0 be fuming because it's their money and it's spent like this. one more, facebook, what is this? facebook has a tax refund? >> they did. they made over a billion dollars last year, but because they gave stock options to their workers they got a tax refund of $300 million according to the waste book. >> you have to repeat that for me. they made money, profit, massive market, but they government a $259 million tax refund you you heard right. >> that's enough is all i can stand. that's the waste become for you. thank you. the president,le huddling with tech ceos in an attempt to turn over obamacare webs around. a new poll putting the president's approval rating at 43%, down from 54% in december last year. to ed henry at the white house who is keeping track of it all. >> reporter: the problem for the president -- we already knew in the ultimate web site. >> might be busy getting packages out. >> all these tech guys, worried about the nsa snooping on their users? or what about saving their open backside. rebecca says these ceos are just worried about their companies. then we have disagreement say they're worried about their users, mercedes? really? >> big disclaimer. we represent some of the largest tech companies in the world. setting that aside, i have personal experience with these top tech companies. at it really is about the user. even when they're facing subpoenas -- the case wants to know the identity of the user. these tech companies fight vociferously against the subpoena can saying we guaranteed our users will have their privacy. we're going to stand by our word. >> rebecca, you say there's just looking after themes and their companies. >> i'm worried they're looking at the bottom line. they all met with obama today. ostensibly about healthcare.gov and the nsa's surveillance. are they really just worried about if the overreaching surveillance hits them hard, will it hit their bottom line? >> if i'm a ceo the bottom line is my main concern. >> not the user. >> the nsa is running a very extensive tracking program and using many of the companies which were represented in that meeting to do the tracking. there's a conflict here. those companies are being sued by the people who are being tracked. the president is facing a lot of criticism from these companies because his policies are putting the heat on those companies. >> the companies will say, did we even have a choice here? we're being summoned by the executive branch of the government for this information. of course we're going to comply with it. >> if you were in that meeting you would have said, mr. president what, are you doing here? we're getting killed on your behalf. >> i mean, constitutionally, he is asking them to really violate individual privacy rights. nonart doing it for the bottom line or their user. they don't want to violate the individual privacy rights. yesterday we had a federal court decision where a judge said, this is overreaching-president obama. you better scale back. >> he has a committee looking into changing. i presume those tech companies were putting pressure on, get the heat off our back. >> undottedly. >> you think they're representing their users more than themselves? >> they really have this integrity. >> i would say the bottom line. >> integrity keeps the privacy of the year. >> maybe bottom line is the same for both. protect the users to protect your bottom line, and you're protect doing. >> ow -- you won't have a bottom line if they go elsewhere. >> snooping was the main topic of the discussion, and had it been the obamacare web site, why wasn't jeff bezos there? >> why hasn't obama reached out to the top men who clearly know hundred to iran -- to run a business. oracle, bring them in, if they can't make the healthcare.gov work. >> the lowest bidder -- >> if they bid at all. >> the bottom line would be you expect these tech ceos to say to the president, mr. president, get this snooping off our backs. we need this badly. >> absolutely. >> the privacy right. the judge said where is all the information you claim is so critical for national security? >> you don't have any of that. >> we reached consensus which is -- a couple of lawyers here. ladies, thank you very much indeed. did this vote today just help democrats in key congressional races? we're on that one for you. then taxpayers, $10 billion in the hole? do the head of general motors just say, don't blame us. ♪