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Hill producer, chad pergram. Theres not a lot of wiggle room. Considering what they have to tack until september, its tough. Paul ryan is trying to keep the troops excited for tax reform. They have to lift the debt ceiling, fund the government. All of this is deficit spending. Some here have called september not september but debtember considering the bills that will be accumulated this month. What paul ryan is trying to do is keep the troops energized on tax reform. It will get done this month. Kevin brady has not schedule add markup session where they write the legislation on tax reform. Something else that is a very nedlesome issue, they have to approve a budget. You cant deal with tax reform unless you approve a budget, a budget is different from keeping the government open. What a budget does is allows you to have budget reconciliation. Thats why its called that and allows you to get past filibusters in the senate. They were supposed to pass a budget earlier this spring. I keep talking to people on capitol hill. Theyre optimistic on the republican side. There were sources earlier today that said yeah, we might move it in the next couple weeks. An internal democratic note that said yeah, maybe next week. You cant turn off those filibusters unless they can get a budget in place. That is necessary for tax reform. What paul ryan is trying to do is like dealing with the debt ceiling and funding the government. Thats the broccoli and the cauliflower. But this is tax reform. Its the dessert. Neil and theres not wiggle room but theyre hopeful that they can get it done. Its tomorrow that the president will be meeting with the democrats, Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi and congressional leaders to try to jump start the talks. We had a big sell off at the corner of wall and broad. The do you know down 234. 5 points. Most of that had to do with worries that north korea is not only saber rattling, its ready to blow up the world. That of course as the president tweeting that the United States who is considering in addition other options, stopping all trade with any country doing business with north korea. This could lead to a trade war. The chinese seem to be in a position to not control north korea. First off on the markets reaction that this is getting out of control, do you agree . Certainly is. Markets are not very good at looking at things that are low probability but are catastrophic. Right now theres a sense that this is becoming a higher probability event. The markets are correct. When kim jongun, the north korean ruler is confident in his arsenal, he will use to it blackmail the United States to break the treaty with the south korea and get our troops off the peninsula so he can accomplish the goal of the kim regime, which is the absorption of south korea. Hes been talking about the final victory with his generals more and more in the recent months. Thats an indication of the mentality that he will go for broke. What do you make of the Trump Administration considering penalizing any country that does business with north korea, to up the sanctions . Clearly aimed at china and the fallout there. China is furious over the threat. Because war with north korea could be catastrophic. We have an obligation to try everything short of the use of force, that includes using our substantial trade leverage over the chinese. Last year, neil, the United States ran a 309. 9 billion goods and services with china. That gives us a lot of leverage. We can push them around, since we have a bigger economy than they to. We dont have a economy gearing selling things to us but they do selling things to us. By the way, our economy for all its faults is at least stable. Their is heading to a debt crisis. So the president has a lot of leverage over china right now. Gordon, when this test was happening, the Hydrogen Bomb tests, it was in the bill of this big powwow between the chinese leader and Vladimir Putin. It was clearly meant to embarrass president xi. Does that mean theyve gone rogue . To a certain extent, the North Koreans look at the political disunity. They think trump is not in the position to response, but thats a mistake. And then they look at china. China is heading into the communist Party Conference and its neil what if north korea really is more willing to do whatever they want to do because it feels no one can stop them . Were going to see a lot of things that we thought unimaginable. The chinese do have the leverage over north korea. They dont want to use it. The most important thing is not the economics, not the diplomatic support or the rest of it. Its the confidence that beijing supplies to elements around kim jongun. Now, i dont think beijing could change kim jonguns mind, but they can change the minds of the people, the generals around him and if china were to signal that it no longer supported the Nuclear Weapons and Ballistic Missile programs, we would see them run for the exits. Neil what do you make of this notion that maybe we fight fire with fire . Not by getting militarily involved but bringing tactical Nuclear Weapons to the region, to the Korean Peninsula, a signal that were not going to tolerate that . Others say that is provocative. You can make a case with the provocative action that north korea is doing. How would that be received . The South Koreans would love it. It would show a commitment to seouls defense. I dont think its a good idea. The reason is, we have 28,500 Service Personnel on the peninsula. You put tactical nukes there, the North Koreans might be able to get them in a general invasion. We have to devote more of our people to guarding nukes and moving them around should there be a war so from a Military Point of view, this is not very good. Theres a lot of other things to do to show commitment. President trump has an obligation to do that. One of the things, neil, is to not to threaten to terminate the Free Trade Agreement with south korea. The point is, theres a lot of other things we can do decide introducing tactical nukes to the peninsula. We should do them. Neil well watch closely. Thanks, gordon. As i said and gordon and write touching on, this hit the markets hard today. Our markets closed yesterday. But across the globe when we first got word of this, markets had been buffets everywhere and the concern that this is escalating. All of this at a time when defenserelated shares were doing okay, almost Everything Else was not. Flight to quality, everyone buying into bonds, Interest Rates getting lose. Gold moving up better than a oneyear high. Thats what happens when markets get very anxious. Gary chef fields joins us, charlie gasparino. So charlie, the fallout in the markets seem to be pronounced here. Sometimes this can change on the day. The selloffs are never really last very long. What is your sense . What are traders telling you . It was a bad open because of what was going on in north korea. It was compounded by economic issues. Thats what caused this market to go down, a growing sense among investors that were not going to get tax cuts or Regulatory Reform any time soon because theres going to be Disaster Relief in texas, debt ceiling we have to deal with and a few other things, passing a budget. Those things are going to occupy congress and the president and you wont get the fiscal policy sometime laws that he wanted, which is getting rid of some lou lousy regulations like dodd frank. Some of the most declines came from those stocks that would benefit from the Corporate Tax cut and getting rid of dodd frank. Goldman sachs and the financials. Thats what you have today. Some of this of the north korea. A lot of it was the economic stuff i just laid out. Neil carrie, the president is looking at options with north korea beyond the traditional ones, squeezing them officially. Is it your sense right know that that is going to be a dominant theme . The fear seems to be however justified, it could delay some of this other stuff the markets like to see likes tax cuts and some of those reprieves that charlie was outlining. The fact that the u. N. Passed sanctions on chinese banks and also just sanctions in general against the North Koreans with chinese support, that is significant. Id like to see Stronger Economic sanctions against north korea that is something that might settle the markets. As usual, have to zoom out on the chart that you showed for todays trading and look at the past year since President Trump won. Its always going up and up and up. Might go down a little bit. But the overall trajectory is going up. Charlie is right in terms of as a millennial, i said charlie is right, at least on this issue. Neil dont embolden him. Try to be polite here. Neil let me ask you about that. We know this meeting going on with this group of six is instrumental in getting tax reform going. We know the president will include in a separate meeting nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer on the belief that he can get bipartisan support for the tax cuts whenever they happen. The goal is this year. What do you make of that . Im very hopeful. Because nancy reached out back in march and tried to extend the olive branch. Now republicans have extended the olive branch. Im tired of them beating each other with olive branches. We need actions. The democrats have said theyre ready to step forward and start the talks. The white house was receptive to that neil are you of the mindset i believe she said and Chuck Schumer said, if theres any relief for the very rich they dont want any part of that. Are you in that camp . I do see their point. But i reviewed his policy extensively there are cuts for the middle class americans. Theyll get about 1,500 a year that is a smaller percentage than the top 1 and corporations, but its there. Neil we dont know lets talk real politics here. If you think if President Trump thinks hes going to cut a deal with the democrats and get it through a Republican Congress that raises taxes, its not happening. Its not going to happen. Neil what do you mean raising taxes . Youre byebye buying the gary cohn line and eliminating the write offs heres where its problematic. If the Corporate Tax cut is 25 instead of 20, thats not much of a cut given its 27 when you take out deductions right now. Take to it 25 and get rid of the deductions, thats not much of a cut. Neil so 35 now. Thats statutory level. Neil but to be serious it has to be 20. They plan to plug the loop holes and if you plug the loop holes and take it down to 25 , you dont get much of a cut. On the personal side, lets see this happening. Republicans like paul ryan, like Mitch Mcconnell selling a tax increase to the american people. We should point out if your goal i disagree with that, charlie. Im going to stop you there if your goal is to let me make this point. If your goal is to spur the economy and you raise taxes on people that pay 50 of all taxes neil were not there yet. Carrie, final thoughts. Speaker ryan does not want to raise taxes. He wants to cut them. Yes, theres a big difference between the statutory rate and the effective rate. We need to get rid of it. We need to make it cleaner, simpler. Neil do something. Exactly. People with fancy lawyers and accountants neil thanks very much. The onlycut is to limit the welltodo by limiting their deductions. We know that irma is coming. Category five storm, 185 miles an hour winds. Florida is battling down. Maybe you should too. Well explain. You always pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Neil all right. No sooner is harvey out of the way, Hurricane Irma is here on a collision course with florida, a category five storm right now. Thats already prompted the governor to move ahead of this to declare a state of emergency in all 67 counties in the state. Well look at the economic effect of this already. But first, lets get the read from adam klotz, our meteorologist, this is a monster, adam. Yeah a really big one. We just tacked on another 5 miles an hour with the winds speeds. You can see the eye wall there as the storm strengthens and strengthens. Winds at 185. That makes a difference. Its the second most powerful storm weve ever seen in the atlantic basis. The strongest winds are 190 miles an hour. So were knocking on the door. This is a powerful storm. We see the watches and warnings there. The Lesser Antilles stretching to puerto rico. Well continue to track this as it moves further and further to the north. As it runs over the islands, it will lose the wind strength. It will run over land and weaken it slightly. So you see it dropping from a category five to a category four storm. This goes sunday night, just off the coast of florida. Eventually it will take a sharp right turn. All the models suggest that wind will grab it and steer it up to the north. A lot of models suggest perhaps as it runs that way, it will run through florida. Take a look at the differences. Youll see the models here. The turn on the eastern side, others show a turn on the western side. Were figuring out where it will go. It makes a difference. The right side of the storm is water. If you turn up through the gulf, the heavy rain and wind damage will be in the middle of florida. Something were paying close attention to. Neil thanks, adam. You know the drill when we get these things. People buy up stuff in advance. Panic buying benefitting the likes of walmart, home depot, lowes, stores like that. Joe alba is the former fema director. He joins us right now. I guess they prepare for the west, hope for the best. The governor declared a state of emergency in all florida counties. Im sure other states feel that think could brush by them do the same thing. What does that allow the governor to do in the meantime . It allows him to preposition the state assets and put the federal government on notice that there may be a situation that the resources will be outstripped in florida and surrounding states and enable the president to issue a declaration. The key to this process is allowing the ability of the federal government, even states, to preposition necessary assets. For this storm, which may be the worst storm ever since 1935, according to joe bastardi, we have about 160,000 gallons of water in puerto rico, 300,000 meals prepositioned, 30,000 gallons in the virgin islands, about 210,000 meals already there. This early, theyll add to that and personnel already on the ground. Neil were looking a tractor trailer shots from space that look how massive this thing is and how quickly it could be moving. Fema, i would imagine after harvey, it was already stretched for bucks before harvey hit. I would imagine all the more so now. Theyre prepared for Something Like this . It is indeed. I wont worry about the money. Congress always finds money for fema when its for individuals, when life and property are at risk. They already have Incident Response teams on florida on the ground to respond to this in advance of the storm. Listen to the local folks. If they say get out, evacuate, do it. Dont miss around. Dont pass go or collect 200. Thank you, neil. Thanks, joe. This is getting to be a compounded development right now. Category five. More after this. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you supercool notebooks, done. Thats mom taking care of business. And with the 25 cent event, Office Depot Officemax takes care of mom now, all this just 25 cents each taking care of business mom,on my Car Insurance of money by switching to geico. I should take a closer look at geico. You know, geico can help you save money on your Homeowners Insurance too . Great geico can help insure our mountain chalet how long have we been sawing this log . Um, one hundred and fourteen years. Man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. Im not even sure this is real wood. Theres no butter in this churn. Do my tris look okay . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Neil all right. This just coming in from the white house. The president meeting with Top Republicans about the tax cut. Lets listen in. Including 125,000 manufacturing jobs. We just had another very good month for manufacturing. Were going to keep this momentum going that allows the economy to truly take off as it should. Its vital that we reduce the crushing tax burden on our companies and our workers. We pay the highest tax of any country in the world on businesses. We cant keep doing that. Last week i repeated my principles for tax reform. Must, we must make the tax code as simple as possible. Its extremely complex. Its not fair. Its extremely hard to understand. So we want to make it as simple as possible. Secondly, provide tax relief for middle class workers and families. Third, restore our competitive edge, which we lost. Were doing fine but we lost our competitive edge. You can see what is going on all over the world. Have real job growth throughout america. We cant be the jobs magnet of the world if we continue to tax our industries at rates 60 higher than companies in other countries. Cant do it. Finally, we must bring back trillions that are parked oversees. We have in my opinion 4 trillion. Massive amounts of money that cant come back to our country because of our tax code the way its written. This is more than just tax reform. Its tax cutting. Were going to cut taxes. Were going to reduce taxes for people. For individuals. For middle income families. Were going to reduce taxes for Companies Tax reform that follows these principles will create millions of new jobs and make sure that more products are stamped with the beautiful letters and words made in the u. S. A. Its time to lower taxes, bring back our wealth and make america the jobs magnet that it can be become and pretty quickly. I dont know if do you mean of you have heard it, its time to make America Great again. Has anybody heard that expression . I didnt think so. Thats what were doing, making America Great again. Youre seeing it with companies and jobs moving back in at very, very big numbers. Theyre coming back into our country. Were very proud of that. I appreciate you being here. Thanks very much. [question inaudible] i have a great heart for the folks were talking about. People think in terms of children, but theyre young adults. I have a love for these people. Hopefully now congress will be able to help them and do it properly. I can tell you, speaking to members of congress, they want to do something and do it right. Really we have no choice. We have to do something. I think its going to work out very well. Longterm its going to be the right thing. Thank you very much. Neil all right. In the end there, you heard the president referred to daca, deferred action for childhood arrivals. He essentially extended this for six months to let Congress Come up with legislation that would deal with this problem once and for all, reversing Barack Obamas memoranda that kept them here. 800,000 youths that came as children or infants with their parents illegally. But this is the only country they know and hope to stay. The president indicating that, you know, he hopes something can be ironed out in six months. Bristol county, massachusetts sheriff, and governor jan brewer. Governor, thats what hes hoping to do here. Very few can see the 800,000 individuals deported or have their work permits denied. Do you see it the same way . President that president obama thought the same way also when he did something that was very unconstitutional by acting daca without congress authorization. I think the president of the United States, President Trump now has done exactly what was the important thing to do. That is to put a time limit on it. President obama said it was temporary. Now its congress and they can come up with a solution. Doing the right thing almost always means doing the hard thing, neil. Now is the time. Weve put up with this insecure border, the illegal immigration for 30 years since 1986 when it was amnesty. We hit the button. Now here we are in this mess today. We need to security our borders and find a solution to the daca children that are adults, a lot are adults here in the United States. But thats what these people are elected for. They need to do their job. Neil its up to congress. Sheriff, president obama as expected did respond to this. Called the measure on the part of President Trump cruel. Is it cruel to you . Its not cruel neil first the sheriff, governor. Ill come to you. Its not cruel for the president of the United States to enforce his executive obligation to make sure laws are properly applied fairly. The ones on the books for congress. Theres nothing cruel about having congress do its job and theres nothing cruel about making sure that when a previous president passes something unconstitutional, that our. Stands up and contracts that and make sure its done lawfully. Thats what this is about. The president is doing exactly what hes responsible for doing. I commend him for that. Neil i lied, governor. I apologize. Were tight for times because of the remarks that came out of the white house. Again, the president indicating a short time ago that hes very confident that this daca issue can be resolved in the next six months and congress can do so. Hes meeting separately with the six prominent republicans who will have a key role in this tax legislation and what to do about that. More to the important, whether hes going to get that any time soon. We should stress here, as theyre waiting for someone to talk about this, what the president is proposing to do here is to get a tax reform or tax cuts through but the end of the year. Its an aggressive timetable. Whether it can be done is anyones guest. The six who he is meeting with today is Mitch Mcconnell, paul ryan, gary cohn, steve mnuchin, orrin hatch from the Senate Finance committee and kevin brady of the house ways and means committee. Tomorrow, Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi will be visiting the white house. This is sarah westwood. Is this coming together . The fact that the white house is having to meeting with the big six and inviting Democratic Congressional leaders tomorrow to talk about this issue is a sign that the discussions are starting to produce fruit, this is no longer in the conceptual phase. Now republicans and the white house are ironing out how low that they can get the corporate rate and whether the cuts should be permanent or expire after a number of years. So now this is starting to become more of a reality. More of a likelihood that something concrete will come together in congress. The problem is that trump keeps adding more and more to the legislative todo list for this fall. Its not clear that congress is going to have time to get to something substantive as tax reform. Neil do you know how things went with Mitch Mcconnell seat next to the president as paul ryan on the other side. The president was critical of congressional leadership for botching it on the healthcare reform effort and other matters that he thought were important. How did that go down . Well, clearly the Health Care Failure is still looming over the head of congressional leaders. They know President Trump spent a good portion of his Office Recess going after the republican lawmakers he blamed for the failure of healthcare. This is on their minds, that they will have to face a very angry trump base if they let the president down on another campaign promise. This time tax reform. They have approved tax reform differently. They didnt roll out something that was subpar and to hold the debates in the open and try to rush to a vote. The discussions are going on behind closed doors for months. Theyre trying to iron out their differences before they get a bill on the table. What happened with the American Healthcare act is that leadership put forward a bill that was opposed by a good chunk of the republican caucus. Thats something that theyre looking to avoid this time with tax reform. Its part of the reason why you see the white house publicly holding the meetings. They want to project the sense of unity between congressional leaders and the administration. Neil by including Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi, is it realistic that the president will have democratic support . One idea bandied about, since he limits tax breaks that would be palatable to democrats a and they might sign on what are you heari hearing . In theory, in the perfect world, the tax breaks could be limited to the rich. In this political environment with Everything Else going on, particularly with this daca announcement today, its hard to envision a world in which democrats sign on to a Trump White House policy. That being said, they are going to try to find some middle ground today. Democrats have said that in theory they would be open to working with the president. So well have to see whether theres any kind of middle ground that the white house could lay out. Its really hard to see that happening, neil, in this political environment. Neil you never know. Thanks, sarah. Back to the other big story of the day. The first story that rattled these markets, north korea. They now have a capability for a Hydrogen Bomb and were told it will be resuming a test for saturday on a National Holiday when much of the world isnt ready for that. After this. How do you chase what you love with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis . 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Where we always find a way, thats texas. I know when i hand them the its gonna be scary. Car but i also know that were gonna have usaa insurance for both my boys. Its something that theyre not even gonna have to think of. Its just gonna be in the family. Were the tenneys and were usaa members for life. Neil all right. If testing what looks like a Hydrogen Bomb isnt enough to rattle the world, now north korea promising still more gifts for america and presumably the world. Greg palkot in seoul, south korea with more. What are we talking about, greg . Neil, were talking about a very nervous region. Welcome to an edgy seoul, south korea where theyre watching what the north could be doing next, yet another intercontinental Ballistic Missile. On tuesday we saw further reports of a missile on the move according to intelligence in that country towards a launch site, possibly launched for saturday. Its a major holiday in that country. This as folks do their own saber rattling. Tuesday, another livefire exercise. This out at sea. Monday, we saw a land exercise. They have been allowed to increase the pay loads on their missiles. We heard from President Trump a promise to send more sophisticated gear here. All of this following the Massive Nuclear device test over the weekend. I talked to one analyst. He said listen, if you marry that with the Ballistic Missiles that north korea is testing, youve got a city buster. That is an American City buster. Again, that is why the folks here are so nervous. Weve been talking to people here, people involved with companies and organizations. Theyre making plans like they never have for before the possible evacuation of foreign nationals. Japan reports looking at its 60,000 citizens here. Theres Something Like 200,000 americans if you include u. S. Troops, dependents, et cetera. They have been working on evacuation plans for months and months. Right now, an edgy place wondering what the Trump Administration will do to tray to reign in kim jongun up in the north. About 25 miles away from us, the dmz. Back to you. Neil thanks, greg. I want to go to kirk liphold. Im wondering how we respond. We talk about maybe bringing tactical Nuclear Weapons to the Korean Peninsula to send a strong signal to the north. The North Koreans and the chinese. They said that would be provocative. As if anything kim jongun has been doing isnt provocative what do you make of that . As secretary mattis and the president have said, all options are on the table. If youre going to bring those weapons in, we need to be further down the road. At this point in time, theres still a large gap left for us to exercise diplomacy and economic measures. Im going to say it again and again and this is up to china, china, china. Neil what if china cant control them . Im beginning to wonder now. North korea likes to embarrass china like over the weekend when president xi was with Vladimir Putin when we learned of the Hydrogen Bomb test, which was awkward. So maybe china cant control them. Well, neil, i dont think china as the done anything to indicate theyre willing to control. They have made token cuts to their fuel, to coal and other things. They have not started to squeeze out the economic lifeline to north korea and tell them they need to do that. Neil how would they do that . Stop and dont allow anything to come through. At some point in time, when called for a maritime blockade, thens that going to be tantamount to an act of war. Its a way for us to start squeezing them. China still has opportunity for them to begin to engage with north korea and say they have to back down on this. If they dont, the reality is, neil, were looking at going and having an Armed Conflict on the Korean Peninsula that got forbid might go nuclear. Theres no path except for conflict unless china engages to try to stop the north korean thing. We cannot allow the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons pointed at the United States or the rest of the world. Neil the other solution, commander, to punish the chinese directly. Anybody that does trade or business with north korea is on our you know what list. That might send a message. Do you think it would . Well, thats a big statement right now that overloads it a little bit. The sanctions if were going to impose them against china and i believe we should have comprehensive sanctions need to be targeted, the industry and the government and the military that have aided and abetted the programs for north korea. We need to understand that iran is involved in everything the North Koreans are doing. Theyre learning from it and if we dont control north korea, the breakout will be measured in days if not weeks for iran to have a Nuclear Weapon as well. Neil im wondering about what signal is being sent in the meantime. If they get this capability, much as we feared the day coming when pakistan would have the capability and now does, what happens when they do . The way things are going, they just might. They might, neil. What youre looking at is that china will literally go to the brink. They want to preserve that buffer zone around them. They dont like the fact that the United States is deploying s thaad units in south korea. If it comes toe that point, the chinese realize their economy cant afford it, they cant afford it. If the government has to go to war, the communist power will be out of power. They cannot sustain it. Neil i worry about something accidental happening. Something goes off course on land and then all bets are off. Exactly. I know everyone is focused on irma. Harvey is still a factor and the floods are still there and the costs are still escalating and the mess is still piling up. The story youre not hearing after this. Prudential asked these couples how much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Trust 1 doctor recommended dulcolax. Use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. Suppositories for relief in minutes. And dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax. Designed for dependable relief. Adapt supply chains based on trends, tweets and storms. And make adjustments on the fly. The ibm cloud. The cloud for enterprise. Yours. Neil irma might be all the talk right now but harvey still has an outstanding and devastating effect on the state of texas, louisiana. Jeff locke in Houston Texas with more. The power guys around, this is center port power. Theyre going through neighborhoods just to make sure who has power and what doesnt it. They didnt cut the power off here in a lot of places and people still had it, enabling them to stay in. If you spin around here, maybe you see. This is one of those where the water has not gone down and wont go down any time soon. This is near those reservoirs that have been releasing water, got so much as a result of the rainfall. Consequently, they have to keep releasing it and the flood waters will stay hey another month. Pretty crazy. You can see a light there . That is not power. That is a gas lamp there. Thats why you see that on. I leave you with something. We continue our paddle here. You can see vehicles. Numbers just came out on vehicles. We think 500,000 cars damaged or destroyed in this storm. That would top katrina and super storm sandy, which were also being killers. Dont come to texas to buy a used car is my recommendation, neil. Neil when you talk to residents and they talk about the first round of aid that should be coming for texas, totallying a little more than 8 billion and caught get delayed. They hope not. That must be very frustrating. Real concern here. Heres the headline to me in this neighborhood and many of the others that have never flooded before, they dont have flood insurance. So these guys are going to be relying that house right there, lady by the name of mary jackson, no flood insurance. No floods here. This is as a result of the reservoir waters. Theyll be relying on fema because they dont have another choice that is a big concern to them. Neil all right. Jeff, thanks very much. Jeff in houston in the middle of the water and mess that doesnt end. C. J. Wax is the mayor of rock port, texas. Thanks for taking the time. How are things in your town . Were beginning the process of recovery. Getting better every day. Neil you know, mayor, you warned residents, use an abundance of caution, called a voluntary evacuation. You had taken it so far to say those that dont heed that, may want to write their Social Security numbers on their arms to identify their bodies. How many took you up on that . Neil, we last wednesday when the National Weather service met, our forecaster here in corpus christi, forecast that harvey was going to reach category four, we issued a mandatory evacuation. We estimate that president 60 of the community heeded the warning and left. Were estimating about 30 actually remain. If you add those two, youre a numbers guy, 10 . We just dont know. So i dont have a baseline that i can start with with who left and who stayed. Neil i commended you for putting the fear of god and letting them realize this is a real danger. I talk to you about this at a time when irma is barrelling in on florida. Its a category five storm right now, mayor. Already the keys have been urged to evacuate of tourists and residents to maybe follow. What do you make of that and the preparations and advice you might offer for floridians . I would say leave early. Irma is at a category five. Fortunately we only had a category four. 180 knots sustained wind the last thing i saw. Leave early. Take care of your family, your pets. Take care of the things that count. All of the stuff in the house, all of the stuff in your other cars, its just stuff. You can replace it. You cannot replace the family member, the loved one. Get them to safety and do it early. Neil you know, out of abundance of caution, were getting word, mayor, the dolphins wont be playing their home game sunday due to Hurricane Irma closing in on the city and state. A lot of people have not gotten used to this. They havent had to deal with this in a dozen years. Harvey came along to remind that its rear and now jose, another hurricane coming up in the atlantic. What do you make of how quickly things have changed and the severity of these storms . Well, neil, in my community, we have not had land fall of a storm of any size in 47 years. So people are somewhat complacent about how to respond to the storm. And our storm was windrelated. It was a hurricane. Our friends up the coast in houston and fort bend county, they have a waterrelated effect. To me, it looks like irma coming into floor at a category five that could be a combination of wind and water. So its bad enough on the texas coast already. Were about to unfortunately may be witnessing a tragedy on the florida coast as well. I happy birthday that weather forecasters are wrong and the High Pressure pushes it more to the east and misses florida. Im afraid im not very confident about my own guess. Neil theres a possibility, mayor, some of this could sneak in the gulf and hit you guys again. And thanks for bringing that up. Very kind of you. My community is 35 destroyed right now. We estimate and additional 30 or so either will not or cannot be rebuilt. I dont need irmy or anything like that coming close. Neil i can well understand. My best to you, mayor and your fine people. Its been horrific. That is putting it mildly. C. J. Wax, the mayor of rockport texas. Its one of the lesser options and routes that Hurricane Irma could follow, to hit the gulf again. Its among the half dozen or so scenarios that show its potential path. Right now a category five killer storm headed right for florida. More after this. Endless shrimp is back at red lobster and we went all out to bring you even more incredible shrimp and new flavors like new Nashville Hot shrimp drizzled with sweet amber honey, and new grilled mediterranean shrimp finished with a savory blend of green onions, tomatoes, and herbs. Feeling hungry yet . Good, cuz theres plenty more where these came from. 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Neil the president meeting with republicans and his own Economic Team on a tax reform plan he says should drastically reduce and simplify the tax code. The devil will be in the details. Tomorrow hes going to make the pitch to Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. How he makes it and what he is offering is anyones guess but the president is confident this will get done and furthermore will get done this year. We are all over it on fox business tomorrow. Eboni im eboni k. Williams with cath tip and brian kilmeade. This is the fox news specialists a big week for President Trump taking off with a bang. Jeff sessions announcing the Trump Administration is ending the program. The decision creating a firestorm in washington and beyond. We go to chief White House Correspondent john roberts. Good afternoon. The white house has portrayed this as the president during the responsible thing because daca could have been suec

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