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Chicago. And the marchs, neil, from a downtown park. Were blocks away in chicago. You can see live pictures of these thousands that have massed. Fair to say brought all the people that dont like donald trump and their policies together, whether its immigration, taxes, whatever. Theyre all here with their own messages to send. Were blocks from where the first significant protests took place. No riots here today. The other interesting piece is as i observe these protesters, a lot of them are not only dont like trump, they dont like hillary clinton, they dont like rahm emanuel, republicans or democrats. Many of them, a lot of them have that message. I leave you can a live picture of the protests that marched down washington street here in chicago. Thousands marking may day in a way that, well, they havent for years in chicago. Neil . It all started there. Jeff block in chicago to washington where protesters are taking protests to a certain president. What do you have for us there . Theyre just making their way to the front lawn of the white house, this march started in downtown d. C. Its a little over a mile to get over here to the front lawn. By my last count, there were 1,000 people making this trek to the white house. Weve seen them pick up a bunch more along the way. Theyre coming here now, this march is only one part of this event or rally today. They have a number of speakers that will address the crowd including dnc chair tom perez. All of them have one goal in mind, to raise their voices against this administration. Organizers of this particular rally tell me theyre focused on immigration and they also have a specific demand among a few other things. They Want Congress to withhold funding for various immigration policies this administration has put forth. They dont want to see any money go towards deportation, detention beds, no money towards the wall and they dont want to see any money go towards hiring more ice agents. The call here today, this rally about to start, is congress, use the purse to stop these immigration policies. Neil . Thanks very much. Protests underway in union square in downtown new york city. The scene of a fight with a supporter of President Trump. Dorn, very good to have you. If youre going to summarize the protesting, what is it . Its this administration, the trump administration, deportation policies and machine. So were saying no to separating families, no to a border wall and no to increase enforcements. Theres a different path forward and that is comprehensive Immigration Reform. Its a bipartisan issue. It passed the senate in 2013. It couldnt get through this house that is trying to rebeal obamacare. This is a broad support of folks that are saying no to antiimmigrant policies. Its facebook and google, by the way, as well as many other nonimmigrants like myself out here saying no to antiimmigration, White Nationalist policies by this separation. When you say ant antiimmigration, its antiillegal immigration right . Were want to keep families together. Theres a great history in this city of allowing immigrants to come in and contribute to this country and this economy. I know you know the Business Case against immigration. Again, business is joining with faith leaders and civil rights leaders and the sierra club has joined in, planned parenthood have come in to say no to antiimmigrant rhetoric or policies neil but its very different. You morphed two things together. Ill let that go for a second to focus on your thoughts about deportation. Were you protesting last year and the year before when barack obama was deporting illegals who were here . He holds the record for that. Indeed. Our coalition and social movement around immigrant rights have been protesting president obama his entire term. We dough know he deported more people than in history. We were in the streets. Not everybody covered it. We were out in the streets the year and the year before that to say no to deportations, yes to some path forward for humane comprehensive Immigration Reform. Like i said, theres a bipartisan agreement in the senate. No reason that that cant happen now as well as the house. A lot of americans that are hear legally and dont question your big heart and good intentions but saying where are the protests on our behalf. Where are the protest on our right to jobs and security and the type of benefits that were not getting. Why does it seem that illegals are getting a little more disproportionate share of the attention that we are, taxpaying americans. What do you say to that . Two things, neil. First, immigrants are taxpayers and they pay into the system, whether its social security, whether its sales tax, local communities. We have the Economic Data that shows immigrants contribute more you keep saying immigrants when i think youre remeaning to refer to Illegal Immigrants. Youre lumping into the same thing. Thats a very important distinction, right . Yes, but we know that that the Current System is broken, neil. Theres bipartisan i understand that. No doubt that the Current System is broken but you cant be saying what youre saying on behalf of Illegal Immigrants as good as your heart is that theyre the same as immigrants. Theyre here illegally. Theyre not entitled to any rights when theyre here illegally. What were saying theres a coalition only people here that are saying theres a better path forward around job creation, around human Immigration Reform policy. This is not just about undocumented immigrations, this is a coalition of americans born here and those coming here seeking a better life. What is the difference between president obama, you said you protested against him, ill take take your word on that and President Trump. First, president obama was a unifier. He didnt campaign on dividing americans neil you said you protested we did. Indeed. We did protest neil how can that be a unifier if hes deporting people . Im talking about the rhetoric. President trump carried his campaign attacking muslims and mexicans. Were talking about neil but President Trump shipped back more than two million illegals as president obama did . Has he done that yet . I say you have every right to complain if and when he gets to that point or worse than that, right . What were saying is no to the border wall, no to separating families. Theres millions of kids that are americans here and its not fair and not right and not our values to separate their parents from those kids that are rightful americans. Neil dorian. Thanks for taking the time. Thank you, neil. Neil all right. Meanwhile, the federalist Molly Hemmingway of catalina magazine on what they make hoff, this kathy, to you, first. I dont have any problem. I dont take anything away from dorians extreme intentions but we do this all the time where we morph illegal immigration and say immigration or antiIllegal Immigrants and now say antiimmigrant. Its more than just a language thing. Its a whole way of looking at a new reality thing. Well, i mean, what the protester, if organizer failed to mention, immigrants or illegal, i prefer undocumented, they do pay taxes. Neil not all of them. Go ahead. They do. If theyre working here and studies have shown that most undocumented people in this country have been here ten years or more. That means that theyre working here. So the problem shouldnt be with the employers, the people hiring them than the actual people neil thats an argument. Molly will argue that. Players willing no know hiring illegals or paying them cash under the table or processing checks on their behalf are the source of the problem here. They encourage this, right . Theres so many ways people on the left and right can come together to deal with immigration problems. When you do have the dishonesty or the extreme, some of these protesting on violence and not a its not a good basis for dialogue on how to fix many of the complicated immigration policies. When people want a better immigration policy, thats a bad way to start that conversation. There are some problems, some of them dealing with the illegal galty of what is happening. Its gone way beyond this. We can talk about Illegal Immigrants versus immigrants and all. Its sort of conflated to the lgbt companity and others its like an enormous protest day where people feel theyve been short changed. I windser if it loses its effect. You can see the violence in few locals, i must point out. Most of them are peaceful. Does it send mixed messages to those that see this and say, what is your beef . Right. Theres a reason why the First Amendment is freedom of special is our First Amendment. Politicians are listening as we saw with the spending bill. That i were bipartisan for the first time in the first 100 days. So d. C. Is listening and the protesters are being heard. Neil so you agree that even donald trump was bipartisan and peaceful . Right. Neil both sides i dont think anybody was weak. Both sides came together in d. C. The swamp came together neil can it can be done. Molly, a good point. Both sides gave up some, keeping the lights on through the end of the fiscal year. It does show they can try to iron out differences. Yeah. But neil my only other point is the one i think youre touching on. This is a different kay. Yeah. These protests youre previous speaker was good having some focus. Weve had protests about everything under the sign. Immigration issues, science marches, lgbt. What is significant about these protesters, theyre tied to may day, which is the high holy feast on the leninist calendar. When people alley themselves with a radical notion as communists, its hard to take it serious on policy issues. May day is not seen that way. Its a pagan holiday that goes back to celebrate spring. Neil now it blurs cinco de mayo. Exactly. Neil thanks, ladies. And now a near term threat, north korea. The president of the United States is acknowledging in his view that the dictator there is actually one smart cookie. Why he said that and what he might be hoping to gain from that after this. Whether its connecting one of the worlds most innovative campuses. Or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. Trust 1 doctor recommended dulcolax. Use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. Suppositories for relief in minutes. And dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax. Designed for dependable relief. Clearly conditions are not there right now. I think the president made it clear as secretary tillerson did the other day. All right. I want to go to general jack keene on this. General, you heard that comment. The president refer to the north Korean Leader as kim jongun. He took over as a young man after his fathers death and consolidated power and that people would want to topple him. What do you think hes up to here . The president open to meeting him, acknowledging hes smart. What do you think . Probably has to do with the fact that when kim brings attention to himself and looking at the attention he has this time, the whole world is paying attention. He got china and the United States talking effectively about him as well. Thats remarkable in itself. The pattern of behavior here, going back to his grandfather, his father and himself in abbreviated period of time, the more belacose, the more he can get. Probably part of the strategy here. Maybe thats why the president called himself sort of a clever fellow. He didnt elaborate. We dont know what all is going on there. Do you see any possibility that the two could meet . Yeah, i think thats always a possibility with this president. He puts huge amount in his skill sets to make a deal. He also knows because hes had detailed cia briefings on a profile of this individual that if there was an exception to that, this may be it. In dealing with somebody like that. He has a detailed psychological on this man. He may not may not have the payoff oneonone despite the president s social skills. You think there was another level of intrigue here that the president seemed to hold out the possibility . Look, kim jongun, if you fear that were going to try to topple you or Saddam Hussein or moammar khadaifi, were not going to do that. As long as you get rid of the missiles and the testing and your plans to go nuclear, you can run free in your country, do whatever the hell you want but we will not take you out or even worse kill you. What do you think there . Just as implies, he wants to take the pressure off of him. They have Nuclear Weapons to preserve the regime. What the president is trying to get him to stand down, the advancing of ballistic missiles. Thats the issue here. Were not going to take Nuclear Weapons away from north korea or china or russia. That is an accomplished fact. So thats what hes trying to get them to do. Get them comfortable. Look, were not coming after you. Youre going to stay in power as long as your people are willing to keep you in power. I dont know if that relaxes kim or not, frankly. The reason why i mentioned it, it follows a pattern with this president said the same thing about the philippine leader that many see in a drug lord and open to have him over to the white house, that, you know, hes made overtures to vladimir putin. That has didnt stop him to your point earlier on about sending tomahawk missiles syrias wall. But hes made overtures to rogues and there does seem to be a pattern here. Maybe to catch them off guard or what . No, i think he put has great faith in himself and his ability to negotiate. He earned a tremendous life based on those skill sits. I can see some of these skills that he has, he interpersonal social skills that he has dealing with people. He has a lot of confidence there. I dont have any problem with him dealing with the thugs of the world out there because they control power, the philippines, thats a country of interest for us. It has been an ally of us. China has by trying to draw them to china. Theyve been trampling on our interests. We have to be realistic of what is happening here in my view. Neil general, thank you. Thank you. Neil and the president with a warning on the healthcare bill. What was that . Well ask the congressman. Uh, hello . A meeting . Its a big one. Too bad. We are double booked diarrhea and abdominal pain. Why dont you start without me . Oh. Yeah. 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He will probably be angry more importantly, most of americans will be angry. Neil you said he will be angry. Does that mean youre going to vote against this rework . Thats what he was referring to. No, no, no. Ive been on board since day one. Neil what were you saying no to . Am i upset with him being angry . Im not at all. Im saying no to a healthcare package that has had a lot of accommodations with this. So preexisting is one of those things that i have been on since day one. Still comes down to the Business Model of business and how you construct it and what is the states role in this. The states should have sovereignty and put together what is the best people. What if my state says no to coverage for preexisting conditions . A lot of people feel thats up to the states neil but you have that in the measure, what will that do is tick off a lot of your moderate colleagues that say no way in hell will they vote for this. Nobody can always be happy. Neil but its a big one. It is a big one. You have to have an understanding. Thats why you do have the high risk pools, you have all the things you can do and reinsurance programs that help keep that under control. Its a Business Model. If you understand how businesses work, shouldnt be a problem for people. So many people get wrapped around the axle that they cant see how it affects the people they represent and how important it is to those folks. Neil people with preexisting conditions do worry. So are you telling me the way its been reworked, the latest incarnation of a repeal rework of the president s Affordable Care act, theres not a theres not a guarantee that preexisting conditions are covered . It will be at the discretion of states . We put together a Health Care Package that goes before congress. Well have to rely on republicans to get it across the finish line. Will every republican agree with it . No, absolutely not. I do believe and for me, for my vote, we have to have preexisting conditions in there. It makes sense. Some people will disagree and say no, thats a nonstarter for me. Neil doesnt sound like its in there. Thats what you want and in pennsylvania that will be guaranteed by your state but what about other states that say maybe not. Well, i think the option to do it or opt out may be there. But neil you can see why your colleagues are getting antsy. We want to make sure the coverage is there and youre saying your possibility, it might not be. No, my understanding is it is in there. They go to the whip meeting soon. My understanding is it is in there. I want to show you this. Theres some people no matter what you do they couldnt get to yes. So theyre going to vote no and hope yes. Thats a sign of maybe well go back home and say no, no, no, i wasnt on board with that. Heres what im saying. We know as a party, more as a party who is it were trying to take care of . Preexisting conditions is key to so many of the people that i represent back home. Theyre not all republicans neil its not all key to your colleagues. You know what . My colleagues have to do what they think is right. Ive said neil try to tell that to someone who has had cancer or a life threatening disease and all of a sudden theyre marked men. I dont care who they are. Theyre scared, right . I hear you. Ive gone through those issues with my own family and friends. I understand that. So its easier to go on tv or go and say this is not what im going to do when you see these people face to face, you go through their eyes and you know who theyre going through . I dont understand how you cant be sympathetic with it. Thats who we are. Thats who we are as americans. Neil the president thinks that coverage is in there for preexisting conditions. He said in a cbs interview. Does he know something that we dont know or is he missing something that he should know . I think that is consistence. Thats what i believe is in there also. So well have differing peoples and people making statements. Its in there and its coming up and well see quickly a vote and it gets passed to the house and to the senate. Neil this week . I cant say this week. Ill feel it is. It has to get to the senate and see what the senate does with it. Neil thanks, mike kelly. Beautiful state of pennsylvania. More about this whole washington back and forth including an effort that keeps the lights on through september. But who caved . After this. Im dr. Kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. Energy lives here. Neil you know, if you had to think about duarte, hes the leader that told president obama to go to hell and hes gone after isis militants. Trump wants him at the white house. Ahh. Where are mom and dad . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Love mom and dad im takin a nap. Dude, you just woke up im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Neil all right. The president wants to crack down on the sanctuary cities that harbor illegals, but its not showing up in the latest budget. Republicans and democrats cobbled out over the weekend. It had to be fully voted on this weekend. The funding to go after that thing is not in there. Nor is of course the famous wall. At least not yet. The wall street journeys shelby holiday on this. What do we glean from this . It shows that in washington, its a give and take even with a republican congress. You do have to negotiate. President trump had to give a lot to get the government funded to get this spending bill there. Planned parenthood is still in the spending bill. We see puerto rico aid is still there. A lot of things that republicans oppose that will continue to stay in the spending bill. I suspect trump would have been more aggressive had healthcare gone well for him. He has other fish to fry. When the fish you have keep getting fried, i wonder if that is backing him into a corner. The democrats sense they can pick him off issue by issue, that he would be so eager to keep the lights on and the government funded and not shutting down, that he would settle for anything that they might have his number on health care and number on the tax cut thing and might be able to stop him doing it this way. They read that he might be caving. What do you think . Its true. He got a win in the sense that the pentagon is seeing a huge inkris. But half of what hes requested. But its getting a boost. Its a negotiated. Republicans had to give up a lot for this spending bill. Looking forward, that might give them more political for tax reform, healthcare. Heres what i dont understand. They are running the show. They have the white house, the house, the senate. I know not in numbers they can just slam and get whatever they want. But they seem to always come up short, so they have to negotiate. Not that theres anything wrong with the two sides compromising. But im always amazed by how even running the town they just often times seem to get run out of town. Its true. Its because we see the deep divisions within the party. Republicans have the ultra conservatives that are fiscal hawks. They dont want to add to the deficit. That squashes a lot of republican plays. And then you have moderates that oppose deep cuts. Trump proposed deep cuts in the spending bill for a number of popular programs. They didnt happen. What does that say about the tax cut thing . You talk about the uber conservatives that are loathed to accept anything that isnt off the bat revenue neutral. Forget about the revenues that might come in cuts. All you need is a couple in the senate and you lost, you just need a couple dozen in the house. Where is this going . What does this tell you for the tax guys . They expect a fiscal stimulus and tax cuts. They dont think trump can pass this for the exact reason that youre saying. He doesnt have a republican majority within congress. That means he will have to work with democrats. Democrats oppose tax cuts for the rich. Deep tax cuts for corporations. They think maybe a middle class tax cut is possible. Broad complex tax cuts, overhaul of the tax code, theyre not pricing in at this point. They dont think its likely. Shelby holliday, thanks very much. Thanks, neil. Neil markets are waiting to see if the healthcare improves. Were due to get Technology Earnings this week. Four or five Key Technology stocks were off to the races and young people are noticing this. Should they dive into a market that has been looking at nothing but green . Again, today not withstanding. Well talk to some young investors on that after this. Look closely. Hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. The microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that transform their business and will enhance the game for players and fans. The microsoft cloud turns information into insight. All right. The dow off a little bit today. Look at the nasdaq. The Big Technology names. That hit another record today. Think about it. Some of the big, you know, financial horses in the Technology World were like amazon and apple and facebook and microsoft. In and out of all time highs. We have business and economics professor, ben and lindsey bell here with us to step back and give young people on a tip of what to do. If i had a dime of every young person that said im looking at this and i want in. Normally in the past, thats the time to get out. Any time did youring there juncture, certainly since the president was elected, youve been richly rewarded to stick with this market. What do you tell people at this stage . Its a little scary for young people right now. Its up like 90 . Everybody is saying its an expensive market. Im here to ease concern. I look at housing stats an consumer sentiment. These numbers typically decline 20 to 30 year on year before we head into a market recession. The treasury yield is ten pickly negative. Were nowhere near that. I feel good. But you have to pick your place. Theres some areas that are more expensive than others. And a lot of thing i tell young people, the benefit, theyre young. That i have time to make mistakes and ride economic cycles. Thats why im not so concerned about the timing. Is this a good time to get in. Millennials are thinking youll see ups and downs. The important thing is they get in. The power of compound interest is huge here. You can really build a nest egg. If youre a millennial, you can do that. Unless you get something about social security, the full payment wont be there. Its only going to be a piece of what youre supposed to go. So its important to get in now and think longterm. Were talking about 10, 20, 30 years here. To me, my longterm strategy is like lunch tomorrow. But i understand the skiddish nest of investors, particularly the young investors that saw their parents get burned or remember enough about the housing meltdown, the tech melt i dont know to not get sucked into this. What do you tell them when they look through that rear view mirror . Yeah, look, i have compassion for them and i understand theres a lot of risk and theyre scared to get involved. The fact of the matter is, you cannot win the game if you dont play the game. You have time. Compound interest, compound interest. They have to get involved, they have to start. Otherwise theyll end up with nothing. You know, lindsey, another thing that comes up especially with the market surge of late since the president s election is this optimism that hes going to get the big tax cuts through. His legislative victories have been few and far between like zero right now. Its still early. I understand that. But who is to say that he wont have trouble on getting those tax cuts through if at all and do you think that a part of this market, run, at least, the latest wave, owes to that happening . I think you saw a little pullback earlier in april because of the delay and the gridlock that youre seeing in washington. But i think the market, still despite the pull back, is giving trump the benefit of the doubt. They expect the policies to get enacted and implemented. So this week should be telling with the healthcare bill that will come to congress and hopefully take a vote. They were able to get the government shut down to, you know, not occur today. They did that. They showed that they could compromise. Brian, do you look at this and say, all right, look at what is happening with the technology. Look at amazon racing to 1,000. It might be justified, might be legitimate. Might be frothy. What do you think . Investors are trying to see the growth opportunities. They dont know what the upside or the limit is with facebook, google and amazon. Theyre okay bets. But i think markets have gotten ahead of themselves. If you look at the real economy, look at gdp, job creation and consumer spending, these numbers have not been great. Until you see those numbers start to catch up, the question is the economy Getting Better or investors going to have to pull back because they get ahead of themselves. Michael, does washington know what theyre doing about investing in the market . Sometimes. I dont look to that as an indicator. I look at the experts every day and really entrenched. The first 100 days have been great under the trump administration. Im not a huge trump fan. But the next to 100 days is all about whether he can deliver on the promises that hes made. Whether things that hes these ideas, these propositions, whether they can materialize and whether they can turn into something. If they can, well continue to see an increase. If they cant, confidence will be lost. Neil and if these fine folks are wrong, well replay the type again and again. Thanks very much. President trump is catching flak for inviting the philippines president to the white house. And ambassador john bolton wants to know why. All right. Its fair to say that philippines president Rodrigo Duarte is a controversial person. He said president obama could go to hell and he was the devil. The Prior Administration was wincing at reports that the president was gunning down drug lords and the lake in the streets and go going after political enemies. The latter alleged. No alleging that he went after islamic immigrants. And that gets the attention of john bolton, our former ambassador to the United Nations as id did it the president of the United States who was open to having to philippines leader at the white house. So early 1 is aghast at that. I didnt realize that much of the violence attacked to him was attached against drug lords were extremists. What did you think of this . Hes accused of telling barack obama to go to hell. Neil he came close. You can go down this list. He doesnt acted like the mayor of scarsdale or doesnt behave with the Law Enforcement group. But heres the trump. Heres the reality. Its a strategic imperative for the United States to reel the philippines back in away from the direction of duarte. The South China Sea is at stake and taiwan is at risk. China can take control of the South China Sea. I would follow the advice that one of my former bosses, jim baker, that used to give, keep your eyes on the prize. The strategic prize for the United States is keeping the South China Sea out of chinese hands. Thats where i think trump has done it exactly right. Invite duarte to the white house, give him a couple drinks, see what you can do. Neil i understand what youre saying. Maybe the devil you know is better than the devil you dont want to know. But he is trying to stop islamic extremism, which is a problem in his own country. The fear would be if he were to go, what would be the alternati alternative. What do you think . Philippines are still a democracy. We have a certain amount of power for that. I dont think duartes view on china is that of a huge majority of the filipino people. So i think you have to keep your priorities in order. Dealing with him on the big issue is a way to engender some confidence if we can bring him back on our side. And then you can deal with these other issues in ways that are less public. In south america, weve seen over the years that the drug problem and radical leftists gorilla gangs are closely related. This muslim insurrection has been a problem. He may not behave according to our standards. He may behave reprehensibly. If the choice is to say, well, were just going to cast him into outer darkness and hes foolish enough to go to the embrace of china, we have lost a huge strategic struggle here. Neil do you find it odd the overtures the president has made to the north Korean Leader saying hes a smart cookie, were not trying to topple him and the overture of vladimir putin, thats been weirdly received if you think about the way weve gone after the syrians is. That good or bad . I dont think hes said that about kim jongun. I would happy to meet with kim jongun in a jail cell somewhere after hes been overthrown. The fact is that when you deal with some of these difficult issues, i think what you have to keep in mind first is the interest of the United States. That means dealing with unappetizing people. Neil thanks, ambassador. Thank you. Neil apple sitting on a 250 billion cash horde. Thats more than most countries have. What does he do with that . What does apple do with that . My insurance rates are probably gonna double. But dad, youve got. Allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Its good to be in, good hands. Neil apple is one of those Companies Whose earnings are closely monitored. Probably a 215 billion cash forward to brag about. The Fox Business Network on what that could mean. Thats a lot of money, charles. Its mindboggling. 250 billion. They are debt in 2013 was 17 billion. Last year, 79 billion. More dividend hikes, and more buyback. Many people are frustrated that perhaps neil wondering about the performance of some of the technology names. Google, facebook, amazon. They are the ringleaders here. How was the rest of the techworld . Its doing pretty well. Nasdaq, 172 Companies Hit new two week highs. There are a lot of names who arent household names who are doing better than those highflying names. All of the names you have on the screen right now, we knew about the hike. Now they are living up to it. Neil who is buying the shares . They are also buying their own back. Thats where the money is going. Neil what do you tell young people intrigued by these names . The only name that is suspect is tesla because they dont have any real earnings to speak of. Neil thank you. Charles payne. His show kicks off an hour from now. The specialist, they are brandnew and they will see you right now. The specialist, like the doctor, well see you. Here they are. Eric hello, everyone. I am eric bolling with Eboni Williams and kat timpf. Thank you so much for joining us. The inaugural episode of the fox news specialists. Every day, eboni, kat and i will be discussing todays biggest stories we will be joined by two specialists for unpredictable and unexpected commentary. Lets meet todays specialist for he started his First Company selling garbage bags door to door at age 12. He doesnt golf but he does love basketball, so he bought the dallas mavericks. He specializes

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