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el paso, texas. he's now sending migrants to three u.s. cities including new york. border officials say that more than 11,000 migrants crossed in to the u.s. illegally in just 24 hours. now images of overcrowded facilities in eagle pass reportedly holding five times the recommended amount. what needs to be done to stop it? we're on it. welcome, everyone. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. this is "your world." we have fox team coverage with griff jenkins, gillian turner at the white house. we begin with griff in eagle pass, texas. >> charles, let me tell you, ground zero here has never seen these kind of numbers. i've spent a lot of time in eagle pass, texas. they've had more than 2, 200 cross through here in the last 24 hours, just in eagle pass. that 11,000 number, you were showing, they have never seen that. we'll show you from the drone camera, looking live now at what is the remnants of several hundred that crossed earlier. it was a dramatic morning. they build up 100, 200, 300 along the riverbank. they had to go through the razor wire that the state of texas put there. got so hot out here and the numbers were swell soing high, charles, the border patrol had to cut the wire to let them through. women and children particularly small children, even had to be taken in a boat to the bridge here where they'll be processed. you know, charles, what is really striking is the strain this puts on the border patrol. at any given day, there's no more than 45 or 50 agents on shift. you have 90% of your work force doing nothing but processing the migrants, giving out medical attention in the temperatures that is hitting the 100s every day. that's part of the mess here. that's why you have a congressional delegation led by congressman tony gonzalez who represents this area just holding a press conference here in the last 30 minutes. led by gonzalez. several members of the delegation along with congressman brandon williams, a republican from the state of new york because they're feeling it. these people here, charles, in this photo, many of them will end up in new york. they don't want to stay here. that's whied you have gorka think hochul there announcing early-today that there's 150 additional national guard members being added to deal with the situation there. most of these migrants, it's important to know, are from the country of venezuela. they're coming in such large numbers because they believe that if they can just cross, step foot, get through the razor wire and survive the river and thousands of miles from their home towns, they'll be released in to the u.s. that's what is pulling them here. that's what's overwhelming this border patrol force. that's why the chief says that this is simple not sustainable. finally, i'll lev you with one note. we learned the administration is sending an additional 800 troops, active duty troops to the border. unclear where they will go. they're coming in and on all hands on deck. the numbers are showing no signs of slowing down, charles. >> really powerful images there. president biden is getting low marks as you might imagine for his handling at the border in a new poll. gillian turner has more. >> a new slate of polls is showing problems for president biden's re-collection campaign. his nationwide generalized approval rating is at 37%. there's also this. should a general election take place today, former president trump would beat out president biden by ten points. 52-42. trump's lead so stark in this instance. the pollsters themselves feeling the need to qualify their own numbers. the difference between this poll and others as well as the unusual make up of trump, it's probably an outlier. unspryingly, the white house agrees. take a listen. >> polls are polls, right? they're going to be all over the place. they are going to -- they don't tell the whole story. >> i saw a poll two days ago that showed the president up plus 5 over the former president. >> the president's allies are go ago step further insisting the 74% of americans that say that president biden is too old to effectively serve another four years in office are just flat out wrong. take a listen. >> i'll take joe biden at age 86 on his worst day over donald trump on any day. a man with four criminal indictments hanging over his head. >> the worst news for the president is americans view of how he's managing immigration at the border. 23% approve versus 62% who disapprove. it's no wonder now the white house is rolling out a new messaging strategy that seems to revolve around down playing casting doubt on the legitimacy of polls making the case today that the numbers change. the numbers go up and down, even that they don't reflect reality, charles. >> a lot of changing right there. thanks so much. so with facilities overrun and border agents overwhelmed what do they need from washington? with me national border patrol vice president art del cueto. the news now, the white house sending 800 troops. do you know what they'll be doing? what kind of assistance they'll be providing? >> you know, at this point, they can send the troops, they send more people. all they do is traffic controllers pretty much. this is just chaotic. it's a mess that this administration created from day one. they have ignored it from day one and continue to ignore it. the only people that are gaining out of this is the drug cartels. they control where the groups are. you can see the groups coming through texas. you can see the groups coming through arizona. then you have to factor in the got-aways. the numbers of those are out there. they don't know about them. it's a cycle that continues. they bring up different things to look at. they had the disneyland fast app that they put up so people can use that to go through the port. they didn't do that because individuals know that there's no consequences. come across the border, look for an agent. ask for asylum and you'll get released. zero consequences. that's what this administration has caused. >> art, one of the more disturbing aspects of this, how many able bodied young men are coming across that border. i was reading the el paso matters earlier today. they were talking to one of these guys. we don't want to beg but we don't have permission to work. you didn't have permission to come in illegally. the strain on the system is outrageous. no one is doing anything about it. nobody is helping you do your job. >> that's exactly right. you can see different -- you know who is controlling? it the cartels are controlling it. people come in to mexico and they decide what group crosses where. you can see the huge number of venezuelans crossing in del rio, people from haiti and cuba coming in el paso. look over to tucson, northeast africa and egypt. it's strategically done. the car tells are like hey, you have 13,000 cross in one area one week. send 2,000 another area to distract the media and distract the american public. at the end, what happens, the big people that are getting distracted are the agents. >> art, you've been at this since 2003. i read an article since 20001. you said you were concerned about america's future because of the crisis at the border for generations to come. it's only gotten worse. what do you say now? >> i can't even imagine how bad it's going to continue to get. we're going to need the political will. this can stop today if the administration had consequences. detain individuals, have immigration judges at the border, have asylum officers at the border. those that don't qualify, send them back. they're not doing that. come all and get released. it's one huge mess this administration created. >> and they don't show up to court. thanks, art. america is watching and everyone is becoming more sympathetic for the work that you guys are facing. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> on that note, new york calling up more national guard troops. now they're increasing calls for all taxpayers across the country to help pay the new york city bill for these migrants that flood in. republican congress woman nicole malliotakis says that she's got a better idea to save taxpayers. she will be here later. first, bob menendez is digging in. despite calls for many in his own party to get out. hollywood writer's strike may be coming to an end, but the auto workers strike, there's no end in sight. the impact on you at home. - i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? 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>> charles: thanks, chad. menendez hiring the same attorney representing hunter biden to fight these charges. how big is a baitle is the senator in for? katie joins us now, former prosecutor. let's start with this press conference. i was -- it was amazing. absolutely amazing. he laid it out. he said i have four reasons why this doesn't work out. first, he talked about the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. to ignore public opinion and the salacious -- making it as salacious as possible. is that part of this? is that part of the prosecution? is that modern day prosecution, the use the media to win in the court of public appeal? >> when you have a public figure, that's part of it. in my criminal case, the prosecution's case is always strongest the day the indictment drops. that's common sense. the defense hasn't had a chance to get in the evidence, to poke holes in the theories and to show the reasonable doubt that might exist about the elements of the crimes. >> charles: so katie, he hired a powerful attorney. you think he spoke to him before this press conference? the reason i ask, he started to give defense. >>'s been taking money out of the back for 30 years. oh, listen. i saw pictures of that cash. that ain't 30-year-old hundred dollar bills. did he hurt himself? >> any criminal defense attorney says any pretrial statements won't help. when you make statements about evidence, you're backing in a corner on that theory. that's how he said he got the cash. that's the only theory, not just the prosecution can't prove where it came from. he already gave them that. so you're opening yourself in ways that a defense attorney wouldn't want you to do. >> charles: and the protest in egypt. another one. just felt like he was trying to win the trial right now and just felt so forced and so unnecessary. >> it was. i think he could have step with reminding people of the presumption of innocence. everybody is entitled to present their defense. when you get in to the facts and the evidence and you commit yourself to certain story lines, that is how you're committed for trial. you cannot go a different direction in many respects. >> charles: his wife is really starting to stand out. some of the things that she's been accused of. i think we have three lifetime movies and a spin-off of sopranos working right now. is there a chance that -- from your point of view because you have a husband and wife, a high profile husband and wife, that one of them -- one will take a harder fall than the other. is there a chance because of the evidence that they have, how much they have and his wife has evolved that maybe menendez could start to soften up and take a deal before this is over? >> he might want to consider that. obviously that will be his choice. whether he also throws somebody under the bus, his wife or other co defendants and their running the show here and he was an incidental part of this, that will all depend on the ed. they all have to make their own defense decisions. >> charles: i have to go. the fact that he was under these similar charges in the past, i know we're not supposed to hold it against him. you think any injury in new jersey won't have that in the back of their mind? >> they have to make sure that people are not biased against that. it's not a good look. >> charles: katie, thanks. a major shift in the hollywood writer's strike while the auto strike is shifting in to higher gear. what it means for you at home. new polls show. joe biden paying a heavy price for inflation and one gop candidate with major momentum ahead of the debate. we're on it. 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what are the inflation implications? we're back in 60 seconds. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. you love rich, delicious ice cream. but your stomach doesn't. that disagreement ends right now. lactaid ice cream is the creamy, real ice cream you love that will never mess with your stomach. lactaid ice cream. >> charles: all right. to the auto workers strike. moments ago, president joe biden said he's backing the uaw before he heads to michigan before he joins the picket line tonight. jeff flock has the latest. jeff? >> if we didn't already know whose side he was on, yeah, we probably didn't know. but there you go. first of all, the scene on this production -- picket line here, this is a truck that has opinion sitting here 10, 15 minutes. finally they're doing to let the picket line open up and let that truck in. the local police had to come by. mike, are you able to see the police? they came by and said you need to let these folks through. you can delay them a bit, but then you have to let them through. that's the way it is here. president biden will be on one of these picket lines. we suspect it's the ford plant in wayne where he's going to go. we don't have a confirmation on that. he will be seeing this all for himself. as you pointed out, he just answered a question, whose side are you on, mr. president? i'll let him respond. >> take a look at the significant increase in salaries for the executives. they should benefit from it. so yes, i superintendent -- i always support the uaw. >> and as you see, maybe, charles, they're black to blocking again. if you look over here -- mike, come over here. a line of people trying to get out. occasionally a line of people trying to get in. they're doing a job. here's the other headline today. uaw source close to the negotiations tells us that they are making progress with ford. they described it as active talks with ford. as you know, they're not striking ford at these plant facilities. that's a positive. these plant facilities to make it clear, what we're talking about, they're not assembly plants. they're warehouses. we have pictures inside of this location here. it's a stellantis plant. this is where the stuff that you get after you purchased your car, you take it in for service, this is where all of those parts come from. the public has been on a the side of the strikers thus far. if you start not getting your car fixed, things could change. how long this goes, we don't know. the president here tomorrow. ex-president here the next day. where she stops, nobody knows. back to you. >> charles: the good news is, we always have you to cover it for us. thanks, my man. now to the labor unrest in hollywood. actors are still striking. the writer's union has reached a tentative agreement. this is after five months of picketing. christina coleman has more. christina? >> yeah, things are not over just yet. the negotiating committee says they have to firm up the language in this tentative contract before they share the details with the rest of the union members. they say they want to do that as soon as they can. they have a lot to go over. the meantime, they are asking writers to stand down from the picket line. so we have some progress. we have movement there. in an e-mail last night, the guild said they reached a tentative agreement with the studio saying in part, this deal is exceptional with meaningful gains and protections for writers in every sector of the membership. the three-year proposed contract reportedly has new rules regarding a.i., a contention topic during the negotiations. it would increase pay rates and residual payments for streaming shows. it comes after five days of marathon negotiating even the top executives from walt disney, netflix and nbc universal joined in last week. california governor gavin newsome estimates the writer's strike, which started in may, along with the actor's strike that began in july will cost the state more than $5 billion. wga leadership will vote on the deal tomorrow before it goes to more than its 11,000 members. so why writers won't be on the picket lines, they're not returning to work just yet as the leadership goes over the details. when this is settled, the first things we can expect to see back up and running are the daytime talk shows and the last night shows. charles? >> charles: thanks. what's the potential fallout from this on our economy? joining me now, strategic wealth partner, mark tepper. yesterday the "wall street journal" talked about the four shocks to the economy, the strikes, government shutdowns, sky rocketing oil prices. a lot of things happening at one time. nobody was really necessarily prepare for it. >> the strikes in particular are highly inflationary. you look at -- this all steps from reckless fiscal spending, which leads to inflation, which leads to people asking for money, which leads to more inflation. it's a vicious cycle underway right now. the interesting thing about the uaw strike and the screen writer's strike, both unions are protecting jobs. whether it's automation or the fact that evs cost 30% less to make or we're talking about ai from the screen writer's standpoint. you know, you and i know and a lot of the viewers know as well that the name of the game is to maximum economic output, not create as many jobs as possible. you don't have your landscaper come over and cut grass with scissors so they can get more people. they use a fast-riding lane mower. that creates jobs elsewhere. creates jobs for the person that builds the lawn mower and sells it. technology has been a net creator of jobs. for some they're trying to fight it. >> charles: the person driving the lawn mower is saying my wages against inflation are down. i'm down 20%. don't they have an argument? >> yeah. look at the median wage. it's down since joe biden took office. it's not good. >> charles: let me jump in. you brought up a great point since the changes. we're in the fourth industrial revolution. a.i. on one hand is something that is a juggernaut. it will enhance productivity. ev is not organic. it's not organic. when president joe biden says i'm on your side, he's the author of their misery. nobody has created more job shortages than inflation. he created inflation. now he's forcing this ev thing down everyone's throat. >> he created inflation. the ev mandates, they're way too aggressive. evs are the future. i believe that. i think a lot of people believe that. let the free market dictate the timeline. you don't have a 20, 30, 50% of new vehicles are an ev goal or 67% mandate. you have to allow this thing to work on its own. joe biden is going to strike with the auto workers. he's responsible for destroying 30% of the needed labor. it's his doing. >> charles: i really feel the rank and file probably know that more. i do worry about uaw leadership. i really believe they're on the side of bernie sanders and this ev push more so than the workers. so i hope the workers are careful. i don't think they had a vote on these demands. i don't know a hard working person that says i want to work 32 hours and get paid 40 hours. they don't say that. >> i would agree. most of these guys and gals are hard working people trying to make an honest living. when they're staring at the negative implications of switching the evs, they have to do what's in their best interests. >> charles: thanks, mark. folks, another poll showing president joe biden could be paying the serious price for inflation. one gop candidate going into wednesday night's debate on fox business has a ton of momentum. lee carter will break it down next. 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>> charles: thanks. who has the momentum going in to this debate? i want to bring in polster lee carter. let's start with you. after the first debate, you know, i did on my show a buy, sell or hold like with the stock market. i had a buy on nikki haley. she was distinct. it's clear she has strong momentum. >> yeah, i think she's thene to watch now. also vivek. they have carved different lean. the one thing i heard about vivek over and over again from voters, he's a good trump alternative should trump fizzle. and nikki haley has established her own lane. she's a practigpragmatist. what she hasn't done is sold people why she should be the president. nobody is coming anywhere near donald trump. he's tapped in to something that nobody else has. he is tapped in this idea that the system is rigged, things are unfair and he will fight for it. >> charles: and we -- lee mentioned four people. didn't mention ron desantis, who was almost crowned air apparent when this all began. >> the last debate was make or break for desantis, if he wanted this to be a two-man race. while he didn't crumble, gave off a polished crisp performance, he did not draw the air out of the room. that was vivek ramaswamy. and nikki haley put herself on the radar. ramaswamy and haley are really the two that have it. the difference being that ramaswamy's angle is clearly, you know, hoping he could be the trump alternative. haley is making inroads to the romney 2012 constituents. in the last cnn head-to-head polling, haley has the dominant margin with college educated white voters because she gets the college educated women that have ran away from the republican party under donald trump. so in this debate, it's sort of her moment to prove or ramaswamy's moment to prove that they could be that trump at terpive. is that what ramaswamy is angling for? probably not. desantis, if he wants, can try to make a second go at saying let's try to make this a two-man race. that ship might have sailed. >> charles: i thought it was dangerous for nikki haley's part but so far it's working out. we're also getting a glimpse at discontent among voters that -- the way president biden is going. we have two national polls reflecting disapproval. 56%. i don't know the stats or the history of this. is that insurmountable? seems really high. >> really high. things do not look good for joe biden. a president with that approval rating is not likely to win. donald trump's approval rating was 38 or 39%. so he's under water there. and that's etch considering that that was after january 6th. in contrast, when you look back at how people feel about donald trump's presidency, his approval rating has gone up 12 to 10 points. looking back, a 49 to 51% approval rating. people say in hindsight he was better than i remember. that could prove very good for donald trump going into this election. joe biden hasn't given voters a reason to vote for him. they feel under water on the economy, he has not tackled immigration. a lot of voters say if the government shut down, it's on the democrats, not on the republicans. so joe biden has a lot to make up for. i'm not sure that the one issue that he's hopeful that everybody will vote will be enough. that issue is abortion. he's hoping that will bring women out to vote. he's still lagging 10 to 12 points from suburban women that will be hard for him to make up. >> charles: i suspect the enthusiasm is not there to do the voting. speaking of low marks, the "washington post," abc news poll, finding that among independents, 65% don't approve of president biden's handling of the economy. how big of a deal is that? >> let us recall that this is after his major push to brand the economy bidenomics. that was a huge gamble and it's closing miserably. nobody wants to hear the rate of inflation is abating to more than two to three times than what the fed wants it to be. he's making the move to be the first sitting president to go join the front lines of the union strike. as these strikes take effect and contribute more to that inflation rate, people are directly blaming the reckless spending, blaming the bidenomics anti-growth policies for this inflation. bidenomics is just doubling down on it. maybe that helps the margins with blue collar workers in michigan. but what about everywhere else? >> charles: even that is questionable. ladies, thanks very much. inciteful stuff. now to the hunter biden probe. the key attorney has been cleared for a sit down what are house republicans keying up? to david spunt in washington. david? >> coming up a small victory but a victory nonetheless for house republicans in the hunter biden investigation. more on the man that they want to talk to. that story after this. it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every me i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. >> charles: to the hunter biden probe. the justice department agreeing to house republicans requests for a key attorney to sit for an interview. fox news david spunt has the details from washington. david? >> hi, charles. house republicans will hear from d.c. attorney matthew graves on october 3 next week for a transcribeinterview behind closed doors. ironically the same day that hunter biden is in court in delaware to plead not guilty. many house republicans believe that u.s. attorney graves prevented weiss from charging hunter biden. here's gary shapley who said he heard mr. weiss complain about this issue when it comes to charging hunter biden on tax crimes. >> that's when david weiss in october 7, 2022 said that the d.c. u.s. attorney's office will not allow us to charge there and then he added that he would request special counsel authority and was denied. in that meeting, i had him repeat that because i knew how important that fact was and i wanted to make sure i understood it. >> weiss and graves denied the allegations from shapley. jim jordan says he expects weiss to testify in the coming weeks. the original plan was for a transcribed interview october 11th and public testimony a week later on the 18th. that won't happen, but will happen in the near term. doj writing to jordan, the department is committed to taking this extraordinary step because we remain deeply concerned about any misrip sentations about our work that could harm public confidence in the even-handed administration of justice. weiss is eyeing washing in washington d.c. or california for potential hunter biden tax crimes. hunter biden is being represented by washington d.c. power house attorney abbe lowell. we confirmed that he's also representing senator robert menendez in his bribery trial that will take place in the southern district of new york where you are right now. i will note that lowell did represent robert menendez in the past when he was indicted in 2015, charles. >> charles: before you go, david, this seems like a step in the right direction. any thoughts on just how much will be revealed or will we get a lot of taken of the fifth amendment? >> you know, why don't know. it's a transcribed interview behind the scenes. doj's preference is to have this in public. house republicans are pushing for a transcribed interview. i suspect we'll get some leak after it's done. it could lead to a full blown public hearing. i asked doj officials. they say the intention is still for david weiss who is now special counsel to testify about this issue over authority. >> charles: a step in the right direction. and first open borders, now new calls from america's liberal cities for taxpayers to open their wallets. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪ ♪ >> charles: new york democratic governor kathy hochul is calling in the national guard as the crisis escalates. here in new york city with the latest. brian. >> reporter: charles, good afternoon, kathy hochul calling up an additional 150 national gn that brings the total to 2200 national guardsmen that are responding to the migrant crisis state wide including hundred 50 who sole job is to case management and help migrants apply for work. today she made the case that all migrants should be eligible for work despite the fact that critics say that in expediting work permit for migrants will only entice more asylum-seekers to come to new york city. >> that's what i am most excited about, and we have over 400,000 open jobs right now. everything from farms to construction to restaurants, hotels, nursing homes and hospitals, my gosh, they could use workers right now. >> still tensions continue to rise here in the city. yesterday there were pro and anti-migrant protests outside the bronx where a temporary dorm could be at the just site of the next temporary shelter. it was a former dorm that could be turned into a shelter for these migrants, there are people that are upset here in the city concerned about whether or not these migrants are vetted, just this last weekend, two migrants here in the roosevelt hotel in manhattan were arrested for assault and domestic complaints. so that's part of the many concerns here in the city, charles. >> charles: there certainly are many. thank you very much. republican congresswoman who has had a district dealing with a flood of migrants wants me to discuss. congresswoman just the statement so contradictory. when you hear at the governor brag about all of these great jobs that will be filled now on one hand and then on the one other hand, talking about the need for the national guard and increased taxes it's conflicting. it seems like she will draw more migrants into the city then into the state. >> that's exactly right, and both the president and our governor are saying they want to allow the military to come in to not stop with the flow, they are not going to actually secure the border and stop people from coming in illegally, what they are doing is to help push paper to process paperwork only encouraging more people to come. any issue is if she wants workers we have a bunch of people who have applied to this country legally. they want an opportunity to work in the united states just like my parents came as immigrants and so many others stayed in our state. but you're not going after those illegal immigrants who want to apply for jobs. you are not expediting their work authorization. i have somebody right now who is authorized to work in the united states, however that authorization just ended and they are told that they have to wait 16 months in order to get extension meanwhile they are helping these individuals who cross the border illegally first hand or putting them at the front of the line and working backwards, really unfair to the people who have been waiting years and doing everything ri right. >> charles: to that point, the mayor of el paso, texas, is a democrat and he is so overwhelmed he is putting these migrants on buses and sending them to places. the list of countries is like an atlas, you can name it, i guess crossing the southern border illegally and you have to wonder where does it stop? >> i participated last week and a committee hearing for the department -- homeland security meeting, and they told us straight out that there is no bedding. there is hardly any bedding. think about it, somebody is coming from iran and communist china, venezuela, they don't really have great cooperation with those countries that give us the information on whether they are criminals or not. we don't know who they are necessarily and then you have the got a ways, 1.7 million. the bottom line is this could all end today. this could all end today if we stop funding these government organizations that are helping transport people to new york to other parts to the interior of our country. we stopped president biden from using this app where people can fly directly from a country into a country of their choice in the united states. we need senator chuck schumer to pass the border security how apt that the house passed in may, we have to use our leverage to demand border security. that's the only way we are going to stop this fellow, because my governor and mayor keep on incentivizing it by giving away more stuff. >> charles: the moment is now. we appreciate your fight and appreciate you watching the show, now leaving you in the capable hands of "the five." they are next. ♪ ♪

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