First, what do you make of that and these 40someodd americans, were told senator, have gotten back into this country and no one knows what they will be doing. Thats a real threat. Thats one of the reasons that makes them so dangerous. Not just the americans but perhaps hundreds of thousands of those that joined isil abroad who have passports from countries that allow them easy access to the United States. It includes the prospect of lone wolf attacks pb basically individuals that never travelled to syria, never joined isis but somehow have come to sympathize with them for one reason or the other, here in the u. S. Now, and can carry out attacks. It is a dangerous situation and one we need to look into. What makes isis so dangerous is how quickly they expand through territory, the large amount of money they got their hands on and the number of foreign fighters. But there are multiple groups out there actively plot awning an ongoing basis to attack americans on the homeland and around the world. It would be like closing the barn door after the animals left to cut up their passports, at o least with these guys. What do we do . First of all we have to be more vigilant in identifying as many of them as possible. Secondly, try to identify anyone trying to carry out an take in the u. S. I this i what makes this more difficult is that these groups are not as given to big spectacular attacks. When you do Something Like god forbid 9 11, that requires a level of coordination that takes a significant period of time. If, however, your plan is to to do a domestic attack that involves killing a couple dozen people, similar to the boston marathon, those are more difficult to stop. A lot less chatter, lot less activity, lot less planning and a lot less coordination. This is an ongoing threat into the foreseeable future because radical islam is not just an organization it is an ideology that spread to every corner of the world now. Senator, i know you cant talk about much saicommittee, b Alan Hennings wife has a video file that has been released, and ko could be the next victim on the attacks on foreigners. As this keeps escalating in the light of our attacks, does it mean we do need boots on the ground . Does it need that isis will acting as it has . Or put at least some boots on the ground . Do you agree with that . We have to understand the goal. The goal is to defeat radical islam anywhere in the United States. Thats what we have to focus on, not just tactics. Second is can we defeat them simply through air strikes . The answer is no. We can degrade them, hurt them dramatically and set them back but you cannot ultimately defeat them. They are an army, an insurgency. Not just a terrorist group. They have to be defeated by someone on the ground. In a perfect world, thats local forces. Iraqi army. Syrian rebels. Kurds. But very few people think thats going to come together in time. There is a very real possibility it will require some level of american Ground Troops special operation operators, things of this nature, to carry out that sort of mission in the longterm. Because the answer cant be that if the iraqis and Syrian Rebels cant beat them, iscsis gets to stay. That cant be the alternative. Senator, whatever attack we take to isis right now will spill over into the next president and maybe the next president after that. Do you buy that argument that this is sort of like a generational battle to take on terror . Isis, just the latest event . I hope that isnt the case, but we he have to be prepared for the reality that it could be. These groups certainly think in those terms. They think in terms after long term struggle, not just a two or threeyear endeavor. Just as we saw in the last decade, a decade and half since 9 11, used to be a onecore group called al qaeda. Went into the tribal areas of pakistan. Now al qaeda has multiple affiliates, including now one in the indian peninsula. Spinoff groups like isis and isil. You have the groups in syria, other radical groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and others. Groups operating out of libya, northern africa. This is a real threat. And it will continue to pose one as these groups continue to spin off and take on newity racings throughout the world. So we need to be prepares for the fact that for the rest of our lifetimes, you and i and others watching this program, radical islam will pose a threat to the west and peace and security. If you ever became president , if you ever had the interest, senator, would you advocate a permanent u. S. Troop presence in the region . Permanent . Absolutely. Let me give twou examples of why. Number one, the al qaeda mission, the mission to target bin laden would have been impossible without a u. S. Troop mission in afghanistan. Second were youve seen what happened in iraq. People think that having troops on the ground in iraq would have prevented isils advance, and thats true to some extent. When the u. S. Pulled out in iraq it allows maliki to go hard and create a Fertile Ground for the inurge he is n insurgency we see. They hashia so much they are willing to welcome the fighters. Now they have radical shia law they are imposing. At the time, ice yil took advantage, not just of the weak nusts iraqi army but the lack of support that baghdad had in many of the sunni areas. If the u. S. Has a presence, we would have more leverage over how maliki conducted affairs, a more table region and a place to conduct operations against other threats in the region. Im not saying a hundred thousand troops but certainly some level allowing us to project power quickly and confront challenges and threats. Thats a somewhat different stance, senator, thats your colleague rand paul, who you know, sort of taken an opposite view with Hillary Clintons argument that maybe had we taken a tougher approach and supported those trying to overthrow syrias assad, that that might have bb bad news then. A number of republicans were pushing for that at time but that would have only emboldened, what he said, is isis to the. Do you agree with that . No. What happen says, im not saying to you first of all, we didnt start the uprising in syria. It was started by syrians. I believe at time we should try to find someone we could work with on the ground in syria and make sure they are the Strongest Group there. If we dpt, it would leave a space. And that space is filled with foreign fighters because foreign fighters in jihadists need operating space. They are constantly looking for a vacuum where they can go. Thats what happened. These groups were weakened. These foreign fighters came in. They were able to acquire weapons, able to acquire funding through donors throughout the gulf kingdom. The most powerful groups in syria were not the ones we could work with but were foreign fighters from isil. Now we have this threat on our hands. There is no guarantee that would have worked, but it was guaranteed that our failure to try to identify someone we could have worked with early on created the space that allowed isil to come in and thats the result of it now. I think the president made a major mistake. Rand paul criticized john mccain for being all over the map on this. Hands off as a libertarian earlier days now running for president , is less so. Do you agree with that . Im sorry . Rand pauls evolving positions on foreign policy. I will leave it up to him to tell what you his positions are today. Like i said, i dont if someone changed their mind on national security, we welcome that because the threat is now real. What i think is important to understand for future di decisions is that to not engage early on is what left in place the condition that made the rise of isil possible. Thats a big mistake. In the absent of american leadership, other countries decided to arm anyone against assad. Unfortunately that included some very radical groups. Sir, if i could go back to your state of florida, Charlie Crist gaining steam with help from bill clinton. Bill clinton saying Charlie Crist didnt lead the Republican Party, the Republican Party left him. What do you think of that . This is the same bill clinton who Charlie Crist said should resign after the Monica Lewinski affair for the dignity of the office. Well, the Republican Party didnt leave crist. He left when the polls showed he would lose. He was a republican until late april. At least a republican in name. As of late april 2010. The only reason he shifted parties is because he couldnt win a primary. In fact, on a debate with Chris Wallace on this very network he flat out said he dwont that and two weeks later he did. Thats why he left. He is a political opportunist of the first degree. He is polling well. I think rick scott, are consistent with him showing in the opening lead and even democrats in florida are a business disgusted with Charlie Crist and what he represents or doesnt represent. I dont think they believe his conversion or lack thereof, is a legitimate one. And they think it is all about positioning himself to win an office. Thats all he ever wanted to be is someone who holds political office. He will be whatever he needs to be to win. Thats not the kind of leadership florida needs. It never was. Real quickly, sir, theres talk back and forth, mitt romney will try to go for a threepete, his own wife saying he is not interested. But it seems a hint that jeb bush were not to run, he just might. I dont want it put words in her mouth. Does that mean anything to you that if epbush were to run, you would not or not even consider it . Anyone is considering running for Something Like the presidency needs to make that decision based on themselves, not on anybody else. I think i expect fully that republican nomination will be hotly contested among a number of highly qualified individuals. Would you run if jeb bush were running . If i decide to run, it would be irrespective of anyone else running. I wouldnt make that decision based on who else is running. I havent made that decision. But when you make the decision to run for office of that magnitude, you dont do it based on who else or may may not be running. Senator mark rubio, very good having you. Thanks. Meanwhile, plotting to take out more than just our guys. How about u. S. Jetliners. Did these air strikes just stop it from happening . Jennifer griffin at the pentagon with the latest on that. Hey, jennifer. Hi, neil. U. S. Intelligence does not believe the air strikes last night killed this man, the head of the Al Qaeda Linked Khorason Group who had been liaising with many bomb makers and recruiting fighters with western passports to carry out a terror attack possibly targeting commercial airliners. We have been watching this for some time. We believe the Khorason Group was nearing execution phase on an attack on europe or the homeland. This disrupted imminent attack plotting against the United States and western targ pepts. The first phase of the u. S. Air strikes involving tomahawk missiles fired from u. S. Warships . The red sea and persian gulf. That targeted the Khorason Group, a rival of isis. U. S. Coalition members did not take part in the first phase of the strikes. U. S. Intelligence Officials Say they became concerned about the khorason network in the past week when they received indications that they may in fact be plotting a strike against western interests using expertise from the famous al qaeda bomb maker known as alasiri. Pentagon Officials Saying once their planes are airborne that sir yn air defenses remained passive, a sign that assad allowed the u. S. And arab fighter jets to strike isis and khorason targets. The problem is that many of the fighters who have now shifted to urban areas where there are civilians and the targeting in coming days may become much more difficult. Pentagon officials admitted on the record that they have seen signs that the enemy is adapting. There are still no plans to send u. S. Ground troops to track isis and its leadership on the ground, neil. Also weve just gotten word that wife of that british aid worker held, whose been held for so long, she just received an audiotape of him pleading for his life. Some comments made this morning about, be careful about jumping to, you know, conclusions. We must be making progress in this air campaign. History suggests, like cockroaches, the bad guys keep coming out somewhere else. And we certainly heard that, that warning from the pentagon, from pentagon today. Ined to deed. Jennifer griffin at the pentagon. Thank you. We quickly learn who are friends are in this fight. Why turkey is too busy making nice with isis to really care. And later, think mitt romney is ruling out another run . Talk to ann. It felt like hot pins and needles coming from the inside out of my skin. When i did go see the doctor, and he prescribed lyrica, it helped me. Its known that diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions, or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. 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Joining us in the air strikes, but look who not one of them is, turkey. Ladies and gentlemen, jack cane gave us an idea why yesterday. We believe the flow of oil that isis is using, black market oil, is moving through turkey. Not an established fact that allegation is strong and smells lousy. We got get them stopped. But thats not happen ppg so can we trust the turks . We cannot, why do you say that . Well he has taken apart the turkish military. Changed the turkish constitution to provide for an islamist state and you see hundreds, maybe thousands, of isis fighters flowing across the turkish boreder to join isis. They certainly are not on our side, neil. Caine may be right, the idea of oil being smuggled by turkey or through turkey. That smacks of what saddam was doing with oil for food scam. What can we do . Not much. Because he wont listen us to. I dont think the president has the power any more to influence these events. Thats part of the problem weve had with mr. Obama giving away American Power hand over fist. But right now what we need do is at least work against the turkish economy and make it harder for them to have any money flowing so it could possibly benefit ice pips thats one of the problems we have, one of the things we can do. They wont join the coalition, they are on the other side. Pretty much that simple. Do you think they care . Why would they . These guys dont fear us, dont respect us. And again, his administration are really islamists. They may not be part of isis, i dont think they are, i dont think they even think of being such, but their sympathy, idology, is pretty much the same. And that we have to deal with in nato and everywhere else because turkey, for good or ill, and right now for ill, is still a member of nato. How can we call them an ally . Very good point, ted. You make a lot of them. All right, message for a lost Climate Change protesters. Youre in the wrong nation. If you want to make things that move, move better, just talk to one of our scientists. Theyll show you a special glue weve developed that bonds metal to plastic. And that makes the things youre trying to move. Lighter. The less weight. The less energy. And what you save can be used for speed. For efficiency. Or just for fun. This is the Human Element at work. Dow. Years of swedish experience in in perfecting the rich,150 never bitter taste of gevalia. We do it all for this very experience. Thats good. I know right . Gevalia. Have you been look at a lot of the stuff dumped in rivers in china or look at amount of filth filling the air in india. Well, guess which two nations were not at the Global Warming powwow going on at the u. N. Today . Spokesman there, guy richard, says that that, that is why these activists are actually wreaking havoc in the wrong place. You know, it is interesting, i told you during the break, there is a different set of rules here . Right . For us, versus countries we normally talk about being part of the coalition. Yeah. What is so interesting, neil, is that on terrorism, the president is just saying we are not going to act until others act first. But on Climate Change, he is totally willing to say, you know what, were going to go and even though youre not going anything, were going to spend all of the money and show you the way. On Climate Change were willing to act and go it alone but when it comes to terrorism and clearly what Samantha Powers told us is this threat from isis is such a great that we dont need the u. N. Dont need your resolution. We dont need your stinkin resolution. So michelle, i will try to get it here, the administration say be, maybe they can change the likes of india and china to join the great global cause. What do you think in. This is a political event. Theater. An opportunity to get great photos. Make a speech. But nothing is going to get done at this climate summit. How can anything get done when china is not at the table. India is not at the table. Number one and third polluters of the entire world. Nothing will get done if theyre not there to negotiate and talk. The president and Prime Minister says this they are too busy. They couldnt fit it into their schedule. It just seems like all theater. Richard, richard branson, fox business show, tonight at 8 00 p. M. , but enough about me. Back to me, he was saying, neil, i agree on all these points you raised. But we have to start. Its a start. Getting other so youre saying, what . We are already doing that . Of course were doing it. We are doing a great job here in the United States. The problem is that these other countries are really eager to sign on to this global path that u. N. Is pushing. Because they want the money. It is a global tax. Who will get the money . Well, were going to pay and a whole bunch of other countries that cant feed their people will actually get turbines or the money in a block grant and they will say, i dont want the turbine. I need to feed my people. So i dont know how a classic liberal or european liberal can really look at a poor country and say, you know, youre going to take this Climate Change program because we think it is the right thing do when you cant feed hours your people. You have been raising that with a lot of stars, leo nae leonardo decaprio, michelle. Do they believe it or live under a bubble . This is a large issue that affects them and every single american. But if you look at the polls, thats not the case. If you look at a recent gallup poll, only 24 of americans say this is a serious issue that needs to be tackled and feel it is a priority. This can be to them, isnt a priority. The priority is the economy, immigration. But when you live in this liberal bubble, you think this is the biggest thing in the world and that is not the case for most americans. We shall see. Guys, i want to thank you both. In the meantime, what have i told you that one of these guys needs to rule a White House Run out in order for one mitt romney to get back in. I didnt have to say that. Maybe ann romney will. [ woman ] if you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. This is humira helping me lay the groundwork. This is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block that contributes to r. A. Symptoms. Humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. [ male announcer ] humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Dont believe isis would have had the invasions they have had. I think he would have tried to arm the moderates in syria. I think there are other things that would have happened that would have made the eacquisitqu little bit tilted our way. This is a problem and the sooner we realize, as americans, that there is not an easy solution and its not going to go away. But to be really aware of how dangerous the situation is, i think mitt was very aware of how precarious it was. Does he ever say woulda, shouldo, coulda. No. He doesnt . Mmhm. He says he is not interested in 2016, and anthony, on fox news, which if you dont get, you should, but as a romney cochair, i think he should do it. He would be the number one draft pick. He would certainly be mine. We think nooelike anthony. We like anthonys support. So many of our supporters continue to cheer us on and make us feel good, that you know, they supported the right guy. But mitt and i at this point are not making plans. When you say not making plans, things have a way of making plans for you. One scenario mrs. Romney, is that jeb bush doesnt run, after all. And your husband decides that the landscape, a lot of his supporters, past and president , said not you as name recognition, you have the reagan example of the third time is the charm for him, and that has been done before. And that would be a feeling. Well, we will see, wont we neil . I think jeb will end up running, myself. I think people, he is probably looking at it very carefully right now. Why would his interest in the race matter to your supporters or not . Well i think that he would draw on a very similar base that we would draw on. And im sure he is considering it very seriously right now. Do you have, your husband, you said he doesnt want to run, do you have any candidates that would intrigue you or impress you . I wish i could see some women out there. I love mickey haley. There are others, susanna martinez, that i think is intriguing. I would love to see more women participate. Kelly ayotte. She is a wonderful, wonderful friend. What about you . Are you not interested . Not in that sense. No. You bitter about the experience . No. No. Wonderful experience. Wonderful country. It was a worthy cause. I believed in my husband. I believe still in my husband. I think he would have made a terrific president. I think he would have been extraordinary as a president. But politics and baseball. You dont get doovers. No, you dont. Well, actually do you. I dont mean to belabor the point, mrs. Romney, but the field of candidates, they dont jazz people. When poles are done in key early states were, for example, iowa. A list of those big names, including chris christie, paul, cruz, garnering almost half the that was shocking. Very shock. But those are pretty impressive numbers. You talk about them and say, gee. We do just see them and were like, wow. It feels good. I mean, honestly, it does feel good. Because i do think people recognize that mitt was right. And that he would have been a good president. And so, you know, that does make you feel good. But it still doesnt change our mind as to where were going. Which is not going for president ial run . At this point, neil, we have no plans. Okay. Im parting words again. Because im mentioning things that happened since the election. The netflix documentary, a lot of people knew that part of him and part of you. It was a surprise to the nation, that a, you could mess up his air. And then with the ice bucket challenge. One thing you doing it. But another thing him doing it. I thought it was funny. But again, these are all things that that showed another side of and sometimes not always the friendliest media environment. You know, it is hard to define yourself in a way that is accurate. And i think that, you know, weve gobt more careful about getting it right. It is a gruelling process, isnt it . It is pretty tough. Your husband was, what, 2,000 debates. Overkill . Too much . Too many debates, for sure. Too many debates . Would you recommend i think the recommendation already happened that rans rans preefous organized fewer debates. I would like to make this process easier, for those running in the future and raising the money is 80 of our time. And people dont appreciate that, because they are not seeing you do that all the time. But thats where you spend a majority of your time. And thats not right either. Does it bug you when someone like rand paul comes along and says, we need to get away from moderate nominees. Thats a reference to your husband and john mccain before him thats just politics. Rands a nice guy. People have to do what they have to do. It doesnt bother me at all. You dont take anything personal from that. I really dont. And even in this business, you know, with the media, you try not to take offense with some of the things written and said, too. Because you know this is something that you have to keep always going out and trying to fight your own battle and just be positive and optimistic. And you know, again, we have an extraordinary government and country and we need to pro serve it and so i hope the best people get out there and make a go of it. I will mention another, the Richard Nixon example. In his wilderness years, in 1966, he campaigned after for a lot of republicans. It was a come back year for republicans that gained 47 a senate seat to people with Richard Nixon. And hey, you made that possible. Now your husbands been busy campaigning for a lot of republicans. He is in big demand. No doubt, and we will see republican pickups in the house. And republican senate. You could make a convincing argument that your husband contributed to that, if it comes to pass. Well, we will see. I think that, you know, as we speak, we are working buzz obviously the mid terms are coming up and it is important that we have between the senate a very important step. I would like to win it. I would like to retain it in the 16 cycle as well. I think that will be tougher but were out there fighting that fight. And are you part of that fight . Or is it largely your husband . It is largely mitt right now. I say this, and i think myself, i would always scrutinize very closely during the campaign, how you were holding up, it is a very exhausting process. So does that ever enter the equation for you . I dont know, it doesnt really it is not part of an equation. My illness for how i live my life. So no. I know, like you, what i have do to keep myself healthy. And i cant overtire myself. And so, even on the campaign, i would go for three days and maybe be off for three days. So people wouldnt be aware but with this posture of yours, i like to play victim a lot. And use it as an excuse. You werent helping the cause. Im sorry about that. Thats okay. B bygones are bygones. How are you doing now . I feel great. We had a great trip with the grand kids this summer. Very humbling to hike with 10 or 12yearolds. I think it was one of your summer trips, i think at your home in new hampshire, and on facebook, you had all these likes, 30, 40,000 likes. I dont know what that means. But a lot of people were interested in seeing you and your family. 35 grand kids thats a lot more than what we have. But thats okay. 22. Holy cow. You all remember them. Vaguely familiar to me. I dont remember my three. I mix them up. They are vaguely familiar. We know them, relove them. We cherish them. Are you surprised it fgot th reaction it did from the media. You mean the summer trip . Yeah. Well it was interesting but also pretty funny. There is one picture of mitt and i jumping off of a water fall in our bathing suites with all of the grand kids with us. Like leaping over this cliff. That you know, i think was like, whoa. Is that what they do. I think it was, you could see, we were having fun. Having a lot of fun. Thats crazy stuff do. One day we miked nine hours. We were repelling that day. A real wilderness trip. We have to toughen those kids up. Really . All right. I think of a whole different vacation. That another interview. I would like to get your thoughts, and a comment not too long ago, democwigs, saying scott walker, wisconsin governor, has given the back of his hand and i know that its dark, she goes ton say, i know that it is direct but that is reality. So some republicans quickly interpret with with a war on women campaign, is still on it is ridiculous. Hon liestly honestly. I dont think they are getting far with that, by the way. Women are smarter than that. And that is offensive know, to tell you the truth. Scott walker is a good guy, wonderful wife. Values women and you know, that just doesnt fly. Ann romney, we shall see. U. S. Airlines are getting an ebola warning over here. Is it time to just stop flying over there . Gh guys youre not gonna believe this watch this. Sam always gives you the good news in person, bad news in email. Good news fedex has flat rate shipping. Its called fedex one rate. And its affordable. Sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ] [ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. Great. More good news its friday woo [ male announcer ] ship a pak via Fedex Express saver® for as low as 7. 50. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via Fedex Express saver® an Unprecedented Program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. For better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. And you pay no taxes for ten years. From biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. Startupny has new businesses popping up across the state. See how startupny can help your business grow at startup. Ny. Gov the center for Disease Control andla alarm, this time u. S. Airlines. So youre just arguing the better part of valor and safety is, dont even allow flights. Right . Yes. Just for now, neil. Obviously were not talking about anything permanent. But right now, we have what appears to be not arid medic growth but keep in mind, neil, those are just reported infections. If were going to triage International Issues right now, this is a pretty important one. We have to take this seriously and at least temporary flight restrictions until they can at least stabilize the infection rate and hopefully see it start to decrease. Do you worry, as a former secret service agent, creating needless. Thats not a worry in the United States. When you look at terrorist attacks post 9 11, folks here are pretty calm. You havent seen much panic about ebola here. I think we pretty reasonable. Our Health Care System is pretty resilient. You dont want to unnecessarily scare people. But lets be honest, this is a real threat. You have a disease with 70 fatality rate. Having come home with a really dangerous disease from panama, you know, myself when i was with the secret service, you know, this stuff is danger poups very real. And its not panic, it is common sense. You know, you dont mind me picking your brain on what you make of the latest intrusions and problems with the secret service, on one i go thguy that into the residence. What do you make of that . Well theres no way to put lipstick on this one and i dont think the secret service tried. The statement was one line that should be paid attention to. They said the location of arrest has us basically astounded. Meaning, how did this guy get in the white house . Hundreds of people have jumped the fence. Neil, youve been reporting for a long time. We have seen stories like this over and over. Never gotten more than 10 or 15 yards whats the procedure on that . We have lethal and nonlethal options. I dont think lethal options were appropriate. His hand were empty. Not vocalizing a threat we know of. He had a knife on him but he wasnt brandishing that . He did. But if we are talking guns, you could see imprint on garments, we didnt see that. The knife wasnt in his hand at the time. Nop nonlethal is what failed. And what im curious about is why the dog wasnt released. Thats the 64 million question. And the dog is supposed to be released as precaution not to let him get any further . Right. That belgium mall mar when it hits you, feels like youre getting hit by a truck. I would imagine. Thank you very much. Former secret service agent. Candidate for congress. We have a lot more coming up. These air strikes, weve seen them before. Is it enough to wipe out isis . More on that after this. trader vo i search. I research. I dig. And dig some more. Because, for me, the challenge of the search. 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So you think we should be quietly keeping all options open, right . Oh, yeah. Thanks for having me, neil. I think whether its a sporting event or whether its the situation were involved in, it never helps to tell the other side what youre going to do or not going to do. But thats assuming that the other side thinks youre showing the cards or just hoodwinking them. The administration might be making them think were not going to put boots on the ground. Well, yu rk, you know, i thie talking semantics here, the president may be talking about not putting boots on the ground while hes putting boots on the ground. What hes talking about is that were not going to have divisions, were not going to have a large combat force that originally went in, the shock and awe in iraq. We have already committed 1,600 troops, theyre either there or on their way. What about the men and women, those 1,601,600, what role are fulfilling . If theyre not boots on the ground, what are they . They are not combat forces, they help with the planning and logistics, they help with air support, the pilots, but there are things they need us to do. Somebody has to be on the ground to tell the pilots where to drop their bombs, you know . So its an important part of any engagement. You know, im not smart enough to know, sir, whether boots on the ground are required, i do know from previous experience from air campaigns that as oimpressive a they are, a lot of these guys are like cockroaches, as terrorists, they popup somewhere else. Its sort of like whacamole. Does it mean that air strikes alone, whether its going to video of american boots on the ground, or others boots on the ground, air strikes on the ground are not going to do it . Air strikes alone do not do it. You have to have somebody that holds and takes the ground after the air support softens them up. I dont think that necessarily has to be our boots in syria. We saw that we have several allies last night and some of them can be able to put boots on the ground, i know theyre willing to do it and we should let them do it. Real quickly, senator rubio mentioned earlier the possibility that we do need a permanent force of americans on the ground in the middle east, do you agree with that . Well, we saw what happened when we left iraq, we won the war and weve been losing the peace. So i think its a very safe bet that it would be good for us to have a stabilizing force in the area. Chairman, thanks very much, we appreciate the time. Thank you, thanks for having me. What do you think Rudy Giuliani is more worried about these days . Not what were doing over there, hes focused on the 100 american recruits that are back over herher here, what are they up to tonight . My name is daniel. I have diabetic nerve pain. The pain felt like my feet were on fire. I had these very burning, needlelike sensations. I knew i needed to see a doctor. 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This is the five. Last night the u. S. Military began air strikes against isis in syria. This morning the president outlined his strategy before he headed to new york for u. N. Meetings. Last night on my orders, Americas Armed forces began strikes against isil targets in syria. The overall effort will take time, there will be challenges ahead. But were going to do whats necessary to take the fight to this terrorist group. For the security of the country

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