths are blamed on the flooding. now we're getting -- you know what, i can barely tell what i was looking at because the flooding is so widespread. obviously now i can see with sunlight that we're looking at areas that should have no water at all but water appears to be standing up on the sides of that building. is that an airport? like a small airport there. okay. we lost the signal. this is tape from about five minutes ago. and i'm really surprised at how widespread the flooding is. so here you have apartment buildings and what should be parking lots and yards and the water seems to be outside of the banks everywhere where it should be. that's out of nashville. do we have that piece of tape of flooding lifting a mobile home from its foundation. i'll get that for you in a second. this appears to be live pictures now. we're back at that. okay. here's a mobile home. and the floodwaters lifted it up, carried it down i-24 of all places, which makes me wonder about all those people stuck in their cars, too. and the mobile home hits a rig and breaks apart. look at how many people -- can you imagine, you're in traffic. it's raining. what a pain and then the water starts to rise around you. there's no one to come and help you. at what point do you get on your roof? it looks like those people were rescued. this morning we're learning that overnight storms in a different area are making it harder to trap the big oil spill that's in the gulf of mexico. richard is in gulfport where many of the residents there make their living from the waters in the gulf. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. that's the concern because the booms were put up in many areas here in the gulf coast to try to mitigate the progress shall we say of this oil slick. unfortunately many of the booms that have been deployed have either pushed it out sea or onshore because of storms coming through like right around me, i'm standing 25 to 30 feet inside from an overhang but that rain was hitting my back moments ago. you can see now it's calmer. that's what they've had to deal with. they put out these booms to provide to protect the shoreline along the gulf coast. you know, how this is affecting many of the residents that you are alluding to such as fishermen? it's required them to stop what they normally would begin today in some parts of the gulf coast. yesterday we were in the seafood capital of alabama. normally they would start today going out to catch the bait. going out to catch shrimp. they couldn't do that. they were celebrating and yesterday's blessing of the fleet, the 61st time they've done it, was different especially for this gentleman, maurice ryan. >> i hope it will change it for me. that's why we're here. you got to put your trust in someone and i really feel like with the church and the bishop, i got my life in good hands. >> it could have widespread effects but not only the livelihood of people but an entire way of life. >> reporter: there you saw the archbishop of mobile, alabama, driven on down. from maurice ryan here, he showed us the waterway. he gave us a tour of where that fleet procession would be. throughout that time it was conflicting because of the reasons i just described. he decorated his boat over the course of two days even though he knew he wasn't going to be able to go out and fish today as he would normally. he came in third place for the best decorated boat. he got a tool set. he got some money and some other gifts so for him today, it's more positive. on top of that, bp from what he told me is now starting to train some of the boat owners, some of the fishermen out there so if the oil slick does come close they will be able to be part of that cleanup effort. >> i guess that's a big move to involve people who will be out there and try to contain this oil slick which right now the weather is hampering them from doing that. appreciate it. total different type of news story now. it seems that middle age women are feeling sexy buying more risque lingerie. the new york daily news says women in their 40s and 50s are driving a buying spree in undergarments and sexy stockings. >> all right. so something to look forward to in my 40s and 50s. sexy underpants. swell. >> good morning, bob. >> good morning. let me show you what's happening. this weather brought to you by zyrtec. i want to show you wind and wind direction. notice winds coming up out of the south in areas around the northern gulf of mexico. sustained winds at 15 to 19 miles per hour. that's helping to push that oil up toward the north and east. a line of thundershowers to the north going all of the way down through the delta of the mississippi river. you can see what it looks like. new orleans, winds have shifted out of the west-northwest. that's a sign of things to come for the entire north part of the gulf as that cold front goes by winds come out of the south and shift to the west hopefully steering some of that oil away from shore. it remains to be seen how much it pushes it away. it's something we're watching. that whole thing caught up with a cold front. that's a slow mover. that pounded away at central nashville and kentucky over the last couple of days. look at the rain stretching out of the gulf of mexico. heavy stuff by far is edging into the carolinas, north georgia and alabama but flood warnings up for central parts of tennessee. some areas around here 20 inches of rain. nashville itself about 13.53 storm total a record for them. no doubt about it. down to the south, look at the rain coming out of mississippi and alabama. now stretching into the western part of florida right by the panhandle. heaviest downpour action across north and central georgia. that moves into the carolinas. notice the radar picture picking it up well. it's not in there yet. it gets to charlotte and stretches all of the way into the northeast. look at the rainfall totals over the next 48 hours. that red shaded area, four inches of rain. most of that comes this morning into the early part of the afternoon. that's something we're watching closely. severe weather could get it for the carolinas. we'll talk about that in a half hour. >> all right. if you want some extra cash and who doesn't? 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[ male announcer ] we call it the american renewal. because ge capital understands what businesses need to grow. that's why today ge capital provides critical financing to more than 300,000 growing companies. ♪ and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. >> hi. i'm angela brower. this shout-out goes to my mom. we love you. you are so amazing. we could not live a day without you. you are the best. we love you so very much. happy mother's day, mom. >> andrea, thank you. all week long we'll play special salutes from your fellow viewers to their moms leading up to mother's day. that's on sunday. don't forget that. don't be surprised if you see a few celebrities giving their mom a shout-out, too. >> i'm here to help you. i don't want you to get that call, you never call. be careful with spring cleaning. what you throw away could be money in your pocket. >> did you bring this from home? >> i did. this is from the garage. it broke. you have to be careful. everybody has a junk drawer. i don't know what you have got in yours. we just put gadgets. at home i have all kinds of disgusting paper clips and pens but old electronics you can use. you think you can't use them like here's an old cell phone. look how clunky this thing is. wireless router. maybe a busted laptop you have. you may be able to sell all this for money. one site will let you punch in what you got and tell you if it's worth something and if it is, they'll send you an empty box postage paid. drop your junk in. megait mail it back and they'll send you money. lori said she made 70 bucks on gazelle. great way to start the week. yeah. now, look, if gazelle won't take what you got, you can donate to goodwill for a tax write-off. we'll have spring cleaning tips. send in yours. robin? >> i love it. ways to make money. thank you for showing us. the appreciate it. can you imagine if you were in times square saturday night when a car bomb was found? this guy was. fou find out why people think he was a hero. tiger woods turned in one of the worst performances ever but it sounds like he's pointing fingers. ♪ [ male announcer ] the offer letter. if you're going to college, or back to college, that's your bullseye. it is for devry university students. in fact, each year thousands of our graduates find themselves right where they want to be -- employed in their field of study. and all those offer letters up there? that's just from last year. devry university. discover education working at too these cheap props aren't but la quinta is! nta inns and suites? yeahbuddy ts take a gander captain thre changing! they have thousands of new rooms! and lots of neato new lobbies! they're even better than before book rooms at hey, who's capinere? (laughing) wake up on t bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta! iran's president may slam the united states when he speaks at the u.n. in new york later today. mahmoud ahmadinejad is upset about possible new sanctions over iran's nuclear program. secretary of state hillary clinton says he's trying to divert attention from a nuclear treaty that iran is accused of violating. it ends up that tiger woods had one of his worst performances ever and he got heckled by the fans to boot. rafer is here with more on that. you witnessed some of this. >> i witnessed some of it. this was a disastrous turnout for tiger woods on so many different levels. notably because some fans turned on the man after all of this support at the beginning this photo says it all. a thumb's down as he walked off. this was after he was heckled on the 14th hole. that was right around when he seemed to kind of give up. if he continues to play like this, i believe fans will continue to turn on him. he wasn't asked anything about his personal problems when i was there. when he was asked did any of it play into his poor performance, this is what he said. >> every day i do media i get asked it so it doesn't go away. even when i'm at home. paparazzi still follow us. helicopters still hover around. and so does it test you? of course it does. >> meanwhile, the guy that did win is a great story. rory mcilroy shares the cover of tiger woods' video game and set the course record with this put. he was the youngest guy to end on the tour since tiger won in 19 guy in charlotte. the first phone call he made was to his parents. that was the weakest irish accent ever. george karl was sent back to the hospital. certainly wish him the best. lastly, some crazy video to show you from australia. look at this car lose control and go over and over and over again and then into where the spectators are. two people along with the driver were taken to the hospital. and fortunately, we are told, all of them are okay. a great weekend at a kentucky derby. one fan won 100 grand. we'll have it for you. he was pulled out of a poll of -- good morning, robin. big problems. delays on all those airports. what about the rest of the day? new york city metro looking for an hour or more. jfk about a half hour now. philadelphia about a ground stop till 8:30. more delays around chicago. also with the thundershowers developing, windy out west. more "morning express" comes your way in just a couple minutes. it's rollback time at walmart, and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. hello. what a busy weekend you had. i'm robin meade. it's a business monday newswise. here's what's going on. police think the video i'm about to show you here may help them investigate an attempted car bombing in times square. why they want to talk to the man taking off his shirt on this security tape. and then -- >> he thought he could get through. and the water swept him right up through there. two guys had to get up on top up there and pull him out. >> flash floods and storms have killed at least 15 people in tennessee and mississippi. how some people are dealing with extremely dangerous situation this morning. and the flooding that continues at this hour. the world's largest airline is in the making. but that may not bode well for your airline ticket prices. first, though, our breaking story. we have brand-new video that was shot just a half block away from saturday's attempted car bombing in new york's times square. police are looking for the man that you're about to see on this tape here. he took off his shirt and they say he looked back toward the suv in a stealthy manner. hold up here. we'll get that tape for you. they are not calling him a suspect. the suv had smoke coming out of it. it did not explode. there is the man. this is the tape. it's from security tape. the man took off his shirt. he had a red shirt underneath it. police frantically then tried to get people away when they noticed the smoking car. >> everybody just started being backed up and everybody was being pushed back and the barriers started going up. >> we knew something was wrong. we saw the ambulances and the cop cars, everybody was racing towards the way we were. >> police say that fireworks, propane tanks, gasoline and f t fertilizer were all in that suv. police say the homemade bomb could have split the suv in half and sprayed shrapnel into the crowd. police did not find any other suspicious devices. business in times square is open today. new york police are down playing claims of responsibility from the pakistani taliban, but homeland security secretary janet napolitano has said this morning that investigators are not ruling out anybody. we're joined right now by hln law enforcement analyst mike brooks. so, i'm wondering what the likelihood is it's some part of an organized terrorist scare. >> my years on the fbi joint terrorism task, of course you can't discount anyone, specially early on in an investigation like this. people have been calling me all day yesterday, what was the motive for this? some people are saying did it have to do with the "south park" episode that mtv and viacom are right there in that particular block? that's just one of many theories that are out there, robin. >> i look at that tape and i'm like it's not very good quality. i can't really see anything. could they enhance it? >> oh, yeah. the nypd along with the fbi, they can take this and enhance it and chop it up so you can get a side view, a front view. you're going to be able to see this guy's face probably pretty well. plus, robin, this is not the only camera in that area. there are quite a few in that times square area. >> do we have any idea about how many are in the new york city manhattan area? it's got to be huge. >> it's unbelievable. you have all the private cameras, security cameras that are on different building. nypd has some. you go down and it says, you could be photographed. but there's no expectation of privacy when you're on the streets of new york. they won't give the number out. let's just say a lot. >> got you. mike brooks, thank you so much. hln security analyst. breaking news this morning of another kind. nashville has evacuated its downtown area, we've learned. now they're keeping a close eye on a levy that is threatening to make the flooding situation there even worse. looking at this tape here that came in earlier this morning, you get a good idea about how widespread flooding is in the nashville area. floods are blamed for the deaths of 11 people in all of tennessee and 4 in mississippi. the high waters, for example, have closed parts of i-40 in tennessee. houses and businesses all over the state are under water. >> within a two-hour period, it had overwhelmed us. we were two feet deep in water. we were raising everything up as high as we could get it, but it didn't do any good. >> and take a look at this. the floodwaters piled up these cars like match box toys. parts of tennessee have seen 20 inches of rain. in a couple of minutes here bob's going to tell you what the people there have to look forward to, if the rain is gone, and if so, where that system is now dumping that same kind of rain. new this morning, storms from a system are also working against the attempts to trap thousands of gallons of oil in the gulf of mexico that have been spewing from the oil well. president obama spent sunday getting a firsthand look. he told people living on the gulf coast the government's doing everything it can to fix the problem. >> your government will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to stop this crisis. >> richard lui is live this morning along the gulf coast, and he's following the crisis. and he joins us now with more on that story. we were talking about the weather system that came through. you've been dealing with that this morning. >> reporter: yeah, robin. the weather system, right now here in gulfport, mississippi, we've had a couple huge waves this morning. right now it's calmed down a little bit. you can now see that the sun's come out within the last hour. it is fairly calm now. those sorts of issues are hampering certainly the boom deployment as well as the booms that are already out there at the moment. and that will continue to be one of the dynamics that they will be working with, the national guard or whoever is putting out those booms. we were on dauphin island over the weekend. you remember on friday we were talking about how fishermen were very frustrated with what could happen if an oil slick came close to the shore. on the opposite side of dauphin island, this little space about this big, if you will, what i'm drawing out with my hands, the opposite side of the island was a little bit of paradise. we call it waiting in paradise. because there's white sand beaches, nice homes, a lot of groups coming together to try to relax, to try to still do what they wanted to do despite that spector of an oil spill. we bumped into a group of women that were celebrating their 18th anniversary from the graduation of auburn university. they told us about their resilience. they were still going to go out and remember the good times as opposed to what could be bad news coming in the future. >> we'll fight through whatever's happening within the weather or in the environment and we'll -- we'll come again. >> reporter: if the oil is here will you come again? >> as long as the house is standing and, you know, the roads are clear, sure. >> reporter: if we look down here and instead of white sand, we have black sand, you'll still be here? >> i will. sure. >> yeah, we we would. >> reporter: so in that particular situation there, robin, they were in houses that are about ten feet off the ground, on stilts, because that side of the island, although they call it paradise there, is also an area that had a lot of standing water because of katrina. it pushed out that part of the island a little farther west and sunk a bit. if and when oil were to hit there, they would basically have houses overlooking an oil spill. and that is the dynamic that exists there on dauphin island as i continue to watch what is happening in the gulf. >> thank you so much. parents, you might want to check your medicine cabinets. because the fda has issued a voluntary recall for children's tylenol, motrin, zyrtec and benadryl. it says some might have a higher concentration of the active ingredients than they should. the generic versions are not affected. but the recalled brand names, the chances of serious health problems, they say, are remote. who are you? >> remember me? >> looks like freddy krueger killed them at the box office this weekend. studios estimate the remake of "a nightmare on elm street" raked in more than $32 million. "iron man 2" pulled in more than $100 million in its weekend overseas. i don't know if we have any of the video i can show you that happened from nashville over the weekend. tennessee really getting inundated with water. i'm going to show you why right now. the weather system that stretches from louisiana all the way up to, gosh, i don't know, virginia beach. it is states long, and it still has a lot of punch, bob. >> exactly. you're looking at this aerial footage right now, robin. i was looking at doppler radar estimates. they actually underestimated it. it was 13 inches of rain. about 13.5 in downtown nashville itself. outside areas reporting as much as 20 inches of rain from just this weekend's activity alone. you see just the wide swath of water covering just about everything you can see in this picture. it's unbelievable. the cumberland river in major flood stage in nashville. that's not expected to go down until sometime wednesday night. you're going to be riding high for at least the next three to four days. what's going on now? look at this. good news. drying out temporarily for you around nashville. should be dry for the next couple days. here comes the heavy rain deploys through eastern tennessee out of knoxville, now into the north carolina mountains up the i-85 corridor in towards atlanta. flash flood watches and warnings all in green around northern georgia. look at the thunderstorms right out of mobile stretching all the way through and stretching all the way up towards atlanta, too. what it looks like now in atlanta, the heaviest rain is still over place. we have warnings, we have all kinds of advisories for flooding. also delays at the airport, they're going to continue to pile up from atlanta all the way up to new york. back to the maps. see the rain edging up towards greenville and spartanburg out of clemson. delays at the airport at charlotte, too. that rain line goes all the way up to the north. next 48 hours, key. look at all the rain. areas in red, about 4 inches of rain for areas like macon, georgia, today. the carolina coastline . around philadelphia in towards new york, we have air travel delays here. the chance for some more severe weather, that's down south of there. talk about that coming up again in just a little bit. lots going on. >> my goodness. thank you so much. we're watching a push to create the world's largest airline. and if you travel, it's going to cost you. we'll show you how. and then president obama stepped up to the mike. he turned the tables on the media and his critics, and then took jabs at himself. it's rollback time at walmart, and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. that means thousands these sensors indicate change at la quinta inns and suites! with thousandsnew oms d lots of new lobbies they're even better than before! book rooms at right-o! wake up on the bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta! we've got today's salute to the troops at the airport in atlanta. we met up with specialist jimenez and his wife. >> my name is specialist jimenez. this is my wife, mary lou. i just got back today. i'm really, really happy to be back. i miss my wife so much and i love her. can't wait to be with her again. >> i'm so proud of my husband. >> i love the smiles on both of their faces. hope you guys enjoy some r and r together. if you have somebody in the service, you can salute them, too. president obama is used to being the butt of jokes from the late nighters, right? but he got to poke fun at himself at the annual white house correspondents association dinner over the weekend. >> it's been quite a year since i've spoken here last. lots of ups. lots of downs. except for my approval ratings, which have just gone down. but that's politics. that doesn't bother me. besides, i happen to know that my approval ratings are still very high in the country of my birth. >> comedian jay leno said the president is not as aloof as critics say. in fact, says jay, he loves to socialize. socialize health care. socialize car companies. >> that is a dumb joke. >> back and forth it went. one lawyer says the lawsuits are spreading faster than the oil slick in the gulf. the spill could hurt hundreds, maybe thousands of businesses. >> good morning. some are saying this could cost $14 billion in total. $7 billion to clean it up. more than $2 billion in lost fishing. all the commercial fishermen who can't do their jobs right now. you've heard richard talking about their story all morning. in florida alone, the lost tourism could be $3 billion. think about all the cancellations at hotels, rental car companies, the people who represent out their own homes. they have beach front property that's along the gulf. that's not just florida. that would go all the way to maybe texas. we don't even know. 36 lawsuits already filed against some of the companies involved here. this is also going to be a big corporate deal that we're going to be watching. is this going to be so big that they can sink bp? some people are saying this could be massive lawsuits. travel trends. a merger to create the world's biggest airline is in the works. united and continental are planning to merge. they do have to get government approval. they're already the nation's number three and four airlines. less competition usually isn't good for people like you and me. it could mean higher prices. possibly on some of the routes between chicago and new york and then california to new york. it also could mean headaches when you fly. sometimes it can take months for them to work out the service glitches while they integrate all the different workers, the crews, the fleets and the gates. that's one we'll keep our eye on. store after store in boston is selling out of bottled water. 2 million people don't know when they're going to be able to drink their own tap water again. conan o'brien's first tv interview since leaving the tonight show. what he's now saying about jay leno. [ beeping ] ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring and you'll dump your old broom. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady ♪ who's that lady? [ female announcer ] new swiffer sweepervac does more then sweep. it has a powerful vacuum to suck up the big stuff. and electrostatic dry cloths to pick up the rest. it cleans better than a broom or your money back. [ slurping ] i have asthma. and that's what it sounded like when my symptoms came back. i'd get this tightness in my chest. like i was breathing through a straw. so i went back to my doctor again. we talked about choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma. [ man ] while it's not a rescue inhaler, symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. it helps give me the control to... [ inhales, exhales ] symbicort is a combination of two medicines. it will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death, so it is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. with symbicort, my lung function starts to improve within 15 minutes, helping me... all day. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if it's a good choice for you. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, everyone. grab your food up! let's go! >> hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. >> don't run. don't run. >> we have this new i-report of what was going on during a bomb scare in times square over the weekend. i-reporter matthew derby was in a mcdonald's when police came in telling everyone to evacuate. you can get the sense of urgency there. police are also reaching out to the public for more pictures and video to help them in the investigation. they say they have one tourist video which may show a possible suspect's face. more than 2 million people cannot drink their water this morning. that's causing a run on bottled water in the boston area. people were told they had to boil the waert ter or risk gett sick. the rush for bottled water got so intense police were called in. >> don't bother going to the supermarket. it's like a big brawl. >> hour and a half after we opened we were basically back to square one with no matter. >> officials say the broken water main spilled more than 65 million gallons of water. repairs should be done by today. they're going to do more tests to see if that boil order can then be lifted. hi, robin. i'm kaitlyn. i'm calling from ohio. i want to make a very big shout out to you. >> good job. glad to see you're up early. you can leave a shout out as well after you get my free wake-up call. 1-888-robin-hln. it is free. we're tracking breaking news on the new york city bomb scare. police are reviewing a security camera and they want to know everything they can about this car. you said carl was our best presentation guy. [ worker ] well, he is. last week he told my team about fedex office print online for our presentations. we upload it to fedex office, then they print, bind, and ship it. the presentation looks good, right? yes, but -- you didn't actually bring carl with you. good morning! but i digress. [ male announcer ] we understand. you need presentations done right. and right now save 20% on all online printing purchases. visit [ male announcer ] visine®-a is clinically proven to relieve all your worst eye allergy symptoms. it goes right where you need it, relieving allergy eyes in minutes. visine®-a. the most complete allergy eye drop. and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. breaking news today. new york police are looking for the man you see here in this security video. they're hoping he has answers about a failed car bombing in times square on saturday night. police say in the video he appears to be looking back at a smoking suv in what they describe as a stealthy way. police say they want to question him but they're not calling him a suspect. more breaking news today. people are evacuating downtown nashville. there's why. a leaky levee there is threatening to make flooding they've seen over the weekend even worse. high waters are blamed for 11 deaths across tennessee and 4 in mississippi. an actress who played the same tv character for more than 50 years has passed away. helen wagner played nancy hughes on the soap "as the world turns." she held the guinness world record for playing the same character for the longest time. we don't know how she died. she was 91. good morning. 30 minutes past the hour. are you sleepy on this monday? watch the news. there's so much going on today. i'm robin meade. let's jump into that. back to our breaking story, we've learned police plan to release a second video very soon in a bomb scare in new york's times square. the new video is going to be from a tourist, and as soon as we get it, we'll turn it around and make sure that you see it as well. police say that the homemade bomb inside the suv could have been deadly. fire works, prepane tanks, gasoline and fertilizer were found inside the suv. police did not find any other suspicious devices. businesses in times square are open today. a t-shirt vendor first noticed the smoke colie i coming out ofv and grabbed police. >> do you feel like you made a difference? what do you think? to the people of new york, what do you want to tell them? what do you want them to know, lance? you're message, lance, to the people of new york. >> you see something, say something. >> see something, say something. as we mentioned earlier, police are looking for a man who was caught on surveillance video about half of a block away. police think that he was nervously kind of looking around toward the suv, which was smoke ing. we're joined by hln law enforcement analyst mike brooks. so the new information this half hour, mike, is that they may have a new video from a tourist who was in times square. i can only imagine that there's going to be a lot of tape for police to go through here. >> absolutely, robin. especially from this video camera inside a restaurant and others around times square. you know, we've got this t-shirt vendor who may have seen something else before the smoking happened. he's been on that corner for 13 years. i'm sure he's very observant of what goes on around there. >> other incidents in times square that have happened in the past, obviously this is a high target area. >> that's a great question. back in march of 2008, robin, there was a man that they caught on video camera riding up on a 10-speed bike and placing a box with an explosive device alongside the army recruiting center right there in times square. they captured him on surveillance video. but that case remains open. i'm sure they're going to see is there any connection, maybe comparison to the different ieds from that case to this case. >> what do we know about the car in this case? >> we know it's a 1993 nissan pathfinder. we do know it had a vehicle identification number. a vin number. wasn't on the plate in the dash. they found it some place else in the car. it had tags that were listed to another car. they were connecticut tags. they're running down all of these leads as we speak. >> mike brooks as plenty of contacts in the field of law enforcement and investigation. whenever we get something new, he's going to tap me on the shoulder and we'll get it right to you. a detroit police officer was killed this morning in an ambush and four other officers were wounded. police say that the man inside an abandoned home opened fire on police when they responded to a call about shots being fired. the suspect was shot and taken into custody. police said that drugs were found inside. the officer was married and had a 10-year-old son. new this morning, storms are making it very hard for the workers to trap the oil that is still spewing from an underwater well in the gulf of mexico. richard is in gulfport where many of the residents there make their living on the gulf, maybe they live there because they love the water. that could be about to change. >> reporter: you know, robin, it's really more than a livelyhood. it is a way of life for these fishermen. you and i were talking on friday about fishermen and how they were going to deal with that potential of something changing. they actually had a chance to celebrate on sunday in bayou la batre, considered the seafood capital of alabama. they were preparing for a couple of days, some of the fishermen, for what was the 61st annual blessing of the fleet. this time it was a little bit different. especially for marine ryan. >> i hope it'll change it for me. i hope -- you know, that's why we're here. you've got to put your trust in someone. and i really feel like with the church and the bishop, i got my life in goods hands. >> it could have widespread effects. but not only the livelihood of people, an entire way of life. >> reporter: all right. that was the archbishop of mobile, alabama, who said it. it's a way of life. he was down there for the blessing. what the irony is here, robin, maurice ryan took us on that tour of the waterway before the blessing, is that normally the day after this process of this blessing of the fleet, he would go out and begin the shrimping season, the baiting season. and it would be good times for him. now with a ten-day moratorium starting today, instead of being able to go out and fish, he cannot. has to stay home. silver lining, bp, according to what he told me, is now reaching out to the fishermen to say if you would like training on cleanup, we are going to start that very soon. come on down. for maurice ryan, a little bit of difficulty for him. he is trying to remain positive at the moment. >> that story repeated over and over again i'm sure for various people who make their living off the water there. thank you so much. conan o'brien is not laughing about jay leno or nbc's recent late-night mess. in an interview with "60 minutes" he said he was okay leaving the network, but indicated he wasn't comfortable with leno's decision to go back to "the tonight show." >> i'm happy with my decision. i sleep well at night. and i -- you know, hope he's happy with his decision. >> do you think that jay lobbied for this? >> i don't know. but what i know is what happened. which is that he went and took that show back. >> i can't get used to cocoa in that beard. o'brien has a new show on tbs. it's expected to launch this november. i have to tell you that tbs is owned by time warner, which also owns hln. so, in other words, secretly we're going, yes. >> oh, yeah. secretly we're going does he need a meteorologist also? >> 37 minutes past the hour. the storm system that's responsible for two of our news stories today. one, the big-time flooding we're seeing in the nashville area. two, the extra problems that the people trying to cap an oil spill are having. well, that's all because of this weather system. and it's moved a bit. but i don't see it losing its punch. >> not at all. not at least this morning, robin. that's a great way to put it. we have not only flooding rains around tennessee, kentucky, mississippi and alabama now into georgia, we also have the winds. they're getting chopped up across the northern part of gulf of mexico. see all those buoys getting overtaken. i was talking to richard about that before. winds up there again today, 20 to 25 miles per hour. the gulf, choppy out there. winds should shift around to the west by sometime tomorrow afternoon. look at the heavy rain pulling through alabama, mississippi, georgia, stretching into north carolina and south carolina, too. most of the rain is across southern alabama and then into georgia but clearing outside of nashville. good news. incredible video right now. this is from yesterday afternoon. it's a mobile home. it's got ripped up from its foundation and just carted down i-24 in that water. look at that. it finally comes to a stop once it hits a big rig that is also in that same mess. just an unbelievable shot coming out there. epic amount of rainfall out there. 13.5 inches of rain. some areas, especially right here, 20 inches of rain in central tennessee. done for now. you're going to start to dry up. all those rivers running high. the cumberland river into the major flood stage. it's there till at least wednesday. let me show you the rest of the region. flood warnings. dark shade of green, flood watch. down to the south you can see the gulf of mexico. here's biloxi. cold front to the west. rain, all that action moving to the north into atlanta. we have delays at the airport right now in atlanta because of the low clouds. if you look at the radar, breaking up just a little bit. still a little bit of rain left up down to the south. it'll brush us later this morn ing. heaviest rain gone out of atlanta and pulling into areas like charlotte, lower parts of virginia and stretching into new york. pennsylvania, delaware river just getting slammed right now with heavy rain. that delaware river area near philadelphia, getting into boston, getting into new york. all kinds of air travel delays. monday looking pretty bad. west coast doesn't look any better. all kinds of wind from the pacific northwest. more on that in about a half hour. >> thank you so much. looks like we have breaking news from every corner. do you want to improve your mental health? go green. just five minutes of playing in the dirt can do the trick. tiger woods has a lot of extra time on his hands to explain his poor performance at his latest tournament. what he says about why he missed the cut. situation. that's outlast lipstain from covergirl. light as air lipwear that does what a lipstick can't. the precision pen glides over lips with a flush of sheer color. it's never sticky. 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[ female announcer ] splenda®. america's favorite no calorie sweetener. to feed wild birds. call 1-800-birdola for more information. hi, mom. happy mother's day. you know you mean a lot to me. i'm sure you're sitting here watching this right now crying because i just said hello to you on camera. i love that "traffic" came on in spanish the other day and you watched the whole thing, even though you speak not a word of spanish and it wasn't subtitled. that's the kind of dedication you have to your son. i love you, mom. happy mother's day. >> that's just great. that's a nice little reminder here from don cheadle that mother's day is this sunday. don't forget your mama. special salutes to moms all week long from your fellow viewers. gardening for just five minutes a day can boost your mental health. british researchers say that green activity like walking, jogging, gardening and farming can boost your mood and your self-esteem. other studies have linked outdoor exercise to better mental health. this is the first study, though, showing that you only need five minutes of it to reap benefits. careful with your spring cleaning. toss and toss and toss and you might be tossing out money or something that can make you money. jennifer westhoven is here to explain how to clean up on some cold hard cash. >> the junk drawer. there's all kinds of stuff in there. you don't know what to do with it. you don't want to throw it out. it's batteries. it's going to get in the landfill. what do i do? you cannot only get all that free space, you can get some money, too. this is literally, this is a drawer i brought from home. i put some of my junk in here. there is a site you can try called gazelle where you can sell all kinds of stuff. old cell phones, broken ipods, maybe old digital cameras. maybe you've got a busted laptop. you can get good money for that. punch in what you've got. they'll tell you what it's worth. they'll send you an empty box, postage paid. drop in your junk, mail it back, you will get money. even if they don't like what you've got, always donate this stuff to charity for goodwill for a tax right off. this is my producer's old digital camera. 17 bucks. >> 17 bucks for it. better than the trash can. >> all week spring cleaning tips to save you money. what are yours? send them in. >> it's a digital camera or film camera. >> this looks like a film camera but it is actually so old it's a digital camera. >> that's why he's giving it away. can you imagine being in times square when the car bomb was found over the weekend? this guy was. find out what he did. it's rollback time at walmart, and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring neighbors cannot say enough about the nypd officer who helped evacuate times square during saturday night's bomb scare. officer wayne rhatigan was patrolling times square on horse back when a t-shirt vender told him there was a smoking suv. rhatigan looked inside, smelled gun powder and immediately started getting people out of the area. >> he absolutely should be hailed as a hero for what he did. i read a little bit about it. haven't gotten a chance to talk to him. he should be hailed as a hero. >> he loves what he does. if anybody should be a hero it's him. >> he met with new york's mayor michael bloomberg on sunday. they had dinner in times square trying to show that it's safe. he is a 19-year veteran of the force and is 8 months away from retiring. a woman with terminal cancer was able to have her dream wedding. doctors say shelley sunstrom only has weeks to live. she was a caretaker for a man with ms. they fell in love. but between their treatments, her dream to get married got delayed until now. >> her cancer has been bad so much that we're going day-to-day. there's no more looking to next week. >> just amazing. there's so many people who care. >> a nonprofit group call eed wh upon a wedding made all the arrangements for their special day. >> authorities say a woman who calls herself jihad jane could get her trial delayed. she pleaded guilty to conspireing to support terrorists. a u.s. official says they wanted to kill a sweetish cartoonist who drew the muslim profit mohammed with the body of a dog. tiger woods had one of his worst performances ever. and he got heckled by at least some of the fans. rafer is just back from covering that tournament and can give you some firsthand stories. good morning. >> yeah. and i have never, ever heard tiger woods heckled like this. we were talking ab ining about camera. don't want to go into details being this is a family show. look at this photo. tiger woods. the poor guy's wheels were coming off on the course. here they are giving him a thumb's down. this is after they said something on the 14th hole you might mahear on "the office" wi michael scott. he seemed to pretty much give up on the 14th hole. i'll tell you, if he continues to play like this, i think the heckling will keep talked about personal problems and when nobody asked him about it but he was asked did any of it play into his performance. this is what he said. >> every day with the media i get asked it, so it doesn't go away. even when i'm at home and the paparazzi still follow us. helicopters still hover around. and so it -- does it test you? >> of course it does. >> so he went home early. and then this kid won it. rory macilroy from northern ireland who looks like a baby but he is the guy that shares the cover of tiger woods video game. his last shot of the day was this 43-foot putt and with that shot he set a course record and at 20 years old became the youngest guy to win on the tour since tiger woods in 1996. the parallels between him and tiger continue. he said he called his parents first. nba superstar lebron james won the most valuable player award for the second straight year. while he was getting the award he called up his teammates to pose with him, saying that they should be celebrating the award with him. i thought that was a nice gesture. >> i was watching this live yesterday. i was just so tickled by when he called them up, he was like, we just have a bunch of fun in the locker room. and it did look like a bunch of young men just having a good time, even up there. >> they did it in his hometown of akron, ohio, because he wants to put that city on the map. lastly, wild video for you from australia. look that the car losing control here and roll over and over and then goes into the gallery where's the spectators are. unfortunately two people along with the driver were taken to the hospital. fortunately we are told they are all okay. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time... time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. communities. industry. energy. her. this. lives. how ? by bringing together... information. ... people ... ... machines ... ... systems ... ideas... verizon helps businesses worldwide... including fortune 500 companies... find and achieve... better. better. better. better. good morning, sunshine. man, we are busy today. i know on a monday i'm sure you are as well. getting yourself ready, getting your family ready to go out the door. before you do, i'm robin meade. police believe this video mayhem them investigate an attempted car bombing in times square. well, now we hear there is brand new video from this scene. we're waiting for that to come in. you'll get it when we do. breaking news this morning. the flooding in tennessee is so bad that downtown nashville is evacuated and things could get even worse. and you're going to hear from some of the first victims of an oil slick in the gulf. these people are trying to take it on the chin. but, the weather is making it harder to contain the oil spill. first though we're waiting for a police to release a second video from saturday night's failed car bombing that was in times square in new york city. the video you're about to see is from a tourist. i'm sorry, the video they're waiting for is from a tourist. this one is from a security camera. now, we've been looking at this all morning. you can see a man here who took off his shirt. he stuffs that outer shirt into a bag. what police notice is that he's looking back toward a smoking suv in a stealthy manner. the suv had smoke coming out of it. one tourist says that he saw a flash of light inside the suv. >> standing there. suddenly i saw a big flashlight in the car. the explosion was not too big. like a small -- small hand grenade in the car. the windows stayed in. but it smoked. >> well, no one got hurt, thankfully. police say that fireworks, propane tanks, gasoline, and fertilizer were in that suv. police think that the homemade bomb could have split the suv in half and sprayed sh eed shrapne the crowd. businesses in times square are open today. the pentagon says that there's no evidence to back up the claims of responsibility from the pakistani taliban. let's talk right now with hln law enforcement analyst mike brooks. so, from what you're hearing, do police think it was the work of a lone crazed person or do they think it was organized? >> you know, robin, on my years on the joint terrorism task force you never say never. you can't discount anything at all. but that claim by the taliban, they're saying that most likely not. but then again, it's still early on in the investigation. that guy who was just talking about he says like a little grenade going off, that was the m-80s we were talking about in that can that made that smoke inside the vehicle and alerted that vendor. >> so it went from the vendor who then alerted police officer riding on horseback, who else then responded? >> he called and the first responders were the new york city emergency services unit and then the new york city fire department. and from video on the scene with saw latter four in the right there and they saw what was inside the vehicle and called the bomb squad. and that's what we saw play out throughout the day. >> okay. now, they're going to be hunting for the person that they see in that video. they're calling this person a possible suspect. but you've got millions of people around. it's like a needle in a hay stack, isn't it? >> you know, it is, but there are a lot of video cameras around times square, robin. just the actions of this guy, taking off one shirt, put it in a bag, looking around, not looking back at the vehicle and then taking off and looking back at that nissan again. to them, that seems suspicious. i'm sure there's a little bit they're not telling us. >> we're going to show you the video that was supposedly is coming in soon that was shot by a tourist, a different video. right. breaking news elsewhere. in nashville, they've evacuated the downtown area. they're keeping a close eye on a levee threatening to make the flooding even worse there. wait until you see this video though. floods are blamed for the deaths of len people in tennessee. and four people in mississippi. the high waters, in fact, have closed parts of i-40. major thorough fair. and houses and businesses all over the state are under water. the crews are working through the weekend to rescue stranded people. >> i've been down here 40 years. never saw it like this. i'm just thankful because we've looked for people all day. they've said they would come but nobody come. >> thank goodness someone came and got them. the flood waters piled these cars up like match box toys. parts of tennessee have seen 20 inches of rain. and n. a few minutes bob's going to tell you what the people there can look forward to and then where that system is still dumping rain. bp is using chemicals now to cut the amount of oil that is spilling into the gulf of mexico. while the company says that it is not responsible for the leak, it says it is helping with the clean-up. president obama spent sunday getting a first-hand look at the oil spill. he told people living on the gulf coast that the government is doing everything it can to fix the problems. >> your government will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to stop this crisis. >> well, new this morning, the storms though are working against the attempts to trap thousands of gallons of oil. richard is following the crisis live this morning along the gulf coast in gulf port, mississippi. richa richard, good morning. >> good morning to you, robin. yeah, there has been some difficulty in putting up those defensive booms. we were off the coast of alabama on friday. that's where we saw the booms being deployed. then on saturday, they began to be broken up because of the severe weather. and then on sunday, what we saw is that the environmental contractors had removed the booms at least where we were, which is on the eastern side of that island. that part was also an area where we bumped into some fishermen who was very upset. on the opposite side of the isla island, a different story. there were no booms. there were also people instead enjoying their time, enjoying what was vacation for some, some just trying to get away. we met one group of women who were celebrating their 18th annual college graduation. they were all from auburn university. they were saying, it didn't matter. even though they knew about this specter of an oil slick they were going to continue to celebrate. this is what they told us. >> we'll fight through whatever is happening within the weather or in the environment, and we'll come again. >> if the oil is here, will you come again? >> as long as the house is standing and, you know, the roads are clear, sure. >> so if we look down here and instead of white sand we have black sand, you'll still be here? >> i will, sure. >> yeah. >> we all would. >> yeah, they would stay there as long as they needed to enjoy themselves. they're on the western coast of dauphin island. the entire part of the island went down a foot. if the oil slick were to hit them while they were there over the weekend they would have opened up their doors in their cabin, in their house, and they would have seen oil all over, oil slick right below them. as you can tell, that wouldn't bother them. they were going to be very resilient about celebrating. >> they are the folks visiting. they're not the folks who own the area or make money off the area. >> but robin, all the residents who were from that area also had a similar reaction. all of those women are from this part of the coast. and they said they would come back, as you saw. >> richard, thank you very much. parents, you might want to check your medicine cabinets. the fda issued a voluntary recall for children's tylenol, motrin, zir tech and benadryl. it says that some might have a higher concentration of the active ingredient than it should. the generic versions are not affected. with a recall brand names the chances of serious health problems, though, are remote, say officials. who are you? >> remember me? >> oh, no, it looks like freddy krueger just killed help at the box office over the weekend. studios estimate a remake of "nightmare on elm street" raked in $32 million. i was just reading a wire report, i know, on my blackberry, that about 1500 guests were evacuated overnight from the gaylord opryland hotel in nashville, tennessee. >> downtown. >> the tennessee area, the nashville area of tennessee is just really still dealing with horrible flood that they've had ever since -- this storm you see on the map came through. the storm still exists, as you can see. >> it does. the good news is itpivoted away from central parts of tennessee. let me show you an i-report photo from jackson, tennessee. the rain came down and it just didn't stop for about 48 hours. look at all the water right there. washed away a chunk of the road. now it looks like a cascading waterfall. amazing pictures. look at the power of water eroding it away quickly. where's all that rain headed? it is moving to the east and heavy times now near georgia and the carolinas down into alabama, too. the cold front itself is still back to the west. flood warnings, all spots in light green which includes all of kentucky, almost all of nashville, parts of ohio and indiana. back into areas like arkansas, mississippi, alabama, and the watches are now in georgia and the pan hand of florida. look at the tail end of the cold front around new orleans today. shuttling up that rain. it's also chopping up the gulf of mexico with that wind right out of the south ahead of the front. winds there today, 20 to 25 miles per hour. the big chop on that water once again this afternoon. the rain around atlanta, heaviest rain is gone but scattered showers in the south and west. that rotates in later this morning. all the heavy rain filtering into charlotte. one severe thunderstorm warning. lawrence right there coming out of anderson. gusty winds. not looking at a tornado day today. not this morning. we're going to get powerful thunderstorms later today. look at the showers around philadelphia. they stretch into new york city as well. and the whole entire area down south of there could see severe thunderstorms late this afternoon. more on that, robin, in half an hour. >> thank you. if you want extra cash you might want to do some cleaning. how you can make money with the stuff you think is junk in your junk drawer. and a police are asking anybody who was in times square on saturday for a video or pictures. going to show you new video when we get it that we're wait for right now that was supposedly shot by a tourist. the american renewal.annot because we believe in the strength of american businesses. ♪ ge capital understands what small businesses need to grow and create jobs. today, over 300,000 businesses rely on ge capital for the critical financing they need to help get our economy back on track. the american renewal is happening right now. ♪ troops that we actually got at the airport in atlanta. we met up with specialist min necessary and his wife mary lou as he arrived home for r and r. >> robin, my name is specialist gimenez and my wife marley rou. i just got back from iraq today. i'll really happy to be back. and, as you can see, i've missed my wife so much. and i love her. i can't wait to be with her again. >> i'm so proud of my husband. >> and i love the smiles. hope you guys enjoy some r and r together. if you have somebody in the cerver is service, salute them. we have a new i-report of what was happening during the bomb square at "new york times" square. i-reporter was in a mcdonald's trying to eat some food when police told everyone to get out and really get a sense of the urgency. >> we got to go. >> wow. >> everyone! grab your food up. let's go. don't run. don't run. >> well, today we are expecting police to release a new tape shot by a tourist. we're going to show you that as soon as we get it in. we've been waiting for it for some time now. and when we get it in, you will see it, toonchts careful with your spring cleaning. what you want to throw away could actually be worth something. and money in your pocket. jennifer westhoven took out the junk drawer in her home. honey, i've got like 12. >> you know you want the space but wouldn't it be nice to get the cash? that's a motivator, too. you look at these things sometimes, your jnk drawer and it can get gross, dirty, old cell phones you don't know what to do with them, broken ipods or old digital cameras or a busted laptop fathering dust? you may be able to sell them. one of them is we're not endorsing them but we want to show you the one. punch in what you've got and they will tell you what it's worth. they will send you an empty box, postage paid. all you got to do is drop your junk in, tape it up and ship it back and you will get the money. so kara wrote in on facebook. started going through the drawers and junk boxes right now. maybe i can make enough to get that 37-inch hdtv i've been begging for. honey that is wishful thinking. i hope you have enough junk for that. but someone got $70 after seeing this morning. look, maybe your stuff doesn't work well enough or it's justga donate it to charity for a tax write-off. we're going to have spring cleaning tips. sends them in. it was a long shot but a fan cashed in big on a kentucky derby bet. how he galloped away with $900,000! it's rollback time at walmart, and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. welcome to progressive. nice calculator. i'm just trying to save money on my car insurance. you know, with progressive, you get the option to name your price. is that even possible? uh, absolutely. trade? and i still get great service? more like super great. oh, you have a message. "hello." calculator humor. i'll be here all week. i will -- that was my schedule. the freedom to name your price. now, that's progressive. call or click today. i'm rafer weigel with sports. there was another bomb scare in a major city, this one in pittsburgh during the city's annual marathon. police noticed a suspicious package near the finish line. they let the first 15 or 10 runners crossed and then stopped the race for about ten minutes or so. and then they sent out a robot to investigate the package. it was in a microwave, police say. they did dismantle the device. and they say it did not turn out to be an explosive but with the new york bomb scare they wanted to be careful. the weather did not dampen the kentucky derby one bit, or keep them from sporting those awesome bonnets that you only see there in louisville. and the winning horse, super saver, ridden by a guy who always seems to win at this race. he became the first jockey to win it three times in four years. the trainer, this guy, won his first derby in 25 tries. 0 for 24 before that. and borel,he is such a great story. a career can begin at 40. he said in a cajun accent, i'm going to win a triple crown this year. love that guy. the other great story, houston businessman who wins a con tesz to place $100,000 on one of the horses. robin knows the story. chosen out of 67,000 applicants. >> he didn't have to spend any of this money. they gave him one th1,00$1,000. >> he still had to put it on a horse. >> and he did. >> and he bet on that horse because of calvin borel, 900 grand before tax. new orleans saints won the super bowl. now they're going to have to talk to the feds specifically, the dea, civil suit against the team. accuses them of trying to cover up a senior staff member stealing vicoden from team headquarters. it was filed by a former employee who resigned and the club denies it saying he's just trying to shake them down for cash. tiger woods got sent home early. he got heckled, twice. i saw him firsthand. i'm going to give you my reflections on the tournament in the next half hour. >> thank you. hi, robin. it's caitlin. i'm calling from canton, ohio. i wanted to make a very big shoutout to you. >> good morning the glad to see you're up early. you can sign up for one, too. dial 1-888-robin, hln. the wake-up call, that's me on the other end of the line but it's free for you. detroit police officer was killed and four officers were hurt in a gun battle this morning. police say a man inside an abandoned home opened fire on police when they responded to a call about shots being fired. the suspect was shot and taken into custody. police said that drugs were found inside. the slain officer was married and had a 10-year-old son. a recount that could change the outcome of iraq's election got under way today. it involves about 2 1/2 million votes in baghdad. prime minister nuri al maliki requested the recount because of alleged fraud. his coalition lost the parliamentary election in march by a tiny margin but the recount can reverse that. some are concerned it could spark a new wave of violence. do you want to improve your mental health? just five minutes of playing in the dirt can do that! president obama stepped up to the mike and turned the tables on the media, his critics, and then himself. anging cap too these cheap props aren't but la quinta is! nta inns and suites? yeahbuddy ts take a gander captain thre changing! they have thousands of new rooms! and lots of neato new lobbies! they're even better than before book rooms at hey, who's capinere? (laughing) wake up on t bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta! we created our college of business and management... after collaborating with business leaders. we wanted our curriculum to match market needs, preparing you for today's most sought-after careers. in fact, we have not one but five specialized colleges, offering you bachelor's degree programs that... are both relevant and highly marketable. devry university. discover education working at good morning. the new york stock exchange just opened for business. we're coming off the first down week for stocks in like the last two months. we're going to check to see if they have a chance of coming become when we take you live to new york in a few minutes. but first, breaking news awaiting right now. new york police will release more tape from a failed car bombing in times square on saturday night. now, police are saying they want to question the man you're seeing in this security surveillance tape. they say he appears to be looking back at the smoking suv but they're not calling him an official suspect. within a two-hour period it had overwhelmed us. we were two feet deep in water. we were raising everything up as high as we could get it. but it didn't do any good. >> breaking news this morning from nashville. people are evacuating downtown nashville. leaky levee there is threatening to make flooding even worse. high waters are blamed for 11 deaths across tennessee and 4 in mississippi. actress who played the same tv character for more than 50 years has died. helen wagner played nancy hughes on the soap "as world turns." she held the guinness world record for playing the same character for the longest amount of time. we don't know how she died but she was 91. those are the top stories. good morning. it's a very busy morning, i'm sure for you personally it also is. news newswise, i'm robin meade. we're wait for police to release brand new video from a tourist who apparently witnessed the bomb scare at times square in new york. we're going to show you it as soon as we get it. we've been waiting for it. meanwhile, u.s. military official says there is no evidence to back up claims of responsibility from the pakistani taliban. but listen to what homeland security secretary, janet napolitano, told our sister network cnn this morning. >> again, i caution that the last thing we want to do is to draw premature conclusions, which may actually obscure the actual lead that we need to be following. so all leads need to be followed. they are being followed. they are being followed by the new york city police department. they're being followed by the fbi and by law enforcement officials of the department of homeland security. >> right now we know that police are focused on finding the man that was caught in this first security tape that they have. it was shot about half a block away from the suv that street vendors noticed, hey, that thing is smoking over there. the person in the video appeared to be kind of nervous and looking back. we're joined right now by hln law enforcement analyst mike brooks who has a number of sources there in new york city. so what's new and interest that you found? >> i'm hearing this new video that's coming out, robin, shows a different angle, different perspective of the vehicle. so it's interesting to see that when it comes out to see if it does land any more of whether this guy was by himself, this guy we're looking at right now who comes up, takes one shirt off, and puts it in the bag and still, with the red shirt on, underneath it. what exactly does this guy have to do with this, robin? we still don't know. but authorities want to talk to this guy to see what he really does know. >> i'm so glad that nobody was injured in this. but this car had in it -- list it for me. propane tank, gas cylinder, fertilizer. how much damage could it have done? >> with the three propane tanks, two five-gallon gasoline containers, 20 to 30 m-80s, it would have made one heck of a fireball. some shrapnel may have injured people, around times square. would it have taken down that building? no. but still we want to find out who is responsible for this. was this guy that they're looking at possibly involved? is there other people involved? and they're going to be taking a look at all the cameras, even on bridges in and out of the city. >> as they look at that 1993 path finder. thank you. appreciate it, mike. 34 minutes past the hour. iran's president may slam the united states when he speaks at the u.n. in new york today. mahmoud ahmadinejad is upset about possible new sanctions over iran's nuclear program. secretary of state hillary clinton says that he's trying to divert attention from a nuclear trainee that iran is accused of violate. brand new this morning, storms are making it harder to trap the oil that is still spewing from an underwater well in the gulf of mexico. richard lui is in gulf port this morning where many of their residents make the living off the gulf and they love their way of life there. >> yeah, robin, on friday you and i were talking about how some of the fishermen were dealing with this potential of that oil slick hitting ground and doing something different that they had done for the last 30, 40 years of their life. it was very difficult for some of the fibber m erfishermen. on sunday, many fishermen were celebra celebrating. it was the 61st annual blessing of the fleet. and capital of seafood in alabama, but obviously because of what is happening here in the gulf, was a little bit different this time around. here's maurice and what he told me about that. >> i hope it will change it for me. i hope that you know, that's why we're here. you got to put your trust in someone. and i really feel like with the church and the bishop, i got my life in good hands. it. >> could have wide spread effects, but not only the livelihood of people, an entire way of life. >> and that was the archbishop of mobile, alabama, saying, yeah, it's a way of life, that certainly is correct. maurice ryan was showing us that procession yesterday, what it would be like. i was asking him, what are you going to be thinking about? he's thinking this could be the last time he would be part of something, grandfather and he has done with his father. and he said he might cry. but then later on in the day, i called him while he was on the boat and he told me he was actually enjoying the entire event. he had his son and grandson. that pause of attitude resulted in him winning, he came in third place during that procession and blessing having the best decorated boat and was telling me how bp, according to what he was telling me, is reaching out to the fishermen saying if you would like to be part of a potential clean-up team, we're going to train you, get your hazmat certified. that's good news based on the fact that he's only got about two months of reserves and he can't work right now because of a ten-day moratorium that starts today. >> is he going to sign up for the training? >> yes. in fact, yesterday he said he wanted to go to the training. he couldn't because he wanted to celebrate instead. today he's going to continue that process. go out with all the other fishermen and start that certification process. >> thank you very much, richard. oh, boy, same-sex middle aged women are feeling sexy. they are buying more risque lingerie. the "new york daily news" says women in their 40s and 50s are driving a buying spree in provocative undergarments and sexy, lacy stockings. so, in other words, sexy drawers. retailers say that tv shows like "cougar town" and "sex and the city" are driving a trend. in other words, no granny panties. >> oh, man, my son is probably going -- he's 6, grandma? no, no, no. sexy underpants for the older gals. fantastic. let me show you what's happening. we're talking about the flood warning. one of the major areas, as the rain pulled through last night is the op prelaryland hotel. this is what it looks like. 2,000 people overnight had to be evacuated from the opryland hotel. just northeast of downtown in nashville. 13 1/2 inches of rain fell in that area over the last couple of days. >> you got the gaylord opryland resort, that's what you're seeing. if you're not familiar with it, it's the same place nearby where they have the opryland, where the country music stars come and play on saturday nights. it's that same general area. >> it's huge, too. i stayed there a couple years back. that place is huge. 2,000 people had to be evacuated this morning. >> i think they stayed the night in a high school, too. not exactly what they were planning. >> let me show you what's going on. not just flood warnings around nashville. just about the entire state of tennessee. kentucky, mississippi, alabama. flood watches, dark shaded green areas. flash flood warning for atlanta. down in the south. squall line developing around mobile, stretches down to the gulf of mexico. that whole training events goes to north georgia with heavy downpours stretching into the carolina, piedmont. heavy rain to the north, too. it moved away from where it was this weekend. it's affecting major metro areas like d.c., philadelphia, squall line developing across western new york and pennsylvania. light scattered showers. heavier downpours later today. severe thunderstorms here. also a secondary cold front in chicago could spark up a couple of thunder showers there. look out west half hour. how about boston? it's going to be warm but it's going to be breezy and rainy, too. 80 degrees, the high temperature in boston today. scattered showers. more on that in a bit. >> thank you. wall street could be just the thing for the stock market, merger. good morning. >> good morning, robin. stocks right now are higher in the early trade. a lot of that is because of a big merger in the airline sector. for wall street, mergers, they're generally seen as a good sign and investors really like them. they show that companies are confident about where it's headed and they're willing to put their money on the line. this one is a biggie. the $3 billion deal between united and continental will create the world's largest airline if carriers tried to merge in 2008 but oil prices were at record levels and the recession was in its early stages. but now the timing is just right. united shares are up more than 2%. while continental is gaining more than 2% as well. another stock on the move today, gold machine sac goldman sachs, up 1%. they can thank one of their fellow investors for that. at the annual berkshire hathaway meetinging warren buff put offered strong defense. he said he doesn't think investment bank did anything wrong with regard to sale of securities tied to mortgages and led to a fraud investigation by the u.s. government. goldman shares had lost $21 billion in market value in the past two weeks. and who can forget that public tongue lashing on capitol hill last week? robin? >> allison, thank you. 2 million people can't drink their tap water. so we've got an update on a water main break that has caused a run on stores in boston. and tiger woods has a lot of extra time on his hands to explain why he did so badly in his latest tournament. what he says about missing the cut. hi, i'm ellen. here's what i can do with 4g from sprint. i'm using my 4g mobile broadband card to download the multimedia client presentation my associate dave here was supposed to bring. and while that's happening, dave will attempt to explain to our boss why he left the one thing he was responsible for back at the office. okay, got it. what can you do with 4g? [ male announcer ] get a free 3g/4g card from sprint. it's more than a wireless network. it's a wireless revolution. deaf, hard-of-hearing and people with speech disabilities, access www. looi hi, my name is victoria. i'm from roanoke, virginia. i want a shoutout to my mom, say happy mother's day since i'm so far away at school in pittsburgh. i'm not going to be home for mother's day. i love her and i miss her. >> great message. thanks, victoria all week long we will play special salutes for your fellow viewers, moms, leading up to mother's day, on sunday. a new study could help you prevent breast cancer. that is one of the stories that susan hendricks is working on for the next hour. good morning. >> good morning to you. it's a pretty promising. the study looked at how often women need to exercise to lower their cancer risk. also, men across the u.s. pretty happy. actress halle berry is single again. we will tell you all about the break-up. that's at 10:00 a.m. eastern. more than 2 million people cannot drink their tap water this morning. that's caused a run on bottled water in the boston area. people there, we're told they had to boil their water or risk getting sick. but we're hearing that that might last for two days, two more days, so the rush for bottled water got so intense that police were called in. >> don't bother going to the supermarket. that's crazy. take a big -- don't go. just come here. >> hour and a half after we opened we were basically back to square one with no water. >> officials say the broken water main spilled more than 65 million gallons of water. crews worked overnight to repair the 10-foot wide pipe. and tests show that the work was successful. bret michaels' doctor expects him to fully recover from his brain hemorrhage. a few things worked in michael's favor. he got help immediately and he fought to stay conscious during the hemorrhage. but his doctor also says that the single and reality star still has roadblocks including a block in sodium levels and history of diabetes. a lot of flights are going to be delayed today or canceled. here's bob with more on why that is. >> let's hope not. you're right, rain showers, thunderstorms and just a lot of wind from the northeast all of the way down to florida and then picking up again for the middle of the country out west. here's what we have live in new york. traveling up to the big apple for the week, yeah. cloudy skies today. a little bit of a wind, too. watch for an hour delay later this morning. more rain, more wind popping up. right now, half hour. that's all we had at jfk. that's gone. here's the rest of the day, new york city metros, hour delay. same with philadelphia area if atlanta, it's a 50-minute delay. close to an hour. that will last the entire morning. chicago, gusty winds. some thunder showers, too. half hour delays possible. more on that in a half hour. the police officer who was in times square for the bomb scare is being called a hero. we're talking with people who know him. these sensors indicate change at la quinta inns and suites! with thousandsnew oms d lots of new lobbies they're even better than before! book rooms at right-o! wake up on the bright side at la quinta inns and suites la quinta! come here and look at this. we have brand new vim seeing for the first time with you. the flooding in and around the nashville area. so many homes are flooded this morning after nashville got more than 13 inches of rain. obviously you can tell we're not just talking about a wet basement here. at least 11 deaths are blamed on the flooding in tennessee and 4 in mississippi. i've been texting to some of my friends in nashville. one is just like, hey, they have no power. at least where she is. you know, no school. the kids are kind of freaked out by it. so it's one rough morning as they've evacuated a downtown area and people out at the opryland gaylord hotel were also evacuated last night because of major flooding. tiger woods had one of his worst performances ever, and he got heckled by the fans. rafer weigel followed tiger and he has a first-hand account. >> it was bizarre to see it. yeah, i mean, to hear it as well and to hear it and to see him just fall apart on the course and was also the first time he was ever heckled like this. as he fell apart, the fans seemed to respond. look at this photo. this shows fans giving tiger a thumbs down as he walked off the course. this after police escorted a guy away for heckling him on the 17th hole and reportedly heckled even before that. as for his play, we told you, it was awful. and he was asked, did your personal problems affect you in any way? this is what he said. >> every day i do media, i get asked it. so it doesn't go away. even when i'm at home, paparazzi still follow us. helicopters still hover around. and so it -- does it test? yeah, of course it does. >> meanwhile, the kid that did win, irish player rory mcelroy, shares the cover of tiger's video game and set a course record. this was his last shot of the day. a putt from another county that would go in. he's only 20 years old. he's the youngest guy to win since tiger won in 1996 and the first call he made after his win -- his parents. nba superstar lebron james won the most valuable player award for the second straight year. what we thought was cool was after he got it, called his teammates up to pose, saying they should share in it with him. >> they have fun. >> i think they're going to win it all. they held the ceremony in akron, ohio, because he said he wanted to put it on the map. a car losing control in the miniseries race. two people along with the driver taken to the hospital. fortunately all are okay, we are told. >> we are so lucky. i can't believe that. i'm so glad that no one was injured. you may not know about a new program that could save you a lot of money on appliances. you'll find out what to do to get your hands on big-time rebates. it's rollback time at walmart, and we're saving on packaging by using less cardboard. when we save, you save. that means thousands of rollbacks. it's rollback time. i have asthma. and that's what it sounded like when my symptoms came back. i'd get this tightness in my chest. like i was breathing through a straw. so i went back to my doctor again. we talked about choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma. 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