Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20191217

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Loud. A lot of back and forth. It isnt changing that the die is cast at least in the u. S. House of representatives. More on capitol hill. Overall, it has been pretty polite. Whether senior democrats and house judiciary republican got into it over the record of President Trumps july 25th phone call. Are you implying that there is transcript out there . Im implying that there is than what we have here. Which no witness testified to. Democrats argued have been trying to impeach President Trump from day one to find an excuse to get him out of office. At the end of the day, it simply last minute christmas shopping. They found something and said i can do it. But no crimes. And in the articles. Abuse of power in which any member can make up anything they want and call it an abuse of power. Ahead of votes on the house floor. Declaring how they were a vote. They need 216 to pass the articles of impeachment. Thats the magic number and theyre getting closer. They are saying that they are all a yes saying that they are not forcing them to go along. We are not whipping the vote as it relates to impeachment. It is the most solemn undertaking that any member of congress can have as it relates to our responsibility. Every Single Member is going to have to make that decision, as they have been doing anchored in principle. The final vote counting is taken place. We expect democrats to get there without any republican help. We expect that the House Rules Committee will lay out the parameters sometimes later this evening. Neil thank you, my friend. I want to update you that its not just an impeachment on the house. We learned that the committee has gone ahead and are approved a deal, a trade deal between our deal and the canadians and the mexicans. It will ultimately get house passage and likely senate passage. John roberts there at the white house. The president wrote a nasty letter today. Writing a nasty letter it would be an understatement. This is a copy of a 6page letter. Forgive the highlighter, but thats the way i maintain sani sanity. Its a sixpage letter thats dripping with visceral anger to House Speaker nancy pelosi. The president railing against the impeachment process and articles of impeachment saying to the democrats, youre the one interfering in americas elections. Youre the one obstructing justice. You are the one bringing pain and suffering to our proposed. We leave that up on the screen because the president also goes after Nancy Pelosis faith, hitting her personally saying. You are offending americans of faith by continually saying i prefer the president when you know the statement is not true unless it is meant in a negative sense. It is a terrible thing you are doing. You will have to live with it, not i. The president said he wrote this letter so there was a record of it. He said he wants to do it for the purpose of history to put my thoughts in a permanent and indelible record. The president when taking aim at the process saying more due process was afforded to those accused in the salem witch trials that he has been. In the oval office, he was there with guatemalas president. The president saying again, that this whole thing that has happened in the house now on its way to the senate was a hoax. Listen to at the president is saying. President trump the whole impeachment thing is a hoax. We look forward to getting onto the senate. We are not entitled to lawyers. We are not entitled to witnesses. We are not entitled to anything in the house. Its a total sham. I watched Mitch Mcconnell this morning. I watched numerous people last night, the senators. And i think that we are equally well united. They know it is a hoax an and a witch hunt. Its a continuation that has been going on now for almost three years. And it probably started before i even won the election. The president was asking the same pool spray if he bears any responsibility for his impeachment. Heres what he said. President trump no, i dont take any, zero, to put it mildly. They took the perfect phone call that i had with the president of ukraine, and absolutely perfect call. You know it. They all know it. Nothing was said wrong and i call to impeach the president of the United States for that is a disgrace. And its a mark on our country. Ill tell you what. Other president s in the future, unless they do something about this, other president s are going to have to live with this. Every time they do something that is a little bit on popular or a little bit strong even if they are 100 right. The president getting a boost from a couple of balls that were out of the last 24 hours. A new cnn poll found that there was a 5 drop in support for impeachment. Now down to 45 where as opposition to impeachment is at 47 . That puts what the democrats are trying to do in the house underwater. His headtohead national matchups between the president , joel biden, elizabeth warren, pete buttigieg, joe biden, and michael bloomberg. The president beating most of those democrats handily. This is really setting the stage for 2020. I think the president s letter as well to nancy pelosi setting the stage for the tone the president is going to take in 2020. He goes to battle creek, michigan, for a Campaign Rally which if the timing is as we think it will be, will have minutes to impeach him. Hes going to tear the roof off that place. Neil we are going to get into that. Thank you very, very much. One of the reason why those could be changing is what is happening on the corner of wall and broad. For the second day running, a hat trick. All that record including that the outcome of the s p 500 and the nasdaq. Permits, which is an indicator of future construction in 12. 5 years. The highest rate we have seen certainly in a while. And the momentum certainly there. Strong numbers on investor production, consumer sentiment, where people think the economy is headed. Thats what matters to the guys that trade stuff. They are not red or blue. They are green. They do not want that disrupted. Mark green sits on the oversight committee. Thank you for taking the time. Thanks for having me on the show. Neil what do you think of this letter to nancy pelosi from the president . He seriously doubted that. I can totally understand his frustration. He has essentially undergone a tyrannical witch hunts from the day he stepped in the office. They basically have a guilty verdict, and they are looking for a crime. They have been doing that from the very beginning. It is interesting. Just recently one of them says it does not matter whether the senate does. It will not put an end to this. That is ridiculous. I dont blame the president for his emotion. Neil it looks like he will indeed be impeached in the house and this could formally come up as he is in michigan in his Campaign Rally. What do you think you should s say . I think he should just say what has been going on. This is nancy pelosi basically hijacking a process to go after a president who they dont like and dont agree with. The president said it earlier in your entry, and drove that basically whenever a president is disagreed with now, they have basically set a precedent that we can go after that president. Thats crazy. Thats never what the founders envisioned. I think youre saying that the American People agree with that. The fivepoint drop in a cnn poll drop. Thats a big statement in support of the president and against this crazy process. Neil the president will be pounding at issue. The big fundraiser not only for the president s team, but republicans in general. Do you think the stigma of an impeachment in the house, even though its unlikely to go further than that will be an issue for him to worry about . I dont think so at all. In fact, i think from this particular majority and congress, its a badge of honor. This president has done amazing things. Hes probably the most productive president in the history of this country despite this tyrannical witch hunt. Hes doing a fantastic job in light of a daily pounding since he has gotten there. I say President Trump where it is a badge of honor. Of these people are wrong. Nancy pelosi is leading a witch hunt. Its ridiculous. Its going to help the president in the long run. Neil we shall see. Congressman, thank you very much. Much appreciated. California democratic congressman is among those who has been working to protect the vulnerable democrats. Youve heard a lot about these 31 individuals right now who are in districts that the president won. Most of them, the overwhelming majority of them have gone ahead and committed to impeaching the president. That pretty much sealed the numbers, right, congressman . Thought is what it looks like. Thanks for having me on. We have left it up to each individual memory of congress to vote their conscience, both their district. Each of them when presented with the facts, most of those members have come to the conclusion that the two articles as drafted by the president are impeachable offenses. Neil when you talk about these 26 were 31 democrats in the districts, 27 who won in districts that the president won, are they going with both articles of impeachment . In other words, abuse of power or obstruction of justice or any of them splitting the needle a little bit . My sense is that they are probably voting for both. That case is laid out. Certainly obstruction of congress was pretty evident and not allowing us to get their witnesses that we needed and not allowing us to get documents, et cetera. The abuse of power i think that was pretty well proven as well pit that will be up to each member. We will vote on each of these articles independently as a two separate votes. My sense is that both of them have come out in favor of both articles. Neil what you think this goes . Its a foregone conclusion to your point that the president is impeached in the house and unlikely in the senate. What you think the residual fallout from this will be . I dont think that we can worry about the politics. We can uphold the constitution. I think the senate will obviously most likely acquit the president. Neil are you worried about the political fallout . The sinking poll numbers support nationally are going down a little bit in the battleground states particularly going down more than a little bit. Maybe americans of all stripes are saying enough already. I dont take pleasure in the fact that we are going down this path of impeachment. But we are doing the job that folks elected us to do. We have to go back to our constituents and make the case. Our rationale for reaching the conclusion that we make. Republicans will have to do the same and validate why they decided to vote against impeaching the president. Whoever our eventual nominee this is going to be a tough one. Im under no guys that this is going to be a president ial race that is probably 50 50. As probably handtohand combat. Neil maybe youre right on that with the letter to nancy pelosi that was as close to handtohand combat that you can get. It was a blistering letter. I want to get past a letter to ask you about assuming that this is all put away and put to bed, the impeachment after the house and doesnt go much further. That one has to Work Together after that. Can they . Can you . I think we are going to take a really important vote on thursday. I think that is good for our economy. Youve already pointed out how well that markets are doing and how well the economy is doing. Under normal circumstances, President Trump should be moving towards an easy reelection given these metrics. That being said, we do live in a pretty polarized time. Lets do something on Prescription Drug pricing. If youre watching, we are here to work with you are getting something done there. We are here to work with you are getting infrastructure done. Neil watch what happens. Thank you very, very much for joining outside of washington. Nice try to keep all of those moderate democrats in line. He is largely succeeded. By the way, the rules committee is back in session. They took a temporary break. Its going to go on and some hours. Explaining the mechanics of how that vote will go down tomorrow. As john roberts was pointing out, there is a high likelihood that this will be going down on the historic vote to impeach a president of the United States. The third time that has happened in history. He will be at a Campaign Event in michigan and he will likely bring it up. Stay with us. Youre watching your world. You dont let a cold ruin your day. You take dayquil severe liquicaps and crush it. Dayquil severe. The daytime, coughing, aching, stuffyhead, fever, sore throat, power through your day, medicine. For the holidays you cant beat home sweet home. We go the extra mile to bring your holidays home. Presented blue, it will be the house prosecutors stopped to ask for the witnesses that they feel that they need to make the case. Chairman adam schiff and House Democrats actively decided not to go to court and pursue potentially useful for witnesses because they didnt want to wait for due process. I listened to the leaders speech. I did not hear a single sentence or a single argument as to why the witnesses i suggested should not give testimony. Neil in the battle for witnesses, Chuck Schumer fitting the charge in the senate. Republicans and so far are not handing out that and trying to move this rather rapidly through the senate so that it is done fairly quickly. This backandforth stance. Whether the settlement obligations when it gets to the trial . There are trials and then there are trials. Bill clinton was lawyers reading transcripts of testimony that the witnesses had given on the house side. There were no live witnesses being cross examined. President clinton himself did not testify. There were no new witnesses or anything like that in the senate . There could be new witnesses in the senate. It would be unusual for a witness to testify in the senate who had not testified before the house judiciary committee. The house sets the table. Senator Lindsey Graham who is the chair in the Senate Judiciary committee has suggested that the president s lawyers make a motion to dismiss. Federal force the chief justice to review all of the on his own. And decide whether or not theres a case there. If he says yes, dismissed, that is the end of it. If he says no, it is not dismissed, appealed that decision to the jury. Unlike jewelry trials which i decided, this jury, the senators come with a 100 senators can overrule the chief justice presiding before them. So the republicans, if they have everybody on the floor when these moments happen will almost always get their way. Now, the question is, does the president look vindicated if this is thrown out because of some legal maneuvering or will he be vindicated if hes not multion the merits he wants . Even after this scathing letter he sent to nancy pelosi, he wants the latter. He wants an actual trial on the merits of which he believes he will be acquitted. Neil when you say goes back to the jury in this case and the senate, republicans have the edge there. If even a couple we are for the process going forward. We are not judging him one way or the other, then what . Lets say that the house prosecutors they are going to find john who we all know and bring him there. No court is going to intercede with that unless a majority of senators dont want to hear from them. I think a majority of senators do want to hear from them. The republicans thinks hes going to say decent things about the president. The democrats think hes going to say awful things about the president. The chief justice of the first instance. At the threshold is pretty low. They only have to say heres what we believe he will say. Neil we are learning the court had slammed the fbi over the applications. Very bad, just ugly. For two years too late to the fbi has been getting away with this because they know that the court which grants 99. 97 of all applications neil they are very difficult. I would seriously challenge them on this. They give out these warrants like candy. Fbi agents know that. They have crafted what they look like criminal cases to get that easy, cheap, down and dirty warrants. Neil not a fan of that process, i take it. Some key judges involved. Impeachment or no, the president has no reason to feel good. We will tell you why. The unitedllaxin. Explorer card makes things easy. Traveling lighter. Taking a shortcut. Woooo taking a breather. Rewarded learn more at the explorer card dot com. Neil pulls across the country show him gaining on this and making democrats regret this impeachment effort. Whatever is going on here in the president ial race, candidates against whom he is long trailing, now he is across the board leading. What does that mean . Republican strategists justin and robert and last but not least. Let me ask you about that. Polls are fleeting. Having said that, this snapshot comes in a very interesting time. Smack dab in this historic impeachment process. And the president seems to be improving in the eyes of many americans. What are we to make of that . I think it is interesting to note that the president is moving better when compared to potential 2020 contactors. I can change especially once the 2020 field narrows down. We have one candidate and that makes it easier to match the hypothetical polls to see how a candidate with do i get stuck president. Republicans have monetized impeachment in significant ways. Theyve not only been able to fund raise significantly using impeachment, even more so in some cases it seems and democrats. They have also had solid messaging. Republicans have held together throughout this entire process. Many republicans have actually been excited about the prospect of the president having impeachment in the house, but as everyone expects, being allowed to stay in office and not being removed from office in the senate. We are seeing on various fronts aat this is benefiting republicans heading into 2020 at least in the short term. Neil it was certainly a fundraising vehicle for democrats. I know that it can cut both ways here. Do you think that they are beginning to regret it . Especially if this trend holds . Pursuing this to the degree that they did . Absolutely not. I think crosstabs matter for people that are used to looking at polls, you have to dig down into the numbers. They included an Imaginary Third Party candidate, an Unnamed Third Party candidate. Thats why it only equals 35 . An imaginary independent took the rest of that. Neil we dont have an imaginary independent. Im just wondering if maybe the improving economy or markets are making that we might have missed the vote on that one. It is staying stable. Hes been between 43 and 45 . He is right at 44 . If youd look at the right track wrong track numbers, 53 say that they are on the wrong tra track. Neil when you talk about the economy when you talk about the economy, they are not saying that. The economy is is a big issue here. Do you think that the fact that the economy is more data on housing, factory data that seems to confirm that will supersede whatever happens on the impeachment front . I think it is good news for the president. The economy is doing great. The stock market is hitting more and more highs. The fact that unemployment is low in Interest Rates are low, people who want to work are generally able to find it is a plus for the president appeared to me, an unmistakable error that nancy pelosi made by pursuing this impeachment because it is actually helped the president. It has galvanized the republicans and the democrats have been caught playing in inside washington power game. Neil it galvanized both. And youre right, it might be more of a fundraising vehicle as he pointed out for republicans. Democrats have scored off it too. If the moderate democrats, the 27 of 31 who were scared and had a funny way of showing it. They all plan to vote for impeachment. They are all in districts that the president s won. What do you make of that . I think that is significant. Its one thing that we watched closely to see if democrats were going to pull together on this issue and something that republicans were also watching. And of course hoping that there will be bipartisan support against impeachment. That would be crucial talking point. I think one of the things that is clear is that impeachment is not going to be the top voting issue for most voters as we have been discussing. Neil i think it is going to start stick in some peoples mind. Do you think the focus after impeachment becomes what . I think the focus after impeachment is how we rebuild our nation and bring people together. Neil the nations rebuilding. We have record unemployment. Even with all of that, 53 of the respondents say that the nation is on the wrong track. Unlike in 1992, it is not just the economy. People are worried about the moral future of the country. We do not have an overstretch of the executive power. Neil the survey on the economy, just focus on the economy and about where its going, an overwhelming majority think it is going in the right direction there. I dont know where youre getting the general view. But that does seem to be the focus. Still early to all of your points. We will see what happens. In the meantime, there is progress being made on a couple of things like some trade deals and other stuff, spending deals to avoid a shutdown. They are trying to prove on capitol hill. Not easily. Lets put it that way. Ime for. 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We scored with the canadians and the mexicans. That will go to a full house vote on thursday. Then you have the house itself passing 1. 3 trillion spending package that should avoid on paper a Government Shutdown. Hillary vaughn to break it all down. The senate is expected to pass that spending package to help approve this afternoon to successfully dodge a Government Shutdown and ponder the government more than 1. 3 trillion package negotiated between republicans and the regrets had something in it for everyone. I am particularly thrilled to say goodbye to the medical device tax. To the Health Insurance tax. The democrats are excited to get rid of the cadillac tax. The package repeals three obamacare taxes that was scheduled to take effect in january. A tax on Health Insurance and the cadillac tax. 40 tax on hurting Union Workers who negotiated Better Health care plans. They deal raises the age of purchasing tobacco to 21 and it applies to ecigarettes and vaping products. The defense package adds 22 billion more to defense spending compared to the last fiscal year. It makes the space force the sixth branch of the military and the biggest pay increase. 3. 1 raise. Increased spending for a border wall system something that democrats fought against. And includes 1. 3 billion for that and gives the president more flexibility on where he can build that wall. Democrats also secured some wins. 22 billion for gun violence research. 208 million more for the epa. Budget hawks are not winning through this deal. Just repealing those three obamacare taxes alone, the cboe estimates that will add 400 million to the deficit over ten years. Neil among those not a fan of what is going on on the spinning front is mike who joins me right now. Senator, you are not keen on this, are you . No, it was hard for me to listen to all of that. I think the best praise was that there is something in it for everyone. Of course there is stuff in there that i like you. But when i got here coming from a place like indiana where a Rainy Day Fund operating in the black, making things work year after year this is so different. It is almost like a bizarre world. Trillion dollar deficits in the context that we are doing all this within. Defense is the most important thing that we do as a federal government. It has been reenabled because obama emaciated during his time here. Now the process is to do no budget. If democrats roll over for republicans on defense. Vice versa for domestic stuff for democrats. And here we are. Another trillion dollars in de debt. Even though there are parts that i like, i dont think we will ever fix the system unless we all do a few things that we dont like. Neil i know that you are new to all of this, senator. It is a way of life there. Push it to the max wright ahead of the christmas reset. He will sign off on anything. Do you think the president should sign off on this . I remember when i was running back in 18, march or so it was that first reupping to defense. Im going to sign it, but i dont want to get into this pickle again. He is now being from outside the system when there is an election coming up. I am going to bite my lip and complain about it, i guess and after 2020, im hoping the president and many of us that came here to fix this place would start doing it. Not the kumbaya that goes on. Neil do you think republicans should lead the charge . Definitely. Sadly, medicare and Social Security and medicaid all are mandatory spinning drive our deficits. The tax cuts and jobs act december 2017 generating record revenues. I cant even get this evil to admit that their estimates are wrong. Weve got the sweet spot of revenue generation. Its up 4 this year. We are going spinning at close to 7 . Thats the way this place works. It works nowhere else like this. Im going to talk about it every opportunity that i got an even make tongue votes as being one of the few republicans that voted against the defense reauthorization bill. I will vote against the spinning bill tomorrow. Some of us need to speak up, or we are handing a big room problem over to our kids and grandkids. We want you thinking impeachment when it moves to the senate for trial that there should be witnesses . The democrats are pushing for that. We are told that getting the thing done with seems fast. Neil thats a parlor game tactic on the part of schumer in the sense that he knows that if we do witnesses come up there would be a request to bring hunter, joe biden, the whistleblower. That was dead on arrival. I think somebody referred to it as mutually assured destruction. In my opinion, we wasted so much time and energy on this. I have been wanting to hold the Health Care Industry accountable. All of that is sitting on the shelf. We are not getting to it. I hope that weve heard everything. We get it to the senate. How do process, but we do not need witnesses, because weve heard it all. We are not going to learn much more. Neil thank you for taking the time. Neil we are still following the tornadoes and deadly ones in the deep south. Were finding out now in daylight. More after this. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. But to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. second man virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. second woman we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. 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Right now we are in the small town of towne creek where about a dozen homes were severely damaged or destroyed. Two people were killed. A husband and wife, their 7yearold son survived. He was airlifted to a hospital in birmingham. The sheriff says that his condition appears to be improving. In mississippi, the storm severely damaged a group home in the city. Several women were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Severe damage in louisiana. A Sports Complex in alexandria suffered Severe Damage and Officials Say that a tornado ripped the roof off of a religious school. The students have already been taken by teachers to the safety of a nearby church when this apparent twister hit. However, in vernon parish, louisiana, authorities confirm the death of a 59yearold woman whose mobile home was destroyed. Officials are concerned even though the brunt of the storm seems to be passing, there is a cold front behind it. They anticipate freezing temperatures. They are trying to keep tabs on people who lost power to make sure they have safe ways of staying warm during these freezing temperatures. We just got word from authorities in kentucky who were conducting slip water rescues that at least one person has died in that state. Now bring in the death toll from the severe storm system up to 4. Neil man, oh, man. More after this. Great riches will find you when Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. Taxi only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. At chevy, were all about bringing families together. This time of year, thats really important. So were making it easier than ever to become part of our family. Man thats why our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. The chevy price you pay is what we pay. Not a cent more. Family is important to us. And wed like you to be part of ours. So happy holidays. And welcome to the family. The chevy family get the chevy employee discount for everyone today. Neil all right. These are all records across the board. Patrick. It has been a robust year. All hitting records yet again today. We have the wall street journal here will close on what is firing all about up. We were saying during the break that all of a sudden you have a number of firms that were coming out. This could go on. Theres enough momentum here to keep a melted up going. A lot of the uncertainties have been taken off the table. Is this going to blow up . Apparently not. We have a demetri deals with china that is reducing speed on that. Its a trade deal. The brexit problem seems to be receding. You have Interest Rates and the fed say that we are going to stay stable. That uncertainty is taken off the table. You have manufacturing up. Over the previous month. Theres a lot of positive signs. Neil housing. It looks promising. Markets have more uncertainty. The more uncertain stuff, you can file away. That is risky to do. What does that mean . Maybe it has already happened. Its happening right now. The numbers are going to be a little bit better. The trade deal problem was going to recede. Neil are they historically good years for markets . That is the issue. If this is going to be the propellant would speak to administration, we are months out from the election. What happens if the market stagnates . Has it hit its top . Neil you could argue that a 11 years ago when it all started. Are we going to have other things happen within the Trump Administration that cause Economic Uncertainty . Do the chinese reneged on whatever it is that they agreed to in this small trade deal with the president . There uncertainties that could affect the economy and the election. The other thing is that yes there are a lot of people that do hold stock in the United States. A bit over 50 of people hold stock. That is laws. Presumably, the older generations, the older people who do own stock will continue to tend to vote. Those people that are. Are the voters really voting just on the economy this time around . It is an unusual presidency. They have been a lot of things that affected voter sentiment. The republican women in the suburbs leading republican candidates and voting democratic in 2018. Neil is their security in battleground states . I was curious about the wrinkle here with fedex add reporting disappointing numbers. People look at transportation stocks and big names like that. Could there be noise here . You dont want to overstate it heard what you think . There could be some of these numbers that change. Consumers twothirds of the best economy. Its up and down over the last many months. There is something called the wealth effect when markets go up in the economy is doing fine. People feel better. That tends to reverberate down into the economy as people are spending more. Neil i like the analogy someone else was using on fox business today. When the boss is happy, im happy. If they are happy, im happy. During the lunch break, hugo buy something else. Neil much, much more appeared in the meantime, we are going to get a layout of the time frame here for not only what the House Rules Committee is debating here in the time i tomorrow but the actual vote tomorrow. What if it could be just what the president . Tomorrow night after this. re bon can determine your future. The y helps fill the opportunity gap with Education Programs for all. For a better us, donate to your local y today. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Woman friction points, those obstacles that limit a companys growth. I try to find companies that turn these challenges into opportunities. But by going out in the field, and meeting management, suppliers, competitors. In the end, its these unique companies with Creative Business models that will generate value for our investors. Thats why i go beyond the numbers. Walkabout wednesdays are back get a sirloin or chicken on the barbie, fries, and a draft beer or cocacola all for just 10. 99. Hurry in wednesdays are for outback. Outback steakhouse. Aussie rules. What do we know, chad . The committee is looking to pass the rules of the parameters of debate and how theyll handle it tomorrow. We think theyll start the debate on the two articles of impeachment in the late morning tomorrow. We think that the rule that the rules committee is going to report out tonight will provide for about four hours equally divided. What that means is we have two votes on article of impeachment, abuse of power, obstruction of congress, probably late tomorrow afternoon. We dont know the order yet. Something else we would find out later today presumably are who the impeachment managers are. The prosecutors that the house sends over to the senate to present the case. The other thing weve been watching is a number of freshmen democrats from swing districts who come out in favor of impeachment saying they would vote yes tomorrow. Lauren underwood, a freshman democrat from illinois represents a district that President Trump carried. Shes going be a yes. Kendra horn of oklahoma city, that was one of the biggest districts in 2018. President trump carried that by 13 points. Shees a yes. Several others. Abby if anythingenhaur from iowa. Theyll lose three or four total democrats in this vote tomorrow. And then its up to the senate. The end result is what does the senate trial look like . It appears that Mitch Mcconnell and Chuck Schumer, the majority minority leaders are at lauger heads on how to work out details of a senate trial back to you. Neil likely no republican votes in the house. And theyre lock step so far in the senate. Right . Right. But, again, we have to see what democrats try to do. Do they try to wrap this up early or try to put some of the other republican senators in the tough spot with the procedural vote. Neil you remain wicked smart. Always good having you. No one knows capitol hill better. Thats going to be the dramatic scene tomorrow. Here comes the five now. Jesse hello. Im jessie along with katie, juan williams, dana perino, and greg. Its 5 00 here in new york city and this is the five. Jesse the Democrat Impeachment spectacle returning to capitol hill. Youre looking live as the rules committee continues to set guidelines for debate and full house vote expected tomorrow. But the real fireworks are going down in the senate. The majority leader Mitch Mcconnell and minority leader Chuck Schumer are waging war over potential witnesses. The house chose this road. Its their duty to investigate. Its their duty to meet

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