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Ban. I disagree with that for the reason that its the potential of the disease that is most important. Let me offer some things. Its a contact disease. You cannot get it unless youre in contact with the person that has the disease or material that person has been in contact with himself or herself. It is a disease for which there is no cure no vaccine. Its extremely deadly in africa, 50 of the people who contract ebola are dead in certain places up to 90 . The issue is that at this moment, up until the case in shores, and for that reason, our own Healthcare System is not yet deeply tested. It is not well rehearsed force these kind of problems and we can see how much disorder any wound of these incidences can occur, and last dr. Miller, what kind of travel ban do you want . Anybody who has been affected in the hot zone in the last week, doesnt come to america . Is that the kind of ban . Theu kind of ban im talking about would definitely restrict those people that have been in the hot zone, coming over, and could last for 21 days. Until we can be sure their disease, free. Dr. Bill miller, thank you for joining us. Now take a look at this, this is how ebola patient dr. Kent brantley arrived at the hospital here in the United States. Now look at how this sheriffs deputy with ebolalike symptoms arrived at a dallas hospital yesterday. Tests on the deputy just coming back negative, but still a concern over how this was handled. That remains. Brantley was covered head to toe, protective gear. This deputy was in shorts and he, along with other officials, entered thomas duncans apartment without any protective gear. Casey stiegel is in dallas with the latest. Reporter the Dallas County Sheriffs Association telling fox news they believe the feds should have handled anything that had to do with thomas duncan, with thomas duncans family or the apartment, and that local Law Enforcement should not have been exposed to any of it in any manner, but of course the good news and headline is the breaking news coming out of the state of texas, this Law Enforcement member, this first responder, negative for ebola despite being hospitalized here at Texas Health Presbyterian hospital. Weiss in Good Condition no fever, just started feeling sick yesterday, brought to the hospital as a precaution. He had been briefly inside the apartment of thomas duncans family but duncan was not there. He had already been hospitalized. The deputy not wearing any protective gear but neither did a local judge when he went in to help move the quarintined family last week. Listen. I told him they were a great family, and proud of the they they were handling things and talked to one young man about his school and we had a conversation like people would have on the road. A fairly normal ride except for the fact theyre being mon forced for a serious illness and were surrounded by squad cars. The family members remain under 1 quarintine until october 19th. Still, none of them are showing any symptoms of ebola at this point. Now to spain. Hundreds of protesters clashing with police, shouting, assassins, after authorities decided to take no chances, putting a dog owned by an ebola victim to sleep. Trace . Reporter despite a plea from the owners the petition signed by 400,000 people to not put the dog down and instead put it in isolation, excalibur, the dog, was put down early today and is now scheduled to be cremated at some near time. Now, the woman who owns the dog is being treated for ebola at a madrid hospital. Thought to have contracted the disease from a spanish priest who was working in west africa and died from ebola. He womans husband has not shown any symptoms but is under quarintine. Protesters tried to stop the health adapt from actually going in and taking the dog away but police with batons actually pushed the crowd back. Now, the fear was the dog could spread the disease by biting, licking, or its bodily waste. Dogs do carry ebola but they dont show any symptoms, and there is no evidence that a dog has ever died from it. Listen now to a veterinarian. I think its unfortunate they euthanized the dog. I think thereanever been any evidence of transmission from dogs to humans. Its never happened. In any sense. So, we dont have any scientific information that the dog was a risk. Reporter keep in mind ebola in wild animals lime chimpanzees and monkeys are lethal and can spread the disease to humans but despite the lack of evidence that a dog has ever transmitsed the disease, it appears as if spain was just playing it safe. Thank you. 32 billion. Thats how much the world bank now estimates the Ebola Outbreak in africa will cost by next year. The u. N. Chief says 20 times more aide may be needed. Treating one person costs a half million in the u. S. Decontaminating one apartment, 130,000. With all these costs spiraling, betsy mckoy is worried. Why . I worry about the human and the financial costs of continuing to allow unrestricted commercial air traffic from west africa, directly or indirectly, into the United States. You want a travel ban. Yes. Whatever money the United States spends helping to contain the epidemic should be spent on the continent of africa, containing the disease in africa and preparing the nations the african nations in ebu as future path because the hospitals in the United States are not prepared to contain ebola. 75,000 patients in america die in these hospitals each year from ordinary infections spreading in the hospital because of the lack of you have to tell me about the costs here. Is it correct to say that the hospital costs for mr. Thomas duncan was 500,000. Thats right. No one discussed how thats going to be paid for. What about the cleanup of the apartment . I spoke to the cleanup crew chief. He put it at 130,000 to clean up onea8 apartment. Lets discuss also the preparations that are being undergone now in cities all across this country, especially in the five airport hubs, such as chicago, and new york, to prepare hospitals to prepare transportation workers, to prepare ems, first responders. Hundreds of millions of dollars preparing them in case theres an ebola case here in the United States again. When in fact that money could be much more wisely spent overseas. Wait a second. Do you think that the cost of treating each ebola patient, or suspect, is such that we Simple Police cannot afford it and must impose a travel ban . Is that the arguement . The costs are unaffordable but the bigger argument is the humanwrq cost. Why should a nurse going to work at a hospital in new york or chicago, face the ultimatum of perfectly putting on all of this containment gear or death. That is what is happening. The nurse in madrid, she treated two ebola patients she had full protective gear but shenf inadvertently, were told, touched her face with her gloved hand in the process of removing her gear. Well, that could happen to any nurse or doctor in the United States. We know from the record of infections in the United States that Infection Control is not practiced perfectly and rigorously in the United States as Thomas Friedman says it should be to contain ebola. 216 workers have died. They were not taking care of patients travel bans, claj5n closed. Thats right. Betsy, thank you. More wild, wild swings on wall street, as worries about the economy continue to mount to Fox Business Network on what is fueling is. Cheryl . Wild is a great word for the week that we have had. We had a triple digit selloff on tuesday, big rally on wednesday, here we are on thursday. You can see were settling down, 330 points, loss of more than two percent, a lot of is worries about global growth. Europe not looking good. This is a broadbased selloff. Every market was affected. Notu Just Technology or big American Companies. It was everybody. The dow losing more than 10 , nasdaq more than 2 percent, s p 500 more than two percent. One bright spot is the topic of oil. We talk about this on fox business. Oil actually hitting an incredible new oil. Actually dropping 20 for the month of june. Thats good for american drivers. Thats good for American Companies that are looking to maybe expand their businesses, cheap are gas cost is good for all. But i will say the big concern with government officials, particularly the fed, is the dollar. If you have a stronger dollar that makes a weaker price on oil it about that is helping the economy out there. Real quick, jobless numbers coming in today, 287,000, a little bit of a drop. Didnt help anybody as far as wall street because they decided theyre going to hit the sell button anyway, and they did that very enecktively. Well see effectively. See how the marks open tomorrow. Ebola and our borders, a top u. S. General sounds the alarm. Meet the border agent demanding action right now. 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And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. [safety beeping] [safety beeping] [safety beeping] the nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies. The only thing left to fear is your imagination. Nissan. Innovation that excites. If ebola breaks out in haiti or central america, i think it is literally katy bar the door in terms of the mass migration of Central Americans into the United States. So, these populations will move. To either run away from ebola or if they have been are in the fear of having been infected, to get to the United States to be taken care of. That was the leader of our southern command, u. S. Marine corps general, john kelly, and chris, do you agree with the general there, that if ebola america . With that . I do agree with that 100 . Has anything been done whatever on the border to secure it in the event of that kindcs f outbreak . You know, actually, nothing has. We caught an individual last night from east africa, not the zone where its concentrated, but there is still some type of threat there, and the quarintined area set up consisted of four traffic cones and yellow caution tape, and they thought Border Patrol management thought that was sufficient. If the government were to get in front of this, they would have to secure the border in some way, which is something they appear unwilling to do. Correct . Theyre unwilling to do and it were looking at probably a 30 apprehension rate, and we need to get in front of this one where were more reactive than proactive. Until that changes well be behind he curve on this one. The Homeland Security chief, jeh johnson, held a press conference and talk about informing the public about court. He said i can bill more fences, install more invase sit screening devicesask more squeeze alarm the public enough to make everybody suspicious of each other and Simple Police stay home. Doesnt simply stay home. Doesnt sound like he wants to do any border securing. Exactly. What needs to be done is we need to have our agents in the field where they belong, stop cutting our manpower and cutting our hours and getting our guys on the front line. What do the other border6 agents think . Is your opinion common . Very much so. I was brought in yesterday with some of the guys were upset when they brought this gentleman in, that not enough was being done to protect our agents, and one is making the policies, one making the rules how to handle things are so far removed from the front line they cant grasp what is going on and our guys are at risk. Have you heard anything at all from your managers to the effect they understand there might be a problem brewing . Anything÷r at all from them . I dont think theyre too much at least from what we heard they dont seem too concerned about it. They think they dont think anything will happen down here, and i hope theyre right. However i dont think they are. I think its a matter of time before we see the first one. U. S. Border patrol agent chris cabrera, thank you for joining us. Sure. The pentagon bracing for another key city to fall to isis. Over there. Why a top u. S. Senator says thats very bad news for our security here. At od, whatever business youre in, thats the business were in. With Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. So far u. S. Airstrikes not stopping isis in kobani. Militants continuing to advance. Why should you carry . Republican senator Lindsey Graham has an idea. The stronger they get over there, the more endangered we are here. President obamas strategy of half measures is making it much more likely that america will be hit by another terrorist attack because if they take kobani, then theyre going to be able to recruit more and more jihaddists from america and europe and other places, and they can come back here and strike us as home. Former u. S. Navy seal Jonathan Gilliam says the senator is right. So, why dont you spell this out for me. Kobani falls. How does that mean more terrorist striking here . He makes a great point. The more of these border towns they get, and these big border crossings, the easier for people to come over. Right now theyre getting 3400 people a month that are joining isis. Thats a lot of people. And as they increase the ability to get over the borders and in there, those numbers could increase as well. Also, these are strategic resupply routes if we have to goo into syria. If this fall wes have to go back in and reclear the city. Do you really think theres going to be a significant military push . The marine corps or whom so ever, fighting in syria and iraq . Unfortunately i dont think it will happen with this administration unless theyre forced into it. So therefore, the greater the success of isis, the greater the threat right here in america . Thats right. You go with that equation. The bigger theyve get, the more successful over there the more people inspired over here, the more people that already have their ideology similarities will start to recruit harder because they see the strength over here. The same thing here. You get inside when kids see your team wins, you join that team. Action always beats reaction and theyre doing the action. What do you make of the nib asking the fbi asking for information on the executioner. Its a great tactic, and i applaud them for doing it. However, at the same time theyre pulling out of mosques from doing surveillance or running sources and theyre trying to get this new policy to go through where they say you cant look at a mosque unless you know theresdn criminal behavior going through. What that is telling me is theres some type of ideaogy within the department of justice putting the American Public in charge of collecting information. Is it Political Correctness . 100 Political Correctness. Finances, if people were investing with this much Political Correctness they would go broke. If this is a new war on terror, if it is, are we losing it . Its not new and, yes, we are losing. Ive been saying this for over 15 years skins ive been in the since ive been in the special forces and Law Enforcement. Experts have been saying this since 1979 when iran fell. That was the beginning of this movement and uprising of people saying we can be a state again. Leon panetta says its a 30year war. Do you agree. If we let it be. It doesnt have to be. Leon panetta has never been in the military. Can end it quickly with american troops. Look what we did when we went into kuwait. We brought the force we needed. Thats the problems. We have politics, politics, and politics and what i believe narcissist at the top and they wont allow people to go in. They want to gamble on the odds nothing big will gon over. If one person gets killed they call it workplace violence. Thank you for joining us, sir. Another ebola scare on a plane. This time the passenger wasnt sick. His sense of humor was. What can your fidelity greenline do for you . Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. Helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. And save on taxes where you can. So you can invest in the life that you want today. Tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. Call or come in today for a free oneonone review. Hazmat suits rushed on a plane not for a skinning passengerrer but a sick joke. Lois lerner wants to talk. Too bad her neighbor isnt interested. Thats why we created programs which encourage people to take their medications regularly. So join us as we raise a glass to everyone who remembered today. Bottoms up, america. See you tomorrow. Same time. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. But parallel parking isnt one you do a lof them. Ings great. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. Hazmat suits and a twohour delakers only nobody was sick withmw ebola. Leeland vitter has the details of a bad joke gone bad. Reporter exactly. This flight was going from philadelphia to the dough minion republican. Some guy jump upped and scream, have ebola, and you can imagine the pandemonium and panic caused on an airliner. These are videos and pictures taken on the plane when it landed of hazmat suits who quarintined the passenger. He had not been to africa and did not have ebola. Passengers we talked to that were most concerned about being on a plane with someone with ebola and say they really wish there were even more checks, especially here at Dulles International airport where the first confirmed case of an american with ebola came through this area, in this airport, and thats one of the airports here that is going to bec2n part of enhanced screening, dulles, new york, jfk, atlanta, and chicago, will all have more checks on the 150 or so peoplez  who come in from the hot zone every day into the United States. Theyre going to have their Temperature Check with a thermometer they point at your forehead, and if somebody has a fever theyll be taken to a quarintine and then theirs a decision whether to keep that person there at the airport, send them to the hospital or give them a way of checking in with Health Officials over the next couple of days. A lot of people tell you this is really not much more than window dressing. Keep in mind, thomas eric duncan, the man who did come to the United States, with ebola, was a liberian national, didnt have a fever when he came in. So despite the fact therapisting in new measures folks say they may not catch the next guy who tries to enter the United States with ebola. Back to you. Meanwhile, the president is calling for one billion dollars to be reassigned to the administrations ebola efforts, but senator republican senator david vitter says he wantstto see a plan. The president does have a plan. He wants to use the military over there and test airports over here. You want more than that, i take it. Absolutely, stuart. I think we need more details and i think we need stronger action with regard to using things like travel restrictions. I dont thinkuh we should just give the president relatively speaking a blank check, a billion dollars, without having congress far more involved, for more involved actively in the discussion. More detail and talking directly about travel restrictions. Senator, thats my point. Are you going to say, give us a travel ban or you dont get any money . Is it as blunt as that . It is for me. But Congress Needs to be fully engaged in the conversation, but, yes, at this point, based on what i know, i think there needs to be travel restrictions. Do you believe this administration is out front, in front of this problem . I think clearly not. I really dont. And this is something that there can be serious consequences regarding if were not out front of this and very better safe than sorry, better cautious. There seems to be a problem with moving quickly. There are four airports where the testing will begin this weekend, saturday. I believe in chicagos ohare, the testing doesnt start until monday, and then its merely a question of taking temperatures and filling out a questionnaire. This whole proposed regime of testing, i think strikes most people quite frankly as completely inadequate to the point of being laughable. Clearly, clearly, clearly, this isuo not a serious way to stop infected folks from getting into the country. Clearly there are all sorts of opportunities for infected folks to get into the country. The person who unfortunately died in dallas, would have almost certainly gotten into the country, under this regime. So, it seems to me its clearly inadequate. Doctor told me this morning that he is a point guy for ela from the administration, or at least one of them. He said only one ebola patient has emergede5 in the United States, only one confirmed patient here. He says that is not enough to impose draconian travel bans the problem is win theres 100 its too late. Thats the problem. And thats what were trying to get ahead of and not be behind that curve. Republican senator david vitter. Thank you for joining us, sir. Thank you, stuart. I hope lois lerner never needs to borrow a cup of sugar because clearly her neighbors wont help her. Not even an apology. Wo theyre not leaving me alone. Gist want to come in for a second. Shes trying to get in your house, doesnt want to answer questions i dont blame you. I wouldnt want her in my house either. While she is being turned away, did that reporter go too far . That reporter is here next. My name is michael. Im 55 years old and i have diabetic nerve pain. The pain was terrible. 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Ask your doctor about lyrica and visit lyrica. Com to learn about our 25 copay offer. I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . T think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Talk about whiplash. If youre worried the dows up and downs are doing a number of your retirement, youre not alone. Finance guru larry on what to do to protect yourself and your savings. Larry, its october. Some people call that crash month. Why dont i just sell my investments, walk away, put it into a safe bank deposit and sleep well at night. Whats wrong with< l÷ that . You know, that almost sounds tempting, doesnt it . It doesnt usually result in a good thing long term. What were seeing happening right now with the dow dropping 300 plus points today is the same thing we watch happen over and over again. Its a new crisis with an identical response. People need to take a deep breath, keep doing what they have been doing, save money on a regular basis, a consistent basis, and long term they will win. You have to understand that investing is a logical plan that results in longterm financial gain. Its not an emotional reaction to the current news story. Supposing im in my early to mid60s. And im about to retire. And i got my chunk all stashed away in the stock market and im ready to draw it down. Isnt that a pretty good excuse to get out while the going is go and live off the cash . I dont think it would be a good excuse to do it today with the dow dropping 300 points. I think you ought to wait a while and watch, and make sure you have to really do some planning about how much money its going to take you to live. Have you adjusted your lifestyle enough that you can live on what enough that you can live on what you take outj very same lifestyle and they havent gone through the process to understanding if they really do have enough money. There are a lot of steps to go through before you cash out and put your money in a safety deposit box. Look, if your choice is, half percent return on a bank cd, three or four percent tops return on a bond, versus the possibility of a big gain in the stock market, or risk in the stock market, i guess youre saying, take that risk for the very long term and leave it in stocks. Is that your point . Thats my point, especially in a scenario you said about being early to mid60s. Thats still pretty soon. You got a long time left to live. Can you last another 20 years . On what you have . Im doing all right. Hold on, larry. Its time to take one of your questions for your world, your plan questions. Todays question is from maty. The asks do you see bit condition down or crypto currencies becoming a viable savings route for young people . No. Thats just silly. Thats like planning on building your retirement on l monopoly employ. Gold, real estate, better places than this madeup fake money. Thats what we like, cleancut opinions, say what you mean. Thank you, larry. Thank you. You didnt hesitate to target conservatives but hesitating to speak. Why . You dont feel bad. You were using the government as a weapon . To try to crush political anything, miss lerner . Can you call the police, please . All right to the guy demanding answers from the woman at the center of the irs0x scandal. Jason is the author of crapitalism. Youre getting a lot of flak for that video. People say you press ode too hard. You harassed her. I dont think so. I think the opposite, actually. Theres overwhelming support for what i did in confronting lois lerner. If you look at the social media reaction, generally its positive. Finally someone in the media who is trying to hoped lois  lernr accountable for using the brute force of ther is is to crack down on conservatives, just wanting to exercise their constitutional right of free expression. I want to show you one of the reactions to your video from bob beckle. Roll tape. Youre twice as young as i am. Youre a punk. Youre a coward, and i would like you to call me anytime, anyplace, and lets discuss it because youre a coward, youre a punk, you pick on people, and you deserve to have your kicked and i want to do it. There you have it, your response, please. Well, i was actually a little surprised that you have the most and an employee of fox news, threatening physical violence to a reporter who is going out and doing his job. What should have been done a while ago and that is asking lois lerner these questions, which were basic questions. I wasnt yelling in her face. I was giving her, her room. And heres a woman who she had guilty written all over her face. She tucked tail and ran across the yard, tried to bust into a neighbors house. She is not giving any interviews to the press so your left with little option, and lets be honest. What bob beck el has not paid attention to local news. Beat reported around the country are constantly staking out politiciansc or bureaucratted d trying to hole them accountable. So what i did is not anything new. It happens every single day. Turn it around a second. Could you you were harsh. You pursued her. Did you therefore make more sympathy for lois lerner . I dont think anyone has sympathy for her. Most people think she should be behind bars see a woman pursued on private property she is you forced her into neighbors property she voluntary i wented and her a she was running away from you. Okay. Isnt it the job of the press to be adversarial to corrupt bureaucrats . Heres a woman who is living large now on a six figure government pension, so not only did she barrel over taxpayers for harassing, she was the one who was targeting them and a proxy for Obama Administration to silence opposition voices. They think she should be hounded more with questions, not less. Are you going to do something similar again . With lois learn center. With anyone. Im just getting started. Theres a video up today, people can go to daily surge. Com. And see me going after harry reid and asking him how he got so rich off of living on a government paycheck. If you can believe it, harry reids bodyguard essentially body slams me into a wall. Where do i find that . Daily surge. Com. I got to see it. Or youtube slash jason mattera. Its been all over the news today. Im in the news business, okay . Thank you very much. Democrats going the distance to create distance. But will it work . Career politicians have failed. The only way to change washington, vote them out. Trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. So ally bank really has no hidden fethats right. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. But parallel parking isnt one you do a lof them. Ings great. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. And often even more. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 89. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. I want to you listen to something and keep in mind that all of these candidates youre about to see are democrats. Career politicians like doug lamb born and nancy pelosi have failed. Theres only one way to change washington. Vote them out. I vote against nancy pelosi as speaker. The white house, when they look down the front lawn the last person they warrant to see coming is me. Ill stand up to leaders of both parties who threaten our way of life. Ill make sure president obama gets the message. The administrations policies are simply wrong when it comes to oil and Gas Production in this nation. Im not barack obama. Well, did you notice a pattern. Bob cusack sure did. He says voters are not going to buy it. Do you really think democrats will still be associated with the president and Speaker Pelosi and senator reid no matter what they say in their ads . I mean, you cant blame them for trying but will it work is another thing. Because when they go to the ballot, they will see that d right next to their name, and if midterms and president ial collections are about the president or the party that is in power in the white house, and if president obama had 70 approval rating, you wouldnt see those ads. So these are politicians. They read the political winds but overall is it going to work with most voters . I dont think so. It seems theyre moving away from washington, d. C. , as much as they are running away from former Speaker Pelosi and senator reid and the president. Yes, yes. Thats right. You have seen some independents, whether its in south dakota or north carolina. People have gravitated towards the independents. We saw a wave in 2006 and 2008 for democrats, but then we saw a wave in 2010 for republicans, and the distaste for washington is at an all time high. Thats what theyre trying to tap into. You cant blame them for trying but overall when voters go, theyre going to vote for either the d or the r in most cases, and if the president as this president is mired in the low 40s, thats going to hurt his party come november 4th. Where those candidates have tried to oppose president obama, how are they doing in the polls . Some of them are hanging in there. You look at senator Mary Landrieu in louisiana, that could be actually decided in a runoff after november because neither candidate is going to get to 50 in all likelihood. You look at mark pryor in the red state of arkansas. Hes hanging in there with tom cotton. Mark begich in alaska seems to be slipping. The republican there seems to have the edge now. But theyre in the ballpark. So its hard to beat incumbents because they have a big money advantage usually, but overall as we get closer we have seen more good news for republicans but around the country, even in a red state like south dakota, its not a slam dunk that the republican is going to win there, and i think these incumbents do have to worry about the distaste for washington. Its not unusual though, is it, in the last two years of an eightyear term of a president. Its not unusual for congressional candidates to run away. Its not unusual. No, its not. We saw that with president bush in 2006 after the iraq war was doing badly, katrina. And what happened . The democrats won not only the house but the senate. President obama, he lost the house in 2010, and he may lose the senate in 2014. All right. Bob cusack, thanks very much, sir. Now a white house denial about a secret Service Prostitution scandal just created another one. Theres no indication that any member of the White House Advance Team engaged in any Improper Conduct or behavior. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. The secret is out over that secret Service Prostitution scandal and a possible white house connection. To our ed henry with the latest. Ed . Good to see you. What the Washington Post is reporting is theyve gotten Hotel Records suggesting that a white house advancer, a volunteer, not a paid stofer, named jonathan dock was part of this as well and the records show there was a prostitute signed into his hotel room in colombia when president obama two years ago attended that summit in cartagena. Previously it was all about secret Service Agents who had lost their jobs. Whats happening now is you have republicans on the hill saying this is a double standard. The secret Service Agents took all the blame but there might have been at least one white house person involved. Remember, two years ago jay carney repeatedly denied there was a white house connection. White House Counsel checked the Hotel Records down in clol b colombia to see if any white house staff im not going to get into the specifics. I would simply say that the review the white House Counsel oversaw and led produced no indication of any misconduct, and again im not going to get into specifics of it, and what i also wont do is engage in speculation. So they would not get into the specifics of what investigation they had done. Jonathan dock has an attorney who tells us, quote, the poths bases its allegations almost exclusively on a hotel log with the name of a prostitute and a room number. Yet neither jonathan dac hs name nor his signature appears on the hotel log ands a the post reported another instance of a mistaken hotel log wrongly implicated a secret Service Agent as well. The point here is that the administration maybe wanted to keep this quiet until after the 2012 election, is that the bottom line here . Jason chaffetz, a republican from utah, who has been investigating various secret Service Problems said they swept it under the carpet months before the 2012 election to keep it a secret service scandal. The white house deny it is and says there was a Bipartisan Senate report that looked at this and cleared them. Ed henry, thank you very much. Tomorrow, the ceo of choba ni. What he makes of how our president is handling isis in iraq and syria. That is tomorrow on the Fox Business Network. It kicks off at 11 00 a. M. Eastern sharp. The five is next. Hello, everyone. This is the five. You remember the colombian prostitution scandal that vanished after the secret Service Agents vanished. A young white house staffer and son of a big democratic donor was there, too. Was he punished as well . Well, if you call landing a gig at the office of womens global issues punishment, then, yes, he did. So i guess he was just doing undercover work in colombia

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