To bring down the unbomber. What early signals and sign parallel that case. Kasey ste gal where folks are living in fear, kasey. Reporter neil, you said the situation is fluid and changing by the hour, the headline is multiple fed exlocations in extra texas under investigation including this big one back here on the out skirts of off the all. A suspicious package found but no explosion reported. We saw a tf and fbi units going out and a mobile command unit set up. They have not confirmed it is linked. However a package did explos in skerts, texas. It happened this morning. Authorities say it went off as it travelled down the conveyor bement. There was a report. A second one in that location that didnt go off and contained explosive materials. And Police Walked out only one at that location. Talk about sunset vaem they they i on the scene there. It is only two miles from where sunday nights bomb that was activated from the tripwire was two mimes from where it went off. There is a Public Safety notice to the residents, saying that the fbi was looking to whether the exploded package in schertz was brought to that store. Nearly every Law Enforcement Resource Office is thrown at this. We have agents from all over the country and National Response team here. And we have canine explosion detection here. And we have Intel Research specialestest we have been working aroundtheclock. Again, the Public Safety is our number one priority. And we are providing all resources that we can to ginl leorred haves responsible for this. Reporter resources they need. They are relying on the public for. And asking anyone if you see something, say something. Listen to this, neil, Austin Police responded to 420 suspicious package calls in the last 24 hours. That means an officer has to go out and check that out. It is taxes law inforcement and resources are being diverted here and now fed exin shipping locations involved, raises the fear as well. We are on top and keep you posted, neil. Neil thank you very much. Our next guest is a criminal profiler. She helped to track town the unibomber. What would she do to track them bomber dpouvenlt mary otoole. Thank you for join us us on the phone. What are your initial thoughts on this . Initially, i look at the amount of the activity that this individual is involved in over the last several days. That really suggests that heap had to be very busy in at least building the devices. Or pleting. Them and placing them. And what that means, you can see someone escalated in their activity, they can make mistakes and thats what we want. We want him to make mechanic teases and leech behemmed criminal evidence. And it puts him apt much greater risk for being oichd much and much neimanmarcus the sevees much attacks and africanamerican minorities and his packics. And that they are racially motivated. What is your sense of this . Well, my sense of this, is that it is it too early to identify a specific motive. And the reason for that, hes escalated in his behavior. It is possible that the early victims were specifically targeted and subsequent bombings could have been placed to confuse Law Enforcement. That is a possibility. And thats allment in an are pursuing and had it is 2 or 3 parallel tracks that they are pursuing. Neil in remember with the uni bombers that went on many years. And god forbid this should go on that long. It was a cat and mouse game and he would lead authorities on a witch hunt. And how do you, that extebded identifier awe two decades. Hsnow was better paced. And you didnt see the frenzied different kind of activity when the offenders, he am make mistake. And in uniform hement happen it to inre published and it was dinner, it was present the in pocket where. And so the defense in this and i think the sergeants are uknock, i would suggest that there is a pom prospectin in the sure are. I think he oen yoips the power and control and excitement. He has austin and the entire state of texas in fear and for compassion for killing it two yrngs ask he might seek out Law Enforcement and community and tell them what i well watch and they toment catch the bomber and soon he is here. First, the white house said no one is fired. Is kentucky senator rand paul one of them . Hes here and next. Music tech . Every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. Thats why at safelite, well show you exactly when well be there. With a replacement you can trust. All done sir. Grandpa looks great tech thanks for choosing safelite. Grandpa thank you child bye tech bye saving you time. So you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace or you could you cexperience it for realnship at the lexus command performance sales event. Lease the 2018 es 350 for 339 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. It wi called usaarst and the first thing they asked was are you ok . they always thank you for your service, which is nice because as a spouse you serve too. Were the hayles and were usaa members for life. Neil all right amid calls for republican alreadies saying a Second Special counsel would be needed to look at the abuse and bias by the fbi. And speaker rhine does not see signs that the president is about to or looking at the possibility of firing bob mueller. Enter rand paul. Thank you, neil for having me. Neil first of all, speaker ryan seeing that he sees no indication of mueller going anywhere. Yes, i have been pleased with the Inspector General office worked. They found all of the Text Messages between peter strzok and lisa page. And so far the process is working well. Neil the back and north and president mentioning muellers name, is that a mistake in i am concerned about the politicalization of Russian Investigation and the intelligence communicates in general. From the investigation of clinton and trump. The fbi used to be seen as impartial policemen and now they are so politicalicize the. People are doubting the Mueller Investigation and Russian Investigation. Because they were so anti trump. How can they keep peter strzok on in the fbi and turns out he was a huge hater with President Trump. I dont know how they do that. Mueller gets rid of peter strzok on the commission. But the team is full of partisan democrats. Neil what would happen if the president fired mueller . I dont know. And i dont think it is going to happen. But the real problem here is that the whole investigation is gone far afield of having going to do with russia. Paul manafort on tax charge and on general flynn for not accurate in representing a private phone call and in flynn is going to jail . Shouldnt andy mccabe go to jail . He lied about doing something imlegal. And supposedly general flynn didnt tell the truth about something that was not illegal. I am concerned about how the intelligence agencies that so much power to look at and listen to phone call and remotely assassinate people, they should not be partesan and people who are so biassed against the president that they are using the power of their office to go after President Trump. Neil you think the firing of mccabe was justified . If he lied about classified information. Neil if he is it denied pension, you think that . I think it is it murky as to what happens with his pension. His early pension is delayed, i think so far from what i understand, even if he is running out on the rail for lying he would get his pension. That is it another debate at another time. It is it important that people gain confidence back in the fbi. It is it not just people plotting to bring down a sitting president. Neme neil what about the investigations like ken starr, you touch happen on it. Thats what happens in the investigation one after another. How is it so flawed. Prosecutors have a great deal of power. And even a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich. There is a troubling nature that we look like a banana republic. Who ever wins goes after the previous. In guatemala the former president is in jail. One Party Accuses of other party and all. Criminality attached to politics. And maybe politics should be different than criminality. Neil what about the fires of rex tillerson. You are not keen on mike pompeo coming in to that job. Or gina haspel taking over the job. One thing i like about President Trump is the outspoken position to the iraq war. And you learned the and regime change leads to unaccounted consequences. And i am disappointed that he has people that love the war. And congressman pompeo advocated for regime change in iran. And advocating regime change around the world is a mistake and lead to unattended consequences and make the world a worse play. Iran is stronger because of the iraq war. And they didnt learn the lesson. They dont need to advocate a new war with iran. Neil when congressman liz sheny said you are defending and sympathizing with terrorist. People are juvenile and that gives credence to the neocons. The cheneys have a lot of explaining to do. Most people think that the iraq war was mistake. When the cheneys explain to those who lost loved one and limbbes who were hurt. And when they apologize to the rest of the world, well start listening to the cheneys again. But until they apologize i am certainly not listening to them. Neil neme i may be mistaken over pompeo taking over, that hementes a Foreign Policy that is more in your face view that the country should have in the region . Perhaps, that is it inconsistent with his condemnation of the iraq war. I think when you condemn the iraq war, we are talking about regime change should be a mistake. And that same logic should be with north korea or iran and really regime change is not as simple as it sounds and lets to unattended consequences. Neil eric holder said of Jeff Sessions, that he needs to stand up to President Trump and he was referring to Andrew Mccabes firing. I think attorney general sessions stood up and said the process should work through the Inspector Generals office and well not summarily firandy mccabe and that office went over and found the Text Messages tweert peter strzok and lisa page, and whether andy mccabe leaked classified natural and whether he was dishonest. That process worked out and attorney general session says sort of resisting there was justice. Neil are you surprised Jeff Sessions has not resigned . No, he is trying to do the job the best way he can. I dont always agree with the attorney general but ha doing the i dont know. Neme neil what would you do, senator and the president said that about you. Would you quit. My nature is to push bang. Maybe thats sessions nature. Heap tos the attorney general is it supposed to be independent of the president s control. He can be fired by the president. But at the same time, there is a body of history to the possession that leads us to think that it will and it is coon the attorney general has a little power and the per ever. Neme neil you think there should be legislation to protect bob mueller from being fired . I rather see prosaccuseds and keep them on forever. My and employer and on a change far cleared its ok that everyone ignores me while i drive. Its fine. Because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months im accident free. And i dont share it with mom right, mom . Righttt. Safe driving bonus checks. Only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. You know whats not awesome . Gigspeed internet. When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Neil this is the storm that much of east coast of america is lookingality here without a flake arriving. Flights are already cancelled ahead of the storm. Today is the first day of spring. And fox news meteorologist, adam is here. Adam, how big is this thing going to be and cover . Meteorologist it is it covering a huge area, neil. It may affect florida. And there is an area that everything you are looking highlighted in red, that is Central Florida and South Carolina those are tornado watches in place. Farther north. We are talking about the winter storm. And noreaster that is going to drop a lot of the snow. Beginning to see light now in ohio river valley. And heading in to tomorrow, there is winter watch and warnings stretching from boston all the way back to the west and including the ohio river valley. And heaviest snow in the atlantic. There is a bit of wigger room and how they move. This is an hour by heur forecast. And right along the train snow line. And heading in the over night hours. That snow line drifting farther off of the coast and big flakes and heavy flakes to start in washington d. C. , stretching up to philadelphia and new york. And eventually in wtdz, that is where it will be worse. The second half of the day, biggest snow is falling and coming down the strongest and fastest and heaviest. This lingers wednesday night. And eventually clearing off the east coast. And temperature cold on the back side of this. And this knives you an idea of snowfall totals. Dc and baltimore and areas of snow. And there are pockets of heavier snow in the east coast. And a couple of model rups she you what we see. Dc getting between 1013 inches of now. And falling in philadelphia, closer to ten inches and half a full of snow in new york. And more indecision and this is it farther down stream. And neil, by tomorrow well be talking about mud slides. And you remember all of the fire burned air. Heavy rain in tell overnight. And by tomorrow, well be talking about nasty conditions for folks in Southern California because of 6 10 inches of rain they will see tonight and tomorrow. From coast to coast. We are talking about a wild start to spring. Neil indeed. And so right now, manhunt continuing for the texas bomber. Why isnt anyone saying bombers, after this . Ohh crawl inside wait by the light of the moon come to my window ill be home soon ill be home, ill be home im coming home come to my window ohh applebees to go. Order online and get 10 off 30. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. My secret visitors. Hallucinations and delusions. The unknown parts of living with parkinsons. What plots they unfold, but only in my mind. Over 50 of people with parkinsons will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. If your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinsons specialist. There are Treatment Options that can help. 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The package mailed from austin to austin exploded in a fed exfaces. They alm connected. But all of the different naeshds in austin are affected. One plea that has come and read it directly from the Austin Police chief. We have this person or persons is watching. And we want up to come and not what brought you to this mathey have had some success. Because someone who is prone to violent tendencies apparent leap have a message and they are they am come in and rufrp the recessage instead of hurting otherem pooment ncouldnt. Ment manhunt for the bomber or bombers, fbi, james, what are we looking for here. What are you thinking . I think it is too soon to get anything particular xaept deidra made a good point, the agent whoever talked to her. The science people are busy on this one. That art is so sofiscated. And i am during they assess already some folks and behavioral and you look at other player and far too to ton, what this particular assailant is rying much and setting up the indevices in we are not deeming with an amateur, right . Well, i dont know the answer to that either, neil. You can go on the g and it coul be someone not sophisticated. And that is probably correct. And the normal investigative routines are going on as we speak. You know neighborhoods, broadcast to the public. And the forensics of what is left from the devices. I think the public will play a big role in this set of tragedies down there in texas. Neil we mentioned a woman ha who was active in hunting down the unni bomber. It was a slip up on his own part that led to his brother iding him. And what do you look for without giving away what investigators are looking for and video that they might have that they are not sharing with us . That is observing stuff. It is all of the remnants left over. And the techniques whether they are the same or different. What if are being easy to find. And you know the same techniques that a known group put out and these and maybe it is different poke or h, you have all of the possibilities and thats how the investigative process works. They look at all of the particular ways. A good Investigative Team does that is and that think it is nasty and it very it is certainly terror and do nets but who honupon. And we have iep and i know, they are going to do a good job. And people am call in thousands of leads. It is always, you know, it is interesting. You put out numbers and you do get thousands at least in new york and sieshg ft through thens neil james, thank you very much. Always a pleasure. And Jeff Sessions being called a yes man to the. And all of the times in the case of eric holder. Sufferre after there. Reference hey, sir losealot thou hast the patchy beard of a prepubescent squire thy armor was forged by a feeblefingered peasant woman. Your mom as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. Boring fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. This is what i did when i was denying when i didnt plow in the car. The president is not considering firing john mueller. It shows your difference in your life and mine. I protested my innocence and threw the ball through the window. Neil by then i was driving. Reporter Sarah Sanders said again that the president is thinking or have any intention to fire Robert Mueller. And they are dealing with what is a critical phase in the investigation. The president hiring joe deagaineva and he helped to prosecute the israeli spy and john hinkley and he is a Firm Believer on the Tucker Carlsson that there is a conspiracy in the highest levels at the fbi to exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email investigation and if she lost, to try to frame President Trump on a false charge. And he Still Believes that to this day. The president s outside legal team tried to bring on another high profile and highpowered attorney, well known in the dc area. Ted olson. There was an outreach to see if he was able to come on board or too many conflicts of interest with the law firm. And it was tomorrowed there were too many and so olson will not be joining the president s outside legal team. And Sarah Sanders said the president has no intention of firing Robert Mueller. But the president is frustrated and it was a witch hunt and should not have happened in the first place. Listen to what Sarah Sanders said in the briefing. The president is very clear about the fact that there was no collusion with his campaign and intitty and pretend to go through the absurd process over a year would not be frustration seems ridiculous. I dont think members of congress or any individual would be accused of taking the seat in congress by doing something nefarious when they hadnt and particularly after a year in anxious. And they would be more than anxious to push back and defend themselves. Reporter the white house said certain amount much frustration and a good part of the American Population believes he was not fairly elected to the president s see and no end of frustration to the white house. A declaration of ron sleigh that he admitted a polygraph test to Stormy Daniels back in 2011. This is it a picture of her taking the polygraph test in which she truthfully answered that she had sex with donald trump in 2006 and he would get her on the apprentice and this is it another shot in the pr war as Stormy Daniels tries to get out of the nondisclosure statement and that would penalize her for a million. He said that stormy owes him 20 million and well familiar the saga. Neil thats what you do so well. John roberts, at the white house. Dont hit the garage, neil. Neme neil fine, what does your analyst, judge napolitano think about this . How can i follow this . Neil stormy and roberts no, they say no, they are telling us they are not going to fire him. But they are raising the ante a bit. You and i know donald trump personally and hes the type to sap i am firing without consulting anybody. They say hes not planning to fire. But he will not count noses. He will do it some day when hes had enough. Neil he must know the fallout. Play that out to me. Well, Lindsay Graham said it would be the beginning of end. I think there would be more than a twothirds majority in congress to institutionalize bob muellers office. Congress can create the office of special counsel. But congress cant appoint him because he is in the executive branch. This will aggravate more than twothirds of both houses and they can get away with almost anything. Neil i wonder the separate effort of republican and democrats who want to protect mueller from that happening. I am of the view that bob mueller is a responsible, honest, intelligent and above boortd guy he is in an awkward position after the president is throwing trumpian tweets and bob mueller has respect on both sides of the aisle. But god only knows if the president said that is it. He has to order the attorney general. He has to order rod rose rosenstein to do it and if the solicitor general has to do it. And he fired archbald cox. Neil it is a longer chain of command. There is one more person in the hierarchy. Security guard . That office is now vacant. Neil where do you think it is it going . What is the time line. Bill hemmer asked me. If you asked me a month ago it will wrap up in 2018. I have since said that grand jury will be sitting well in 2019. Bob mueller, who people have said over by thanksgiving and over by christmas. Hes ramping it up and one of the ideas is rick gates who has become a treasure trough of rabbit holes down which Robert Mueller is sending investigators to see what evidence is there. And every now and then you have to stand up for the president. He believes he has not. I have disagreed with eric holder on so many thing and i think he put his finger on an interesting area of permanent conflict between the attorney general of the United States sworn to uphold the laws and the courts interpreted and ethiccal obligation and the president of the United States who is answerably to the public. That is often a clash. And the Justice Department is that unique executive department that has to be semiindependent and there may be laws that the president doesnt want to enforce for political positions and i am partly with former attorney holder. And on the other hand, i can see the frustration. He has doj run by stranger and adversaries to him and that cant be happy. Neil judge, thank you very much. It is it not enough he went to princeton and be on top of princeton, that angers me. I think hes showing off. I never lied about it. I just took the cookie. Trying something new can be exciting. Empowering. Downright exhilarating. See for yourself why chevrolet is the most awarded and Fastest Growing brand, the last four years overall. Switch into a new chevy now. Current qualified competitive owners and lessees can get this 2018 chevy equinox for around 199 a month. Chevrolet. Find new roads. For around 199 a month. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Neil what is up with the dow . Steve scalise says we should expect a spending bill tonight. Lets go to our producer what happened next. Scalise is right. They have to file the bill if they file the bill today, they give members parts of three days, today, wednesday and thursday to consider the bill. They say they are looking at 167 republicans who should be able to vote for this bill. Thats the number that voted for their broader agreement in february. Then they need help from the democrats. The minority leader Chuck Schumer indicated that the democrats are getting close to signing off on the deal. Its going to be a bipartisan arrangement. The bigger question is the timetable of getting it through the senate because the government is funded to 11 59 on friday night. That senator rand paul indicated, he was quiet about what he might do here. He singlehandedly forced an overnight Government Shutdown in february. But they are coming up on this twoweek recess for easter and passover. There is a lot of foreign trips scheduled. Members want to get back to their districts to campaign. Somewhere in the building is an air duct and we get close to these recesses, they start to pump through vt yous of jet fumes. This gives members the idea we need to wrap it up. Sometime probably in the next 242 mack 48 hours, they will start to crank up the btus on the jet fumes and get people out of dodge. Neil where they want to make the individual tax cuts permanent, is that going anywhere . We dont think theres going to be any provisions on that, we dont think theres going to be any provisions on daca. Earlier paul ryan indicated the background check, he didnt rule that out. Neil thank you, my friend. Encyclopedia chad pergram, the best. Former defense secretary leon panetta will be joining us tomorrow. What he makes of the back and forth, all of that, so much to get into. The five is right now. It was my very first car accident. I called usaa and the first thing they asked was are you ok . they always thank you for your service, which is nice because as a spouse you serve too. Were the hayles and were usaa members for life. My secret visitors. Hallucinations and delusions. The unknown parts of living with parkinsons. What plots they unfold, but only in my mind. Over 50 of people with parkinsons will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. If your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinsons specialist. There are Treatment Options that can help. My visitors should be the ones i want to see. Kimberly i am Kimberly Guilfoyle with juan williams, jesse watters, dana perino and greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new york city, and this is the five. It happened again. Another package bomb exploded in texas today, a state on high alert. This one set off at a fedex facility near san antonio. On march 2nd, a 39yearold father killed by a bomb mailed to his house in austin. Two days later, to similar attacks. The fourth bomb went on sunday, on the side of the road in a residential neighborhood and rigged with a tripwire. Two people were hurt

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