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Based on my last conversation it looks like a hate crime. Hard to believe, we will see what happens and what comes up. At this moment it looks like a b hate crime but my deepest sympathies to all of those affected. We will get to the bottom of it. It looks like the person was apprehended. Jesse marianne is in our west coast newsroom for the latest. Officials confirming just a while ago that one person has died, a woman in the shooting at the synagogue and a suspect is in custody. They are calling the incident a hate crime say the community will come to the tragedy for patients were transported to the Medical Center and one of them has passed away. There is still two adult males in a curren little girl in stable condition. It is unclear how many were inside of the synagogue at the shooting. But the San Diego Sheriffs Department says at least 100 witnesses are being waited to interview. Were still hearing from the witnesses to hear whatwi happen. The 19yearold white male suspect was engaged by an offduty Border Patrol agent who thenside the synagogue at time and unfolded. The suspect was able to get h ay but a short time later he surrendered to a canine officer without incident. An ar type rifle was spotted in the suspects vehicle. The shooting happened shortly before 1130 this morning as worshipers were beginning an allday Passover Service which was scheduled to end tonight for the passover meal. Jesse marianne, fox has not been able to independently confirm the identity of the alleged shooter but some of the local news anchor stanley have nailed down, they think the identity, they say he has some nfs so he posted online last night and it looks like he was a copycat guy. He talked a lot about the shooter in new zealand, the guy that targeted the mosque. What more do we know about the area in Southern California that this happened . Is this out of the blue there . Yeah, if you take a look at some of the video weve been showing our viewers all day, it just looks like quite streets. One thing to point out, i talked about earlier there is a synagogue where the shooting happened in the next door there is a christian church, there are at least a couple of other houses of worship in the area. As well as a Hebrew School attached to the synagogue. It was an area with plenty of houses of worship and someone was planning on carrying Something Like this out, we are hoping to hear more of authorities mentioned the social media aspects, that is something that we have not been able to confirm that we are hoping when they talk to us, sometime, anytime that they might shed light on that as well. Jesse Law Enforcement looks like theyre getting together to do a press conference right now and hopefully will update us with some of the new information. Fox news has not been able to independently confirm the identity of the shooter although some local affiliates done in Southern California have confirmed to their estimation who this guy is. Again, he was inspired allegedly by the mosque shooter in new zealand and also the synagogue shooter in pittsburghan pennsylvania. Again, we have not been able to confirm this but local reporting does suggest that he was a vicious antisemite who did not support donald trump because donald trump supported israel. That is what the localal affiliates have been reporting. Fox has not been able to independently confirm that we will stay with the story as it develops. Marion think very much. You jesse. Jesse Police Officer and Law Enforcement analyst vincent, vincent, i think you heard me say at the top of the manifesto how reliable are these manifestoes when we deal with these types of shootings . First i want to say i commend the Border Patrol agent that was there offduty because they did exactly what theyre supposed to do, protect and serve in this couldve gone a lot worse had they not been there. But to the manifesto, if you think back to charleston, dylan roof, didnt report it so we cannot take these things lightly, and it goes back to the old saying, if you see something say something. We cannot take them with a grain of salt, we have to act on this. Unless manifesto went out an hour and half before the shooting. But i think theres plenty of time to stop what happened today. Jesse as you mentioned, i think there was an offduty Border Patrol officer who happened to be inside the synagogue as this happened and allegedly chased the armed gunmen out of their, we heard reports he made fired a round into the suspects vehicle, a high speed chase pursued and other lawenforcement were able to stop him on the freeway and apprehend him. He came out with a bulletproof vest, some of those reports suggested and he was taken into custody and now he is being in interrogated very aggressively. When you have a guy in custody this soon after a shooting like this, what is going on inside the detention facility . You want to find out as much as you can, of course he is given the right to remain silent but if he passes out right and wants to talk and find out as much information as you can, was the acting alone, how long had he been planning this, where the red flags other than the alleged manifesto that we couldve seen earlier, of searching went to search his house, his vehicle, social media, his computer, electronics maybe even phone records, keep in mind, this investigation is still early on, we think we have the bullet points of it that it was a hate crime in the sky is 19 years old but this is a very active investigation in order to get that. Jesse it looks like the local Law Enforcement of Southern California are holding a press conference. The synagogue and hallway. We are collecting evidence and we are aware of this manifesto which we are in the process of reviewing to determine the validity and authenticity. One person tragically died in the shooting in an update on the other victims, one has gone into surgery, one adult male is in stable condition at the hospital in the juvenile has been in steven stable condition and has been transported to the childrens hospital. We are working with the Police Department and the fbi to determine the possiblee involvement in the arson at the mosque in new zealand about a month ago. And the Police Department are conducting additional patrols throughout San Diego County. As i stated before the Antidefamation League is Offering Counseling at the high school and theres also a crisis line that is available to anybody that needs or services that is 8872472 88 7247240. We urge everyone to stay vigilant and report any unusual circumstances to 911 and i guarantee you they will be properly investigative and respond to. We are lucky in San Diego County to have the kind of l cooperatin that we do. Theres a few of the agencies that have been working on this case so far with the sears department, san diego fire, fbi, california highway patrol, escondido Police Department, California Office of emergency services, and the u. S. Border patrol. Also with me today is mayor steve voss of poway. In behind me scott peters. We would be happy to answer any questions that you have at this time. Can you identify him again for us. His name is john ernest date of birth six, eight, 1989. He had no prior contact with Law Enforcement. An honorabl. [inaudible. Question] some of the evidence we are reviewing right now and i cannot go into more detail than that. [inaudible question] as far as i can tell its an assault type rifle, ar15 type rifle. I dont know specifics. [inaudible question] clearly it is being investigation as a homicide but also hate crime possible violation as well as several hundred federal violations as well. [inaudible question] he is being thoroughly interviewed by homicide detectives and fbi agents and wn honorable question im sorry questio . [inaudible question] we dont have any correlation with mr. Ernest and white privacy groups. We have no record of Police Contact prior to today. [inaudible question] i am not aware of any. [inaudible question] i cannot confirm that. [inaudible question] to this point no explosives in the synagogue. [inaudible question] yes. [inaudible question] as far as i know yes, that is correct. [inaudible question] no there is not. [inaudible question] no, the status of the witness, they are still at the rabbis house behind the synagogue waiting to be contacted by fbi agents and deputy sheriff. An honorable question i would refer that to the synagogue. I dont know what their media plans will be. As far, we will have extra patrols in the area as well as san diego Police Department around most of her house of worship in San Diego County and hopefully nobody will try to copycat this tragic event that took place and poway today. [inaudible question] it is my understanding that the rabbi was one of the individuals rabbi was one of the individuals shooting. [inaudible question] well, as i stated before there was a Border Patrol officer offduty at the synagogue and as ernst was leaving the facility he obtained a weapon and engaged in gunfire and shot at turns. Jesse that was a sandy gail county sheriff delivering everything from the shooting in Southern California the claim the life of one woman and injuring three others. He identified the gunman as john earnest, 19yearold white male, clean record. Also suspected they involve in a mosque birding that occurred about a month earlier in escondido california which is very interesting. They are looking to the manifesto. Right now and we will bring you more as the story develops but we want to bring in fox nation host tommy laren, the host of the michael noel show, mike knowles, and joe. I will begin with you, it looks like there is a real pattern now if you look at the last year of people targeting houses of worship. Youve seen synagogue shootings, mosques attacks, easter attacks, all over the world. There is nothing you can really do to prevent that, you will not put armed guards all over the house of worship in the world. But what does it tell you of a pattern developing in terms of hate crimes and violence . It shows that a lone wolf knows what a soft target is. A synagogue is a soft target, a church is a soft target. We saw with dylan roof, we saw in california, new zealand, as you said there is no real way to protect these places unless youre going to put an arm guard and every place, that doesnt guarantee anything. As far as solutions, i honestly cannot tell you what they are, i dont like the fact that every time this happens we have to point to, does this person support this politician or that politician, when a shooter shot of the soft ballfield in virginia, nobody should appointed to Bernie Sanders, same with donald trump with the sick individual facet bombs around to democratic lawmakers, former president s, cnn nobody should appointed to donald trump trade the people to carry out these crimes, hideous acts they are to t blame. And lets not share this persons name, was not plaster his face all renews, its irrelevant and only leads to confidence in these situations. Jesse it looks like a copycat situation because the guy allegedly, if you look at the manifesto was inspired by the synagogue shooting in pittsburgh in an also the new zealand attack assp well. And we mention did the manifesto, and people are scouring the manifesto to trying to link politicians or ideology too, we can only report that some of the local affiliates in Southern California have started to go through the manifesto, the guy is obviously a rabid antisemite and he does not support donald trump because of his support for israel. But this is going to be pliticized, you know and i know it. I actually just finished reading the manifesto, certain facts become clear, the author spent in ornament, at times in the darkest recesses of the internet, the language, imagery, from those sorts ofs places. He is clearly a rabbi antisemite, he despises president trump, conservatives because they dont conserve anything, on and on, this is white supremacist ideology. As were seen it already happened, people will politicize us for their own agendas. They are going to use it to promote certain guncontrol laws or other laws, other ways that they say could have prevented the shooting. I think all of that is hypothetical and i dont see a lot of evidence of how this awful shooting couldve been prevented. What we can do now is pray for the victims, pray for the woman who is killed and pray for the survivors. We can hope for a policy that might give us some justice moving forward, that justice is dealt swiftly in Capital Punishment will be swiftly to this awful murder and wee can regain justice for this awful tragedy. You mentioned Capital Punishment because tommy i recall covering a story just a couple months ago were then mayor of san francisco, the governor california gavin newsom got rid of Capital Punishment. Through an executive action. After Something Like this it just seems like terrible timing. He put a moratorium on the Death Penalty although california voters actually voted to speed up the process under process for execution so he went against the will. I am in los angeles and i am close to where this occurred right outside of san diego. My heart breaks for the community because ive been to the community and i know what a Great Community it is. But i also dont think we s s cn lose in the discussion the Border Patrol agent who stood up and we dont know if he returned fire or if he struck the getaway vehicle, what we could do to prevent these things, is not a lot we can do but if you look at it in the continuous incidents of soft targets you can see that they go there because they dont believe anyone is going to bed armed and going to return fire. The fact that the Border Patrol agent had a firearm and was able to return fire and strike the getaway vehicle, that is one of the things i look at and say not only do i commend my Border Patrol agents but i look at somebody who had a carry holder and i look at it as a victory for the Second Amendment even in california. Jesse tommy brings up the point, this will be politicizedt you will hear from people on both sides of the political spectrum talking about gun rights, gun control, but if you just look at the facts of the case, you have people with a gun, good guys they can deter backers. This seems like one of those examples. You can look at guncontrol laws and say okay, lets say that we stop any gun from ever being sold in this country. There are still 300 million people, 300 million guns that are outha there and you will not start confiscating them because who knows what that would lead to. When you look at situations like this, you say, the most guncontrol laws are on the books, could this crime have been prevented from happening, and in this case from what we are seeing, what we know now, that is not the case. Even if you had the guncontrol laws that this still unfortunately wouldve happened because of sick people do six things and that is what happened hereed unfortunately. Jesse thoughts and prayers to all the victims in their families in Southern California. We will continue to follow the story. But lets give it to the president giving a big Campaign Style speech in green bay, wisconsin on the same night as the white house correspondents dinner, counter programming, he did it last year end is doing it again thisas year. I believe hes coming up shortly, what you expect from the president tonight . President trump is a greater show in politics, a group. Jesse all right. There we see the president coming out right now to a crowd about ten to 15000 people in green bay, wisconsin, as we said before the president hoping ther the third year in a row he is not attending and says he will be with his people and supporters and basically tell it how it is. I expect to hear a lot about the no collusion, no obstruction, the First Quarter growth at threepoint to. Thats a fantastic number. And also will hear a little bit about Bernie Sanders who is news this weekend, at town hall saying he wanted the boston bomber to beed able to vote from behind bars. Lets take it to Green Bay Wisconsin and watch what the president has to say. I will forget the man who died who gave that life to me and i gladly stand up next to you in a defender still today and there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the usa and im proud to be an american where at least i know im free and i wont forget the men who died who gave that right to me in a gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today but there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the usa jesse heres a president speaking to a crowd in wiscons wisconsin. [no audio] [cheering] unbelievable, thank you, hello green bay. [cheering] in the great state of wisconsin, home of the legendary green bay packers. [cheering] and there is no place i would ratherbe be than right here in americas heartland. And theres no one [cheering] and there was no one and rather be with you the hardworking patriots that help our country run so well. Better that maybe it ever has. Thank you. The strength of our nation in the heart of our people so true tonight americas heart is with the victims of the horrific synagogue shooting in poway, california. It just happened. Our entire nation mourns the loss of lives, praise forn the wounded and stands in solitary with the juic jewish community. It must be defeated. [cheering] we are grateful to the Law Enforcement personnel for the courageous response, incredible response today by Law Enforcement. [cheering] and i especially want to recognize a certain offduty Border Patrol agent who bravely returned fire and help disrupt the attack and saved so many lives. Border patrol. [cheering] and i also want to thank mayor steve vos, we had a great conversation, and governor gavin newsom, had a great conversation, and we stand together. We will all get to the bottom and i also want to thank the mayor and governor gavin newsom, we will all get to thego bottomf it and we will get to the bottom of a lot of things happening in our country. Lding a new chapter of american greatness, one founded on the idea that all citizens are entitled to live in safety, prosperity and peace. This is an exciting time for our great country. This is an exciting time for america. [cheers and applause] just yesterday it was announced that the United States economy grew some people thought the unexpectedly, not me, i didnt think [laughter] [applause] in fact, frankly, if we had the obama interest rates, low, almost nothing actually the, nothing and if we had quantitative easenning instead of tightening, we used this conservative approach, we would have been much higher than this, but this is the very high. Far greater. First quarters always for the most part, its the lowest quarter. We did 3. 2 in the First Quarter, gdp if, crushing expectationings. [cheers and applause] and accelerating our economic boom. And that was with the shutdown, that was with a lot of different things, that was with bad weather, that was with everything you can imagine. 3. 2 in the First Quarter, usually the lowest and worst quarter. [applause] and Prime Minister abe, were negotiating trade deals because every country has been ripping us off for years, and i really like the Prime Minister, hes a friend of mine, but i said, mr. Prime minister, weve got to do something. For so many decades, weve been losing tens of billions of dollars to china and japan and india and name the any the country name any country and we lost. But were not losing anymore. And i said, listen, weve gotta do something. 68 billion in trade losses over the last four or five years. A year. So were renegotiating. And i think hell be fair. [applause] i think hell be fair. And, by the way, he started by saying that hes putting 40 billion into the United States for new car factories. Toyotas coming in with 14 billion. [applause] [cheers and applause] many, many companies. And theyre coming in, frankly, to michigan, theyre coming back. They want to be back, to ohio, to pennsylvania [cheers and applause] to north carolina, south carolina, florida and whats the name of this special place . Its called wisconsin. [cheers and applause] so theyll be investing very shortly, and its started already. 40 billion, with a b, 40 billion. And itll be a lot more than that. The poverty rate for wisconsin families has reached the lowest rate in 22 years. [cheers and applause] the Unemployment Rate for wisconsin workers has reached historic finish never been this low before ever, ever, ever. Think of that. [cheers and applause] never been, historic low. And were now the number one economy anywhere in the world, and its not even close. [cheers and applause] usa usa usa usa usa by the way, saturday night, is there any place thats more fun than a trump rally . [cheers and applause] can you imagine sleepy joe finish. [laughter] crazy bernie . You hook at the candidates, right you look at the candidates, right . If i think pocahontas, shes finished, shes out. [cheers and applause] shes gone. No, when it was found that i had more indian blood in me than she did [laughter] and then it was determined that i had none, but i still had more. [laughter] that was the end of her 32year scam on colleges. But can you imagine any of these people up here doing what im doing . Thered be 200 people show up, if they were president. If they werent president , nobody would show up, is that right . [cheers and applause] and i have to say, i was saying on the way over theyre telling me about bad weather, by the way. We may have to cancel tonight. I said, are you crazy . Can you imagine . I learned this morning they thought you were going to have a big snowstorm, right . A big, big snowstorm. The people that get it wrong the most are the weather forecasters and the political analysts. [cheers and applause] no, they said theres a big, big storm the, its going to be hitting green bay, we may have to cancel. I said, like hell were going to cancel, people are standing out [cheers and applause] people are standing out 24 hours ago, 32 hours ago outside. Who stood out this for 24 hours out there for 24 hours . Thank you. We love you. Thank you. And you know what . And youre rewarded with the best seats in the house, right . Thats the way it should be, right . [cheers and applause] americas future has never been brighter, yet the democrats those very friendly people in washington have never been angrier than they are today. You see, somebody else with a very low level of energy was supposed to be standing here instead of me. They wouldnt be in this room. Lock her up lock her up lock her up lock her up i dont know, theyve got some problems, i would say that. [laughter] but, you know, if you look two weeks out in 2016, i was going to rallies, we were doing five and six like this, and there were thousands of people outside just like there are right now. We had 69,000 people sign up to come in what is this place hold, like, 10 or 12 . Whatever. Whatever it holds, we set the record. I just was told by the owners wheres the owner here . [cheers and applause] i dont know what the hell it holds, but we just set the record. [cheers and applause] wheres the owner . Is in your is this your record . Thank you, boom. [cheers and applause] thank you. Thats always dangerous. He said, yes, it is, sir. Its always dangerous no, sir. Im dead. [laughter] they will take that answer, thatll be headlines. Thank you very much. You saved me. [laughter] no, this is the record. We set records everywhere, and its not me. This is a Movement Like weve never seen in the history of our country. [cheers and applause] but the radical liberal democrats put all their hopes behind their collusion delusion which has now been totally exposed to the world as a complete and total fraud. The greatest political hoax in american history, it really has been. So this witch hunt was never really just about me, it was always about stopping you the millions and millions of freedomloving citizens who rose up on that incredible november day. Remember that day . November 3th. [cheers and. 8th. [cheers and applause] and demanded a government that puts america first, okay in and were doing that with china. Were doing that with india. Were doing that with japan. Were doing it with a great new trade deal that hopefully will get approved in the house. I hope theyre going to approve it, because its great for the farmers. Everybody wants it, Everybody Loves it. But were all signed up and getting ready, i guess, in 30 days to put it in, the usmca. Like the song ymca, right, remember . Usmca. Thats with mexico and canada. Its a great deal, and its going to be very really good for manufacturers and really, really good to the farmers. Thats what we want to do. [cheers and applause] so, put a lot of pressure on your congressmen and senators, because they have to ratify it. You know, they have to approve it and, frankly, with what you have today maybe theyd rather have us have a loss than do something thats good for the country. Right . Because nafta is one of the worst trade deals ever signed in the history of our country. You look around wisconsin, you still see the scars; empty buildings. You go up to new england, you go to ohio, you go to different places, nafta was a disaster. And what we had, the one thing i wanted more than anything else, i want to make it almost impossible for a company to leave wisconsin and leave other states and go to mexico and go to other places, but go to mexico, fire its workers [cheers and applause] open a new plant in mexico, hire other workers and sell the equipment into the United States. I dont want that, and were not going to do it, and it makes it virtually not economically viable. Thats what i want. So its going to be great. I hope we can get congress to get it approved quickly, because its going to be fantastic for everybody in this room and especially manufacturers and farmers, and people arent going to be firing people and moving their plants to other countries. [cheers and applause] remember that spell we were going through before i was a politician . Remember . Can you believe im a politician . I cant even finish. [laughter] politician. But remember that spell where everybody was just leaving the country and going into mexico, canada . Mexico, canada. And canada has been taking big advantage of your agricultural products. You know that. You know canada. We love the song to canada, right . But i came up here a year ago, and i was with farmers, and they were selling specialty milk. Now, youre getting killed for years. 297 tariff. That means you cant sell it. Thats essentially putting up a barrier. So all of those things are taken care of in this new deal, and youre going to be opened up [cheers and applause] they dont love it, but its going to be good for everybody. [applause] its going to be good for everybody. And if they didnt approve, i would have just put tariffs on the cars. I didnt want to do that, but i said if thats not going to happen, were putting tariffs on the cars and, frankly, well make must have r more money. Make more money. Youll watch the company grow and prosper as you starve, thats no good, right . And, actually, its good for canada, its good for mexico, its good for us, weve got to get congress to approve it. So put a lot of pressure on these geniuses we have over here. [applause] thats going to be a great trade deal. And were very close to making a deal with china, but who knows . I always say who knows, because who the hell knows . [laughter] the deal is either going to be a great deal it has to be. I told president xi, hes a friend of mine. I said, listen, this cant be a good deal for both, because we have been losing to china for many years. 500 billion a year. We have rebuilt china, weve given em so much. Think of it, and thats ooh cash, you know . They can say its surplus, they can say its deficit, call it whatever, we were losing cash. Were giving them 500 how the hell can you do it . And as Prime Minister abe said to me today the, he said nobodys ever talked to me this way [laughter] from our country, sure. [applause] no, he said it friendly. [applause] no, he said it friendly. He said it friendly, hes a friend of mine. But he said nobody from this country, no president has ever said this. Nobody ever even talked about it. We lose 75 billion a year, japan as an example, sells us their cars. The cars come in. No tax. They dont take our cars. Other than that, its a very fair deal. [laughter] so the cars come in, essentially, its 2. 5 , but essentially its no tax. Our agriculture, they dont want it. We want to sell the agriculture. So they sell cars, we sell practically nothing. Thats how we have these massive imbalances with so many countries. Now chinas the big one, because with china its at least 375 billion a year deficit. Think of it. Who the hell wants who made these deals . [laughter] its true. Honestly, in all fairness to obama, this was him, but this was before obama, a long time before obama. This has been going on for a long time. And all im telling you is if we dont make a deal, were going to do even better, okay . We have all the cards. Dont forget or, were the piggybank that everybodys robbing. Were the ones, were the piggybank that everybody is stealing from and robbing and taking advantage of. [applause] but no the matter how hard they try to stop us, they cant because our love for america will always be stronger than a corrupt thirst for power. I dont i tell you what, people say, oh, he wants to take over the country, he wants to extend the, they dont believe im leaving in six years, he wants to extend. He wants to have presidency for life. These are sick people. I promise at the end of six years, ill be very happy, but youre going to be left with the strongest country youve ever had, i promise you. [cheers and applause] usa usa usa usa thank you. Youre right, usa. We love usa, thats right. And thats what this fight is all about. Were taking on the failed political establishment and restoring government of, by and for the people. Its the people, or youre the people. You won the election. [applause] and if you look at whats happened with the scum thats leaving the very top of government, people that others used to say, oh, thats one these were dirty cops. These were dirty players. You take a look at whats going on, theres 21 of em already. And im not even doing theyre just leaving because they got caught like nobody ever got caught. [cheers and applause] and in the truest sense of the word, what we are doing now is draining the swamp. Thats true. [cheers and applause] drain the swamp drain the swamp drain the swamp i mean, were draining the swamp, but are we having a good time or what . [cheers and applause] and look at all those beautiful red hats. And some white ones. Some white ones. [cheers and applause] look at that. Those are, thats a lot of red hats. But you do have the white ones too, right . And you have the black ones too, you have a lot of them. You have a lot of different hats but let me just say, so we have to make a decision. Do you want to make it tonight . So were doing great, the countrys doing great, were rebuilding our military, were doing so many things. Listen, so we have a decision to make. We may have the greatest theme in the history of politics, its called make America Great again, its called maga country, maga. [cheers and applause] its calls maga country. You know, i didnt hear that term until that third rate actor [laughter] in chicago went out, and he said i was beaten up by maga country, can you believe it . Now, thats a hate crime, right . He said he was beaten up by maga country. Turned out to be a total lie. But think of it, maga. Make America Great again. And, by the way, i have to tell you, that case in chicago is a disgrace to our nation. [cheers and applause] disgrace. So we have a decision to make. Now, if this werent the great i really believe, and its been said, but make America Great again. Ronald reagan used seldom lets make America Great. Close, but lets apostrophe. You dont want that. [laughter] too complicated. Ronald reagan was good. We seriously used it, right . [cheers and applause] maga. And maga we got for free because my whole deal was make America Great again, all of a sudden people are going hashtag the maga. But we have a choice to make and a decision to make. So very shortly were going to say you see what we did with our vets . We have choice. We have accountability where you can we have a lot of things. Okay, weve done so much. Our military is, like, going to be very soon in great shape. We took 100 of the caliphate in syria, everyone say said, oh, youre never going to [cheers and applause] and by the way, by the way, is and when some whack job that picks up something over the internet goes out and blows up a store and people get killed, i understand that happens. I understand, because these people are sick. Theyre demented. But we, nevertheless, in terms of a war, we took 100 . But youre going to have these cells, and theyre going to do damage, and its a shame, and weve got to stop em. Weve done a great job, but weve got to be careful. These are sick, horrible human beings, if you even call them human beings. So weve got to be careful. And you know what . When you see and i say this, because we have a massive television audience. Did you ever see so many cameras . If somebody else were here, youd have about, like, none. [laughter] this is like the Academy Awards used to be before they started hitting us, and their ratings started falling like a rock. [cheers and applause] so we have a choice to make. Ready . So make America Great again. The problem is weve made America Great very soon. We have a couple of things to do. We should have had health care, but one man decided to vote against us at the last moment. I was even though he campaigned for eight years repeal and replace, but thats okay. Thats okay because were coming up if we win, were coming up with a great panel of health care. Were going to be the party of health care. After the election. Weve got to take back the house. Weve got to win the senate. Weve got to win the presidency. [cheers and applause] but we got rid of the individual mandate. Thats a big thing, that was the worst part of obamacare. So here is what our decision is. Do we use for the new campaign, which well be starting soon. We have the great sarah he hucke over here, sarah . [cheers and applause] Sarah Sarah Sarah sarah [cheers and applause] thank you, mr. President. Obviously, i thought it was going to be a little warmer here in wisconsin. [laughter] but its pretty hot in this room tonight. Thanks to [cheers and applause] thanks to all the Amazing Things youve done for our country, last year this night i was at a slightly different event, not quite the best welcome. So this is an amazing honor. Im so proud to work for the president. They said he couldnt win in 2016 and he did. They said he couldnt make our economy better, and its booming. They said he couldnt rebuild the military, and hes done it. They said there was collusion and there wasnt. [cheers and applause] theyve questioned him at every step, and hes proven them wrong every single time because of all of you. Thank you, mr. President , for leading our country. Thank you. [cheers and applause] oh, she doesnt get it. She doesnt get it. [laughter] she doesnt understand me after all these years. [laughter] shes becoming too popular. Im jealous. Sarah, youre fired [laughter] [cheers and applause] she was wondering what was that all about. Shes been great, and dan scavino and mike and the whole group and madeleine, everybody. [cheers and applause] what a group. What a group. No, theyre great people, and they really love this country. What theyve been through, theyve been through a lot. Theyve been through a lot of phony stuff. The witch hunts, theyve been through a lot. So were delighted to be joined tonight by many incredible Wisconsin Republican leaders. A really great friend of mine, a man who is really the focus of whats going on in so much of washington, very tough guy, very strong guy. I call him wisconsin tough. And i dont even know if you know it, and i dont know if you appreciate it, but im telling you, hes really good, ron johnson, your senator. [cheers and applause] thank you, ron. Great job. Hes doing a big job now, i can tell you that. Hes working on some things that are very important and members of congress, brian style brian, thank you, brian. [cheers and applause] glenn grothman,. [applause] this guy, every time i introduce him you know, i love champions. I dont care if its in sports, i just like champions. So hes your treeclimbing champion. You know who im talking [laughter] for five years, and thats not easy. Hed go up, hed come down. He said the hard part was coming down because youd get killed if you missed. But for five years he was the champion, the world champion, five years. And hes with us tonight, and ill tell you, hes our champion. He fights so hard. Hes working on a are reciprocal trade bill. So if somebody charges us a tariff of 100 or 50 or 25 , we say, thank you very much, were going to have a reciprocal tax of 25 or 50 [cheers and applause] what could be wrong with that . And hes leading the charge, and hes got tremendous enthusiasm. But hes a great guy, and he is a great champion, sean and his wife, by the way, is better than him sean duffy. [cheers and applause] and another great friend of mine, somebody thats been so effective, mike gallagher. Mike, thank you. [applause] thanks, mike. And thanks also to wisconsin House Majority leader jim steineke. Jim, thank you. Great. [applause] oh, wisconsin. Senate president roger roth, Senate Majority leader scott fitzgerald, thank you. [applause] these are great people. Theyve done so much for us, and we have other leaders in the room, but we all know who they are. Theyve been incredible. The republican partys been incredible. After just the first two years time, america is winning again, and america is respected again all over the world. No more games, all over the world. [cheers and applause] since the election weve created more than six million new jobs. Nobody would have believed that. If i said this when i came here often i came here often. Remember, i came, and they didnt like certain people that were with me, they booed the hell out of those people, right . But they liked me, thats all that mattered. [laughter] if i would have said six million jobs were going to create by this time two the and a half years. Can you believe how time flies . Two and a half years already. I said the other night i remember first night standing in my bedroom, i should say our bedroom. [laughter] with our great first lady. I said, do you believe first night, i said here we are, here we are in the white house. And four years sounded so long away. And now four years is coming up. Were two and a half years, and no the administration has done as much as we have in the first two years. [cheers and applause] ever. So four more years four more years four more years four more years thank you. And, by the way, yesterday was our first ladys birthday. [cheers and applause] and people love her. Were about the same age. Very close. [laughter] but if i would have said that we would be at two and a half years creating six million jobs, people would have laughed. 600,000 manufacturing jobs . Remember, president obama said manufacturing jobs are gone. You need a wand, a magic wand. We found the magic wand because theyre coming, and theyre coming fast. Those are great jobs. [cheers and applause] in the state of wisconsin alone, we have created 23,000 brand new manufacture and construction jobs, a record. [cheers and applause] and after years and years of declining wages, wages are rising for the first time in 21 years. [cheers and applause] and you know whats nice . Because i have a couple of friends here, theyre pretty wealthy people, very successful people. And you know what . The hell with them, i dont care. I care about everybody. Finish you know what i love . You know what i love . I love the fact that wages are rising fastest for the lowest income americans. [cheers and applause] percentage wise. You know, when they say it hasnt trickled down, the most percentage wise the most successful are the lowest income americans. Theres something great about that. And people that are now able to go out you know, weve got

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