Whats going on . Tax reform is kind of attached to healthcare. The reason is because paul ryan needs about a trillion dollars in revenue from obamacare taxes to make it easier to do tax reform down the road. Because you have people skipping all over the map on the border tax, paul ryan said the other day, theres a plan in the house of representatives, its not gone through committee. The senate doesnt have a plan. The white house has sent mixed messages. Heres a reason why they have to get healthcare off the table first. They want to do in what is called a budget reconciliation package to get around senate filibusters. Those deals are immune to filibusters. They cant get to the packs package where they have to use a second reconciliation package. You cant have two live packages together. Until they make a decision about healthcare and dont seem like theyre in where closer despite a fire drill on the rules Committee Meeting and now members are gone for a twoweek recess, theyre not any closer to solving healthcare which means theyre not closing to solving tax reform. Even though the president said lets go on to tax reform. Neil so just to understand what is involved here, forget about the dwindling number of legislative days as they kickoff a twoweek recess. To your point, the healthcare thing, you get the tax cut thing. That could take months and then the tax cut things gets pushed back. What are we really looking at as the year unfolds . It would be summer that they target here. The first thing they have to do is fund the government. That has to be done by april 28th. Another recess in may. You can see where they get squeezed here. It was funny. A couple days ago, i talked to Chris Collins who is a donald trump ally. He said that he thought the tax reform would be easier because its less emotional. I said wait a minute. Less emotional because of the lobbyists will be talking about this provision is in, this provision is out . You thought healthcare is tough, this is even more challenging. Neil amazing. Thanks, chad. The markets have been anticipating theyre going to get this, that it might be delayed but not defied. What if its significantly delayed and outright denied . What if the white house cant come up with a sur tax for billionaires . What if they cant even within the white house agree on that to say nothing of the differences within the house and the ample differences within the senate and the house . Gary is here with more. Hi. Worried, worried, worried. I believe businesses have been planning based on what was to come or what should have been coming. The markets no doubt what was to come. Now were in this i call it marasse at this point in time. If this doesnt come, you want to see markets to where they were november 8, youll get it. You want to see the economy heading back south because confidence in the proposals go south . Youll get it. These people in washington better get cracking on 200018 is coming up and theyll be on their ears. And i want to send a headsup to investors that are pricing this in. I know ill hear from republican loyalists saying youre being a wet blanket on this. Lets say they go around to taxes but only corporate taxes and not major reform but maybe tinkering with cuts and simplifying things for some corporations. The individual rates are put off. What happens then . If you do that, well be in good shape. Why . At least theyre moving the dial, moving towards something. Theyre letting corporations keep more of their money. If corporations keep more of their money, theyre apt to hire more and spend more. The economy grows. If you do a little bit for the consumer, they feel better about it, theyre apt to spend more. You get these going, they can get the economy going and get other things on the table that they want, namely healthcare and immigration. It all starts with tax policy. Businesses an consumers understand dollars and cents. Im not sure they understand the complex blob of healthcare out there. Neil and the divisions of it. Well get into this later. But certainly there had to be broader agreement on tax cuts than the healthcare stuff. But theyre revisiting the healthcare thing. I understand about the revenue and how it changes the baseline. I understand that. But baseline or anything, if you cant get an agreement on that, i think you saved that for another fight on another day, right . Ive been watching this since day 1. Theyre putting away the easy stuff. I thought the republicans agreed on one thing. People and consumers should keep more of their money and government is spending too much. Government took in 3. 3 trillion of our money and still couldnt balance the budget and asking for more on infrastructure. That has to change or else. Theres a reason why the economy has not gotten going. Government spending of 4. 1 trillion this year. That is coming out of the economy. Theres no way this continues. By the way, we talked about it several thousand times. The 20 trillion of debt that is overhanging. All of that has to change and starts with tax reform and government reform. They better started somewhere. If this thing passes, i dont know how theyre going to pick it up in 18 because its an Election Year. Neil good stuff, gary. Thanks. A read on how this is affecting the Republican Party and the political environment right now. Jenna from the washington examiner. A very good read on what is happening out there. Im looking at this and saying everything i believe in life as in markets, built on expectations. Expectations well get something on taxes this year. Let me just say a hypothetical, what if we dont . Its a big problem for us. One of which donald trump, a newly elected president and speaker ryan who has been in for a little bit, neither one have any major legislative accomplishments at this point. If we cant get anything done after the Freedom Caucus helped us get into, it will be problematic. Neil youre a republican. You want to see progress made. They have an agenda that is pro market, pro business. What if theyre still pointing fingers at each other six months from now and no healthcare progress, no progress on the tax front. What are you worried about for next year . That they lose seats . Oh, no. Theres no question about that. The American People put us in charge for a reason. For a lot of republicans, we have to figure out how to get the Freedom Caucus on board. As i said in a piece i wrote nor the washington examiner, if trump doesnt break the back of the Freedom Caucus, he risks becoming a oneterm president. That exists for a number of members. When it comes the tax reform, if i was advising a president , i said you need to focus on infrastructure for a couple different reasons. People have been talking about the costs. According to one estimate, about a 1 trillion plan in which donald trump is proposing. Id say do what george bush did in 2003 when he came out with a tax holiday that allowed for multinational companies, those that American Companies that make money overseas and they get taxed overseas, give them a onetime, 2. 5 , which is what george w. Bush did. Give them to bring that money over here neil are you comfortable as a conservative going in to bigger deficits . Maybe adding to debt before you get some revenue from the tax cuts years down the road . No. The truth of the matter is, you have to spend money to make money. You have to invest neil thats not what the Freedom Caucus says. They say a lot of things. Its unfortunate at this point. The Freedom Caucus wouldnt get on board. To me the Freedom Caucus neil you would ignore them . What would you do . First and foremost, they need to lose some influence. When the tea party rose up against president obama, i supported that. But now we have the party of no. Former Freedom Caucus member representatives poe said it best. If the Freedom Caucus had an opportunity to vote on the ten commandments, they would find a way to vote no. Its problematic. The Freedom Caucus is the problem. I dont think theyre republicans anymore. This is become a party in and of itself. They are not willing to work with any republicans on anything at this point. Neil so let me ask you this. The president could claim a victory with judge gorsuch even though they blew things up for the Nuclear Option. A simple majority. Tomorrow night well see judge gorsuch on the way to becoming the next Supreme Court justice. A needed victory for President Trump. Will it have any residual effect on him and on this agenda . Well, i think for him having ran on an agenda that he was going to have a conservative Supreme Court justice on the bench, its a win. He accomplished a Campaign Promise and nobody can take that from him. In addition to that, he said i have a conservative agenda. This is who im willing to put up. These are the best and the brightest regardless of what any democrat can say or what the Freedom Caucus can say. Neil thanks, my friend. Thank you. Neil House Speaker paul ryan is very optimistic on all of this crapeou think were doing here not withstanding saying theyre making progress and they are seeing Movement Toward agreement on a healthcare package that could still, still be much longer. The heritage foundation, former senator, jim demint. What do you think that theyre going to try to get this healthcare thing done right, might take awhile, might take months, but it will push things back, right . Are you okay with that . Ive been encouraged the last few days. President trump and Vice President pence have been constructive in helping to shape an agreement that will help get the regulations out of the federal insurance so i mean, the federal Insurance Regulations so that prices can come down. I think when they get back from recess, its unfortunate that they have two weeks at home now, either the first or second week, i believe the house will move a bill, send it over to the senate and theyll still have some work to do for several weeks. Theyre already working on tax reform. The house and senate are working together. Theyre doing several things at once here. I believe that theyre going to get a lot done theyre their break in august. Neil i hope youre right. Im not encouraged by the developments. Im startled to see its natural to be differences between the house and senate versions, the conservative members, moderate members. You encountered that in washington. What i was surprised to see, donald trump himself might be changing the plans a little bit and maybe with an effort to get more democratic support, maybe get infrastructure going. That might get you democratic votes for this healthcare rework. Is that Wishful Thinking . What do you think . I hope it is. If he tries to do a federal infrastructure bill before we get the healthcare and tax done, its going to split the party in half. We can fulfill his promise to get a trillion dollars in infrastructure i believe without one more dime of federal money. A lot of ways to do it by taking out of regulations, private partnerships, infrastructure banks. We need to get those ideas in front. Meantime, we really need to get this healthcare done and we need to get tax renorm done. Im optimistic on the tax reform front, too. It may be just be getting the rates down, not a lot of reform that needs to be done relatively quickly. Otherwise, the economy doesnt have time to respond before the midterm elections. Neil were done with the fed helping us. So its up to the tax cut. If its little or late or both, i dont know. Thanks, jim. Thank you. Neil Senate Republicans are clearing the way now for neil gorsuch to be the next Supreme Court justice. Its democrats that are furious about it here and say a Nuclear Option in play here means a nuclear move in washington. Can we save the talk for when theres actually Nuclear Bombs going on after this. woman vo in march, my husband didnt recognize our grandson. woman 2 vo thats when moderate alzheimers made me a caregiver. avo if their alzheimers is getting worse, ask about onceaday namzaric. Namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimers disease in patients who are taking donepezil. It may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. 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Its extreme on both sides and it will be that way now. What do you make of some on the other side, senator, that feel well within their comfort zone to do this . There are four democrats, neil that will vote for gorsuch. A lot more should and are not. Theyre worried about getting primaried on the left. The word was out, the left leaning outside groups, if you dont filibuster gorsuch, were going to get a primary. So there was a good amount of that going on out there. Some of the democrats too, who held the line and voted with schumer on this and people that are close to senator schumer. A lot of factors that go into a decision like this. At the end of the day, a lot had to do with pressure from outside groups. Neil maybe theyre reading polls. Theyre looking at the election last november. Some have seen Approval Ratings for congress in the aggregate, which includes republicans and democrats that have declined and the Approval Ratings for the president coming down. Theyre feeling theres not much to hurt them. What do you think . I think theres probably a good amount of that that goes into the calculation. You know, that can change quickly. When youre in a state that structural has a right of center lean, then eventually if things start to improve, if we get on track, get a couple of accomplishments and confirming neil gorsuch to the Supreme Court is a fairly significant accomplishment, it gets hurder for the democrats in states like that when they have to defend the record going into an Election Year and do it effectively. At some point they have to demonstrate a willingness irrespective of what the polls say today, that they have to work with the congress, with the new president to get some results for the people that they represent. If they dont do that and the races are idealogical races in states like those, theyll have a hard time winning. Like i said, everybody comes to different conclusions. Willing to take some certain amount of risk in their own political circumstances. I think that voting against gorsuch is not a smart move if you represent a state like that. Neil as you pointed out, it is what it is and he will be the Supreme Court justice to take scalias place. They move on. I want to get your take here to syria and what to do about it. Its very clear the administration wants to do something. Whether in concert with allies, in and out side the region or not. They seem to not be ruling anything out. The president hasnt telegraphed any action but obviously the use of these chemical weapons changed everything. What do you think . Do you think our target should be either working with the russians or to get assad out . I think there has to be i hope again it can be with a coalition of allies. Theyre looking to us for leadership. I visited some european allies. Believe me, neil, theyre looking for america to lead. In a circumstance like this where you have a leader in a country like syria that uses weapons of mass destruction on his own people, it just demands and cries out for a response. Theres a coalition of folks out there that are prepared to join us in sending a clear message that this is unacceptable. Theyre looking at options. You dont take any off the table. The world community, the United States, leading that certainly in circumstances like this needs to make it very clear that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Theres got to be a response. Got to be a consequence to this kind of behavior by alassad. Hopefully hes got to move from office. Neil all right, senator. Thanks. Well see what happens there. The latest on susan rice and getting her to testify. Forget about crimes. Just getting her. Meta appetite control. Its your glass of willpower that helps keep cravings. Far, far away. Feel less hungry with the natural fiber in clinically. Proven meta appetite control. From metamucil. 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Congressman mike conway takes his play and told fox earlier today, the charges against nunes in his view are unfounded, but hes going to step in and work with adam schiff, democrat and ranking member. Heres schiff. As he mentioned, its in the best interests of the investigation. It will allow us to have a fresh start moving forward. I look forward to working with mr. Conway. This investigation is of such critical importance that we need to get fully back on track. Schiff quick to add the house investigation never actually stopped. For developments surrounding susan rice, theres still calls from republicans for her to testify against the unmasking of names in the trump transition. Senator richard burr said her testimony might be of interest to us, but still no official word on whether she will testify soon. Neil and the top democrat accusing republicans of slander against susan rice. Theyre predicting trump allies will end up in jail after the russia probe runs its course. Which is more extreme or note worthy to you . Best sellauthor, bright guy, mark stein on that. That is glaring. Saying sight unseen, these guys are going to end up in the y pokey, cop on. Yeah, the question is whether russia did anything other than other countries do to influence power and two, whether anybody was mixed up in doing this. This has been going on for a year more or less and still dont have any evidence. The real world moves on. Trump has now declared hes going to put together an International Coalition with the object of removing putins stooge in syria. So we have the nunes investigation, which is an investigation into nunes invest of susan rices investigation into the russians. Meanwhile, reality is moving on from all of this these stupid circles of dantesque proceduralist hell with in the United States government is mired. Neil you talk about russia and the role playing and if somehow the administration was involved or nervous about taking any action against russia or friends of russia. A funny way of showing it. Thats true. My sense, neil has been that what trump admires about putin is that putin acts in what he perceives to be russias national interests, which is not necessarily Americas National interests. For example, in syria, everyone agreed after the arab spring that alassad would be knocked off, on his way out, yesterdays man. Putin said to hell with that and stuck him back on his throne. He imposed his will on the region, which is not something that the United States has managed to do in iraq or afghanistan. Thats what trump admires about putin. Now trump hased that he has a different interest in syria than putin and has set himself against him. So the object of all of this susan rice, the congress, the house, senate, if the object of this is to somehow prove that trump and putin are in bed together, they have hes got a very odd way of showing it as the real news in the real world demonstrates. Neil as we say nikki haley wanted to condemn them and blocked by one country, russia. And the administration moving forward has to not repeat a red line moment. They promised a lot of lines were crossed here paraphrasing of the president. He was echoing that on air force one today. We hope to get audio on that. But having said that, that he wants to work to address this, is the goal now as you see it removing assad from power or and then who would help us do that . Clearly not the russians. No. Thats the real question here, whether he wants to use American Power effectively. To go back to the democrats most unnecessary debacle, hillary thought knocking off libya would be easy and costfree. In fact, its delivered all of those met terrainian reports to the hands of isis and affected europe. You have to have an end game for syria to look like after alassad. Trump said he regards running around afghanistan for 15 years as a complete waste of time. He doesnt want to get into a similar situation. Neil wellput. Thanks, mark. Thanks, neil. Neil and meantime to maralargo where its going to be the powwow for all powwows. The president has met with other foreign leaders in the ten weeks hes been in power here. This is the biggest of the big. What will come of that powwow and how will china respond . After this. Various shouting heigh ho its off to work we go woman on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs. And each job created by the Energy Industry supports two others in the community. Altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide. 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Neil the days when he liked me. You could tell back then, going back six years, he was leery of the chinese, much more so of the russians that would you had been cowtoeing to them because they own so much of our debt. The chinese need us a lot more than we need them. Thats the message that he plans to send to the president of the country tomorrow when things kickoff. Blake burman is there with more. Hi, neil. Hello from florida. I was speaking with a white house official earlier this week. I asked them, what is the top priority of this meeting . Basically i was told the next 24 hours, President Trump, president xi jinping, that the u. S. Wants a relationship formed. The word that was tossed around was a frame work, a frame work Going Forward as it relates to the top issues. Trade is one of the issues. President trump made a theme as to tariffs, that that might not be on top of the trade agenda. Here is what he said in an interview that he gave to the Financial Times earlier this week as relateds to tariffs. He says i dont want to talk about tariffs yet. Maybe the next time we meet. I dont want to talk about tariffs yet. When i spoke with that white house official, i say is now is not the time, when would be the time . I was given a pushback. I said look, that might come up over the next 24 hours, but its not like theres any sort of grand resolution as it comes to that issue. The two are expected to meet for the first time about an hour or so from now as both families sit down for dinner. Neil . Neil thanks, blake. I want to get neil carter to respond. So many president s prior have had this eggshell walk on how to deal with china. The fear is, dont get them too upset because they own so much of our debt and they could start selling it and sticking it to us. Donald trump has been a very, very big critic and obviously says things will be different with him. You expect it to be . It very well could be. Were very dependent on each other. Our economies are interlaced. He will be strong and he will be tough on them, but this is a good first step that hes having this meeting. Its very interesting that hes chosen to have it at maralargo instead of the white house. That makes it his turf. Somewhat of a power play. Hes sending an interesting signal. Probably very uncomfortable for the chinese president , because he wants to follow protocol, especially with all of the crackdowns in china on everything that theyve had over going on over there. So this is going to be really interesting to see how it progresses. Its interesting to say that donald trump is not talking about tariffs right now. I think hes focused on taxes and america first, which is the right thing for him to be doing. Neil one of the things youre saying, the chinese rigged their currency, they rig even the numbers that they have come out and say how great their recovery is going and the juggernaut that they seem to have globally. He doesnt seem to put much stock in what they say theyre doing. How is that going to be received . I dont think its going to be received very well. I think theres a long tradition of mistrust of china. Our relationship has been strained for years. A lot of misinformation, a lot of lies, a lot of stiff upper lip that happens and people dont understand the differences in the culture. Its a very different culture. Donald trump has been tough over the years as you showed in your interview in 2011. Hes like skeptical of that country. I think thats going to make the relationship difficult, but i think hes going to hold firm. Were going to have to find a way to work together. Neil he played the same card with russia to try to get the russias to try to do something about alassad in syria and trying to do the same with the chinese leader to reign in north korea. That rarely works on Foreign Policy circles. What do you think . Look, i think were in a different day. Its hard to know what is going to happen. We havent seen anything like this before. Donald trump is not necessarily a statesman in traditional ways, but he does have rex tillerson. Hes a very strong secretary of state. Well see how this plays out. Im optimistic and hopeful. Neil a lot of stuff. Thanks for indulging us on the breaking news with china. Lee carter. New calls for a garage jury to really look into susan rices alleged unmasking of trump aides even if the cover shes giving is that nothing was done for political purposes after this. Attention homeowners age sixtytwo and older. One reverse mortgage has a great way for you to live a better retirement. Its called a reverse mortgage. 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Not a peep, not a word outside of the side show, a side interest regarding susan rice. Its weird. Yeah. It is. Ill tell you something, this would not even be an issue but for susan rice. When you look at the legal issues surrounding this, if susan rice did not unmask and help distribute this information, we wouldnt be talking about this. What did we find out . The president s most senior advisors, susan rice, was the one that authorized the unmasking which included the president s associates, maybe the president himself. Neil she dances around the subject that it wasnt for political intent. If she did that, is that illegal in her security role that she had with barack obama . Unmasking in an of itself is not illegal. You can unmask to a procedure. It would neil unless you had compelling reason. Even if you had the authority to do it. Theres a statute that says it was unlawful to mask, you cant put it to the commerce, you cant put it out there to be leaked. In other words, its a conspiracy statue. Susan rice doesnt leak it but gist it to three or four other peoples and theres wings and nods, thats a crime. Thats the conspiracy. Neil where is this going . Theres a mad rush to make sure we have plenty of investigations to go 0 who in the trump team knew who and when. Not on who was spying on the trump team and up to the inauguration. So i guess where is this going . Well, what the attorney general may have done, they need to empanel a grand jury. Dr. Farcus talking about leaks and loretta lynch, the form attorney general. You can have that going on simultaneously with these congressional investigations. I would have a grand jury here and make it clear that in the United States of america, we dont like unmasking but we really dont like unmasking with an intentional leak. Thats where the violation is. Neil could they hold off on the grand jury stuff because now youre getting a lot of investigative cooks in the kitsche kitchen . Sometimes the reference to the department of justice will come from the committee. The thing that makes this distinction, i suspect that susan rice and others will claim executive privileges, may claim fifth amendment privileges. They can say they dont want to incriminate themselves. They may claim executive privilege under the previous administration. If this administration, the current one, President Trump says were not worried about that, drop that executive privilege, its significant. That may take one for the team or may be that the evidence comes out differently. If youre looking at it lawyer that litigates and ive been litigating 30 years, if im her defense lawyer, the first thing id have her do, stop making tweets and comments that she was making. She lied. She told one group two weeks ago, i didnt have anything to do with it and then she said she did but it wasnt for political reasons. What else was it for at that point . Neil we have to go back to ben gaza that should give you pause. Thanks. Neil were learning that the president of the United States is not inclined to tell everybody what he is on syria. But he let it be known without letting any one know the specifics of what he wants to do. But that he is doing something. After this. Theres no doubt in our mind that the Syrian Regime and the leadership of Bashar Alassad is responsible for this horrific attack. We think its time that the russians need to think and their continued support of the alassad regime. Neil the secretary of state on, you know, what we do now in syria that were going to do something, obviously, he and his boss are not telegraphing what that something will be. But arkansas senator tom cotton with us now. Presumably well work with our allies in the region, maybe outside to do something should that be the first step. We should work with our allies where we can but we have to work alone if we must. The threats from syria are grave. President obama should have enforced the red line when he said that the use of chemical weapons would be a red line. He shouldnt have walked away at the time. Now the world has seen another atrocity committed by Bashar Alassad. Its these images that are the primary recruiting tool for the islamic state. President trump was very emotionally touched by this and he recognizes the deep u. S. Interest that we have in syria. So i think hes struck the right tone yesterday expressing moral outrage and being unspecific about the consequences that Bashar Alassad will face but there must be consequences. Neil its not as if this is news out of what weve seen from Bashar Alassad. As a candidate, donald trump was very leery getting involved with syria with others or alone. Furthermore, the idea of taking alassad out of paw power could be a zero sum game. What is the goal now . One way or the other, alassad has to go. Ive long believed Bashar Alassad has to go. I dont think the United States can be safe from the threats emanating from syria with alassad in power. Military action against syria does not have to have a goal of removing Bashar Alassad from power. Remember operation El Dorado Canyon in 1986 when reagan bombed libya. Reagan didnt try to remove qaddafi from power or establish liberal policy in libya but engaged in punishing strikes against libya to teach qaddafi a lesson. Neil you think russia would allow that . Its depends on how we perceive their actions. Vladimir putin has not dealt in good faith with the United States and our allies. But if we take military action against the sites for chemical munitions where the aircraft conducted the attacks or Radar Systems that help guide these attacks, russia doesnt have much of an option to retaliate against us. They might issue a stronglyworded statement at the United Nations but they understand that the United States means business. Neil switching to neil gorsuch. Looks like this time tomorrow night he will be the new justice but largely on republican support only except for four democratic senators. They have the rules have changed that the senate is not much different than the house. What do you think . The senate is very different from the house of representatives. Thats the way our founders designed it. But for 214 years, neil until 2003, there had never been a partisan filibuster of any nominee of any kind. It was Chuck Schumer and the democrats in 2003 that started the extraordinary practice of filibustering judges. The first time in 2014 years. Over the last 14 years, theres been action by both sides, but now today we have returned the senate to where it was for 214 years, which is probably where we should have stayed. Nominees brought to the floor of the senate deserve an up or down vote. Tomorrow night neil gorsuch will be confirmed. Neil and democrats will be running the senate eventually. They might ram a choice down your throat, too. How would you feel . No republican senator has ever voted to filibuster a Supreme Court nominee. If a senator choses to vote against a nominee on the merits, thats one thing. But to deny a Supreme Court nominee an up or down vote is not in keeping can Senate Tradition for 214 years. Oftentimes in live and the United States senate, the unwritten rules are just as important as the written rules. Thanks very much, senator cotton. The fallout of that after this. Talk about a president with a lot on his plate trying to get the world with him on dealing with the which are in syria anw he plays all of that, which is why were alive saturday morning as they followed of all of this comes fast and furious. Were there. We hope you are too. The five is now. Eric bolling with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. It is 5 00, and this is the five. A very big news day, following four big breaking story speed devin nunes has stepped aside from the russian appropriate republicans have gone nuclear to get neil gorsuch confirmed. The u. S. Navy coming closer to taking action in syria. And a highstakes meeting is about to take place between President Trump and chinas leaders xi jinping. We

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